MANUAL B3 FiltraSep© Series B3 Automatic Wastewater Pre - Treatment System Separation - Filtration System Fi ep© S a lt r > Only one system Unit > Easy to Transport and Install > Environmental Hygienic System > Easy to Clean and Maintenance > Separate solid particles and hereafter Filtration > Automatic Control > Pump System for Solid - By-Products > Capacity : up to 80 m3 / Hour Depending of Solid content > Material Stainless Steel AISI 316 Hilleroedvejen 55 3250 Gilleleje Denmark Tl.: (+45) 45 76 36 36 Fax.: (+45) 45 76 17 05 E-mail : dantech@d-tech Processing Systems 1 By-Product Processing Systems Cleaner Technology Systems www. Waste Water Treatment Systems Consulting Engineering Seafood—FoodProcessingSystem, By-Product ProcessingSystem Meal-Oil-Protein. RoeSep© Herring Roe Seaparation, Cleaner Technology Systems FiltraCon © , FiltraSep© Filtration Conveyors, Automatic Compact Modular Waste Water Treament Systems FiltraFlo© , Consulting—Engineering. 1 : Preface : DANTECH Danish Technology Center 2: FiltraCon© A1 Anvendelse 3 : FiltraCon© Installation 4 : FiltraCon© og Pumpe El- StyreTavle Diagrammer 5 : FiltraCon© Styretavle Datablade for El - Items 6 : FiltraCon© A1 Manual vedligeholdelse for Filterbånd 7 : Spareparts List 8 : EU – Certificate – Manufacture Decleration 9 : Pumper 10 Tegninger 11 : Generally Imformation 2 12 :Raportering DANTECH Danish Technology Center Produ ct Catalogue INDUSTRIAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM ” Pollution must be Treated where it Originates ” ” Recover By-Products in waste stream where they are generated when they have values “ Compact Modular Standard System Units FiltraCon© FiltraSep© A System A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 RoeSep© CBY System B1 B2 B B3 S1 S2 R S3 System C10 C20 C C50 ElectroBio© DisinFect TM Ozon System D1 D2 D D3 C80 Sludge Projects By-Product Engineering Consulting Conferences Seminar By-Product Processing System FiltraFlo© System S1 S2 S S3 3 Danish Technology Center © Copyright Confidential 4 DANTECH Danish Technology Center Aps Vandmosegaard Hilleroedvejen 55 3250 Gilleleje Denmark Tel.: (+45) 45 76 36 36 Fax.; (+45) 45 76 17 05 E-mail : Home Page: Danish Technology Center DANTECH As are a 100 % Danish owned Company by Dir. Eng. Jógvan Joensen. Since the beginning 1983 Danish Technology Center have design , developed , construction and deliver : > > > > > Processing Systems By - Product Processing Systems Cleaner Technology Systems And the last 10 years Waste Water Treatment Systems Consulting Engineering For the Seafood Industry and Food Industry. Our Company is placed on ”Vandmosegaard” an old renovated farm from 1842 in Gilleleje a wonderfully little Fishing Town Approx. 45 Min. drive North of Copenhagen. To day our main activity are based on our Modular Flexible Systems for : INDUSTRIAL Waste Water Treatment By - Product Processing - Cleaner Technology “ Pollution must be treated where it Originates ” ” Recover By-Products in waste st ream where they are generated while they have values ” 4 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 5 Principle Diagram DANTECH Danish Technology Center Aps - Danmark Innovation - Development Production Design Construction Mechanic Electric Software Mechanical Test – Trials - Control Electric Inspection System Production Drawings – Documentation Project-Systems Marketing - Control – 24 Hr Running Test Manuals – Training- Seminars Engineering Fil Fi Fi B-C Engineering—Supervision Running In - Training All Danish Technology Center design,construction and Lay-outs are since 1986 Working out in fully 3D– Computer drawing - A modern Stainless Steel Factory With a high technology and well educated Technicians producing our High quality AISI 316 Steel work. Danish 5 Technology Center Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 6 With many years know how in Processing Areas and ByProduct Processing DANTECH Danish Technology Innovation and Logical Thinking have generated a New way for Industrial Waste Water Treatment ” Pollution must be Treated where it Originates ” When we in 1997 first time should integrated Wastewater Systems in our projects , we find that all specialist and manufactures for wastewater Treatment first start the Treatment after the total effluent from a processing plant are led out all mix together in new big pipe to a Wastewater Treatment plant. For there to be treated with a bigger system including Chemical Treatment. Generating a big volume of chemical sludge from all the organic material ( By-Products )solute in the wastewater. This is Danish Technology Center`s Slogan , because it is not only logic but make sense and facts. And the useless chemical Sludge are so transport to next treatment-Biogas - Rendering plants also moving Pollution to an other places. Cleaner Wastewater We build in 1997/98 five projects using these traditional Systems but find : > The systems are big and difficulty and costly to transport, separate building and local Installation– engineering , Running in , Manpower - High Chemical cost - ” Recover By-Products in waste stream where they are generated while they have values” Less solute organic material give lower value for COD, BOD, S/S, Fat , P and N. Cleaner By-Products - Higher yield Recover By-Products f– Benefit—waste is money Less Chemicals and Less Sludge Less chemicals for treatment—Less Sludge—Less cost for Transport and deposit. > Hygienic - Environmental was not good > There was Smell problems . Less Smell problems > And many placed are chemical treated sludge in big Scale costly to transport and to get after treated ,some Places it is hopeless to come away with. Separated Organic material closed upon the generated Pollution give less organic material in wastewater and hereby Less smell. –shorter transport, closed systems give less Smell - Cleaner Technology Less Smell. > The newest EU directives for Effluent Outlet to Local Council Central Treatment Station : EU 91/271—Mogden Formula : C = R+(V or VB or M) + ( Ot/Os)xB + ( St/Ss)xS And EU directives for Control , Registration , Sampling and for By-Products - Chemical handling are coming up for to be as EU directives for the Food Processing Industry. Food Industry of the Future require that : > Processing Systems > By-Product Systems > Cleaner Technology Systems Hygiene - Environmental > Wastewater treatment—Effluent outlet All above systems need to hanging together for design , construct a total project for a Food Industry. Therefore DANTECH add Innovative Logical development of Wastewater Treatment Systems in 1997 based on our Know How - Processing Systems - By-Product Systems—Cleaner Technology Systems .’ Innovation - Logical Thinking - Modular Flexible System Units Shorter Pipe System - Shorter Transport way from where the pollution originates to the Treatment Plant Less organic material in wastewater and short distance from Where the pollution originates to treatment System give lower COD, BOD, S/S , Fat, N and P Cleaner Technology and Compact Hygienic Modular System Units in and just after Processing Give the best result > Cleaner Wastewater > Cleaner By-Products > Better Environmental Hygiene > Best economic Installation cost > Low Maintenance Cost > Small dimension can be placed inside the factory building Normally each Processing Plant get max. Effluent outlet Directives from the Local Council - How many kg COD, BOD , S/S , Fat , N and P must be led out within 24 Hr. And the pH value must be between 6 and 10, COD Chemical Oxygen Demand Is a measure off the mount of oxygen required to oxidise The organic material in the Effluent, i.e. it is proportional To the amount of organic material in the effluent. Normally used is mg/l. TSS Total suspended Solid Normally used mg/l As well COD as TSS are important to know according the Effluent Outlet EU Mogden Formula for Effluent outlet Price Calculation. 6 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 7 INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS ” Pollution must be Treated where it Originates ” ” Recover By-Products in waste Stream where they are generated while they have value ” Traditional Wastewater Treatment FiltraCon© FiltraFlo© DANTECH 1997 DANTECH 2007 Total COD mg/l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 FiltraFlo© Modular Systems Total COD mg/l FiltraCon© Processing Area Processing Area High Pollution All mixed in only one Drain High Low Pollution Pollution Using Two Drain FiltraSep© FiltraCon© FiltraFlo© Pumping Wastewaterwith Highamount Organic material in long pipelines give high organic solute in the Waste Water and hereby high value COD, BOD, S/S, Fat, N and P. Smaller amount Solid and Sludge No Recover By-Products Smaller Dimension All in one only Complted Unit. Can be placed inside the Plant L x W xH = 8 x 2,4 x 3,4 m Effluent Outlet Recover Clean By-Products DANTECH System 1997 Desinfect Systems By - Products Processing Big amount Solid and Sludge Bigger Dimension Separate Fundament And Building L x W x H = 22 x 4,5 x 4,5 m Effluent Outlet 7 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 8 INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS ” Pollution must be Treated where it Originates ” ” Recover By-Products in waste Stream where They are Generated while they have value ” F : Breweries Industry > F1 : Beer Breweries > F2 : Juice Processing Industry E : Vegetable Industry > > > > > > > > E1 : E2 : E3 : E4 : E5 : E6 : E7 : E8 : 8 Danish Technology Center Rice - Pasta Processing Industry Vegetabil Oil Processing Industry Fast Food Processing Industry Potatoes - Chips Processing Industry Canning Industry Oliven Oil Industry Jam Processing Industry Petfood Industry G : Offshore Industry. H : Central Council Wastewater Treatment Stations Copyright© Confidential INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Pollution must be treated where it Originates. Recover By-Products in waste stream where they are generated when they have values. A B C FiltraCon© FiltraSep© FiltraFlo© Separation µ Filtration µ Filtration Flotation µ Filtration Automatic Compact Wastewater Treatment System C10 A1 B1 A 1a B2 C20 A2 A3 Filtr p© aSe C50 B3 A4 COMPACT MODULAR STANDARD SYSTEM UNIT Stainless Steel AISI 316 A5 C80 DANTECH Danish Technology Center Hilleroedvejen 55 3250 Gilleleje Denmark Tel.: +45 45 76 36 36 Fax. +45 45 76 17 05 E-mail : www. A6 FF-C- FL 1 (2) A7 FiltraFlo© A8 FiltraFlo© FiltraFlo© 9 © Copyright Confidential DANTECH Danish Tehnology Center Denmark FiltraFlo© A4 FiltraCon© Beskrivelse 6 FiltraCon© DEL. A1 µ Filtration A wide range of Filtration Conveyors for Industrial water and separation of By– Products. Filtration of Process > Cleaner By-Products Higher Benefit > Cleaner Wastewater Principle Diagram FiltraCon© Waste Water IN Scraper System Drum motor Outlet after Filtration Tank for Filtrated water Separated Solid Out Used Spray water Clean In Water for Spray System Two Spray System Food Graded conveyor sites Easy to clip of for cleaning Tank for Filtrated water Spray Nozzles In Clean Spraywater Outlet for Filtrated water 10 Out Used Spray water Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential Filter 19 A1 3 : FiltraCon© Installation FiltraCon© Series A 1 - 17000-500 ‘1000 Pre-Treatment Filtration System µ Filtration 60 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 -600 - 1000µ Also after costumer requirement. 11 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation 12 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation 13 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation A4 FiltraCon© Series A 4 - 3000 Pre-Treatment Filtration System µ Filtration 60 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 -600 - 1000µ Fødder for Alweiler Pumpe 14 Danish Technology Center Danish Technology Center Copyright© ConfidentialCopyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation FiltraCon© A4 Series A 4 - 3000 Pre-Treatment Filtration System µ Filtration 60 - 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - 500 -600 - 1000µ Also after costumer requirement. 15 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation Avløbsvand Ind : Fra Fødepumpe føres avløbsvann med rør Ø 110 eller ø 160 afhængig af Flow. Til Tromlefilters indgang. Hvor der er en gummi skive hvor der skæres Kors i center hvor rør stikkes ind i Tromlefilter ca. 300 mm. Normalt sætter vi ventil på indgangsrør så Flow manuelt kan justeres. Filtreret avløbsvann. : Udgangsflange : DN 2576 DN 100 PN 10. 16 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation Overløb føres tilbage til PIT. Rensevand føres tilbage til PIT. 17 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation RENSE SYSTEM for Filter dug. Der to Spulerør med dysser—det første spuler inde fra igennem dugen ( Forrensning) det næste spuler ca. 45 Gr. Imod den nederste Layer udefra og ind. Man kan hvor der er storemængder fedt i det første spulerør køre med varmt vand . Der skal anvendes rent spulevand med ca. 4-5 BAR. Spulrørene med dysser er forbundet med Quick Connectorer og sidder i en bajonetfatning. Der skal derfor være plads på siderne af FiltraSep© således at man kan komme til at tage spule dysse rør ud for at rengøre dysser. ØVERSTE Spuling 3/4” rør tilslutning Nederste Spuling 3/4” rørtilslutning Der er på FiltraSep© for hver af spulerørene påmonteret et Manuel ventil for at justere Spule flow , dette indstilles således at dysserne sprayer homogent ind over hinanden så hele dugen bliver rengjort. Den magnetiske ventil er for automatisk ON/ OF styring af spuling over styre systemet.. Tilsvarende er gældende for spulerøret på Tromle 18 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation Sikkerheds låse på hængedøre til Tromle Filter Der er monteret sikkerheds switche på dørene hvis man åbner en dør stopper anlægget. Bi– Produkt Pumpe System. Ved rengøring skal man huske at spule Niveau måle pindene rene. Den anvendte pumpe har en DN 80 udgang , normalt sætter vi når vi monterer anlæg en konisk på fra 80 til 110 mm og anvender ø 110 mm rørføring. Husk ved rengøring at tage denne låge af og rengør afskraber grundigt. Samt Tragt. Og pindfølere. 19 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 19 B3 3 : FiltraSep© Installation 20 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 22 A1 V 4 : FiltraCon© og Tromlefilter StyreTavle Diagrammer Funktionsbeskrivelse : I position” O” erstyretavle nulstillet—Ved afbrydel seafstrømtilstyretavle skaldennenulstillestvedattrykkepå”Reset” I postion” Manual”erspulingaktiveretogfilterbælte kørermedenhastighed påca.400mm/sek. Indenmanualrengøring affilterbælte kanmanladdetteståogkørei ” Manual”idetFiltraCon © daselvrenserFilterduginden dennerengøresmedmanuelspulingellerhøjstryksspuler. I ” Automatisk” StartesFiltaCon,Rensespulingogpumpernårenafrensemaskinerne startes edophopning ellertilstopning , kanmanforhverpum pekøre” Revers” vedatsætteStyreknapper påreverse. Manual-0 - Automatisk Omskifter For Tromle Filter FiltraSep© Rest Knap Manual-0 - Automatisk Omskifter For FiltraCon© Hovedafbryder Nødstop ( der kan monteres externt nødstop se klemliste) Ekstra NØDSTOP placeret på højre Side øverst på FiltraCon© 21 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 23 B3 4 : FiltraCon© og FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Omron Frekvens Converter Tryk Transducer for FiltraCon Filter for Frekvens Converter Sikkerheds Relæ E&H modul for Timer funktioAfbryder for Automatisk programmeret kørsel af FiltraCon. Hvor man med timer kan indstille Pause—drift Auto kørsel af Filter bælte. Dette er gjort for uikke at have gammelt tørstof liggende i længere tid på filterdug samt at filterdug med mellemrum kører en omgang og renser sig selv. Sikkerhedrelæ for FiltraSep Delay timer for Filtertromle hvor vi kan indstille forsinket frafald således at filter tromle renser sig selv efter drift. Hoved afbryder Afbrydere forv styring FiltraCon Overload F 06 Transformator Overload F05 Danish22Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 24 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V 23 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish24Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 25 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish25Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 26 B3 4 : FiltraCon© og Pumpe El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish26Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 27 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish27Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 28 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish28Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V Danish29Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V 30 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V 31 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 4 : FiltraCon© FiltraSep© El- StyreTavle Diagrammer V 32 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 8 : Spareparts List V 33 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential 29 B3 8 : Spareparts List V 34 Danish Technology Center Copyright© Confidential
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