IJPRD, 2014; Vol 6(08);October-2014 (086 - 101) International Standard Serial Number 0974 – 9446 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FORMULATION AND EVALUATION OF CHITOSAN BASED SUPERPOROUS HYDROGEL OF METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE P. S. Labade*1, S. Z. Chemate1 1 Department of Quality Assurance Techniques, Padmashree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s, College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar- 414111 ABSTRACT Aim: The main aim of present research was to formulate and evaluate chitosan based Metformin HCl Superporous Hydrogels and to provide controlled release dosage form of Metformin HCl by formulating gastric retention device. Methods: SPHs were prepared by using chitosan and PVA (polymers), glyoxal (crosslinker), sodium bicarbonate (foaming agent), Span 80 (foam stabilizer). GAA and water were used to prepare chitosan and PVA solutions respectively. Two different drug loading methods were used viz. direct addition method and soaking method. Suitable drug loading method was determined on the basis of drug content and in-vitro dissolution study. Optimized SPHs were evaluated for physical and mechanical properties like swelling ratio, geletion kinetics, density, viscosity, porosity, degradation kinetics, in-vitro test for slipperiness, FT-IR spectroscopy, DSC. Results: Soaking method showed % drug release 99.303% with complete swelling of SPH within 30 min. Results for optimized batch evaluation were found to be: The swelling ratio 5.4; after 80 min. at pH 1, Gelation time; 30 sec., Density; 0.82 ± 0.025 g/cm3, Viscosity; 201.2 ± 5.1 cP, Porosity; 73.2 ± 4.2, Degradation study; WRt of 0.0338 after 60 hr, Static friction coefficient; 0.2. Stability studies were carried out for 3 month as per ICH guidelines. There was no significant change in % drug release and other evaluation parameters. Conclusion: From above studies it can be concluded that the SPH of Metformin HCl can be successfully formulated and evaluated. Correspondence Author P. S. Labade Padmashree Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil Foundation’s, College of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar- 414111 MH, India Keywords- Superporous hydrogels, Gas blowing technique, Soaking method, Metformin HCl etc. Available online on www.ijprd.com 86 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development INTRODUCTION The hydrogels since their discovery by Wichterle and Lim in 1960 of poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate), have been of great interest to biomedical scientists. [1, 2] Superporous hydrogels were recently developed for their potential applications in controlled drug delivery, especially for developing oral gastric retention devices. A superporous hydrogel is a three-dimensional network of a hydrophilic polymer that absorbs a large amount of water in a very short period of time due to the presence of interconnected microscopic pores. Gastric retention of superporous hydrogels is based on the fast swelling of dried hydrogels to a size larger than the pyloric sphincter. When applied as drug carriers, these highly swollen hydrogels remain in stomach for a long time, releasing almost all drugs loaded, as their volumes are too big to transport through the pylorus. Chitosan is a natural polysaccharide, is a biocompatible, biodegradable, and nontoxic material. Because of abundant amine groups within chitosan polymer chain, it dissolves in acidic solution and forms a gel with dialdehydes such as glutaraldehyde and glyoxal. Thus, in the low pH solution, chitosan hydrogels swell due to the presence of the positive charges in the network. Poly (vinyl alcohol) is a well known hydrophilic, biocompatible, and commercially available polymer. The objective of the study was to prepare and evaluate chitosan/PVA superporous hydrogel. In this study, the interpenetrating polymer network of chitosan/PVA superporous hydrogel was prepared using a gas blowing technique. It was prepared using glyoxal as a crosslinking agent. [3] Metformin HCl (1, 1-dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride) is recommended for use as an adjunct to diet and exercise in adult patients (18 years and older) with NIDDM. It may also be used for the management of metabolic and reproductive abnormalities associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It improves glucose tolerance in patients with NIDDM, lowering both basal and postprandial plasma glucose and does not affect insulin secretion. [4, 5, 6] Available online on www.ijprd.com ISSN: 0974 – 9446 EXPERIMENTAL Materials Chitosan was procured from Ozone International, Mumbai, Glyoxal (40 % aqueous solution), Span 80 and ethanol were procured from LOBA Chemie Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. Sodium bicarbonate and polyvinyl alcohol were procured from sd Fine-CHEM Ltd., Mumbai. Metformin HCl was purchased from Balaji drugs Pvt. Ltd. Preformulation studies Differential scanning calorimetry Thermogram of Metformin hydrochloride was recorded on a TA-60 WS Thermal Analyzer (Shimadzu). FT-IR spectroscopy The Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectral measurements were recorded at ambient temperature using IR spectrophotometer. The spectrum of pure drug (Metformin hydrochloride) was analyzed for the purity of the drug. Compatibility study It is carried out by using DSC and IRspectroscopy. Mixture of drug and polymer (Metformin HCl, Chitosan, and PVA) was prepared in 1:1:1 ratio and analyzed by DSC and IRspectrophotometry. Determination of analytical wavelength Accurately weighed 10 mg of Metformin HCl was dissolved in distilled water and stock solution of concentration 100 μg/ml was prepared. From this stock solution, solution of 10μg/ml concentration was prepared and scanned over the range of 400-200nm against distilled water as blank using UV-Visible Spectrophotometer. The λmax for the pure drug was then determined. Form standard solution dilutions of concentration 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12μg/ml were prepared and resulting solutions were analyzed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (JASCO V-630) at 233nm and results were 87 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development recorded. The calibration graph was plotted as concentration an x-axis and absorbance on y-axis. Synthesis of SPH [7, 8] A 3 % w/w stock solution was prepared by dissolving chitosan in 0.1 M acetic acid. A 10 % w/w aqueous PVA solution was also prepared. 10 % v/v aqueous solution of span 80 was prepared. The chitosan and PVA solutions were mixed together to have different compositions. Each chitosan/PVA mixture was placed in a beaker and its pH value was adjusted to 5.0 by adding acetic acid. A glyoxal aqueous solution, 10 % w/w, was added to each chitosan/PVA mixture. 30 μl Span 80 solution, 10% v/v was added and immediately 80 mg of sodium bicarbonate powder was added to the stock solution, and the mixture was stirred vigorously to induce the gelation and foaming reactions, simultaneously. The foamed hydrogels were left to stand overnight at room temperature. After keeping SPH overnight at room temperature 2 ml ethanol was added to it. Ethanol replaces water present in the SPH and dehydrates it. Then it is oven dried at 55ºC temperature till SPH gets completely dried. Two methods were used to load Metformin hydrochloride in the synthesized SPH. Direct addition of drug during synthesis of SPH [8]: In this method metformin HCl was added in polymer solution prior to add the sodium bicarbonate. Rest the procedure is same as described above. Soaking method [3]: In this method suitable solvent is selected to make drug solution (in this case distilled water). Suitable amount of solvent (water) required to swell the SPH completely was taken and metformin HCl (250mg) was dissolved in it. Accurately weighed 1 gm of SPH was immersed in the drug solution. It is covered by aluminium foil and kept at room temperature overnight. When solution is completely sucked up by SPH they are again kept in hot air oven till it gets completely dried. ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Drug loaded, completely dried SPH was filled in size 000 hard gelatin capsule to provide proper administration. Formula of the SPH is as shown in the Table 1. Characterization of SPH Determination of drug content [3] Accurately weighed amount of superporous hydrogel containing 10mg of drug was taken in 100 ml volumetric flask and treated with about 10 ml hydrochloric acid solution of pH 1.2 mixed well and made up to volume. The mixture was filtered and further diluted to produce 10μg/ml concn. Drug content was determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 233 nm. In vitro drug release studies [9] In vitro drug release of Metformin HCl from the superporous hydrogels was evaluated in order to determine the most suitable method of drug loading. This study is carried out in triplicate at 37±0.5ºC using a United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) Dissolution Test Apparatus Type 1(basket apparatus) at a rotation speed of 50 rpm in 900 ml of 0.1M HCl (pH 1.2 buffer) for 8 hr. At time intervals of 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60 min., 2 hr up to 8 hr, 5 ml sample of the dissolution medium were withdrawn, replaced with an equivalent volume of fresh dissolution fluid and analyzed for the drug using a UV-spectrophotometer (Jasco V-630) at 233 nm. The release data obtained were fitted into various release models. To determine release mechanism, the parameters n and k of the Korsmeyer-Peppas equation were computed. Measurement of gelation kinetics [7] It was measured by a simple tilting method after adjustment of pH to 5.0. It was determined by the duration time until the reactant mixture was no longer descending in the tilted tube position. Swelling studies [7] To study the pH sensitivity of the superporous hydrogels, HCl solutions with defined pH of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.9, 6.2 and 7.4 were used as Available online on www.ijprd.com 88 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 the swelling media. Results were calculated according to the following equation (i). the weight of the hydrogel at various exposure times. Q = (Ms – Md) / Md ……………………………eqn (i) Where, Q is the swelling ratio, Ms the mass in the swollen state and Md the mass in the dried state. In-Vitro Test of Slipperiness [10] Simple device was used to test the slipperiness as shown in Figure 1. Coefficient of static friction was calculated by using equation (iv). Density measurement [7] It is done by the solvent replacement method by using hexane as a solvent. μ= sin θ/cos θ = H/B……………………………………………eqn(iv) Viscosity measurement [7] The viscosity of the polymer solution (chitosan/PVA mixture) was measured using a Brookfield viscometer (DVE Viscometer) at temperature 25±0.5ºC. Porosity measurement [3] It is done by the solvent replacement method using ethanol as asolvent. Porosity was calculated by using following equation (ii). Porosity = M2M1/ρV…………………………………………..eqn(ii) Where, M1 and M2 are mass of SPH before and after immersion in ethanol. ρ is density of absolute ethanol. V is volume of hydrogel. Evaluation of degradation kinetics [3] The degradation kinetics of the hydrogels was examined by measuring the swelling ratio as a function of water retention. The hydrogels were placed in pH 1.2 (0.1 M HCl) medium at 37oC for 12 h, and the samples were periodically weighed at 6 h interval. Water retention capacity (WRt) as a function of time was assessed as in following equation (iii): WRt = (Wp - Wd) / (Ws Wd)……………………………...………………eqn(iii) Where,Wd is the weight of the dried hydrogel, Ws the weight of the fully swollen hydrogel, and Wp where H is the height of the slope and B is the base length of the slope. In this study, the slipperiness of a superporous hydrogel was represented by the static friction coefficient (μ) between the superporous hydrogel and a glass surface. FT-IR spectroscopy FT-IR spectroscopy was used to investigate the chemical structure of the synthesized hydrogels. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) Differential scanning calorimetry was performed on the formulation as described previously. Stability study The prepared batch was kept in airtight container and stored in a stability chamber at 40oC / 75%RH for three months. Results of the in vitro drug release studies obtained at each month were compared with the data obtained at the time of preparation. The similarity factor (f2), drug content and swelling ratio were applied to study the effect of storage. The similarity factor can be calculated using following equation (v) 2 50 1 1/ |Rj Tj| . !" 100# … … … … … … … … … … … . . eqn v Available online on www.ijprd.com 89 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development Where, n is the number of dissolution time points and Rj and Tj are the dissolved percent of the reference product and test product at each time point j, respectively. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Preformulation study Differential scanning calorimetry The endothermic peak of Metformin HCl was seen at 226.76˚C corresponding to its melting point with onset at 218.31˚C. The endothermic peak of Metformin HCl: Chitosan: PVA complex was seen at 228.120C with an onset at 225.08 0C. This shows the compatibility of drug with polymer. DSC thermogram of Metformin HCl and drug-polymer complex is as shown in Figure 2 and 3 respectively. FT-IR spectroscopy The IR spectrum of the drug agrees with its 1-dimethylbiguanide chemical structure1, hydrochloride as shown in Figure 4. This spectra is not altered by presence of polymers in drug polymer mixture hence assuring the compatibility of drug with polymers chitosan & PVA as shown in Figure 5. Determination of analytical wavelength The results of UV spectrophotometric analysis are as shown in Figure 6 and 7. λmax matches with the reported value in literature. Synthesis of SPH In the above procedure, chitosan and PVA are the polymers used. Glyoxal was used as crosslinking agent. Sodium bicarbonate was used as a porogen or foam generator. Span 80 was used as foam stabilizer. Chitosan is crosslinked by glyoxal by condensation reaction (Schiff base reaction). PVA is crosslinked by physical method. Interpenetrating polymer network is formed when both chitosan and PVA are crosslinked. Physical crosslinking occurs due to direct hydrogen bonding, direct crystallite formation and liquid-liquid phase separation followed by a gelation mechanism. ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Evaluation of SPH Drug content The drug content analysis showed that the drug loading is uniform in drug loading method II i.e. by soaking method. Results are tabulated in Table 2. In vitro release studies and kinetics of drug release In-vitro drug release study is separately carried out for two drug loading methods. In direct addition method burst release was observed while soaking method shows controlled release of drug. Comparison of drug release by both methods is as shown in Figure 8. Hence soaking method is considered as best suitable method for loading of drug in SPH. Drug release profile and release kinetics are shown in Table 3 and 4. Parameters for Korsmeyer-Peppas equation are also calculated. Best fit model for drug release was found to be Korsmeyer-Peppas as shown in Figure 9. Further studies are carried out on the SPH in which drug is loaded by soaking method. Measurement of gelation kinetics The gelation kinetics gives good information determining the introduction time of blowing agent (sodium bicarbonate). Foaming and gelation reactions should take place simultaneously to obtain well-established porous structures. The optimal pH for the gelation was around 7–8. At this pH, the polymerization proceeds rapidly and the gelling usually started within 0.5-1.0 min. This clearly indicated that the blowing agent must be introduced immediately after the adjustment of pH to 5.0. Results are as shown in Table 5. Swelling studies Figure 10 shows the dynamic uptake of water of formulation in the solutions with pH 1.2, 2.0, 3.0, 4.9, 6.2, and 7.4 HCl. Swelling of the superporous hydrogels reduced as the pH increased. In acidic environment, chitosan superporous hydrogels showed higher swelling ratio than in basic environment. Swelling ratio is calculated by using equation (i). Available online on www.ijprd.com 90 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development Density, Viscosity, Porosity measurement and InVitro Test of Slipperiness The apparent density of the formulations increased with an increase in amount of PVA due to the presence of the cellulosic fibers within the polymer structure. The density of superporous hydrogels increased with the increase in amount of glyoxal. This is due to the incorporation of the higher crosslink density within the polymer structure leading to the decrease in the occupied volume. At high viscosity, the evolution of CO2 gas bubbles are not as easily detectable as that at a low viscosity, leading to smaller pore sizes and slower swelling.The porosity of superporous hydrogels increases by the increase in amount of glyoxal. Porosity was calculated by using equation (ii). The slipperiness of a superporous hydrogel was represented by the static friction coefficient (μ) between the superporous hydrogel and a glass surface. The lower static friction coefficient indicates the more slippery superporous hydrogel. Density, Viscosity, Porosity measurement and coefficient of static friction was found to be 0.82 ± 0.025 g/cm3, 201.2 ± 5.1 cP, 73.2 ± 4.2, 0.2 respectively. Evaluation of degradation kinetics WRt was calculated by using equation (iii) .Figure 11 shows the degradation kinetics of SPH Lower the concentration of crosslinking agent in the hydrogel the faster and greater the water loss (p < 0.05). Wd = wt. of dried SPH = 0.5gm Ws = wt. of SPH at swollen state = 3.9 gm Wp = wt. of SPH at various exposure time FT-IR spectroscopy ISSN: 0974 – 9446 The peaks present in IR spectra of SPH formulation as shown in Figure 12 are clearly seen in the IR spectra of Metformin HCl: Chitosan: PVA mixture, with minor shifts. It indicates that there was no interaction between the drug, Chitosan and PVA in the SPH. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) The thermal behaviors of these superporous hydrogels were investigated using DSC because the increase in the mechanical strength was presumably due to increased crosslinking density. From Figure 13 it is clear that there is a shift in the glass transition temperature to a higher temperature with increase in the amount of glyoxal. Hence a higher amount of heat energy is required to break the crosslinked chains when compared to a loose network. Stability study The optimized formulation, stored at 40±2ºC/75±5% RH was found to be stable for 3 months. Drug release profiles of optimized formulation before and at the end of study were similar. Similar factor (f2) was found to be under 50-100 thus indicating the stability of formulation. Stability study indicated that after storage drug release, drug content, density, coefficient of static friction, swelling ratio, degradation kinetics were found to nearly similar to at the time of preparation. Results are tabulated in Table 6-8. CONCLUSION Suitable chitosan based superporous hydrogels of Metformin HCl, which swelled and deswelled reversibly depending on the pH of media, were successfully formulated. Swelling of the hydrogels was affected by ionic strength. This study also demonstrates that superporous hydrogels of chitosan may be suitable for use as a gastroretentive drug delivery system. Available online on www.ijprd.com 91 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1: Formula for Metformin HCl SPH Ingredients Quantity Chitosan 8 ml PVA 4 ml Glyoxal 4ml Span 80 0.03 ml Sodium bicarbonate 80 mg Metformin HCl 250 mg Table 2: Drug content Method of drug loading Drug content (%) Direct addition method 95.13 Soaking method 98.98 Sr. No. Time 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 0 5 10 15 30 45 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Direct addition method drug release profile Table 3: Drug release kinetics for direct addition method % DR Zero First Matrix Peppas order 26396 13816 10742 100 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 52.998± 0.012 2242.037 2008.413 1301.362 21.215 61.744±0.032 3354.507 2809.264 1830.649 4.832 63.661±0.013 3468.457 2677.567 1691.349 1.746 69.159±0.0211 3380.281 2036.222 1257.121 1.505 73.580±0.0413 3729.801 1877.080 1266.322 4.505 80.018±0.0312 4175.003 1861.389 1400.229 49.656 81.668±0.0521 2455.351 448.001 435.309 2.226 83.799±0.0327 1248.796 81.724 88.110 0.306 86.798±0.0431 440.275 5.474 0.002 2.499 89.436±0.0749 43.216 0.942 66.091 3.996 92.527±0.0124 50.199 1.963 209.425 1.526 94.772±0.651 531.828 8.018 500.765 6.167 97.599±0.741 1276.171 0.018 695.579 0.036 Hix. Crow. 17885 0.000 2129.382 3086.197 3070.746 2660.703 2685.796 2814.988 1044.954 311.367 53.804 0.631 3.466 19.269 3.411 Parameters for Korsmeyer-Peppas Equation n= 0.1331 k= 43.0632 Soaking method drug release profile Available online on www.ijprd.com 92 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development Sr.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time 0 5 10 15 30 45 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 Table 4: Drug release kinetics for soaking method Avg. %R Zero 1st Matrix Peppas Order 10355 1356 1927 1217 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.96±0.0512 55.917 13.937 8.160 56.676 27.61±0.0512 624.857 315.665 124.765 32.251 33.469±0.0123 844.512 345.609 165.531 47.744 38.899±0.0377 669.054 49.421 28.374 1.714 47.793±0.0563 1664.781 237.101 319.239 120.359 60.754±0.0212 1890.094 170.087 366.906 148.241 73.443±0.431 1900.229 19.477 347.842 144.429 79.66±0.0561 1067.329 13.433 121.164 26.157 82.281±0.0115 337.183 79.889 3.988 9.153 87.782±0.0716 54.488 57.403 5.747 42.178 91.65±0.0175 17.235 24.997 41.312 91.711 93.6±0.0763 381.364 28.329 185.157 249.654 99.303±0.0118 848.315 0.408 209.024 246.327 ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Hix.Crow. 4173 0.000 37.894 501.806 636.938 347.566 935.731 940.865 585.208 147.023 1.905 4.327 8.308 25.669 0.059 Parameters for Korsmeyer-Peppas Equation n= 0.4286 k= 8.2023 Table 5: Gelation time for SPH in triplicates Observation Time in sec Obs. 1 35 Obs. 2 25 Obs. 3 30 Mean 30 Table 6: Stability with respect to similarity factor, drug content, slipperiness, density Month 1 2 3 Drug release (%) (f2) Drug Density content 98.10 74.99 98.57 0.81 ± 0.013 g/cm3 97.78 74.99 97.86 0.81± 0.025 g/cm3 96.61 75 97.10 0.799± 0.025 g/cm3 Where, (f2) = similarity factor; μ= static friction coefficient Μ 0.23 0.27 0.30 Available online on www.ijprd.com 93 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Table 7: Stability study with respect to swelling ratio pH Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 1 5.33 5.29 5.07 2 4.58 4.33 4.12 3 3.99 3.54 3.38 4.9 3.74 3.12 2.87 6.2 3.01 2.98 2.35 7.4 2.99 2.45 2.11 Table 8: Stability study with respect to degradation kinetics (WRt) Time Water retention capacity (WRt) Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 6 0.9697 0.9602 0.9589 12 0.7543 0.7342 0.7311 18 0.6154 0.5978 0.5734 24 0.4009 0.3945 0.3798 30 0.2340 0.2334 0.2269 36 0.1201 0.1198 0.1107 42 0.9907 0.9824 0.9765 48 0.0832 0.0810 0.0799 54 0.0597 0.0546 0.0512 60 0.033 0.0325 0.028 Figure 1: Schematic description of the device used to measure the surface slipperiness of superporous hydrogels. Available online on www.ijprd.com 94 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Figure 2: DSC Thermogram of Metformin HCl Figure 3: DSC Thermogram of Metformin HCl: Chitosan: PVA mixture (1:1:1) Figure 4: IR spectra of Metformin HCl Available online on www.ijprd.com 95 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Figure 5: IR spectra of Metformin HCl: Chitosan: PVA (1:1:1) Figure 6: UV spectrum of Metformin HCl Available online on www.ijprd.com 96 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 1.2 y = 0.081x + 0.005 R² = 0.999 1 0.8 Abs. 0.6 Series1 Linear (Series1) 0.4 0.2 0 0 5 10 15 concn. in µg/ml Figure 7: Calibration curve of Metformin HCl 120.000 Drug Release 100.000 80.000 60.000 Series1 Series2 40.000 20.000 0.000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time in min Figure 8: In-vitro drug release study Where, series 1 is drug release for direct addition and series 2 is drug release for soaking Available online on www.ijprd.com 97 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Release Profile 140 % Drug Released 120 100 80 Actual 60 Zero 1st 40 Matrix Peppas 20 Hix.Crow. 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Time Figure 9: Model fitting graph for soaking method 6 5 4 pH 1 Swelling 3 Ratio pH 2 pH 3 pH 4.9 2 pH 6.2 pH 7.4 1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time Figure 10: Swelling ratio at different pH medium Available online on www.ijprd.com 98 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 1.2 1 0.8 WRt 0.6 WRt 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time in Hour Figure 11: Water retention capacity of SPH Figure 12: FT-IR spectra of Metformin HCl SPH Available online on www.ijprd.com 99 International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research & Development ISSN: 0974 – 9446 Figure 13: DSC thermogram of Metformin HCl SPH ACKNOWLEDEMENT The authors are thankful to P.D.V.V.P.F’s College Of Pharmacy, Vilad Ghat, Ahmednagar, MS, India for providing facilities to carry out this work. 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