ems30400ox microwave oven user manual 2

Printca Denmark A/S  Svendborgvej 3-5  DK-9220 Aalborg
Tel. (+45) 5076 2000  Fax (+45) 5076 2090
E-Mail: printca@printca.dk  web:www.printca.dk
Recommendations for prebaking of PCB’s before soldering
Rigid and Rigid/Flex PCB’s FR-4 and Polyimide:
PCB 0 to 1.0 mm thickness: minimum 2 hours at 120° C.
PCB 1.0 to 1.8 mm thickness: minimum 4 hours at 120° C.
PCB 1.8 to 4.0 mm thickness: minimum 6 hours at 120° C.
Rigid and Rigid/Flex PCB’s with Polyimide/Thermount®:
All PCB thicknesses: minimum 6 hours at 135° C
Dwell time between baking and soldering is depending on the storage conditions. At 50 % relative
moisture the recommended time is max. 8 hours
After baking the PCB’s can be kept in vacuum or in an oven at 35°C, which will increase the dwell
Recommendations for storage of PCB’s
Keep the PCB’s in the original delivery material (bags or boxes)
Store the PCB’s in a controlled environment at:
Temperature max: 30°C
Humidity max: 50%
Also we recommend reading the below recommendations from Arlon regarding Epoxy and
Polyimide boards with Thermount reinforcement.
Printca Denmark A/S
Svendborgvej 3-5
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark
120322 Rev 2 / JHA
Phone: +45 5076 2000
Fax: +45 5076 2090
CVR no.: 3422 8558
VAT no.: DK 3422 8558
Spar Nord Bank A/S
Bank account: 9035 4577926722
IBAN EUR: DK4090354577926722
Printca Denmark A/S  Svendborgvej 3-5  DK-9220 Aalborg
Tel. (+45) 5076 2000  Fax (+45) 5076 2090
E-Mail: printca@printca.dk  web:www.printca.dk
Printca Denmark A/S
Svendborgvej 3-5
DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark
120322 Rev 2 / JHA
Phone: +45 5076 2000
Fax: +45 5076 2090
CVR no.: 3422 8558
VAT no.: DK 3422 8558
Spar Nord Bank A/S
Bank account: 9035 4577926722
IBAN EUR: DK4090354577926722