Bayview Community Center 2014 Center October 2014 News By Jackie Lloyd (683-1680 or PO Box 121 BAYVIEW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE The Center storage addition is quickly taking shape. After many months of waiting for the various permits to be issued by the County, the work began in earnest. The foundation was poured and sealed along with the new basement floor, the second story floor built, new walls erected and the site backfilled. Doors between the addition and the Center proper were cut ahead of schedule while awaiting the delivery of the trusses. The new doors and windows have been ordered but there is a three week delivery date with an approximate eta of the 13th. We hope for sooner, but that is yet to be seen. What we need now is more dry weather, of course not good for the environment, but helpful for the project. The Annual Meeting and Social took place on September 16th with an attendance of 45 folks. The meeting covered the financial report, building schedule update, center manager report, garden manager report, vote on the memorial wall amendment as well as a vote for two new board members. The amendment centered on allowing the memorial wall endowment principal to be used for the garden maintenance. The meeting became very lively regarding the amendment with much discussion, and motions, but was finally defeated based on a violation of the Center’s Bylaws and Roberts Rules of Order, presented by Ron Bockstruck. Ron stated that since the exact wording of the amendment was not presented at the 2013 Regular/Annual Meeting for a vote at 2014 meeting, the amendment could not be passed. The Board with suggestions from the attendees will rewrite the amendment and presented at our next regular/annual meeting, to be voted on at a following special meeting. Our final point of business was the election of two new officers to replace Jackie Lloyd and Jenny Prince. The only two candidates were Sue Damon and Judy Robinson who were elected unanimously. A few notes on the ongoing activities. Yoga will go back to its original schedule of Mondays and Thursdays at 10am. Zumba will resume on October 8th with a new schedule of Wednesdays at 9am and Saturdays at 10am. Tai Chi will continue on Fridays at 9:30am until further notice. Also Friday Night at the Movies will start its new season on October 3rd featuring “The Book Thief” and then on the 24h with an old Walter Matthau classic “A New Leaf”. Movies will be shown every 1st and 3rd Friday of each month through June unless a conflict arises. The Community Council will be sponsoring “OKTOBERFEST” on October 11 at 6pm. Please come and join in the festivities and good German style food. On the 16 th of the month from 9 to 11am we will be doing our Fall Garden Clean-up and your help is needed, please bring your own tools. Remember many hands make the work light. I bid you all a fond farewell as Secretary of the Foundation Board, but remain a staunch supporter and manager of the Bayview Community Center. In that light I implore you to support the Center through a financial donation. Please send your offering to PO Box 493, Bayview. Editor: Norma Jean 683-1980 email: “October‘14” EVENTS AROUND TOWN (held at the Community Center unless noted) Wed 10/1 10 am 7 pm Fri 10/3 8 am 9:30 am 7 pm 10 am 7 pm 9 am 7 pm 8 am Tue 10/7 Wed 10/8 Sat 10/11 10 am 6 pm LOU planning meeting for all volunteers. A History of Pend Orielle City presented by Linda Hackbarth Road Clean-up, breakfast at Country Boys Road Clean-up crew @ Farragut Headquarters Friday Night at the Movies “The Book Thief” Bookmobile Chamber Board Meeting Zumba and every Wednesday through November Yoga Bayview Bible Chapel Men’s Breakfast Zumba and every Saturday through November Bayview Community Council’s Oktoberfest Advertising Rates BUSINESS ADS: $50 (12 issues) 2. x 3.5” $7 (one-time) 2. x 3.5” Can be seasonal & altered as needed CLASSIFIEDS: 20 words or less $3 per/mo Additional words 10¢ each Add one photo for $1.00 FREE Lost/Found Ads Mail checks to: Bayview Chamber of Commerce address below & above. Mon 10/13 Tue 10/14 Thu 10/16 All day 7 pm 9 am Columbus Day Chamber Meeting Garden Fall Clean Up Yoga EE Daw Haw Meeting Timberlake Fire Commissioners Meeting beginning of the month. Please submit articles no later than —- Fri 10/17 6 pm Bible Chapel's Harvest Dinner Tue 10/21 10 am Bookmobile Thu Fri 10/24 Tue 10/28 7 pm 7 pm 9:3 am Friday Night at the Movies “A New Leaf” BAB for the November‘14 issue. Email: Mail: Bayview Chamber of Commerce, P.O 121, Bayview, ID 83803 Fri 10/31 All day 5:30 pm 10 am 11 am 6 pm 3:30 pm 7 pm Bayview Water and Sewer Board Meeting (Office) Council Bonfire and Hot Dog Roast—Gardens Community Council Halloween Mario’s Mexican Fiesta (See Flyer pg 12) Ongoing Events Sundays 9:30am 7pm Mondays 0am Wednesdays 9am 7pm Thursdays 10am 7pm Fridays 9:30am Saturdays 10am 20 Bayview, ID 83803 Bayview Bible Chapel Services AA meetings Yoga Zumba Yoga oga Pinochle Tai Chi Zumba 1 Bylines are published at the October 24th Articles provided herein are by local citizens and reflect differing views. Articles are to inform and not necessarily the views of the Editor or the Bayview Chamber of Commerce. For more information: Many thanks to Mike Maxson for maintaining our website. Shaklee Products The regular monthly meeting, of the Bayview Chamber of Commerce, was called to order on September 9, 2014 at 7:02 p.m. There were 16 members and guests present, along with 5 board members. The previous month’s minutes were approved as written and the current agenda was also approved. Speakers: Chip Corsi and Jim Teare spoke about the fire dangers surrounding Bayview and threatening the local wildlife. They are working with IDL to assess the best ways possible to bring the forest back to optimum health so the fire dangers are minimized and the animals have a better habitat. Correspondence and Announcements: Tom Lloyd gave an update on the Center building progress. Paul Stanton extended a thank you, from the Community Council, to the Chamber, for the Food Bank donation. Ted Bare announced he and Linda Hackbarth are part of the Bayview Historical Committee formed to commemorate several historical locations in Bayview. Sole to Sole Reflexology Tired of chemical cleaners? Call Norma Jean or Dean 208-683-1980 The Original Ingham Method Better Health Through Your Feet Relieve stress and tension, Improve blood supply Lisa Kuhl -Thomas Certified Reflexologist Cell: (208)*819-1629 Hours: ByAppointment Only – Gift Certificates Available Treasurers Report: The Chamber would like to welcome Mario’s Mexican Restaurant as a new business member. General funds in Checking Fireworks funds in Savings Cash on hand Total $11,786.53 $14,765.75 $ 200.00 $26,752.28 Old Business: Reactivate nominating committee for Chamber President and Secretary. Members voted to rejoin the Selkirk Loop. Garden Award Committee tabled until next month. New Business: New 50/50 Committee Chairman, for 2015, is Terry Abell. Chamber Activities: Budget Review – November 11, 2014 Elections & Budget approval – December 9, 2014. Christmas Party with Santa & 50/50 Raffle Drawing – December 13, 2014. Cookies will be needed for this event. VOLUNTEER with the Kootenai Humane Society 208-818-1633 M/S/P to adjourn at 8:10 PM Lori Nelson, Volunteer Coordinator On Facebook? Please "LIKE" our page for information on the adoption center, thrift stores, outreach, pictures of animals needing homes and more! Respectfully submitted, Lesley Diener 2 19 Reader board for Rent The Reader board at the entrance to Bayview is available for rent $20/ week facing SW (viewed coming into town) $20/week facing NE (viewed leaving town) Application and instructions are available on the Chamber website: HWY 54 CITIZEN LAKE RESPONSE GROUP Bayview residents with boats in the water can volunteer to be available to respond to Lake Emergencies. Call Chuck Waller (683-2389) to add your name. Current “Good-Samaritans” are: Chris Hansen 683-2995 Tim Meyer 683-1986 Jim Woods 683-2294 Tom Lloyd 683-1680 Ernie Marston 683-1625 This group was formed due to the 2008 Thanksgiving Day deadly boat fire. If you know of a LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY on the lake, first call 911, then call someone on the list. While boating, monitor CH16 and be prepared to pass on info by radio/cell phone. MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort (683-2211) will serve as the headquarters to coordinate rescue efforts. DO NOT call for mechanical problems or lack of gas. This group is for LIFE-THREATENING emergencies only. I need a new home. The Community Center no longer needs me, so if you are interested in a senior piano that needs a little clean -up and tune-up call Jackie at 683-1680. By the way, do you know a local piano teacher??? If so contact Jackie as well. Next Chamber Meeting Oct. 14, 2014 Bayview’s Fireworks Are Totally Funded by Individual Donations. $391 is still needed $12,500 Goal = 2013 & 2014 Displays Donations by Sept 23 = $12,109 97% of Goal Last month Mario’s Mexican Restaurant joined the Chamber and also took out an ad in the Bylines. I personally can recommend eating at Mario’s. A business has done well when the staff makes you feel like you are home. Mario has accomplished this important aspect for his business. This month we also welcome The Painted Pony as a new advertiser. Deralee’s business is located in Athol just south of KKJ’s Pizza. Our advertisers help The Chamber to keep the Bylines as your local newspaper. Painted Pony Nails Deralee Larsen 208-661-5999 Please Support The Bayview Fireworks With your Donation. Dark brown leather Electric reclining lift chair. Excellent condition -$150 208-683-3276 Acrylic Nails Gel Polish Nails Pedicures (Women and Men) Manicures Nail Art Located in Athol South of KKJ’s Pizza Send Donations Payable to: Bayview Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 121 Bayview, ID 83803 Boat, motor, and trailer $4,000.00 “DOTTIE J” Boat donated to the Bayview Community Center Boat built by Fred Huson in 1997, Length 22’ 10”: Beam 8’ ????’s call 208-683-2389 1940’s German Schrank for sale! Please I need a home where I will be loved. I have traveled all over the United States. This is a solid wood dining room cabinet. Call 208-683-1980. Best Offer. 18 Our Bayview Community ROCKS! NEW HOMES Needed: Or Drop off at a Bayview Merchant: MacDonald’s Resort Bitter End Marina Ralph’s Coffee House Bayview Mercantile Bayview Scenic Apts. Mario’s Mexican Restaurant Bayview Liquors The Captain’s Wheel Chris’ Patio Bar Upcoming Chamber Activities 1 Charles Schultz Snoopy 2. 3. Elections for President and Secretary Interested in running? See Ted Bare Ongoing Christmas 50/50 Raffle Christmas Party During the September Chamber Meeting Dennis Link drew for the monthly prize. Norma Jean Neglected to announce that she won $10.00 cash. Dennis has been doing a monthly drawing at The Chamber. Thank you Dennis for all you do in this community. (Saying thank you is very important) 3 Bayview Chamber of Commerce President: Board Members: Marsha Ritzheimer Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer: At Large: For Chamber 683-3276 Chuck Murray Lesley Diener 561-5013 Ken Saunders 683-9510 Norma Jean Knowles 683-1980 issues, use this email address: Marsha Ritzheimer The Gary Louie Insurance Agency wants to be your agency for all of your insurance needs. Our superior service can provide you with the coverage you need for your home, auto, watercraft, recreational vehicle, ATV, as well as business, health and life insurance. Massage by Connie a licensed massage therapist Scheduled by appointments only We are an agency that represents the ONLY company that has a floating home policycustomized to provide extensive coverages for the unique exposures of floating homes, including flood, and “Perils of the Sea.” 60 minute full body massage $35 or 90 minute full body massage $50 Gift cards available 208-683-2789. Give David Gullidge, a float home resident of Bayview, a call to get a quote at 208-772-6058 HELP SUPPORT OUR TROOPS With the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan at year’s end, we will no longer send packages overseas. We have items for two packages; if you have an overseas address, please let me know. At the end of 2014, we will donate those items to our ABC Food Bank. Thank you for your wonderful support these past 6+ years. Edie Peck started this program and sent several dozen packages to deployed service members. BAB Women's Club is still going strong after more than 57 years. We raise money for several wonderful causes as well as having a fun meeting/activity once a month. October's meeting is on Tuesday, October 28th at the Bayview Community Center beginning with a brunch at 9:30 am. We usually adjourn at noon. Please come and give us a try. The dues are only $10 per year. October 14th is our annual "Luncheon Out." This year we're meeting at MacKenzie River Pizza (and regular food) in Coeur d'Alene. If you'd like to attend even if you are not a member (yet!), please call Faye White at 683-3289. Hope to see you there 4 BAB’s Women’s Club Bayview - Athol - Belmont A local women’s charitable organization for 57 years Next meeting October 28th . Co-Presidents Joyce Wilkuski— 683-3625 Cindy Grandy —- 683-1859 Vice president - Nathlie White ------ 659-3467 Secretary ------- Gabi Groth-Marnat - 683-3119 Treasurer ------- Elaine Bergquist ---- 683-0703 Woman at Large - Lyn Haney ---------683-1632 Farragut Rock Products Pit Run Crushed Rock Bedding Material Call Shane McDaniel, Mgr 683-2027 Tai Chi Bayview Community Center No experience, age or weight requirements! Movements are slow and gentle, there is no pressure in the class – only fun! C&L Repair In business over Everyone welcome! 25 years Benefits: balance, strength, concentration and more. Lots of local recommendations $6 per class or $40 for 7 classes Make checks payable to: Bayview Community Center Instructor: Karl-Erik Andreasson, Ph.D. Tel: 208-683-7504 Cell: 208-755-0930 17 Foreign Cars Domestic Cars Light Trucks 5885 Hwy. 54 - Athol (north side of Hwy 54 before the railroad tracks) 683-2730 Bayview Laundromat Bayview Scenic Apartments & RV Park 34297 N Main St Bayview, ID 83803 208-683-2215 It is simple, rent for the month either a RV space or a Room Stay for a month or a season! Enjoy the View with us. Light Haus B & B Bayview, Idaho’s Newest Bed & Breakfast Nightly Weekly - Monthly by reservation only Queen & King-size beds TV includes DVD/VCR Families welcome Relaxing Accommodations 16798 E. Cape Horn Rd. 208-683-0737 Hosts: Bob & Korinne Wolf and “Max” the family dog Open 7 days a week 8 am – 9 pm 16716 E. Almas Ct Bayview, ID 83803 Laundromat, Coffee House, Food Clean, friendly atmosphere Triple, double, and single machines for your convenience Bayview Bible Chapel Meets every Sunday at the Bayview Community Center Adult and children’s Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Fellowship & Refreshments following service Pastor: Ben McLachlan For more information: 651-9383 Prayer Meeting: 683-2647 Church Office: 683-1962 EVERYONE WELCOME! MacDonald’s Hudson Bay Resort A full-time marina with dockage, cabins, gas & diesel, fishing supplies, mechanics, parts, snack food & beverages and Fishing Licenses. Call their friendly staff at: 683-2211 Century 21 Realtors Doug and Lorraine Landwehr Serving all of North Idaho for sales and listings 35+ years in Bayview Contact the local experts for all real estate inquiries and market conditions 208-683-2963 e-mail us at All MLS info available at: 16 The Perfect Fit Alterations * Custom Sewing * Window Treatments October Special 7791 Aqua Circle Suite 7A Dalton Gardens, ID 208-772-4812 Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30 pm Mondays All you can eat Spaghetti one free soft drink $7.49 Tuesdays Chili Join Sofia for October Karaoke Friday evening 8:00 pm Halloween Party 10-31-14 208-683-1002 34717 Marietta Rd Bayview, ID 83803 American Legion Post 149 In Athol Hwy 54 between the RR tracks Everyone Welcome! Bingo: Every 2nd & 4th Friday 6 PM Burgers & Fries 5-7 PM $5 donation Every Wed Pinochle 6 PM Auxiliary Meeting October 4th 9:00 am Phone: 683-2614 Dinner August 30, 2014 6:00 pm Northwoods Veterinary Hospital Functional Intensity Training Helps you increase your endurance and strength to perform daily activities (small animals) Michael Mihlfried, D.V.M 208-683-2708 30425 N Meadow St. Athol, ID 83801 Open M - F 8 - 5:30 Tuesdays until 7 PM Complete In-House Lab Gentle, thorough, friendly care 5 Classes starting October 7 4:00-4:45 PM @ Athol Elementary For more info please call Jorja Auten 683-2531 or 661-7459 ACE certified For active older adults, beginners, and anyone in-between! You will have fun while you workout – guaranteed! FLOAT HOME HISTORY by Linda Hackbarth Although a lone float home can be seen in a pre-1910 photo, more began to appear in Scenic Bay before 1920. Many were built in Sandpoint and floated down the lake. The original homes were shanties for avid fishermen and women who visited the lake. They contained a place to store a boat and modest accommodations for overnight. Several folks purchased small lakeshore lots and extended a dock to their float home. Some of the early float homes were situated near the railroad dock at what would become J.D.'s Resort. Sanitation was crude. Originally the out houses sat on the front deck. Gradually regulations forced home owners to place their latrines on the shore. Later holding tanks were required. When Washington Brick & Lime closed its operation in the 1930s Jim and Mary Feely, grandparents of Chuck Waller, opened Feely's Resort where Scenic Bay Marina is located today. Many float homes soon appeared. Now four separate docks are lined with both original and modern units. Moving to the south around the bay is J.D.’s, once the home of Wiley’s, the earliest boat livery business in town. Elmer Dreisbach and his wife first opened a tavern on board the tug Dora Powell before building on shore and naming their business after their son J.D., who ran the bar for many years. The dock next to J.D's was owned by Tom and Mary Krotzer. The family moved to Bayview about 1920 and managed a marina with several float homes. Later Jess Puckett operated a fishing guide business from that dock, including a famous client Bing Crosby. Then came the Gasman Resort started by Selma Gasman and her husband, located between Krotzer's and the hotel. It became a haven for both float homes and power boats. The Gasman's were bought out by Glen Daniels, who in turn sold to Ambrose Boileau. The name Boileau's Resort remained when the business was sold to the Fiscus family. A single dock extended from the shore to the south of Boileau’s in front of the hotel. In 1942 the hotel and dock became part of Farragut Naval Training Center. The government built five large boat sheds to house naval launches and whaleboats. Most of that complex became Bayview Marina when purchased from the Navy by Davis and Powers after WWII. When it became the Bubb-Johnson Marina, thirty float homes, a boat repair shop, rental cottages, and a mobile home park were added to the holdings. Early float homes could also be found along the southern shoreline at Hudson Bay owned by Bill Hudson. More were added beginning in the 1950s when Alvin and Nina McDonald and their son Jim operated the resort. Gradually the original float homes were remodeled, many adding a second story and modern amenities. Most owners retained the boat slip in the rear of the unit but enhanced the living accommodations. When Bayview developed a sewer system, all float homes were connected, assuring a pollution-free lake. The community and businesses are invited to donate to the “Historic Bayview” sign project. All contributions to this effort will be appreciated. So far committee members have proposed designing signs to honor the history of the hotel, railroad depot, school and bell, Buttonhook Restaurant, lime kilns, float homes, and fishing. Anyone with other ideas should contact Ted Bare, Linda Hackbarth, Ralph Jones, or Jenny Prince. Dave Wilcox has already built a prototype post and platform for the signs with help from the Navy base. Donations can be dropped at Ralph’s Coffee House or mailed to Bayview Historical Society, P.O. Box 473, Bayview, ID 83803. Make checks payable to the Bayview Historical Society. 6 LPOYC News - October 2014 The “Spud Cup Regatta” was held over the Labor Day weekend and was hosted by the Sandpoint club. Two of the boats from the club here came in first and second. Legal Alien, skippered by Tim Redfern won the “Spud Cup” and Eye Eye skippered by David Cohen came in second. Congratulations to both skippers, and crew. So far in the fall series in fleet #1, the ranking in order are Team Spirit, Smooth, Legal Alien, Eye Eye, and Tenacious. In fleet #4, the ranking in order are Noeta, Emerald, Epee, Route 66, and Luck Dragon. By the time this issue of Bylines is printed the racing season will be over and the scoring will have been tallied for the various club awards. The awards banquet is scheduled for the 24th of October. The Commodore’s Cup Regatta will have been held on October 4th and 5th, that being the last event of the year. The days and weeks after that will be spent winterizing the boats staying in the lake for the winter and hauling various boats out for winter storage and repair. In the November issue, I’ll have the final results plus the various awards. Hope to see you on the water in the spring. Have a warm, cozy winter. Bob Moore – Race Committee CINDERELLA’S SLIPPER FOUND! A Knight (Bob Prince) in shining armor seems to have found Cinderella’s slipper! This slipper is red so I have a good feeling that this is not Cinderella’s glass slipper but probably one of her everyday slippers. Cinderella your slipper is at the Community Center in Bayview. Contact Marie at 208-471-8044 for your Boat Slip. Professional customer service with integrity. Clipart Panda courtesy of Walt Disney 15 In The Garden …. Jenny Prince Kokanee Spawning Habitat Project To Start in October By Andy Dux, IDFG, Principal Fisheries Research Biologist The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is starting a multi-year project to improve kokanee spawning habitat in Idlewilde Bay. Small gravel will be added to the lake bottom in an area currently dominated by larger rock that cannot be used for spawning. Creating a layer of smaller gravel over the top of this coarser rock will provide an abundance of high-quality spawning habitat for kokanee. The gravel will be added to depths that are not influenced by winter drawdowns. The project site will start immediately to the west of the Eagle boat ramp in Farragut State Park and extend about 0.4 miles farther to the west. About 3900 cubic yards of gravel will be added to the lake bottom over the next three years, but only about 1300 cubic yards will be added this year. Contractors are scheduled to begin work on October 6th and work will be completed by October 31st. The Eagle boat ramp will remain open during the project; however, the lanes on the western half of the ramp will be closed when contractors are working. Expect to see dump truck traffic on the road system in Farragut State Park and a large barge operating. The barge will be used to transport the gravel down the lakeshore and an excavator onboard the barge will be used to place the gravel. All gravel being added to the lake will be pre-washed to avoid adding sediment to the lake. IDFG has obtained all appropriate permits to conduct this project. If you have questions, please contact Andy Dux at 208-770-3760 or the Bayview Field Office at 208-683-9218. 14 There went sunny, lazy-hazy September. Many of our colors are changing in the gardens, and perennials are becoming yellow, scraggly, and just plain finished for the season. The garden soils still need water with the autumn sun and winds; but we do start gently tidying and cleaning up the gardens. The third Thursday in October, EE-DAH-HAW Garden Club arrives at the gardens to work for several hours. This is when the big work happens cleaning up the garden beds, pulling annuals & weeds, and trimming perennials. This is how we put the gardens to sleep for the winter. We will also add mulch covering to perennials and roses if we have had a hard freeze by then. We protect some of our shrubs and roses with wire enclosures so our local deer can't have their way in our gardens. Fall chores continue with pulling stakes and plant supports, cleaning the garden shed and tools-storing & cleaning bird baths, garden art and furniture. Our water feature is put to sleep also, and the pump pulled and cleaned. The lawn mower is winterized-the blade pulled for sharpening. There are always more weeds to spray. The lawns will get one more winter feed before the final mow sometime in October. Then we have our watering system blown out and winterized for the season. Snow markers are placed before the ground freezes around the garden perimeters. That marks the end of our gardening season at our gardens. A nice time to look forward to family and friends, enjoying the holidays, and letting the hands and back heal up. Thank you, thank you to all who have helped with the care of the lawns and gardens at the Bayview Community Center this season. It has been an awesome season. Big thanks to all who have signed up to adopt a section at the gardens, care for the lawns, spray for weeds, secret weeding, and maintenance for 2015! We will be talking in the spring. Bruce & Judy Robinson, have been our very first adopt a garden section for maintenance gardeners. I can now say that they have been doing this for years! They have redesigned and beautified the garden bed along the building of the lower parking lot. They have even bought and brought their own plants and mulches for this big long garden bed. Here's to you two and all that you do! Your dedication is greatly appreciated and admired. If you would like to become involved in our on-going garden endeavors-please contact me. We are looking for any and all ideas to promote the gardens for fun community events and activities. Please contact Jackie Lloyd, Center Manager, at 683-1680 - or myself, Jenny Prince, at 6833369. Enjoy! Until next spring. . . Charles Schultz Snoopy 7 Thank you from Norma Jean: A huge note of thanks to ALL who helped with this summer’s Breakfasts for the Chamber. Without all of your help we would not have been successful! Wind Walker Mobile Pet Grooming Unconditional Love Deserve Unconditional Care Bayview Community Council News Corner Debi Matte FOOD DRIVE - A SMASHING SUCCESS! 30+ Years Professional Experience Tender Loving Care with Less Stress For Your Pet Thank you to everyone who contributed to our annual food drive to benefit the Athol Food Bank Over 2000lbs of food was collected + $800 in cash & checks! This exceeded last year’s totals & we have our AWESOME BAYYVIEW COMMUNITY to THANK! Way to Go Bayview! 208-640-9081 Next year Huckleberry Pancake Feast HIGHWAY CLEAN-UP Friday-October 3 Meet at Country Boy Restaurant at 8:00am for breakfast first, or at Farragut Park Headquarters at 9:30am to join pick-up crew. Thank you for Helping to keep our beautiful community clean & green! Wanted Tutors and Mentors Retired and Senior Volunteers Age 55+ (Baby Boomers welcome) Assist children K – 3rd grade to improve reading skills. Volunteers needed in local schools throughout Kootenai County Contact: Patricia Glenn, VISTA Area Agency on Aging – Tutoring and Mentoring Program 208-667-3179 Ext 241 Affordable Detailing OKTOBERFEST Please see flyer! BONFIRE Come & join the fun! Thursday- October 23- beginning at 5:30pm Community Center Garden Hot Dogs, Hot Chocolate & Hot Cider Provided "BYOB" Spring Clean, Look Good, Feel Great! Local Expert Bayview Service BAYVIEW COMMUNITY COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday-October 28-7:00pm Community Center Featured Guest: Jeanne Silva-Local Artist Call 208-255-9348 “Noah’s Ark was built by volunteers, and the Titanic was built by highly skilled paid workers” TODAY for an Appointment Make your car feel like NEW again! Flu shots information pg 12 8 13 A huge thank you to those who volunteered with the Food Drive: Ski & Joyce Wilkuski, Paul Stanton, Chuck Murray, Sheryl Puckett, Marlys Blagden, Tim & Sue Meyer, Martin & Teri Abell, Sharon Meyer, David & Terry Tomberg, Ray Newcombe, Art & Jan Jones, Chris Ottenbreit, and Judi White. Thank you to the following merchants for donations as well: Ralph's Cafe, Bayview Mercantile, Mario's Restaurant, & MacDonald's Hudson Bay Resort! SKIP’S PLACE The community or burg of Bayview lost Skip Wilcox last year. It seems however that his legacy is never ending. All of us miss Skip but there are constant reminders throughout Bayview and Athol. Skip had a deep love of Bayview, probably because of his rich history here. We all do what we can to keep his memory alive. Donations are collected every month at The Chamber meeting for the ABC Food Bank just one of Skip’s passions. The apron he wore during functions involving food was located and repaired. Paul Stanton now has the honor of wearing the apron. Skip’s name is on the Memorial Garden Wall, Recently Carl and Wendy Costello rejuvenated the sign that adorned Skip’s house “Skip’s Place”. On a gorgeous September day the sign was placed at the Bayview Children’s Park. All agreed that would be the best place for the sign. Skip used many long creative hours to get a special place for our younger children to play. Hard working volunteer after July 4th Breakfast! 12 9 Look Up – Keep a Happy Heart Marsha Ritzheimer I have recently had a rash of dogs with porcupine quills in their muzzles come in to the clinic and thought it would be a good idea to talk about what to do if this happens to your dog. It seems to be a very common occurrence here in Northern Idaho. As most of us know, porcupine quills are barbed, so they resist being pulled and will work their way deep into the dog’s muzzle if left untreated. There is an old wives' tale that cutting the quills will deflate them and make them easier to pull. This is not true, the quills are barbed and still require careful extraction. Some dogs will tolerate quills being pulled at home if there are just a few in easy to reach spots. Most dogs end up with quills in the roof of their mouth, lips, gums, etc . and need to be anesthetized for removal. Don’t assume the quills you can see are the only ones there. The quills should be removed promptly, otherwise the dog will paw at the quills (breaking them off underneath the skin) making them difficult to remove. The quills in the mouth tend to soften with saliva and break off when we attempt to remove them. Quills left untreated can migrate to other areas of the body and cause infection and abscesses. The most remarkable story I have is of a 2 year old dog that came into the clinic to be spayed and when the uterus was removed, a porcupine quill was found penetrating the uterus! The owner reports that the dog had gotten in a tangle with a porcupine a few months earlier. The dog was spayed uneventfully and luckily the quill had not caused any infection in this particular dog. Porcupine quills are only one of many dangers to roaming dogs. In town, cars and other dogs can also be a problem, so it is best to keep pets fenced in at home or on leash whenever walking to avoid the many problems and accidents lurking. According to Maxine, September 22nd, was the first day of fall and now “we can stop sweating from the heat and start sweating over the heating bills”. (She is so funny and so right!) Some gardens were hit pretty hard by the ‘killing frost’ that arrived before the official fall date. Others survived without a trace of wilt. It is amazing how temperatures will fluctuate depending on the different locations. Sometimes you don’t know whether to turn up the heat or just dress warmer for a few hours. This time of year brings the most glorious colors. To me, the first sign of fall colors are the “burning bushes”. How they can go from green to such a shade of dark red is truly amazing. Of course many of the bushes, around town, are getting so big and now that they have turned such a vibrant color, you know you are seeing something truly spectacular. The trees aren’t too far behind the burning bushes. I’m already seeing clusters of yellow and orange appearing around town. When the trees are in their full fall colors, Bayview is as scenic as any town anywhere. Added to her beauty are the surrounding hills. Everywhere you look is an explosion of color. Keep your cameras ready. So many sight combinations will be one of a kind and never repeated. Two more souls have left Bayview and joined other dear friends and family in the great hereafter. Dave Bergeson and Bear Rose were two men that I feel blessed to have known. Their wit and laughter were so unique to each of them. When I look back, on so many memories, it is with a smile and a happy heart. I know their loved ones are suffering, especially since the losses were so unexpected but having them in our lives was the greatest of gifts. Dave and Bear will never be forgotten! Linda Hackbarth and her Bayview Historical committee are undertaking a project to create a town walking tour, which would include historical markers, for the various points of interest around Bayview. I think this is a phenomenal idea since Bayview has quite a variety of history. As with any project, this one will require lots of hard work, cooperation and donations before it will be completely realized. Let’s support Linda’s endeavor and help bring this idea to fruition. By Dr, Mike Milhfried 10 Charles Schultz Snoopy 11
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