[ OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 [ The Richmond Senior Network has lost one of it’s own. Charles “Charlie” Caprio passed away in his home in Ashland on September 5th. [BOARD OF DIRECTORS [ Richmond Senior Network OFFICERS OF THE CORPORATION PHONE # Nancy Boyer, President 752-5925 Susan O’Neil, Secretary 232-6480 Michael Boykin, Treasurer 308-3588 Lynn Hancock, President Elect 368-3200 Donna Buhrman, Immediate Past President 521-9134 COMMITTEE CHAIR POSITIONS PHONE # Carl Duffey, Membership Committee Chair 921-3924 Brian Ross, Marketing Committee Chair 674-5004 Debbie Scott, Director & Program Committee Chair 261-0205 Robin Gnatowsky, Assistant Secretary 364-5071 M E M B E R S H I P MESSAGE [ FROM THE PRESIDENT ] Pumpkins, scarecrows, black cats and Autumn weather! Time to get your cool on with our October luncheon on the 28th.”Be Great, Be Remembered...Keys to Successful Networking”. You don’t want to miss this special event planned just for you! The “Empty Plate Luncheon” is October 8th. If your name was drawn to join us at our table, please be sure to be there or if for some reason you cannot, please let me know. We want to have a full supportive table for this event. Speaking of networking, don’t forget our next social at Capital Ale House on October 14, 2014. The time for that social is 5pm - 7 pm. This is a great time to network and really get to know your fellow RSN members. Christmas will be whistling right around the corner, so save the date for our fabulous Christmas Party on December 9, 2014 at the Hermitage Country Club. On a more somber note: We recently learned of the loss of one of our most active members - Charlie Caprio. He always had a smile and a special greeting for new people. He was a long time member of RSN and last served as our Educational Committee Chairman. He will be missed! Blessings - NANCY BOYER, PRESIDENT [ GET UP TO DATE ] Please visit it at www.RichmondSeniorNetwork.org to download the latest information or refer potential members to it. [ ARE YOU RECEIVING REGULAR UPDATES? ] If you are currently a member of the Richmond Senior Network, then you should be receiving emailed updates for upcoming meetings and requests for events/ announcements for each of the newsletters. If you are not receiving these notices just contact Brian Ross at Brian@ RossPublishing.com. Please join me in mourning a man that has been a staple at the Richmond Senior Network meetings. He will be truly missed. Network Notes NEXT Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014 | Time: 8:30 AM Location: Ginter Hall SCHEDULED Address: 11300 Mall Drive, North Chesterfield, VA 23235 MEETING Contact: Katrina Hicks | Phone: 804-794-7770 NOTESof INTERESTS YOUR RSN NEEDS YOUR NOMINATIONS FOR NEXT YEAR’S BOARD OF DIRECTORS It’s Richmond Senior Network election time. We need the following nominations for 2015: President Elect • Secretary • Treasurer You can nominate yourself or your closest friend or your #1 competitor. This is a time for you to shine or to put someone else in the spotlight. So, let us know your thoughts. We need them by October 8th and they can be sent to Daphne Marshal at businessdevelopment@lynmoore.com Thanks! And happy nominating!! Nancy Boyer, President THANK YOU FOR THE DOOR PRIZES The DoorStop says “Thank you for the Door Prizes”. Door prizes make it fun to attend! Limit 6 door prizes per meeting... first come.... “DOOR STOP” AWARD: I see an Open Door for someone! Each meeting, we will draw a name from the 6 givers and at the end of the year, one of those names will receive a free membership for the following year. The DOOR STOP’S decision is final. My email is Gordon@ GordonsHomes.com HAVE YOU RENEWED YET? If you haven’t renewed your membership to the Richmond Senior Network, it’s not too late. You can find the membership form on our website www.RichmondSeniorNetwork.org. Just click the link for “Join RSN Membership Form”. If you have any questions on the status of your membership please contact Carl Duffey at carl@heritageinsuranceconsulting.com EDUCATION WORKSHOP What would you like to hear information about? What would your family, colleagues, clients, employees, residents or patients need to know? We are looking for suggestions for the next workshop. We need topic(s), location, time, refreshments, sponsors, publicity, speakers, host, day of the week, date and anything else to make it another success. Please forward any information to Connie Pryor. The sooner the better we would like as much time in advance to make it a big success. [More Events Continue on Next Page] UPCOMING EVENTS O C T O B E R 0 1 W E D N E S D AY CORNERSTONE HOMES IS BREAKING GROUND RICHMOND, Virginia - Cornerstone Homes will celebrate the groundbreaking of their new models at The Villas at Magnolia Lakes on Wednesday, October 1st from 4 - 6 pm. There will be a ceremonial on-site groundbreaking prior to the Champagne Kick-Off in The Magnolia Club community clubhouse. Join us at 5800 Magnolia Cove Circle, Chester, Virginia 23831 on Oct 1st. For more information about the Groundbreaking, contact Dotti Houlihan at 804-335-8510 or Dhoulihan@cornerstonehomes.net. This newsletter was designed & donated by the Seniors Guide™ | The bylaws of the Richmond Senior Network are available at www.RichmondSeniorNetwork.org RICHMOND Richmond Senior Network Social meetings! During the months when we do not have our Senior NETWORK Networking Meeting we have our evening social get together. It’s a chance to unwind with some of your fellow RSN members. The location of the next social will be determined. MEETINGS Date: Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 | Time: 5 to 7 PM | Capital Ale House | 623 E Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219 SENIOR SOCIAL The network will provide hors d’oeuvres, but attendees are responsible for any additional bills. If your business is interested in sponsoring this or future Social Meetings, please contact Debbie Scott at 4merryhearts@comcast.net. OCTOBER07TUESDAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST FOR A CAUSE Lakewood Manor Retirement Community is hosting a fundraiser breakfast to benefit the 2014 Walk to End Alzheimer’s on Tuesday, October 7th from 7:30 am to 9:30am in the dining room. Enjoy all-you-can-eat delicious pancakes, bacon, juice, and coffee. Donations of cash or checks (checks should be payable to Lakewood Manor) are welcome with all proceeds benefitting the Alzheimer’s Association. For reservations, please call the Marketing Office at 804 521-9100 by October 3. OCTOBER09THURSDAY JOINT, HIP & KNEE REPLACEMENTS, OH MY The Crossings at University Park is pleased to offer this special program on managing joint function and new developments in knee and hip replacements. Dr. Bill Nordt of OrthoVirginia’s West End Orthopaedic Clinic will be our guest speaker. Dr. Nordt has been the Assistant Clinical Professor with the Department of Surgery at MCV since 1990. He has also been the physician for the Richmond Braves, Renegades and the Kickers. Please join us for this important discussion on Thursday, October 9th at 4:30 PM. RSVP, as seating is limited, to (804) 554-1555. The Crossings is located at 2422 Pemberton Rd, Richmond, VA 23233 and offers assisted living and memory care. OCTOBER14TUESDAY RICHMOND SENIOR NETWORK EVENING SOCIAL GET TOGETHER Make sure you update your calendar for our next evening social event. The details are: Tuesday October 14, 2014 from 5 to 7pm. To be held at Capital Ale House (623 E Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219) the network will provide hors d’oeuvres, but attendees are responsible for any additional bills. If your business is interested in sponsoring this or future Social Meetings, please contact Debbie Scott at 4merryhearts@comcast.net. OCTOBER15WEDNESDAY RVA BETTER AGING FORUM The RVA Better Aging Forum will meet Wednesday, Oct 15 from 11:30-1:00 in The Virginia Room at Imperial Plaza at 1717 Bellevue Avenue. Sherry Wilson of the Foundation for Rehabilitation Equipment & Endowment (FREE) will be discussing how they gather and provide mobility equipment for those in need. Senior care/product/service industry professionals are invited - for more information phone 368-3200 or email james.warns@S1L.com. O C T O B E R 1 7 F R I D AY CALL FORE GOLFERS Bring your long drives and ball finding eyes to golf with RSN members. Network with focus on quality time and connections outdoors on Friday, Oct. 17 at the Crossings Golf Course, 800 Virginia Center Pkwy. Glen Allen. Tee off is 1 pm. Reserve your place with Smokie Sizemore Crews, 804-814-4373, email smokie@smartwomansclub.com. Keep hitting ‘em straight. OCTOBER28TUESDAY BE GREAT, BE REMEMBERED … KEYS TO SUCCESSFUL NETWORKING Networkers, we have a great event coming up. You have always had great opportunities to network individually, now we get to hear from a trainer who specializes in networking. On October 28, 2014 we will sponsor a luncheon at Imperial Plaza from 11:30a.m. – 1:30pm. The presenter will be Bill Keeler of Advicoach and the theme will be “Be Great, Be Remembered … Keys to Successful Networking” Lunch will be included but you must RSVP to Susan O’neil at susanb@morethanmovinginc. com by Friday October 17, 2014 so that we have enough meals. Please save the date and RSVP today. OCTOBER29WEDNESDAY PARTNERS MONTHLY MEETINGS FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS Oct 29 Morningside at Bellgrade @ 3PM, December NO Meeting! ~Enjoy your Holidays~ 2015 Partners Meetings held at Chippenham Hospital, last Wednesday of each month @ 3PM; Krause Auditorium. Plan to join us and bring a friend Jan 28 2015! [More UPCOMING EVENTS and ANNOUNCEMENTS continued on Next Page] NOVEMBER10MONDAY CONFERENCE ON DEMENTIA The Alzheimer’s Association’s Conference on Dementia is November 10 at the Westin Richmond, 6631 West Broad Street, 8:30 – 4:30. Topics include: The Other Dementias, The Latest in Alzheimer’s Research, and workshops for professional and family caregivers on communication and quality of life for those with dementia. For information or to register, alz.org/grva or 967-2580. NOVEMBER11TUESDAY RICHMOND SENIOR NETWORK NETWORKING MEETING Make sure you update your calendar for our next networking get together. The details are: Tuesday November 11, 2014 at 8:30 A.M. To be held at Ginter Hall (11300 Mall Drive, North Chesterfield, VA 23235) Contact: Katrina Hicks 804-794-7770. See you there. NOVEMBER19WEDNESDAY RVA BETTER AGING FORUM The RVA Better Aging Forum will meet Wednesday, Nov 19 from 11:30-1:00 in The Virginia Room at Imperial Plaza at 1717 Bellevue Avenue. Morna Ellis, Director of the CMG Foundation will be speaking on the topic, “Mediation for Seniors and Their Families During Times of Crisis”. Senior care/product/service industry professionals are invited - for more information phone 368-3200 or email james.warns@S1L.com. NOVEMBER19WEDNESDAY PARTNERS MONTHLY MEETINGS FOR MEMBERS AND GUESTS Nov 19 @ 3PM HealthSouth Richmond; (Holiday Social) December NO Meeting! ~Enjoy your Holidays~ 2015 Partners Meetings held at Chippenham Hospital, last Wednesday of each month @ 3PM; Krause Auditorium. Plan to join us and bring a friend Jan 28 2015! NOVEMBER22SATURDAY PREPARING TO CARE: PARTNERING FOR THE BEST LIFE POSSIBLE November is National Family Caregivers Month and this conference caters to the needs of family caregivers. To be held November 22. Keynote speaker, Peter Rosenberger, is the author of the recently released, Hope for the Caregiver. Conference fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. Register soon to save 25% off registration fee. Held at St. Paul’s Baptist Church, Creighton Campus, 4247 Creighton Rd., Richmond 23223. Additional details and registration information at www.niainc.org/ptc14. MANY THANKS ANNOUNCEMENTS FREE DIABETES/BLOOD GLUCOSE SCREENING Come to Bremo Pharmacy, 2024 Staples Mill Road, October through December, for free diabetes screening. The patient’s risk for diabetes will be determined through a blood glucose test (finger stick) along with a review of risk factors and symptoms (clinical pharmacist consult). Please call 804-288-8361 Ext. 120 for an appointment. For more information, see our website: www.bremorx.com and click on “As Seen on TV.” COME SEE GINTER HALL’S COMPLETED RENOVATIONS Ginter Hall Assisted Living & Memory Care has just completed a Total Renovation of its entire 1st Floor of the community!!! Including a newly paved Parking Lot, External Painting of the building and Landscaping. Come see us and re-introduce yourself to the all-new Ginter Hall! BTW – We are hosting the Next morning Richmond Senior Networking Meeting on Tuesday, November the 11th at 8:30am, 11300 Mall Court, right next to Chesterfield Towne Center (804) 794-7770. SHEILAH AUGUSTINE IS NOW WITH KELLER WILLIAMS Sheilah Augustine is now a full time, full service Realtor with Keller Williams Richmond West. She is ready to help you and people you know that may be downsizing, relocating or moving into their first home. Sheilah plans to get the Seniors Real Estate Specialist designation next month. BRING A GUEST TO THE MEETING However, please let your guests know that there is a $5 charge for the meeting. Cash or checks made out to the Richmond Senior Network will gladly be accepted. That amount will be applied to your membership should your guest join the RSN. Also, if you have any changes that need to be made for the directory, your directory listing can now be updated on line and it is an easy format to follow. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Connie Pryor and if she doesn’t have an answer for you than she can get one for you. The Richmond Senior Network would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the folks at the Seniors Guide™/Ross Publishing, Inc., that have made our newsletter and website what they are today. This organization just wouldn’t be where it is without the efforts of members like these.
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