October Classified Announcements Available on the Web: http://www.wvagriculture.org/market_bulletin/market_bulletin.html AD DEADLINES November 2014. . . Phone-In ads for the November issue must be received by 12 noon on Tuesday, October 14. Written ads for the November issue must be received by 1 p.m. on Wednesday, October 15. To place your ad over= the phone call 558-2225. December 2014. . . Phone-In ads for the December issue must be received by 12 noon on Thursday, November 13. Written ads for the December issue must be received by 1 p.m. on Friday, November 14. To Submit an Ad: To place your ad over the phone call 558-2225. PRICES A price must be included with Market Bulletin items being offered for sale. To subscribe to The Market Bulletin, email marketbulletin@wvda.us or phone 304-558-3708. Apiary Sales Pre-Orders 5 frame spring NUCs, inspected by state apiarist prior to sale, w/spring queen open mated from over wintered Italian VSH & Russian stock, also 3-4 frames brood & bees, 1-2 frame stores, no deposits, $125/ea. at pick up. Tom Bartram, 515 Trace Branch Rd., Fort Gay, 25514; 277-8112; 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Cattle Sales Reg. Simmental & Sim-Angus bulls, AI sires BC Lookout, Mo Better, Steel Force, Dream On, Hoc Broker, SAV Brilliance, Grandmaster, Upgrade, First Rate, $2,500/up. Jim Bosley, P.O. Box 5, Old Fields, 26845; 530-6636. Scottish Highlanders, $900/up. A. Corley, P.O. Box 474, Elkview, 25071; 965-1897; abcorley@ citynet.net. Reg. Black Angus: bulls, Rico blood, $2,000; heifers, $1,800/ea. Robert Covey, Box 953, Sophia, 25921; 683-5233. Reg. Hereford yrlg. bulls, $2,000/up. Bobby Daniel, P.O. Box 214, Fairdale, 25839; 575-7585. Limousin & Lim-Flex bulls, heifers, heifers w/calf by side, w/ or w/o papers, $1,300/up. Terry Dobbs, 8238 Fork Ridge Rd., Glen Easton, 26039; 845-1627. Cattle Sales, cont. on page 8 Barbour Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 4th Thursday, 7 p.m. Barbour Co. Fairgrounds Belington, W.Va. Contact David Proudfoot 823-1460; dp-foot@hotmail.com. Central W.Va. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 1st Monday Braxton Co. High School, Vo-Ag Rm. Contact Susan Bullion, 452-8508; billandsuebullion@frontiernet.net. The Market Bulletin Phone: 304-558-2225 Fax: 304-558-3131 Email: marketbulletin@wvda.us Mail: 1900 Kanawha Blvd., E. Charleston, WV 25305 A P I A RY E V E N T S Clay Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 2nd Monday, 6 p.m. Clay County Senior Center Contact John Pruitt, 587-2451 jpruitt@frontiernet.net. Corridor G Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 1st Tuesday, 6 p.m. Chapmanville Middle School Chapmanville, WV Contact Tony Meadows, 524-7690 Fastrakhounds@outlook.com. Gilmer Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Tuesday, 6 p.m. Gilmer Co. Public Library Glenville, W.Va. Contact Bobbi Cottrill, 462-7416; bcottrill119@hotmail.com. Highlands Apicultural Assoc. Monthly Meeting 4th Monday, 6:30 p.m. WVU Ext. Office Meeting Rm. Elkins, W.Va. Contact Ben McKean, 227-4414; hiapas@yahoo.com. Jackson County Beekeepers Assoc. Bi-Monthly Meeting Oct. 11, 10 a.m.-Noon McDonald Bldg. Jackson Co. Jr. Fairgrounds Cottageville, W.Va. Contact Jeff Crum 531-0018. Kanawha Co. Beekeepers Assoc. St. Albans, W.Va. Contact Steve May, 727-7659; kanawhavalley.beekeepers@yahoo.com. Marion Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 4th Thursday, 7 p.m. Pleasant Valley Municipal Bldg. 2340 Kingmont Rd. Fairmont, W.Va. Contact Tom Kees, 363-4782; Nancy Postlethwait, 366-9938 lpostlethwait@yahoo.com. Marion Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Annual Harvest Covered Dish Dinner/Meeting Meat, drinks and dinnerware provided Thurs. Oct. 23, 6. p.m. Eldora United Methodist Church Fairmont, W.Va. Contact Tom Kees, 363-4782 or Nancy Postlehwait, 366-9938 lpostlehwait@aol.com. Mercer Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting First Monday, 7 p.m. Princeton, W.Va. Contact Bill Cockerman, 425-6389 blackoak85@gmail.com. Nicholas Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Monday, 7 p.m. Summersville Public Library Summersville, W.Va. Contact Joe Strickland, 649-4717. North Central W.Va. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Monday, 7 p.m. Harrison Co. 4-H Center Clarksburg, W.Va. Contact Michael Staddon, 782-9610. Potomac Highlands Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Thursday Bank of Romney Comm. Center Romney, W.Va. Contact Elvin Rose, 434-2520; emrose0206@yahoo.com or potomachighlandsbeekeepers.weeblycom.com Preston Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Thursday, 7 p.m. Preston Co. Ext. Office Contact Don Cathell, 454-9695. Southeastern Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 2nd Thursday, 7 p.m. Osteopathic School-Alumni Center Lewisburg, W.Va. Contact Mary Holesapple, 772-3272; mary.holesapple@frontier.com. Tri-State Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Thursday, 7 p.m. Good Zoo Bldg. - Oglebay Park Wheeling, W.Va. Contact Steve Roth, 242-9867; sroth29201@comcast.net. Upshur Co. Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 3rd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. W.Va. Farm Bureau Bldg. Buckhannon, W.Va. Contact Roy Carder, 472-7413. West Central Beekeepers Assoc. Monthly Meeting 4th Saturday, 1 p.m. Roane Co. Committee on Aging Bldg. Spencer, W.Va. Contact Dale Cunningham, 354-6916; janingham46@yahoo.com. 7 EQUINE 2014 Events Monthly Meeting Oct. 7, 7 p.m. Sponsored by: Jackson County Horse Club Kenna Grange (beside Kenna Elementary) Brittani Harrison, 531-2524; britt1027.wix.com/jchc Kendra White, 542-5229. Horse Show Oct. 11, 2 p.m. Sponsored by: Jackson County Horse Club Jackson Co. Jr. Fairgrounds Cottageville, WV Brittani Harrison, 531-2524; britt1027.wix.com/jchc Kendra White, 542-5229. Good Evening Ranch Barrel Race Oct. 11-12, Sat: Exhibition 9 a.m. Show 1 p.m. Sun: 10 a.m. Sponsored by: IBRA 1458 Groves Road, Canvas, WV (watch for signs) Cindy Adkins 877-595-5448 Cindyadkins4@yahoo.com; goodeveningranch.net. Open Show Oct. 11, 5 p.m. Sponsored by: Central WV Riding Club Holly Gray Park Sutton, WV Allen and Kim Miller, 364-5576 cwvrc@yahoo.com. Harvest Trail Ride Oct. 11, 11 a.m. Sponsored by: Brunner Ridge Riding Assoc. Brunner Ridge Horse Park Fairmont, WV Nancie Fortney, 366-8193. Clf39@comcast.net. Black Angus heifers, 8- 12-mo., top blood, $1,200/up; bulls, 10- 14-mo., easy handling, $1,800/up, both good EPDs, all papers complete, del. avail. Fred Edgell, 1471 Bingamon Rd., Worthington, 26591; 592-2717. Heifers 10, pasture bred to Hereford bull, $1,200/ea. Bob Evans, 205 Herb Harsh Rd., Horse Shoe Run, 26716; 735-3121. Reg. Polled Hereford bulls, cert./accred. herd, Sons of Thrust, Revolution, Can-Am & Wrangler blood, $2,000/up, fall yrlgs. have perf. & ultrasound data avail. upon request. Derek Haught, P.O. Box 85, Smithville, 26178; 477-3818; derek@fivestarherefords.com. Reg. Black Angus 1/14 bull calves, $1,600/up. Justin McClain, 2853 Dry Fork, Salem, 26426; 7823983. Reg. Angus '13 bulls, most were fed/evaluated at Wardensville Summer Bull Test, AI sired by Connealy Concensus, Ten X, CC&7, Objective, Trust, 45TH ROCKING P FARM & GUEST PRODUCTION SALE Nov. 7, 7 p.m. Jackson Mill, Weston, W.Va. Contact Don Peterson, 269-3877; rockingp@shentel.net. 8 All equine require a negative one year Coggins test. All out-of-state equine require a current Certificate of Veterinary Inspection. RCHA Jackpot Oct. 17, Exhibition 6:00 p.m. Run 7:00 p.m. Sponsored by: Raleigh Co. Horsemen's Assoc. Crow Show Grounds Brian Adkins & Sam Farley, 923-9742. raleighcountyhorses@gmail.com. Power Tool, easy calving, EPDs, $2,000-$3,500. Greg Moore, 828 Maple Lick Rd., Bridgeport, 26330; 842-6210; gmooreangus@gmail.com. Pure Simmental 12-mo. bull, black, polled, calving ease, AI breeding, $2,000. Kenny Patterson, 984 Ravenswood Pike, Ripley, 25271; 3724758. Reg. Gelbvieh cows & open heifers, black & reds, AI bred for 3/15 calves, $1,650/up. Kevin Rawson, 2983 Hemlock Rd., Ravenswood, 26164; 531-0215. Simmental-Angus 10-mo. bull, black, polled, easy calving, excel. disp., $2,000. Leslie Rogers, 1020 Stadium Dr., St. Marys, 26170; 482-5887; leslie16@suddenlink.net. Reg. Black Angus yrlg. bulls, $1,500/ea.; reg. 18-mo. heifers, $2,500/ea. James Rowe, 5196 Malcolm Rd., Barboursville, 25504; 690-0126. Reg. Black Angus 2½-yr. bull, excel. EPDs, good disp., easy to handle, can see calves, $3,500. Janice Stalnaker, 2593 Berlin Rd., Weston, 26452; 269-3015. A. GOFF & SONS PRODUCTION SALE Oct. 18, 11 a.m. Hazel Green Farm Contact Janie Goff, 643-2196; agoffandsons@yahoo.com. Kanawha Co. Farm Bureau Fall Festival Horse Show Oct. 17-18, ASB, racking, western, academy & open classes Camp Virgil Tate Cross Lanes, WV Wanda Cunningham, 926-4500. RCHA/NBHA Show Oct. 18, 10 a.m. Sponsored by: Raleigh Co. Horsemen's Assoc. Crow Show Grounds Brian Adkins & Sam Farley, 923-9742. raleighcountyhorses@gmail.com. Annual Trail Ride & Covered Dish Dinner Oct. 19, 12:30 p.m. Sponsored by: Central WV Riding Club John & Kathy Given Farm Gassaway, WV Allen and Kim Miller, 364-5576 cwvrc@yahoo.com.. Southern District 4-H Horse Camp Benefit Trail Ride Nov. 1, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Nov. 2, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Cost: $10/per rider/per day; $10 stall rental for wknd; $20 campsites, 1st come/1st serve basis; family package, $100/4 riders/4 stalls w/overnight camping. Camp Virgil Tate, Cross Lanes, WV Keith Asbury, 541-0460; Clark Fitzwater, 546-6846; Reg. 2 yr. bull, Final Answer blood, sm. head & long, herd & heifer bull, excel. cond., $2,500. Steve Stowers, Rt. 1, Box 97, Milton, 25541; 743-0761. Reg. Angus yrlg. bulls, some just finished Wardensville summer perf. testing program, low birth wt., good disp., $3,000/up. Rod Summers, 98 Meadland Rd., Flemington, 26347; 677-6255; summersbunch@aol.com. Reg. Black Angus yrlg. bulls, Sydgen Mandate Son sired, various dams, calving ease, excel. EPDs; heifer, Sydgen Mandate Son sired X Rito 616 Dam, open, both easy handling, $1,500/up. J. Taylor, 875 Kim Kennedy Rd., Fairmont, 26554; 363-5757. Heifers, 20, black, BWF, 1,000+ lbs., bred to Angus calving ease bull for 3 & 4/15 calves, $2,500/ea. Jack Wilkins, 918 George Edgar Rd., Hillsboro, 24946; 653-8569. MOUNTAIN MOMMA CLASSIC SALE 75 lots of heifers, breds, cow/calf & select bulls, Angus, Red Angus, Limousin, Hereford, Simmental and commercial Oct 24, 7 p.m. 2014 Jackson's Mill, For catalog, contact Burke Friend 304-216-2214 or Auctioneer John Spiker 304-884-7915. The Market Bulletin Equipment Sales No trucks, cars, vans, campers or other autos; backhoes (except 3-pt. hitch), dozers or other construction equipment; lawn equipment; no parts. JD dolly rake, used all summer, $1,550. Robert Benson, P.O. Box 154, West Milford, 26451; 7454710; after 6 p.m.; rsbenson2@frontier.com. JD 350 sickle bar mower, 7' cut, $1,250; MF 6½' disk, 3-pt. hitch, $700, both excel. cond. Tom Canterbury, 1638 Five Mile Rd., Gallipolis Ferry, 25515; 675-7217. NH disk mower, good for sm. tractor, used very little, $5,000; 3-pt. bale spear, $200. Elijah Chapman, 4309 Summers Crk. Rd., Hurricane, 25526; 562-6681. Backhoe attach. for 3-pt. hitch, 25 hp minimum requirement, bush hog 760H, good cond., $3,000/ obo. Brian Collins, 1979 Toms Crk. Rd., Wayne, 25570; 730-7095. NI manure spreader, ground driven, needs some repairs, $200. Thomas Cooper, P.O. Box 14, Dryfork, 26263; 227-4303. NH 630, 4x4 round baler, makes good rolls, $5,200. Eric Dasher, HC 34, Box 324, Rupert, 25984; 392-5181. Woods rear mount 90" finish mower, $1,500; BXPANDED GTB72 bucket, mounted snow plow, 72" w/skid shoes, excel. cond., $700; drop spreader & seed broadcaster, tow behind garden tractor, $50/ea. all prices firm. Ray Dixon, 70 Bozo Lane, Farmington, 26571; 825-6341. JD, '53, 40 low serial numbers, good engine/ tires/cond., $2,000. Donald Dunn, 50 S. Childs Rd., Kearnysville, 25430; 725-6708. King Kutter dirt scoop, 3-pt. hitch tractor, reversible, good cond., $250. E. Ellison, 677 Old Court St., Fayetteville, 25840; 574-3771; after 5 p.m. Hesston: 840 round baler, 800 lb., elec. tie, excel cond., $8,000; 3972 bi-fold B rake, 8 wheel, good cond., $2,000; tractor chains w/tensioners, $400. Tom Flannery, 1577 Grimms Run, Middlebourne, 26149; 758-4494. Ford 8N tractor, converted to 12 volt system, $2,200/cash only. Nelson Gilbert, 1201 VanMeter Way, West Liberty, 26074; 336-7406. NH 472 hay bine, shed kept, $2,100; JD 640 roller break, $400. Ben Glover, P.O. Box 1109, Franklin, 26807; 358-2566. Woods 6', 3-pt. hitch tiller, good cond., $1,500. Simon Harvey, P.O. Box 502, Anmoore, 26323; 641-0030. Lowery 4' brush hog, excel. cond., used one season to mow grass, $600. Richard Hedrick, Rt. 2, Box 157, Montrose, 26283; 636-8669. Int. 1-row corn picker, $100; NH 404 hay crusher, $100. Ronald Hoffman, 9 McNeech Lane, Glen Easton, 26039; 854-7088. NH 273 sq. baler, $3,000; Ford 2120 tractor w/ loader, $4,000; Ford 3000 tractor, $3,500. Melvin Howsershelt, 306 Stony Run, Moatsville, 26405; 518-1369. Ford: 8N tractor w/side mower, new tires front/ back, kept inside, $2,700; 6' disk, $300; JD 6' disk, $400. James Kennedy, 1317 Sugar Grove Rd., Morgantown, 26501; 983-2213. Vicon RP1211M round 1,200 lb. silage baler, field ready, $8,000/firm; Wheel Horse, '64, Radar 9 mower, turn plow w/sod cutter, disks, cultivator, furrow plow, front blade, motor need rebuilt, $500. Ronald Kimberling, Rt. 1, Box 48, Frametown, 26623. JD, '04, 5203 tractor, 1,200 hrs., 50 hp, 4WD, $18,500; NH 472, 7', hay bine, excel. cond., $4,500; Vermeer 504, Super 1, 4x5, round baler, $9,500; MF 6', disk harrow, good cond., $750; Int. 3-pt. slip scoop reversible, $350; more. R. Kinnard, 7516 Huntington Rd., Gallipolis Ferry, 25515; 675-3034. The Market Bulletin Ford 2110, 4 WD tractor w/quick attach. loader, ps, new 2-stage clutch, $8,000. Lewis Martin, 83 Glen Haven Dr., Bridgeport, 26330; 842-0666. MF older baler, $650; 8' side del. rake, $450; 5' drum mower, 3-pt. hitch, $850, all good cond.; set of 3-pt. dbl. plows, $125; 3-pt. hitch disk, $300. Larry McKinney, 229 Willow Crk. Scot Depot, 25560; 757-7187. Vicon CM2400 disk mower, 7'10" cutter bar, field ready, never damaged or repaired, $3,500; NH 163 hay tedder, 16', $1,350. Greg Moore, 828 Maple Lick Rd., Bridgeport, 26330; 842-6210. JD '12, 2320 tractor/mower, 4 WD, 62" deck, excel. cond., 130 hrs., $11,500. Darl Phillips, 715 Hovater Rd., Thornton, 26440; 265-5932. JD '05, 4115 utility tractor w/410 front loader, 9 attach., plus other extras, $19,900. Jenny Rinker, Rt. 2, Box 17, Burlington, 26710; 289-3289. Zetor 5211 tractor w/loader & heated cab, 900 hrs., new tires, 2 WD, 2.7 liter, 3 cyl., diesel engine, 3-pt. hitch w/category I & II independent rear PTO, 2-stage clutch, good cond., $9,800. Brian Robinson, P.O. Box 35, McArthur, 25873; 934-6516; 6-9 p.m. Kubota, BX1500 tractor, 4 WD, 500 hr., excel. cond., 48" mower deck & blade, $7,500. Tom Rogers, 111 Vector Avenue, Elkins, 26241; 636-9868. JD 2155, 4x4 loader, 3,200 hrs., $15,000. Bill Rohr, 572 Buckboard Lane, Buckhannon, 26201; 613-9522. 2-row potato planter, good cond., $500; McCormick Deering hammer mill w/screens & elec. mower, $750. Chris Scott, 2586 Grandview Rd., Beaver, 25813. NI 323 1-row corn picker, excel. cond., $1,200; Ford, 2-row corn planter, good cond., $450; Gravely bed on wheels, $450; corn elevator, $100, all avail. after harvest time in Oct. Gary Shephard, 16770 Parkersburg Rd., Elizabeth, 26143; 474-3427. Hesston 540 round baler, 4x4 bales, elec. twine, hyd. cyl. rebuilt, new belts & bearings in '13, stored dry, excel. cond., field ready, $6,500. Bret Singleton, 347 Lick Ford Rd., Tioga, 26691; 6513976. IMCO 2 bottom, 3-pt. hitch plow, coulters, new shears, good cond., $600. Robert Smith, 1586 Beech Run Rd., Albright, 26519; 965-6370. NI 522 sickle mower, 7' belt drive, field ready, $1,650. Lee Sondericker, 3094 Hinkle Lake Rd., Bridgeport, 26330; 677-1075. Horse drawn equipment: McCormick #7 mower, 6' bar, completely reconditioned, $1,500; NI hay rake, $1,200, Doyletown thrash machine w/self feeder, weigher & straw blower, $1,000/obo. Carl Spessert, RR 1, Box 216-1, Montrose, 26283; 7048276. JD 702 hay rake, shed kept, excel. cond., $2,800. William Suan, 143 Post Farm Rd., Lost Creek, 26385; 622-6223. Hesston 540 round baler, excel. cond., hyd. tie, $5,800. R. Swisher, 1186 Berlin Rd., Weston, 26452; 269-3585. Farmall '50's, 450 tractor w/bucket, good cond., $3,500. Sue Thompson, 651 Pea Ridge Rd., Philippi, 26416; 457-4811. WD 45 tractor, narrow front end, ps, elec. ignition, 3-pt. hitch, good tires, $1,950. Cad Tyler, 720 Puffenbarger Rd., Hillsboro, 24946; 653-2097; ccctyler63@gmail.com. Mahindra 403, PST tractor, front bucket, backhoe, 72" finish mower, box & straight blade, approx. FARM AUCTION Oct. 2, 11 a.m. (on site) 821 Stoney Run Rd., Buckhannon, WV 96.16 A. w/new fence, ponds, rich grass Contact John Spiker, 695-1621; Auctioneer WV 184 170 hrs., excel. cond., $24,500. Chris Vass, P.O. Box 347, Mount Lookout, 26678; 872-2968. Ford '56, 800 Golden Jubilee, starts & runs great, good cond., new tires & battery, $1,500/firm. Leslie Wellings, 1657 Brushy Fork Rd., New Milton, 26411; 838-0028. JD 5055, 4 WD, diesel, tractor w/loader, 50 hrs., $31,000. Robert Williams, 161 Spotwood Rd., Rock, 24747; 467-8237. Flat belt pulley for a cub tractor, PTO, 6 bolt hole pattern, $75/obo. Lawrence Wilson, 2118 Gaines Rd., Rock Cave, 26234; 924-6951. Equipment Wants GMH bush hog disk mower. Dennis Burton, Rt. 2, Box 252-A1, Lindside, 24951; 753-9234. Old time, hand turned, rope making machine. Carl Elliott, 2570 Borland Springs Rd., Waverly, 26184; 679-5765. Hammer Mill, sm. or PTO driven. Wes Price, 853 Denmar Rd., Hillsboro, 24946; 651-4809. IH or AC 2-row or 4-row no till corn planter, will consider other brands. Samuel Stark, 5651 Good Hope Pike, Clarksburg, 26301; 745-3548. Farm Sales Advertisements for land MUST be about farmland that is at least five (5) acres in size & located in West Virginia. Farmland ads MUST include accompaniments (house, barn, hayfield, garden, etc.) but no specifics, i.e., new kitchen, family room, etc. Ads for the sale or rental of farmland are acceptable from individuals, but MUST include the above. Advertisements for hunting land, commercial or city properties CANNOT be accepted. Lewis Co: 110 A. w/house, woods, meadow, paved rd., located near Stonewall Jackson Resort, Burnsville Lake & Weston, $365,000. John Frazier, 484 Red Lick Rd., Roanoke, 26447; 452-8859. Roane Co: 138.5 A. w/house, free gas, fenced pasture, woods, county water/well, cistern, springs, located 1 mi. off Amber Ridge, $277,000/neg., no owner financing. Randal Moore, 137 Paxton Ridge Rd., Walton, 25286; 704-634-6300. Roane Co: 24 A. w/house, woods, meadows, barn, crk., elec., gas, city water, on Main Amma Rd., $198,000. Brenda Smith, 179 Westwood Dr., Elkview, 25071; 542-7154. Wirt Co: 5.8 A. w/house, 2 outbldgs., lg. yard, sm. hayfield, woods, crk., well water, gas, $82,000. Rebecca Wright, 6487 Little Kanawha Parkway, Elizabeth, 26143; 275-0257 Goat Sales ADGA Nubian 4/14 bucklings, disbudded, $200/ea. Erin Coleman, 327 Cooper Run Rd., Green Bank, 24944; 456-3306; m.erin.coleman@ gmail.com. Reg. Nigerian Dwarf 2-yr. bucks, blue eyes, tri colored & black/white, great looking & proven breeders, $250/ea./obo. Burl Diehl, 90 Joe Roush Rd., Letart, 25253; 895-3364. ADGA '14 reg. Sannen buck & Sannen/Nubian doe & wether, disbudded, vacc. & tattooed, $200/ up. Shelby Johnson, 1371 Terry Ave., Fayetteville, 28540; 469-9395. Pure AGS Nigerian Dwarves, 2, $180-$280/ ea.; 3, $170-$270/ea; 8, $120/kid & $220/adult; 2, pets, $85/ea. Bob Kirk, P.O. Box 123 Slanesville, 25444; 822-0730. Boer 100% bucks, can be reg., 1, 1/14 red, $350; 1, 3/13, white w/red head, $300, both showing good growth/length/conf., good disp., easy handled, Carol McClung, 6133 Mill Crk. Rd., Quinnwood, 25981; 438-5791. French Alpine buck, great blood, daughters on site, $250; percentage grade 5/14 doe, $100. Angela O'Dell, 9300 Old Nicholas Rd., Mt. Nebo, 26679; 438-7108. 9 Miniature Horse as Service Animals Information Workshop Oct. 18, 10 a.m.- Noon Holly Gray Park, Sutton, W.Va. Contact Melanie Burge, 800-841-8436; info@pathswv.com. Pure reg. Kiko bucks, black, vacc./wormed, del. avail., $485/up; Kiko/Boer bucks & does, Kiko/ Alpine, Reg. Saanen, $95/up. Hope O'Toole, 595 Luther Heishman Rd., Baker, 26801; 897-7073; donkeymomhope@gmail.com. Billies, $175. Ed. Smith, 247 Breezy Hill Lane, Petersburg, 26847; 257-1809. Hog Sales Gloucestershire Old Spots breeding stock piglets, solid genetics, $400-$450/ea.; Ossabaw Island Hog breeding stock piglets, variety of genetics include 3rd generation off of the Island, pairs/trios avail., $200$250/ea., no chemicals, GMO free. Quincy McMichael, General Delivery, Renick, 24966; 992-2922. Tamworth cross, free range, $75/up. Angela Reynolds, 712 N. Jefferson St., Lewisburg, 24901; 667-7920; areynolds@suddenlinkmail.com. Reg. Berkshire boars & gilts, $200. James Withrow, 446 McCloud Rd., Scot Depot, 25560; 415-2079. Horse Sales Icelandic reg. gelding, $2,500. Leon Bayliss, Rt. 1, Box 139A, Given, 25245; 372-5411. Paint 18-mo. stud, bay, good disp., never around mare, bred & raised on farm, $300/obo. Carla Buckalew, 203 Twisted Lane, Ravenswood, 26164; 474-3010. AMHR reg. minatures: stud, 29"; mares, assored colors, 29" & 31", $250/ea. Linda Castle, 1938 Bachman Rd., Fayetteville, 25840; 574-1041. 2 horses, $175/ea. Earl Channel, 314 Bennett Ave., Webster Springs, 26288; 847-5659. AQHA reg. 14-yr. mare, bay, has been shown in Eng. Pleas. & West. Pleas. very good in trail, needs exper. rider, vacc., Coggins & dental, $1,000. Don Collage, 281 Stairway to Heaven Lane, Ridgeley, 26753; 726-4129; donald.collage@atk.com. Haflinger 5-yr. mare, 13½ h, green broke, $700. Darrell Cooper, HC 74, Box 24, Hinton, 25951; 810-869-9215. Belgian mare, approx. 1,800 lb., green broke,, $2,500; Haflinger 5-yr. mare, $1,000, both bred to Belgian stud. Bob Evans, 205 Herb Harsh Rd., Horse Shoe Run, 26716; 735-3121. 25545; 762-2156. Haflinger 8-yr. mare, no papers, beautiful, excel. disp., good trail pony, $1,200. Kathy Eye, 35 Rocky Run Lane, Sugar Grove, 26815; 358-2104. Tenn. Wlkr. mare, bay w/no markings, 15.3 h, now being trail ridden, has excel. papers, $1,500; other top bred mares, $1,000/up; stud service, $150. Bill Harper, 513 Kentuck Rd., Kenna, 25248; 372-4179. Reg. Mtn. Pleas. mare/2 geldings, natural gait, good conf./disp., $1,000/up. Sharon Haught, 225 Peacock Lane, Davisville, 26142; 679-2097; goldenrodfarm@hotmail.com. Wlkr. cross broodmares, 2, $150/ea.; miniature horses/mares/studs/colts, all spotted, $75$150/ea.. Ronald Lynch, 8346 New Hope Rd., Bluefield, 24701; 589-7652. Free to good home, American Standardbred, 2, excel. cond., 23 & 24 yr., healthy. Jane Mann, P.O. Box 380, Coal City, 25823; 683-9348. Bay 3-yr. gelding, 82% Brabant, 18% Belgain, 15 h, wt. 1,200 lbs, good disp., has been worked in most farm equp. & highway, $2,250. Mike Roach, RR 1, Box 367-D, Lesage, 25537; 762-2885. 10 SHEEP & GOAT MEETINGS APPALACHIAN GOAT ASSOC. Monthly Meeting 1st Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Spencer, W.Va. Contact dinahroberts82@aol.com. W.VA. CENTRAL GOAT CLUB Monthly Meeting 2nd Sunday, 1 p.m. Spencer, W.Va. Contact Doris Parks, 988-2877 or Elva LaMont, 354-9656. Hackney pony, gelding, bay, healthy, trained to pull cart or buggy, many trophies & ribbons in shows, majority 1st place, $1,500/obo. Carl Rolf, 1798 US 60 W., Milton, 25541; 633-1163. Belgian mare & gelding draft horses, 10-yr. & 11yr., broke to all farm machinery, road safe, $6,000/pr.; Morgan pr., Amish broke to pull buggy, work or ride, $1,500/ea.; 2-yr. Qtr./Morgan cross mare, $1,000/ obo. Carl Spessert, Rt. 1, Box 216-1, Montrose, 26283; 704-8276. Donkey 7-yr. male, black/brown, 54", good sheep & cattle guard, $200. Eugene Suder, 183 Randolph St., Buckhannon, 26201; 472-2807. Morgan mare, bay, classic bloodlines, $1,500. Frank Unger, 821 Johnson Crk. Rd., Walton, 25286; 577-9150. Donkeys 5/14, jacks, 1 solid white & one white w/grey Jerusalem cross, $200/ea.; 1, jenny, traditional gray w/jersalem cross, $300, good age & time to place as livestock guardians. Jim Zimarowski, 475 Crooked Stump Rd., Terra Alta, 26764; 288-3550; zimarowski@frontiernet.net. Plant Sales No medicinal plants, nursery stock, common agricultural seeds unless tested for germination. Pole bean seed: old-time fat man, Logan giant & rattlesnake, turkey craw, Oct. tender hull & bush, greasy & white pole, brown half runner, more, $11/100 seed; elephant garlic bulbs, $13/lb.; all ppd. Betty Flanagan, 467 Ritchie Farm Rd., Summersville, 26651; 880-0135; allen.flanagan@gmail.com. Tobacco seed: W.Va. Mtn. grown burly, organic, germination tested, incl. growing instruction, $4/tsp. $6/2 tsps. $8/3 tsps.; all plus first class SASE. Bill Hailer, 2031 Hiner Mill Rd., Sugar Grove, 26815. Plant Wants Fatman bean seed, 1 or 2 lbs., will pay $40/lb. Roy Hawkins, 2158 Exchange Rd., Sutton, 26610. Poultry Sales No ornamental, wild or game birds; eggs. Red Star pullets, ready to start laying, $8/ea. Victor Bridges, Rt. 1, Box 10F, Greenville, 24945; 832-6674. Patridge Bantam Wyandottes, 2, roosters & 3, hens, $50/all; assorted White Silkies & young Bantams, $5/ea. Burl Diehl, 90 Joe Rouse Rd., Letart, 8953364. Rhode Island Red roosters, 4-mo. Bill McDermott, 2922 McDermott Rd., Ona, 25545; 634-4460. Roosters: various proven heritage stock, naturally raised, truly free-range w/no chemicals, $10. Quincy McMichael, General Delivery, Renick, 24966; 9922922. Roosters pure, various breeds avail., all ages, $10/ea. Melissa Reed, 482 Stormy Weather Lane, Philippi, 26416; 457-3459; reedmelissa67@gmail. com. Sheep Sales Reg. North Country Cheviot 2½-yr. ram, proven breeder, $350. Ken Eastham, 286 Ashcamp Run, Metz, 26585; 775-2550. Kathadin 4-yr ram, $250. Glen Ford, 586 Sydenstricker Rd., Lewisburg, 24901; 646-7874. Texel rams: 1 to 2-yr., $300; yrlg., $400; 2, lambs, $500/ea. Troy Forren, 700 Tyree Rd., Williamsburg, 24991; 793-3437. North Country Cheviot, $300, del. avail. Howard Henderson, 4721 Low Gap Rocky Run Rd., Littleton, 26581; 775-2591. Reg. Suff. ram lamb, great for club lambs, out of McLaughlin/Griffin ram & slack ewe, $350; reg. Southdown 2/14 ewe lamb, sire goes back to Fielder & Howard, dam goes back to Howard, $275 Lee Kidd, 123 Brownstone Rd., Renick, 24966; 9925300. Reg. yrlg. rams, $350/up. Lucy Kimble, P.O. Box 241, Cabins, 26855; 257-1442; after 6 p.m. Hog Island, 2, rams, heritage breeding stock, naturally raised on pasture w/no chemicals, GMOfree. Quincy McMichael, HC 66, Box 315, Renick, 24966; 992-2922. Hamp/Suff. & Hamp/Dorset cross ram/ewe lambs, $175/up. Viki Woolwine, Rt. 2, Box 141, Elkins, 26241; 637-7234. Sheep Wants St. Croix, prefer 6-12 mo. ram lamb. Sharon Ball, 221 Sweeps Run Rd., Fairmont, 26554; 5343196; sballl10623@aol.com. Miscellaneous Sales No riding habits or other clothes; appliances or furniture; antiques or crafts; hand power tools or equipment; food processing or preservation items or equipment; general wood working tools; firewood. Only dogs recognized by the AKC as herding or working can be accepted. Draft horse: biothane team work harnesses, for up to 2,000 lbs., $500; wood team wagon, bench seat, new wheels, rubber on irons, new bed, stain, sealer & oils, $1,000. Gloria Adams, 7995 Backus Mtn. Rd., Meadow Ridge, 25976; 484-6101. Biothane, work harness w/head stock, Haflinger size, $700. Bruce Adkins, 852 Fraziers Bottom Rd., Fraziers Bottom, 25082; 521-5757. Hay, sq. bales, mixed grass, $3.50/bale. Leland Anderson, 1568 Ward Road, Canvas, 26662; 8722268.. Acreage: Ritchie Co. 6+/-A. near Parkersburg, mostly wooded hillside, $9,000; Webster Co.: 44 A. w/woods, near Camden on Gauley, $99,500; '07 Challenger box trailer, 6x12', single axle, drop tailgate w/side door, $1,900. Don Barger, Rt. 1, Box 300, Elkins, 26241; 636-7673. Hay, '14, 1st cut, sq. bales, mixed grass, barn ket, $3.25/bale. Roscoe Beall, 1648 Cortland Rd., Canaan Valley, 26260; 866-4188. Christmas trees: Premium White Pine grade 1, 7'-11', beautifully trimmed, $12/up; Bill Beatty, 408 Rocky Knob Rd., Upper Tract, 26866; 358-7526. Hay, never wet, $3.50/bale; 4x5 round bales, $35/bale. Ray Blake, 1400 Johnson Ave., Ste. 1A, Bridgeport, 26330; 842-2795. Aust. Shep/Border Collie pups, tri-colored & red/whites, tales docked, dew claws removed, $250. Daniel Bostic, 5061 Sweet Spring Valley Rd., Union, 24983; 646-1699; helm.linda.lpn@gmail. com. Acreage: Lincoln Co., 40 A., plenty of flat land for hayfields, 2 ponds, lg. 5-stall barn, city water, elec., 2 mi. off Corridor G, $189,000. Gloria Brown, 91 Marlea Court, Sod, 25564; 756-1360. Acreage: Jackson Co., 8 A., paved rd., utilities, 2 mi. from Ravenswood, $38,000. Rockie Brown, 350 Sarvis Fork Rd., Sandyville, 25275; 532-0806. The Market Bulletin Trailer, '06 Bison Stratus, 3-horse slant, gooseneck, alum., 28'x8', living qtr. w/slide-outs, slider tail/drop down windows w/zip screens, dbl. rear/escape/walk-thru doors, managers, mats, collapsible rear tack, 20' awning, $36,000. Carla Bucklew, 203 Twisted Lane, Ravenswood, 26164; 474-3010. Simco West. saddle, russett w/dark leather 15" padded seat, buck stitching, silver trim, matching bridle w/curb bit, fleece lined cinch, breast strap, blanket & wooden saddle stand inc., excel. cond., $1,200/all. Roy Carper, 4171 Grandview Rd., Beaver, 25813; 763-3766; bjc721@suddenlink.net. Christmas trees: Scotch Pine grade 1, $11; grade 2, $10, sheared 6'-8', baled/roadside, in Alum Creek, 30 min. from Charleston. Steve Connor, 112 Misty Mdw. Alum Creek, 25003; 541-0959; connertf@yahoo.com. Hay, '14, 1st & 2nd cut lg. sq. bales, mixed meadow, $3.50/bale, easy access, assist loading; 1st cut, 5x4, round bales, $35/bale/discount for 5 or more, both never wet, fert. R. Conrad, 185 William Smith Rd. Rivesville, 26588; 278-2642. Hay, 1st cut, 4x5 round bales, $30/bale; 2nd cut sq. bales, 36", $4/bale, easy access, both mixed grass, never wet, stored inside. Eric Cunningham, 2862 Stewartstown Rd., Morgantown, 26508; 2825194. Hay, sq. bales, good quality, mixed grass, limed/fert. in '13, barn kept, $3.50/bale/at farm. Guy Derico, 955 Derico Rd., Buckhannon, 26201; 4724638 Acreage: 58 A., ‘40-‘50s old dairy farm, cinder block barn/milk house, overgrown fields, mostly hillside, drilled well at barn, all utilities avail., Sissonville area, $49,900 or sell on land contract w/20% down, 5% intrest & $350/mo. payments. Jim Derrick, 1553 Noble Ridge, Reedy, 25270; 372-7616. Blue Heeler 9-mo. pup, male, vacc./wormed, needs lg. farm to run on, $200. Burl Diehl, 90 Joe Rouse Rd., Letart, 25253; 895-3364. Great Pyrenees female pup & adult male, vacc./wormed, $400/ea. Chris Dotson, Rt. 2, Box 27A, West Union, 26456; 873-3915. Christmas trees: wholesale Scotch Pine, 6'9', fully seared, $10/in the field, easy access, netting avail. Butch Durand, 1901 Bug Ridge, Sutton, 26601; 678-8875. Hay, 4x5 round bales, 1st & 2nd cut, barn kept, dry & wrapped, $40/bale. Gary Elmore, RR 2, Box 50E, Sinks Grove, 24976; 667-8254. Horse sled, good cond., $100; set of spotted horse harness $700. Bob Evans, 205 Herb Harsh Rd., Horse Shoe Run, 26716; 735-3121. Hay, 1st & 2nd cutting, 4x4 round bales, $35/ bale; sq. bales, $4/bale, both limed/fert., stored in the dry & easy access. Eugene Finster, 894 Indian Fork Rd., Orlando, 26412; 452-8242. Hay, '13 round bales, $15/bale; '14, $25/bale. Tom Flannery, 1577 Grimms Run, Middlebourne, 26149; 758-4494. Pony harness, black/pink, fits Shetland-Hackney size, excel. cond., everything included except bit, $125, can text or email pictures. Rachelle Garrison, 965 Garrison Lane, Waverly, 26184; 8932818; cowgirl888@gmail.com. Christmas trees: White Pine, 6'-8', fully seared, $10/ea. Ronald Grimes, 7220 Frost Rd., Marlinton, 24954; 799-4021. Reg. UKC English Shep. 7/14 pups aka old fashioned farm collie, 3 tri-colored, 3 black, females, 1 tri-colored, 1 black/white, males, vacc./ wormed, vet checked, $350. Erwin Haller, 5677 Morgantown Pike, Belington, 26250; 823-1558. Hay, '14, 4x4 rolls, barn kept, never wet, fert., $35/bale; goat hay, $25/bale. Phil Haller, 29 Proudfoot Rd., Philippi, 26416; 457-1477. Maple syrup, pure WV, $16/qt., $10/pt., $6/½ pts. Ed Hartman, HC 72, Box 175C, New Creek, 26743; 788-1831. Ear corn, $3.75/bu. or current market value if The Market Bulletin higher, before cribbed. George Hereford, 14812 Crab Crk. Rd., Southside, 25187; 675-1957; after 6 p.m. Collie 7/14 pups, farm raised/working AKC parent, various colors, ready to go, $300/up; ILR reg. llamas, trained/proven breeders, vacc., $500/up; acreage: Gilmer Co., 50 A. +/-, private, pasture, woods, stock pond, $1,500/A. Jessica Hirsch, P.O. Box 561, Troy, 26443; 462-4421; before or after 9. Hay, 600-700 lb. round bales, $25/bale. Ronald Hoffman, 9 McNeech Lane, Glen Easton, 26039; 854-7088. Hay, '13, 5x4 round bales, $20/bale; wet bales, $15. Bill Howell, 1088 Hornbeck Rd., Morgantown, 26508; 368-8964. Border Collie pups, black & white, working dogs, vacc./wormed, smart, $300. Roy Hunt, 142 Big Sandy River Rd., Fort Gay, 25514; 648-7246. Circle Y western saddle w/silver embellishments, matching headstall & breast collor, excel. cond., pictures avail., $500/obo. Christa King, Rt. 1, Box 94A, Proctor, 26055; 319-1319. Acreage: Mason Co. 32 A., mostly wooded hillside, utilities avail., $38,400. R. Kinnard, 7516 Huntington Rd., Gallipolis Ferry, 25515; 675-3034. Livestock rack for utility trailer, 6'4"x14", inc. canvas cover w/roll-up front, $500. Dan Mallett, 2379 Dunlap Ridge Rd., Buffalo, 25033; 586-2231. Acreage: Taylor Co. 2.84 A., 1 mi. from Spencer Market, city/spring water, $10,000. Arnold Marks, 455 Gobel Rd., Simpson, 26437; 739-2511. Hay, 4x4 round bales, barn kept, $35/bale. Sherry McCoy, 1688 Flatwoods Rd., Ravenswood, 26164; 273-4257. Trailer, 2-horse bumper pull, storage in front, good cond., $800. Todd McKinstry, 8381 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, 25275; 767-1228. Rabbits: Giant Chinchilla breeding stock, strong lines, does/bucks, naturally raised on pasture w/no chemicals, $50/ea. Quincy McMichael, General Delivery, Renick, 24966; 992-2922. Blacksmith's: anvil w/cutting wedge that inserts in the heel; $500; forge, $200, both heavy duty. Greg Michaels, 135 Van Camp St., Paden City, 26159; 337-8066. Hay, 1st & 2nd cut, round bales, mixed grass, approx. 1,000 lbs., never wet, $35/bale. Donald Miracle, 1189 Pumpkin Knob Rd., Waverly, 26184; 679-5659. Hay, 2nd cut, sm. sq. bales, mixed grass, 60 lbs., never wet, free del. to Morgantown area, del. price outside of area based on roundtrip mi., $4/ bale. Morgan Morris, 2424 Stewartstown Rd., Morgantown, 26508; 319-1247. Border Collie 9/14 pups, black & white, from working parents, McCullum blood, males, $300; females, $350. Alan Myres, 44 Redmond Lane, Charleston, 25312; 549-3943. Hay, round bales, mixed grass, good access, easy loading, $25/bale. Ed Norman, 89 Sisler Rd., Bruceton Mills, 26525; 379-3533; enorman2222@ gmail.com. Straw, $3.50/bale; ear corn, $4.50/bu. Wes Price, 853 Denmar Rd., Hillsboro, 24946; 6514809. Rabbits: young Lionhead bucks, 5-mo., $20/ ea. Melissa Reed, 482 Stormy Weather Lane, Philippi, 26416; 457-3459; reedmelissa67@gmail. com. Hay, sq. bales, excel. quality, very lg. bales, $5/bale. Rex Reed, 482 Stormy Weather Lane, Philippi, 26416; 457-3459; rexatpaps@gmail.com. Acreage: Jackson Co. 34 A., rd. frontage, pasture, all fenced w/spring, all utilities avail., $125,000. Shirley Rhodes, 8381 Parkersburg Rd., Sandyville, 25275; 273-5622, Hay, 4x5, never wet, $25/bale; mulch hay, 4x5 round bales, $10/bale. Dominick Ricottilli, 132 Hidden Hollow Rd., Belington, 26250; 823-1157. Hay, 1st cut, round bales, stored in barn, never wet, mixed meadow, great for horses, limed/fert. according to WV Agriculture soil test, easy access, will load, $35/bale; $30/bale/for 20+. Leslie Rogers, 1020 Staduim Dr., St. Marys, 26170; 684-7133; leslie16@suddenlink.net. Show harness, black, $400; amish made oak show cart, horse & pony size, w/hyd. brakes, $2,500/ea.; 5, horse stall fronts w/swinging hay & grain feeders & rolling doors, $500/ea. Carl Rolfe, 1798 US 60 W., Milton, 25541; 633-1163. Apples: Staymen, Rome, York & other fall varieties, $3.50- to $10/bu., bring containers/call appointment. Kenneth Ruggles, HC 60, Box 36, Levels, 25431; 492-5751. Acreage: Cabell Co. 24 A., 7 A. cleared, city water & elec., would make very nice small farm, $59,500. Michael Saunders, Rt. 1, Box 151, Glenwood, 25520; 762-2018. Hay, sq. bales, 1st cut, barn stored, $3.75/ bale; 2nd cut, $4/bale. Louis Schmidt, 380 Chrystal Spring Rd., Salem, 26426; 783-4836. Apples: all varieties, avail. 9/1, $10- to $15/ bu.; apple butter apples, $8/bu.; juice apples, $7/bu.; animal apples, $5/bu. Garry Shanholtz, 1328 Jersey Mtn. Rd., Romney, 26757; 822-5827; shanholtzorchard@atlanticbb.net. Hay, '14, sq. bales, $2.50/bale. Ronald Sines, 197 Chicken Run Rd., Flemington, 26347; 7394618. Acreage: Roane Co. 52A. w/city water, meadows for hay, along Amma Rd., $54,500. Brenda Smith, 179 Westwood Dr., Elkview, 25071; 5427154. IH cream separator, hand crank, $200. Robert Smith, 1586 Beech Run Rd., Albright, 26519; 9656370. Stock trailer, Adams gooseneck, heavy duty 20'x7½', 1 cut gate, spare tire, $12,000. Carl Spessert, RR 1, Box 216-1, Montrose, 26283; 704-8276. Aust. Shep. 8/14 pups, 5, females, $300; 3, males, $250; red/blue merles, vacc./wormed, tails docked, Lisa Stout, 3816 Greenbrier Rd., Salem, 26426; 782-1444. Tucker High Plains trail saddle, walnut finish, gel seat, excel. cond., $1,100. William Suan, 143 Post Farm Rd., Lost Creek, 26385; 622-6223. Long 7320 round hay baler, 1,100 lb. bale, 4x5, excel. cond., baled 1,000 bales, $11,000. Harlin Thompson, 7010 Pond Crk. Rd., Ravenswood, 26164; 474-3351. Hay, '14, 1st cut, 4x4 round bales, $30/bale; 2nd cut, sq. bales, $4/bale, excel. quality, never wet, stored in barn. Matt Thornhill, Rt. 1, Box 31, Montrose, 26283; 637-0988. Acreage: Jackson Co. 113 A. w/meadows, approx. 1,200' rd. frontage, 2 ponds, wooded, located on Grass Lick Rd., well, $170,000. Ron Walker, 264 Spring St., Ripley, 25271; 372-3546. Hay, '14, sq. bales, 2nd cut, no rain, fert. field, $3.50/bale. Paul Wells, 1814 Oil Ridge Rd., Sistersville, 26175; 652-6031. Misc. Sales, cont. on page 12 LINCOLN CO. FFA FARM CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION Oct. 11, 10 a.m. Lincoln Co. High School, Hamlin, W.Va. Contact Ashley Butler, 824-6000, ext. 1028; WV CHRISTMAS TREE GROWERS ASSOC. Winter Meeting Feb. 28, Days Hotel Flatwoods, W.Va. Contact Art Yagel, 575-2787. 11 Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit 80 Charleston, WV 25301 THE MARKET BULLETIN West Virginia Department of Agriculture Walt Helmick, Commissioner 1900 Kanawha Blvd., E. Charleston, WV 25305-0170 October 2014 Return Service Requested Acreage: Putnam Co. 70-80 A., mostly woods, $1,200/A.; locust post, 7', $4/ea.; corner post, $6, Huntington/Charleston area. Joe Widdifield, Rt. 3, Box 130, Hurricane, 25526; 562-2258. Christmas trees: White Pine, 6'-7', $14; 7'-8', $15, trees are sheared & mesh baled for pick-up in Craigsville. Art Yagel, P.O. Box 638, Summersville, 26651; 575-2787. Hand spinning fleece, raw, white & natural colors, Shetland, Border Leicester, Horned Dorset/ Shetland, $10/lb./+/-. Linda Zinn, 2162 Skelton Run, Wallace, 26448; 782-3704. Miscellaneous Wants Used harness for a standard donkey or sm. pony. Robert Lockwood, 5139 Summer Dr., Culloden, 25510; 743-9320. Sassafras root bark for making tea. Pearl Miller, 12039 9th Ave., Huntington, 25701; 523-5119. Grazing land for lease in '15, Barbour, Harrison, Lewis, Upshur or Taylor Co. terms neg. Kevin Shaffer, 5024 Riverwood Circle, Fairmont, 26554; 6691598. Follow Us on Twitter and Facebook! @WVDeptofAg West Virginia Department of Agriculture 1st Annual Buffalo FFA Farm Equipment Consignment Auction Sponsored by the Putnam County Farm Bureau Auctioneer Service Provided by: Ron Morrison Auction Service License and Bonded in the State of West Virginia #1336 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. Location: Buffalo High School Equipment will be located in the grassy area to the right of the school. Parking will be at the baseball field Contact: Josh Morgan, (304) 545-6546; Jeremy Grant (304) 939-3901 or Ron Morrison, (304) 638-1607. Contact us and consign early for Free Advertisement! Charlie Harrison Estate Equipment will be sold at this Auction! Not Responsible for Lost or Stolen Items or Accidents Articles in this publication may be reprinted, with the exception of advertisements, when a credit by-line is given to the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. The use of trade names in this publication is for purposes of clarity and information only. No endorsement is made or implied of any product, or is it implied that similar products are less effective. Statement of Policy Regarding Equal Opportunity and Participation in Programs: It is the policy of the West Virginia Department of Agriculture to provide its services and programs to all persons without regard to sex, race, color, age, religion, national origin or handicap. 12 The Market Bulletin
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