Alpine Space Conference Building on Experience:

Alpine Space Conference
Building on Experience:
Cooperation towards 2020
Salzburg, Austria, 21/22 October 2014
Draft programme
Event facilitation: Victoria Primhak
Tuesday - 21 October 2014
Welcome & Introduction
 Astrid Rössler, Vice-Governor Land Salzburg, Austria
 Heinz Schaden, Mayor of Salzburg (tbc)
 Christian Salletmaier, head of Managing Authority, Land Salzburg
European and regional challenges in the Alpine Space
Discussion on Cohesion Policy and challenges in the Alpine Region in 2014-2020.
 Marie-Christine Fourny, University Joseph-Fourier, Grenoble
 Jose Antonio Ruiz de Casas, European Commission, Directorate-General
for Regional and Urban Policy (video input)
 Peter Eggensberger, Bavarian Ministry for the Environment and Consumer
Protection, Germany
Coffee break
Project achievements and priorities for 2014+
The priorities of the Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020
 Christina Bauer, Managing Authority, Alpine Space Programme
 Thomas Fleury, Joint Secretariat, Alpine Space Programme
Priority 1 Innovative Alpine Space
Presentation of key achievements from projects and rationale of the new priority 1.
Action lab: brainstorming in the audience on potential action ideas for this priority.
 Project representatives:
o Ivan Boesso, AlpClusters2020 project, Veneto Innovazione S.p.A., Italy
o Roberto Zuffada, SPHERA project, Regione Lombardia, Italy
o Caroline Pecher, WIKIAlps project, EURAC, Italy
 Anne Rizand, Prefecture of the Rhône-Alpes Region, National Coordinator,
 Action Lab
Project achievements and priorities for 2014+ (continued)
Priority 2 Low carbon Alpine Space
Presentation of key achievements from projects and rationale of the new priority 2.
Action lab: brainstorming in the audience on potential action ideas for this priority.
 Project representatives:
o Anja Lehmann, AlpEnMAT project, B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH, Germany
o Robert Moosbrugger, ViSiBLE project, Regional Development
Vorarlberg, Austria
 Adriana May, Lombardy Region, Presidency of Italian National Committee
 Action Lab
Priority 3 Liveable Alpine Space
Presentation of key achievements from projects and rationale of the new priority 3.
Action lab: brainstorming in the audience on potential action ideas for this priority.
 Project representatives:
o Chris Walzer, greenAlps project, University of Veterinary Medicine,
o Jochen Bürgel, C3-Alps project, Environmental Agency of Austria
o Maximo Peviani, AIM project, RSE S.p.A., Italy
 Florian Ballnus, Bavarian Ministry for the Environment and Consumer
Protection, National Coordinator Germany
 Action Lab
Fresh air break
Get a breath of fresh air before the idea arena!
Idea arena
Networking session along the first 3 priorities of the Alpine Space Programme 20142020.
Networking aperitif
Closing of day one.
Dinner at the Salzburg “Residenz” Palace
Wednesday - 22 October 2014
Welcome second day
Cooperation challenges in the Alpine Region
Political session on governance and cooperation challenges in the Alps for 2014-2020
 Claire Bouchet, member of the French Alps Committee, Councillor for regional
action for the Alps in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, France
 Cassiano Luminati, President of the Valposchiavo Region, Switzerland
 Brigitta Pallauf, President of the Salzburg Parliament, Austria
 Ulrike Scharf, Bavarian State Minister for the Environment and Consumer
Protection, Germany
Contact: Joint Secretariat – – tel: +49 (0)89 – 9214 1800
The future of governance for the Alpine Region
Discussion on current status and developments of the EU Strategy for the Alpine
 Vicente Rodriguez Saez, European Commission, Directorate-General
for Regional and Urban Policy
 Raffaele Raja, Chair of Steering Group of EUSALP
 Christian Baumgartner, 3 Vice President CIPRA
 Markus Reiterer, Secretary General of Alpine Convention
 Christian Salletmaier, Head of Managing Authority Alpine Space Programme
Coffee break
A la carte
Parallel sessions
Capitalisation and impact: the big picture
Session on project and programme impact on policies and institutional capacity building
 Christina Bauer, Managing Authority, Alpine Space Programme
 Matthias Rinderknecht, Swiss Federal Office of Transport, iMonitraf! project
 Michael Vogel, Berchtesgaden National Park, Germany
 NN, Munich transport association (MVV), Germany
 Barbara Simonič, Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia
Project submission and management in 2014-2020
How will the Alpine Space Programme 2014-2020 work? Get first-hand information
 Antonia Widmer-Leitz, Joint Secretariat, Alpine Space Programme
 Joint Secretariat Team
Working session on the priority 4 for 2014-2020: Well-governed Alpine Space
 Silvia Jost, Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development ARE, National
Coordinator, Alpine Space Programme
The essentials to take home
Wrap up
 Victoria Primhak, facilitator
Get a glimpse of the first Call for project proposals!
 Antonia Widmer-Leitz, Joint Secretariat, Alpine Space Programme
Closing remarks and farewell by Alpine Space Programme
 Florian Ballnus, Bavarian Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection,
Chair of the Alpine Space Programme Committee
Excursion programme (attendance upon onsite registration)
More information soon to be published here.
Contact: Joint Secretariat – – tel: +49 (0)89 – 9214 1800
Alpine Space Programme
400-450 partners from seven Alpine countries with a
special focus on regions participating in the Alpine
Space Programme
Salzburg Congress
Auerspergstraße 6
Conference Language
English with translation into French, Italian, German
and Slovene for plenary sessions.
All efforts are undertaken to organise the Conference
in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
Participants are encouraged to consider the
environment when making their travel
arrangements and to offset the carbon emissions
from travelling.
Hosted by
The Alpine Space Programme is the EU transnational co-operation programme for the Alps. Partners from the seven Alpine
countries work together, to promote regional development in a sustainable way. During the period 2007-2013, the programme
invested 130 Mio EUR in impact-oriented projects. These focused on competitiveness and attractiveness, accessibility and
connectivity, environment and risk prevention. The Programme will continue in 2014-2020 and fund projects in the following 4
priorities: Innovative Alpine Space, Low-carbon Alpine Space, Liveable Alpine Space and well-governed Alpine Space.
Contact: Joint Secretariat – – tel: +49 (0)89 – 9214 1800