RoSEFF – an integrated package of financing, technical consultancy and EU grants to help SMEs invest in sustainable energy solutions Mark Velody - Project Manager, RoSEFF October 9th 2014 The content of this presentation is the sole responsibility of Tractebel Engineering SA and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the EU or EBRD 2 AGENDA FOR TODAY 1. What is RoSEFF? October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 3 AGENDA FOR TODAY 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why Sustainable Energy? October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 4 AGENDA FOR TODAY 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why Sustainable Energy? 3. How to use RoSEFF October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 5 AGENDA FOR TODAY 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why Sustainable Energy? 3. How to use RoSEFF 4. Eight selected RoSEFF investments October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 6 SO LET’S BEGIN 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why Sustainable Energy? 3. How to use RoSEFF 4. Eight selected RoSEFF investments October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 7 RoSEFF is an attractive financing product for SMEs 1. Financing of up to 1 million Euro per investment 2. Free (EU-financed) technical consultancy from Tractebel Engineering 3. EU Grants of 10% or 15% 4. Permanently lower energy/fuel bills 5. Fast! October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 8 Stakeholders are SMEs, banks, consultants and EU Programme Financing Consultants Verifier Beneficiaries: Private Sector SMEs October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 9 RoSEFF is one of many EBRD ‘SEFFs’ October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 10 Tractebel Engineering is Consultant for Romania* * Project Consultant working under a series of contracts with EBRD October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 11 Tractebel Engineering is Consultant for Romania* * Project Consultant working under a series of contracts with EBRD October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 12 Tractebel Engineering is Consultant for Romania* * Project Consultant working under a series of contracts with EBRD October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 13 Tractebel Engineering is Consultant for Romania* * Project Consultant working under a series of contracts with EBRD October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 14 Some words about Tractebel Engineering October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 15 Worldwide Presence 20 Regional offices Latin America Brazil Chile Panama Peru & projects in 110 countries Europe Belgium Czech Republic France Italy Poland Romania Turkey United Kingdom Africa Algeria South Africa Asia & Middle East China India Indonesia Thailand United Arab Emirates Saudi Arabia 16 Tractebel Engineering in Romania Products and services • • • • • • • • • October 2014 Project Development Energy transportation and distribution Consultancy for energy systems Power generation ► (Pre-) Feasibility ► Due Diligence ► Conceptual Design ► Contract specifications Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Roads and Bridges Hydro-technical works Project Management ► ► ► ► Water and sewage networks Traffic Management EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility Owner’s Engineer Project Management Consultancy (PMC) EPCM (multi-package PMC) Basic and Detailed Design Installation Management ► ► ► ► ► Energy and Environment Risk Management and Safety Renovation projects Operator Support Systems Power System Analysis 17 Tractebel Engineering in Romania Products and services • • • • • • • • • October 2014 Project Development Energy transportation and distribution Consultancy for energy systems Power generation ► (Pre-) Feasibility ► Due Diligence ► Conceptual Design ► Contract specifications Renewable Energy Energy Efficiency Roads and Bridges Hydro-technical works Project Management ► ► ► ► Water and sewage networks Traffic Management EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility Owner’s Engineer Project Management Consultancy (PMC) EPCM (multi-package PMC) Basic and Detailed Design Installation Management ► ► ► ► ► Energy and Environment Risk Management and Safety Renovation projects Operator Support Systems Power System Analysis 18 SEFFs help companies afford better tehnologies Production lines Automation Compressors Energy Management Systems CNC machines Forklifts Motors Pumps Tractors Harvesters Cogeneration Insulation ‘termopan’ Heat recovery Biomass Lighting October 2014 Biogas Heating Ovens Solar EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility Boilers Small hydro … and more! Cooling/chilling 19 SEFFs finance companies from many sectors Metalworking Retail Plastics Textiles Hotels Food and drink Wood processing Machine building printing Agriculture October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility and many more… 20 … and many Romanian companies use the SEFFs October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 21 So far, credits of 97 MEUR for 220 investments + >14 MEUR in EU grants financed with EEFF, RoSEFF, MFFEE to September 2014 • From 2008 – EU EBRD EEFF – Energy Efficiency Finance Facility • From 2012 – EU EBRD MFFEE – Municipal Finance Facility for Energy Efficiency • From 2012 – EU EBRD RoSEFF – SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 22 AGENDA FOR TODAY 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why Sustainable Energy? 3. How to use RoSEFF 4. Eight selected RoSEFF investments October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 23 Why Sustainable Energy? Safe, clean and sustainable – a major challenge for the 21st Century • Meeting needs for heating, cooling, electric power and transportation • Without causing harmful repercussions for future generations • Displacing fossil fuels – on which we are today overwhelmingly dependent The good news is that we understand the problems of fossil fuels... • cost – we need to dig deeper and travel further to find oil, coal and gas • geopolitics – as lowest cost fossil fuels are far from energy markets, can lead to crises/conflicts • environment – as evidence mounts of negative impact the health of both humans and our planet ... and we know the solutions to lower our fossil fuel dependence • energy efficiency – doing more with less • renewable energy – capturing inexhaustible resources from the sun, earth, wind and water • behavioural change – finding ways to avoid energy use without impacting quality of life. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 24 Why Sustainable Energy? Safe, clean and sustainable – a major challenge for the 21st Century • Meeting needs for heating, cooling, electric power and transportation • Without causing harmful repercussions for future generations • Displacing fossil fuels – on which we are today overwhelmingly dependent The good news is that we understand the problems of fossil fuels... • cost – we need to dig deeper and travel further to find oil, coal and gas • geopolitics – as lowest cost fossil fuels are far from energy markets, can lead to crises/conflicts • environment – as evidence mounts of negative impact the health of both humans and our planet ... and we know the solutions to lower our fossil fuel dependence • energy efficiency – doing more with less • renewable energy – capturing inexhaustible resources from the sun, earth, wind and water • behavioural change – finding ways to avoid energy use without impacting quality of life. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 25 Why are so many Romanian companies investing in Sustainable Energy? October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 26 Most companies invest for purely financial reasons Investing to lower energy costs can be profitable October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 27 There are also many other reasons to invest… October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 27 28 Why borrow to invest in Sustainable Energy? Energy Efficiency • Many investments feature a clearly identifiable and often short term positive financial return. • Financial savings from lower energy bills provide a revenue stream to service the loan. • Monthly energy cost savings persist (continue to save energy/money) after the loan is repaid. • May feature non–energy benefits – such as increased productivity, better quality and perhaps other benefits associated with replacing older machines and production lines. There are often non-financial benefits – warmer, more comfortable, better lit, more productive working environment for employees – • Renewable Energy • Typically a more capital–intensive, longer term investment than energy efficiency • Becomes increasingly profitable over time, as energy costs rise but 'free energy' remains free 28 October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 29 Companies also invest to gain a competitive edge October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 30 Companies also invest to gain a competitive edge A scary thought… October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 31 Companies also invest to gain a competitive edge A scary thought… Do your competitors have lower utility costs? What is the impact… • on your competitiveness in a tough market? • on your profitability? • on your survival? October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 32 Companies also invest to gain a competitive edge A scary thought… Do your competitors have lower utility costs? What is the impact… • on your competitiveness in a tough market? • on your profitability? • on your survival? A reassuring solution… Invest in Sustainable Energy for your business! • Cut your utility bills by investing in energy efficiency • Seize opportunities to capture renewable energy October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 33 AGENDA 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why use RoSEFF? 3. How to use RoSEFF 4. Eight selected RoSEFF investments October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 34 Let’s start this section with an important keyword October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 35 Let’s start this section with a important keyword BUREAUCRACY October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 36 Let’s start this section with a important keyword BUREAUCRACY We don’t like it! October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 37 RoSEFF features two options – FAST & VERY FAST ‘Large or Complex’ investments ‘Small and Simple’ investments • Credits of up to 1 million Euro per investment. • For improving energy efficiency, or for introducing • Credits of up to 250,000 Euro per investment • For defined measures such as motors, pumps, • renewable energy solutions. Step-by-step support from Tractebel Engineering – financed by the EU through EBRD, so ‘free’ for the investor. • EU grants of 10% or (typically) 15%. Demonstrate Technical Eligibility with a free study from Tractebel Engineering in only 3 weeks. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility • LED lighting, boilers, burners, tractors, combine harvesters, ‘A++’ rated appliances, solar hot water systems, ‘termopan’, building insulation, ground source heat pumps, more… EU grants of 10% for one measure or 15% for two or more measures. Demonstrate Technical Eligibility by generating a certificate (‘AVIZ LEME’) online in 10 minutes. 38 FAST Procedure Large or Complex investments – LoE - REUP A few weeks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 • Discuss with consultant and your bank • Sign ‘Letter of Engagement’ (LoE) (5 minutes) • Green Light from the bank you selected • Technical Study (‘REUP’) - 3 weeks • Credit signature October 2014 Small and simple investments – online – AVIZ LEME A few days 1 2 3 4 5 • Complex investment - 1-12 months • Verification (maximum 1 month) • EU Grant paid in Euro March 2012 VERY FAST Procedure 38 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 6 7 • Review the LEME online • Generate an AVIZ LEME - 10 minutes • Credit analysis by the bank you selected • Credit signature • Simple investment - typically 1-4 weeks • Verification (maximum 1 month) • EU Grant paid in Euro 39 ‘Large or Complex’ investments – key steps Contact the RoSEFF Help Desk at Tractebel Engineering • • Discuss your investment proposal with a technical expert RoSEFF Help Desk – 031 224 8104,, We provide a tailored step-by-step response • Aim - to put your investment ‘on wheels’ as soon as possible Key events and documents • • • October 2014 ‘Letter of Engagement’ (download from – very short formal application form ‘Green Light’ – an ‘OK to start the study’ from the bank that you selected ‘Rational Energy Utilisation Plan’ (REUP) – free study to show that your investment is eligible EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 40 ‘Small and Simple’ investments - as easy as 1-2-3! 1. Find the List of Eligible Measures and Equipment (LEME) • • On the home page of See if the measure in which you would like to invest is listed on LEME 2. Print your ‘AVIZ LEME’ (Certificate of Technical Eligibility) • A ‘one stop shop’ document with step by step instructions about eligible costs, what to do next and much more. 3. Take your ‘AVIZ LEME’ to the bank • • • October 2014 BCR, BRD, Banca Transilvania or UniCredit Tiriac Bank Tell the bank you would like to invest using EU EBRD RoSEFF If your bank agrees to lend, you will automatically qualify for the corresponding EU grant EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 41 1. Find the List of Eligible Measures and Equipment LEME October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 42 2. Print your ‘AVIZ LEME’ - Electric motors with VSDs - Electric pumps with VSDs - Appliances: A++ and A+++ - EMS and BEMS - For the measure(s) of your choice from ‘LEME’ Wall and roof insulation Termopan glazing Industrial doors Window film Jalousies and shading - ‘A’ rated lamps - LED lighting - Natural lighting - Compressors - Tractors - Combine harvesters October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility - Solar hot water systems - Biomass boilers - Biogas systems - Condensing boilers - Other boilers - Burners - Infra-red gas heaters - Very small-scale cogeneration (up to 250k EUR) - Ground source heat pump systems 43 3. Take your ‘AVIZ LEME’ to the bank ‘AVIZ LEME’ is a one-stop-shop document • • • Step-by-step guide to financing your energy efficiency or renewable energy investment Demonstrates that the equipment you selected is eligible to be financed using RoSEFF Clearly defines eligible costs (e.g. installation and delivery costs are eligible for some measures) Your bank should already have a copy of your ‘AVIZ LEME’ • … but maybe not your branch… so it is better to print it and take it with you If your bank agrees to lend, you qualify for an EU grant! • • October 2014 10% of eligible credit if you select one measure from LEME (e.g. a boiler); 15% of eligible credit value if you select multiple measures (e.g. a boiler and a compressor) EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 44 Taking the first step is easy! Apply online… … or get in touch with our friendly expert team in Bucharest RoSEFF Help Desk Tel. 031 22 48 104 October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 45 You may also take the first step through your bank Click the logo of the bank you prefer October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility You will find links to the RoSEFF product page of each partner bank at 46 AGENDA 1. What is RoSEFF? 2. Why use RoSEFF? 3. How to use RoSEFF 4. Eight selected RoSEFF investments October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 47 93 of 220 SEFF investments so far are with RoSEFF … so here is a representative sample of eight ‘Large or Complex’ With ‘free’ REUP Max. credit 1 million Euro EU Grants 10% or (typically) 15% ‘Small and Simple’ Selected from ‘LEME’ Max. credit 250,000 Euro EU Grants 10% (one measure), 15% (multiple measures) 1. Small hydro – Alba 1. Tractor, compressor and more in Prahova 2. Plastic extrusion – Mureş 2. Biomass boiler and LED lighting in Maramureş 3. Metalworking in Cluj 3. Combine harvesters in Prahova and Constanţa 4. Food processing in Dâmbovița 5. Biomass Cogeneration in Suceava October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 48 Small hydro refurbishment in Alba County Uzinsider General Contractor (UGC) Has a small portfolio of hydro plants on River Firiza, Maramureș; River Târnava Mare, Harghita; and River Cerna, Hunedoara. Built a small hydro on the existing Mihoeşti Dam on River Arieş • 2 x Kaplan Horizontal turbines of 1,236 kW each Tractebel Engineering carried out two studies • An Environmental Impact Assessment to check that the investment meets environmental criteria set by EBRD; • A Rational Energy Utilisation Plan (REUP) to demonstrate the main financial, economic and technical aspects of the investment to the investor, its financiers and the EU. • Studies were both financed by the EU, so ‘free’ for UGC. The investment was financed with the help of a RoSEFF credit of 900 000 Euro from Banca Transilvania October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 49 An energy efficiency trail blazer in Târgu Mureş! Indra Import Export – a plastic producer Indra, who produces polyethylene foils, shrinkable foils, bags and more • Had already invested in energy efficiency using the EEFF; and • Became the very first company to use the RoSEFF Installed a new cooling system for an extruder, enabling • a 60% increase in production capacity • a 30% fall in specific energy consumption. Replaced a screw-cylinder assembly on another extruder • A 100% increase in production capacity • A 50% fall in specific energy consumption These investments, which pay back from energy savings in only 14 months, were financed using a RoSEFF credit of around 41,000 Euro from Banca Comercială Română and qualified for a 15% EU grant. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 50 Energy-efficient stainless steel in Cluj Profinox – a metalworking company Makes a range of stainless steel products • Structures, pipework, tanks and reservoirs. • Items for the food and pharmaceutical industries Replaced a hydraulic press brake machine • An energy-inefficient old unit, dating from 1992, with: • A new Colly PS 3000 hydraulic press brake with adjustable force The • • • investment brought both energy savings and a capacity increase 2.5 times increase in production capacity 11% absolute energy saving; which represents A specific energy saving (per manufactured item) of 64%. Profinox partially financed the new machine with a 80,000 Euro RoSEFF credit from BRD Groupe Société Générale, and qualified for a 15% EU Grant through RoSEFF. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility Before After 51 A cool investment in Târgovişte Cicom – the manufacturer of ‘Happy’ ice-cream Invested in a range of measures to improve energy efficiency • An ice cream hardening tunnel • Two additional refrigerating chambers • Upgrading five existing refrigeration chambers • Replacing the technological line for ice cream pasteurisation Received a Rational Energy Utilisation Plan by Tractebel Engineering • The ‘REUP’ demonstrated that the investments brought total primary energy savings of 564 MWh/year • Part of the ‘free’ technical consultancy that investors who use RoSEFF receive, financed by the European Union. Financed with the help of a RoSEFF credit of 192,000 Euro from UniCredit Ţiriac Bank, and a 15% Grant from the EU. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 52 Wood-waste-fired cogeneration in Suceava Saucolemn – a forestry and furniture company A ‘from the tree to the product‘ wood processing company • forestry, transportation, timber processing, steaming and drying • producing beech and oak panels, staircases, doors, windows, tables chairs Tractebel Engineering provided EU-financed technical consultancy • Helped Saucolemn choose an optimal cogeneration system using woodwaste to create heat and power for its operational needs. System will produce 21.6 GWh per year • 82% as heat for wood steaming and drying; • 18% as power to meet own needs and to sell to the grid. Carbon neutral energy solution • Will qualify for maximum 15% EU Grant 916,000 Euro investment, 85% of which RoSEFF credit from Banca Transilvania. October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 53 Multiple LEME investments in Drăgăneşti, Prahova Aligrig Agro – a farm Invested in both energy efficiency and renewable energy • a FIAC compressor • a new LED lighting system • a Buderus Logano biomass boiler • a New Holland tractor All selected from the List of Eligible Measures and Equipment • Generated a Certificate of Technical Eligibility online • Qualified for a 15% grant from the European Union. Financed with a RoSEFF credit of 66,000 Euro from BCR October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 54 Biomass boiler and LED lighting in Maramureș Xpert Project, Coroieni A wood processing company Invested in both energy efficiency and renewable energy • A LED lighting system • A sawdust-fired KS-ATR-1000 hot water boiler Used the RoSEFF 'fast track' procedure • List of Eligible Measures and Equipment • Generated certificates of technical eligibility in minutes Carried out two separate LEME measures with the same credit • So qualified for the maximum EU Grant of 15% Financed by BRD Groupe Société Générale with a RoSEFF credit of around 50 000 Euro October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 55 Combination of combines in Prahova and Constanţa 300 km apart – same energy saving idea Cedagro Plant of Prahova and Argonaut of Constanţa are both farms: • Each selected an energy-efficient Class Tucano 430 combine harvester with Mercedes motor from the RoSEFF List of Eligible Measures and Equipment (LEME) Each generated an AVIZE LEME online at in minutes • This, and other harvesters, appear on LEME as they meets the eligibility criterion of maximum diesel consumption 230 g/kW. Each qualified for a 10% grant from the EU through RoSEFF • As the rule for ‘Small and Simple’ investments is a 10% EU grant for a single measure, 15% EU grant for multiple measures. Each financed its investment RoSEFF credits from UniCredit Ţiriac Bank October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 56 Conclusion – apply for RoSEFF financing today! 1. Financing of up to 1 million Euro 2. Free (EU-financed) technical consultancy from Tractebel Engineering 3. EU Grants of up to 150,000 Euro 4. Permanently lower energy bills 5. Fast! October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 57 Questions? October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility 58 Vă mulțumesc pentru atenție Contact RoSEFF Help Desk Tel. 031 22 48 104 Financed with the support of the European Union October 2014 EU EBRD Romania SME Sustainable Energy Finance Facility
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