PRODUKTINFORMATION 5-Serie 5100 5110 5120 01 / 2013 1 01 / 2013 2 5-Serie Model “Fuld gas effekt (2000/25 EC), hk Maks. effekt (2000/25 EC), hk 5100 95 98.5 5110 105 110 5120 116 122 Motor Tier 4i Deutz 4TI / 3620 Common rail Den nye DEUTZ-FAHR 5-SERIE. Nyd stortraktorens komfort og effektivitet i en mellem-klasse traktor. 5-Serien bygger videre på gennemprøvet Deutz-Fahr kvalitet, tilført en række andre værdifulde funktioner og udstyrselementer. Endnu mere power og styrke Endnu mere komfort Endnu mere betjenings-muligheder Endnu mere manøvredygtighed og funktionalitet Endnu mere stil og appeal til føreren 01 / 2013 3 Stil & design 01 / 2013 5-Serie 4 5-Serie 5-SERIE standard Transmissions-muligheder x 10 alt. 20 x 20 alt. 30 x 30 alt 60 x 60 5-SERIE “P” 10 Transmission muligheder 30 x 30 eller 60 x 60 Mekanisk skift eller 3-trins Powershift 3-trins Powershift standard - Automatisk Powershift (APS) - Speedmatching - Kabine- og forakselaffjedring (ekstra.) HER + Mekaniske hydraulikventiler HER + El-ventiler - ComforTip foragerautomatik 01 / 2013 5 5-serie Udstyr Den nye DF 5-SERIE – den fleksible al-rounder Den ideelle løsning til alle bedriftsformer Superb ny E-Class kabine med mulighed for mekanisk eller luftaffjedring. Rummelig, og md et højt niveau af automatiske betjeninger der muliggør øget produktivitet og højere komfort. ComforTip foragerautomatik letter de gentagne funktioner på forageren. Ny kraftig, men nøjsom Deutz Tier 4i commonrail motor. Fremragende liftkapacitet med op til 6600 kp løfteevne. Op til 5 DV olieudtag og op til 90 liter hydraulikpumpe med eco-bypass-system. Power Shuttle. 3-trins Powershift med automatic Powershift på P og speed matching transmission på alle med powershift. Optional forakselaffjedring for højere kørekomfort og større stabilitet ved hurtig transport. 01 / 2013 6 5-serie Den nye DF 5-SERIE – Den idelle løsning til alle bedriftsformer Universal traktor – til landbrugets mangfoldige opgaver Kompakt og manøvredygtig. Den helt idelle læssertraktor Fremragende udsyn hele vejen rundt. Glastaglem giver uhindret udsyn opad ved f.eks ballestabling. Større sikkerhed ved læsseopgaver. Store, brede døre I begge sider muliggør legende let ind- og udstigning. Kraftfuld Deutz 4-cylinder motor og heavy duty foraksel med mulighed for forakselaffjedring. 40 km/h med stærkt reduceret omdrejningstal giver fremragende transportegenskaber. 01 / 2013 7 Series 5 Den nye DF 5-SERIE – Den idelle løsning til alle bedriftsformer Grønsager og specialafgrøder Helt ny og rummelig E-Class kabine med fremragende udsyn, så føreren let kan foretage en effektiv overvågning, ved både såning, plantepleje og optagning Højeffektivt hydraulikanlæg med op til 90 l/min, muliggør anvendelse af ethvert krævende redskab til specialsektoren og til allle andre hydrauliske maskiner Flere transmissionsmuligheder. Hastigheder ned til 134 m/h ved fuld gas, I tomgang ca. 50 m/h! Meget store hjul og lav egenvægt, minimerer strukturskader via højt marktryk. Ned til ca. 4000 kg egenvægt. 01 / 2013 8 Deutz motor 5-Serie Motortype TCD 3.6 L04 DCR Deutz – 4 cyl. / 3620 ccm Turbo / Intercooler Common Rail 1600 bar rail-tryk EGR – External Gas Recirculation emissionskontrol Emissions efterbehandling – DOC Diesel Oxidation Catalysator, og POC Partikel-Oxidations Catalysator 01 / 2013 9 Motor Model 5-Serie 5100 Motortype, DEUTZ Cylinder / volumen / indsprøjtning Boring / Slaglængde 5110 5120 TCD 3.6 L04 stk/ccm 4 T I / 3.620 / Common Rail mm 98 / 120 Maksimal effekt @ rpm hk 98,5 @ 2.000 110 @ 2.000 122 @ 2.000 Effekt @ fuld “gas” hk 95@ 2.200 105 @ 2.200 116 @ 2.200 Maximal moment @ rpm Nm 397 @ 1.600 440 @ 1.600 480 @ 1.600 Momentstigning % 32 32 30 Brændstoftank-kapacitet l 165 01 / 2013 10 Tier 3b / 4i emission legislation. The emission legislation was set up back in 1996 and was aimed at reducing the amount of pollutant which was in the form of particulate matter (PM) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) What is particulate matter and oxides of nitrogen? Particulate matter is called "smoke" because it comes out of the exhaust pipe in the form of smoke. It's essentially an incomplete combustion of diesel fuel. Oxides of nitrogen, or NOx, are sometimes called "smog" because they contribute to the formation of atmospheric pollution. 01 / 2013 11 Deutz motor Motortype TCD 3.6 L04 DCR 5-Serie Emissions efterbehandling Rensning efter forbrænding via DOC catalysatorenhed Enheden er placeret over motoren Kræver ingen service. Kræver ikke AdBlue. 01 / 2013 12 5-Serie Emissions-behandling med DOC Hvad DOC? DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalysator) er en special catalysator, som reagerer på kontakt med udstødningsgasser, hvorved mængden af kul-monooxider og kvælstofgasser, samt mængden af partikler (PM), reduceres. Er ikke et filter, men reducerer skadelige stoffer som HC og CO, samt reducerer partiklernes indhold af HC Lavt modtryk i udstødningen Ingen aktiv regenerering er nødvendig Renere udstødningsgas DOC-indgang: Større koncentration af partikler (PM) 01 / 2013 13 Deutz motor 5-serie Motor type TCD 3.6 L04 DCR Hvorfor ikke SCR emissionskontrol ? Enklere løsning til denne motorstørrelse Fylder mindre, og emissions-systemet egner sig bedre til traktorer, der kører mindre i fuld last tilstand 01 / 2013 14 Deutz motor Engine type TCD 3.6 L04 DCR 5-serie EGR emissionskontrol External Gas Recirculation En vis procentdel af udstødningsgassen tages fra, køles og recirkuleres til indsugningsmanifolden og blandes med det normale luftindtag Mængden heraf styres og overvåges elektronisk Støbt EGR aluminiumsmodul EGR-ventil med elektronisk styring 01 / 2013 15 Deutz motor 5-serie DF 5100 Konstant-effekt-område 1800 – 2200 rpm Maks. effekt: 98,5 hk @ 2000 rpm Maks. moment: 397 Nm @ 1600 rpm Moment-stigning: 32 % 01 / 2013 16 Deutz Engine Series 5 DF 5110 Constant Power range 1800 – 2200 rpm Max power: 110 Hp @ 2000 rpm Max torque: 440 Nm @ 1600 rpm Torque rise: 32 % 01 / 2013 17 Deutz motor 5-serie DF 5120 Konstant-effekt-område 1800 – 2200 rpm Konstant-moment-område 1700 – 1450 rpm Maks. effekt: 122 hk @ 2000 rpm Maks. moment: 480 Nm @ 1600 rpm Momentstigning: 30 % 01 / 2013 18 Kølerrensning 5-serie Oliekøler trækkes til siden. Skærm foran hovedkøleren fanger hovedparten af urenhederne. Nem adgang uden brug af værktøj. 01 / 2013 19 Visco-køleblæser 5-serien Viscokøleblæser på alle modellerne Viscostatic køleblæser sikrer effektiv kølilng og minimal effektbehov. 01 / 2013 20 Motor-tempomat 5-serie Dobbelt motor-tempomat Føreren kan indprogrammere to omdrejningstal, som kan anvendes via trykknap under kørselen. 01 / 2013 21 Motor-tempomat Dobbelt motor-tempomat Aktivering: Find omdrejningstallet, tryk knappen ind og hold den inde i mere end 2 sekunder. 5-serie Omdrejningstallet kan vælges med enten hånd- eller fodgas. 01 / 2013 22 Motor-tempomat 5-serie Fordele ved brug af tempomat Større kapacitet via hurtigere vendinger på forageren Ingen tidkrævende søgen efter omdrejningstal Præcist omdrejningstal, hver gang. Forbedret brændstof-effektivitet via konstant omdrejningstal 01 / 2013 23 5-serie Transmission og PTO 01 / 2013 24 Transmission 5-serie Power Shuttle Stop&Go Powershift Hastighed min* Hastighed maks* Hydraulisk P-bremse 10 + 10 5 gear 2 grupper STANDARD STANDARD - 3,5 Km/h 41,1 Km/h STANDARD 20 + 20 5 gear 4 grupper STANDARD STANDARD - 162 m/h 41,1 Km/h STANDARD 30 + 30 5 gear 3-trins powershift 2 grupper STANDARD STANDARD HML 2,9 Km/h 49,4 Km/h** STANDARD 60 + 60 5 gear 3-trins powershift 4 grupper STANDARD STANDARD HML 134 m/h 49,4 Km/h** STANDARD Transmission * Ved fuld “gas” ** Afhængig af lokal lovgivning 01 / 2013 25 Transmission 5-serie Nøglepunkter vedrørende transmission Flere muligheder, som kan tilpasses kundens behov Powershuttle med indstillelig tilkoblingshastighed, SenceClutch STOP & GO funktion A PS (Automatic Powershift) Speed matching 50 km/h eller 40 km/h med lav RPM Krybegear, helt ned til 134 m/h, i tomgang ca. 50 m/h! 01 / 2013 26 Transmission 5-serie TRANSMISSION 10+10 3.4 5 7 9.7 12.9 11 16 22.9 31 41 01 / 2013 27 Transmission 2.9 3.4 4.1 5-serie TRANSMISSION 30+30 4.2 5 6 6 7 8.6 8 9.7 11.7 10.7 12.8 15.5 9 11 13 13.4 16 19.4 18.5 22.8 27.5 25.8 30.8 37 34 41 49 01 / 2013 28 APS & SpeedMatching 5-serie APS (Automatic PowerShift) ( P modeller) Speed Matching 9 11 13 13.4 Mere komfort 16 19.4 18.5 22.8 27.5 25.8 30.8 37 34 41 49 01 / 2013 29 APS 5-serie P modeller APS – Automatic Powershift Automatisk skift af powershifttrin, i afhængighed af omdrejningstal og belastning APS aktiveres ved at trykke på kontakten på gearstangen. “SENSE” –potentiometret ændrer parametrene for det automatiske skift. Ved at dreje potentiometret vælges hurtigere eller langsommere skift. 01 / 2013 30 Powershuttle 5-serie Indstillelig Powershuttle Position Indstillingstrin Position +2 HÅRD +2 Postion +1 HÅRD +1 Position 0 MEDIUM Position -1 SOFT -1 Position -2 SOFT -2 Valgte trin vises i “A” –søjle displayet 5 mulige trin Traktoren starter i Medium, position O, kan ændres under kørslen med “rulle”-kontakten Tilpasning af vendefunktionen til enhver opgave. 01 / 2013 31 Stop & Go 5-serie STOP & GO Når Stop&Go kontakten er aktiveret, stopper udkobler traktoren bare ved tryk på bremsen. Virker i området fra 0 – 10 km/h. Slippes bremsepedalen, kører traktoren videre med den aktuelle hastighed. Ideelt ved til-/frakobling af redskaber og ved frontlæsser kørsel, samt iøvrigt hvor hyppige start og stop forekommer. 01 / 2013 32 5-serie PTO Effektive PTO-muligheder Helt uafhængigt system Betjening af PTO bag Aktivering af Auto-PTO Betjening af front-PTO 540 og 1000 PTO forvalg Standard og Economy PTO forvalg Kørselsafhængig PTO (ekstraudstyr) 01 / 2013 33 Series 5 Axles, Steering, Brakes 01 / 2013 34 Front axle options Model / Traction 5100 5110 5120 SERIES 5 (Standard models) 4 WD 2 WD 4 WD 4 WD SERIES 5 (P models) 4 WD 2 WD 4 WD 4 WD 2-wheel drive front axle with brakes Only available for model 5110 – Max. loading 1800 Kg Front Axle 4WD Available for models 5100 and 5110 – Max. loading 3,000 kg Front Axle 4WD Available for model 5120 – Max. loading 3,500 kg 01 / 2013 35 Front axle suspension Series 5 Front axle suspension option ( P Models) Absorbs any vibration encountered by the front axle and enhances the ride quality in the cab. Greater contact with the ground (Traction, stability). No sway or pitching movement when fitted with front loader. Push button engage / disengagement. Can be locked during heavy draft work (i.e ploughing) Improved comfort both on the road and in the field. 01 / 2013 36 ASM (Axle System Management) Series 5 ASM Standard on all models Automatic engage / disengage of 4WD and diff locks Increases productivity through faster headland turns Less repetitive control operations 01 / 2013 37 SDD (Steering Double Displacement) Series 5 SDD option Push button engagement of SDD Standard steering “SDD” steering Steering pump flow 160 cc SDD OFF 125 cc SDD ON 250 cc Steering wheel turns 3,5 4,5 2,2 Less turns of the wheel from lock to lock through increased pump flow. Push button activation Automatically deactivates and returns to standard steering operation above 16 km/h 01 / 2013 38 SDD (Steering Double Displacement) Series 5 SDD option Push button engagement of SDD Standard steering “SDD” steering Steering pump flow 160 cc SDD OFF 125 cc SDD ON 250 cc Steering wheel turns 3,5 4,5 2,2 Increases productivity through faster headland turns Ideal when operating front loaders 01 / 2013 39 Braking Series 5 Power Brakes ( P Models) Power boosted brakes. Safe and effective braking Low pedal effort. Up to -30% less effort Accumulator allows up to 10 emergency braking operations Park Brake (All models) Positive locking of the main service brakes Unique braking system covered by International patents. 01 / 2013 40 Series 5 Hydraulics 01 / 2013 41 Series 5 Hydraulics Hydraulic system with 60 l/min pump – Auxliary valve options Pump Max. Pump output l/min N° of valves Control Note 1 Single 60 3 Mechanical Without flow regulation 2 Single 60 3 Mechanical With flow regulation 3 Single 60 3 + Front hitch Mechanical With flow regulation 4 Single 60 4 Mechanical With flow regulation Hydraulic system with 60 l/min ECO pump (Maximum pump output at reduced engine rpm) Pump 5 6 Double Double Max. Pump output l/min 60 ECO 60 ECO N° of valves 3 + Front hitch 4 Control Note Mechanical With flow regulation and max. Pump flow @ 1600 engine rpm Mechanical With flow regulation and max. Pump flow @ 1600 engine rpm 01 / 2013 42 Auxiliary valves Hydraulic system 60 l/min “ECO” 80 Lower engine rpm – maximum flow output. Fuel saving efficiency 70 60 L/min @ 1600 rpm 60 Oil flow (L/min) 50 40 30 d gage sen w di o l f ECO 20 10 0 1000 1200 1400 1600 01 / 2013 1800 2000 2200 43 Series 5 Hydraulics Hydraulic system 90 l/min (P Models) Pump Max. Pump output l/min N° of valves Control Note 1 Double 90 3 Electro-hydraulic With flow and timer control 2 Double 90 3 + Front Hitch Electro-hydraulic With flow and timer control 3 Double 90 4 Electro-hydraulic With flow and timer control 4 Double 90 4 + Front Hitch Electro-hydraulic With flow and timer control 5 Double 90 5 Electro-hydraulic With flow and timer control Double Only available with 90L pump system Power Beyond 01 / 2013 44 Hydraulics Series 5 Hydraulic Load sensing / “Energy Saving” system (90L / min system only) Oil from the pumps go to a “Flow sensing” valve. If there is no requirement from the hitch or auxiliary valves, the oil will return to the transmission. Flow sensing valve Return to transmission Reduced power consumption. Reduced heat generated. Hitch valve 01 / 2013 45 Series 5 Hydraulics Chart 1 = Single Pump - Flow sensing valve not activated. Chart 2 = Double Pump - Flow sensing valve not activated. Hydraulic Load sensing / “Energy Saving” system (90L / min system only) Chart 3 = Double Pump - Flow sensing valve is activated. e p u o mDo yP t u3eam u) o yP t uD ( u3l am ea( m 01 / 2013 46 Auxiliary valves (Standard models) Series 5 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 01 / 2013 47 Auxiliary valves Series 5 P Models – Electronic auxiliary valves Press and hold the unlock button to engage 01 / 2013 48 Hydraulics Series 5 Auxiliary valve flow control (P Models) Pressing the flow control programming button allows the procedure to be carried out. Select the required valve within 5 seconds . Flow is set in percentage (%) terms. 100% = Max. flow 01 / 2013 49 Auxiliary valves Series 5 Auxiliary valve timer control (“KICK-OUT” Mode) P Models KICK-OUT mode remains active for a pre-set time period, determined by the position of the timer setting control knob. The timer is measured in seconds (1 – 40) Timer available for valves No. 3, 4 & 5 Timed operations reduces workload during end of row turning. 01 / 2013 50 Series 5 Hydraulics PULSE DETENT KICK-OUT Pulse – Normal valve operation. For valves 3, 4 & 5 dial fully to left. Detent – For operations which require constant flow. Turn dial fully to the right. Kick-out – Timer controlled. Not available for valves 1 & 2 (Joystick) Control operation FLOAT PULSE KICK-OUT DETENT Flow Control 1 • • o o • 2 • • o o • 3 • • • • • 4 • • • • • 5 • • • • • N° Valve 01 / 2013 Float – Mechanical lock position with valve lever pushed fully forward • function available o function not available 51 Hitch controls Dedicated, simple to use hitch controls Dedicated STOP button to pause hitch operation Hitch setting controls Optional wheel slip control on Infinity models Grouped together for convenient use and adjustment 01 / 2013 52 Rear hitch control switch Series 5 In cab hitch remote control switch A switch mounted in the rear right-hand console allows the driver to operate the rear linkage. Enhances implement coupling Safer hitching / unhitching of implements Time saving 01 / 2013 53 Class E Cab Series 5 Large interior cab area One of the largest cab areas in its class Over 1.5metres front to rear screen Superb all-round visibility Opening roof window Large forward glass area Rear window with lower glass panel Rear opening side windows Wide opening door Roof and floor ventilation outlets 10 vents located around the cab Optional cab suspension Mechanical or Pneumatic 01 / 2013 54 Series 5 Class E Cab Interior Cab dimensions comparison NOTE: MF 5400 has a 3-level roof with the lowest part at the front screen. DF 5110 NH T5.115 MF 5400 JD 6125M Claas 420 Kubota M110 GX Door Opening 960mm 920mm 930mm 840mm 990mm 920mm Interior height (Floor to roof) 1540mm 1470mm 1580mm 1460mm 1620mm Interior width (Between “B” posts) 1140mm 1220mm 1330mm 1410mm 1310mm 4 Post Interior width (Between doors) 1450mm 1500mm 1550mm 1480mm 1500mm 1610mm Interior depth (Front to rear screen) 1550mm 1500mm 1560mm 1500mm 1510mm 1550mm 1300 1380 1550 01 / 2013 55 Class E Cab Series 5 Interior Cab dimensions comparison Conclusion SERIES 5 has one of the widest opening door in its class. Easy entry and exit Floor to roof height provides one of the best upwards view. Ideal loader tractor Curved glass doors ensures generous width and plenty of sideways area and vision SERIES 5 has one of the longest areas (front to rear) of all the tractors measured to ensure good operator seat movement. 01 / 2013 56 Lower mounted front wiper with Excellent seat position for outstanding cleaning arc accessing operating controls Modern and stylish steering Colour coded operating controls console with “Soft Grip” wheel for easy identification Passenger seat option Storage facilities for drinks and Flat deck floor and pendant type pedals allow easy cleaning documents 01 / 2013 57 Class E Cab Series 5 Storage areas. Covered storage compartments. Mobile phone holder in “B” post Cup and drinks holders Open storage for quick accessibility 01 / 2013 58 Class E Cab Series 5 Climate control option Simply dial in the required in-cab temperature and the ventilation system will automatically maintain that temperature. “ Set and forget” temperature control Opening rear side windows Allows natural ventilation without filling the cab full of dust. 01 / 2013 59 Class E Cab Series 5 Passenger seat Upward hinged when not in use to allow greater space for entry. Padded seat for better comfort and appearance. Adjustable back rest. Retractable seat belt. 01 / 2013 60 Class E Cab Series 5 “A” post display monitor A large multi-functional display screen. The screen is split into sections and allows quick check of operating speed. Work display settings can be changed and edited (Eg Auto PTO disengage lift height or wheel size changes) Large, clear sectional display screen. Coloured, anti-glare screen. All operating speeds clearly visible to the driver. Work display can be set to suit the individual machine and operation. 01 / 2013 61 Class E Cab Series 5 Lighting console Modern and stylish new light console. Lights can be switched on and off in work groups. Up to 10 work lights can be fitted. Terminal allowing additional work lights on an implement or trailer to be switched on. 01 / 2013 62 Class E Cab Series 5 A selection of internal electrical connectors. Located close to the cable access facility. ISOBUS connection socket 01 / 2013 63 Series 5 Class E Cab Mechanical cab suspension Stand alone system which is permanently active. No power source requirements to activate the system. Simple, maintenance free system ensuring greater operator comfort without suspension With front axle suspension With cab suspension Optional Pneumatic cab Suspension ( P models only) combined front axle and cab suspension 01 / 2013 64 Management Systems Series 5 ASM (Axle System Management) Standard on all models Automatic engage/disengage of the front axle drive and both front and rear diff locks / 2013 headland turns. Enhanced productivity through01faster 65 Comfortip Headland Management Series 5 Comfortip Headland Management option (P Models) Programmes or recalls a sequence of control operations. Simple push button operation during headland turns. Eliminates the repetitive operating functions 01 / and 2013 reduces turn-round time. 66 Comfortip Headland Management Series 5 Activation button Comfortip Headland Management Enable button Decide the sequence of operations and press the relevant control button or switch. The controls selected will appear on the “A” post display panel. Simply press the activation button to move to the next operation Enhanced productivity Prevention of operating errors through repetitive operations Customised to suit the particular operation 01 / 2013 67 REMEMBER !!! SERIES 5 has one of the best engines on the market in terms of power and pulling ability. SERIES 5 offers a specification choice which can be tailored to suit the individual customer. (Standard model specification or high level specification on P models) SERIES 5 offers unique features that can not be found in this horsepower category (Engine speed programming, Stop & Go, Front and rear suspension option, Comfortip option, 50kph) SERIES 5 has one of the best cabs on the market in terms of internal space, all-round visibility and instrumentation SERIES 5 exceeds many of the competitors by offering greater hydraulic lifting capacity and higher flow rate which many professional farmers are demanding 01 / 2013 68 Thank you 01 / 2013 69
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