Schedule of Decisions Cabinet Meeting 4 November 2014 Introduction This schedule sets out the decisions to be made by the Cabinet at its meeting on 4 November 2014. The Cabinet is comprised of; Councillors Mick Henry; Catherine Donovan; Angela Douglas; Mary Foy; Martin Gannon; Malcolm Graham; Linda Green; John McElroy; Michael McNestry and Peter Mole The decisions listed in the schedule include Key and Non Key decisions. A Key decision is one which is likely to; result in the Council incurring expenditure, or making savings in excess of £250,000 OR to have significant impact on two or more wards. A Non Key decision is either a decision which does not meet the criteria of a Key decision OR is a recommendation to Council, whereby Cabinet will be recommending to Council the adoption or amendment of a policy. The schedule also sets out which decisions will be made in private. Anyone wishing to comment or make representations on any item in this schedule should contact the Strategic Director, Legal and Corporate Services at Gateshead Council, Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead NE8 1HH (telephone 0191 433 2100). Publication Date: 8 October 2014 Published by Democratic Services Gateshead Council Civic Centre Regent Street Gateshead NE8 1HH 2 SCHEDULE OF DECISIONS CABINET MEETING – 4 NOVEMBER 2014 1. Issue Abbotsford Road Key decision Purpose To seek approval to the freehold sale of Abbotsford Road Contact: Steven Hayles Property Manager Tel: 0191 433 3466 Email: Meeting Type This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. "In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs." Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet 3 2. Key decision Meeting Type Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 3. Key decision Issue Contract for Human Resources And Payroll Management System Software Purpose To gain cabinet approval to accept the recommended tender. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Tel: 0191 4335961 Email: Open to the public Cabinet Report Issue Contract for the Lease of Fitness Equipment for various leisure facilities across the borough of Gateshead Purpose To gain cabinet approval to accept the recommended tender. Meeting Type Contact: Deborah McNulty Corporate Procurement Manager Contact: Deborah McNulty Corporate Procurement Manager Tel: 0191 4335961 Email: Open to the public Cabinet Report 4 4. Key Decision Issue Contact: Selective Part – Night Street Ian Gibson Lighting Traffic Planning Manager Tel: 0191 433 3100 Purpose Approval sought to switch off street lights on certain roads Email: at certain times. Approval sought to consult wrt strategy for dimming street lights in residential areas Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Cabinet report 5. Issue Contact: Gateshead Review of Lindsay Murray Service Director, Communities, Key Decision Community Centres – Implementation of Phase 3 Neighbourhoods and Volunteers Purpose Tel: 0191 433 2794 The purpose of the report is to update Cabinet on the implementation of Phases 2 Email: and 3 and present options for the remaining centres in phase 3. Meeting Type The report should be considered when the meeting is open to the public. The options for implementation that Cabinet will be asked to agree will be based detailed area analysis, consultation with councillors through Ward Liaison Meetings and discussions with Community Centre Management Committees. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report Cabinet Report appendix Summary of the options Summary of the status of each community centre 5 6. Key Decision Issue Gateshead Town Centre District Energy Scheme – Purpose To seek approval to appoint contractors to supply and maintain combine heat and power engines, and to construct the multi-utility network for Gateshead Town Centre district energy scheme. Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Contact: Peter Udall, Service Director, Property and Design Services Tel: 0191 433 2901 Email: A detailed report (and such other documents as may be relevant to and required to the decision) will be submitted to Cabinet. 6 7. Key Decision Issue Housing Repairs and Maintenance Contract Purpose To seek Cabinet approval to the extension of Council Housing Repairs and Maintenance contract Contact: Peter Udall Service Director Property and Design Tel: 0191 433 2901 Email: Meeting Type *This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. "In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs." Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet 7 8. Issue Gateshead Quays Key Decision Purpose To seek approval to procure a Development Partner for the site. Contact: Kerry Dunn Senior Economic Development Officer Tel: 0191 433 2858 Email: Meeting Type This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. "In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs." Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet 8 9. Non Key Decision Issue Agile Working Policy Purpose To propose a new Agile Working Policy (incorporating the current Working at Home Policy) to ensure the new working practices within the Council are covered by policy and procedure. Contact: Jeff Dean Service Director, HR & OD Tel: 0191 4332250 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Committee Report and the proposed/amended policy only 10. Issue Leave Policy Non Key Decision Purpose To propose the adoption of a Leave Policy which incorporates all leave currently offered within the Council. Contact: Jeff Dean Service Director, HR & OD Tel: 0191 4332250 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Committee Report and 1proposed/amended policy only 9 11. Non Key Decision Issue Social Media Policy Purpose To propose a new Social Media Policy to ensure Managers & employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities. Contact: Jeff Dean Service Director, HR & OD Tel: 0191 4332250 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Committee Report and the proposed/amended policy only 12. Issue Code of Conduct Policy Non Key Decision Purpose To propose amendments to the Code of Conduct Policy to reflect recent legislative changes. Contact: Jeff Dean Service Director, HR & OD Tel: 0191 4332250 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Committee Report and 1proposed/amended policy only 10 13. Non Key Decision Issue Whistle Blowing Policy Purpose To propose amendments to the Whistle Blowing Policy to reflect recent changes proposed by the Whistleblowing Commission. Contact: Jeff Dean Service Director, HR & OD Tel: 0191 4332250 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Committee Report and the proposed/amended policy only 14. Issue Budget Consultation 20152017 Non Key Decision Purpose To seek Cabinet approval to consult on proposals to inform the budget setting process for 2015/16 and budget planning for 2016/17. Contact: Iain Burns Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive Tel 0191 4332184 Email: Meeting Type Open to public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Cabinet report 11 15. Issue Implications for the Appointment of Local Non Key Authority Governors due to Decision the Statutory Requirement for All Maintained Schools to Reconstitute by September 2015 Purpose Cabinet is asked to: Consider the implications of the Statutory guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) which states that all maintained school governing bodies (including governing bodies of federations) are required to be constituted under the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012 or the School Governance (Federations) (England) Regulations 2012, as appropriate, by 1 September 2015. Meeting Type Open to the public Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Contact: Jacqui Ridley School Governors Team Manager Tel: 0191 413 8624 Email: No other documents to be submitted 12 16. Non Key Decision Issue Derelict Annex off Bewick Way Contact: Steven Hayles Property Manager Tel: 0191 433 3466 Purpose To seek Cabinet approval for Email: the demolition of the property Meeting Type . *This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. "In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs." Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet 13 17. Non Key Decision Issue Home Affairs Committee – Inquiry into Policing and Mental Health Contact: Ruth Gaul Service Manager Tel: 0191 433 2378 Purpose Email: To inform Cabinet about Gateshead Council’s response to the government’s consultation to strengthen the current law on domestic abuse Meeting Type Open to the Public Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 18. Non Key Decision Consultation Response Issue Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document Making it Happen Supplementary Planning document Purpose To approve SPDs for public and stakeholder consultation Contact: Lucy Greenfield Planning Officer Spatial Development Tel: 433 3413 Email: Hugh Daglish Urban Design Officer Tel: 433 3276 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be Cabinet report submitted to Hot Food Takeaway Supplementary Planning Document the decision Making it Happen Supplementary Planning document making body 14 19. Non key Issue Transport costs associated with development Purpose To agree charges to developers associated with changes to the transport network Meeting Type Public Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 20. Non Key Decision Meeting Type Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Contact: Andrew Haysey Transport Planning manager Tel: 0191 433 3124 Email: Cabinet report Issue Contact: 2014 Statutory Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places Deborah Hill Purpose Tel: 0191 433 2110 Cabinet will be asked to consider the outcome of the statutory review of polling districts and polling places, and to recommend to Council to agree certain changes to the boundaries of polling districts and the location of polling places. Email: Service Director Litigation, Elections and Registrars Public 1. Cabinet Report 2. Schedule of proposed changes document (as appendix 1 to the report) 15 21. Non Key Decision Issue Revenue Budget Monitoring 2014/15 Purpose To note the revenue position at 30 September 2014 Contact: Jim Farquhar Group Finance Manager Tel: 0191 433 3685 Email: Meeting Type Open to the public Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet Full Authority Revenue Monitoring Statement 22. Issue Capital Programme and Prudential Indicators 2014/15 Non Key (Rec) Contact: David Mason Group Accountant 0191 433 3686 Purpose Approve the capital monitoring position as at 30 September 2014. Meeting Type Open to the public Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet Variance Analysis & Capital Summary Prudential Indicators 2014/15 16 23. Non key Decision Issue Right To Move consultation Purpose To make members aware of the outcome of DCLG proposals and consultation response. Contact: Phillip Walker Operational Housing Manager Tel: 0191 4332735 Email: phillipWalker@Gateshead.Gov.UK Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Retrospective Consultation response, for information. 17 24. Non Key Decision Issue Amendment to the percentage of nomination rights of Gateshead Council to the Women’s Accommodation Service originally specified in cabinet th report of 11 February 2014. Contact: Lisa Philliskirk Housing Services Manager Tel: 0191 4332689 Email: Purpose The current agreed nomination right of 100% is not appropriate due to the nature of the service and the need to have a reciprocal arrangement between other projects across the region. There are occasions when due to the nature of the women’s circumstances they need to be placed into a different geographic area. Meeting Type Private The nature of the Women’s Service is sensitive. Discussions relating to the proposed change in the nominations agreement are likely to involve information that could jeopardise the viability and safety of the service. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body None 18 25. Issue Education Strategy Non Key Decision Purpose To consider the content of Education Strategy and endorse the three identified strategic educational roles held by the Council. Meeting Type Open meeting Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 26. Non key Decision Contact: Steve Horne Service Director, Learning and Schools Tel: 0191 433 8612 Email: Strategy document only to be submitted. Issue How funding is allocated to providers of free nursery entitlement for eligible 2 year olds during the child’s final term of this offer. Purpose Feedback from consultation with schools and private childcare providers on a policy to determine how funding is allocated as above. Permission to adopt the draft policy. Contact: Jan Batchelor Childcare Support Lead Officer Tel: 0191 433 5108 Email: Meeting Type Public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Cabinet Report Policy for funding ‘rising 3s’ in schools. 19 27. Non Key Decision Issue Wrekenton Library Contact: Steven Hayles Property Manager Purpose To seek Cabinet approval for Tel: 0191 433 3466 the demolition of Wrekenton Email: Library following relocation Meeting Type . *This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. "In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because disclosure would adversely impact the authority’s ability to manage its commercial financial and business affairs." Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Report to Cabinet 20 28. Issue Springs Gym Contact: Steven Hayles Property Manager Purpose To advise Cabinet of an alteration to the plan previously submitted to show the revised subject property Tel: 0191 433 3466 Non Key Decision Email: Meeting Type This matter will be dealt with during the private part of the meeting. This matter is considered to be commercially confidential and contains exempt information, as detailed below: 1. The report will contain “exempt” information which falls within paragraph 3 of part 1 of schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (“Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding the information)”; and 2. In relation to the “exempt” information, it has been determined that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information because of the serious consequences for the authority and others if the information should come into the public domain. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Cabinet report 21 29. Non Key Decision Issue Legionella Policy Contact: Sandra Punton Development Manager Purpose To seek approval for the new Tel: 0191 433 3384 Legionella Policy in line with Email: changes in legislation Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 30. Non Key Decision Report to Cabinet Contact: Lesley Pringle Assistant Corporate Property Officer Purpose Surplus declaration – Former Corporate Asset Strategy Team 0191 433 3490 Derwentside APU, Swalwell Issue Surplus Declaration Steve Hayles Property and Design 01914333466 Meeting Type Open to the public. Documents to be submitted to the decision making body Cabinet report and plan 22 31. Issue Surplus Declaration and first Non Key stage disposal at less than market value Decision Contact: Lesley Pringle Assistant Corporate Property Officer Corporate Asset Strategy Team 0191 433 3490 Purpose Surplus declaration & first stage disposal at less than market value–Land and Steve Hayles Buildings at Heddon View, Property and Design 01914333466 Ryton Meeting Type Open to the public. Cabinet report and plan Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 23 32. Issue Surplus Declaration and first Non Key stage disposal at less than market value Decision Contact: Lesley Pringle Assistant Corporate Property Officer Corporate Asset Strategy Team 0191 433 3490 Purpose Surplus declaration & first stage disposal at less than market value– Land at Steve Hayles Property and Design Malton Green 01914333466 Meeting Type Open to the public. Cabinet report and plan Documents to be submitted to the decision making body 24
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