President’s Corner

President’s Corner
I have a mixed bag of good news and bad news for you.
The first good news is that we have a website back up, and it’s all our own. Thanks to
yeoman work by Mike Salvetti, we’ve been able to add features that we didn’t have
before. The website is Try it – you’ll like it. We display our
calendar, club results, and other features in an easy to use format. The website is still a
work in progress; we are steadily adding features such as a lending library for Bridge
books kindly donated by Ed Daggett and Mike Hopkins.
If your club sends their club results to the ACBL website they automatically are
accessible on ours. If your club does not avail themselves of this service, try and get
your club owner to do it. If they contact the webmaster by e-mail he will get them help.
The other good news is that the Fall National in Providence from November 27 to
December 7th is apparently going to be well attended. There are games for every
experience level. I believe there is a 299er game for those who have not passed that
plateau every day. The good attendance will swell the masterpoint awards for this type
of event, so be sure to get down there for a few days at least. The atmosphere at a
National is a unique bridge experience.
The bad news is that the New England District, which runs all our Regional tournaments,
everyone’s most ready source for gold points, is getting into significant financial distress.
The abundant reserve the District had a few years ago is dwindling rapidly. I am cochairing a committee to propose remedies for the root causes of the problem, and
hopefully we will be able to come up with solutions in a timely manner.
See you at the table, hopefully at the Maine State Championships in Brunswick on
November 1st and 2nd.
Richard Budd
President, Maine Bridge Association
774 – 6424
Voice of the Dummy
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October 2014
Directors Corner – Horace Gower
Wrong Information or Wrong Bid?
I was reminded recently that sometimes an opponent makes a wrong bid that works well and they
get a (undeserved) top. More often this error results in a bottom!
I opened a shapely hand with 1S holding 5 spades and 5 hearts and 11 HCPs. (Yes it meets the
rule of 20!). My LHO bid 2S and my partner raised to 3S. After a pass by RHO, I asked what 2S
was and was told my opponent had 5 hearts and an undisclosed 5 card minor. Since this greatly
diminished the value of my hand I passed and LHO bid 4C.
We led a spade which got ruffed and when my partner won the A of trumps he shifted to the K of
diamonds. This did not work well since LHO was 5 – 5 in the MINORS! Very frustrating but no
law was broken!
You are allowed to make mistakes. The information given was correct according to their
agreements and RHO had much better clubs than hearts and bid reasonably. Frustrating but
legal. Had RHO had 3 or 4 hearts they would have bid 4H and we might have gotten that top
instead of our bottom!
Notes from the Partnership Desk – Peter Morgan
I have had a number of recent discouraging experiences that I would like to share with you all,
some guaranteed to push me to resign this crucial position. One person asked me to find a
partner which I promptly did, only to be told by the original requesting person that she did not wish
to play with the partner I had found. Another requested a partner, again who I found, only to be
told a few days later that he had found another partner. The most egregious situation of all was a
person who called with a week to go until the tournament and left a message asking for a partner.
I found a partner quickly and called him back to report this. He did not return my phone call, nor
did he return any of my subsequent daily calls right up until the tournament. I informed the partner
I had arranged and warned him not to show up, but he graciously decided to attend the Saturday
session in case the fellow did happen to show, which he did not.
When requesting a partner, I would like you to identify the following information if you are leaving
a phone message or sending an email:
 The system you prefer playing
 Any other system you are willing to play
 Your masterpoint total
 Your phone number & email address
 Whether or not you are willing to play “up” or “down”
 Any particular individuals with whom you do not wish to play
If anyone has any suggestions regarding how to improve the partnership desk, please email me at Additionally, I would love to increase my standby list of people willing to be
called at the last minute to possibly play in one of the sectionals or at the State Championship.
Let me know if you are interested. Thanks.
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October 2014
Mainely News
Brunswick Bridge Club
Tuesday 1:30 Evergreen Senior Center, 1 Columbus Drive, Brunswick, ME
Director: Horace Gower (207-865-4850) Partner Guaranteed
We have a game every Tuesday unless school is cancelled in Brunswick due to bad weather.
Top Masterpoint winners for June through September include:
Mike True 9
Pat Smith 8.8
Mike Quinn 8.5
Rupert White 7.3
Ed Sullivan 7.2
Special Game Winners:
June 10 - North American Pairs Qualifying
Paul Kahl & Steve Kolkhorst
Mike True & Mike Quinn
Rosemarie Goodwin & Flora Harrison
Norma & Tony Greene
Rupert White & Pete Snell
Nick Karamessinis & Richard Balian
September 2 - Club Championship
Allen McRae & Stan Elowitch
Barbara & Bill Whitman
Larry & Steve Kolkhorst
Upcoming Special Games:
October 7
October 28
November 18
December 16
Judy Kamin & Ed Sullivan
Mort Silin & Horace Gower
Club Appreciation Pairs
Club Appreciation Teams
Club Championship
Christmas Party
We were delighted to see our old friend Stan Elowitch back at the bridge table on a regular basis.
Yarmouth Neighborhood Bridge Club
Wednesdays 7:00 PM Invit, Yarmouth Community House, 179 East Main Street, Yarmouth, ME
Director: Horace Gower (207-865-4850)
This game is more casual and intended primarily for those newer to duplicate. We use only
standard bidding and keep conventions to a minimum. New players are always welcome and a
partner is guaranteed.
This game is more casual and intended primarily for those newer to duplicate. We use only
standard bidding and keep conventions to a minimum. New players are always welcome and a
partner is guaranteed.
Top Masterpoint performances from June through September include:
Marsha Siviski 7.1 Betsy Grondin 6.7
Brian Wallace 4.7
Jerry Onos 4.2
Charlie Soule 4
John Biscoff 3.9
Don Bouwens 3.8 Richard Van Antwerp 3.3
Martha Soule 3.3
Upcoming Special Games:
October 22
November 19
December 17
Voice of the Dummy
Club Championship
Club Championship
Christmas Party
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October 2014
Capital City Duplicate Bridge Club
Wednesday games begin at 1:00 PM at Granite Hill Estates, 60 Balsam Drive, Hallowell, ME
(access from Augusta is off Edison Drive just before Central Maine Power Company offices).
Thursday games begin at 6:30 PM, Kennebec Plaza, 20 Willow Street, Augusta ME
Director: Janet Arey (207-933-4984) Partner guaranteed
Club News: Congratulations to Diane Bishop on becoming a Life Master and to Nancy Lenfest on
becoming a Silver Life Master!
Special Event Winners:
Club Championship:
June 11
1. Paul Jones & Stan Mathieu
June 19
1. Paul Mitnik & Henry Lerett
September 17 1. Paul Jones & Stan Mathieu
September 18 1. Pat Damon & Beverly St. Germain
James Gray & Ron Cote
Glenn Angell & Dennis Purington
Paul Sherman & Jan Arey
Paul Mitnik & Debby Gardiner
Membership Games:
August 13
1. Luke Merry & Jeanine Kivus
2. Shirley West & Frank Shorey
August 21
1. Fred Letourneau & Sharron Hinckley 2. Jan & Vern Arey
June 18
June 26
July 23
July 31
Shirley West & Frank Shorey
2. Ron Cote & Liz Cross
Paul Mitnik & Paul Sherman (72.60% Game!)
Fred Letourneau & Sharron Hinckley
Fred Letourneau & Jeanine Kivus
2. David Lock & Rosemarie Goodwin
Dennis Purington & Nancy Lenfest 2. Jim Gray & Jan Arey
Masterpoint Leaders:
Paul Mitnik
Paul Mitnik
Luke Merry
Paul Mitnik
Upcoming Special Events:
October 8
October 16
December 10 (Wednesday)
December 11 (Thursday
Paul Sherman
Fred Letourneau
Jeanine Kivus
Paul Sherman
Club Appreciation
Club Appreciation
Club Championship & Christmas Party
Club Championship & Christmas Party
10 No Trump Club
Tuesday 11:30 Union Congregational Church, 18 Church Street, York Beach ME
Please contact club director Richard Dionne at 207-703-0600 if arriving without a partner.
Game features electronic scoring.
Full hand records, both printed and online are provided for all games.
The bridge club was on hiatus through the summer, so no games to report.
Play resumed September 16 .
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October 2014
The Idle Rich Duplicate Bridge Club
Mondays, 10 AM, American Legion Post #1, 335 Limerock Street, Rockland, ME
Director: Sharon Hanley (207-594-8965)
Open Club; Partner Guaranteed.
We are pleased to announce that we have started using Bridgemates at our games in the
Midcoast area.
The top winners of our Monday games:
June 2: NS Gerry Roshto and Essie Dondis
EW Juanita Mahon and Barbara Penney
June 9: NS Mary Kaufman and Duncan Finlay EW Ed Thomas and Ed Coffman
June 16: NS Diane Darling and Anne Ayers
EW Mary Kaufman and Barrie Pribyl
June 23: NS Diane Darling and Lisa Adelberg
EW Bob Wood and Rick Trogobn
June 30: NS Ed Thomas and Janet Morecraft
EW Barbara and Tim Eddy
July 7: NS Kathy Kearny and Dennis Faherty EW Barbara and Tim Eddy
July 14: NS Carol Mudd and Philip Lam
EW Ruth Kenney and Geoff Lewis
July 21: NS Lisa Adelberg and Bob Wood
EW Pat and Don Lord
July 28: NS Gail Chrissinger and Jack Rynerson EW Geoff Lewis and Ed Coffman
Aug 4: NS Rainy Davis and Kyra West
EW Mary Murphy and Ed Coffman
Aug 11: NS Lisa Adelberg and Bob Wood
EW Ed Thomas and Ed Hilpert
Aug 18: NS Gerry Roshto and Essie Dondis
EW Barbara DeGrass and Bette Blum
Aug 25: NS Gerry Roshto and Essie Dondis
EW Kay Wendt and Shirley Hamlin
Sept 1: NS Gerry Roshto and Essie Dondis
EW Polly Gibson and Janet Mclaughlin
Sept 8: NS Sally Avery and Barbara Webber EW Ed Thomas and Ed Hilpert
Sept 15: NS Diane Darling and Lisa Adelberg EW Lenny Russman and Duncan Finlay
Sept 22: NS Ruth Kenney and Lance Bukoff, EW Mary Kaufman and Barrie Pribyl
Sept 29: NS Diane Darling and Lenny Russma EW Ed Hilpert and Ed Thomas
Please be sure to join us anytime that you are in our area.
Thomaston Bridge Club
Tuesday, 6:00 PM, Community Room, St. John’s Episcopal Church, 200 Main Street,
Thomaston, ME (entrance on Green Street).
Best to e-mail ahead to Carol Mudd, lodo2@
Partners are guaranteed with advance notice.
Director: Barrie Pribyl (207-236-8792)
Like the other cubs in the Midcoast area, this Tuesday night game enjoyed having players who
were visiting in the area come and play with us. This is a very friendly game with especially good
homemade desserts. Consider joining us on Tuesday evenings. It is lots of fun.
The big news is that by collaborating with the other two area games, we purchased Bridgemate IIs
for use by all three clubs.
Notable Achievements
The following individuals achieved the rank of Life Master:
Alan and Deborah Carlson of Biddeford Pool
Diane Bishop of Winslow
Lance Bukoff of Warren
Barbara Newcomp of South Portland
Nancy Lenfest of Farmingdale achieved the rank of Silve Life Master
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October 2014
Ellsworth Duplicate Bridge Club
Thursday 6:30 PM (Weekly June-September; 2 & 4 from October on)
St Dunstan's Episcopal Church, 134 State Street, Ellsworth, ME
Tuesday 1:30 PM June through September
Mellon Room Northeast Harbor Library, 1 Joy Road, Northeast Harbor, ME
Director: Michael Povich (207-667-8934)
News from the Mudflats
From June through September, the Ellsworth DBC club (Thursdays at 6:30 PM) and the Asticou
Island club (Tuesdays at 1:30 PM) held a total of twelve NAP qualifying rounds (with ninety-seven
different people qualifying), along with a number of international fund games, educational
foundation games, one upgraded club championship game, and one charity club championship.
The Asticou Island games were a special success, averaging between 10 and 15 tables during
July and August. The Ellsworth game, being an evening game, maintained a consistent six to
eight tables.
On August 19 a charity club championship was held for the
benefit of the Northeast Harbor Library (which does not charge
the club a facility fee). A minimum donation of $5.00 was
requested. Happily however, over $1300.00 for the benefit of
the library was raised. The winners of this game were Devie
Andrews and Mimi Heckman.
One of the more memorable moments occurred at the Asticou Island game when the bidding
went: 1 no trump with a response of 2 diamonds. The opener announced “transfer” and her
partner responded “no it isn’t.” After the expected director call, but knowing the players well, all
agreed to give the “offender” a mulligan---after we all stopped laughing.
Short ♣s…The last game at Asticou will be a charity club championship for the ACBL
foundation at October 7 …The Jane Johnson Club Appreciation team game will be held on
October 9 in Ellsworth…twelve teams have signed up….Ellsworth goes into winter scheduling
with games on the 2 and 4 Thursday of each month…the annual Christmas party featuring
Harriet’s Hooch is scheduled for December 11 .
And the Seventy Percenters:
75.55% - Ron Fillmore/John Burrill (July 28, 2014)
73.21% - Steve Johnson/Michael Povich (September 23, 2014)
71.55% - Mary Kellett/Henry Chung (August 21, 2014)
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October 2014
Greater Portland Bridge Club
Wednesday at 12:00 Noon
Woodford's Club,179 Woodford Street, Portland, ME
Director: Horace Gower (207-865-4850)
We guarantee a partner if you are there before game time.
Games held every week unless Portland schools are closed due to bad weather.
Top Masterpoint winners for June through September include:
Flight A
Pat Smith 14.8; Dot Kelleher 14.6; Larry Mann 14.1; Mike True 13.9
Flight B
David Magee 10.4; Don Bouwens 9.2; Ed Bower 8.1; Rick Verrill 7.8
Flight C
Mort Silin 6.6; Jack Perkins 6.5; Fred Fosnacht 6.2; Steve Kolkhorst 5.8
Special Game Winners:
NAOP Qualifying Games
June 11
Sharron Hinckley & Dot Kelleher
Pat Smith & Jill Stirgwolt
Collen Reed & Pat Shapazian
June 25
Pat Smith & Jill Stirgwolt
Dot Kelleher & Jerrie Will
Bunny Banks & Joyce Scott
July 9
Dave Magee & Peter Morgan
Dick Budd & Dot Kelleher
Barbara Lemieux & Charlotte Farber
July 23
Jerrie Will & Dick Budd
Paula & Larry Mann
Hilde Jaffe & Margaret Kopack
Grace Lashua & Mort Silin
August 13
Kassandra & Larry Barbour
Audrey Thirkill & Ed Bower
Don Bouwens & Mort Silin
August 27
Larry Barbour & Margaret Pierce
Elaine Gordon & Alan Walters
Richard Balian & Nick Karamessinis
July 16
- Club Championship
Margaret Pierce & Kassandra Barbour
Dot Kelleher & Dick Budd
Larry & Steve Kolkhorst
Upcoming Special Games:
October 8
October 22
November 19
December 17
Paul Kahl & Horace Gower
Fred Fosnacht & Malcolm Burson
Mike True & Horace Gower
Dave Magee & Peter Morgan
Colleen Reed & Diana Ballard
Larry Mann & John Hackett
Mike True & Ed Bower
Jim Czimbal & Don Bouwens
Betty Bradford & Kate Hewitt
Audrey Thirkill & Ed Bower
Mike True & Jack Perkins
Rick & Norma Verrill
Kate Hewitt & Pat Smith
Maggie Johnson & Sidney Richardson
Fred Fosnacht & Jack Perkins
David Magee & Peter Morgan
Rick Verrill & Steve Kolkhorst
Larry Mann & John Hackett
Henry Deutsch & Rick Verrill
Sally Johnston & Barbara Newcomb
Club Appreciation Pairs
Membership Game
Club Championship
Christmas Party
Wells-Ogunquit Duplicate Bridge Club - Closed
The Thursday night game has been closed for good. We had a few loyal souls attend during
June, July and August.
Elaine Gordon and Jerrie Will were the most successful with a 74% game. Ron Allen and Stu
Bowen had 68%. Kassandra Barbour and Dottie Kelleher were the Club Champs.
I would like to thank all the players who supported our small game. However it was time to say
goodbye. Dottie Kelleher
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October 2014
Kennebunk Duplicate Bridge Club
Tuesday 12:00 Noon for June through August
Wells-Ogunquit Senior Center at Moody, 300 Post Road (Rte1), Wells ME
Director: Alan Walters cell: (781) 801-3187 home: (207) 967-0888
Partner Guaranteed if you arrive at least 10 minutes before game time or call ahead.
The Kennebunk Duplicate Bridge Club which plays in Wells from June through September just
completed an outstanding season. We had 171 tables this summer, about 9 1/2 per session.
Ninety different players won masterpoints. The leading point winners were:
15.70 Elaine Gordon
11.11 Dorothy Kelleher
7.81 Daniel Chapin
6.74 Stanley Fineman
6.32 Jay Wein
5.68 Judy Parks
12.17 Peter Crane
8.91 Paul Donaghy
7.52 Richard Osten
6.56 Barbara Newcomb
6.29 Ruth Cunniff
5.38 Stu Bowen
11.64 Audrey Thirkell
8.27 Paula Mann
7.00 Larry Mann
6.32 Michael Hopkins
5.68 Patrick Parks
5.38 Ronald Allen
The club will resume play on the first Tuesday in June, 2015.
Knox County Duplicate Bridge Club
Wednesday, 10 AM, American Legion Post#1, 335 Limerock Street, Rockland, ME
Director: Barrie Pribyl (207-236-8792),
Open Club, Partner Guaranteed.
This summer the Wednesday game in Rockland enjoyed having most of its "snowbirds" back as
well as visitors to the area, giving us challenging competition. These people are now beginning to
head back south, and they will be missed.
The big news is that by collaborating with the Idle Rich and the Thomaston Tuesday clubs, we
have purchased Bridgemate IIs for the three area clubs. This purchase was made possible by the
very generous players in all three clubs. .
Camden Duplicate Bridge Club
Thursdays, 6:30 PM, Windward Gardens, 105 Mechanic, Camden, ME
Director: Tom Tarbox (207-236-7468)
ACBL has cancelled the sanction of the Camden DBC. Due to Tom’s health issues there were
only six games in 2014. Tom has applied for a sanction for 2015 and is looking forward to having
bridge again in Camden.
March 14-15
April 18-19
May 16-17
August 8-9
September 19-20
October 10-11
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October 2014
Cape Carders Bridge Club
Monday 12:00 Noon, Woodford's Club, 179 Woodford St., Portland, ME
Directors: Dorothy Kelleher (207-854-2482 or cell (207-329-3176);
Michael St. John (cell 207-329-1100) Please call if you need a partner.
Winners of Special Games:
NAOP Pairs:
June 9
Dick Budd and Jerrie Will
June 23
Dick Budd and Mike Hopkins
July 14
Charlotte Farber and Don Bouwens
July 28th
Dick Budd and Mike Hopkins
August 11
Dick Budd and Jerrie Will
August 25
Al Morgan and Dottie Kelleher
Club Championship
September 29
Dick Budd and Jerrie Will
Players with games over 65%:
Dick Budd and Mike Hopkins, 70%
Dick Budd and Jerrie Will, 68%
Stan Fineman and Alan Walters, 66%
Al Morgan and Dottie Kelleher, 66%
From June 2 to September 29 , 102 players scored a total of 452 points.
Congratulations to All!! These are the top 25 Masterpoint winners:
Dick Budd, 30
Fred Fosnacht, 14
John Hackett, 21
Larry Mann, 20
Jerrie Will, 19
Hilde Jaffe and
Elaine Gordon
Gwen Wood and
Mike Hopkins, 12
and Paula Mann, 11 Larry Barbour, 10
Don Bouwens,9
Mike True, Kassandra Barbour, Mike St.John, Ed Bower,
Audrey Thirkell and Kate Hewitt, 8
Dottie Kelleher, Charlotte Farber, Margaret Kopack, Shirley West,
Judy Lessard, 6
Alan Walters and John Meader, 7
Upcoming Events:
October 20
November 17
December 8
Club Appreciation
Club Championship
Holiday Party
Maine State Championship
November 1st and 2nd
Evergreen Senior Center, Brunswick, Maine
3 Session Pairs Championship
$30 for 3 sessions of bridge and includes the meal
Saturday: 2 Session 11:45 & TBD
Sunday: 1 Session 10:30
Buffet Dinner at China Rose between sessions Saturday
Stratified: A - unlimited; B 300-1000; C 0-300
Chairperson: Tim Goodwin (207) 807-0772
Directions: The Evergreen Senior Center on the corner of Cressey Road and Columbus Drive
in Brunswick (just off the Federal Street ramp to Route 1)
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October 2014
Oxford Hills Duplicate Bridge Club
Friday 9:15 AM, 221 King Street, Oxford ME
Director: Les Buzzell (207-754-9153),
Parking in the rear. Partner guaranteed.
Oxford Hills Duplicate Bridge Club once again had a very well attended quarter. Thank you all for
supporting this game, for without it, there would be no game.
I wish to thank Marta Clements, and in her absence (which is not often) Cindy and Bob Kirchherr
for their dedication by being there early and setting up, and after by cleaning up and putting things
Winners of the Club Championship this quarter was Bunny Banks and Barbara Newcomb, well
done ladies!!
The top player overall for this quarter, with 6.26 points was Richard Balian!!
Top point getters per flight were:
Flight A
Mike True with 5.42, Mike Quinn with 4.39, Rosemarie Goodwin with 4,07,
Marta Clements with 3.8, and Nancy Farmer with 3.15
Flight B
Richard Balian with 6.26, Luke Merry with 3.98, Rick Verrill with 3.29,
and Della Starbird
Flight C
Jim Krainin with 2.96, Jim Dickens , Bob Kirchherr , Hazel Glazier, and
Milton McKeen
Well done to all of you.
Just a reminder that this is a Friday morning game starting at 9:15 , a partner is always
guaranteed. For all those that are within driving distance, we are 4 & 1/2 miles north of the Casino
in Oxford. We would extend a cordial invitation to come visit us for a relaxed, enjoyable game of
our favorite game.
The Oxford Hills Bridge Club again sponsored three duplicate games on June 21 in
honor of THE LONGEST DAY in order to benefit the Alzheimer’s Association. This year
our group realized over $5,500.00.
I do want to thank all bridge members and non-members, who played, sponsored, brought
food, or helped in any way; without them we could not have realized our goal. We worked
hard and had lots of fun along the way.
Pat Quinn
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October 2014
Lewiston Bridge Club
Monday and Tuesday 9:00 AM, Lewiston Armory, 65 Central Ave., Lewiston, ME
Director: Rosemarie Goodwin, (207-754-1431),
Our club welcomes new players Nancy Griffin and Paul Clement. Paul is our newest ACBL
Winners of Special Events:
Tuesday, June 17 Club Championship
1A. Luke Merry & Mike Quinn
2A. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
1B. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
2B. Cindy & Bob Kirchherr
Monday, June 23 STaC
1A. Richard Balian & Luke Merry
2A. Jan & Vern Arey
1B. Richard Balian & Luke Merry
2B. Jeanine Kivus & David Lock
Tuesday, June 24 STaC
1A& B. Patricia Garcia & David Lock
2A&B. Patricia Quinn & Richard Balian
1C. Della Starbird & Paul Clement
2C. Ellie & George Wigton
Monday, June 30 Club Championship
1A. Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2A. Jeanine Kivus & David Lock
1B. Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2B. Eileen Potvin & Della Starbird
1C. Norma & Rick Verrill
2C. Richard Balian & Jim Krainin
Monday, July 14 NAP
1A. Sharron Hinckley & Fred Letourneau 2A. Jan & Vern Arey
1B. Jan & Very Arey
2B. Richard Balian & Paul Clement
1C. Richard Balian & Paul Clement
2C. Norma & Rick Verrill
Tuesday, July 21 NAP
1A.Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2A. Rosemarie Godwin & Les Buzzell
1B. Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2B. Richard Balian & Luke Merry
1C. Cynthia & Bill Clifford
2C. Norma & Rick Verrill
Tuesday, August 1 Local Charity Championship
1A. Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2A. David Lock & Luke Merry
1B. Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer
2B. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
1C. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
2C. Georgette Jewell & Patricia Soule
Tuesday, August 19 NAP
1A. Paul Clement & Rosemarie Goodwin 2A. Georgette Jewell & Patricia Soule
2B. Georgette Jewell & Patricia Soule 2B. Eileen Potvin & Della Starbird
1C. Georgette Jewell & Patricia Soule 2C. Cindy & Bob Kirchherr
Tuesday, August 26 NAP
1A&B. Nancy Lindgren & David Lock
2A&B. Paul Clement & Mike True
1C. Georgette Jewell & Patricia Soule 2C. Norma & Rick Verrill
Monday, September 22 Club Championship
1A. Richard Balian & Pete Cummings 2A. Les Buzzell & Tom Goodwin
1B. Richard Balian & Pete Cummings 2B. Cindy & Bob Kirchherr
1C. Cindy & Bob Kirchherr
2C. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
Tuesday, September 23 Club Championship
1A. David Lock & John Pettengill
2A. Cynthia & Bill Clifford
1B. Cynthia & Bill Clifford
2B. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
1C. Larry Fortier & Roger Labbe
2C. Sue Kaluzynski & Paul Clement
Richard Balian & Luke Merry were 4 /5 in B in New
Pat Garcia & David Lock were 2 in A & 1 in B and
Pat Quinn & Richard Balian were 5 in B in New England.
June 23
June 24
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October 2014
Lewiston Bridge Club - Continued
Top Masterpoint Winners June-September:
1. David Lock, 29.44
2. Richard Balian, 21.73
3. Luke Merry, 20.56
4. Neenie Kivus, 13.32
5. Nancy Farmer, 13.06
6. Mike Quinn, 12.69
7. Roger Labbe 12.06
8. Marta Clements, 10.88
9. Les Buzzell, 10.55
10. Larry Fortier, 9.83
Players with High Percentage Scores:
June 2
Patricia & Mike Quinn
June 10
Luke Merry & Mike Quinn
June 17
Luke Merry & Mike Quinn
June 24
Patricia Garcia & David Lock
July 28
Norma & Rick Verrill
July 29
Marta Clements & Nancy Farmer 65%
September 8 Mary Trafton & Luke Merry
September 8 Jeanine Kivus & David Lock
September 16 Marta Clements & David Lock 65%
Upcoming Special Games:
Monday, October 20
Tuesday, October 28
Monday, December 15
Tuesday, December 16
Club Appreciation Pairs
Club Appreciation Pairs
Club Championship & Christmas Party
Club Championship & Christmas Party
Hamden Sectional
October 18th and 19th
Reeds Brook Middle School
Saturday: 2 Session Pair Game 10:30 & TBD
Sunday: Swiss Teams 10:30 & Play Through
Play through with food available for sale at game time both days
Stratified: A - unlimited; B 500-1500; C 0-500
Chairperson: Steve Dyer (207) 884-7413
interstate 95, take exit 180 toward Hermon/Hampden – Coldbrook Rd.
(Turn right from south, left from north.) After 1.4 miles turn right onto US-202. After
.8 miles turn left onto Western Ave (still US-202). After .4 miles turn right onto Main
Rd N (US-1A). It is then .5 miles to school, on right.
Directions: From
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October 2014
Blue Hill Bridge
1 & 3 Wednesday, Time Change to 6:30PM
First Congregational Church, 22 Tenney Hill, Blue Hill, ME
Club Manager: Paula Colwell (207-348-6061)
Ginger Dewing started this bridge group in 2009 and it has continued to flourish under her
leadership. On August 1 , Ginger sold the club to Tom Colwell and Will Taylor citing her desire to
“Just Play Bridge”. Both Tom and Will are working towards becoming club directors; in the interim
Ginger continues to direct the games.
Paula Colwell has taken over the responsibilities of Club
On the Longest Day game held by the Dirigo Bridge Club in
Bangor, the team of Ginger Dewing and Lou Cooper placed
first in the morning session. Melinda Reach and Marcia
Topkings placed first in the afternoon session. Way to Go,
Blue Hill!!
In August, Marcia Tompkins and Melinda Reach traveled to the New England Regional in
Warwick Rhode Island where they teamed up with a couple Rhode Island gents in a Swiss team
event. Much to their delight they won and earned 3.17 Gold Points!!!
Bridge is Alive and Well in Blue Hill, Maine!!
Dirigo Bridge Club
Monday 12:30 PM, Tuesday 6:30 PM and Thursday 12:30 PM
Bangor Motor Inn Conference Center, 713 Horgan Road, Bangor Maine
Director: Steve Dyer (207-884-7413),
For a partner call Fran Loring 942-0545 or email Steve at
Tuesday night a partner is guaranteed, Monday & Thursday a partner is required.
The Dirigo Bridge Club had a successful summer season although Tuesday night games could be
better attended. Monday and Thursday games averaged 9+ tables over the summer. The top
twenty Masterpoint winners are:
Kay Whitney
Betty-Anne Ellery
Barbara Farrington
Frank Booker
William Carter
Connie Roy
John Ellery
Frances Loring
Melvin Voisine
Bill Halteman
24.56 Jean Martin
19.99 N. Van Raymond
16.79 Stephen Dyer
13.12 Bob Clukey
11.07 Forrest Wardwell
24.07 Jacquie Sullivan
18.28 Caroline ldenburg
15.42 Mary Ellen Fraser
12.96 Fred Letourneau
10.66 Hilda Wardwell
The Bangor area had 5 tables of Social Bridge and 7 tables of Duplicates playing “The Longest
Day, June 21 . Together with the Oxford Club we were able to raise over $10,000.00 for the
Alzheimer’s Association. The fees for the events were paid to the ACBL by the Directors of the
both clubs. These fees were forwarded to the Association so all fees collected benefited the
Alzheimer’s Association. Thanks to all that contributed to this charity event.
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October 2014
Maine Bridge Association
American Contract Bridge League, Unit 189
Patricia Damon, Editor (email: )
5 Whippoorwill Drive
Winslow ME 04901
Upcoming Tournaments for 2014
October 18-19
November 1-2
State Championship – Brunswick
Check out the new website for Maine Bridge:
Voice of the Dummy
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October 2014
Reports from Unsanctioned Maine Clubs
Firehouse Gang Duplicate Bridge Club
Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. (please be at the Church by 10:15 a.m.), First
Congregational Church, 301 Cottage Road; South Portland, ME). There is a parking lot on
Sawyer Road beside the church and parking is also available at the rear of the building on Mitchell
Road. If you have trouble finding our location, please call the church office at 799-3361.
Director: Pam Herrmann (207-799-8926)
This non-sanctioned duplicate bridge game is geared toward intermediate level players who prefer
a less competitive, more relaxed environment. Bring a partner and come join us for one of the
most congenial duplicate games in Maine. Please feel free to bring a light lunch as we take a
brief lunch break midway through the game.
Recent Winners
David Fisher & Joe Delafield
Jim & Ann Poteet
Karen Mooney & Nina Anderson
Karen Mooney & Nina Anderson
Rita Clifford & Sara Jane Elliot
Rita Clifford & Sara Jane Elliot
Kay Concannon & Pam Herrmann
Kay Concannon & Pam Herrmann
Ann & Jim Poteet
Nina Anderson & Karen Mooney
Joe Delafield & David Fisher
Karen Mooney & Nina Anderson
Karen Mooney & Nina Anderson
Ann & Jim Poteet
Pam Herrmann & Kay Concannon
Nina Anderson & Karen Mooney
Bill Beyer & David Haskell
East West
Betsy O’Donnell & Robyn Hooper
Don Kopp & Chris Crawford
Carol Carlisle & Janet Ross
Don Kopp & Chris Crawford
Jean Farrell & Louise Whitehead
Mike Foley & Stu Bowen
David Haskell & Cindy O’Shea
David Haskell & Karen Mooney
Karen Mooney & Chris Crawford
Chad & Jackie Muse
Ann & Jim Poteet
Chad & Jackie Muse
Don Kopp & Chris Crawford
Cindy O’Shea & Carol Curran
Ann Poteet & Jim Poteet
Robyn Hooper & Betsy O’Donnell
Carol Curran & Cindy O’Shea
If you would like to join the Firehouse Gang, but do not have a partner, please contact the director
Pam Herrmann (799-8926) a few days in advance of game. New players are always welcome.
Ellie’s Graduates
Fridays 10:00 AM, Cape Elizabeth Community Center, 343 Ocean House Road, Cape Elizabeth,
Bob Tripler (207-767-4142), Director. Email:
Fairfield Bridge Club
Location: Waterville Elks Club, Industrial Road, Waterville
Time: Tuesdays at 11:30 A.M.
All bridge players are welcome. Please bring your own partner.
For more information please call Jackie Chadbourne at (207) 453-2410
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October 2014
Missing in Action
The following clubs did not make a report for this issue, but are included for your convenience.
Kittery Bridge Club
Wednesday 11:30AM Eliot United Methodist Church, Route 236, Eliot, ME
Director: Norm Leclerc (603) 431-0120
Highlanders Bridge Club
Thursday 9:30 AM, 26 Elm Street (The Holden Frost House), Town Hall Village, Topsham, ME
Director: Susan Blagden (207) 882-5203
Ace of Clubs Bridge Club
Friday 7:00 PM Grondin Building, 11 Bartlett Road, Gorham, ME
Director: Kassandra Barbour, (207) 642-8142
Deer Isle Bridge
2 & 4 Wednesdays, 12:00 PM
St. Brendan the Navigator Episcopal Church, 627 N. Deer Isle Rd (Rt 15), Deer Isle, ME
Director: Phylis Greenfield, (207) 348-6232
Harbor Duplicate Bridge Club
Wednesdays 6:30 PM YMCA, 261 Townsend Ave, Boothbay Harbor, ME
Director Susan Blagden, (207) 882-5203
Voice of the Dummy
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October 2014
by Richard Budd
One of the most misunderstood and misplayed common endings in bridge is the
squeeze endplay. The following example from a recent club game is a case in
 A93
 A75
 QJ975
 Q7
 J4
 KQ6
 A1064
 A963
West opened the bidding with 1, North made a non-ideal but best takeout
double, and at most tables South ended up declaring 3NT. On the lead of the
K, the common play was to hold up twice, take the successful  finesse and
romp home with 10 tricks consisting of 5, 3, and the two black Aces. North
usually said. “Well done, partner” and they went on to the next board.
Actually holding up twice on the  lead is a bridge crime. Declarer has 27 high
card points in his partnership. West opened an Aceless hand as dealer, marking
him with both minor suit Kings. If West can be made to lead the  suit it will give
us an extra trick in the suit. If South wins the second  (actually the first works as
well), and runs all his red winners ending in hand, he comes to:
 -- -- Q7
 -- -- -- A96
It takes a world champion defending pair for North to come down to 2 and the
bare K without giving the show away. Normal people will have 2 and the bare
10. Leading the 9 now forces the fatal  lead for declarer’s eleventh trick.
And so it went at the table. East made any deception impossible by discarding
his  early “to give partner the count.” A little attention now made it clear how
many  West had left.
The complete deal:
 J4
 KQ6
 A1064
 A963
Voice of the Dummy
 752
 109432
 82
 852
 A93
 A75
 QJ975
 Q7
Page 17
 KQ1086
 J8
 K3
 KJ104
October 2014
October 18 & 19, 2014
Reeds Brook Middle School
Hampden Maine
Chairperson: Steve Dyer 207.884.7413
Partnership & Team formation assistance:
Peter Morgan 207.892.4292
Saturday: 2 Session Pair Game 10:30 & TBD (*)
Single session pair entries accepted
Sunday: Swiss Teams 10:30 & TBD (*)
Strats: A - Unlimited; B 500 - 1500; C; 0 - 500
(Stratified by average for Swiss teams)
$10 per player per session ($3 add’l if ACBL dues not current)
(*) 2nd sessions will commence after a very brief lunch break
Lunches will be available for purchase on both days
Food donations are greatly appreciated!
Directions: From interstate 95, take exit 180 toward Hermon/Hampden – Coldbrook Rd.
(Turn right from south, left from north.) After 1.4 miles turn right onto US-202. After .8
miles turn left onto Western Ave (still US-202). After .4 miles turn right onto Main Rd N
(US-1A). It is then .5 miles to school, on right.
Voice of the Dummy
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October 2014
Maine State Championship
November 1st & 2nd, 2014
Evergreen Senior Center
1 Columbus Drive Brunswick, Maine
Chairperson: Tim Goodwin (207) 807-0772
Tournament Director: Horace Gower
3 Session Pairs Championship
Saturday: 2 Sessions 11:45 & TBA
Buffet Dinner at China Rose between sessions
Sunday: 1 Session 10:30
Single Session Entries Available
Strats: A unlimited; B 300-1000; C 0-300
$30 per player for 3 sessions includes the meal
Directions: The Evergreen Senior Center on the corner of Cressey Road and Columbus Drive
in Brunswick (just off the Federal Street ramp to Route 1)
Food donations appreciated
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October 2014
Lobsterfest Sectional
Portland - August 9th and 10th
MPs A B C Winners
8.25 1
Ronald Mak, Manchester NH; Geoffrey Phipps, Bluffton SC
6.19 2
Sharron Hinckley, East Winthrop ME; John Hackett, Oxford ME
4.64 3
Stephen Gladyszak, Chelsea MA; Ann Borgschulte, Lexington MA
3.68 4
Dorothy Kelleher, Westbrook ME; Richard Budd, Portland ME
3.04 5
Allen McRae, Portland ME; Laura Lipman, Bonita Spgs FL
4.42 6 1 Richard Osten, York ME; Ruth Cunniff, Durham NH
3.32 7 2 1 Ronald Ouellet, Brentwood NH; James De Ruosi, Hampton NH
2.49 3 2 Marta Clements, Bryant Pond ME; Hazel Glazier, Norway ME
Beverly St Germain, Oakland ME; A Lorraine Letourneau,
1.86 4
Waterville ME
2.64 5 3 Richard Verrill - Norma Verrill, Gorham ME
1.55 6 William Fogel - Teri McRae, Portland ME
Lawrence Kolkhorst, Yarmouth ME; Stephen Kolkhorst, Portland
5 Gordon Lane - Norma DeAngelis, Seabrook NH
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October 2014
Lobsterfest Sectional
Swiss Teams - 21 Tables
MPs A B C Winnerss
James Gray, Murrysville PA; Leslie Buzzell, Auburn ME;
7.75 1
Kate Hewitt, Wiscasset ME; Shirley West, Brunswick ME
Wayne Burt, Pembroke NH; Geoffrey Phipps, Bluffton SC;
5.81 2
Daniel McGuire, Epsom NH; Ronald Mak, Manchester NH
John Hackett, Oxford ME; Tony Greene - Norma Greene,
4.36 3
Portland ME; Sharron Hinckley, East Winthrop ME
William Fogel - Bjorn Axelson, Portland ME; Jill Stirgwolt,
3.41 4/6 1/3
Harpswell ME; Pat Smith, Brunswick ME
Murray Scott, Raymond NH; Joe Pelonzi, Hudson NH;
3.41 4/6 1/3 1/2
Robert Leese, Amherst NH; John Banker, Nashua NH
David Lawrence - Pat Benton, Rochester NH; Eric Fillion,
3.41 4/6 1/3 1/2
Eliot ME; Sandra Larson, Durham NH
Peter Morgan, Windham ME; David Waterman, S Harpswell
ME; David Magee - Sally Magee, Cumberlnd Ctr ME
Bailey Geeslin, Naples FL; Richard Canton, Bridgton ME;
3 Richard Balian, Waterford ME; Nicholas Karamessinis, St
Petersburg FL
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October 2014
Indian Summer Sectional
September 13th and 14th
MPs A B C Winners
Timothy Goodwin, Standish ME; Thomas Goodwin, Lewiston
9.00 1
6.75 2
Ellie Hanlon - Mary Savko, Tequesta FL
5.06 3
David Atwood - Mary Atwood, Alton NH
3.80 4
Larry Mann, Wells ME; Paula Mann, Boca Raton FL
Peter Morgan, Windham ME; David Waterman, S Harpswell
5.82 5 1
4.37 6 2 1 Daniel AlbertRozenberg - Michael Albert, Cambridge MA
2.25 7
Arthur Giovannangeli, Dublin NH; Ronald Mak, Manchester NH
3.27 8 3 2 Richard Balian, Waterford ME; John Mahoney, Worcester MA
2.47 4 3 Karen Mooney, South Portland ME; Martha Soule, Yarmouth ME
1.94 5 David Maze, Somerville MA; Daniel Jablonski, Stoneham MA
Janet DesChenes, Kennebunkport ME; Nancy Phipard, Lake Worth
1.66 6 4
5 Linda Lee - Robert Lee, Fredrick MD
6 Gail Johnson - Sheila Pechinski, Bangor ME
Great Hospitality!!
The Apple Crisp and
Ice Cream was
enjoyed by all.
Voice of the Dummy
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October 2014
Indian Summer Sectional
Swiss Teams - 26 Tables
MPs A B C Winners
Dorothy Kelleher, Westbrook ME; Elaine Gordon - Jerrie
9.00 1
Will, Wells ME; Richard Budd, Portland ME
Wayne Burt, Pembroke NH; James Labbe, Concord NH; Ronald
6.75 2
Mak, Manchester NH; Arthur Giovannangeli, Dublin NH
Larry Mann, Wells ME; Paula Mann, Boca Raton FL; Ellie Hanlon
5.06 3
- Mary Savko, Tequesta FL
David Maze, Somerville MA; Michael Albert - Daniel
5.10 4/5 1/2 1 AlbertRozenberg, Cambridge MA; Catherine Cooper,
Woburn MA
Stewart Rubenstein, Newton MA; Christina Parker, Newton
5.10 4/5 1/2 Centre MA; Christine Halkiotis, Wellesley Hills MA; Diogo
Teixeira, Wellesley MA
Peter Morgan, Windham ME; David Waterman, S Harpswell ME;
2.87 6/7 3/4
Sally Magee - David Magee, Cumberlnd Ctr ME
Jill Stirgwolt, Harpswell ME; Pat Smith, Brunswick ME; Teri
2.87 6/7 3/4
McRae - William Fogel, Portland ME
John Hackett, Oxford ME; Tony Greene - Norma Greene, Portland
2.00 8
ME; Sharron Hinckley, East Winthrop ME
Fred Fosnacht, Westbrook ME; Glenda Lentz, Cape Elizabeth ME;
Claire Gardner, Newport NH; Denise Olson, New London NH
Patricia Damon - Diane Bishop, Winslow ME; Edward Rushton 1.80
Joyce Rushton, Oakland ME
James De Ruosi, Hampton NH; Kathleen Larnard, North Hampton
NH; Ronald Ouellet, Brentwood NH; George Page, Rye NH
Martha Soule, Yarmouth ME; Karen Mooney, South Portland ME;
3 Merry Roberts, Cape Elizabeth ME; David Haskell, Scarborough
Judith Parks - Patrick Parks, Rollinsford NH; Nancy Hornbeck,
Durham NH; Lisa Allison, Lee NH
Lawrence Kolkhorst, Yarmouth ME; Stephen Kolkhorst, Portland
ME; Richard Verrill - Norma Verrill, Gorham ME
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October 2014