PARENT PERMISSION & FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY FORM 2015 Cookie Sale Program Welcome to the 2015 Cookie Program! Please read, complete and sign this Permission & Financial Responsibility Form. Keep the top half for yourself and give the bottom section to your girl’s Troop Cookie Manager. Remember, you cannot pick up cookies unless this form is signed and on file with your Troop Cookie Manager. As a parent/guardian, your role is very important. We ask your help in agreeing to the following: I agree to adhere to the dates of the Cookie Program: o January 16 – February 1, 2015: Initial Order Commitments from friends, family and neighbors o February 2 – February 22, 2015: Order Commitments continue until cookies are in hand o February 14 – February 26, 2015: Delivery and money collection of Order Commitments o February 27 – March 15, 2015: Community Booth Sales and delivery of Order Commitments I will make sure my girl is properly supervised by an adult while selling. I agree that only the adults who have signed this form will be allowed to sign for and pick-up cookies. I agree to get signed receipts for all cookies taken from the troop and for all money turned in to the troop. I understand that unsold cookies cannot be returned to the troop or council. Once signed for, the cookies are the responsibility of the person signing the cookie receipt. I agree to be financially responsible for initial cookie orders, all cookie re-orders, and the money due and collected. I agree that my girl will sell all cookie varieties at $4 per package, with the exception of the gluten-free cookie at $5 per package. I agree that all donations accepted will be applied to Troop Gift of Caring and/or Operation Cookie Drop cookies. I understand that all checks are to be made payable to Girl Scouts of Western Washington (GSWW). Checks are restricted to no more than $144 each. I agree that collecting money for cookies on the internet is prohibited at all times, unless it is through the council’s Digital Order Card system. I will be responsible for turning in all money to the Troop Cookie Manager on a weekly basis (or the schedule set with my Troop Cookie Manager) with final payments due by March 16, 2015. I agree that Cookie Dough rewards earned by my girl will be held by GSWW until full payment is received. I understand that I will be charged a $40 late fee if full payment is not made by March 18, 2015. Debts remaining after this date will be sent to collections. If collection action is needed, I agree to pay reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. --------------------------Top section for parents/guardians---------Bottom section for Troop Cookie Manager-------------------------My girl,___________________________________________________, a member of Troop #__________ or is an Individually Registered Member _____, has my permission to participate in the 2015 Cookie Program. I agree to accept financial responsibility for all the cookies and money she receives. I understand that I may not return cookies to the troop or council. I have reviewed the above information and agree to be held responsible to the terms of this agreement by signing below. Parent/Guardian Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________Date: ____________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________Date: ____________________ Home Phone (_____)___________________________Cell Phone: (_____)__________________________________ Address: _____________________________________City: _________________________________Zip: _________ Email address: __________________________________________________________________________________
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