This promises to be an outstanding show! The Palm Springs Hilton Resort is a beautiful facility and our last symposium there was a huge success. This show will be bigger than ever, and a good time will be had by all! Symposium Location & Accommodations th The 44 Annual SWANA Western Regional Solid Waste Symposium and Exposition is being held in Palm Springs at the Palm Springs Hilton Resort located at 400 East Tahquitz Canyon Way, Palm Springs, California, 92262. The Palm Springs area is known for fantastic golf courses, excellent restaurants, spectacular views, and great weather. Make your reservations early to combine professional development along with the beauty and excitement of Palm Springs. The Palm Springs Hilton Resort has made available a block of rooms and suites at a special rate for SWANA attendees. You are encouraged to make your room reservations as soon as possible to ensure you have a room onsite. These rates are guaranteed through March 1, 2015. Contact the Palm Springs Hilton Resort at (760) 320-6868 and be sure to mention SWANA to receive the single/double rate of $130.00 per day. Please be sure to book your room early due to the Coachella event! Registration Center The registration center will be located in the lobby area of the Hotel. It will be opening the following hours: 9:00am 8:00am 8:00am 7:30am - 4:00pm 4:00pm 2:00pm 10:00am Monday, April 13 Tuesday, April 14 Wednesday, April 15 Thursday, April 16 Upon arrival at the hotel, please pick up your packet at the Registration Center. The packet will contain full Symposium information and a name badge. This badge is your admission to all Technical Sessions and Exhibit area. For additional information prior to the Symposium please contact the Association office at (714) 866-9988 or Jim Kuhl at (562) 570-2850. Legislative & Technical Sessions This year’s session topics will provide the opportunity to hear first had of the changes affecting the industry. See the Week at a Glance section of the brochure for more information. Welcome Reception Monday night there will be a Welcome Reception held from 5:30pm to 7:30pm in the Exhibit Hall. Please join us for beverages and hors d’ oeuvres while you browse the Exhibit Hall. Over 40 different vendors and exhibitors will display the latest technology and offer their services. Vendors & Exhibits The Hilton has a large carpeted ballroom/exhibit area. Equipment and vendor booths will all be located indoors in a climate controlled atmosphere. In addition, there will be systems and professional consulting firms which can help your organization perform at an optimum. Don’t miss the opportunity to view th the show, talk with waste professionals, inspect equipment, and will some great door prizes. Exhibit set up starts Sunday, April 12 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm. All set ups must be completed by Monday at 3:00pm. For more information please call Scott Ramey at (818) 519-0591. Golf Tournament Come and enjoy a great round of golf in beautiful Palm Springs, home of some of the finest golf courses in Southern California. The Annual Western Regional Symposium Golf Tournament, a “Best Ball Scramble” will be held Monday, April 13, 2015 at the Tahquitz Creek Golf Course Resort. The fee for eighteen holes is only $119 per person, which includes a BBQ lunch. There will be a “Shotgun Start” at 8:00am. The number of spaces is limited and will be assigned on a first-come first-serve basis. If you wish to participate, you are encouraged to register as early as possible. For more information please contact Laith Ezzet at (949) 251-8902 or . The golf registration form is also available online at . Poolside Monte Carlo Night Wednesday night, SWANA will host a party around the pool (weather permitting). Please wear casual pool deck clothing to enjoy good food, entertainment, and games of chance. Successful gamblers will cash in their chips to take home great prizes. Continuing Education Units (CEU’S) This year’s symposium is rich with timely topics and notable speakers. Take advantage of this valuable resource and receive CEU credit as well. SWANA is awarding CEU’s for each day’s attendance at the symposium. A form will be provided at registration and must be signed by a SWANA Founding Chapter Board member to receive credit. Don’t miss this golden opportunity to fulfill your Continuing Education Requirements while you gain useful insight from industry leaders. WEEK AT A GLANCE M o n d a y _ T u e s d a y Morning Lunch Golf Tournament 6:45am – 1:00pm Golf BBQ Lunch 1:00pm – 2:30pm Afternoon Vendor Set Up 9:00am -3:00pm (Set up must be completed by 3:00) Evening Welcome Reception – Exhibit Hall 5:30pm -7:30pm Hosted by: Registration 9:00am – 4:00pm Breakfast 6:30am – 8:30am Registration 8:00am – 4:00pm Equipment & Vendor Show Exhibit Hall 8:00am – 10:00am Lunch 11:30am – 1:00pm Hosted by: Equipment/Vendor Show Exhibit Hall 8:00am –10:00am Exhibit Hall 3:00pm – 5:00pm A-2 XXXXX 1:30pm – 2:45pm, Plaza CD Plenary Sessions 10:00am – 11:00am Equipment & Vendor Show Exhibit Hall 3:00pm – 5:00pm Welcome Keynote Speaker A-1 XXXXX 1:30pm – 2:45pm, Plaza AB Keynote Speaker sponsored by: Exhibitor Hospitality Suites 6:00pm – 9:00pm Morning W e d n e s d a y Breakfast 6:30am – 9:00am Registration 8:00am – 2:00pm Equipment & Vendor Show Exhibit Hall 8:30am – 11:30am Lunch Lunch 11:30am – 1:00pm Hosted by: Afternoon Evening Equipment & Vendor Show Exhibit Hall 8:30am – 11:30am Deck party – poolside All hands on deck for an evening of fun, food, and entertainment! A-1 XXXXX 1:30pm – 2:45pm Plaza AB A-2 XXXXX 1:30pm – 2:45pm, Plaza CD B-1 XXXX 3:15pm – 4:30pm, Plaza AB _ B-2 XXXX 3:15pm – 4:30pm, Plaza CD LTF Meeting – 4:30pm – 5:30pm, Plaza CD T h u r s d a y Registration 7:30am – 10:00am Thursday Morning Coffee Hosted by: A-1 XXXX 8:45am – 10:30am, Plaza AB A-2 XXXX 8:45am – Noon, Plaza CD Reception - 6:00pm Dinner/Entertainment - 7:00pm Hosted by: DELEGATE REGISTRATION FORM SWANA Member: Yes____ No____ If yes, which chapter?__________________________________________________________ Last Name:_________________________________________First_____________________________________________________ Name to be printed on name badge:_____________________________________________________________________________ REGISTER EARLY AND SAVE! Affiliation:______________________________________________Title_________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________City:____________________________________________State:___________Zip____________ Phone:_________________________FAX:________________________Email:____________________________________________ I am registering for the following: (please check) Member by 2/23 Full Registration: Daily Registration: Welcome Reception: Tuesday (lunch incl.) Wednesday (lunch Incl.) Wednesday Deck Party Thursday Golf Registration: Spouse: | Non Member by 2/23 $500____ $550____ $50_____ $200____ $200____ $155____ $190____ $119____ $190____ $100___ $250____ $250____ $180____ $205____ | Member after 2/23 | Non Member after 2/23 $600____ $650____ $250____ $250____ $275____ $275____ $205____ $220____ Spouses’ name______________________________ Grand total: total all fees and enter here: $_____________________________________________ Account Type: Visa MasterCard AMEX Cardholder Name _________________________________________________ Account Number _____________________________________________ Expiration Date ____________ Billing Zip____________ CVV2 (3 digit number on back of Visa/MC, 4 digits on front of AMEX) ______ Note: (NSF) Returned check fee $155.00 Full registration includes admission to legislative and technical sessions, all vendors’ exhibits, breakfast and lunch on Tuesday & Wednesday, Monday Dinner/Pool party. Exhibit booth rental includes ONE FULL REGISTRATION (see the exhibitor registration form). Additional tickets on sale at the registration desk. Cancellations & Refunds. Notice of cancellation must be made in writing and postmarked NO LATER THAN MARCH 1, 2015. An administrative fee of $95.00 will be deducted from the amount to be refunded. Request notice should be sent to the registration address. Mail registration form and payment to: So Cal SWANA Association Office 21520 Yorba Linda Blvd., Ste. G-428 Yorba Linda, CA 92887 Questions? Please call the Association office at (714) 866-9988
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