Merry Christmas December 2010 "Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child." Luke 2:17 We extend our sympathy and prayers to: Maurice & Joan Hill and their family in the death of Maurice’s mother, Betty Hill. We received thank you notes from: Lloyd & Doris Gresham This month we are collecting for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Every penny that is given will go to support our missionaries around the world and reach more people groups with the gospel. Our church goal is $3,500. $3500.00 Please pray about what the Lord would have you to give and give with sacrifice and obedience. Who was Lottie Moon? Born Charlotte Digges Moon Dec. 12, 1840, in Albemarle County, Va. Lottie rebelled against Christianity until she was in college. In December 1858, she dedicated her life to Christ and was baptized at First Baptist Church of Charlottesville, Va. Lottie attended Albemarle Female Institute, female counterpart to the University of Virginia. In 1861, she was one of the first women in the South to receive a master's degree. Edmonia Moon, Lottie's sister, was appointed to Tengchow, China, in 1872. The following year, Lottie was appointed and joined her sister there. Lottie served 39 years as a missionary, mostly in China's Shantung province. She taught in a girls' school and often made trips into China's interior to share the good news with women and girls. Lottie frequently wrote letters to the United States, detailing Chinese culture, missionary life and the great physical and spiritual needs of the Chinese people. Additionally, she challenged Southern Baptists to go to China or give so that others could go. By 1888, Southern Baptist women had organized and helped collect $3,315 to send workers needed in China. Why was the offering named for this early China missionary? Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists' first Christmas offering for international missions - enough to send three new missionaries to China. To read her letters, visit this website: Lottie died aboard a ship in the Japanese harbor of Köbe on Dec. 24, 1912. She was 72 years old. BAPTIST WOMEN: From the Pastor’s desk D ecember is always a very busy month. There is Christmas shopping to do; parties to attend; plays to watch; and much more. But, December is also a great opportunity to tell people about Jesus and invite them to church and Sunday School. As we go to these many different places we will see people we normally do not see. Some may be strangers. Some may be people we only see once a year. I encourage you to see the opportunities that God has laid before us to reach these people. This year in Sunday School we are emphasizing reaching people, teaching people, and ministering to people. The busyness of this month gives us a chance to do just that. Let’s reach more people and invite them to Sunday School this month! Laura, Seth, Grace, Emma and I want to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas. All of you are so dear to our hearts, and we love you tremendously. It is a wonderful privilege to serve as your pastor. We pray you are drawn closer to our Savior this Christmas. For His glory, Pastor Dave Thanks to everyone who participated in Operations Christmas Child Samaritan Purse Shoe Box project. We collected a grand total of 86 boxes which is awesome !! God bless each of you for your thoughtfulness in bringing a smile to a needy child's face, and for obeying His commandment to show love to others. James 1 says don't just be a hearer of the Word but a doer of the Word. And 86 boxes is some doing !!! With Christmas approaching, we are looking forward to Christmas caroling on our next Mission night, Wed, December 15. We hope to see you there....and for those of you who have not previously participated, give it a try. You will receive far more blessings than the rest home occupants I promise you! For just a few minutes of your time, you can bring a little sunshine into their lives during this season. Don't forget that we are collecting blankets for the needy/homeless to be sent to Durham Rescue Mission. You can place blankets on the table in the Fellowship Hall. M u s i c M in is t r y There are just a few things everyone can depend on and one of these is the seasons of the year. Thanksgiving has passed, and now Christmas is just a few weeks away! Our Choir has really worked hard to make this Christmas musical special for everyone this year. We are inviting everyone to come hear the beautiful music and the special wording to the songs explaining the real reason of Jesus’ birth. Come, bring your family and friends. You will receive a great blessing from God. Hope to see all of you. The musical is scheduled for Sunday night, December 12th, at 6:00pm. Love in Christ, Jo Anne McFarland Love in Christ - the Reason for the Season, Welcome New Members: Judy Phil and Joan Seifert The Baptist Men's road trip to the 82nd Airborne Museum is December 4th. We will leave church at 8:00 am, stop for breakfast on the way up and lunch on the way back. All men are welcome - please sign up in the Vestibule. Please also join us Mission Wednesday as we will begin preparation for Baptist Men's Day in January. God has gifted each one of us with special talents. Come use yours and be part of Baptist Men's Day. Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas. Wally by transfer of letter; April Walker by baptism Erika Walker by baptism. Congratulations to: David Strum, April Walker and Erika Walker on their baptism. Usher Ministry If you are a member of the church and would like to be an usher, please see Vic Roberts. "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." - I Peter 4:10 BIRTHDAYS & CHURCH EVENTS December 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY "Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child." Luke 2:17 WEDNESDAY 1 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY 3 WEEK OF PRAYER FOR INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS 5 Lord’s Supper am service 6 GROW Deacon’s Mtg 4:00p Outreach 6:50p 7 Garnet Ellis Jacob Murray 8 9 10 Baptist Women’s Prayer Circle 7:00p SATURDAY 4 Baptist Men’s Breakfast Club & Trip to Airborne Special Operations Museum 7:00a 11 Bahama Christmas Parade Christmas Celebration Service 5:30p Annette Glenn Andrew Green George Murray Amber Grinstead Shelia Sanders Justin Wilson 12 13 14 Business Meeting after AM service 15 Bill Taylor 16 17 Lyndsay Brack 18 Mission’s Night Christmas Caroling 7pm S.S.Leadership Mtg 4:30p Adult Choir Cantada & Fellowship 6:00p Joy Cummings 19 20 Mary Oakley Cody Ellis Debbie Copley Mark Ellis Crystal Propst 21 22 23 24 25 Joslyn Blomberg Jordan Davis Debbie Clayton Marion Holmes 31 Family Christmas Service 11:00am Christmas Play & Fellowship 6pm 26 Connie Garrett Don Garrett Shirley Ellis Scott Green Joan Hill 27 28 29 30 Scottie McFarland Melissa Oakley Teresa Mills Judy Stancil R ED M OUNTAIN B APTIST C HURCH P.O. B OX 103 R OUGEMONT , NC 27572 919-477-3657 Rev. Dave Pryor—Pastor Paul Sheaffer—Minister of Youth Move Me Closer (A Shepherd’s Prayer) T’was the night before Christmas, and my only desire, was peace among kids, And to rest by the fire. I’d just settled down in my favorite chair, When I heard a small voice, and a cry of despair. As I stared at the hearth, I saw a strange sight, our nativity scene in the flickering light, seemed almost alive! But how could this be? One lonely shepherd was calling to me; Move me closer, move me closer, move me closer to the Child. Let me see Him, let me hold His hand, move me closer to the Child. As you can well imagine, I was a bit surprised! So with a shake of the head, and a rub of the eyes, I took another look, and what did I see? Without a doubt, he was looking at me. It seems in the hustle and bustle of things, in the wrapping of gifts and the building of swings, in assembling his scene, I’d been a bit hurried and understandably so, he was a little bit worried. Move me closer, move me closer, move me closer to the Child. Let me see Him, let me hold His hand, move me closer to the Child. You see, candy canes and holly trim, didn’t mean a thing to him. If they kept him from his post, beside the Child he loved the most. So as strange I know as it must seem, whether it was or wasn’t a dream, I placed him back where he belonged as he sang again his simple song, and now when we at Christmas share, we sing his song, A Shepherd’s Prayer. Move me closer, move me closer, move me closer to the Child. Let me see Him, let me hold His hand, move me closer to the Child. Nursery Schedule Dec Sunday Morning Sunday Night Wednesday Night Dec Connie Garrett / Karen Hall 1 5 Penny Pendleton /Sammi Watson Melody Myers / Sheila Sanders Mary Oakley/ Barbara Walker 8 12 Don & Connie Garrett Gerry Moore/Janice Watson Norma Bowen /Viola Wilkins 15 19 Hank & Kathy Taylor Carol Carden / Sammi Watson Joe & Joyce Glenn 22 26 Lane & Wanda Ellis Melody Myers / Sheila Sanders Connie Garrett / Karen Hall 29 Dec Preschool (3-4) 5 Dawne and Ashley Lewis 12 Children’s Church Dec K-3 5 Debbie Clayton and Karma Karangelen Pam Cates & Wanda Ellis 12 Scott Chambers & Shelia Sanders 19 Pam Cates & Wanda Ellis 19 Scott Chambers & Shelia Sanders 26 Heather Young & Diana Koutsis 26 Melody Meyers & Justin Wilson
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