ADHD Conference for Health, Education and Social Care Professionals 13 - 14 October 2014 • ACC Liverpool Welcome On behalf of the ADHD Foundation, Allied Neuro-disabilities and our conference partners, we are delighted to welcome you to this our second annual multi-disciplinary conference for Neuro-disabilities in CAMHS, Education and Social Care. We are delighted to be hosting the ADHD Foundation Conference 2014 in Liverpool. The Arena & Convention Centre is an award winning venue, which provides a brilliant location for this, the the second of our annual conferences. We extend a particular welcome to delegates and speakers who have travelled a great distance from USA, France, Italy and Ireland. If you have any questions whilst you are at the conference, please ask one of our registration team or one of the hosts you will see around the venue. This conference takes place at a time of increasing pressures on resources, the need for integrated service pathways and the challenging issue of managing successful transitions from CAMHS to Adult services. REGISTRATION is open both days from 08:30 on the ground floor Galleria. This conference offers a timely opportunity to explore and debate the issues, celebrate examples of best practice and agree on shared objectives for inter-agency collaboration. The outcomes from this event will be detailed in a report which will be shared with Government Ministers and delegates in our shared attempt to influence policy, provision and best practice across The UK. We wish you all a very enjoyable and rewarding conference experience. Mrs Marie Rice Chair of the Board of Trustees CLOAKROOM is open both days from 08:30 and you may leave your coat here, it will close at 18:00. CAR PARKING – adjacent at QPark is £9 per day. TOILETS – on the third floor, adjacent to the conference hall 11. CONFERENCE – Hall 11, on the third floor, on the left of the foyer, we will start promptly at 9am, please ensure you have taken your seat in plenty of time. CATERING – in the foyer of the third floor, all refreshments and lunch will be served here. If you have any dietary requirements you have not informed us of, please see one of the registration team. Any special dietary requirements you have let us know of in advance have been catered for, please see one of the catering team. EXHIBITION – in the foyer of the third floor, please take time to meet the exhibitors and to see all of the stands. WI-FI – there is wi-fi available throughout the conference centre, please log on as guest. SOCIAL MEDIA – throughout the conference we will be encouraging you to engage with each other through social media as well as networking in person! Please use the hashtag #ADHDconf14 throughout the conference, thank you. CONTACT DETAILS ADHD Foundation Head Office 151 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2AH Tel: 0151 237 2661 Registered Charity No. 1120898 To keep in touch for future events and information please email Twitter: @ADHDFoundation Conference Programme Conference Programme- Day 1 – Monday 13th October 2014 Day 2 – Tuesday 14th October 2014 08:30 Delegate Registration, Exhibition Open & Refreshments 08:30 Delegate Registration, Exhibition Open & Refreshments 09:00 Welcome Tony Lloyd, Chief Executive, ADHD Foundation 09:00 Welcome Tony Lloyd, Chief Executive, ADHD Foundation 09:05 Opening Address - Rory Bremner, Patron, ADHD Foundation 09:05 Opening Address – Simon Weston OBE, Patron ADHD Foundation 09:30 Dr James Wiley, Consultant Paediatrician, Alabama, USA 09:25 Jane Friswell, Chief Executive, NASEN 10:15 Dr Kuben Naidoo & Dr Suhail Rafiq, Consultant Psychiatrists, Sefton Lead for Adult ADHD Service 09:55 Simon Bowers, GP Commissioner Liverpool CCG 10:45 Fintan O’Regan, Educational Consultant 10:15 Dr James Wiley, Consultant Paediatrician, Alabama, USA 11:15 Refreshment Break & Exhibition – auditorium foyer 11:00 Drama Performance - Rainhill High School Media Arts College 11:45 Drama Performance - Rainhill High School Media Arts College 11:10 Refreshment Break & Exhibition – Auditorium Foyer 11:50 Monique Collier, Young Person’s Advisory Service 11:30 Welcome Back – Tony Lloyd, Chief Executive, ADHD Foundation 12:10 Annah Foden, NeurOptimal 11:35 Dr Ashok Jansari, Research Consultant Clinician, University of East London 12:30 Young People’s Perspective – Chloe & Luke 11:50 Jane Cordez, Managing Director, LEaD Training Academy 12:45 A Parent’s Perspective – Joanne Manley 12:20 Adrian Williams, NeuroDisabilities Nurse, Alder Hey Hospital 13:00 Lunch, Exhibition & Networking – Auditorium Foyer 12:40 Fintan Connolly, Take Ten Ltd 14:00 Welcome to Afternoon Session 13:00 A Parent’s Perspective – Kerri Titherington 14:10 John Stevens & Nicky Fearon, Consultant Psychiatrist and Strategic Lead Transition, Mersey Care NHS Trust 13:05 Lunch, Exhibition and Networking – Auditorium Foyer 13:55 Dr Ruairi Gallagher, Paediatric Consultant, Alder Hey NHS Hospital 14:40 Round table Discussions – ‘Your View’ with Nicky Fearon, Mersey Care NHS Trust 14:15 A Young Person’s Perspective – Niles 15:10 Refreshment Break & Exhibition – auditorium foyer 14:20 Dr Andrew Curran, Consultant Neurologist, Alder Hey NHS Hospital 15:40 Louise Theodosiou, Consultant Psychiatrist, Manchester CAMHS 16:10 Professor Sam Lingam and Dr Kanagasabai Puvanendran, Child Development Centre, Thurrock Community Hospital 14:50 Professor Philip Vickerman, Professor of Inclusive Education and Learning, Executive Director to the Vice Chancellor, LJMU 15:15 Refreshment Break & Exhibition – Auditorium Foyer 16:50 Closing Comments, Tony Lloyd, Chief Executive, ADHD Foundation 15:40 Jilly Davis, National Autistic Society 17:00 Conference Close 16:10 Matthew Hopkinson, Assistant Director, 0-25 Special Educational Need & Disability Unit, Department for Education 16:50 Closing Statement Tony Lloyd, Chief Executive, ADHD Foundation 17:00 Conference Close Speaker Profiles Speaker Profiles Tony Lloyd, Ph.D. Chief Executive of the ADHD Foundation Monique Collier, Chief Executive, Young Person’s Advisory Service Born and raised in Anfield, England, Lloyd began his career in human resources. He worked in training and professional coaching, followed by several years in public education. He then worked in the charitable sector with Weston Spirit. Lloyd is the lead researcher in the ADHD study, Coherence Training in Children With ADHD: Cognitive Functions and Behavioral Changes, and co-author of Using emWave Technology For Children With ADHD. Monique is responsible for the strategic development and future sustainability of the charity, YPAS. Locally, she is involved with ensuring the integration of health, education and social care, and represents Liverpool’s third sector organisations both regionally and nationally. Monique’s practitioner background as qualified/registered therapist includes twenty years of providing therapy to children and young people, 12 years of working systemically with families and group therapy, and delivering training to children and young people. Monique was a senior area manager in London for 12 years and senior manager of a therapeutic service in Liverpool. Monique is a qualified executive/performance coach and trainer, and is co-founder of the Basement Project, a city centre homeless charity founded in 1999. Rory Bremner, Patron ADHD Foundation Rory Bremner has been brightening up our screens for over 25 years with his unique brand of comedy and satire. He is widely rated as Britain’s sharpest impressionist and he impersonates over 100 people, from Tony Blair to Mohamed al Fayed; Rory once managed to get through to Margaret Beckett whilst impersonating Gordon Brown. Rory was diagnosed with ADHD as an adult in 2011 after seeing similarities when his young nephew was diagnosed in 2011. He became a Patron of the ADHD Foundation in 2013. James Wiley, MD, FAAP, Consultant Paediatrician, Alabama, USA Diagnosis and Treatment for ADHD in Adults, Adolescents and Children Age 4 and up. Dr Wiley attended medical school and completed his residency at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, The Children’s Hospital of Alabama. He is board certified in Paediatrics. Dr Wiley practiced general paediatrics at Dothan Paediatric Clinic in Dothan, Alabama for almost 20 years before moving to Mobile in 2008 and founding Focus. He served as President of the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Paediatrics and is currently the District X Vice-Chair Person for the AAP. He has been listed in America’s Best Doctors and America’s Top Paediatricians and was named Master Paediatrician by Children’s Health System. “Every day I learn something new about ADHD from the wisdom of my patients.” Dr Kuben Naidoo, Consultant Psychiatrist, Mersey Care NHS Trust Dr Kuben Naidoo is a General Adult psychiatrist in Mersey Care NHS Trust and has had a special interest in ADHD in Adults since his specialist registrar training. He started a service for Adult ADHD in 2007 and in 2010 received the Lilly award for Innovation in Transition services. Other interests include prison psychiatry and he is a visiting Psychiatrist at HMP Liverpool where he works with the in-reach team. He is an Honorary Clinical Lecturer at the University of Liverpool, serves as an examiner for the Royal College of Psychiatrists and is also on the Royal College CESR committee. Dr Suhail Rafiq, Consultant Psychiatrist, Sefton Lead for Adult ADHD Service, MerseyCare Born and brought up Manchester Dr Rafiq graduated in 1997 from the University of Manchester for Medical Degree. He has trained in North West and Mersey Deaneries in Adult and Children’s Mental Health Services. He is a member of The Royal College of Psychiatrists. Worked as Consultant Psychiatrist for last 7 years after obtaining CCT (certificate of completion of training) in 2007. Included 5 years in 16-18 service with Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust (Oldham and Rochdale). Dr Rafiq’s has held his current post since Dec 2013 as Consultant Psychiatrist for Adult ADHD Service in Sefton (Mersey Care). Fintan O’Regan, Educational Consultant Fintan is a SEN and Behaviour Consultant for the Schools Network and an associate lecturer for Leicester University, the National Association of Special Needs, Tribal Education and the Institute of Education. He is currently the Vice Chairman of UKAP and member of the European ADHD Alliance and former chairperson of the European ADHD Taskforce, member of the Special Education Consortium and member of SpLD Assessment Standards Committee. Publications include the T.E.S. award winning book Educating Children with ADHD (2000), along with a number of other titles and recently published Successfully Managing ADHD 2014. Annah Foden, NeurOptimal For over 15 years, Annah was a journalist, magazine editor and publisher in London before moving back to France to raise her family. A few years ago, her doctor introduced Annah to Neuroptimal, a Dynamical neurofeedback system. She was then suffering from hypersomnia, a sleep disorder which is as detrimental as insomnia. Hypersomnia symptoms include inattention, poor concentration and forgetfulness. Within a short period of using NeurOptimal, her sleep patterns were altered and her symptoms were alleviated. Today Annah is a Dynamical neurofeedback practitioner and has been given the mission to raise awareness and understanding of Dynamical neurofeedback and its benefits among the British public and professionals. John Stevens, Consultant Psychiatrist, Mersey Care John is a Consultant Psychiatrist working with Liverpool Early Intervention in Psychosis team. In addition he has been working to improve transitions between local CAMHS and Adult mental health services, and develop local innovations around Youth Mental Health. He is also a family therapist with an interest around family interventions in first episode psychosis. Nicky Fearon, Strategic Lead Transition, Mersey Care Nicky Fearon graduated as a mental health nurse in 1996 and further completed a MSc in psycho-social interventions and CBT for psychosis in 2005, most recently Nicky has graduated as an independent non-medical prescriber. Nicky has worked in both in-patient and community mental health settings. Currently Nicky is working in a jointly funded post between Mersey Care, an adult mental health NHS trust and Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation trust to work as a transition project manager with the specific remit to look at transitions from Children’s to adult services in mental health, neurodevelopmental disorders and learning disabilities. Louise Theodosiou, Adolescent Psychiatrist, CAMHS Manchester Louise is an adolescent psychiatrist who is part of an innovative service that works with 16-17 year olds. The service prides itself on enthusiastic outreach strategies, and active multiagency networking. Young people using the team have complex multiple needs encompassing depression, ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders and substance use. Louise also supervises a nurse who runs an ADHD clinic in north Manchester. Simon Weston OBE, Patron, ADHD Foundation In 1982 Simon Weston was aboard the Sir Galahad when it was destroyed at Bluff Cove in the number of highly successful ventures. He remains a tireless worker for the charity and his charitable work earned him an OBE in the 1992 Queen’s Birthday Honours. He was awarded Freedom of the City of Liverpool in 2002 in recognition of his bravery and his charity work in the region. He has appeared in the Top 100 Merseysiders list in 2003 and honoured as one of the top 100 Welsh Heroes in 2004. Speaker Profiles Jane Friswell, Chief Executive, National Association of Special Education Needs (NASEN) Jane was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of nasen in January 2014. Previously a Professional Educational Consultant with over 15 years’ experience of headship and senior leadership experience within primary special schools and SEND support service sectors, Jane has extensive experience of teaching with nearly 30 years teaching and leading experience within special and mainstream schools. She was the Lead Consultant and Trainer for nasen’s DfE Project “A Whole School Approach to Improving Access, Participation & Achievement”; Project Board Member & Advisor, Co-author of national SENCO training materials for Primary Schools and Author of nasen’s Preparing for Ofsted Inspection: A Guide for SENCOs & Whole School Staff. Dr Simon Bowers, GP, Vice Clinical Chair, Liverpool CCG Dr Simon Bowers is a South Liverpool GP and Clinical Vice-Chair of Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group. His Governing Body responsibilities are as lead for Children and Informatics. Born and educated in Liverpool, Simon qualified from Liverpool University in 1998 and completed his GP training at hospitals and practices in the Mersey Region. Despite being a passionate generalist, he has clinical interests in Child Health and Musculoskeletal Medicine. He can be heard on BBC Radio Merseyside’s Drive-time show as resident doctor. Out of work he can normally be found playing guitar badly or shouting at his beloved Liverpool FC. Dr Ashok Jansari, University of East London Dr Ashok Jansari is a neuropsychologist whose research has explored many different areas including research programme looking at different aspects of memory loss, including the development of rehabilitation regimes and the creation of a Virtual Reality assessment of brain damage. His research on face recognition explores extreme abilities including impairments known as ‘prosopagnosia’ or face-blindness and super-recognition. Speaker Profiles Ruairi Gallagher, Paediatric Consultant, Alder Hey NHS Hospital Trust Ruairi is a specialist registrar in community paediatrics within Mersey Deanery. He graduated in medicine from the University of Liverpool in 2001. He became a Member of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in 2006. Ruairi is studying for a PhD at the University of Liverpool investigating adverse drug reactions in children. He is a trustee on the board of the ADHD foundation. Dr Andrew Curran, Consultant Neurologist, Alder Hey NHS Hospital Trust Dr Curran is a practising paediatric neurologist and neurobiologist. He spent three years in full time research following up children after brain injury and continues to work extensively in this field as a consultant paediatric neurologist at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in Liverpool. In the past he has been involved of emotional literacy in our classrooms. More recently he has conducted work exploring the processing of reward in the human brain. He was a main presenter on BBC3’s Make My Body Younger and regularly presents the science section on Five Live Saturday Edition. Professor Philip Vickerman (BSc MED PhD PG Cert LTHE FHEA), Professor of Inclusive Education and Learning, Executive Director to the Vice Chancellor, LJMU Philip is Director of the School of Education, Leisure and Sport Studies. He is responsible for student enhancement activity and leads on staff development and international/collaborative activities. Philip is a member of Academic Board and is a National Teaching Fellow, awarded by the Higher Education Academy in 2005. He teaches on the university postgraduate certificate in learning and teaching in higher education and is involved in the mentoring of staff new to teaching. As Professor of Inclusive Education and Learning, Philip works nationally and internationally in the areas of Physical Education, Sport, Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability. He is a member of the editorial advisory board for the National Association of Special Educational Needs and for Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly. Jane Cordez, MD, LEaD Training Academy Jane has experience of primary, secondary, middle, high, special and FE over 19 years. Jane began her teaching career in middle leadership and quickly aspired to senior leadership in both mainstream secondary and Headship in BESD secondary schools. As a Head Teacher Jane took a satisfactory school to good, attaining the best results the school has ever achieved - topping out at 71% for full time students in 2012 from 20% in 2010, prior to which 5 A*-C was 0%. Jane has expertise in all aspects of behaviour management and SEN, working for 7 years in BESD and prior to that in Merseyside. Jane is a motivational coach and a transformational coach practitioner. Jilly Davis, National Autistic Society Jilly Davis started working for the NAS in 1978 at a residential school in Sussex and in 1989 she joined the Robert Ogden School. In 2004 she was given the responsibility of developing and managing an Inclusive Education Resource within the school to cater for children who have been excluded from a range of educational provision including the Robert Ogden School. The provision is now known as the Inclusive Learning Hub, within this setting Jilly has gained most of her experience in working with children with Pathological demand Avoidance (PDA). During the last 10 years she has developed many positive educational approaches and strategies to use to teach children with a PDA profile, to re-engage them in learning and to able them to tolerate the everyday demands of school. Adrian Williams, NeuroDisabilities Nurse, Alder Hey Hospital Prior to January 1992 when Adrian began training as a Mental Health Nurse, he had joined the Army as a Military Accountant, and he worked for various companies as a Management Accountant. Since qualifying as Mental Health Nurse, he has worked in Adult Acute, Psychiatric Intensive Care, Youth Offending Services, and Child and Adolescent Mental Health, in primary, secondary and tertiary care. Adrian is currently working with Alder Hey Community Paediatrics as Lead Nurse for ADHD & ASD. He is a qualified Counsellor, Psychotherapist and holds a Master’s Degree of Education. He is also an EMDR Therapist, 3Di Autistic Spectrum Assessor. Adrian is a regular speaker at international conferences and is published in ADHD and Attachment Disorder. Adrian is originally from Anglesey and is a fluent welsh speaker, as a second language. Fintan Connolly, MD, TakeTen Ltd, Belfast Fintan studied Pharmacy at University of Bath and qualified as a Pharmacist in 1987. Fintan moved from Hospital to Community based Pharmacy and remained as a Community Pharmacist until 2005. As a Community Pharmacist, Fintan was concerned at the increasing levels of stress among children and young people, and lack of interventions available to deal with the issue. As parent of a child with a learning difficulty, Fintan wanted to find an intervention to help with the stress that his child encountered on a daily basis. Fintan developed an Emotional Health and Wellbeing Programme for schools. The Programme is now used by over 130 schools and organisations in the UK. Fintan is married with three teenage children, and is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Matthew Hopkinson, Assistant Director 0-25 Special Educational Need and Disability Unit, Department for Education Matthew has responsibilities for a range of aspects of the SEND reforms and mental health issues across DfE. He will be speaking about the opportunities presented by the new strategic and planning responsibilities under the Children and Families Act 2014 and the outcome-focused approach to meeting need as reflected in the new 0-25 SEND Code of Practice. ADHD Conference Exhibition Plan 4 5 6 7 8 Exhibitor Profiles ADHD Foundation: 9 10 11 3 12 2 13 1 14 20 19 18 17 16 15 The ADHD Foundation, in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies, works to: Build a positive foundation for life, Improve life chances through better understanding and management of ADHD, Raise awareness & understanding of ADHD - change the negative perception of ADHD into positive, Bring about positive change and inclusion within policy and practice, Support schools, GP’s, youth justice services and other professionals who work with people living with ADHD, The ADHD Foundation supports achievement, educational attainment, mental health and employability, The Foundation works in a unique way - We work in partnership with those living with ADHD, enabling them understand and manage ADHD. LCVS Building, 151 Dale Street, Liverpool L2 2AH 0151 237 2661 Twitter: @ADHDFoundation Email: Alder Hey Hospital: Every year we care for over 270,000 children, young people and their families and we lead research into children’s medicines, infection, inflammation and oncology. We know that a children’s hospital is different and that our job is more than just treating an illness. At Alder Hey we are here to look after a child and their family and that includes mums, dads, brothers and sisters. We treat everything from common illnesses to highly complex and specialist conditions from our main hospital site in Liverpool and across community sites and clinics throughout the North West. Telephone: 0151 228 4811 Butterfly Print Ltd: Stand Number Company Name 1 World Federation of ADHD 2 Liverpool City Council 3 Mersey Care 4 Institute of Education 5NeurOptimal 6 National Autistic Society 7 National Association of Special Educational Needs 8 Flynn Pharma 9 Royal College of Nursing 10 QB Tech 11 LEaD Training Academy 12 Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust 13 Hope University 14LJMU 15 Young Person’s Advisory Trust 16 Compassion Field 17Shire 18 Butterfly Print Ltd 19Cerebra 20 TakeTen Ltd In Hall 11 University of East London Research Project In Hall 11 ADHD Foundation stand plan was correct at time of printing Butterfly Print Ltd are specialists in design and print for the education sector. We create bespoke products for Nurseries & Primary Schools through to Secondary Schools and Colleges. On average we can reduce the printing costs of a 1,000 pupil Secondary School by 23%. We also provide a number of generic communication products such as the ‘Early Years Diary’ and Primary School Planner, these are used by hundreds of Child Care Settings and Primary Schools as a way of communicating with Parents. Our Big Box Solution which includes our new range of Resources for Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Emotional Well Being. Our Mental Health Resources are written by Marilyn Tucknott, an Educational Consultant in Children’s and Young People’s Mental Health. Her background is in teacher training - with specialisms in Early Years and in Special Needs Butterfly Print Ltd Contact: Neil Walsh/Catherine Laycock Tel: 01706 817248 Email: Cerebra: Cerebra is a unique national charity that strives to improve the lives of children with brain-related neurological conditions, through research, education and direct, ongoing support. Cerebra funds research into the problems arising from brain injury and disability in infants, offers services that include a postal lending library, grant scheme, regional officers and sleep counsellors. The Charity also provides a holiday home, Vallecchia, which is free to Cerebra members. The Cerebra Innovation Centre helps parents and carers access specialist equipment that is not readily available elsewhere. Living with neurological conditions can make life very hard, not just for the child, but for their family too and we at Cerebra, with the help of our supporters, aim to make it easier. Cerebra, 2nd Floor Offices, The Lyric Buildings, King Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1BD Tel: +44 (0) 1267 244200 Email: Exhibitor Profiles Exhibitor Profiles Compassion Field: LEaD Training Academy: At Compassion Field Our mission is to: ‘Think differently, Create change’ Leadership, Education and Development are the key principles of training, coaching and support offered. Simply, think differently and create change to you and/or your organisation. Education and commercial training and consultancy available. If you want to make a difference, change and move forward, then contact me today. No job too small.....changing the world one person at a time. • contribute toward a thriving and compassionate society • provide a compassionate place of reflection, balancing and renewal for individuals at all stages of living and dying through residential retreats, informal workshops and individual treatment • introduce bespoke programmes that contribute to improving the health and wellbeing of society by listening to your needs • collaborate and support existing services toward improving choices through research and practice that promote life balance & wellness for individuals, groups and organisations • contribute toward a more healthy and skilled workforce by promoting mindfulness and compassion skills professional training Frances Collins, Managing Director at Compassion Field C.I.C. Integrative Healthcare Tel: 01829 760843 • Email: Flynn Pharma: Flynn Pharma is a privately held speciality pharmaceutical company with a particular interest in CNS medicine in both adult and paediatric patient populations. It supplies branded and generic medicines as well as a wide range of injectable and oral antibiotics. Flynn focuses on providing products for underserved patient populations by re-discovering and re-energising tried and trusted branded pharmaceutical products. To that end its ongoing product development and acquisition programme concentrates on introducing new products, improving existing formulations and introducing new indications. Tel: +44 (0)1438 727 822 Email: Liverpool Hope University: The University places great emphasis on the bringing together of research excellence and top-quality teaching. This is facilitated by a community of academics and scholars who are of the highest calibre. This research-informed teaching enables our students to develop into rounded and employable graduates who can take their place confidently as global citizens in the 21st century. With a history extending 168 years, Liverpool Hope has developed a strong tradition of scholarship and research in key disciplines. As the only ecumenical university foundation in Europe the University’s work has been shaped by Christian principles but embraces those of all faiths and none. School of Teacher Education, Liverpool Hope University, Hope Park, Liverpool, L16 9JD. Tel: 0151 291 2044 Email: Institute of Education: I am a researcher from the Institute of Education, examining the effects of sleep disturbances on learning and behaviour in children with ADHD. Sleep is critical for effective learning, particularly through childhood. We know that a good night’s sleep increases memory consolidation. We also know that depriving typically developing children of sleep results in ADHD-like behaviours. Given that sleep disturbances are common in ADHD, we aim to investigate their role in learning difficulties and behavioural problems associated with childhood ADHD. This is particularly exciting research as it will inform us in the development of effective and non-invasive sleep-based interventions. Frances Le Cornu Knight: Sleep-dependent learning in ADHD Department of Psychology and Human Development, Institute of Education Email: • Tel:0207 612 6934 Jane Cordez Tel: +44(0)7863180853 Email: Nasen: Nasen is the leading UK professional association embracing all special and additional educational needs and disabilities. The organisation promotes the education, training, development and support of all those working within the special and additional educational needs and disabilities sector. nasen contributes greatly and has a strong influence on policy and practice in the area of special educational needs through consultation and joint projects with other professional bodies. For further information contact: 01827 311500 Email: National Autistic Society: We are the leading UK charity for people with autism (including Asperger syndrome) and their families. With the help of our members, supporters and volunteers we provide information, support and pioneering services, and campaign for a better world for people with autism. Around 700,000 people in the UK have autism. Together with their families they make up around 2.8 million people whose lives are touched by autism every single day. From good times to challenging times, The National Autistic Society is there at every stage, to help transform the lives of everyone living with autism. We are proud of the difference we make. Tel: +44 (0)20 7833 2299 Email: NeurOptimal: The founders of Zengar Institute, Dr Sue Brown and Dr Valdeane Brown are both clinical psychologists and neurofeedback experts. They created NeurOptimal® over a decade ago. This Dynamical NeurofeedbackTM sytem is a complex,interactive software that ßharnesses this powerful technology in an easy-to-use program called NeurOptimal®. Today this leading edge, state-of-the-art, neurofeedback system is made available to healthcare professionals at an affordable cost and without the requirement of any additional academic credentials or any expertise in neuroscience. NeurOptimal® has achieved both clinical and commercial success and is now the leading neurofeedback system in the US, Canada and Europe. Email: NHS Mersey Care: Mersey Care provides specialist inpatient and community mental health, learning disability and substance misuse services for adults in Liverpool, Sefton and Kirkby. It has a wider role too, providing medium secure services for Merseyside and Cheshire, and high secure services covering the North West of England, the West Midlands and Wales. Mersey Care operates from locations in and around Liverpool, Sefton, Kirkby, and neigbouring St Helens. Tel: 0151 473 0303 • Email: Exhibitor Profiles Exhibitor Profiles Qb Tech: University of East London The story of Qbtech (Quantitative behaviour technology) began in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2002. By developing proprietary algorithms, a new Continuous Performance Task (CPT) and adding important activity measures, Qbtech created an objective test, QbTest, with high ability to assess ADHD and treatment followup in both clinical and research settings. In 2005, 2012 and 2014 three major milestones occurred as QbTest received FDA clearance, further strengthening the use in both assessment and treatment evaluation of ADHD. An exciting study at Goldsmiths College (University of London) and the University of East London is being conducted to look at potential problems experienced by children who have been diagnosed with either Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The aim of the project is to use a new test that looks like a computer-game, to help us better understand the ‘managerial’ functions of the brain which if functioning well, allow a child to make the best of school, to communicate effectively and finally to integrate both socially and emotionally with other children as well as adults. A growing body of research has begun to show that ‘executive functions’ may not develop fully in children with ASD and ADHD. Since 2009 Qbtech has grown significantly and our presence has expanded worldwide with local offices in UK, Germany and the US. So far over 145 000 patients have performed a QbTest. As we continue to grow and get to know our customers better, we at Qbtech are proud of continuing to develop products that can empower well-informed decision making. Qbtech Limited, Gable House, 18-24 Turnham Green Terrace, Chiswick, London, W4 1QP Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 5148 Email: Royal College of Nursing: The Royal College of Nursing represents nurses and nursing, promotes excellence in practice and shapes health policies. As the largest professional nursing body in the UK, the RCN offer education, training, professional leadership and employment relations advice and support. Royal College of Nursing of the United Kingdom 20 Cavendish Square London W1G ORN Tel: +44 (0) 345 456 3996 Dr Ashok Jansari MA, DPhil, CPsychol, AFBPsS Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London, New Cross, London, SE14 6NW Email: World Federation of ADHD: The objective and mission of the World Federation of ADHD is to support and promote worldwide clinical and scientific study projects, including training activities in the field of ADHD (Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder) and related disorders. To also support the exchange of information between scientists, physicians, health experts, ADHD lay organisations, self-help groups, and the public; to collaborate with other related professional and lay organizations. World Federation of ADHD Global Head Office Rita Pape Zum Ehrenhain 3422885 Barsbüttel, Germany Tel: +49-40-670 88 20 Fax: +49-40-670 32 83 Email: Shire Pharmaceuticals: Shire UK is an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Shire plc, a global specialty biopharmaceutical company that works closely with specialist physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals to develop and market medicines that improve quality of life for patients, their families and carers. Shire UK currently focuses on the following therapeutic areas: Alzheimer’s Disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Chronic Constipation, Chronic Kidney Disease, Essential Thrombocythaemia, Fabry Disease, Gaucher’s Disease, Hereditary Angioedema, Hunter Syndrome, Seizures and Epilepsy, Ulcerative Colitis. The UK operation now comprises this original product range, additional speciality pharmaceuticals as well as therapies for genetic disorders. Shire Pharmaceuticals Limited Hampshire International Business Park, Chineham, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG24 8EP Tel: +44 (0)1256 894000 Take Ten Limited: TakeTen is an innovative bio feedback programme for schools and colleges that can help to improve student’s performance and behaviour. With the pressures of modern living, so many children today suffer from significant stress in their every day lives, whether at school, socially or at home. This stress is often experienced in the classroom and can have a detrimental effect on people’s cognitive function and learning skills and can also have adverse consequences on their behaviour, self-esteem and performance. Fintan Connolly, Take Ten Ltd Tel: 028 90265135 Email: The Young Person’s Advisory Service: The Young Person’s Advisory Service (YPAS) has been working with children and young people in Liverpool since 1966. Our Mission: YPAS values every young person as a unique individual. Our core values are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: • Children and young people must be protected from all forms of violence and exploitation. • Everyone has a responsibility to safeguard children and young people. • We listen to children and young people, respect their views and respond to them directly. • Children and young people should be supported and enabled to fulfil their potential. • We challenge all inequalities that marginalise children and young people. YPAS, 36 Bolton Street, Liverpool L3 5LX Charity no: 1002706 Tel: 0151 707 1025 Email: On behalf of The ADHD Foundation, Allied Neuro-disabilities and all participants and partners in this conference, we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone for your contribution in making this event such a success. Particular thanks are extended to our guest speakers, sponsors and exhibitors. A special word of thanks also to two of our Patrons, Rory Bremner and Simon Weston OBE for supporting this event. Thanks also to the staff team of the Arena & Convention centre, Moore Media Ltd, The Board of Trustees of the ADHD Foundation, The Service User Advisory Team for their vision, enthusiasm and tireless work in creating services that truly meet the needs of families and individuals. With kind regards Dr Tony Lloyd Chief Executive Thanks to: Rainhill High Media Arts College Performers: Elle Binns Faye Bruen Matthew Cunliffe Lydia Jervis Molly Kavanagh Adam Sinclair Breah Smalley Kameron Whittaker Miguel Doforo MD Productions The Ambition With thanks to our supporters and sponsors:
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