3 Annual International Conference on Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP), 26

26th - 27th January 2015
CCECP, Singapore
3rd Annual International Conference on
Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Chemical Process (CCECP),
26th - 27th January 2015, Singapore
Keynote Address by Prof. G.P. Rangaiah on
Improving Energy Efficiency of Chemical Processes by Heat
Exchanger Network Retrofitting
G. P. Rangaiah* and B. K. Sreepathi
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore 117585
*Corresponding Author’s Email: chegpr@nus.edu.sg
Chemical processes involve reactions and separations for converting raw materials into
valuable products required by the society. These processes often occur at elevated
temperatures whereas raw materials are at ambient temperature and products should be
stored at about room temperature. Hence, energy is required for heating material/process
streams before reaction and also for separation such as by distillation, and then outlet
streams have to be cooled using cold utilities such as water and air. There is potential to
recover thermal energy from hot process streams and to reuse it for heating cold process
streams. For this, heat exchanger networks (HEN) are employed in process plants. Thus,
energy/heat integration and HEN help to improve energy efficiency of chemical processes.
This led to numerous studies on synthesis and design of HEN in the last four decades after
the oil crisis of 1970’s.
The existing plants were designed and established many years ago according to the then
prevailing economic and technological conditions. Energy resources are depleting, and
environmental concerns and energy prices are rising. Hence, improving energy integration in
existing process plants is essential for enhancing energy efficiency of chemical processes
since most of their energy requirement is for heating and cooling of process streams. Energy
integration can be increased by retrofitting (also known as revamping) of HEN in existing
process plants; it involves area addition, relocating existing heat exchangers and/or installing
new exchangers to reduce hot and cold utilities (i.e., energy) required.
Methods for HEN retrofitting can be broadly classified into three categories: pinch analysis
based methods, mathematical programming based methods and hybrid methods (which
selectively combine the pinch analysis and mathematical programming methods). In this
keynote presentation, these methods and their applications reported in about 60 journal
papers will be outlined. Then, application of multi-objective optimization (MOO) for HEN
retrofitting will be discussed for a typical case study. MOO provides many optimal solutions
showing the trade-off between conflicting objectives. The decision maker can choose one of
them for implementation considering available budget, required investment and ease of
changes to be made to the existing HEN.
Reference: Sreepathi B.K. and Rangaiah G.P., Review of Heat Exchanger Network Retrofitting
Methodologies and their Applications, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 53, p.
11205-11220 (2014).