Fayetteville-Manlius School District Grades 7-12 Interscholastic 2014-15 Dear Parents and Students: Welcome to the Fayetteville-Manlius Interscholastic Athletic Program. It is my belief that participation in athletics is a privilege and provides an opportunity for developing life-long skills that may not be available in the academic classroom. The athletic department’s main goal is to provide first-class experiences that promote team and individual growth in a safe and healthy environment – both on and off the athletic fields. When a student chooses to participate in our athletic program, they have committed themselves to certain responsibilities and obligations. This brochure has been prepared to be used as a reference by our student-athletes and their parent/guardians in an effort to define responsibilities as they pertain to the athletic program’s rules, regulations, policies and procedures. These policies and rules are necessary for a well-organized and successful athletic program. The Fayetteville-Manlius Athletic Program is governed by regulations established by the New York State Education Department and the FayettevilleManlius Board of Education. In addition, the Fayetteville-Manlius CSD is a member of the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA), Section III in the “AA” classification and competes in the Central New York Counties League (CNYCL). I look forward to working with you to ensure that you take advantage of the tremendous opportunities athletics can provide. Please feel free to contact me at 692-1919 or visit our web page at www.fmschools.org if you have any questions or concerns regarding the F-M Athletic Program. GO HORNETS! Yours in Athletics, Scott R. Sugar, CAA Director of Physical Education and Athletics interscholastic Athletics Program 1 Interscholastic Athletics Program Philosophy A basic tenet of the educational philosophy of the Fayetteville-Manlius School District is to facilitate personal, academic, cultural and social development. A comprehensive program of student activities is vital to the educational development of students. Within this context, it is the purpose of the district’s athletics program to foster and promote: The ideals of competition, team work and sportsmanship while achieving the goals of success and participation; Appropriate physical, social and psychological development; The development of self-confidence, self-discipline, organization, decision making skills and goal orientation; A positive feeling of school pride and loyalty by participants, other students, parents, coaches and the community; The development of the concept of sound mind and sound body, leading to a lifetime appreciation for physical fitness and good health habits; The development of self-worth and a healthy self-concept, regardless of a student’s role or play on a team. Athletic experiences should leave students with a good feeling about themselves; The interscholastic athletics program, conducted in accordance with existing Board of Education policies, rules and regulations; and Great pride in winning. The Fayetteville- Manlius School District does not condone “winning at any cost” and discourages any and all pressures that might tend to neglect good sportsmanship and good mental health. Program Design The Fayetteville-Manlius School District believes that a comprehensive program of activities is vital to the educational development of students. We believe that an objective of a well-designed athletics program promotes an enjoyable learning experience. The need to coach student athletes and instill responsibility is also recognized. Our program is designed to allow individuals to participate at their skill level. Hard work, self-discipline and a willingness to learn and follow directions is encouraged. Coaches place a strong emphasis on skill building. The following guidelines have been developed to help students, parents and coaches understand the objectives and guidelines of participation on athletic teams at each level. Modified B (Middle School Teams) A.Student athletes will be able to explore and expand interest and abilities. B.Coaches will maximize opportunities for all students to participate. 2 FAYETTEVILLE-MANLIUS SCHOOL DISTRICT C.Basic skills and fundamentals of activities will be emphasized. D.When possible, varsity athletes will participate in demonstrations and clinics initiated by the F-M High School coaching staff. Modified A A.The continued importance of skill development will be stressed with an introduction of more defined team concepts in all aspects of play. B.The program will be designed to allow for individual differences in growth patterns. Each coach should be looking for the potential in each athlete. Junior Varsity The program calls for a balance between participation and winning. This level indicates a need for coaches to communicate with athletes regarding areas of needed improvement and the possibility of other opportunities in the activities program. The major focus continues on the teaching of basic fundamentals to further develop the skill levels of the participants. Varsity A.Varsity competition leads to an emphasis on winning. Although winning is important, rules governing play, good sportsmanship and the welfare of team members are the components of our strong athletic program. B.Individuals should make maximum contributions within the limits of their abilities. C.Recognition of performance will be judged on the basis of improvement shown during the entire season. Discouraging the Use of Specialization and Recruitment The Fayetteville-Manlius School District encourages students to participate in a variety of sports. As such, the district does not endorse, in principle or practice, the concepts of specialization or recruitment. Specialization occurs when children involve themselves in only one athletic activity over a period of time forsaking other athletic endeavors. Recruitment occurs when children are involved in a variety of athletic activities but are encouraged by a coach that it is in their best interest to compete in only one. An expectation in both specialization and recruitment is that children will spend the “off-season” developing their skills in a particular sport through a variety of camps and instructional and/or competitive leagues. Accordingly, the F-M School District has adopted the philosophy of discouraging the use of specialization or recruitment as basic to both community youth and school athletics programs. interscholastic Athletics Program 3 The Role of Parents in Athletics The Fayetteville-Manlius School District recognizes that parents are positive and powerful role models for their children. By supporting their children in their athletic endeavors, parents enable their children to enjoy a positive and fulfilling experience that will enhance their personal growth. The athletic department has developed guidelines for parent involvement. In order to promote a positive athletic experience, parents should: Be supportive of their children as student athletes, never compromising academics for athletics; Be supportive and acknowledge the efforts of the coach, team members and the program itself; Encourage their children to communicate with their coach; Be open, candid and respectful in their communication with the coach; Address concerns or suggestions regarding the program first with the coach. If further clarification or assistance is needed, a parent can contact the athletic director; and Demonstrate sportsmanship both as a parent and as a spectator. Spectator and Audience Conduct at School Events Throughout the course of a school year, there are many occasions when parents and other interested citizens attend presentations, activities and athletic contests. Consistent with district philosophy, policy and code of conduct, all members of an audience of a school sponsored event are expected to demonstrate appropriate conduct. Accordingly, they must conduct themselves in a manner that encourages a positive and enjoyable experience for all. They are to treat those in attendance (students, staff, players, coaches, officials, performers and other members of the audience) with respect. They may not verbally or physically abuse any individual, use profanity, or use tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs. Should anyone in attendance at a school sponsored event violate these behavioral expectations, the individual will be subject to disciplinary action, from a warning to removal from the activity itself, or to permanent prohibition from attendance at school district activities. An administrator, teacher or coach in attendance at a school district event has the authority to assess the conduct of spectators and members of the audience and to intervene, and, if the spectator or member of the audience refuses to comply with direction or becomes unruly, to seek assistance from the police. Student Eligibility According to the Commissioner of Education’s Regulations, a pupil shall be eligible for high school athletic competition in a sport during each of four consecutive seasons of such sport, commencing with the pupil’s entry into the ninth grade and prior to graduation, except as otherwise provided in the Selective/ Classification Program. The Selective/Classification Program permits pupils in the 4 FAYETTEVILLE-MANLIUS SCHOOL DISTRICT 7th and 8th grades to compete in high school competition provided that they meet the standards of this program. A pupil shall be eligible for interschool competition in grades 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 until his/her 19th birthday. A pupil who attains the age of 19 years on or after July 1 may continue to participate during that school year in all sports. Code of Conduct It is important that the student athlete and the parents/guardians understand, agree to, abide by and reinforce athletic training rules. Participation in athletics demands dedication to physical fitness and conditioning. Respect for one’s health and physical development must be an integral part of daily living. Use of chemicals (tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, steroids, prescription medication not his/her own and any other controlled substance) is prohibited under any circumstance. Accordingly, student athletes may neither smoke nor possess, consume, use, be under the influence of, or sell drugs, including alcohol, or be in possession of drug paraphernalia either on or off school property. If a staff member has reasonable suspicion that a student on school property, at a supervised school function, on a school bus, or in a school vehicle, is possessing, using, or is under the influence of an illegal drug or alcohol, prescribed medication not his/her own or drug paraphernalia, the staff member has the right to request that the student take a saliva based drug test, a Breathalyzer Alco-sensor test or to smell the student’s breath. Should the student refuse to comply with this request, the student shall be subject to the same disciplinary action as if the student were guilty. First Offense For a first offense of the Code of Conduct, a student athlete (grades 7-12) will be suspended for 20 consecutive practices and/or contest days. At the discretion of the parent/guardian, after discussion with the Director of Athletics, the suspension will be 10 consecutive practice and/or contest days, as long as it is accompanied by a counseling/ evaluation/education component as determined by the Director of Athletics. Failure to comply with the counseling/ evaluation/education component will result in further suspension as determined by the Director of Athletics. If a student athlete is found selling or distributing an illegal drug, prescribed medication or alcohol, the student athlete will be suspended for 40 consecutive practice and/or contest days. The student athlete must be in attendance at all practices and contests during the suspension but will not participate. In addition, the student athlete, upon his/her return, must practice a minimum of three (3) days for the purpose of conditioning before he/she may compete in a contest. Before reinstatement, the student athlete and parent/guardian must attend a hearing with the Director of Athletics, building principal and the coaches involved for the purpose of confirming that the conditions of the suspension were met. Following the hearing, the Director of Athletics will determine if eligibility will be restored. interscholastic Athletics Program 5 Second Offense A second offense by any student athlete previously suspended from a team during his/her athletic career will result in a suspension from all athletic participation for a period of one calendar year from the date of the violation. At the discretion of the parent/guardian, after discussion with the Director of Athletics, the suspension can be 30 consecutive days of practice and/ or contest, if accompanied by a behavior contract as determined by the Director of Athletics. If a subsequent offense occurs and it involves selling or distributing an illegal drug, prescribed medication, tobacco or alcohol, the student athlete will be suspended from all athletic participation for a period of one calendar year from the date of the violation. Refusal to participate in counseling will result in an extended suspension until such time that the student athlete complies. Before reinstatement, the student athlete and parent/guardian must attend a hearing with the Director of Athletics, building principal and the coaches involved for the purpose of confirming that the conditions of the suspension were met. Following the hearing, the Director of Athletics will determine if eligibility will be restored. Other Disciplinary Action Violation of this athletic code may result in other disciplinary action by the school administration. The Student Athlete Code of Conduct is in effect from the official start of a season until its conclusion and is in effect both on and off school property. First offense penalties will carry over to the next season, if applicable. All appeals should be made to the Director of Athletics. Acknowledgment To participate on a Fayetteville-Manlius athletic team, each student athlete must acknowledge, by signature, the aforementioned Code of Conduct. Policies and Procedures: Transportation The Fayetteville-Manlius School District is responsible for transporting student athletes to and from approved school-sponsored activities located outside district boundaries. Students are prohibited from driving to or from such activities. A student may return from such an activity with their parent or legal guardian provided written and signed authorization is given to the coach by the parent or legal guardian at the time the student is to leave the activity. Permission to leave with any other individual will not be given. Attendance A student athlete absent from school may not practice or play the day such absence occurs. A student must be in attendance by the beginning of the fourth period and be in attendance for the remainder of the school day to participate in a practice or game. Frequent or excessive tardiness may result in the same penalty. Exceptions to this rule can be made only by the building principal or a designee. 6 FAYETTEVILLE-MANLIUS SCHOOL DISTRICT Sports Physicals A student who participates in interscholastic athletic competition must receive a health examination and submit a completed health history before he/she can commence practice. Medical examinations will be scheduled periodically during the school year and shall be valid for a period of 12 continuous months from the date of the exam. A student may also receive a physical from his/her family physician. Physical forms are available in the nurses’ offices at the high school or middle schools. Injuries Injuries to athletes will occur in inter-scholastic sports at every level of competition, regardless of precautions taken. It is extremely important to report immediately to his/her coach any injury an athlete suffers. Medical expenses resulting from any interscholastic athletic injury must first be submitted to your own insurance carrier. Any remaining balance can be submitted to the school district’s accident insurance carrier by processing a claim form available in the athletic office. Athletics Booster Club The Fayetteville-Manlius All Sports Booster Club exists as an organization of parents and community members dedicated to: Supporting, encouraging and advancing the athletic program and related activities of the Fayetteville- Manlius School District, thereby cultivating clean, wholesome school spirit; and Promoting good sportsmanship, developing high ideals of character and promoting projects to improve facilities and equipment necessary to provide an adequate athletic program for the school district. Need more information? Go to www.fmschools.org for more news and information about the F-M Athletic Program. From the district's home page, click on the “Athletics” tab for information about items such as: Sports physicals; Health appraisal forms; Directions to sporting events; Weekly and daily sports schedules; Coaching certification; The F-M Sports Shuttle; and F-M’s athletic trainers and coaches. interscholastic Athletics Program 7 OBJECTIVES FOR ATHLETES Learn new athletic activities. Improve skills. Develop physical vigor and desirable health and safety habits. Develop friendships with team members. Realize that athletic competition offers privileges and responsibilities. Learn and exemplify good sportsmanship. Learn that individual and team excellence in performance is a primary goal for all athletes. To develop friendships and experiences through contests with other schools and communities. To learn that although winning is important, rule violations bring penalties. OBJECTIVES FOR COACHES Realize their responsibility to the total school program and to adhering to the philosophies and objectives as stated in this handbook. Recognize coaching as teaching in its truest form. Provide a positive role model for student athletes. Recognize winning as being important but never at the expense of our total program or the welfare of our student participants. Work with individuals and team toward the goal of “improvement.” Conduct oneself in the highest professional manner. Give careful consideration to the physical condition of our athletes at all times, including follow-up on injured athletes. Deal fairly with each student athlete and be responsive to individual needs and concerns. Recognize that loyalty to fellow coaches, teachers, the school and community is an important ingredient for a successful athletic program. Recognize all programs below the varsity level as developmental activities for the individual and the team concept as well. 8 FAYETTEVILLE-MANLIUS SCHOOL DISTRICT Seasonal Athletic Programs Girls V JV FR 7/8 Boys V JV FR7/8 Cross Country xx xx Field Hockey x Fall x x Football xxxx Golf xx Gymnasticsx Soccer x xxx xxxx Swimmingx Tennis xx Volleyball x x Cheerleading xx xx Winter Basketball x xxx xxxx Bowling x x Indoor Track x x Ice Hockey x Swimming x Volleyball xx Wrestling Cheerleading xx x xx Spring Baseball xxxx Crew xx xx Golfx Lacrosse x xxx Softball xx x xxxx Tennis x Track xx xx For information on daily contests, go to: www.fmschools.org. interscholastic Athletics Program 9 2014-15 Start Dates FALL August 18 All JV and Varsity Sports August 25 Freshman Football August 27Modified Football September 2 All Other Modified Sports WINTER October 27 Modified Girls Volleyball October 29 Modified Boys Basketball November 3 November 10 All JV and Varsity Sports January 5 Boys Freshman Basketball Winter 2 SPRING March 9 All JV and Varsity Sports March 23 All Modified Sports Fayetteville-Manlius S c h o o l D is t r ic t 8199 East Seneca Turnpike Manlius, NY 13104 Progress Responsibility Integrity Determination Excellence Non-Profit Org. 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