List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations 1. LIST OF FIGURES Figures Description Pages Figure 1.1. Maps showing the location of the study area. (a) Satellite image shows the Borneo Island, and highlighted are the location of the study area (in the red rectangle). (b) Simplified geological map of Sabah shows the outline of Neogene basins and their sub-basin and provinces (after Leong and Azlina, 1999). 4 Figure 1.2. The study area, Dent Peninsula, with outcrops localities (geological map after Haile and Wong, 1965). 5 Figure 2.1. Schematic NW-SE sequential cross-sections show geological evolution of Sabah (after Tongkul, 1991, sketch taken from Leong, 1999). 16 Figure 2.2. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Mid Eocene (~42.5 ma) Celebes Sea break-up and development of the SE Pacific margin accretionary complex on Cretaceous oceanic crust; likely deep marine sedimentation (ISIS, 2005). 17 Figure 2.3. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Middle Eocene to early Miocene (~42.5 to 20.5 ma) - The South China Sea “break-up” and the development of fore-arc basin and accretionary wedge; likely deep marine turbidite deposition (ISIS, 2005). 17 Figure 2.4. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Early Miocene (20.5 ma) - Sabah Orogeny occurred when the South China Sea microcontinent collided with the Palawan Arc and North Borneo; likely deep marine gravity slide and melange deposition (ISIS, 2005). 18 Figure 2.5. Palinspastic reconstruction of the early Miocene to mid Miocene (~19.0 to 15.5 ma) with Andaman Sea „breakup‟ giving rise to Sulu Sea back-arc basin development and basin-fill “axial” fluviodeltaic to shallow marine and deep marine sedimentation in the northern area (ISIS, 2005). 18 Figure 2.6. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Middle Miocene (~15.5 – 13.0 ma) - Andaman Sea break-up where Sulu Sea spreading ceased, but likely continued axial fluvio-deltaic and shallow marine sedimentation (ISIS, 2005). 19 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XIV List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 2.7. Late Miocene (~11.6 – 5.5 ma) - The accretionary prism to the north widens and the sediment depocentre shifts to the South-East and the Manalunan trough develops in South with slope turbidite deposition (ISIS, 2005). 19 Figure 2.8. Palinspastic reconstruction of the Pliocene to Recent (~5.5 - 0 ma) - The Melieu Orogeny creating transpression in Celebes Sea and inversion and wrench in NE Borneo; likely low rates of paralic sedimentation in the North with slope turbidite deposition in the south (ISIS, 2005). 20 Figure 2.9. Lithostratigraphy of Dent Peninsula (modified Balaguru, 2006a & 2006b; Petronas, 2007). after 23 Figure 2.10. Geological map of Dent Peninsula (modified after ISIS, 2005; Haile and Wong, 1965). 27 Figure 2.11. The merged NW-SE onshore-offshore geological cross section with seismic line (after ISIS, 2005). 28 Figure 2.12. Structural sketch map of Sabah from various sources showing three main sets of faults (N-S wrench fault, NWSE trending extension and wrench, and NE-SW trending extension and wrench) and the bends of the fold-thrust belt and similar pattern offshore (as quoted after Leong, 1994). 30 Figure 2.13. Structural trend in the Dent Peninsula locally shows the position and lateral extent of Tabin Fault (Ismail Che Mat Zin, 1994). 31 Figure 2.14. (A) Model of the subduction zone for the Miocene volcanic rocks of SE Sabah. I to IV is an alternative models for melting in intra-plate settings applicable to the PliocenePleistocene volcanic rocks of SE Sabah (after Chiang, 2002). 34 Figure 3.1. Atomic H/C versus O/C or van Krevalen diagram is based on elemental analysis of kerogen (data from Peters, 1986). 44 Figure 3.2. The HI versus OI diagram based on Rock Eval pyrolysis of whole rock used to describes the type of organic matter in source rock (data from Peters, 1986). 44 Figure 3.3. Diagram shows Hydrogen Index (HI) versus Tmax indicates the different kerogen type upon the different stages of maturity (the data after Mukhopadhayay, et al., 1995). 45 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XV List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 4.1. Summary of the methodology performed iin this study. 55 Figure 4.2. (a) Tools and chemicals that are being used for preparing mount blocks (b) prepared polish-blocks, refractive index, and oil immersion for petrographic analysis. 57 Figure 4.3. Leica CTR6000 Photometry Microscope. 59 Figure 4.4. a) Stage of EOM extraction using soxhlet extractor; b) stage of solvent evaporation using rotary evaporator; c) stage of collecting EOM into vial. 61 Figure 4.5. The stages of collecting hydrocarbon fractionation by column chromatography, started with separation of 3 hydrocarbon fractions using column chromatography, followed by solvent evaporation stage using rotary evaporator, and stage of collecting hydrocarbon fraction into small vial. 63 Figure 4.6. The stages used in thin layer chromatography; a) preparation of plate leveler slurred plates on plate leveler, b) plates soaking into ethyl acetate, c) plates soaking in Petroleum ether after spotted by EOM, d) stage of hydrocarbon separation. 66 Figure 4.7. a) Gas chromatography system; b) Mass-spectrometer 68 Figure 4.8. The setting of the gas chromatography performed in this study. 68 Figure 4.8 a) Sample probe of the Py-GC attached to the back inlet; b) Double-Shot Pyrolyzer Py-2020iD; c) Gas chromatography. 70 Figure 4.9. Setting of the double-shot pyrolyses programme. 71 Figure 4.10. Setting programme in Double-Shot Analysis. 71 Figure 4.11. (a)The Spectrum 300 Spotlight FTIR-Microscope used for imaging and maceral mapping under reflected light; (b) Spectrum-100 FTIR Spectrometer used for powder samples using universal ATR sampling accessory. 74 Figure 4.12. Scanned background of gold plate. 75 Figure 4.13. Background spectrum of ATR. 75 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XVI List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 4.14. Summary of the basin modelling work flow using IES Petromod version 10.0 SP1. 80 Figure 5.1. Location of sedimentological log according to samples locality. 82 Figure 5.2. Field photographs of Tungku conglomerate unit at Locality 55. a) Steeply dip angle (010/50) trending to the ENE. b) Close up of the strike-slip fault plane. c) Right lateral movement trending NE-SW. d) Dilation surface showing bidirectional of wrench faults. 85 Figure 5.3. Lithological log at Locality 55 which shows a very thick conglomerate unit (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 86 Figure 5.4. Field photograph of Tungku conglomerate unit at Stop 45 at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry. a) Outcrops of conglomerate unit overlain by sandstone unit. b) Close up view showing an angular unconformity that separate the basal sandy unit of Sebahat Formation and conglomeritic unit of Tungku Formation as shown by erosional surface. 87 Figure 5.5. Lithological log at Stop 45 outcrop at Ladang Ikhtisas Semporna Quarry (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 88 Figure 5.6. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 56. a) Picture showing dark grey silty mudstone interbedded with thin siltstone. b) The siltstone beds often form as calcareous lenses. c) Examples of the dark grey silty mudstone (GMd) which was sampled for analyses. 90 Figure 5.7. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 6. a) Outcrop of highly bioturbated grey silty shale. b) Close up view shows the trace fossil possibly Ophiomorpha? which indicates shallow marine sediments. 91 Figure 5.8. Lithological log of Locality 56, Ladang Sebahat 1 Quarry (foothill, 50 m away from vey thick conglomerate unit of Figure 5.2) (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 92 Figure 5.9. Lithological log of Locality 6, nearby Telecomunication Tower at Chenderawasih town (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 92 Figure 5.10. Field photograph of Sebahat Formation outcrop at Locality 11. The sandy facies of Ganduman Formation was 93 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XVII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations onlapped on the muddy facies of Sebahat formation. Figure 5.11. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 11, Ladang Felda Sahabat 36 pass by (onlapping sequence) (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 94 Figure 5.12. Field photograph of outcrop at Stop 68 shows stacked channelised sandy units (CHSSt) associated with interdistributary lagoonal mudstone (GMd) and flood plain coal seams (SdCo). The thick, cross-bedded channelised sandstones are interpreted to represent distributary channels of prograding deltas. 98 Figure 5.13. Lithological log of outcrop at Stop 68 shows the maximum flooding surface, indicated by coal seam (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 99 Figure 5.14. Field photograph of outcrop of stacked channelised sandstone (ChSSt) at Locality 3. a) Vertical burrows of Ophiomorpha. b) Cross bedding sandstone. c) Through cross bedding sandstone. 100 Figure 5.15. Lithological log of multi-storey stack channelized sandstones at Locality 3 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 101 Figure 5.16. Field photograph of outcrop at Locality 26 which shows the upper shoreface sediments. b) Thin laminated very fine grained sandstone and siltstone (LmSSt) with commonly observed mud drapes and Planolites and Ophiomorpha. 102 Figure 5.17. Figure 5.17. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 26. 103 Figure 5.18. a) outcrop at Locality 15 shows the heterolithic mudstones and very fine grained sandstone lithofacies (HMS) that capped by thin coal seam (Co). b) Close up view that shows the two layers of coal seam. 104 Figure 5.19. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 15 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 105 Figure 5.20. The interbedded sandstone and grey silty mudstone with grey mudstone indicates lower shoreface deposits at Locality 48. This sediment indicates six set of parasequences (PS1-PS6). The Ophiomorpha burrows are common within the GSMd facies. 106 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XVIII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 5.21. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 48 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 107 Figure 5.21.1 Fossil assemblages of benthic faunas within the GSMd facies of Upper Ganduman Formation which indicate shallow marine environment, particularly shoreface; (a) Smaller brachiopods and gastropods fossil; (b) Larger brachiopod? (c). Oyster fossils. 108 Figure 5.22. a) The lithofacies of the excavated Togopi Limestone outcrop at Locality 52 in the Sahabat 24 limestone quarry; b) The upper part shows the consolidated marl (CLSt); c) Coral fragments inside the unconsolidated limestone (UCLSt); d) The nodular unconsolidated limestone. 110 Figure 5.23. Transitional contact surface between the Togopi Formation and Upper Ganduman Formation at Locality 20 indicates a possible unconformity. 111 Figure 5.24. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 52 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 112 Figure 5.25. Lithological log of outcrop at Locality 20 (Abbreviation as defined in Appendix 2). 112 Figure 5.26. Collected samples representing source rock facies for analyses. Amb: Amber clast, taken within grey silty sandstone facies (GSMd); GSMd: Facies of grey silty sandstone comprises coaly fragments and amber clast; GMd: Facies of grey silty mudstone. 115 Figure 5.26 (cont.). Collected samples representing source rock and reservoir rock facies for analyses. SdCo: Sandy coal (carbagilite); BCo: Brown coal or lignites; Co: Bright-black coal; SSt: Medium grain white silty sandstone 116 Figure 5.27. Collected samples representing reservoir rock facies for analyses. CLSt: Consolidated limestone; SSt: Brown coarse grain bioturbated sandstone; ULSt: Unconsolidated silty limestone with vuggy porosity; CLSt: Consolidated fossiliferous limestone. 117 Figure 5.28. The distribution of palynomorph of the respective samples. Figure 5.29. Photomicrograph of variaties of pollens that indicates different plant species and significantly dominated by 120121 122 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XIX List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations mangrove plants. Figure 5.30. Stacked bar graph shows the distribution of different species of pollens in different depositional environments. Relatively, the pollens and spores are dominated by mangrove plant species. 123 Figure 5.31. Image of Orbulina sp. 126 Figure 5.32. Characterization of depositional environments in Malaysian Basin using foraminiferas and palynomorph (after Mazlan et. al., 1999). 127 Figure 5.33. The reconstructed model of depositional environments of the Dent Group sediments as responsed to the relative sea level fluctuation (modified after Noad, 1998 and ISIS, 2005). 136138 Figure 5.34. Composite lithostratigraphic logs in the Dent Peninsula (not to the scale). 139 Figure 5.35. The proposed depositional environment model to characterize the source rock facies within Sebahat and Ganduman formations from early Middle Miocene to middle Pliocene (modified after Noad, 1998 and ISIS, 2005). 140 Figure 5.36. a) A Py-GC pyrogram of a coal clast within coaly sandstone shows the presence of cadinane (Cad); b) Dipterocarpacea pollen found within the coaly sandstone sample. 143 Figure 5.37. Total Ion Chromatogram significantly preserved terrestrial compound as indicates by extreme high nC30. 144 Figure 5.38. Mass fragmentogram of ion 191 shows the Oleanane and Lupane peaks as a terrestrial signals. Also shown is oleanane molecular compound. 144 Figure 5.39. FTIR spectrum obtained from reworking amber typically shows an angiosperm plant type as indicated by relative high CH2CH3 and CH3 Bending peaks and low vinylidene peak. 145 Figure 6.1. Ternary diagram of percentage maceral content in the coal samples of the two formations shown. 150 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XX List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 6.2. Stacked graph bar shows the average estimation of phytoclast composition in the analysed samples. 150 Figure 6.3. The crossplot of TOC vs phytoclast content within the mudstones samples show a reasonably good relationship as shown by linear interpolation with R2 is approximately 0.8. 151 Figure 6.4. Gelification Index (GI) versus Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) cross plot shows the paleomire of peat swamp of coal (modified after by Diessel, 1986 and Kalkreuth and Leckie, 1989). 154 Figure 6.5. Coal facies diagram of VI vs GWI shows the hydrologic condition during the peat deposition (after Calder et al., 1991). 154 Figure 6.6. The tellocollinite band (T) shows slightly low reflectance, probably caused by bitumen impregnation; (D)= heterogeneous desmocollinite bands; (S)= suberinite; (SF)= high reflectance of structured fusinite. 156 Figure 6.7. (Te)=Structured tellinite showing well preserved cellular plant tissue. 157 Figure 6.8. (Co)=Intermediate reflectance of disseminated ovoid‟s bodies of corpocollinite. 157 Figure 6.9. Sample SR13. Special occurrences of fluorescent vitrinite. Under UV light (right), the cellular texture of textinite was clearly enhanced and fluorescing dull yellow. 157 Figure 6.10. Sample SR33. The heterogenous desmocollinite associated with reddish clay and brownish disperse liptodetrinite matrix and bounded by thick cuticles layer. The cutinite was strongly fluorescing under UV light with yellow colour. 160 Figure 6.11. Sample SR32. The cutinite arrangments formed a series of banded layer (left side) while sporinite formed clusters (right side). Both the cutinite and sporintie showed strong fluoresce under UV light. The resinite formed as isolated dark grey rounded bodies within sclerotinite which fluoresces weak yellow. 160 Figure 6.12. Sample SR33. Thin suberinite layers associated with 161 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXI List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 6.13. phlobaphinite bounding the tellocollinite bands and surrounded by disaggregated desmocollinite. The suberinite and the expelled bitumen are fluorescing yellow under UV light. Sample SR21. The resinites appear as elliptical lipid bodies within voids as structureless vitrinite matrix fluoresce strongly under UV light. 161 Figure 6.14. Sample SR32. High reflecting sclerotinite possibly formed from bacteria alteration of cellular tissue. The cell lumens were filled by brownish resinite. 163 Figure 6.15. Sample SR33. The high reflectance fusinite shows an elongated disorder cellular texture. 163 Figure 6.16. Sample SR27. High reflectance semi-fusinite. The thin suberinite layers associated with phlobaphinite was bounding the tellocollinite bands, surrounded by disaggregated desmocollinite. The suberinite and filled pores resinite fluorescing in yellow under UV light. Rounded to sub-rounded recycled phytoclast associated with quartz and shows high relief. 163 Figure 6.18. Low relief elongated particle of plant fragment associated with reddish clay indicates in-situ plant fragments. 165 Figure 6.19. Low relief semi-structured plant texture which indicates insitu plant materials. 165 Figure 6.20. A: A trimodal VR histogram shows the influence of bitumen impregnation and reworked vitrinite could produce high value of standard deviation; B: In-situ coal with indigenous vitrinite tends to show unimodal histogram with low standard deviation. 169 Figure 6.21. Correlation between VR and Tmax shows a reasonably good correlation for Sebahat data, whilst poor correlation obtains for Ganduman data. 170 Figure 6.22. The vitrinite reflectance measurements accordingly to formation younging order constructed 170 Figure 6.23. Cross plot of TOC versus S2 of the Sebahat and the Ganduman samples. 173 Figure 6.24. Tmax value of the analyzed samples shows slight increase of maturity corresponds to the ages (the range is after 176 Figure 6.17. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 165 XXII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 6.25. Tissot and Welte, 1984). Source rocks quality based on the S1 and S2 values (modified after Peters and Cassa, 1994). 176 Figure 6.26. Cross-plot of S1 versus TOC for identifying the migration or contamination of hydrocarbons (after Hunt, 1995). 177 Figure 6.27. Bar graph of extractable organic matter of various lithology and formation. 180 Figure 6.28. Triangular diagram of Saturate-Aromatic-NSO compounds. 183 Figure 6.29. Graph bar shows the source beds rating of hydrocarbon compound. 183 Figure 6.30. The patterns of n-alkanes distributions which have been recognized comprise unimodal nC17, unimodal nC24, unimodal nC30, and bimodal (dominant nC24 and nC30). 188 Figure 6.31. Pristane/Phytane ratio shows the redox condition during the organic matter deposition (modified after Didyx et al, 1978 and Sofer, 1984). 190 Figure 6.32. Cross plot of Pr/nC17 versus Ph/nC18 used to determine depositional environment condition of the respective analyzed source rocks (modified after Hunt, 1995). 191 Figure 6.33. Marine versus terrestrial environment as indicates by nC30/nC17 crossplot (after Peters et al, 2005). 192 Figure 6.34. CPI and OEP values as indicator for relative thermal maturity (after Peters and Moldowan, 1993). 192 Figure 6.35. Co-elution of Oleanane-12-ene with Urs-12-ene in C30 region. 195 Figure 6.36. Molecular structure of Lup-20(29)-ene-3-one which is beleived to be a biological precursor for Lupane. 195 Figure 6.37. The calculated Olenane Index (Ol/Ho). 197 Figure 6.38. The ratio of moretane to hopane (Mo/Ho) indicates most of the samples are thermally immature. 197 Figure 6.39. The measured Ts/ (Ts + Tm) ratio for the thermal maturity estimation. 198 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXIII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 6.40. The measured homohopanes isomerization ratio to estimate the thermal maturity. 198 Figure 6.41. The pyrograms of Py-GC traces of three different types of samples. 202 Figure 6.42. Graph bar shows the selected ratio of the functional groups, obtained from the ATR-FTIR spectrum. 207 Figure 6.43. Source rock quality assessment based on TOC content 210 Figure 6.44. Comparison between total EOM and hydrocarbons yields. 210 Figure 6.45. HI vs Tmax crossplot shows the kerogen type and relative thermal maturity (modified after Mukhopadhayay et al., 1995). 213 Figure 6.46. Cross-plot of S2 versus TOC shows the distribution of analysed samples in relation to the kerogen type (modified after Gülbay and Korkmaz, 2008). 214 Figure 6.47. Classification of kerogen type of the analyzed coal samples from Ganduman and Sebahat formation by using the relative abundance of n-octene (C8), m + p-xylene (Xy) and phenol (Phe) (modified after Larter, 1984). 214 Figure 6.48. Description of biomarkers within the crude oil samples from offshore Central Sabah sub-basin (after Leong and Azlina, 1999). 222 Figure 6.49. Description of biomarkers within the extracted source rock samples. 223 Figure 6.50. Comparison of Pritane/Phytane ratio between source rocks extract and crude oil samples. 225 Figure 6.51. Comparison of nC30/nC17 ratio between source rocks extract and crude oil samples. 225 Figure 6.52. Comparison of CPI values between the source rocks extract and crude oil samples. 226 Figure 6.53. Biomarkers correlation of Oleanane Index between source rocks extract and crude oil samples. 226 Figure 6.54. Biomarkers comparison of the average homohopane 227 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXIV List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations isomerization ratio between source rocks extract and crude oil samples. Figure 6.55. GC-MS fingerprints of extracted limestone and sandstone of possible reservoir rocks. 231 Figure 6.56. Comparison of Pritane/Phytane (Pr/Ph) ratio between reservoir rock extract and crude oil samples. 232 Figure 6.57. Comparison of CPI value between reservoir rock extract and crude oil samples. 233 Figure 6.58. Comparison of nC30/nC17 ratio between reservoir rock extract and crude oil samples. 233 Figure 6.59. Biomarkers comparison of Oleanane Index (Olean-(12)ene / 18α-Hopane) between reservoir rock extract and crude oil samples. 234 Figure 6.60. Biomarkers comparison of the average homohopane isomerization ratio (C31, 32, 33 22S / (22S+22R)) between reservoir rock extracts and crude oil samples. 234 Figure 7.1. The merged of NW-SE onshore-offshore geological cross section with interpreted seismic section shows the Sebahat-1 well penetrating top of carbonates (after ISIS, 2005). 236 Figure 7.2. The digitized section comprises of seven original layers. 237 Figure 7.3. Facies definition properties include geochemical data and kerogen kinetics 239 Figure 7.4. Global mean sediment water interface temperatures (oC) (after Wygrala, 1989). 241 Figure 7.5. Vitrinite reflectance data from three offshore wells used as calibration data for modelling. 243 Figure 7.6. Bottom Hole Temperature (BHT) data versus depth from three offshore wells used as temperature calibration data for modelling. 243 Figure 7.7. Reasonably good correlation obtained for temperature curve with a small deviation curve of vitrinite reflectance in both model and actual data. 245 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXV List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Figure 7.8. The chart shows heat flow history that related to paleotectonic activities (tectonic history data after Balaguru, 2006a). 246 Figure 7.9. The vertical extraction line is an extracted stratigraphic thickness from 2D model to view the 1D burial chart. 249 Figure 7.10. Burial history chart shows maturity of Libung source rocks. 250 Figure 7.11. Burial history chart shows maturity of Tungku and Sebahat source rocks. 251 Figure 7.12. Sedimentation sequence, hydrocarbon charge migration routes of the respective source rocks. and 255258 Figure 7.13. Location of the gas seepages found in onshore and occur at present day. 258 Figure 7.14. The evidence of gas seepage in Felda Sahabat 49, Palm Oil Plantation. 259 Figure 7.15. Location of the traps (as shown in circle) was accumulated by different hydrocarbon compositions. 261 Figure 7.16. Highlighted in the yellow circles are the structural trap formation as simulated by closed fault scenario has accumulated by gas. 261 Figure 7.17. Highlighted in the red circle is the structural trap formation as simulated by open fault scenario has accumulated by oil. Highlighted in the green circle is the stratigraphic trap formation as simulated by closed fault scenario has no accumulation. 262 The simulated open fault model showing an accumulation of oil occurs at the easternmost fault structural trap (as pointed by green arrow). The simulated closed fault model showing an accumulation of gaseous occurs at the fault structural trap (as pointed by red arrows). 264 Figure 7.18. Figure 7.19. Figure 7.20. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 262 264 XXVI List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations 2. LIST OF TABLES Tables Description Table 3.1. Principle methods used for source rocks characterization (after Tissot, and Welte, 1984). 37 Table 3.2. Parameters to estimate the source rocks efficiency based on the amount of organic matter (after Peter and Cassa, 1994). 39 Table 3.3. Kerogen type with related macerals dominant indicates oil generative potential and depositional environment (modified after Peters and Cassa, 1994 and Stach et. al., 1982). 40 Table 3.4. Classification of coal macerals into subgroups and groups, based on the Australian Standard system of nomenclature AS2856, (1986) (modified after Tissot and Welte, 1984 and Diesel, 1992). 42 Table 3.5. The approximate correlation of various maturation indicators for organic matter (after Hunt, 1995). 48 Table 3.6. Biomarkers indicative of source rock organic matter input and depositional conditions (after Hunt, 1995). 50 Table 5.1. Six source rocks facies and two reservoir rocks identified based on sedimentological description. 114 Table 5.2. The assemblages of benthonic and planktonic foraminifera correspond with environments and water depth (after Phleger, 1960). 125 Table 6.1. Average percentage of maceral point counting of coal samples. 148 Table 6.2. General percentage estimation of maceral group composition within different formation of different lithology. 149 Table 6.3. Vitrinite reflectance measurements indicate the maturity of organic matter. 168 Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Pages XXVII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations Table 6.4. Table shows the data from Rock Eval Pyrolyses and Leco TOC analysis. 172 Table 6.5. Data of extractable organic matter (EOM) derived from rocks. 179 Table 6.6. Data of hydrocarbon fractions that were separated from EOM. Tabulated n-alkane data derived from total on chromatogram (TIC). 182 Table 6.8. Biomarker parameters of triterpanes from the m/z 191 ion fragments. 196 Table 6.9. Quantitative data based on the peak height measurements of the second shot Py-GC pyrograms. 203 Table 6.10. 204 Table 6.11. The assigned peak compound relative to the region of absorption (after Mastalerz and Bustin, 1996). Tabulated quantitative data of the ATR-FTIR spectrum. Table 6.12. Comparison of biomarker parameters with VR and Tmax. 224 Table 6.13. Comparison of biomarker parameter ratios for oil-oil correlation. 232 Table 7.1. Paleo water depth estimation from fossil assemblages and paleodepositional environments. 240 Table 7.2. Present day surface heat flow measurements in Sulu Sea and Celebes Sea. 241 Table 7.3. The estimation of maturity data of source rock intervals which were obtained from burial history chart via closed fault scenario (vitrinite reflectance after Sweeney and Burnham, 1990). 251 Table 6.7. Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 189 205 XXVIII List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations 3. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviations Description Amb Amber clast ATR-FTIR Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infra Red BCo Brown coal or lignites facies BHT Bottom Hole Temperature C Carbon Cad Cadinane CLSt Consolidated limestone Co Bright-black coal facies CPI Carbon preference index EHC Extractable hydrocarbons content EOM Extractable organic matter GC Gas Chromatography GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry GI Gelification Index GMd Facies of grey silty mudstone GSMd Facies of grey silty sandstone GWI Ground Water Index HI Hydrogen index Ho Hopane Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXIX List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations m Meter N Numbers NA Not available Ol Oleanane OM Organic matters Ph Phytane Ph Phytane PI Production index PPL Plane polarization light Pr Pristane Pr Pristane Py-GC Pyrolysis-Gas Chrmatography S1 Free HC S2 Present potential of the source rocks Sh Shale Siltst Siltstone SSt Sandstone STD. DEV. Standard Deviation TIC Total Ion chromatogram Tmax Temperature at maximum generation of S2 Tmax Maximum temperature TOC Total organic content TOC Total Organic Carbon TPI Tissue Preservation Index Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXX List of Figures, Tables, Abbreviations ULSt Unconsolidated silty limestone VI Vegetation Index VR Vitrinite reflectance wt Weight X-nicol Cross-nicol Petroleum Source Rock Evaluation and Basin Modelling of the Tertiary Dent Group, Dent Peninsula, East Sabah ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. XXXI
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