Newsletter Contents Fall Summit Update FS-ISAC Monthly Newsletter October 8, 2014

FS-ISAC Monthly Newsletter
October 8, 2014
Newsletter Contents
Fall Summit....................................................1
European Summit..........................................1
Featured Workshop.......................................1
New Resources for Community Institutions..1
FS-ISAC and DTCC Announce Soltra Joint
Microsoft and FS-ISAC Partner to Provide
Malware Data to FS-ISAC Members.............2
FS-ISAC and SIFMA Partner on
Partner Webinars...........................................2
Upcoming Events..........................................2
Featured Workshop
Big Security Data/Automation Workshop
FS-ISAC & DTCC | Tampa, FL | October 29
Join us for this detailed session that will
showcase how financial institutions are
using Big Data tools and techniques. This
workshop will focus on the following:
• Setting up a Big Data Program - What is
Big Data Trying to Solve?
• Predictive Analytics Using Big Data
• Data Sources and Data Structure –
Traditional and Non-Traditional
• Privacy Concerns and Real Time Data
Minimization For Supporting Global
• Automation Capabilities and Big Data-How it all Fits Together
You can find details and registration here.
New Resources for
Community Institutions
We are pleased to welcome Jeffrey Korte
as Director of Community Institutions and
Associations at FS-ISAC. Jeffrey is creating
a new Community Institution Newsletter that
will be available to members shortly. Stay
tuned for additional content and initiatives to
help support community institutions.
Fall Summit Update
Next week is Fall Summit in DC. More members are registered to attend
FS-ISAC Fall Summit than ever before. In addition to all the great content,
don’t forget about all the networking opportunities. Also, we ask that you
spend some time with the vendor sponsors that are helping make this
event possible. We’ve reduced the overall ratio of vendors at this event
and those that are participating have made significant investments to
support the mission of FS-ISAC. We look forward to seeing many of you
next week at the Summit. More information is available here.
European Summit
Over the past two weeks, registration for the FS-ISAC European
Summit has increased dramatically. How many of your colleagues
will be there? There is still time for you to register, or remind your
colleagues to do so. The presentations and content will be world-class.
The networking opportunities will be plentiful. The social opportunities
will be memorable. This week, we’d like to highlight several more highly
anticipated presentations at the European Summit:
Actionable Security Intelligence
The financial services sector continues to be a target of evolving
distributed denial of service attacks, data breaches, advanced malware,
internal and external fraud. Traditional security measures are no longer
sufficient for addressing the rapid pace of change. Firms with the ability
to store and analyze an expanding variety of data in deep context,
combined with forensics from custom data mining and analytics, can
reveal the step-by-step actions of sophisticated cyber criminals and
create a true security intelligence platform for real-time prevention,
detection, and remediation.
Information Sharing in Europe and in the Netherlands
The presentation shows the co-operation model of the European FIISAC. This model is different from other European co-operation models
in the sector. The presentation focuses on the approach and the results
of the European FI-ISAC.
Responsible Disclosure in the EU
This session will discuss the progress made on an initiative to improve
responsible disclosure in the EU.
Conference information can be found here, and registration information
can be found here.
FS-ISAC Monthly Newsletter
Partner Webinars
Fraud Threats Briefing – Who Can You
Guardian Analytics | October 9
Register here
One-Time Passwords are being
Entersekt | October 29
Register here
Building Secure Software at Enterprise
Scale (Video)
Cigital | On demand until October 31
Watch it here
Home Depot, SEC, and Increasing Board
Oversight: Why Metrics Matter More and
BitSight | November 12
Register here
Upcoming Events
Fall Summit
Washington, DC | October 13 - 16
Register here
Cyber Threat Intelligence Training
Reston, VA | October 20 - 24
Register here
Big Security Data/Automation Workshop
DTCC | Tampa, Florida | October 29
Register here
European Summit
London, England | November 3 - 5
Register here
Cyber Threat Intelligence Training
Reston, VA | November 10 - 14
Register here
Cyber Threat Intelligence Training
Reston, VA | December 15 - 19
Register here
October 8, 2014
FS-ISAC and DTCC Announce Soltra Joint Venture
FS-ISAC and The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), the
premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services
industry, recently announced the formation of a strategic joint venture to
develop and market automation solutions that advance cyber security
capabilities and the resilience of critical infrastructure organizations,
including financial services firms and others worldwide.
Over 125 FS-ISAC members and representatives from other critical
sectors, government entities and the private sector contributed to the
requirements, architecture and design of Soltra’s automation software,
the Soltra EdgeTM solution.
Soltra Edge will connect and streamline the flow of threat intelligence
between communities, people, and devices by processing large amounts
of threat data, improving efficiencies and enabling immediate action to
counter the threat and mitigate risk. Soltra Edge is currently being tested
by users and will be generally available in late 2014. We appreciate all
the support and resources contributed by our members to make Soltra
a reality. For more information:
Joint Venture website:
Press release:
Microsoft and FS-ISAC Partner to Provide Malware
Data to FS-ISAC Members
Microsoft recently announced a pilot program to make its Cyber Threat
Intelligence Program feed available to participating FS-ISAC members.
Through this program, users will receive near real-time information
on known malware infections affecting more than 67 million unique
IP addresses. With this information, FS-ISAC members will be able to
quickly identify infected computers on their networks and clean them of
malware, through an automated, confidential and secure feed distributed
via the cloud with Microsoft Azure.
More information can be found here.
FS-ISAC and SIFMA Partner on Memberships
The Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)
represents hundreds of securities firms, banks and asset managers.
FS-ISAC is now working to offer memberships to SIFMA members with
the goal of 100% of SIFMA members, including smaller and regional
financial organizations joining FS-ISAC. More details on this relationship
will be announced shortly. For more information, please contact Karl
Schimmeck at