1 SUITABLE/ /BUSINESS FOR/ BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN BUSINESS & THE HUMAN AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Suitable for Business 4. Welcome to a conference and a case competition with a strong message 6. About Suitable for Business 8. Rethink Business – Suitable for Business Conference 2013 10. Detailed programme of the conference 20. The Suitable for Business Case Competition 2013 22. Presentation of the teams of the case competition 30. 1VPU\ZH[[OLJHZLJVTWL[P[PVUÄUHSZ Overview 32. The Final Party 34. The Organizing Committee 40. The Board 42. Get involved in Suitable for Business 44. Partners 58. A special thanks to 60. Programme of the conference and case competition 4 Suitable for Business Welcome to a conference and a case competition with a strong message We, the Steering committee, would like to welcome you to Suitable for Business 2013. We hope that you will enjoy the conference and case competition. More than 20 volunteers have been working hard over the last seven months to plan this year’s programme. With this conference we are trying to bridge the gap between the business world and the students of the human and social sciences. In the recent debate on education in Denmark some politicians have suggested, that especially humanistic studies are a waste of tax money, and that young people should rather study to become engineers or economists. As Z\JO[OL`Z\NNLZ[[OH[^LHYLUV[WYVÄ[HISLMVY[OLZVJPL[` or for the business world. At Suitable for Business we wish to question and challenge this attitude. We think that the hu- 5 Introduction man and social sciences are as valuable for the society as engineering or economics. As students of the human or social sciences we are able to put forth creative, alternative and productive ideas. We focus on the human and on the society in general. We utilize our analytic abilities to cast light on what is normally overseen in traditional business. And this is what Suitable for Business is all about. With our conference we wish to enter discussions about the businesses of tomorrow with great speakers and workshops evolving around this year’s theme “Rethink Business”. Furthermore, by letting students compete in our case competition, we wish to prove that students of the human and social sciences can indeed rethink business. Rikke Groth Nielsen & Rasmus Grene Helsted Steering Committee 2013 6 Suitable for Business About Suitable for Business S\P[HISLMVY)\ZPULZZPZHZ[\KLU[KYP]LUUVUWYVÄ[VYNHUisation run by students from University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen Business School, Roskilde University and Aalborg University. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the world of business and the human and social sciences and show how [OL[^VJHUILULÄ[MYVTLHJOV[OLY The organization was founded in 2011 by Matias Søndergaard and Kenneth Salomonsen who were studying at Copenhagen Business School. They wanted to break down the prejudices existing between the business world and the world of human and social academia by creating a platform where questions and concerns could be enlightened and discussed in open, intelligent and on-going debate. About 7 Thus, since 2011 Suitable for Business has been organizing an annual conference and humanistic case competition. The goal of the conference and case competition is to inspire students as well as businesses on how the human and social sciences can contribute to value creation and innovation in contemporary business. 8 Suitable for Business Rethink Business – Suitable for Business Conference 2013 For the third year in a row, Suitable for Business is hosting an interactive conference for students, academia and business leaders from all over Scandinavia. The 2013 edition will address the theme “Rethink Business”. The world around us is constantly changing through globalPaH[PVU JSPTH[L JYPZLZ HUK ÄUHUJPHS JYPZPZ UVYTZ HUK OHIits are being challenged, and alternative solutions are being asked for. This year’s conference will focus on these challenges as opportunities and present a range of new and innovative forms of doing business. We will focus on what companies do to meet these challenges and how they incorporate them in their business strategies. Thus, we are interested in alternative commercial ideas and innovative solutions to busi- 9 Rethink Business ness-related issues, which occur when the business world and the social- and human sciences meet and cooperate. Furthermore, we want to investigate which role the students from the humanities and social sciences should or could play in the future of business. Our goal is to create a foundation for both students and representatives from the business world to discuss and debate the value human- and social sciences can create for the business world. As such, we are seeking to build bridges between the business world and the human and social sciences. We focus on creating value for students and for businesses. We focus on rethinking business. 10 Suitable for Business Detailed programme of the conference The conference will be divided into three parts. Each part will present perspectives on how to rethink business. For an brief overview of the programme of the conference and case competition, see the last page of this guide. Part 1. Business is changing – new challenges – new opportunities Esben Danielsen and Anne Skare Nielsen will share some of their vast experience and insights in innovative and alternative ways of implementing strategies, reaching goals and thinking business. Both of them are, through their professions, forced to see opportunities where others see issues, and they will focus on this important perspective in their presentations. Programme 11 Part 2. Debating the future: Denmark – Cuntry of solutions With Thomas Buch-Andersen moderating the panel debate, the debate will aim to illuminate different perspectives on how the students of the human and social sciences can contribute, so that Denmark can continue to be a leading country when it comes to creating solutions to all sorts of challenges in the future. Part 3. We are changing business To sum up and end the day, we will take a look at business models with a poten¬tial for change. Firstly, Nadja Pass will sum up important themes of the day and involve, the participants, through a workshop. Secondly, Maj Baltzarsen will answer the question “why is business changing?” and introduce you to the thoughts behind “social economy”, and Peter Løhr will present an inspirational story of how he is creating and outliving new strategies and new kinds of business in order to meet the challenges of today. 12 Suitable for Business Presentation of the speakers Part 1 Anne Skare Anne Skare is cand.scient.pol. and Chief Futurist and Partner of the innovation and futurist company Future Navigator. Speakers 13 Part 1 Esben Danielsen Esben Danielsen is Head of Innovation at Roskilde Festival and former spokesman and responsible for information and marketing. Esben has previously been the artistic director of the venue “Gimle” in Roskilde and has helped form the proHJ[P]LWYVÄSLVM[VKH`»Z9VZRPSKL-LZ[P]HS 14 Suitable for Business Part 2 Hanne Leth Andersen Hanne Leth Andersen is prorector and professor at Roskilde University and former director of CBS Learning Lab. She has been active in the debating how to further the cooperation between universities and the business world. Speakers 15 Part 2 Thomas Buch-Andersen Thomas Buch-Andersen is journalist at Danmarks Radio and the host of the TV-programme “Detektor”, is well-known for his endless strive when it comes to checking facts from companies and opinion makers. Thomas will be moderating the panel debate between Hanne Leth Andersen and Morten Kold. 16 Suitable for Business Part 2 Morten Kold Morten Kold is cand.mag. in philosophy, creative director at the agency 2+1 and executive master in corporate communication. Morten has more than 15 years of experience within communication, branding and concept development and is working with Danish and international businesses such as B&O, Grundfos and Arla Foods. Moreover, he is a visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School and University of Copenhagen. Speakers 17 Part 3 Nadja Pass Nadja Pass is cand.mag. in Rhetoric. She is partner at the independent organization “Borgerlyst”: A lab that focuses on the challenges of the everyday, and which seeks to change society for the better by involving the citizens in discussions and pro-active action. 18 Suitable for Business Part 3 Peter Løhr Peter Løhr is a Danish entrepreneur. He started out advising brokers online at an age of 14. Today his goal is to revolutionize architecture and prepare it for the new digital age. An era where houses, in his opinion, must be created to correspond with the unique life patterns and needs of each human being and family. Speakers 19 Part 3 Maj Baltzarsen Maj Baltzarsen is a consultant at Center for Socialøkonomi, previously coordinator at Roskilde Festival and researcher at Oxford Research. She is an expert in CSR and CSI partnerships and social economy on a political level with focus on innovation. 20 Suitable for Business The Suitable for Business Case Competition 2013 A challenge for the sharp minded This year the participants in the Suitable for Business case competition will solve a case for the Danish company JP/ Politiken Hus. In close cooperation with JP/Politikens Hus, we have created a case with lots of challenges for the par- Case Competition 2013 21 ticipants to engage in. We promise that it will be an intriguPUN HUK LUYPJOPUN L_WLYPLUJL @V\ HYL TVYL [OHU ^LSJVTL to read the case, which will go public Wednesday the 3rd of (WYPSH[@V\JHUYLHK[OLJHZLH[V\Y^LIZP[L^^^ suitableforbusiness.dk. ences. At the case competition 12 teams of 4 students from 9 different Scandinavian universities will compete in coming up with the best and most original solution. We have selected the best applicants and this year Suitable for Business will host students from Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, all working together to prove their value for the business world. Prize The winning team will receive a prize of 10.000 DKK sponsored by Lån og Spar Banks department at Peter Bangs vej 61, 2000 Frederiksberg. To learn more about Lån og Spar Bank,visit their homepage www.lsb.dk. 22 Suitable for Business Presentation of the teams of the case competition 1 Ben Posetti - Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen Agnethe Overgaard – Anthropolgy, University of Copenhagen Alexander Friis Vinther, Applied Philosophy, University of Aalborg Simone Lohman – Intercultural Communication and Modern Laguages, University of Southern Denmark 2 Sara Rönnqvist – Culture and Communication University of Helsinki Peter Aske Svendsen – Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Iben Bergen – Economics and Business Administration, University of Roskilde Michael Kristensen – Humanistic Informatic, University of Aalborg Presentation of the teams 3 Sari Saadi – Religious Studies, University of Copenhagen Pernille Hammershøj - European Ethnology, University of Copenhagen Asbjørn Riis-Søndergaard - Bachelor of Arts, University of Roskilde Alexander Lovelady – Sociology of Law, University of Lund 4 Camilla Jane Standhart – Anthropolgy, University of Copenhagen Zaedo Musa – Int. Humanistic Studies, University of Roskilde Johanna Farge – Visualisation and Communication, University of Malmø Benjamin Bertelsen – Int. Business & Politics, Copenhagen Business School 23 24 5 Suitable for Business Mathias Bruhn Lohmann – Anthropolgy, University of Copenhagen Louise Degn Pedersen – Sociology, University of Copenhagen Weiwei Li – Int. Migration and Ethnic Relations, University of Lund Julia Fennefoss Vollertsen – Media Science, University of Aalborg 6 Line Vestergård Hansen – Anthropolgy, University of Copenhagen Mathias Veis – Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen Emma Mustala – Political Science, University of Helsinki Charlotte Kaare-Andersen – Communication and Cultural Encounters, University of Copenhagen Presentation of the teams 7 Nadja Pantawapirom – Media Studies, University of Copenhagen Rachelle Lacharite – Development Studies, University of Lund René Thygesen – Business Administration and Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School Pil Lundsager Hansen – European Ethnology, University of Copenhagen 8 Hongy Ji – English, University of Southern Denmark Jeppe Fischer – Philosophy, University of Aarhus Laura Berivan Nilsson – Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Cæcilie Kolling Wedel – Communication and IT, University of Copenhagen. 25 26 9 Suitable for Business Amelie Mahler – Int. Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School Philip Longos Winkel - Philosophy, University of Copenhagen Rene Frederiksen – American Studies, University of Southern Denmark Malene Møller - Modern Culuture, University of Copenhagen 10 Alix Feldman – Cognition and Communication, University of Copenhagen Hanne Birkemose Madsen – Political Science, University of Aalborg 1VZLÄUL:]HSSPUN¶)\ZPULZZ(KTPUPZ[YH[PVUHUK7Z`JOVSVN` Copenhagen Business School Annaklara Eriksson, Development Studies – University of Roskilde Presentation of the teams 11 Mads Christensen – Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Zhu Mei – Cognition and Communication, University of Anthropology Sara Francesca Lisot – Social Entrepreneurship and Management, University of Roskilde Sebastian Lykke Møller – Global Studies, University of Roskilde 12 Laura Lindstrøm Nielsen – Global Studies, University of Roskilde Jonas Bruun Nielsen - Anthropology, University of Copenhagen Josi Joosua Seilonen – Politics and Administration, University of Helsinki Aino-Maria Paasivirta – Cultural Arts Management, Metropolia University of AppliedSciences 27 28 Suitable for Business The Jury This years case will be judged by five jury members: Lærke Hein Karriere Bar (CEO), Distortion (Board member) Frederik Juul Nordisk Film (CEO) Stig Kirk Ørskov JP/Politikens Hus A/S (Executive Vice President, COO) 29 The Jury Mikkel Trym Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab - CIEL (Director). Frederik Preisler Mencsh (Partner) They will judge the proposed solution on the following criteria: 1) Originality 2) Applicability 3) Understanding of Politiken 4) Presentation 30 Suitable for Business Join us at the case competition finals! ;OL :\P[HISL MVY )\ZPULZZ JHZL JVTWL[P[PVU ÄUHSZ HYL `V\Y chance to view the outcome of hours of intense problem solving done by students from the center of the social sciences and the heart of the humanities. Join us to experience their unique take on what it means to crunch a real business case, predict problems and state solutions. ;OLÄUHSZ^PSSILOLSKH[(HSIVYN<UP]LYZP[`PU*VWLUOHNLU on Friday the 5th of April from 14.45 to 16.00 in the guest canteen, room 1.001 in the main building (see map below). The university is located in Sydhavnen (A.C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV) only 3 ½ km from Copenhagen Central Station and can be reached by bike, car or public transportation (the S-train lines A and E stop at Sydhavnen S-train station, 10 minutes’ walk from Aalborg University). After the announcement of the winning team, Suitable for )\ZPULZZ^PSSOVZ[HYLJLW[PVUMVSSV^LKI`HÄUHSWHY[` The Finals 31 32 Suitable for Business The Final Party Three days of hard work solving this year’s case calls for a celebration. And what could be more suitable than a huge party? 1VPU:\P[HISLMVY)\ZPULZZ»ÄUHSWHY[`OLSKPU[OLL]LUPUN[OL 5th of April at Aalborg University for cheap beers and amazing music designed to suit you and your fellow students. Read more about the party on our event on Facebook: facebook.com/suitableforbusiness The Final Party 33 34 Suitable for Business The Organizing Committee Steering Committee Rasmus Grene Helsted Rhetoric, KU rasmusgrene@suitableforbusiness.dk Rikke Groth Nielsen Rhetoric, KU rikke@suitableforbusiness.dk Case Competition Committee Claudia Bagge-Petersen Techno-anthropology, AAU claudia@suitableforbusiness.dk 35 The Committee Stine Ilum Anthropology, KU and intern at the Royal Danish Embassy, Kenya stineilum@suitableforbusiness.dk Jenny Sølager Mattesen Communication and Plan, by & proces, RU jenny@suitableforbusiness.dk Mathilde Byskov International development studies and Cultural encounters, RUC mathilde@suitableforbusiness.dk Jill S. Hellesen Work life studies and Psychology, RUC jill@suitableforbusiness.dk 36 Suitable for Business Stine Thorsgaard Kjær Architecture, Århus School of Architecture stine@suitableforbusiness.dk Conference Committee Eefje Brüggemann Theatre and Education, ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Theateracademie eefje@suitableforbusiness.dk Aske Christensen Work life studies, RUC aske@suitableforbusiness.dk Maria Grene Helsted Plan, by & proces and Performance design, RUC mariagrene@suitableforbusiness.dk 37 The Committee Jeppe Pontoppidan Philosophy, KU jeppe@suitableforbusiness.dk Public Relations Line Skyum-Jensen Communication, AAU i København line@suitableforbusiness.dk Maria Teglkamp Danish, KU maria@sutiableforbusiness.dk Sascha Bagheshirin Lærkesen Rhetoric, KU sascha@suitableforbusiness.dk 38 Suitable for Business Sebastian Lynggaard Rhetoric, KU sebastian@suitableforbusiness.dk SVÄL5PLSZLU Anthropology, KU ZVÄL'Z\P[HISLMVYI\ZPULZZKR Victor Bybjerg International management & marketing, CBS victor@suiableforbusiness.dk 39 The Committee Ressource Development Patrick Sommer Economics, KU patrick@suitableforbusiness.dk Tobias Lindskov Nielsen Marketing management, CPH Business tobias@suitableforbusiness.dk Christian-Philip Lundahl HA Jur., CBS christian-philip@suitableforbusiness.dk 40 Suitable for Business The Board Anne Cathrine Garde annecathrine@suitableforbusiness.dk Catja Nilsson catja@suitableforbusiness.dk Cecilie Bisgaard-Nøhr cecilie@suitableforbusiness. Christian Lildholdt Jensen christianlildholdt@suitableforbusiness.dk 41 The Board Mathias Adam Munch mathias@suitableforbusiness.dk Matias Søndergaard Matias@suitableforbusiness.dk Maya Færch maya@suitableforbusiness.dk Rasmus Adser Larsen rasmus@suitableforbusiness. 42 Suitable for Business Get involved in Suitable for Business If you are interested in bridging the gap between the world of business and the students of the human and social sciences, `V\ZOV\SKQVPU\ZPU:\P[HISLMVY)\ZPULZZ If you want to get involved, you can apply to become a part of next year’s organizing committee and take part in organizing Suitable for Business conference and case competition 2014. Alternatively, you can also offer your help as a student ambassador for Suitable for Business. A student ambassador is a local “helping hand” who help spread the knowledge of the organization by talking to fellow students, putting up WVZ[LYZOHUKPUNV\[Å`LYZL[JH[[OLPYV^U\UP]LYZP[` Get involved 43 If you are considering joining Suitable for Business or want to know more, you are welcome to contact us at hello@suitableforbusiness.dk or follow us on Facebook: facebook.com/ suitableforbusiness 44 Suitable for Business Partners :PUJL :\P[HISL MVY )\ZPULZZ PZ H Z[\KLU[Y\U UVUWYVÄ[ VYNHUPaH[PVU^LHYLL_[YLTLS`KLWLUKLU[VUÄUHUJPHSHPKMYVT L_[LYUHSZV\YJLZ;O\Z^LHYLKLLWS`NYH[LM\SMVY[OLÄUHUcial support we have received from our partners presented below. Partners 45 JP/Politikens Hus JP/Politikens Hus is one of the biggest media companies in Denmark and publishes several Danish national and local newspapers. The name derives from the merge between Politiken and Jyllandsposten, which took place in 2003. JP/ Politikens Hus is equally owned by the two companies, which enables editorial independence – an important factor in ensuring high standards of journalism. The total circulation of the company’s newspapers average approximately 250.000 copies a day. 46 Suitable for Business Kommunikation og Sprog (KS) Kommunikation og Sprog (The Union of Communication and Language Professionals), is a politically independent labour union that provides professional coaching for members as well as an unemployment insurance. They separate themselves from other unions by addressing people who study within the humanities. They have more than 7.300 members, which are either students or profesZPVUHSZ ^P[OPU [OL ÄLSKZ VM SHUN\HNL JVTT\UPJH[PVU HUK marketing. K&S negotiates wage agreements along with Akademikernes Centralorganisation (AC) to ensure reasonable salaries for their members. Partners 47 Business Danmark (BD) “Everyone has something to sell” is the slogan of Business Danmark, a politically independent union for employees as well as self-employed. Helping individuals achieve their best and supporting them through their career, BD offers unemployment insurance, legal advice, coaching, self-developTLU[HUKJHZOILULÄ[ZMVYHU`VULPUZHSLZTHYRL[PUNHUK consulting. 48 Suitable for Business Aalborg University (AAU) Aalborg University, whose main campus is located in the city of Aalborg, has recently expanded and opened new campus areas in Copenhagen and Esbjerg. The university offers LK\JH[PVUHUKYLZLHYJO^P[OPU[OLÄLSKZVMUH[\YHSZJPLUJLZ social sciences, humanities, technical sciences and health sciences and is known for its project-oriented educational system. In 2012, Aalborg University had over 18.000 registered students all over Denmark. Established in 1974, the university is one of the youngest universities in Denmark. Partners 49 Roskilde University (RUC) Roskilde University was founded in 1972 and is located near the city of Roskilde. RUC was initially intended to represent an alternative to the traditional Danish universities. Thus, the university is known for its focus on group work and project-oriented learning, as opposed to more traditional teaching. RUC’s alternative educational system has later been adopted by other universities. The university has over 14.000 registered students. 50 Suitable for Business Copenhagen Business School (CBS) Copenhagen Business School is an international business school, which focus on developing strong links between contemporary research and the active business community. Established in 1917, CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe with more than 19.000 student and 1.300 staff members. The business school offers a wide range of business-oriented university programs as well as an innovative research environment. In 2012, CBS was ranked nr. 11 in Europe by QS Global. Partners 51 University of Copenhagen (KU) University of Copenhagen is a public university and the second largest institution of research and education in Denmark with approximately 37.000 students and 7.000 employees. Founded in 1479, it is the oldest university in Denmark. The university has several campuses located in and around Copenhagen with the oldest located in central Copenhagen. KU is a member of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU). In 2010, The Academic Ranking of World Universities, compiled by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ranked KU as the leading university in Scandinavia and as the 40th best university in the world. 52 Suitable for Business Dansk Magisterforening (DM) Dansk Magisterforening is a politically independent union as well as an association for people with a university degree in the humanities as well as the natural, social and health sciences. DM cooperates with Akademikernes Centralorganisation (AC). They collaborate in negotiating agreements for professionals within language and communication in the public and private sector. DM’s goal is to secure good salaries and working conditions for its members, as well as to WYV]PKL[OLT^P[OZ\MÄJPLU[JV\UZLSSPUNMVY[OLSHIV\YTHYket. Partners 53 CBS Students CBS Students is the student union at CBS. It is an open organization, which facilitates a wide spectrum of enterprises from supporting student-driven initiatives and conducting student politics to providing for a casual place to meet for engaged students. The organisation provides opportunities to take part in ambitious and exciting projects in co-operation with other students and organizations. 54 Suitable for Business Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab (CIEL) Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Danish Technical University (DTU) and University of Copenhagen (KU) have joined forces in order to facilitate research and education across academic disciplines and universities. The initiative is called Copenhagen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Lab – CIEL. The aim is to generate new and strengthen existing cross-disciplinary innovation and entrepreneurship research and education in close cooperation with entrepreneurs and industry to form an engine of substantial entrepreneurial growth on a national, regional and international level. Partners 55 SL fonden SL fonden is the fund that behind the company “AcademPJ )VVRZ¹ (JHKLTPJ )VVRZ PZ H UVUWYVÄ[ JVTWHU` ^OV owns six academic publishing houses and seven bookstores placed at CBS, RUC and KU. The company canalizes its WYVÄ[IHJR[V[OLZ[\KLU[ZI`SV^LYPUNWYPJLZVUIVVRZPTproving the service and supporting social and academic activities and initiatives at the universities. In order to ensure that the interests of the university students’ are represented in the company, Academic Books has students as well as former students in their board. 56 Suitable for Business Coquo Coquo is the fusion between a gastronome student and an engineer- landscape architect student who wants to create a delicate concept based on Slow food traditions. Coquo’s audience is urban living people who favours affordable food without compromising on quality. As they say: “We want to combine slow food and fast food and bring people tasty food in a convenient way. Our concept is based on sustainability and is offering a menu in an unique recycling glass jar” 57 58 Suitable for Business A special thanks to Tone Lysholm, School of Designs, Kolding Nanna Johanne Aude, Det Rullende Universitet Lasse Schacksen, VIA University College, Århus Trine Jørgensen Andreas Fredslund Sørensen, AU Silas Hansen, RUC Christine Infeld, CBS Peter Andreas Mellbye, RUC Kristin Austrheim, University of Oslo Thank you! 59 Ingrid Marie Andersen, University of Bergen Frederik Lauridsen, Layout and Graphics Economists Without Borders Brian Gjerstrup, Regional Manager, Venture Cup Siri Carlslund, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design Sune Liengaard, Chaos Pilot We would also like to send a huge thanks to all of the student counselors at the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian and Finnish universities, who have helped spreading the word of Suitable for Business. 60 Suitable for Business Programme of the conference and case competition Wednesday 3rd of April – Pressen, JP/Politikens Hus 08.30-09.00 Check-in 09.00-09.30 Welcome 09.30-11.30 1. Business is changing: New Challenges – New opportunities 11.30-12.30 Lunch by Coquo 12.30-14.00 2. Debating the future: Denmark – Country of solutions 14.00-14.30 Coffee and Coquo 61 Programme 14.30-16.30 3. We are changing business: Inspirational stories and workshop 16.30 Goodbye Friday the 5th of April – Aalborg University, Campus Sydhavnen *HZL*VTWL[P[PVUÄUHSZ Announcement of the winning team Final Party To stay updated about the time and place for the case JVTWL[P[PVUÄUHSZHUK[OLÄUHSWHY[`]PZP[V\YOVTLWHNL www.suitableforbusiness.dk 62 Suitable for Business 63 SUITABLE/ /BUSINESS FOR/ GOODBYE & THANK YOU FOR COMING WWW.SUITABLEFORBUSINESS.DK
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