VISTA GRANDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENT HANDBOOK 2014 - 2015 Vista Grande Elementary School 5606 Antigua Boulevard San Diego, CA 92124 Telephone: (858) 496-8290 FAX: (858) 569-7647 Principal ........................................................... Cathy Calcagno Elementary School Assistant ................................. Rene Lang Office Hours 7:30 – 3:15 School Hours 7:40 – 2:05 (Thursday 7:40 – 11:50) Parking Lot Closed M, T, W, F (7:20 – 7:40 and 1:50 – 2:15) Thursday (7:20 – 7:40 and 11:30 – 12:00) 2 FREE PUBLIC EDUCATION The Constitution of the State of California requires that we provide a public education to you free of charge. Your right to a free education is for all school/educational activities, whether curricular or extracurricular, and whether you get a grade for the activity or class. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that we cannot require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits for access, participation, materials, or equipment. You may be required to attend a fundraising event; however if you are unable to raise funds for the event, you will not be prevented from participating in an educational activity. 3 San Diego Unified School District VISTA GRANDE ELEMENTARY 5606 Antigua Blvd. San Diego, CA. 92124-1306 858.496.8290 FAX 858.569.7647 September 2014 Dear Parents and Guardians, It is with great enthusiasm that I welcome you to a new school year. We are very proud of how well our children are doing in school. We start this year with recognition as a California Distinguished School, Title 1 Academic Achievement Award and with an API (Academic performance Index) of 9 out of 10. Our entire staff is committed to excellence in educating your child! We look forward to working with you this year to make this year a productive and successful experience for your child. The mission of the Vista Grande Elementary School community is to provide each student with an exceptional education in a compassionate, diverse, and safe environment. We believe that education is a collaborative effort shared by the entire community-students, family, staff and community members. We further believe in encouraging individuals to appreciate the value and worth of themselves and others. This handbook was designed to keep you informed of our school policies, procedures, programs, and services offered at Vista Grande Elementary. Please read carefully and discuss this handbook with your child. If you have any questions, call the school office at (858) 496-8290. In order to ensure that you have received a copy of this handbook please sign and date the last page and return it to the office. Teaching our children to love to learn, Cathy Calcagno Principal 4 BECOMING AMERICA’S BEST Vista Grande Elementary Mission Statement The mission of the Vista Grande Elementary School community is to provide each student with an exceptional education in a compassionate, diverse, and safe environment. We believe: ♦ That education is a collaborative effort shared by the entire community – students, family, staff and community members. ♦ In encouraging individuals to appreciate the value and worth of themselves and others. ♦ In providing exceptional support, care, and understanding. ♦ In providing the opportunity for every child to achieve to their greatest ability and potential, in order to become lifelong learners. ♦ In creating a safe educational atmosphere where individuals can identify and pursue intellectual, artistic, and extracurricular interests. ♦ In preparing students to be responsible, productive and thoughtful members of society. ♦ Optimal learning depends upon innovative educational opportunities, quality staff and facilities. ♦ Professional development is essential to meet the needs of students. 5 VISTA GRANDE ELEMENTARY 2014 - 2015 IMPORTANT DATES PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! September 2 September 4 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – DISMISSAL 2:05 Grades 1 through 5 – Back To School Night October 7 October 14 Fall Picture Day Fall Picture Make-Ups November 11 November 17 – 21 November 18, 19, 21 November 24 – 28 Holiday – Veterans Day Book Fair Parent/Teacher Conferences DISMISSAL 11:50 Holiday – Thanksgiving December 22 – January 2 Winter Vacation Begins January 5, 2015 January 19 School Resumes Holiday – Martin Luther King February 13 February 16 February 23 – March 20 Holiday – Abraham Lincoln Holiday – George Washington Grade 5 FITNESSGRAM March 17, 18 March 30 – April 3 Parent/Teacher Conference DISMISSAL 11:50 Spring Vacation April 6 April 6 – May 22 April 7 April 16 April 20 – May 15 School Resumes Smarter Balance Assessments Spring Pictures Spring Picture Make-Ups Science CST – Grade 5 May 14 May 21 May 25 All Family Picnic Open House/Art Show/Book Fair Holiday – Memorial Day June 15 LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS DISMISSAL 11:50 *DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE 6 VISTA GRANDE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BELL SCHEDULE 2014-2015 6:00 BSS reports to duty 7:30 OFFICE OPENS BELL 7:15 7:20 7:20 7:20 7:35 Teachers report for contract work day Breakfast served Buses arrive Children allowed on grounds Children assemble on blacktop BELL 7:40 CLASS BEGINS BELL 9:40 – 9:55 10:00 – 10:15 Recess – TK/K (Lower Playground) Recess – 1, 2 (Lower Playground) Recess – 3, 4, 5 (Upper Playground) BELL 10:00 10:15 RECESS ENDS – TK/K RECESS ENDS – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 BELL 11:30 – 11:40 11:40 – 12:05 12:05 – 12:17 12:17 – 12:40 12:30 – 12:43 12:43 – 1:05 Lunch Recess for TK, Kindergarten, Grade 1 Lunch for TK, Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lunch Recess for Grades 2, 3, B–2 Lunch for Grades 2, 3, B-2 Lunch Recess for Grades 4, 5, B–7 Lunch for Grades 4, 5, B-7 BELL BELL BELL 12:05 12:40 1:05 Lunch ends for Kindergarten and Grade 1 Lunch ends for Grades 2, 3, B-2 Lunch ends for Grades 4, 5, B-7 BELL 2:05 DISMISSAL 2:20 2:25 Buses depart Vista Grande End of teachers’ contract day 3:15 OFFICE CLOSED 10:25 – 10:50 10:50 11:00 – 11:20 11:20 11:25 – 11:45 11:45 11:50 11:55 Lunch for Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grade 1 FIRST LUNCH ENDS Lunch for Grades 2, 3 SECOND LUNCH ENDS Lunch for Grades 4, 5 THIRD LUNCH ENDS Dismissal for all students (TK/K – 5) Buses depart (TK/K – 5) BELL BELL THURSDAY BELL BELL BELL BELL BELL 7 School Policies ATTENDANCE Regular attendance in school is vital to your child’s progress. The hands-on experiences and group discussion that are missed cannot be made up, making regular attendance imperative to a successful school experience for your child. It is also important to school funding which is based on average daily attendance. We strongly urge you to schedule medical and dental appointments during school vacations or after school hours. Your child will not be missing valuable instructional time and no loss of funds will be experienced by the district. “Best Attendance” awards will be given to those students in each grade level with the least number of days absent. Absences If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the office at (858) 496-8290 before 8:00 a.m. The law requires us to document the reason for every student absence. Therefore, calls will be made to the homes of those students whose parents/guardians have not called regarding their child’s absence. In accordance with the Education Code (48200, 48260(a), 48260.5), a series of official district attendance letters are mailed to parents and reported to the state in cases of unexcused absences. If your child had a fever please remember they must have a normal temperature for 24 hours prior to returning to school without the aid of medication (i.e. Tylenol, Motrin, etc.). Arrival Time The supervision of the children who attend Vista Grande Elementary begins at 7:20 a.m. on the black top for grades 1 through 5. The “Running Club” runners may arrive at 7:20 a.m. when “Running Club” starts. Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students may participate as long as the parents/guardians remain with their child and escort them to their classroom. Teacher will escort students from the assigned designated areas to the classrooms at 7:40 a.m. During inclement weather, children report directly to their classrooms or the multi-purpose room. 8 As it is unsafe to leave children unattended, we ask that you do NOT drop off your child at school prior to this time. We also ask that your child report directly to the black top and not wait outside his/her classroom. Vista Grande Elementary requests parent cooperation in seeing that students do not arrive early as this will help us maintain the safest possible environment for your child. Students enrolled in the PrimeTime program may arrive at 6:00 a.m. through the designated entrance. For the safety of your child, please do not use the parking lot for picking up or dropping off your student(s). Dismissal For the safety of your child they should be picked up from school PROMPTLY at dismissal time. This is 2:05 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. On Thursdays they must be picked up by 11:50 a.m. There is no supervision provided after school, therefore, any child on site after 2:10 p.m. on regular days and 12:00 on Thursdays need to be picked up from the office. Please inform the SCHOOL, CHILDCARE PROVIDER, and/or CARPOOLS when your child’s after-school activity will be something other than their normal schedule. It is also important to inform your child’s daycare provider when your child is absent or leaves school early. For the safety of the children, please do not use the parking lot for dropping off or picking up. Independent Study Contract It is the law to have students at school on a daily basis. Students need to be in school every day. When special circumstances arise and your child will be out of school for 5 days or more please contact our office for an Independent Study Contract at least 5 school days in advance. This contract provides a way for your child to be away from school and still receive his/her assignments. The completed contract needs to be returned to the teacher the FIRST day the student returns to school. If contracts are not completed when the student returns, the absence will be recorded as unexcused on the student’s record. Vista Grande Elementary receives funds for each completed contract. Sign-Out Procedure If you are picking your child up during the school day, please notify the classroom teacher with a note sent to school with your child. You will need to stop in at the office to fill out a “Permission to Leave Grounds” form and present Identification before your student(s) will be released. This is for your child’s protection. Students are ONLY released to parents, guardians, or other authorized persons listed on the student’s enrollment card. 9 If your child is going home early because of illness, you also need to sign him/her out and present identification in the office or health office before your child will be released. Tardiness The school day begins promptly at 7:40 a.m. Being tardy is very disruptive to your child’s morning routine as well as those of his/her classmates, and negatively impacts his/her school experience. Please assist us in meeting your child’s educational needs by making sure your child is at school before 7:40 a.m. Please call the office before 8:00 a.m. if your child is going to be late/tardy. If arriving after 7:40 a.m., a student MUST report to the office for a tardy slip BEFORE being admitted to class. In accordance with the Education Code (48200, 48260(a), 48260.5), a series of official district tardy letters are mailed to parents and reported to the state if the number of tardies becomes excessive. Tardiness of more than 30 minutes may be considered unexcused. CLASSROOM POLICIES Birthdays and Celebrations The staff at Vista Grande elementary understands that children enjoy celebrating their birthdays and holidays. We also understand that with the growing number of children with medical concerns we have a responsibility to keep all children safe and we have chosen to have “Healthy” celebrations. Nationwide, more students than ever are obese and school environments/priorities have played a role in that rise. In addition, the rise in diabetes and food allergies has led to the need for policies to provide safe and healthy environments for ALL students. Research has proven that students who are active and maintain healthy diets are better prepared to learn! With the strong support of teachers and parents over the past several years, Vista Grande has made a number of positive changes as we move towards a health environment. These changes include: • • • • • • Elimination of ALL day-to-day food rewards; research shows the direct link to obesity. A nationally recognized district wide lunch program offering healthy choices. Dedicated times for students to walk and jog together weekly. A school garden that teaches students where food comes from. Staff, parent, and student education regarding student health. Classrooms instituting healthy non-food celebrations. Vista Grande believes in educating students to be healthy and active, so that they carry those habits with them for the rest of their lives. Thank you for partnering with us in the education of your healthy child! 10 Please abide by the following rules when planning a celebration for your child: ♦ Alternative (non-food) ideas for celebrations ARE ALLOWED. Please check with your child’s teacher about these or any other ideas you might have: Send a wrapped book for your child to unwrap and share/read, then the child can “gift” it to the teacher’s classroom library. Promote social awareness through a small donation to an organization (e.g., UNICEF, Habitat for Humanity,, EdUCate!); the child can show/tell the class about the organization. Stickers, pencils, erasers, etc. (small items). The class can sing happy birthday, but the child has the party at home. Goody bags to take home. ♦ Sports/energy drinks are not allowed, at any time, as they are loaded with sugar, and students do not need them for school activity level. Note that many items that are OK (such as juice) can still be loaded with sugar, so there will never be a perfect policy. ♦ Please keep it SIMPLE. ♦ NO balloons, of any kind, are allowed in the classroom. ♦ Parties will be held during the last 20 minutes of the instructional day, during recess or classroom lunch period to minimize interruption of instruction time. Read the labels with your kids and teach them to THINK HEALTHY! Cell Phones and Electronic Signaling Devices Board of Education Policy H-6980 outlines the rules for student possession and use of cellular phones, pagers and other electronic signaling devices on school campuses, on school buses and at school-sponsored activities, while under the supervision and control of school district employees. According to the policy: All students may use these devices on campus before school begins and after school ends. These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Therefore unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation of the device by school officials, including classroom teachers. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action. 11 Students and parents are notified of this policy each year through the Facts for Parents booklet. Portable CD players, electronic games, or music players are NOT allowed on campus. Unauthorized use of such devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. Unauthorized use is grounds for confiscation by school staff or classroom teachers. Confiscated devices will be returned to the parent or guardian. Classroom Observations Parent classroom observations will be scheduled through the classroom teacher and administration. All visitors MUST sign in at the front office before going to the classroom. Complaint Procedure It is always our intent to resolve concerns at the lowest possible level. If a parent has a classroom concern, it is expected that he/she will contact the classroom teacher for resolution. If the concern is not resolved, the principal should be contacted. He/She will set up a meeting between the parties involved in an effort to resolve the issue. Please refer to the district “Uniform Discipline Plan” on under “Parents/Policies/Student Discipline”. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND PROBLEM SOLVING PHILOSOPHY At Vista Grande Elementary School we are dedicated to helping children develop respect and responsibility. Age-appropriate rules and consequences are clearly stated, effectively taught, implemented, and consistently reinforced by both staff and parents. We believe that ALL children can learn and that they deserve to have the best education possible in the safest environment. Teachers and other staff members have the right to work in a setting where learning can take place at optimal levels. Student Dress Code School dress code and grooming guidelines are based on the district Board of Education policy on dress code. These guidelines apply to all students at all times. There are NO exceptions. Student Dress Code: ♦ Short-shorts, tight shorts, or see-through items are not allowed. All lower items must be the length of your longest finger with hands at your side (regardless of leggings.) 12 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ No sagging shorts or pants. Pants must be worn with the waistband at waist level. Pants must be hemmed. No cosmetics, artificial nails, perfume, cologne, dangling earrings, or excessive jewelry. Hats, caps, scarves, hoods, visors may only be worn outside the school building. No open-toed sandals, shoes, heels, or wedges. All children must wear flat shoes that are appropriate for P.E. and the playground every day. ♦ ♦ ♦ Tank tops, spaghetti straps, and midriff-baring clothing are not allowed. Clothing with slogans that endorse tobacco, drugs, alcohol and other controversial statements are not allowed. No skate shoes/Heely-type (with or without rubber heel insert) shoes are allowed. Consequence: The teacher will notify the parent/guardian and the student will be sent to the office to change into appropriate loaner clothing until the end of the day. Homework The Board of Education has implemented a district-wide homework policy because it recognizes that homework is a meaningful extension of the school day and reinforces the concepts taught in the classroom while encouraging responsibility and developing study skills at home. Your support and encouragement is important to your child’s success. Please help him/her establish a routine for homework and provide a good workspace in which to complete the work (a well-lit table or desk away from distractions). We appreciate your support with homework assignments. The following list is an approximation of times to be spent on homework by grade level. These times do not reflect special projects that may require additional time or days. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns about your child’s homework Grade Homework Reading K 10 minutes 15 minutes 2 20 minutes 20 minutes 1st nd 3rd 4th 5th 10 minutes 20 minutes 40 minutes 40-60 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes 13 Internet Usage Classrooms and the computer center have computers available for student use. All computers have Internet access through the San Diego Unified School District. While sites are secured, all students must have a parent permission form filed at the school site in order to access the Internet using school computers. This permission form will be sent home at the beginning of each school year. Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent/teacher conferences are regularly scheduled two times each year. Please do not hesitate, however, to contact your child’s teacher whenever you have a question or concern. If you want a conference with a teacher, please remember to call in advance so a time that is convenient for all can be scheduled. Report Cards Progress reports are issued three times during the school year. The marks on the report card represent the teacher’s evaluation of scholastic achievement and citizenship. Toy Policy We do not allow children to bring toys to school for recess because it often results in lost or broken toys. This includes trading cards. We have sufficient items available at school for the children to play with for both outdoor and indoor recess. All types of electronic entertainment devices are not permitted on school grounds. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS Vista Grande Elementary has an expert and talented teaching staff. As part of the San Diego Unified School District, we implement common core state standards and objectives in all curriculum areas. Our students are consistently exposed to extensions of this curriculum and enrichment experiences on a daily basis. 14 All Day TK and Kindergarten Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students attend school on the same schedule as the older students. The transitional kindergarten and kindergarten program consists of developmentally appropriate educational readiness activities to facilitate promotion to the next grade level. Science Prep Time Program Every classroom, grades TK through 5, participates in the science lab where they have the opportunity to experience science through conducting experiments in the areas of earth, life, and physical science. They learn valuable process skills such as observation, measurement, graphing, summarizing and evaluating data, and proper use of scientific equipment and specimens. The science lab reinforces, enhances, and explores science concepts that take place in the regular classroom by offering additional exposure outside of the district-adopted science curriculum. Music Program – Full Grade Level A district-sponsored program is offered to the 4th and 5th grade students once a week. Students will have the choice of participating in Band, Orchestra or Choir class. Students will learn: basic music notation, pitch accuracy, rhythm, and music appreciation. The course is taught by a team of three credentialed teachers and they will provide instruction in each of their personal areas of expertise providing the maximum benefits for our students. EMERGENCY PLAN PROCEDURES To insure a continued safe learning environment we periodically review our school safety plans. Drills are scheduled regularly in order for students and staff to practice procedures. If any disruptive or emergency situation should occur, we would implement our Emergency Procedure plan, which includes: • • • • Staff supervision. Immediate contact with parents, school police, etc. A school “lock down” with all gates locked until it is safe to release the children. Designation of “Reunion Gate” for parents to pick up children. PLEASE REMEMBER TO INFORM THE FRONT OFFICE WHEN THERE ARE CHANGES IN YOU ADDRESS, CONTACT NUMBERS OR RELEASE OF STUDENT INFORMATION! 15 ENROLLMENT Enrollment Form The student enrollment form is an important source of information for the school office. It serves as the official form to enroll your student. It includes your student’s address, phone number, school identification number, and emergency contact numbers. It is used by teachers, administrators, and other office and health personnel in daily contacts with families. Please be sure to complete both sides of the form, including emergency phone numbers, a signature and date. The return of the enrollment form, in a timely manner, is absolutely necessary for your child’s well-being in the event that he/she becomes seriously ill or injured while at school (Education Code Section 48408). In the event a student must be released to an adult during school hours, the adult’s name MUST be listed on the enrollment form. We will NOT release students to any one not listed on this form. The office MUST BE INFORMED of any changes in student information throughout the year, most importantly your address, work and emergency numbers. Classroom Assignments and Reorganization Placing students in classrooms takes great care and thought. At Vista Grande Elementary the classroom placement process is a professional team effort and involves your child’s current teacher, any specialists who are familiar with your child (district education specialist, speech and language specialist, nurse, counselor, psychologist, etc.) and administrator. The principal and staff work closely together to assign student placements; however, the principal is ultimately responsible for the final placement of each student. When placing students, careful consideration was given to individual student educational and social needs, ethnic balance, gender balance, program requirements, and class size. Due to increases/decreases in enrollment, adjustments in assignments MAY occur (usually within 3-4 weeks) when our enrollment stabilizes. Please explain to your child that his/her class assignment may change. Your understanding is appreciated, when and if classes must be organized. The staff members at Vista Grande Elementary are highly trained professionals who meet students’ instructional needs. Students whose primary language is not English, students who qualify for the Gifted and Talented Educational Program (G.A.T.E.), and students who receive special education are placed in classrooms with teachers holding the appropriate credentials. Student placement has become quite an involved process regarding district and state mandates. The staff does not accept 16 letters/e-mails with requests for student placement decisions or meet with parents on this issue. We ask for parents to place their trust in the administrative and teaching staff of the school as we make student placement decisions. Vista Grande Elementary uses the following guidelines for placement of Grades K-5 students. We believe that every child can be successful in every classroom at Vista Grande Elementary. As we assign students to classrooms, we are guided by several factors to organize classes. We primarily use the following factors in placing students: CLASS SIZE: A reasonable, equitable number of children are assigned to classrooms at each grade level classes. As enrollment and staffing permits, classes in Grades K-3 are organized for an average of 25.5 students. Classes in Grades 4 and 5 may have up to 36 students. (Subject to change based actual enrollment and staffing numbers.) GATE: Vista Grande Elementary has adopted the Diversified GATE Model as well as the Collaborative GATE model for particular classrooms. Teachers in these grades have taken special courses to become GATE certified. Newly assigned teachers to these grades must become certified within the school year. ENGLISH LEARNERS: English learners are strategically distributed among all classes based on CELDT scores and proficiency levels so that they receive instruction from CLAD-credentialed teachers. The goal for English Learners is to provide them with strong language models from staff and peers in listening, speaking, reading, and writing standard English. RANGE OF ACADEMIC LEVELS Students in each classroom reflect a range of academic skills resulting in heterogeneous groups in each room. REORGANIZATION OF CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENTS Tentative classroom assignments for all grades are determined at the beginning of the new school year. During the first weeks of school, enrollment stabilizes and it is sometimes necessary to reorganize classrooms. If reorganization must be made after the school year begins, we will follow the same process for classroom placement that was used in the spring. Parents of students involved in any changes will be notified the day before the moves are made. If reorganization is necessary, every effort is made to reorganize classes as early as possible to cause the least amount of disruption to our children. We ask that parents are supportive throughout any reorganization and that they keep in mind that changes are not made arbitrarily, but out of necessity. For assistance in helping your child with any changes, please speak with your child’s teacher or see the school website for our handout, “Helping Your Child Cope with Change.” Classroom Placement Concerns After school resumes in September, parents who are concerned about their child’s placement are encouraged to talk with their child’s teacher directly. Time is also a factor in many cases. Students will not be moved during the first three weeks of school 17 unless there is a general reorganization of the school. Combination Classrooms Our teaching staff members are credentialed to teach at each grade level within an elementary school setting. In most cases, yearly changes in enrollment will produce the need for one or more combination class. The staff gives careful consideration to the students they feel would function well in a multi-age classroom. Residency Students may attend Vista Grande Elementary if they reside within our boundaries. Proof of residency is required for enrollment and is kept on file in the office. Residency is defined by Education Code as the place where the student sleeps/resides a majority of the time. A family may not claim more than one primary residence. Homes of grandparents, other friends, or relatives may NOT be used to establish residency. The office is required to substantiate any resident claim where there is a doubt of authenticity. Nonresidents may apply to attend Vista Grande Elementary through the Choice program. Parents are encouraged to visit the district web site at for additional information. GENERAL INFORMATION Accident Insurance Many parents are unaware that the School District does not have insurance to cover students’ accidents. If you feel that your personal medical insurance needs are not being met, you may apply for student supplemental insurance. The application forms are available in the office. Lost and Found Please label all clothing items, backpacks, lunch boxes, and supplies with your child’s name. By doing so, most “lost” items can be returned to their owners promptly. If an item has been misplaced, encourage your student to check the area located in the “Lost and Found” in the hallway on the upper floor of the building. Students finding lost articles are required to turn them into the office. All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of each school year. Valuable items (i.e., cell phones, money, jewelry, keys, etc.) will be placed in an envelope marked with the date and location found and held in the office until the end of the year. 18 Media Coverage and the School From time to time, we are covered by the media (newspaper, TV, etc.) at school. Please make sure you complete, sign, date and promptly return the media permission form that is sent home at the beginning of the new school year. Office Telephone The telephone in the office is available to students for emergency purposes only (i.e., no ride home, needs a change of clothes, etc.). Students must ask permission from the office staff before using the office telephone. Pets No animals, outside of those living on site or service dogs, are allowed on the school campus at any time. Please help us keep our children safe by not bringing dogs to school. Even the friendliest dog can bite a child. HEALTH OFFICE The school health office is staffed with a health technician. Some of health technician duties involve: ♦ Assist in the administration of prescribed medication, including emergency glucagon and epinephrine auto-injections; assist in positioning pupils for health care and/or medication administration. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Provide illness and accident attention; change dressings. Assist in a variety of health screening programs. Providing first aid and appropriate referrals for sick and injured students. Assist in the monitoring all students’ immunization status to assure that they are in compliance by notifying parents and doing the appropriate follow-up. ♦ ♦ ♦ Maintain health record cards. Maintain inventory records and distribute first aid materials to the classroom. Perform routine and emergency diabetes care tasks. Children should NOT attend school if they have: ♦ ♦ ILLNESS and can’t participate in normal school activities whether or not a fever is present. TEMPERATURE greater than 100 degrees (should be free of fever without Tylenol or aspirin for a minimum of 24 hours before returning to school after illness). 19 ♦ ♦ PERSISTENT VOMITING OR DIARRHEA until stopped at least 24 hours. CONTAGIOUS DISEASE (i.e., strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, hepatitis). See your doctor immediately and obtain the appropriate medication. Generally, doctors recommend returning to school after a 240hour period of medication. Please make the school nurse is aware of any contagious illness so that she may alert parents of children in your child’s classroom of possible warning signs. ♦ ♦ RASH of undetermined origin until the rash is gone or it has been determined to be non-contagious by a physician. MEDICAL PROCEDURE requiring general anesthesia – must be at least 24 hours after anesthesia, and have a medical release to attend school with P.E. recommendations. ♦ SPECIALIZED HEALTH CARE PROCEDURES – District required paperwork (i.e., parent authorization, physician’s orders) must be completed. The school nurse must be provided orientation to the student on the specific procedure being required. ♦ LIVE LICE – A child with lice must shampoo with a lice-specific medicated shampoo and show proof of such treatment upon returning to school (i.e., shampoo box or container). A parent must accompany the child to school the day after treatment so the nurse or health assistant may confirm the child’s hair is free of all nits. Physicals All children are required to have a complete physical upon entering first grade. A health exam form is provided when you register for your medical provider to complete. Up-to-date immunizations are also required and certification must be submitted to the office. Nutrition and Sleep Please provide your child with a well-balanced nutritious breakfast each day. Breakfast is served at Vista Grande Elementary. Breakfast is one of the most important meals of a child’s day. It provides calories and nutrients necessary for healthy growth and brain function. Children learn best when they come to school well-nourished and with adequate rest. Hungry, sleepy children do not learn well. Ten hours of sleep is recommended for school-age children. Students also have a morning recess and snack break each day. Please provide a healthy snack for your child each day. District Medications Mandate The San Diego Unified School District mandates the following guidelines for administering medications: ♦ A School Nurse can administer over the counter medication (i.e., Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc.) after making a student assessment, parent has signed the Health Information Consent form and it is placed on file at the site. ♦ All other medications require a signed Physician Medication Authorization form. 20 ♦ This includes: ♦ All Over the Counter (OTC) medication (i.e., Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc. to be given on days the School Nurse is not on site). ♦ ♦ OTC includes, but is not limited to Benadryl and Robitussin. Prescription medications for severe asthma/severe allergies (periodic and daily) must be brought to the office with physician’s orders during the first week of school. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Daily medication. Short-term medication for 10 days (i.e., antibiotics). All prescription skin creams. Nutritional supplements. The following are acceptable Physician Authorization forms for medications to be administered at school: ♦ ♦ ♦ Physician note to school written on prescription pad. Physician Authorization form filled out by physician (available from School Nurse/Office) Physician Authorization form filled out by physician (available on District or School website) ALL MEDICATION MUST BE IN THE ORIGINAL CONTAINER WITH THE DOCTOR’S NAME, STUDENT’S NAME, NAME OF MEDICATION, INSTRUCTIONS FOR ADMINISTRATION AND MEDICATION EXPIRATION. LIBRARY AND MEDIA CENTER All students have access to the Library media Center through scheduled classroom visit. We encourage students to utilize the library for informational, instructional and recreational reading. Our library assistant maintains our book collection with assistance from Parent and Student volunteers. Library Rules In order to create an atmosphere that is conducive to optimal learning and safety we stress the following rules: 1. Enter and exit the library in an orderly manner. 2. Listen and follow directions given by all adults while using the library. 3. Use a quiet voice at all times. 4. Use place holders and/or ask for assistance from the library personnel if needed. 5. Be a responsible student. Be sure to check out any borrowed materials. Protect the material you borrow. Keep them in a safe, dry place. Do not bend or tear pages. Help the cycling of books by returning them by the due date. If you lose, 21 misplace or damage a book, notify your teacher. Students/parents who lose or damage any school property are responsible for replacing or paying the cost of replacement or repair. 6. Help keep the library neat and organized. Pick up trash and organize your area before you leave. Book Fairs Book fairs provide opportunities for students and parents to select quality books at affordable prices. Vista Grande has 2 (two) book fairs during the school year and they are manned by site staff and parent volunteers. LUNCH AND RECESS Recess – Students are scheduled for a fifteen minute recess period each day. Only under adverse weather conditions do we keep the children indoors. Playground Supervision – Playground supervision is provided during the morning recess, lunch and lunch recess. Vista Grande employees staff to supervise during these periods. Lunch Procedures – Students will have a thirty-five minute lunch period each day with the exception of our minimum day. Half of this time is spent in the lunch arbor and half is spent at lunch recess. On minimum days students have a 15-minute lunch period with no lunch recess. All children, whether they bring their own lunch or buy hot lunch, are seated in the lunch arbor during the lunch period. Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students play in their own area. Hot Breakfast/Lunch Program Starting with the first day of school San Diego Schools Food Services Department provides a breakfast which is served daily at 7:20 a.m. Their “Kid’s Choice” hot lunch program menu offers four daily hot lunch choices, (i.e., chicken nuggets, pizza, hamburger, burrito) available to students. Students select one of the hot lunch choices and then may help themselves to the salad bar. A choice of chocolate milk or plain 2% milk accompanies each lunch. Lunch prices are: Breakfast $1.00 Lunch $2.00 Milk $.50 Lunches are prepared at Serra High School and delivered to Vista Grande for heating and serving. Monthly menus can be viewed and downloaded at 22 Lunch Money Children may bring money each time they purchase breakfast, lunch or milk. However, we STRONGLY encourage you to place money in a lunch account that your child may access for purchases any day. To place money in your child’s account, please place cash or a check made out to “Vista Grande Elementary” in an envelope marked with your child’s name, amount, teacher and/or room number. When paying for more than one student, you may write one check, but be sure to list each child’s information separately. Envelopes are turned into the office. You may also visit and pay on-line for your child’s breakfast or lunch. Students will use the computerized lunch accounting system. Each new student will be assigned a Personal Identification Number (PIN). Returning students will continue to use the PIN they used last year at Vista Grande. Lunch accounts with a balance from last school year will carry over to the new school year. Please ensure that your child memorizes his/her number and does not give it out to any other child. For those qualifying free/reduced lunches are provided. Application forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year. They can also be accessed on-line at Lunch loans are not provided. Please make sure that your child has enough funds in their account to cover the cost of their breakfast and/or lunch. Lunch monies carry over from year to year. If your student will be leaving the district please contact the cafeteria for information on closing your account. Recess/Lunch Rules ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Respect the rights of others. Keep your hands to yourself. Follow directions of adult noon duty staff. Eat snacks in designated areas only. Students must remain seated, while eating lunch. 23 PARENT/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT At Vista Grande we have a strong commitment to Parent/Community involvement. There are many ways parents and community members can participate in school activities and shared decision making. They include, but are not limited to: School Site Council (SSC)/Governance Team (GOV) These teams are composed of teachers, parents, support staff and community members. The SSC and GOV have the legal responsibility for developing the school plan, annually reviewing or modifying the school plan, and developing the school budget. The teams also serve as a means to give and receive information related to our English Language Learner population. SSC and GOV discussions and plans will be developed and shared with the community. Participants will be elected each school year. Vista Grande Foundation The Vista Grande Foundation is an organization similar to the PTA comprised of families and teachers who work together to provide students with added enrichment to their existing curriculum. It is a non-profit group and is made up of an executive board, standing committees, and general members. All families are members of this organization by virtue of having a child who attends Vista Grande. The Foundation holds monthly meetings in the staff lounge. Foundation Fundraisers Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup Labels We have Box Top competitions throughout the year. Winners receive prizes! The school receives Free Money! We also collect Campbell Soup labels throughout the year. We use them to get various supplies for the school. Target – Red Card Program Target also participates in school fund raising. If you apply for a Target guest card, 1% of all your guest card purchases will go towards our school. Applications are available in the office and at all Target stores. 24 Ralphs Rewards Enrollment is easy and can be done online at You will need to make an online account and have a registered Ralph’s rewards card. Once you have an online account just follow the steps for community rewards and help Vista Grande earn money! Vista Grande Foundation number is 93048. Vons Club – Escrip Pick up a registration form in the office. It’s simple – with the registration form and Vons club card you can register your club card and start helping Vista Grande earn money! Group ID # is 139594508. Family Dinner Nights The Foundation sets up a family dinner night on a regular basis at various restaurants in the community. This is an excellent way to take a break from cooking and get to know or connect with other Vista Grande families. You will need the flyer that is sent home and available in the office for the Foundation to receive credit. Jog-A-Thon Once during the year the Foundation holds a school Jog-A-Thon. The students collect pledges prior to running as many laps as they can in 30 minutes. Vista Grande Fair In the spring the best carnival in town is held at Vista Grande! There are rides, games, food, teacher raffle, silent auction and student talent show. This is a community event not to be missed!! PARKING, TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Please assist us with establishing good safety and traffic patterns in and around our school by following these rules: ♦ Do NOT park in the spots designated for the Principal, Vice Principal, Secretary, Clerk and Staff. Staff parking is denoted by numbers and marked reserved. ♦ Do NOT park in the spots designated “Volunteer of the Month” and “Foundation Winner”. The Volunteer spot is earned and the Foundation spot is bid on at the silent auction during the annual Vista Grande Fair. ♦ Due to limited space and for safety, we ask that parents NOT use the parking lot as a pick up or drop off area. 25 ♦ To ensure our students’ safety, our driveway is closed: M, T, W, F from 7:15 – 7:40 a.m. and 1:50 – 2:15 p.m. Thursday (minimum day) from 7:15 – 7:40 a.m. and 11:30 – 12:00 p.m. ♦ ♦ Handicapped parking is for use by authorized vehicles only. Only park in visitor’s spaces if it is necessary to park in the parking lot. There is limited visitor parking which is clearly marked. ♦ Avoid blocking private driveways and the intersection of Robusto and Antigua. Pedestrians If your child walks to school, please help him/her determine the most direct and safest route to and from school. Where possible, have your child cross at the crosswalks and signal lights. Children and adults crossing Antigua Boulevard should cross in the school crosswalk in front of the school which is manned by the school Safety Patrol. Safety Patrol Our school patrol works with the San Diego Police Department to provide school safety both before and after school. All students and parents are asked to use the designated crosswalk at all times. Patrol will be on duty, at approximately, 7:15 a.m. and 1:55 p.m. on Mon., Tues., Wed. and Fri. On Thursday patrol will be on duty, at approximately, 7:15 a.m. and 11:40 a.m. Their goal is to safely cross students and parents in the crosswalk. They do not direct traffic. All students and adults who walk across Antigua Boulevard must cross with the Crossing Guard. Students who are interested in serving on Safety Patrol as 5th graders must maintain adequate grades and behavior records during their 4th grade year. To serve as a Safety Patrol member as a 5th grader the student must continue to maintain adequate grades, behavior, and be on time or they will be removed from their position. If there are spaces available new 5th grade students may apply to be a part of the Safety Patrol team. Scooters, Skateboard, Bicycle, Roller Blades and Skate Shoes Children in fourth and fifth grades are permitted to ride bicycles to school. Helmets must be worn by bicycle riders. Bicycles brought to school must be licensed, parked in the bike racks and locked. Licenses may be obtained at the local Fire Department. The school is not responsible for damage or theft of bicycles. Students riding bicycles should WALK them to the bicycle rack area. Bicycles may not be ridden on school walkways, school parking lot, or on the playground between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Skateboards, roller blades, scooters, skate shoes/heelies are NOT permitted on school grounds at any time, including non-school hours. 26 Vehicle Transportation Parents providing vehicle transportation for their children are asked to drop off and pick up students: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ South of the school patrol crosswalk on the school side of Antigua. ½ block before the school on the school side of Antigua. School Side of Robusto (NOT in the bus loading zone or you may be ticketed). Passenger Loading zone in front of the school on Antigua (do not leave car unattended or you may be ticketed). PRIMETIME EXTENDED PROGRAM The PrimeTime program is available from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day students attend school. The program is available to parents by application if before and after school care is needed and they qualify. Enrollment is limited and is on a first come first served basis. The application can be obtained in the office and it is the responsibility of the parent to mail it to the program office listed on the application form. ACADEMIC ASSESSMENTS SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT The students in grades 3-5 participate annually in the state Smarter Balanced Assessment program in the spring. CELDT The CELDT is a state-mandated test that is used by California schools to determine Listening and Speaking, Reading, Writing, and Overall English language proficiency levels of students determined to be English learners, or possible English learners. Currently, students in kindergarten and first grade take only the Listening and Speaking portion of the CELDT, while students in grades second through twelfth take all portions. The Overall Proficiency Level represents a “weighted” combination of results of all portions taken. The CELDT is administered to new students upon enrollment and to returning students in the fall. GATE District psychologists administer the Raven Test to all 2nd graders and students who are new to our school in grades 3, 4, and 5. The test is used to determine placement in the GATE programs for the following cluster year. 27 Fitness Gram Testing All students in Grade 5 will participate in physical fitness testing in the spring. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE AND PROBLEM SOLVING PHILOSOPHY At Vista Grande Elementary School we are dedicated to helping children develop respect and responsibility. Age-appropriate rules and consequences are clearly stated, effectively taught, implemented, and consistently reinforced by both staff and parents. We believe that ALL children can learn and that they deserve to have the best education possible in the safest environment. Teachers and other staff members have the right to work in a setting where learning can take place at optimal levels. Vista Grande Way “Character is doing what is right when no one is looking.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Our school wide policy is the Vista Grande Way! At Vista Grande we show respect by: Smiling and saying kind words to everyone. Making eye contact. Learning the names of other teachers, support staff and students. Greeting them by saying their names at appropriate times. Always saying please and thank you. Transitioning quickly, quietly and orderly with all necessary materials. Being respectful towards substitutes and always following the classroom rules. After eating breakfast or lunch be responsible for your trash. Saying excuse me if I bump into someone even if it wasn’t your fault. Use respectful language, never rolling eyes, moaning, complaining or using language that shows disrespect. Letting an adult know if someone is bullying you. Being a good winner and loser by congratulating each other for doing well and encouraging others when they don’t do well. Character Traits we will be studying during the year are: Respect Responsibility 28 Caring Generosity/Giving Trustworthiness Kindness Fairness Perseverance Citizenship Discipline At times it may be necessary to take immediate action to benefit all students. The following behavior WILL NOT BE ALLOWED and MAY LEAD TO IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION, as stated in the San Diego Unified School District Discipline Plan and policies: 1. Defiance of authority. 3. Fighting anywhere on school grounds or surrounding areas. (Severe fights may be cause for expulsion.) 5. Theft 2. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Deliberate classroom disruption or verbal abuse. Drugs Vandalism Smoking Weapons – Weapons are defined as anything that can do harm to another and/or has no reasonable use at school. POSSESSION OF ANY item including firearms, realistic toy guns, knives, or other dangerous objects which could cause injury to another. THIS MAY LEAD TO EXPULSION. Use of gang related signs, symbols, or gestures. Intimidation or threat to cause harm. All parents/guardians and children must read, sign and return the zero tolerance policy form. For additional information please refer to the district “Uniform Discipline Plan” and discipline policies at under “Parents/Policies/Student Discipline”. Bullying, Harassment, and Intimidation Prohibition Policy In its commitment to providing all students and staff with a safe learning environment where everyone is treated with respect and no one is physically or emotionally harmed, the Board of Education will not tolerate any student or staff member being bullied (including cyber‐bullying), harassed, or intimidated in any form at school or school‐related events, (including off‐campus events, 29 school‐sponsored activities, school busses, any event related to school business), or outside of school hours with the intention to be carried out during any of the above. Such acts include those that are reasonably perceived as being motivated either by an actual or perceived attribute that includes but is not limited to race, religion, creed, color, marital status, parental status, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, ancestry, national origin, ethnic group identification, age, mental or physical disability or any other distinguishing characteristic. The district further prohibits the inciting, aiding, coercing or directing of others to commit acts of bullying or cyber‐bullying, harassment or intimidation. Any staff member that observes, overhears or otherwise witnesses bullying (including cyber‐ bullying), harassment, or intimidation, or to whom such actions have been reported must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the behavior and to prevent its reoccurrence as detailed in the applicable Administrative Procedure. Students who observe, overhear, or otherwise witness such actions must, and parents/district visitors are encouraged to report the behaviors to a staff member. At each school, the principal or principal’s designee is responsible for receiving and promptly investigating complaints alleging violations of this policy. Any form of retaliation in response to a report of such acts is prohibited. Code of Conduct Helping students learn to be responsible is a goal we all work towards together. At Vista Grande we expect excellence in all areas. We encourage all students to take responsibility for their own behavior. We want to create a positive and safe environment for all of our students. In order to achieve this we have established and enforce these 3 simple, yet encompassing rules: • • • Be Nice Work Hard Be Safe Classroom standards will reflect this school wide philosophy. Students will be involved in creating these classroom standards. We view problem solving as an integral component of our overall behavior plan. We welcome input from parents. With school staff, parents and students working together, we believe we can create a positive climate in which students become problem solvers and are accountable for their behavior. 30 STAYING INFORMED There are a number of ways to stay informed about what is happening at school. Here are a few: Koala Gazette The Koala Gazette is the school newsletter and it is sent home bi-monthly. The newsletter encourages parent involvement and keeps everyone informed of school events. In addition to news and information, an up-to-date calendar of events appears on the front page. All staff, parents, students and groups are welcome to submit articles or art for this newsletter. Web Site The Vista Grande Elementary web site, located at was created and is maintained by our Science teacher. The site is continuously updated and contains a wide variety of information for students, parents and staff, including: this Handbook in its entirety, information about parent involvement and upcoming events, education research links, contact details, and staff listings. Back to School Night/Open House Back to school night is a time to meet with your child’s teacher to hear about the curricular objectives for the year and how you can assist your child to make it a successful learning year. Open House held in the Spring provides an opportunity for parents to visit your child’s teacher, learning environment and is a showcase for student art produced during the year. Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten Orientation Each year, before the start of school, we host a TK/Kindergarten orientation to acquaint new parents to our school. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES EL (English Learner) Support English learners are clustered according to assessed language proficiency and place in appropriate classes. They are given special assistance in learning English, reaching their educational potential and adjusting to the school setting. 31 Resource Specialist Program This program is designed to provide support services to learning and physically challenged students who receive a majority of their education in regular classes. The classroom teacher, parents, and special education personnel work to effectively develop and implement each student’s Individual Educational Plan (IEP) either through direct service or consultation. In-services in assisting parents with strategies for school success, understanding learning disabilities, and attention deficit disorders are offered through the district. School Psychologist The school psychologist serves as a member of the Instructional Study Team (IST) to assess the academic and emotional and behavioral needs of students. Speech and Language Specialist The speech and language specialist helps to identify and assess children who require additional support in developing communication skills appropriate to their ability and age level. If the student qualifies, the speech and language pathologist creates an individualized program for the student and provides the needed support. GATE Cluster Program (Grades 3-5) Vista Grande Elementary has adopted the Diversified GATE Model as well as the Collaborative GATE model for particular classrooms. Teachers in these grades have taken special courses to become GATE certified. Newly assigned teachers to these grades must become certified within the school year. VOLUNTEERS AND VISITORS To ensure the safety of students and staff, ALL parents, volunteers, and visitors must go directly to the school office, sign in and obtain a visitor’s badge. Please wear the badge at all times while on site. School gates remain locked during school hours. Visitors Visitors who will be on site more than occasionally will need to follow the volunteer procedure. Please understand teachers are NOT available to conference with you during class time. 32 Volunteers Volunteers are very important to the staff and students of Vista Grande. A volunteer application form, current TB test (good for four years), copy of current driver’s license and auto insurance must be on file before volunteers can participate in the classroom or on field trips. Several times during the year volunteer orientation meetings are held to provide information on expectations and safety. Volunteers are required to sign in and out in the front office. All volunteers must wear a name tag while on school grounds. 33 VISTA GRANDE STUDENT HANDBOOK 2012 - 2013 In order to save paper the Vista Grande Student Handbook is posted on our school website for your review at After reviewing the handbook please sign below and return this page to the school office. If you would prefer a printed copy of the handbook please check the box office. and return to the school I/We acknowledge that I/we have read and understand what is contained in the Vista Grande Student Handbook. _________________________________________ Parent Name Printed ___________________________________ Parent(s) Signature _____________________________ Date _________________________________________ ___________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________ _________________________________________ ___________________________________ Student Name (Print) Student Name (Print) Student Name (Print) Student Name (Print) Grade/Teacher Grade/Teacher Grade/Teacher Grade/Teacher 34
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