` TENDER BULLETIN NO. 21/2014/15 FY 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 This document is also available on the internet on the following website: www.limtreasury.gov.za Provincial Supply Chain Management Office LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Page No. REPORTING FRAUDULENT AND CORRUPT ACTIVITIES…………………………………... 03 2. INSTRUCTIONS………………………………………………………………………………….. 04 3. BID INVITATIONS FOR SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND DISPOSALS …………………………….. 05 -6 4. BID INVITATION CANCELLED ……………………………………………………………………06 5. SPECIAL NOTICES………………………………………….. ………………………….. ……….07 – 10 ANNEXURE 1: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: PROVINCIAL DEPARTMENTS…….11 ANNEXURE 2: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: PUBLIC ENTITIES…………………....12 ANNEXURE 3: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: PROVINCIAL TREASURY TENDER ADVICE CENTRES ………………………………………………………………….13 ANNEXURE 4: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: SATELLITE OFFICES ………………..14 REPORT NOT FOR SALE Page 2 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 FRAUDULENT & CORRUPT ACTIVITIES ON GOVERNMENT PROCUREMENT SYSTEM _____________________ National Anti-Corruption @ 0800 701 701 Security and Investigating Services – Limpopo Provincial Treasury @ 015 298 7196 ___________________________ ALL COMPLAINTS/CONCERNS RELATED TO SCM NON-COMPLIANCE MUST BE REPORTED TO: THE SENIOR MANAGER LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TREASURY PRIVATE BAG X 9486 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel No: 015 291 8705 ATTENTION: MAHLATJI MD OFFICE NO. 216 FROM: 8H00-16H30 PROVINCIAL TREASURY, FINANCE HOUSE, 56 – 58 PAUL KRUGER STREET, POLOKWANE NOT FOR SALE Page 3 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 2. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bidders are advised to read the entire tender bulletin. 2. Tenders for procurement of supplies, services and disposals are categorized as follows: SUPPLIES Accommodation, leasing of Audio visual equipment Building material Chemicals: Agricultural/Forestry/ Laboratory/Water Care Clothing/Textiles Computer equipment Computer software Electrical equipment Electronic equipment Furniture General Medical Office equipment: Labour-saving devices Perishable provisions Stationary/printing Steel Timber Vehicle (all types) Workshop equipment SERVICES Building Civil Electrical Functional (including cleaning-, and security services) General Maintenance of electrical, mechanical equipment and plumbing Mechanical Professional Repair and maintenance of vehicles Transport DISPOSALS Clothing and textiles Furniture General Scrap metal Vehicles 3. Bid documents are generally available in English only. 4. The address where a bid document is available from and where it must be submitted to may differ. 5. The addresses at which bid documents may be obtained and to which tenders must be posted, appear in Annexure 1. 6. The address list of various Supply Chain Management Advice Centers at which bid documents and tender bulletins may also be obtained, appear in Annexure 2; and 7. The address list of Supply Chain Management satellite offices at which tender bulletins may also be obtained, appear in Annexure 5. NOT FOR SALE Page 4 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 BID INVITATIONS FOR SUPPLIES, SERVICES AND DISPOSALS BID NO. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE OR SUPPLIES CONTACT DETAILS BID DOCUMENT PRICE (NONREFUNDABLE) DUE AT 11H00 BID DOCUM ENTS OBTAIN ABLE FROM POS T OR DELI VER BIDS TO See Annexure 1 & 2, Page 11 – 12 RAL/T685/2 014 Preventative Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Road D936(576) From Condrington to Settlers in the Waterberg District of Limpopo Province CIDB Grading: 6 CEPE or 7 CE or Higher RAL/T699/2 014 Compulsory Briefing Date:10 October 2014 Venue: intersection of Road R576 and R516 in Settlers co-ordinates to the Site_24960791,28, 299833 E29” 49” 25.9 Time:10H00 AM Preventative Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Road D5011 from Nkowankowa to Letsitele in the Mopani District of Limpopo Province. CIDB Grading :5CEPE or 6CE OR Higher Compulsory Briefing BIDDING PROCESS Mr Sam Lekganyane @ Tel; 015 284 4600 Fax; 015 284 4704 Email R 300.00 27/10/2014 117 117 R300.00 31/10/2014 117 117 Lekganyanesm @ ral.co.za TECHNICAL ASPECTS Mr. P Mashele Tel: 015 297 8331 Fax 006 550 8781 Email:admin@kgosihadi.co .za BIDDING PROCESS Mr Sam Lekganyane Tel; 015 284 4600 Fax; 015 284 4704 TECHNICAL ASPECTS Mr JM Van Vuuren Tel 015306 0339 Fax 015 086 624 3198 Email:admmin@bawelileco nsultting.co.za Date : 13 October 2014 Venue: intersection of Road D5011 from Nkowankowa co-ordinates to the Site S23” 52” 57”.8 E30 18”00.5 Date:10H00 AM NOT FOR SALE Page 5 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 RAL /T704/2014 Rehabilitation of Road D2526 from R71 to Dalmada area in Polokwane Municipality of Capricorn District CIDB 5CEPE or 6CE or Higher Compulsory Briefing Venue: At the intersection of road D 2526 From R71 to Dalmada coordinates to the Site S 23° 53”55.56” E 29° 32.00” 34” BIDDING PROCESS Mr Sam Lekganyane Tel: 015 284 4600 Fax: 015 284 4704 Email: Lekganyanesm@ ral.co.za R300.00 23/10/2014 117 117 TECHNICAL ASPECTS Mr C Danda Tel: 015 295 2144 Fax: 015 295 2122 Email:admin@beconsult.co .za Date:09 October 2014 Time: 10H00 4. BID INVITATION CANCELLED 4.1. Bid number ACDP13/37: Construction of a 16 sow piggery unit at Madzivhandila agricultural college in Vhembe was cancelled due to the following reasons: (a) The preferred bidder failed to comply with SARS Matters (b) The validity period of the bid expired 4.2 BID NO: LTA 33-13/14 Design, Hosting and Maintenance of Website for Limpopo Tourism Agency was cancelled. Reasons for cancellation- No acceptable bids were received. 4.3 BID NO: LTA 23-13/14 Design and construction of Tourism exhibition stands for Limpopo Tourism Agency as follws: Reasons for cancellation- No acceptable bids were received 5. SPECIAL NOTICES NOT FOR SALE Page 6 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 5.1. ERRATUM 5.1.1 DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND TRANSPORT PUDP 714: supply and delivery of 12 motor graders and , PUDP 716: supply and delivery of 5 articulated vibrating still/ Pneumatic roller The above bids were placed on the Tender Bulletin number 17 of 2014/15 FY with the closing date of 30/10/2014 Please note that the correct closing date for the following bids is the 30/09/2014 and not 30.10/2014 5.1.2 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 14/13: Maintenance and support of internet access points at service centers for farmers, within the e- agriculture project for 16 service center from 01 January 2015 to 02 February 2018 which was advertised on the tender bulletin no: 17 of 2014/15 dated 22 august 2014. INCORRECT DESCRIPTION, BID NO: ACDP THE CORRECT DESCRIPTION IS: ACDP 14/13: Maintenance and support of internet access points at service centers for farmers, within the e-Agriculture project for 16 service center from 01 January 2015 to 31 December 2018 . 5.1.3 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE THE INCORRECT DESCRIPTION IS: ACDP14/14: rendering of security services at Capricorn district (Ramokgopa service Centre, Mohodi service Centre, Molemole municipality and Lebowakgomo workshop) for the period of two years: 01 February 2015 to 31 march 2018 description is as follows: ACDP 14/14: rendering of security services at Capricorn District (Ramokgopa service Centre, Mohodi service Centre, Molemole municipality and Lebowakgomo workshop) for the period of two years 01 February 2015 to 31 January 2017 . THE CORRECT 5.2 LIST OF AWARDED BIDS BID NO DESCRIPTION AWARDED BIDDER BID AMOUNT EDET 157/2014 Transaction Advisory Services For Advising On The Limpopo Secured, Shared, Open Access & Affordable Broadband Wide Area Network Through a Public Private Partnership Construction of Moletji community dairy milk processing unit under Capricorn district Installation of 8 vegetable tunnels, upgrading of an existing farm shed into a pack house, installation of a 5 ha hail net covered micro irrigation orchard system, at the vhuawelo youth project in modimolle local municipality in waterberg district Construction of stock KPMG ACDP 13/36 ACDP12/16 ACDP 13/27 NOT FOR SALE BBB-EE SCORE TOTAL POINTS ATTAINED DATE AWARDED R22 477 979.99 POINTS FOR PRICE 90 9 90.00 31/07/2014 MOSENGOANA TRADING CC R 7 143 371.37 N/A N/A 98.00 31/03/2014 Ntshutso Business Enterprise R7 739 595.73 N/A N/A 99.00 25/07/2014 Sohlangana R5 565 214.00 N/A N/A 58.46 21/08/2014 Page 7 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 water reticulation system for kgapola stock water project in Polokwane municipality of Capricorn district Provision of auctioneering services for departmental livestock for Limpopo Department of agriculture for the period 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2017 Provision of auctioning services for departmental movable asset for Limpopo department of agriculture for the period 01/09/2014 to 31/08/2017 ACDP 13/41/1 ACDP 13/41/2 Trading 241 Tirhani Auctioneers (Pty) Ltd 5% N/A N/A 98.00 25/07/2014 Shatadi Auctioneers and Asset Disposal 98.00 N/A N/A 6% 25/07/2014 5.3 ADENDUM 5.3.1 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM EDET 161/14: CLEANING SERVICES FOR PHYSICAL FACILITIES AT CORNER SUID AND DORP STREET Paragraph 5.1 of the published specifications is incorrect as advertised in the previous Tender Bulletin number; 17/2014/15 FY, dated 22 August 2014. The Quantity required for toilet paper rolls bale 48’s(1 ply of high Quality) is 360 for the duration of 36 months instead of 34 per month’s .Please also that the closing date has been extended will be extended by two weeks which will be the 03rd. October 2014 at 11H00 Please note that Service providers who have already deposited their tender documents will be allowed to retrieve the bid documents and amend offers accordingly. For more information please contact Mr. Ramoraswi F.F@ 015 293 8759 or Ms. Linda Mothutsi @ 015 293 8766. 5.4. REQUEST FOR PROSPECTIVE SUPPLIERS OF GOODS/SERVICES TO ENLIST ON THE DATABASE IN LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TREASURY The Supply Chain Management office of Limpopo Provincial treasury invites prospective service providers to register on the departmental Data Base for goods and services. Forms are obtainable from all SCM Advice Centers and Departmental website. www.limtreasury.gov.za All forms must be submitted by 30/09/2014 not later than 16.30 to SCM Advice Centers where you have collected the forms. Enquiries should be directed to Nemulodi L at 015 298 7000 5.4.1 OFFICE OF THE PREMIER CALL FOR QUOTATION FOR MAINTENANCE OF SECURITY SYSTEMS IN PREMIER’S OFFICE Quotation- maintenance of security systems installed in the Office of the Premier as follows: 1. Access Control System (ACS) NOT FOR SALE Page 8 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 2. Close Circuit Television (CCTV) 3. Visitors Management (VM) 4. Guard Tracking (GT) 5. Two –way Radios 6. Electric Fence (EF) 7. Motor Gates and Eye Beam Censors 8. Metal Detectors 9. Parcel Scanners (PS) 10. Boom gates, Spikes and Looping System 11. Fire Panels 12. Public Address System (PAS) 13. Data Projectors (DP) 14. ID Photo Printer 15. Library 16. Turnstiles, Swing and Sliding Doors 17. Uninterrupted Power Suppliers (UPS) 18. Cable Management Note: 5.5. 5.5.1 Bidders are requested to attend a compulsory briefing session on the 25 September 2014 at 11H00. Old Cabinet Boardroom (40 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Limpopo Province. NB. Full specification will be provided during the compulsory briefing session. Closing date for the Quotation is, 02 October 2014; 11H00. Quotations must be submitted at Box 40 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane. INVITATION TO WORKSHOPS AND TRAINING ON TENDERING PROCEDURES CAPRICORN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRE (SMME’S Training Programme) DATE 25/09/2014 MUNICIPALITY Polokwane VENUE Mothiba T/A TARGET SMME’s TIME DATE MUNICIPALITY VENUE TARGET 18/09/2014 Letaba Soetfontein Com. Hall SMME’s For more information please contact Mr. M.B. Mbedzi @ 015 812 0149 or 083 277 2114 TIME 10H00 For more information please contact Ms. M.M. Masindi @ 015 291 8424 or 082 319 7341 5.5.2 MOPANI SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRE (SMME’S Training Programme) 10H00 5.5.3. SEKHUKHUNE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRE DATE 23/09/2014 MUNICIPALITY Ephraim Mogale VENUE Elanskraal TARGET SMME’s TIME 10H00 For more information please contact Mr. M.S.Sehale @ 013 265 1344 or 082 802 4179 NOT FOR SALE Page 9 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 5.3.4. VHEMBE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRE DATE 25/09/2014 MUNICIPALITY Thulamela VENUE Khubvi Com. Hall TARGET SEMINAR TIME 09H00 For more information please contact Ms. A. Budeli @ 015 962 1752 or 079 899 6303 5.5.5. WATERBERG SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRE (SMME’S Training Programme) DATE MUNICIPALITY VENUE TARGET TIME 18/09/2014 30/09/2014 Mookgophong Mogalakwena Mookgopong Com. Hall Bakenberg T/A SMME’s SMME’s 10H00 10H00 For more information please contact Mr. P.E. Mogoroga @ 014 717 5837 or 083 271 7279 ANNEXURE 1: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL DEPARMENTS UNIQUE REF. NO. BID DOCUMENT REFERENCE 100 DSDP 101 101A 102 103 104 105 LPT TC/LP PRDP HEDP LPEDT PUDP DSSL 106 NOT FOR SALE CONTACT DETAILS Tel: 015 293 6000 Fax: 015 293 6211 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 298 7000 Fax: 015 295 7010 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 291 8400 Fax: 015 295 3310 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 287 6000 Fax: 015 295 3840 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 293 6000 Fax: 015 293 6211 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 290 7600/1 Fax: 015 297 4494 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 295 1000 Fax: 015 295 1163 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 290 2900 Fax: 015 291 4452 DOCUMENTS SOLD AT: DOCUMENTS DEPOSITED AT Department of Social Development, Office No. D3 Ground Floor, Old Capricorn Building, 18 College Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Provincial Treasury 46 Hans Van Rensburg Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Deposited in the box located at Department of Health and Social Development, 18 College Street, Polokwane Office of the Premier, 40 Hans van Rensburg Street, POLOKWANE and all SCM Advice Centres Deposited in the bid box located outside a guard house at Ismini Towers, 46 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance, Finance House Building, 56-58 Paul Kruger Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located at Mowaneng Building, 40 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Department of Health, Office No. D3 Ground Floor, Old Capricorn Building, 18 College Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Department of Education, Corner 113 Biccard and 24 Excelsior Streets, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Department of Roads & Transport , 40 Paul Kruger Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Deposited in the box located at Department of Health and Social Development, 18 College Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance of corner 113 Biccard Street and Excelsior Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located at 1st Floor, Paul Kruger Wing, 40 Paul Kruger Street, Polokwane Department of Safety, Security and Liaison, 32 Schoeman Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance of 32 Schoeman Street, Polokwane Provincial Treasury 56 – 58 Paul Kruger Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Page 10 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za 107 108 109 COGHSTA DSAC LEDET Tel: 015 294 2000 Fax: 015 295 4190 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 284 4000 Fax: 015 284 4514 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 293 8300 Fax: 015 293 8319 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za 110 LDPW & WODP Tel: 015 284 7000 Fax: 015 284 7031 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za 111 ACDP Tel: 015 294 3000/30/60/90/20 Fax: 015 294 4506 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za ANNEXURE 2: UNIQUE REF. NO. BID DOCUMENT REFERENCE Tender Advice Centres Department of Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlements & Traditional Affairs, 28 Market Street, Office No. G 74, Ground Floor, Polokwane. Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Olympic Towers, Corner Rabe and Biccard Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centre Department of Economic Development, Environment & Tourism, 90 Bok Street, POLOKWANE and all SCM Advice Centres Department of Public Works, Works Towers, 43 Church Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Department of Agriculture, Temo Towers, 69 Biccard Street, POLOKWANE and all Provincial Treasury Tender Advice Centres Deposited in the bid box located at Hensa Towers, Cnr of Rabe and Landdros Mare Streets, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance of Olympic Towers, Corner 21 Rabe and Biccard Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance of Evridiki Towers, 20 Hans Van Rensburg Street, Polokwane Deposited in the bid box located at Corner Blaawberg and River Street Ladanna Polokwane 0699 Private Bag X9490 Polokwane 0700 Deposited in the bid box located in the main entrance of AgriVillage, 69 Biccard Street, Polokwane ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: LIMPOPO PUBLIC ENTITIES CONTACT DETAILS DOCUMENTS DEPOSITED AT State Information Technology Bid box located in the Main Agency (SITA) Limpopo Office, Entrance of Moolman Building, Moolman Building, 27 Market Street, 27 Market Street, Polokwane POLOKWANE, 0699 112 RFB: LIMP 113 LTA Tel: 015 293 3600 Fax: 015 293 3655 Website: www.golimpopo.com Limpopo Tourism Agency, ERF 92/688, Portion 2 Southern Gateway, Ext 4, N1 Main Road, Polokwane 0699 Bid box located in the offices ERF 92/688, Portion 2 Southern Gateway, Ext 4, N1 Main Road, Polokwane 0699 114 LGB Tel: 015 295 5581 Fax: 015 295 3566 Website: www.lgb.org Limpopo Gambling Board, 22 Schoeman Street, POLOKWANE, from 08H30 to 16H00 Bid box located in the main entrance, ground floor, 22 Schoeman Street, Polokwane Trade and Investment Limpopo 130A Marshall Street, POLOKWANE, 0699 Bid box located in the main entrance, ground floor, 130 A Marshall Street, Polokwane Limpopo Business Support Agency, 06 Platinum Street, Ladine, POLOKWANE, 0700 Bid box located in the main entrance, 06 Platinum Street, Ladine, Polokwane 115 TIL 116 LIBSA NOT FOR SALE Tel: 015 293 3621 Fax: 015 293 3660 Website: www.golimpopo.co . DOCUMENTS SOLD AT: Tel: 015 295 5171 Fax: 015 295 5197 Website: www.til.co.za Tel: 015 287 3000 Fax: 015 297 6732 Website: www.libsa.co.za Page 11 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 117 RAL 118 LADC 119 120 GAAL VIVET Tel: 015 284 4600 Fax: 015 284 4701 Website: www.ral.co.za Tel: 015 296 3543 Fax: 015 296 3549 Website: www.limpopo.gov.za Tel: 015 288 0122 Fax: 015 288 0346 Website: www.gaal.co.za Tel: 015 963 3156 Fax: 015 963 3154 Website: www.fetcol@mweb.co.za Road Agency Limpopo (RAL), RAL Towers, 26 Rabe Street, POLOKWANE, 0700 Bid box located in the entrance foyer (ground floor) of RAL Towers, at 26 Rabe Street, Polokwane Limpopo Agribusiness Development Corporation, 29 Rhodes Drist Street, Bendor, POLOKWANE, 0699 Gateway Airports Authority Limited, N1 Road to Louis Trichardt, Army Base, POLOKWANE International Airport, Polokwane, 0700 Vhembe FET College, Stand No. 203, Unit A, Sibasa, 0970, Limpopo Province Bid box located in the main entrance, 29 Rhodes Drist Street, Bendor, Polokwane, Bid box located in the main entrance, ground floor of administration building, Polokwane International Airport, Army Base Vhembe Fet College, Central Office, Private Bag X2136, SIBASA 0970 ANNEXURE 3: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: PROVINCIAL TREASURY TENDER ADVICE CENTRES (Tender bulletins and bid documents are obtainable from the following Centers): PROVINCIAL TREASURY SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ADVICE CENTRES HEAD OFFICE Capricorn SCM Advice Centre Provincial Supply Chain Management Office 56 – 58 Paul Kruger Street POLOKWANE Private Bag x9494 POLOKWANE, 0700 Tel No. (015) 291 8400 Limpopo Provincial Treasury 56-58 Paul Kruger Street Private Bag x9494 POLOKWANE, 0700 Tel No. (015) 291 8400 Contact: Ms. M.B. Malope NOT FOR SALE @ Tel: 015 291 8717/6 Contact Person: Ms. M.M. Masindi Page 12 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 Vhembe SCM Advice Centre Mopani SCM Advice Centre Limpopo Provincial Treasury Government Building Complex Office No. E006 THOHOYANDOU, VENDA Tel: (015) 962 1752 Fax: (015) 962 1282 Limpopo Provincial Treasury Private Bag X 1973 GIYANI, 0826 Tel: (015) 812 0149 Fax: 086 219 7905 Contact Person: Mr. M. B. Mbedzi Contact Person: Ms. A. Budeli Waterberg SCM Advice Centre Sekhukhune SCM Advice Centre Limpopo Provincial Treasury 98 Nelson Mandela Street Decimale Building MODIMOLLE Tel: (014) 717 5837 Fax: (014) 717 5670 Limpopo Provincial Treasury Lefa Centre, Schoonoord Road JANE FURSE Tel: (013) 265 1344 Fax: (013) 265 1354 Contact Person: Mr. M. S. Sehale Contact Person: Mr. P.E. Mogoroga ANNEXURE 4: ADDRESS LIST AND CONTACT DETAILS: SATELLITE OFFICES (Tender bulletins are obtainable from the following centers) CAPRICORN VHEMBE MOPANI WATERBERG SEKHUKHUNE Lebowakgomo LIBSA Dzanani Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 970 4969 Malamulele Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 871 0608 Namakgale Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 761 3119 Libsa Thabazimbi: No.08 Riet Bok Street Tel. No. (014) 772 2437 Ritavi DCO Tel. No. (015) 303 0455 Libsa Lephalale No. 3A Venter Street Tel. No. (014) 763 2834 Musina Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 534 2713 Mutale Revenue Naphuno Magistrate Office Tel. No. (015) 355 4972 Bela-Bela Local Municipality (Bela-Bela) Tel. No. (014) 736 8000 Mookgophong Local Tubatse Libsa Tubatse Municipality Tel. No. (013) 231 8530 Fetakgomo Libsa Fetakgomo Municipality Tel. No. (015) 622 8904 Atok Thusong Service Centre Atok Seshego (Economic Dev. Offices Zone 8) Tel. No. (015) 223 7990 Ga-Thoka (Department of Economic Development) Senoamadi ComplexNOT FOR SALE Lulekani Magistrate Maatla-ke batho Libsa Page 13 LIMPOPO PROVINCIAL TENDER BULLETIN NO.21/2014/15 FY, 19 SEPTEMBER 2014 Morebeng next to Taxi Rank-Economic Development Offices Contact Mr. Pheha @ 084 602 423 Bochum: LIBSA Office Tel. No. 072 252 7153 Offices Tel. No. (015) 783 0486 Municipality (Mookgopong) Tel.No. (014) 743 1111 Marblehall Tel. No. (013) 261 2642 Soutpansberg Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 516 0002 Libsa Mokopane 90 Retief Street Tel. 015 491 8582 Fax: 015 491 8584 Seda Groblesdal Tel. No. (013) 262 3651 Mathabatha Tribal Authority Ga-Mathabatha Tshilwavhusiku Revenue Office (015) 571 5277 Economic Development Offices in Tzaneen 20b Peace Street, Cnr Peace and Hermanus Tel. No. (015) 307 1195 Bolobedu Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 328 3377 Mafefe Tribal Authority Tshitale Revenue Office Tel. No. (015) 975 1717 MAFEFE Hlanganani Revenue Office operating within Khomanani Tribal Authority at Majosi. Tel. No. 072 304 3916 Vuwani Revenue Office Tel. No. 072 058 1910 NOT FOR SALE Page 14
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