Bulletin of the Central Church of Christ 2722 Oakland Avenue • Johnson City, TN • 37601-1844 • Phone (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE www.GraceMine.org October 12, 2014 No.41 Ministers Ministers Tim Hall Greg Ryan Dustin Humphreys Elders Gene Arrowood Gene Chapman L.A. Hamilton Steve Ingram John McKinnis Dennis Russell Mike Sheridan Deacons Doug Booton Dan Bowman Randy Brewer Jim Carden David Crockett Ben Crossman John Doyle Andrew Easterling David Erickson Jim Fillers David Frakes Ken Gilliam Phil Gilliam Chig Gunter Mike Higginbotham Danny Kellum Ren Rice Trey Robertson Sherrell Shepard Dave Torgerson Ron Whitson Worship Times Sundays: Worship, 10 am and 6 pm; Classes: 9 am Wednesdays: Worship, Class, 7:00 pm Some Thoughts I’d Like to Share…by Tim Hall Will Your Children Go To Heaven? (This article appeared in Central’s bulletin for July 20, 1986; someone suggested that we run it again. As you’ll quickly see, the message is still vital. If you care about children, please read!) Elders all over the nation are concerned about the dropout rate of our young people. And well they ought to be. It is a tragic thing to see these precious boys and girls, who are so thrilled with Bible study as little people, grow cold and uninterested in the Lord’s work as they grow older. Lately, several congregations have made in-depth studies of all the factors available concerning all their young people, with an eye to learning what might be done to help solve this problem. What do they need? More youth programs? More rallies? Special teachers? This Week – “The Bride of Christ” From the material that has been published on these studies it seems to me that one great central truth has begun to emerge. Faithfulness of the young person to Jesus doesn’t have anything to do with special programs or teachers. It is not dependent on whether they are members of a large congregation or a small one. The single most important value is their own immediate family. One congregation found that where both parents were faithful to the Lord (and that includes active interest in the local congregation’s programs), 93% of the kids remained faithful. On the other hand, if only one of the parents was faithful, that figure dropped to 73%. Where the parents were only what we would call reasonably active in the Lord’s work, only 53% of the young people maintained their faith. Now here comes the shocker: In those cases where both parents attended only infrequently, the percentage of their children who remained faithful to the Lord dropped to 6%. Want your children to go to heaven? Then make certain you are leading them. The likelihood is they’ll go no other way. - Ron Readhimer This article has been often used in church bulletins and other publications. While the statistics may be 30 years old, would anyone question the thesis of the article – that the probability of children remaining interested in the church increases if the parents show great interest? There are many important responsibilities parents have toward their children, but none is greater than training them in the nurture and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). – Tim Hall October 12: Let’s pray for: Nell Phillips, hospitalized Monday night with a broken sternum from a fall, home now; Jay Stevens, home following back surgery; Sue Honeycutt, awaiting surgery; Sue Neeley; Megan Ryan; Jennifer Easterling; Buddy Barefield; Ray Markland; Harold Napier; Joyce Hall; Margaret Sams; Elayne Trent; Becky Smith; Mary Nell Lilly; Arlene Kellum; Troy Wright; Ken Lutterman; Isaac Vance; Caroline Faddis; Frank Chapo; Kerry Hutchinson; Allen Jackson; Robin Wishon; Glenn Blacklidge; Doug Grindstaff; Lorene Arrowood; Teresa Guinn; Betty Hamilton; Mike Lyons; Gay Enkema; Karen Stevens. Skilled nursing/assisted living/homebound: Calvin Ursury; Grace Muse; Harold Napier; Delora Tidwell; James Carden, Sr.; Sherry McCulley; Mildred Hall; Theresa Whiddon; Louise Welch; Velma Stables; Lola Johnson; Jesse Crabtree; Johnny & Elayne Trent; Lon & Mildred Shuler. CHANGES/UPDATES UNDERLINED FRIENDS AND RELATIVES: Tripp Davis, son of Lee and Carla Davis, hospitalized from injuries suffered in a rock climbing accident; Janice Baines, lady in the community, health problems; Mae Humphrey, mother of Elizabeth McConnell, hospitalized Tuesday night for chest pains but released Wednesday; Sean Hogan, friend of several of our members, serious stomach surgery; Valerie Merkel, Jenny Usher’s sister, hospitalized last weekend for complications from her MS and recent strokes; Mildred Murphy, neighbor of Lee and Carla Davis, recent surgery; Neel Frakes, David Frakes’s cousin, recent heart surgery. Continuing problems: Patty Mitchell; Ray Rice; Betty and Harold Justice; Sherrill Wilson; Gary Wallace; Kimberly Holtsclaw; Luke Story; Jeff Grindstaff; John Clark; Philip Guinn; Dana Kelly; Dana Kelly’s husband’s sister; Christopher Leonard; Jeane Frizzell; Frankie Rogers; Holden Doebler; Jesse Phillips; Bobby Redd; Christy Ingram; Azona Blevins; Greg Ryan’s father; Joe Doane; Amy Fair; Denise Reilley; Sandra Ryan; Greta Copas; John Buchanan; Kristine Jenkins; Marilyn Frye Hardin; Jill Fair’s mother; David Spiece; Hunter Edwards; Mary Ellen Greer; Diane Carter; Lucy Burgess; Lucy Hagerty’s friend Doris; Mike Mathes; Kenneth Hall; Hugh Honeycutt; Rita Veselak; Doris Kessinger; Cornail Proffitt. MILITARY: Robbie Glenn, Eli Mitchell, Jordan Heatly, Air Force; Nicole Stephens, Brittany Lobos, Army; Brennan McCain, Marines; Joshua Wyant, Afghanistan. LADIES, THERE WILL BE a baby shower for Kay Chintaleka here on 10/26 from 2:30 – 4 p.m.! They are expecting a girl and they are registered at Target and Babies R Us. SUNDAY A.M. on WEMT: TV Sunday School, 7:00; In Search of the Lord’s Way, 7:30; Biblical Viewpoints, 8:00. PUT A CROSS over your name in the Friendship Register if you read the Bible at least 5 days. Last week: TENNESSEE CHILDREN’S HOMES have helped children and teens (and for a brief time, young women with special needs) through many years. If you would like to help this organization, backed by churches of Christ including Central, pick up a coin box and collect your spare change for a few weeks in it. We will bring them back on 11/9. MARK YOUR CALENDARS: There will be an all-church fellowship lunch on Sunday, 11/2. There will NOT be one on the 5th Sunday of that month. PANTRY NEEDS: Chunky soups. MONDAY NIGHT FOR THE MASTER tomorrow at 6 p.m. BIBLE STORYTIME tonight, 3’s-1st graders 55+ POTLUCK this Thursday at 6. Please sign up what you will bring. REMEMBER the baby shower for Teta and Joe Williams from 5–10 p.m. on 10/18 at Keystone Recreation Center. They are registered at Babies R Us. Congratulations! RETIRED MEN’S BREAKFAST, this Tuesday at 9. Please sign up. CENTRAL’S REDBIRDS, this Tuesday at noon at Jason’s Deli. All ladies age 50 and up are welcome; no special red and purple clothing required! GOSPEL MEETING, Cherokee, 10/1216, Michael Jordan, speaker. THERE ARE 20 new board books for our youngest library patrons in the Family Legacy Library. OUR SYMPATHY to Georgie Roten on the passing of her 30 year old great nice from bacterial meningitis. Also, we are saddened to learn of the passing of Wanda Lewis’s sister, Beatrice Tapp, last Thursday. This is the third sister Wanda has lost in the past ten months. And L.A. Hamilton lost his uncle last week; our sympathy to him and family. CONGRATULATIONS to Andy and Hope Camper on the birth of Carson Tyler Camper on Wednesday! He weighed 8 lb. 11 oz. Congratulations also to proud grandparents Allen and Kacey Jackson and greatgrandparents Sam and Joyce Kaylor! IF YOU HAVE BOOKS you enjoyed but don’t care to give away, there’s room in the old library set aside as a Lending Library. We won’t be cataloging these or checking them out; just pop in to find a good read and return when finished. CENTRAL CELEB: Sarah (Whitted) Jennings was on one of the daytime local news shows last week promoting a JC Parks & Rec fall party for kids! SINGLE? Check the bulletin board for info about the East Tennessee Christian Singles Conference 10/24-26 in Pigeon Forge, TN. BIRTHDAYS: Pam Billingsby, Mark Simerly, Ginger Whitson (today); D.B. Honeycutt, Cheryl Whitted, Michael Boggs, Kyle Higginbotham (Mon.); Kenlee Whitson, Violet Yates (Tues.); Matt Sorrow (Wed.); Frank Chapo (Thu.); Betty Markland, Alyssa Cox (Fri.); Jana Hollins, Stephanie Vance (Sat.). ANNIVERSARIES: Mike & Andrea Crosby (Wed.). “THEREFORE, WE ARE AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST, GOD MAKING HIS APPEAL THROUGH US. WE IMPLORE YOU ON BEHALF OF CHRIST, BE RECONCILED TO GOD” - ESV, 2 CORINTHIANS 5:20 10.12.14 10.12 .14 YOUTH NEWS – CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST HERE’S WHAT WE’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO! • Tonight’s Devotional: Devotional tonight at the Church’s building at 5:00 before worship. See you then! • Dinner Date: Will be at Chick-Fil-A with the Kellums and Wisecarvers joining us at 5:30 on Wednesday. See you then! • New Classes: New classes have started! This Wednesday, both parents and youth will meet in the old auditorium as we discuss the basics of our faith. Next Sunday, the 7th-9th graders will continue through the Old Testament while the 10th-12th graders will study Romans. • • • • Room design: Can you believe it has been 2 years since the last room design? We are looking to do this on November 1st. Let me know you are coming so we can prepare. Phone Numbers and E-Mail: If you need to update your phone number or e-mail so that you can receive the texts that are sent out for the youth, please let me know the updated information ASAP. You can either e-mail me (greg@gracemine.org) or call me (540-664-7257). Fender’s Farm: We are looking to go to Fender’s Farm again this year. If this is something you are interested in leading, youth or parent, let me know and let’s come up with a way of pushing this event. Four Square: At Pathfinders, they had a really fun game of Four Square In the Air that everyone loved playing. If you are interested in wanting to build this, let me know and let’s run it by the elders to see about getting this thing built. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT! What is the Church? Some people call the Church the building that people meet in for worship. That’s not Biblical. What does the Bible say the Church is? The Bible is very clear on what the Church is, and that is those that are believers in Christ. In 1 Cor. 3:16, Paul tells those Christians at Corinth that they are the temple of God. It is not the meeting place that matters (John 4), but rather who is meeting there. Are you the Church? Do you have the Spirit of God in you? October 12, 2014 Contact Doug Booton if unable to serve Sunday Morning: Welcome: L.A. Hamilton Song Leader: Danny Kellum Next Week: Phil Gilliam Prayer: Brian Crabtree Next Week: Charles Russell Scripture: John Jarrett Next Week: Marshall Stables Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Choosing to Assemble” Dismissal: L.A. Hamilton Next Week: Gene Chapman Lord's Supper: Presiding: Steve Trent Next Week: Greg Ryan Serving: Alex Doyle, Andrew Easterling, Cary Vantine, Earl Johnson, James Hunt, Jerry Bacon, Jim Pierce, Josh Bacon, Larry Reece, Luke Whitted, Michael Rasnake Rick Farmer, Ron Elliott, Sherrell Shepard, Tom Hudnall, W.C. Ausborn Children's Training Class: the Gilliams Nursery: Elizabeth Peare, Kay Chintaleka, Amber Witherspoon Wednesday Evening: Song Leader: David Crockett Devotional: D.B. Honeycutt Dismissal: Ron Elliott Central Church of Christ P.O. Box 4021 Johnson City, TN 37602-3961 (423) 282-1571 or 283-HOPE Sunday Evening: Song Leader: Steve Williams Prayer: Charles Hartman Scripture: Bill Usher Sermon: Tim Hall Topic: “Non-Human Rights?!” Dismissal: Chig Gunter Lord's Supper: David Erickson, Brandon Quesinberry Nursery & Toddler: Stacy Rice Building Security: Paul Hamilton, Ron Whitson Next Week: Paul Elliott, Bill Usher Opening, Closing building: Greg Ryan Next Week: Steve Williams For October: Communion Prep: Gay Clark Contact Sherrell Shepard, 477-2278, if unable to prepare Cup & Bulletin Pick-up: 3rd graders Baptistery: Sheila Frakes Registry Data Entry: Debbie Ingram Communion Delivery: Torgerson Report from last week Classes: 156; A.M. 353; P.M. 133 Wed. 176 Offering: $10,785.03 Weekly Budget: $12,500.00
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