Serving Grade K – 8 Students in Devon, Alberta Principal Audrey MacDonald Assistant Principal Jocelyn Lamothe School Address 100 Michigan Street Devon, AB T9G 2H6 School Phone: (780) 987-5730 School Fax (780) 987-5834 School Web Site: HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL Evergreen serves Catholic families in Devon, Hinton, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain and Westlock. For more information call the board office at 1-800-825-7152. The next school board meeting is October 14, 2014 in Spruce Grove. Holy Spirit celebrates 10th anniversary Pictures: Left— representatives of our first kindergarten class, who finished grade 8 at the school last spring, presented a legacy project to the school. They created a tile mosaic in the form of a cross to be displayed prominently in the school. We celebrated the beginning of our 10th year of Catholic education in Devon on September 4, 2014 as current and former students, staff members, trustees, and parents gathered for our barbecue and program. Despite cold weather, a large crowd joined us in the gym as we marked this significant milestone. See additional pictures, p. 6 Pictures: below left — former school administrators Mr. Dempsey and Mrs. Glebe entertain the crowd with memories of the early years; below right — current and former trustees cut the anniversary cake: Mr. Yaceyko, Mr. MacLellan, Mrs. Cargill. Holy Spirit Prayer Our next School Council meeting will be held Tues., Oct. 28th at 6:30 p.m. All Holy Spirit Catholic School parents are welcome. This is a great way to get involved! Evergreen CSRD #2 Schools: St. Joseph - K-4; St. Marguerite - K-4; St. Thomas Aquinas - Gr. 5-8; St. Peter the Apostle - Gr. 912, Outreach & Distance Learning, Spruce Grove; St. John Paul II - K- 8, Stony Plain; St. Mary - K-12, Westlock; Holy Spirit - K-8, Devon; St. Gregory- K-4; Gerard Redmond Gr. 5-12, Hinton October 2014 The Holy Spirit guides us. The Holy Spirit lives in our hearts. Holy Spirit of love, we ask your blessing on us. Holy Spirit Vision: “Holy Spirit Catholic School exists as the result of the expressed need of our Christian community for a Catholic school to serve students in a setting where they can celebrate their common bond of faith in God. The staff and parents working in the name of Jesus and in the Spirit of His challenge are committed to providing a quality Catholic education that prepares students to live compassionately and morally where change is the only constant within an atmosphere of Faith, Hope, Love and Prayer.” Be with us in all that we do. Guide our hearts and our lives to walk always in your way of love. Amen Nicole Kearley will continue in her role as school counselor for the 2014-2015 school year for day-to-day concerns. Students can request to see her by dropping her a note in her silver mailbox at the school’s main office. Our mentorship program will continue again this year at Holy Spirit. Older students gain valuable leadership skills by helping younger students. This program is coordinated by Ms. Kearley. In addition, Rainbows Grief Support Groups will run again this year. The sacramental programs at St. Maria Goretti are designed to accommodate the needs of our faith community. Please contact the parish office if you are interested in learning more about this valuable program: Parish Office : 780-987-2858 So far, Ms. Kearley’s counselling time has been occupied as follows: Visiting classes to inform students of her role in the school Meeting individually with our new students to assist with their transition Individual counselling has begun. Completed Rainbows coordinator and facilitator training. Rainbows forms are in, groups will be made and the program will begin in October. Assisted our new FSL worker, Sara Berg, in her transition to Holy Spirit. Sara will work with students individually and in small groups on Wednesday mornings. In conjunction with the town of Devon, Ms. Kearley and Ms. Abesamis have started learning about the Virtues project, a character-education project we will be introducing at Holy Spirit this year. Any parent who has a desire to have their child see a counsellor is invited to contact Ms. Kearley to determine whether is it a matter for a school counsellor or if your child might be better served with a referral for out -of-school supports. Ms. Kearley will help coordinate these referrals, as required. For more information about busing to Evergreen Catholic schools, contact: Parkland Student Transportation 1-780-963-8452 MASS TIMES AT ST. MARIA GORETTI CHURCH (and surrounding parishes) Saturday at 5 p.m. (St. Maria Goretti, Devon) Sunday at 9 a.m. (Our Lady of Victory, Thorsby) Sunday at 10:15 a.m. (St. Margaret Mary, Calmar) Sunday at 11:30 a.m. (St. Maria Goretti, Devon) Holy Spirit Choir is Growing! This year we welcome a growing number of singers from grades 3-8. Thanks to Mr. Bolkowy and grade six student, Kiera Cargill – along with Mrs. Kudel, a member of our parish who volunteers her time – and our newly formed junior high choral option, our instrumental accompaniment is also growing! A note of appreciation is extended to Ms. Lamothe and Mr. Bolkowy for their efforts with these students. We will be leading the music ministry at the October 4th mass at St. Maria Goretti and on the first Saturday of most months throughout the school year. Join us at mass on Saturday, October 4th and check out the great music ministry continuing on at Holy Spirit. Check us out on Twitter @HolySpiritDevon Page 2 Athletics VOLLEYBALL The junior boys’ and girls’ volleyball teams have been selected and practices have been underway since the second week of September. The squads will be looking to continue their successful league play this season, as the boys finished 1st out of ten teams and the girls 2nd out of thirteen teams in the regular season last year. The boys capped off their season with a bronze medal and the girls finished 4th in last year’s round-robin season-end tournament and both sides are hoping to have another successful year. the boys and girls will be looking forward to a packed gym and some home court advantage! Come out and support our volleyball program! Developmental volleyball also is underway under the direction of Mr. Purcell and Mr. Drebit. Grade 4 to 6 students have started their Friday after-school practices. They will practice occasionally on Tuesdays, as well, if junior teams are away at games. Practice information will be communicated to students involved. The main focus in developmental volleyball is skill development and having fun. RUNNING CLUB The girls are primed and ready as Mrs. Fraser has a Under the direction of Mr. Allan and Ms. Teasdale, deep roster returning from last season. They have alour running club members have demonstrated commitready impressed this campaign, winning the Leduc ment to their Tuesday and Thursday runs. They have Junior High tournament two weekends ago. Their first been working hard to be ready for the Evergreen Cross game was at home Tuesday, September 30th. Country Run scheduled for Thursday, October 2nd (grades 3-6). It will be a rebuilding year for the boys’ volleyball program this season as veterans from last year have graduated to their respective grade nine schools. Mr. Drebit and the boys will face an uphill battle as the squad consists of many rookies from grade five to eight—but still they have their sights set on a successful season this year. The boys’ first game also was at home this season on Tuesday, September 30th. The schedule has been posted on the school’s website and with 5 out 6 games being played at home this year, Kindergarten students celebrated together last week at their Teddy Bear Picnic. Page 3 Scenes from our Terry Fox Walk held on a rainy September 26th. Great job, students! Thank you to our volunteers who helped us out, the Devon Lions for the snacks, and RBE for hosting us. Grade 4 students creating pendants The Grade 4 class made pendants out of bread dough as part of their Religion program. They will decorate them with symbols of themselves and wear the pendant to the Bible Celebration later this year. All Grade 4 students will receive a Bible provided by the Knights of Columbus. Thank you to all the parent volunteers that showed up to help out! PARENT—STUDENT—TEACHER CONFERENCES Wednesday, October 22, 2014 & Thursday, October 23, 2014 Elementary conferences will be scheduled (additional information regarding scheduling will be sent home with your child). Grade 7 and 8 conferences will be held in the gym on a first-come-first served basis. Page 4 Student Council Activities The Holy Spirit Student Council, composed of leadership students, has been active since almost the beginning of the school year. They have organized a very successful “Colour Day” recently — see pictures below. assembly. Students whose tickets are drawn will have the opportunity to throw the pies. Student Council members have started planning the Halloween dance for grade 6-8 students (and are inviting grade 7 and 8 students from St. JPII school in Stony Plain). It is scheduled for the afternoon of They are in the process of planning our October school assembly where students from all grades will October 31st. have an opportunity to “pie” a pre-determined teacher (willing teachers have already put forth their We look forward to the ongoing efforts of our Stunames). Prior to the assembly, interested students dent Council as they continue to build positive will purchase tickets. Tickets will be drawn at the school spirit. Page 5 10th Anniversary Celebration… more pictures Page 6 October 2014 SUN 5 12 19 MON TUE WED THU 1 2 Early dismissal (1:45 p.m.) Running Club Meet in Spruce Grove 8 9 10 School Bus Safe- Steve Angrisano ty (K-gr. 6) (liturgical musician) Presentation @ 1:30 p.m. Gr. 7 & 8 Drug Presentations at Community Centre (a.m.) No School for Students — Staff Faith Development Day in Spruce Grove 13 14 15 16 17 No School — Thanksgiving Mike Landry Visits School Assembly @ 1:30 p.m. 21 22 6 20 7 27 28 School Council Mtg. @ 6:30 p.m. 29 3 SAT 4 Holy Spirit Choir Sings at 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Maria Goretti 11 18 Teddy Anderson (Hoop Dancer) Presentation and Workshops 23 Gr. 1 Instruction- School Pictures al Mass @ (ECS1 & ReChurch (9:15 takes) a.m.) Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences 26 FRI 30 24 25 School Mass at St. Maria Goretti @ 9:15 a.m. 31 Halloween Page 7 November 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Holy Spirit Choir Sings at 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Maria Goretti 2 3 4 5 6 Early Dismissal @ 1:45 p.m. 9 16 10 11 12 No School No School — Remembrance Day No School — “In Lieu” Day 18 19 17 7 8 Remembrance Day Celebration @ 10:40 a.m. Celebrate Catholic Ed. Sunday at 5:00 p.m. Mass at St. Maria Gr. 4 Bible Cele- Goretti bration (1:00 p.m.) 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Report Cards Issued No School for Students — PD Day Gr. 2 Instructional Mass @ Church (9:15 a.m.) 23/30 24 25 School Mass at Church @ 9:15 a.m. School Council Mtg. @ 6:30 p.m. 26 Gr. 7 Boys and Girls Retreats Page 8
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