Granted networks 2012 Sisällys 01 Agricultural Science........................................................................................................ 3 02 Architecture ................................................................................................................... 4 03 Art and Design ................................................................................................................ 5 04 Business Economics and Management........................................................................ 12 05 Communication and Information Science ................................................................... 17 06 Engineering Science and Technology........................................................................... 20 07 Geography .................................................................................................................... 24 08 Language and Linguistic Science .................................................................................. 26 09 Law ............................................................................................................................... 30 10 Math and Informatics .................................................................................................. 31 11 Medicine ...................................................................................................................... 33 12 Natural Science ............................................................................................................ 56 13 Social Science ............................................................................................................... 60 14 Teaching and Teacher Training .................................................................................... 67 15 The Humanities ............................................................................................................ 86 16 Other Areas of Study.................................................................................................... 95 The Nordlys network......................................................................................................... 98 2 01 Agricultural Science Network 28872 NOVA/BOVA Nordplus Network Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Janna Koivisto Network description The NOVA/BOVA Nordplus network includes ten Nordic Agricultural, Forestry and Veterinary universities/faculties and four Baltic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural Universities. The network offers possibilities for students and teachers to visit other Nordic and Baltic faculties of their fields for shorter or longer periods. Network has for several years planned and organized joint intensive courses based on active academic and methodological exchange between the institutions. Network holds two face-to-face meetings annually to discuss the current status of the individual institutions and promote participating institutions to students and teachers. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI LANDBÚNADARHÁSKOLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET FOR MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAP, NO NORGES VETERINÆRHØGSKOLE, NO SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, SE KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL, EE LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS, LT ALEKSANDRO STULGINSKIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV Network 30271 NORDNATUR Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO Barbara Zimmermann Network description NORDNATUR – nature has no borders. NORDNATUR is a Nordic-Baltic network of higher education within the field of natural resource management. Our objective is to widen up the national perspective of ecosystem management in order to match the cross-boundary nature of ecosystems and climate. In this way, we aim at educating future natural resource managers with a wide scope and understanding of sustainability. Our network includes 13 partners from all countries included in the Nordic-Baltic region. We are all educating in issues related to natural resource management, even though each of us has specific competences, leading to a wide array of important topics available to our students. Our activities include networking, mobility of students and staff, and intensive courses. We are working on curricula development, joint programmes and other activities. As a centre of information we use our web site on After enlargement of our network in 2008 by including partners from all three Baltic countries, we have worked on deepening the co-operation within our network. Our priorities for 2012/13 are a wide array of intensive courses and joint curriculum development within the field of natural resource management. 3 Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners LANDBÚNADARHÁSKOLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, SE HÄMEEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI ROVANIEMEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI HØGSKOLEN I NORD-TRØNDELAG, NO KAUNO MIŠKU IR APLINKOS INŽINERIJOS KOLEGIJA, LT LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL, EE 02 Architecture Network 29431 EASTERN BALTIC NETWORK OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE SCHOOLS Coordinator EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL, EE Simon Bell Network description The project involves the development of networked activities among most of the schools of landscape architecture located in the Eastern Baltic region in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, with Sweden as a supporting partner and Russia as a non-funded associated partner. The aim is to strengthen the teaching capacities and qualities of each school by cooperating in developmental activities designed to improve the quality and effectiveness of three focus areas: curricula structure and content, teaching methods and teaching and learning support in bachelor and master programmes. The project is seen as a three-year programme with the activities applied for here taking place in all three years with nonfunded work continuing in between. The network will be coordinated by the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) and each of the themes will be led by one of the partners supported by several of the others so that the workload is spread across the network. Each of three meetings will be held at a different partner university in order to discuss each theme in turn and to produce documents and other materials which will form the basis for future development and cooperation among the network partners, using mechanisms such as Erasmus teaching exchanges, teaching quality assessments and the development of shared resources. Further funding beyond that applied for here, if available, will provide valuable opportunities for establishing firm cooperation which will be sustainable over the longer term, where network members can continue to meet in order to carry out different joint activities. Granted funds Network activities Partners LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI HÄMEEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI KAUNO MIŠKU IR APLINKOS INŽINERIJOS KOLEGIJA, LT VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS (VGTU), LT SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, SE ALEKSANDRO STULGINSKIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT 4 03 Art and Design Network 29040 Nordisk Textil Net Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Maria Käld Network description Nordisk Textil Net är ett samarbete mellan fyra nordiska textilutbildningar: Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Institutt for estetiske fag (Oslo, Norge) Yrkeshögskolan Novia, UP i formgivning (Åbo, Finland) Professionshøjskolen UCC/Håndarbejdets Fremme (København, Danmark) VIA University College, TEKO Design + Business (Herning, Danmark) Målet med samarbetet är att söka alternativa sätt att utforska textilens mångfald och möjligheter i vår tid. Syftet är att tillsammans, med hjälp av våra olika profileringar och kompetenser, komplettera och stöda varandra för att därigenom säkra en fortlöpande kompetenshöjning och god kvalitet på utbildningen i takt med förändringarna i det samhälle vi verkar i. Målet är textila utbildningar med en meningsfull förankring i det samhälle vi lever i. Nätverket har genom åren genomgått förändringar och omfattar idag flera nordiska utbildningar i textil i vid bemärkelse. Nätverkets fokus ligger på hantverket i formgivningen. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Network 29233 Explorations of Music and Dance Collaborations in the Arts /The EMDCA Coordinator TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI David William Yoken Network description The history of this network relates back to the original context and name: Explorations in Music and Dance / The EMD Network (2005 – 11) and the former Explorations in Music and Dance / EMD Network, and Explorations of Music and Dance in Collaborative Arts / EMDCA Network (2011 – 2012). The network’s new name The Explorations and Collaborations in the Arts / The ECA Network reflects the development of collaborative strains uniting diverse artistic disciplines within our partner universities’ curricula structure. The arts in 2012 and in the future will be seen in the university sector collaborating more and more. This prepares our students to the reality of the work place and their need to have multitasking skills that allow them to communicate beyond their own disciplines, if they expect to find gainful employment in their chosen disciplines. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS KULTURAS AKADEMIJA LKua, LV TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE 5 RIGAS PEDAGOGIJAS UN IZGLITIBAS VADIBAS AKADEMIJA RPIVA, LV DANS- OCH CIRKUSHÖGSKOLAN, SE KUNGLIGA MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO STATENS TEATERSKOLE, DK Ilisimatusarfik, GL EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29383 Nordplusmusic: NordOpera Coordinator GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Margareta Hanning Network description NordOpera - Opera of the North is a network for Nordic and Baltic opera education on higher education level. The NordOpera network has formalized the cooperation, strengthened it and expanded previously existed Nordic cooperation (the Union of Nordic Operaschools, NOS) with the Baltic countries. NordOpera ensures an extensive, maintaining and longterm collaboration. The aim is to develop the opera education in the Nordic-Baltic area through various projects, coproductions and cooperation. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners KUNSTHØGSKOLEN I OSLO, NO EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE J.Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija LMuA, LV LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT DET KONGELIGE DANSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK OPERAHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA - SIBELIUS-AKADEMIN, FI Network 29390 NORTEAS NETWORK Coordinator SYDDANSK MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM OG SKUESPILLERSKOLE, DK Tine Damborg Network description Norteas is a Nordplus network for Nordic and Baltic Theatre and Dance institutions of Higher Education. We focus on sharing everyday life on our schools, learning from each other and aim to network and develop international cooperation and teaching of Theatre and Dance in the Nordic- Baltic area. Today 2012 Norteas include 19 schools. Granted funds Mobility Partners SKUESPILLERSKOLEN VED AARHUS TEATER, DK TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE 6 HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, NO EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT TEATTERIKORKEAKOULU - TEATERHÖGSKOLAN, FI LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS DRAMATISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI HØGSKOLEN I NORD-TRØNDELAG, NO STATENS TEATERSKOLE, DK Network 30310 Praktikophold for studerende fra uddannelsen til Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved projektet Vatnsdæla-tapetet: Vatnsdælasagaen som broderet tapet på Textilsetur Islands i Blönduós Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Bente Cecilie Bang Network description Projektet er praktikophold for studerende fra uddannelsen Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved projektet Vatnsdæla-tapetet: Vatnsdælasagaen som broderet tapet på Textilsetur Islands i Blönduós. Håndarbejdets Fremme har indledt et flerårigt samarbejde med Textilsetur Islands omkring tilblivelsen af det store tapet, og samarbejdet har til hensigt fortsat at give studerende mulighed for praktikophold i Blönduós. Granted funds Mobility Partners Textilsetur, IS Network 30405 NordPULS network for jazz, pop and rock Coordinator KUNGLIGA MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE Johan Falk Network description The main purpose of the NordPULS network for jazz, pop and rock music genres within music higher education institutions (HEIs) is to promote co-operation in the Nordic-Baltic region and especially to strengthen the above-mentioned musical genres within the member institutions. Especially smaller music institutions or departments still developing and including jazz in the curricula and thus the network continue to develop and grow – this year with two new members, one in Estonia and one in Iceland. The network has now 27 members. Coordinating institution is the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. Collaboration and joint meetings with the other (5-6) music Nordplus networks are important tools as well as all the possible activities available in the Nordplus higher education programme. The network activates this year will concentrate on mobility of students including express mobility and mobility of teachers, further developing a joint study programme and arranging intensive projects, as well as network meetings as described below. The three main Nordplus music networks Sibelius, NordPULS and Nordtrad have an established joint cooperation. This is to simplify the administration, to strengthen the information (through the common webpage,, to better share the workloads and intensify the internal contacts with all the rectors of NordicBaltic music HEIs through, ANMA, the Association of Nordic-Baltic Music Academies, A joint executive committee is managing the cooperation between the yearly joint network meetings. Financed by ANMA, a pilot project is 7 initiated aiming at developing a common on-line application platform for music student exchanges. The platform shall include possibilities to share music files as a tool for selection of the applicants. The IT department of the Bergen University (through the Grieg Academy) has got the commission to develop the platform. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s), joint study programmes Partners RYTMISK MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK DET JYSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK SYDDANSK MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM OG SKUESPILLERSKOLE, DK SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA - SIBELIUS-AKADEMIN, FI METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI POHJOIS-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS TÒNLISTARSKÒLINN I REYKJAVIK, IS NORGES MUSIKKHØGSKOLE, NO UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE J.Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija LMuA, LV LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Network 30412 Nordplus SKISS Coordinator LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Kirsti Helena Nenye Network description SKISS - The purpose is to be a Nordic joint network for all the University of Applied Sciences in the field of Fine Arts. The aim is to promote dialogue within partners and increase collaboration in art education. The purpose of the project is to make the Nordic point of view more strong especially among our own partners but also in The Europian level. SKISS network includes both express and long term teacher and student exchange and other activities between Island, Denmark, Estonia and Finland. There are six partner schools together. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners MYNDLISTASKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS AARHUS KUNSTAKADEMI, DK TARTU KÕRGEM KUNSTIKOOL, EE 8 TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Network 30422 Praktikophold for studerende fra uddannelsen til Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved Husarhaldsskuli Føroya, Klaksvik Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Bente Cecilie Bang Network description Formålet med projektet er, at studerende fra uddannelsen til Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling får mulighed for at gennemføre deres korte praktikperiode på 3 uger ved Husarhaldsskuli Føroya, Klaksvik Projektet er praktikophold for studerende fra uddannelsen Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved Husarhaldsskuli Føroya, Klaksvik. Praktikopholdet er på 3 uger. Granted funds Mobility Partners Husarhaldsskuli Føroya, FO Network 30459 Cirrus Network Cirrus Network Coordinator KUNSTHØGSKOLEN I OSLO, NO Alexandra Mertens Network description The network promotes Nordic-Baltic cooperation between the member institutions through staff, student and researchers's exchange, intensive projects, symposia, meeting points, transfer of knowledge activities, workshops. Cirrus runs 2 annual meetings, one annual curriculum development conference and many smaller seminars, intensive courses and informal meetings. Cirrus has now an effective web system for dissemination and promotion of its activities to all members, and to promote interchange between students of member institutes. Cirrus members have now started opening up courses for express mobility in 2010 with big success. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners ARKITEKTSKOLEN AARHUS, DK DET KGL. DANSKE KUNSTAKADEMIS SKOLER FOR ARKITEKTUR, DESIGN OG KONSERVERING, DK DET KGL. DANSKE KUNSTAKADEMIS SKOLER FOR ARKITEKTUR, DESIGN OG KONSERVERING, DK DET KGL. DANSKE KUNSTAKADEMIS SKOLER FOR ARKITEKTUR, DESIGN OG KONSERVERING, DK DESIGNSKOLEN KOLDING, DK EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, EE AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS 9 LATVIJAS MAKSLAS AKADEMIJA LMaA, LV VILNIAUS DAILES AKADEMIJA, LT ARKITEKTUR- OG DESIGNHØGSKOLEN I OSLO, NO HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO KUNSTHØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE KONSTFACK, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30702 Dama network Coordinator LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI Tomi Knuutila Network description Continue interdisciplinary work with art and design students and teachers on Nordic and Baltic countries, in new locations. Performing arts, such as dance, music, theatre and performance meet art and design studies: spatial design, new media arts and multimedia design, lookign for future fields of sensor-based performance, physical computing in live setting, performing with technology etc. Dama 10.11 organizes three cutting edge workshops (10th, 11th and 12th in Dama history) and provides also possibilities for longer term student and teacher mobility. The network expands and makes its results more widely available. Dama workshops in 2012-13 continue from where previous workshops have gone: taking technologically augmented actions, installations or performances outside the stage to places which have not traditionally been used for performances. Classrooms, corridors, attics and later on city streets, church ruins and parking halls have been venues for performances, games, hybrid mediaperformances etc. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners VIEŠOJI ISTAIGA ŠIAURES LIETUVOS KOLEGIJA, LT HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI STATENS TEATERSKOLE, DK HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, SE LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, EE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE RIGAS PEDAGOGIJAS UN IZGLITIBAS VADIBAS AKADEMIJA RPIVA, LV MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 30897 Praktikophold for en studerende ved Figurteateret i Nordland, Stamsund, Norge Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Bente Cecilie Bang 10 Network description Projektet er praktikophold for en studerende fra uddannelsen Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved Figurteateret i Nordland, Stamsund, Norge Granted funds Mobility Partners Figurteateret i Nordland, Stamsund, NO Network ArtAndDesign 30924 Praktikophold for en studerende ved Volcano Icelandic Design, Island Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Bente Cecilie Bang Network description Projektet er praktikophold for studerende fra uddannelsen Professionsbachelor i tekstildesign, -håndværk og formidling ved Volcano Icelandic Design, Island Granted funds Mobility Partners Volcano Icelandic Design, IS Network 30974 Nordtrad network Coordinator GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Ulf Sarner Network description Nordtrad is a network of 16 academies and universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries that offer third level education in folk music. Main focus is to strengthen the Nordic and Baltic folk music educations and create a common Nordic profile through increased cooperation as well as to develop our genre within the area of third level music education, so that it is truly appreciated and can enrich the area of third level education in general, as well as the Nordic and Baltic music scene in general. Granted funds Mobility Partners DET JYSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE J.Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija LMuA, LV KESKI-POHJANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - MELLERSTA ÖSTERBOTTENS YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA - SIBELIUS-AKADEMIN, FI POHJOIS-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO NORGES MUSIKKHØGSKOLE, NO HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND, NO 11 LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT KUNGLIGA MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE DET JYSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK Network 30976 KUNO - An Art University Without Walls Coordinator EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, EE Maria Jürisson Network description KUNO is a lively and ambitious Nordplus network comprising 16 academies. The aim is to develop fine arts education in the Nordic-Baltic region by carrying out wide range of activities – student and academic staff mobility, intensive courses, seminars etc. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s) Partners DET KGL. DANSKE KUNSTAKADEMIS SKOLER FOR ARKITEKTUR, DESIGN OG KONSERVERING, DK DET JYSKE KUNSTAKADEMI, DK DET FYNSKE KUNSTAKADEMI, DK KUVATAIDEAKATEMIA - BILDKONSTAKADEMIN, FI LATVIJAS MAKSLAS AKADEMIJA LMaA, LV VILNIAUS DAILES AKADEMIJA, LT LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS KONSTFACK, SE KUNGLIGA KONSTHÖGSKOLAN, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE KUNSTHØGSKOLEN I OSLO, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO KUNSTHØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO 04 Business Economics and Management Network 28699 NOREK-Nordplus nätverk för ekonomisk och företagsekonomisk utbildning Coordinator ÅBO AKADEMI, FI Tuija-Liisa Pohja Network description Vårt nordiska nätverk (NOREK) där handelshögskolor och universitet samarbetar har som mål att: – uppmuntra både studenter och lärare att åka på utbyte inom Norden 12 – öka studenternas kunskap om nordiskt näringsliv, språk, kultur och samhälle. Dessutom vill vi stärka och göra synligare de enskilda institutionernas styrkeområde – delta aktivt i nätverket och skapa ett plattform för utbyte av erfarenheter, kompetensutveckling samt överföring av god praxis mellan de samarbetande institutionerna – rationalisera arbetet inom Nordplus genom att skapa ett stort och kompetensriktad nätverk; NOREK som ersätter flera små institutioner och var administratörerna kan stöda och utveckla varandra Granted funds Mobility Partners HANDELSHØYSKOLEN BI, NO NORGES HANDELSHØYSKOLE, NO HANDELSHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING, SE COPENHAGEN BUSINESS SCHOOL, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI HANKEN - SVENSKA HANDELSHÖGSKOLAN, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI VAASAN YLIOPISTO - VASA UNIVERSITET, FI LAPPEENRANNAN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO - VILLMANSTRANDS TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS Network 29077 NordBiz Coordinator MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE Charlotta Edlund Network description Our NordBiz network started in the middle of the 90's and has since then successfully worked with student and staff exchange. We have also developed a joint bachelor's program as well as two intensive courses. Our main priority is to assure the quality of all our activities within the network. We make sure that the participating universities support our work. Therefore it is important that the Deans of the partner institutions participate in the development of the network. The goals of our NordBiz network are: - to develop and promote cross-cultural and interdisciplinary courses, academic programs and add value to existing education responsive to a changing global environment; - to facilitate co-operation between universities and enterprises and improve the exchange of information and know-how; 13 - to help create distinct competitive advantages for operators/business and enrich the overall image and vitality of the community; - to promote activities which enable the exchange of experience and information regarding higher education regulations and policies among its members; - to enhance the opportunities for educational staff development through staff mobility; - to assist university policy makers in developing the academic culture of their institutions, and; - to promote activities that will enhance the opportunities for student mobility. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS ISM VADYBOS IR EKONOMIKOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO Network 29101 Developing moral competence in leadership and management Coordinator VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Raminta Pucetaite Network description The project is aimed at creating and coordinating an intensive course for Master students of business and economics that stimulates present and future leaders and managers to act in a morally responsible way and deepens their knowledge and skills how to create organizations which contribute to sustainable development. The objectives of the project are as follows 1) to increase students’ knowledge of ethical and environmental issues (e.g. equality and diversity, ethical leadership, corporate volunteering, standards for environmental management), deepen their understanding how sustainability and ethics can be promoted by management and leadership activities in organizational contexts; 2) to stimulate students’ critical thinking, moral imagination, empathy and self-reflection with case studies and problem-solving tasks; 3) to develop students’ skills of working in a multinational group, help them to learn to appreciate diverse perspectives in such cooperation and enhance their experience of dealing with managerial problems in a diverse group, reflecting different societal contexts; 4) to increase the quality of teaching of environmental and ethical aspects in business by using problem-based and interactive teaching and learning methods and, thus, overcome indifference to social and environmental issues that is sometimes conditioned by out-dated teaching methods; 5) to contribute to internationalization of existing programmes at the involved institutions and encourage cooperation among higher education institutions in the Nordic-Baltic region. Granted funds Intensive course(s) Partners ESTONIAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, EE JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI "RIGAS STARPTAUTISKA EKONOMIKAS UN BIZNESA ADMINISTRACIJAS AUGSTSKOLA RSEBAA, LV 14 Network 30124 Nordisk Ekonomiskt Samarbete Internationalization in Northern Europe Coordinator HÄMEEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Sven Rassl Network description The subject of this project is “Internationalization”. During the project period conferences will be carried out in the form of intensive weeks, with participants from University of Southern Denmark, Gotland University/Sweden, HAMK University of Applied Sciences/Finland and Stockholm School of Economics in Riga/Latvia. The conferences will be consist of presentations given by students, lectures given by academic staff as well as specialists from relevant organizations. Each conference shall be accompanied by preparatory and post-processing activities on international level. The conferences shall be hosted in annual turns by the respective network partners. The project shall address the specific challenges and opportunities arising from internationalization in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region aiming to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between its members. A particular emphasis is placed on the integration of the Nordplus Intensive Week into the curricula of the participating universities. Granted funds Mobility Partners SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, SE RIGAS EKONOMIKAS AUGSTSKOLA REA, LV Network 30246 EkoTekNord Coordinator NORGES INFORMASJONSTEKNOLOGISKE HØGSKOLE NITH, NO Jan Duvaland Network description The EkoTekNord-network was founded in 1998, when a number of old Nordic networks within business and engineering merged. Today EkoTekNord also includes ICT, communication, media, logistics, entrepreneurship and innovation. There are 19 network partners and the partnership covers all the Nordic and Baltic countries, except Greenland and the Faroe Islands. Nevertheless, these areas are covered under student placement activities. The partnership is open for new partners, which could contribute to fulfil the aims of the network. Potential new partners are being discussed in every annual partner meeting. The most important aim of the EkoTekNord is to promote and develop student and teacher mobility in the Nordic and Baltic countries and at the same time to offer the students an extra dimension with interdisciplinary studies, e.g. within business, engineering, logistics, communication and entrepreneurship. Network activities are a good way for participating institutions to exchange and disseminate experiences, best practices and innovative results. Student mobility within the network has always been the priority area in cooperation. During the past years the network has spent all the allocated Nordplus mobility grants. The network would also like to engage more teachers in the Nordic – Baltic cooperation e.g. in the form of teacher exchanges. Because of limited mobility resources we decided, however, to give priority to student mobility. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s), development projects Partners INGENIØRHØJSKOLEN I KØBENHAVN, DK ERHVERVSAKADEMIET COPENHAGEN BUSINESS, DK ERHVERVSAKADEMIET LILLEBÆLT, DK TALLINNA TEHNIKAKÕRGKOOL, EE 15 HAAGA-HELIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, FI HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS KAUNO KOLEGIJA, LT VIDZEMES AUGSTSKOLA ViA, LV HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, NO HØGSKOLEN I BUSKERUD, NO HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA, SE HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING, SE HÖGSKOLAN I SKÖVDE, SE Network 30344 Express Mobility for Tourism Students Coordinator VIDZEMES AUGSTSKOLA ViA, LV Liga Tuca Network description The project "Express mobility for Tourism Students" will provide 1 week express mobility visits to the host institutions for tourism students, integrated into the regular curriculum of students. The project will involve 48 2nd and 3rd year bachelor level students from Latvia and Estonia studying tourism and tourism guiding. Within the designated study course which involves a need for practical experience of tourism organization and management, students will be instructed and will perform group work of planning a tourism product and carrying out a research about the tourism specifics of the host country. During the mobility students will have introductory lectures on the tourism market and product of the host country, and practical sessions of exploring and evaluating the results of previous planning, including field research, interviews, company visits. After the mobility, students will write report evaluating the acquired knowledge and experience, their input in the preparation of the study visit, and the international and intercultural aspects of the tourism specialist and tour guide. Granted funds Mobility Partners TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE Network 30904 Nordic and Baltic Business Innovation Network Coordinator TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Pirkko Sinikka Varis Network description The Nordic and Baltic Business Innovation network consists of five universities in Finland, Denmark, Norway, Lithuania and Estonia. The network cooperates in the fields of business, leadership and management, entrepreneurship, business innovation, design, media and engineering. The aim of the network is to develop innovative and practice-oriented methods for learning and teaching of future business managers for the Nordic and Baltic businesses and to promote entrepreneurship. The network uses partner institutions’ experiences and knowledge of various learning and teaching methods and through this collects and disseminates information about new innovative and various teaching methods. 16 The network organises staff exchanges of competent teachers and gives the possibility to students to take part in student exchanges and in internships and at the same time gather knowledge about Nordic and Baltic market areas and region while staying in other universities of the network or in business companies in the mentioned countries. Business innovation sessions are organised to design new products/services. The aim of the network is to promote Nordic and Baltic cultural understanding and understanding of businesses and business cultures of this region and to strengthen Nordic-Baltic relations. The aim is also to make students aware of their own linguistic background and to increase understanding for local languages as the basis of thinking and at the same time to remove obstacles to business by using common language in communication. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s) Partners SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, LT TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE 05 Communication and Information Science Network 29668 Nordplus Netværket i Medier og Kommunikation Coordinator AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK Per Oskar Jauert Network description Nordplus netværket i medier og kommunikation har som mål at fremme udveksling af studerende og undervisere mellem institutioner, som giver undervisning i forskellige aspekter af fagfeltet medier og kommunikation i Norden, herunder også film. Fagfeltet medier og kommunikation er meget bredt, og der gives ikke lige specialiseret undervisning inden for alle områder på de i netværket deltagende institutioner. Faget dækker i stikordsform: kommunikationsformer, mediesamfundet, medieinstitutioner, mediebudskaber, mediereception og publikum, og omfatter forskningsretninger/specialiseringer som massekommunikation, medievidenskab, journalistik, filmvidenskab, medieteknologi, nye medier. Netværket omfatter de vigtigste miljøer i Norden, som giver undervisning i medier og kommunikation, herunder også film i alt 19 institutioner fra 4 nordiske lande og Grønland. Der søges derfor mobilitetsstipendier for studerende og undervisere for i alt 18 samarbejdspartnere - 1 applicant/koordinator (Institut for Informations- og Medievidenskab, Aarhus Universitet) og 18 coapplicants. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO Ilisimatusarfik, GL 17 UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO HØGSKULEN I VOLDA, NO STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30130 Nordplusnätverk nordiska - baltiska Biblioteksskoler / The Nordplus Network for Library and Information Science Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE Veronica Trépagny Network description Library and information science (LIS) covers a broad range of classical library skills such as organizing information, classifying/marking up information, finding relevant information and information sharing. With the evolution of various forms of digital media, primarily the World Wide Web (created 1991); these library skills became central for all modern organisations. LIS has therefore for the most part of the 20th century dealt with issues relating to information sharing that other research disciplines have only recently recognized as relevant. While much of LIS still focuses on the different competences relevant for school libraries, public libraries and university libraries, there is also a heavy emphasis on modern information technology and services. LIS performs state-of-the-art research on issues relating to information searching on the World Wide Web and information sharing in social media. Nevertheless, pockets of LIS research are relatively sparsely distributed over the Baltic-Nordic region. Most countries have one major research and educational environment and a few very small. As LIS covers a broad spectrum of subject areas, there is a great need for Nordic - Baltic collaboration both between large departments and as a service to the smaller. Granted funds Mobility Partners DET INFORMATIONSVIDENSKABELIGE AKADEMI, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Network 30568 Den nordiske samarbeidskomiteen for journalistutdanninger Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Bjørg Halvorsen 18 Network description Den nordiske samarbeidskomiteen for journalistutdanninger ønsker å videreutvikle nordisk spisskompetanse innen journalistikk og fotojournalistikk gjennom samarbeid mellom institusjoner som driver yrkesrettet journalistutdanning av høy faglig og etisk standard. Både mobilitetsmidler og prosjektmidler vil bli brukt målrettet for å fremme dette. Den nordiske samarbeidskomiteen for journalistutdanninger er et faglig nettverk bestående av 21 medlemsinstitusjoner. Nettverket har medlemmer fra Danmark, Sverige, Finland, Island, Grønland og Norge. Siste institusjon som ble medlem var journalistutdanningen ved Umeå universitet som ble opptatt høsten 2010. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners DANMARKS MEDIE- OG JOURNALISTHØJSKOLE, DK ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Ilisimatusarfik, GL UNIVERSITETET I NORDLAND, NO UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO HØGSKULEN I VOLDA, NO HANDELSHØYSKOLEN BI, NO SÁMI ALLSKUVLA/SAMISK HØGSKOLE, NO MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA, SE LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Network 31120 Global Journalism Network Global Journalism Coordinator ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE Joel Rasmussen Network description The purpose of the project is to advance global journalism and global journalism education as a practice, as well as the understanding of global journalism as a field and in society at large. From 2012-2014 we plan to further increase the integration and elaboration of the already existing expertise on current issues and current research on global journalism within the partner group, such as climate change and war and peace journalism. After the previous program period, having introduced and developed climate change as a theme, we now want to develop and update both this theme and a theme that has followed the master's program since its inception; journalistic reporting of war and conflict. Climate change is an inherently global issue and is thus pedagogically well suited as a running theme in a global journalism program. So is journalistic reporting on war, peace, and conflict, with its professional challenges if it is to avoid ethnocentrism and religious and cultural stereotypes, and contribute to the development of understanding and multiculturalism instead of intensifying tensions and conflicts. Granted funds Mobility 19 Partners TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO 06 Engineering Science and Technology Network 28649 Nordex - Nordic engineering exchange Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Eva Söderback Network description Nordex nätverket har funnits sedan 1998 och knyter samman 2 lärosäten i Finland, 1 i Sverige, 5 i Danmark, 1 i Litauen och 6 i Norge. Nätverksmedlmmarna representerar byggnadsteknik, processteknik, maskinteknik och elektroteknik med gemensamt fokus på hållbar energiteknik. Granted funds Mobility Partners SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI SAIMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE INGENIØRHØJSKOLEN I KØBENHAVN, DK INGENIØRHØJSKOLEN I ÅRHUS, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, NO UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS (VGTU), LT SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK HÖGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD, SE Network 29265 ALUNORD Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO Roald Lilletvedt Network description ALUNORD is a network within higher education which purpose is to enhance the knowledge and improve teaching and teaching resources within material science and materials technology with a special focus on the use of aluminium in products. ALUNORD gives the teachers and students in the network possibilities to develop and participate in activities that enhance their professional skills and the knowledge of the industry and culture in the Nordic and the Baltic countries. 20 Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners TALLINNA TEHNIKAKÕRGKOOL, EE TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS HØGSKOLEN I GJØVIK, NO HØGSKOLEN I VESTFOLD, NO Network 29509 Nordapparel Coordinator TALLINNA TEHNIKAKÕRGKOOL, EE Marta Mugur Network description The purpose of this Nordplus project is to establish a network of higher education institutions (HEIs) offering qualifications in apparel engineering in Scandinavian and Baltic countries. In accordance with objectives of the Nordplus Higher Education Programme the aim of the Nordapparel network is to intensify the exchange of information and ideas, dissemination of experiences, best practices and innovative results. By strengthening the cooperation of Scandinavian and Baltic HEIs the Nordapparel network aims to give its contribution to forecast and solve radical challenges facing the apparel engineering sector in the region. The network aims to focus on the quality of the education of the future employees of apparel sector ensuring that the education is adjusted to the new industrial relations and market needs. The network aims to develop close cooperation between HEIs and the labour market as well as other institutions or organisations involved in or having vested interests in the area of higher education, including Professional Associations. The network will facilitate to combine each partner’s strength and share the experience of different countries in matching the needs of labour market with the study programs, to obtain new professional knowledge and to create modern and innovative study courses. The purpose of the Nordapparel network is to become significant contributor in the development of apparel sector in the region paving way to the sustainability of Scandinavian-Baltic apparel engineering. The European apparel sector faces radical challenges related to the move of main production from European countries. At the same time more complex and demanding assignments of apparel engineering are strengthening their position in the Baltic countries in cooperation with Scandinavian and Baltic enterprises. There is apparent need for joint effort of higher education institutions in the region to pave way to the sustainability of Scandinavian-Baltic apparel engineering. The Nordplus network Nordapparel will be commenced to advance cooperation between higher education institutions in the region to intensify the exchange of information and ideas, dissemination of experiences, best practices and innovative results in the field of apparel engineering through various network activities, including launching the intensive course on one of the fundamental concerns facing today’s global apparel engineering sector: corporate responsibility and sustainable development. In the long run the network aims to extend its circle of partners, to develop student and teacher mobility and to cooperate in curriculum development within the field of apparel engineering. Great understanding and trust between project partners is based on previous excellent cooperation experience and high competency of the participating institutions and it will guarantee the success of this network. All network partners will be extensively involved in all of the network activities and will share the results of the project with their numerous partners in the industry and educational sector in the region, on the local and European level and beyond. Granted funds Network activities, intensive course(s) Partners METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI 21 JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI VILNIAUS KOLEGIJA, LT KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE Network 30147 NORDTEK Coordinator NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO Nina Moxnes Network description NORDTEK-nettverket er en unik mulighet for nordiske studenter, de får muligheten til å velge blant samtlige 23 tekniske høgskoler/universitet som tilbyr sivilingeniørsutdanning, forskerutdanning og teknisk forskning i Norden. Dette er læresteder som tilbyr et bredt spekter av fag og studenter som deltar får i tillegg til god undervisning og faglig innsikt en nordisk dimensjon i sin utdanning. Samarbeidet mellom skolorna startet allerede på 1930-tallet. I sin nåværande form har det eksitert siden 1985. Innen NORDTEK drives et bredt spekter av samarbeid slik som forskerutdanning, kursutvikling, benchmarking og strategisamarbeid. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, FI AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI LAPPEENRANNAN TEKNILLINEN YLIOPISTO - VILLMANSTRANDS TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, FI VAASAN YLIOPISTO - VASA UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE BLEKINGE TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN, SE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE 22 Network 30149 NORDSECMOB - Master's Programme in Security and Mobile Computing Coordinator AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI Eija Kujanpää Network description The purpose of the project is to run a successful joint study programme in the field of computer science, data security and mobile computing. NordSecMob-Master’s programme in Security and Mobile Computing is a two-year Master of Science degree Programme (120 ECTS credits). During the programme, the students will study at two of the five Nordic partner universities: Aalto University School of Science (Aalto) in Finland, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Tartu (UT) in Estonia. After completing the two-year programme, successful students will be awarded two officially recognized M.Sc. degrees (double degree). The programme offers students breadth and deep of knowledge in the field of computer science, data security and mobile computing, both in theory and in practice. The programme develops the students' research skills to enable them to take up further studies at PhD level; it also provides experience of international R&D environments, and enables access to major international networks. The development of NordSecMob-programme started in 2005. NordSecMob-Master’s programme in Security and Mobile Computing was re-selected to Erasmus Mundus –programme in 2010 by the European Commission for the next 5 year programme period (2011-). There have been seven selection rounds of students so far and 103 students have graduated from the programme with very good results. The consortium continues the development and refining of the programme in order to ensure the smooth running of the programme for the coming years. Granted funds Mobility Partners KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN, SE DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE Network 30346 Nordic-Baltic Network of Engineering 1) Traditional Wooden and Masonry Structures in the Baltic Sea Region 2) NordScrum Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Anne-Marie Munsterhjelm Network description Our strategy is to involve our students in international activities to prepare them for their future career in an international, and specifically Nordic, work environment, to promote new and varied methods of studying by creating an active, learning by doing setting, and thereby provide an added value to their studies and qualifications. At the same time these joint projects offer the teachers an opportunity to exchange knowledge and expertise, which are needed for a continuous development of curricula and methodology. Our Nordic network engages actively and on a broad basis in project work across borders involving partner universities in Sweden, Estonia, Norway, Åland and Finland in two joint projects, one in the fields of Construction Engineering and Building Conservation and the other one in the fields of Automation Engineering and Information Technology. We find international projects, project management and teamwork an excellent way of promoting new and diversified learning methods, which broaden the knowledge and skills of students and teachers as well as increase the awareness necessary for cross-cultural understanding. The project on building heritage, Traditional Wooden and Masonry Structures in the Baltic 23 Sea Region, offers the participating students combined hands-on experience and lectures on traditional and sustainable building structures during two intensive course weeks. The project in the field of IT, NordScrum, develops software solutions for real clients using the project method Scrum, an activating and agile method of carrying a project through. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, SE EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, EE HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA, SE HØGSKOLEN I GJØVIK, NO HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, FI Network 30926 Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Environmental Engineering Coordinator TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Joni Sallila Network description The network on “Sustainable Water and Energy Management in Environmental Engineering” will carry on the development work with the partner universities towards the goal to create and design new ways and teaching materials to approach Climate Change issues from a variety of perspectives. Sharing of mutual knowledge on sustainable technologies for water and waste management, including the energy issues, and an intensive study week alongside with the production of virtual teaching material for mutual use has proved to be an excellent scheme for the work. In both water and waste aspects the energy issues related to alternative technologies will be promoted. Clear goals to widen the environmental knowledge and skills within environmental engineering and management will be set by creating innovative activities through mutual intensive courses and theme days. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS TALLINNA TEHNIKAKÕRGKOOL, EE HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS 07 Geography Network 29250 Geography Network Coordinator TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI Kaija Kangasjärvi Network description The Geography network aims at using each partner's specialization fields for offering interesting study opportunities to students. In other words, students who wish to focus on certain areas of specialization not as strongly represented at their home institution as at some partner institution, can benefit from the opportunity of Nordplus student mobility within the Geography network. Network activities also consist of development of virtual learning techniques, which enable students’ reading, participating and communicating in the mutual, shared virtual 24 platforms of the courses, which are developed in collaboration between Nordplus partners. The Geography network is formed by departments at the University of Turku, Stockholm University, Lund University, the University of Oslo and NTNU (Trondheim). The network was created in 1992 with the idea to make each partner’s strong research areas available to students, teachers and researchers within the network. The main focus lies on student mobility, but also teacher mobility is supported. Granted funds Mobility Partners LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, SE NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30923 Geonord Bordering perspectives and processes in everyday life at the EU's external frontiers Coordinator ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI Ilkka Pyy Network description The main purpose of the Geonord-network and its co-operation is two-fold: a) to develop and intensify the links between geographers and universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries, b) to create new skills in research and problem-solving of regional development in the context of Northern peripheries. The project will be conducted mainly as a two week intensive field course in Tartu (and SE-Estonia, NE-Latvia, Pskov region). The course is available for the advanced level students of geography and economics and their teachers in Bergen (Norway), Joensuu (Finland), Reykjavik (Iceland), Riga (Latvia), Tartu (Estonia) and Umeå (Sweden). The course contains preparatory lectures and seminar meetings with basic common readings in each university before the course. The intesive field course will start with 2,5 days of lecturing (mainly by invited guest professors and experts) and supervision sessions in small groups. The latter part of the first week is devoted to 4 days excursion with data collection and meetings with private, public and non-govermental stakeholders related to practical or planning activities of local and regional development. During the second week the students will work in small groups and each of them will produce a thematic and structured study report. All together 30 well-qualified students will attend to the course (representing various nationalities from six universities) with six teachers from respective Baltic and Nordic universities. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO 25 08 Language and Linguistic Science Network 29851 Folklore-Philology Folklore-Philology - The Encounter with the Other World – Supernatural and Fantastic in Premodern Scandinavia Coordinator TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE Daniel Sävborg Network description Folklore-Philology is an interdisciplinary network focusing on narratives about encounters with the supernatural in premodern Scandinavia. The purpose of the project is that the students of the partner institutions in the Nordic-Baltic region should - meet new perspectives of the internationally most important part of the Nordic literature, the OldNorse. - receive a direct insight into active research and through the personal meeting with the most active scholars themselves receive training for high-qualified thinking. - achieve a knowledge of genuine interdisciplinarity in a meeting between literary studies, philology, folkloristics and history of religion. - be a part of a project where education and research mutually develop each other. Folklore-Philology is a network of departments of folklore, Scandinavian languages, religion and archaeology at universities in Estonia, Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Lithuania and Latvia. The past is not only about reality as we perceive it today. For people in pre-modern times the Other World was hardly less important. This is a field that has been studied a great deal by folklorists working with records from the 19th and 20th centuries. However, it played a limited role for the Old Norse philologists for a long time. But Icelandic sagas, and medieval sources in general, are full of Other World encounters. This has come into the focus in recent years, and extensive research in several countries has developed that has changed the traditional image of the Old Icelandic literature. Scholars in several countries have worked to bring folkloristics and Old Norse philology closer together. Historians of religion and archaeologists have also increased our knowledge of the Nordic peoples’ relationship to the supernatural world. This active research is going on in different countries and disciplines. There are efforts to gather these scholars in research networks, but so far there has been no attempt to gather these competences into an education cooperation. By this network and its teacher and student mobility the strong but scattered competence is presented for students all over the Nordic-Baltic region: they encounter contemporary research results from the most excellent scholars themselves, from other countries and other disciplines. Granted funds Mobility Partners ÅBO AKADEMI, FI MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS 26 Network 29889 Nordliks Coordinator STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE Olle Josephson Network description Nordliks-nätverket bildades 1992 och består till dags dato av 32 institutioner vid 28 universitet i hela Norden. Vid dessa institutioner bedrivs undervisning i nordiska språk, nordisk litteratur och litteraturvetenskap. Nätverkets överordnade mål är att bidra till att Norden forsätter att vara en levande språk- och kulturgemenskap. Detta är också ett viktigt område att satsa på med tanke på målen i "Deklaration om nordisk språkpolitik", antagen av Nordiska ministerrådet år 2006. Nordliks vill bidra til detta genom att stödja och främja samarbetet mellan nätverksinstitutionerna samt möjliggöra student- och lärarutbyte. Nätverkets verksamhet omfattar student- och lärarmobilitet, kursutveckling och intensivkurser. Nätverket är även inkopplat i utvecklingen av fem masterprogram i Reykjavik, Oslo, Århus, Åbo och Umeå. Studenter kan söka Nordliksstipendium till studievistelse i de nordiska länderna och de självstyrande områdena på både kandidat- och masternivå. Det beviljas även stipendier för deltagande i intensivkurser och andra kurser i regi av nätverket (expressmobilitet). Granted funds Mobility Partners KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI VAASAN YLIOPISTO - VASA UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO Ilisimatusarfik, GL HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK ÅBO AKADEMI, FI GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE 27 Network 30006 Íslenska fyrir Nordplus stúdenta Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Sigríður Vala Vignisdóttir Network description The purpose of the project/network is to offer an Intensive Icelandic Language course in August for Nordplus students coming to Icelandic institutions. A special network has existed since 2006 but the Office of International Education has provided this course (with funding from Nordplus) since 2001. All incoming Nordplus students to Icelandic institutions for the academic year 2012-2013 are informed about the possibility of the Icelandic language course in August (done by each of the Icelandic partners). See information about the course: The teaching at the course is hosted by the University Centre of the Westfjords but the overall organisation and selection of participants is done by the Office of International Education in co-operation with other partners. Duration of the course are the first three weeks in August each year. Students receive very intensive teaching during these three weeks, 96 hours of varied instructions. Prerequisite for the course is the Icelandic Online course. Student need to complete the first level of the on-line course and need to take an online exam which is then used to evaluate how student are placed in level groups during the course in August. The course gives 6 ECTS. Granted funds Network activities Partners HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLASETUR VESTRJARÐA, IS HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS HÁSKÓLINN Á BIFRÖST, IS LANDBÚNADARHÁSKOLI ÍSLANDS, IS LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 30571 Teaching Chinese Studies in the Nordic-Baltic region Coordinator STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE Irmy Schweiger Network description The project's purpose is twofold: 1. to further enhance and consolidate teachers exchange between Riga University and Stockholm University in the field of Chinese studies 2. to establish and develop a sustainable Nordic-Baltic network that further plans and executes teachers' and students' mobility, new joint courses and that works on the inclusion of new partners. The generally very limited resources of Chinese Studies institutions are contrary to the ever growing importance of today's China and the necessity to carry out the respective research and above all teaching. The project Teaching Chinese Studies in the Nordic-Baltic region aims therefore at developing cooperation among Nordic and/or Baltic Universities in order to provide better preconditions to be able to supply this ever growing demand. In general we target at synergetic collaboration between the different institutions and at better utilization of their respective teaching and research foci. 28 Thereby a greater course variety in terms of type (summer school, intensive course, co-taught courses etc.), as well as in content (fully equipped study programs which reflect the field of Chinese studies more completely when including different disciplines (history, literature, economy etc.) as well as different fields and areas (classical, modern, contemporary, Taiwan, Hongkong, PRC studies etc.) can be achieved. For students this will allow an actual choice in their course selection as well as possible specialization in the later phase of their education (MA and Ph.D.) in a field that can be co-supervised by a teacher from within the Nordplus network. In the long run this would also strengthen the visibility of Chinese studies in the Nordic-Baltic region and thereby facilitate further cooperation especially when it comes to cooperation with Chinese partners. The first very concrete part of the project is building on the positive experience of intensive weekly seminars given by guest teachers from Riga at Stockholm university. Both universities have slightly different profiles. Riga has a strong tendency towards classical literature and history while Stockholm builds on a profile towards modern and contemporary literature and culture. By way of teachers exchange, students as well as the academic culture of both institutions can benefit in a highly efficient and valuable way from each other. The second part of the project aims at a long term effect. In the long run an even greater variety of courses and seminars, summer schools and/or joint-taught programs shall be developed to build up a solid basis for prospective joint degrees and joint supervision of MA and Ph.D. students. Therefore an administrative meeting with first a small group of partners (Riga, Århus, Oslo, Turku, Southern Denmark) will be held in order to establish a solid network that engages in planning teachers and students exchange as well as desirable courses and seminars. Apart from that, this meeting should serve as a basis to discuss the inclusion of further partners. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI Network 30707 NordUd NordUd - developing the quality of education at Scandinavian departments, departments of Finnish and departments of linguistics in the Nordic countries and the Baltic States. Coordinator VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Sladana Zivkovic Network description NordUd is a network of Scandinavian departments, departments of Finnish and departments of linguistics at universities in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. The purpose of the network is to develop the quality of education at the participating institutions. This is aim is reached by two means: Firstly, the network serves as a forum for exchange of knowledge, experience and best practice – an exchange, which functions a catalyst for innovation in the whole network. Secondly, NordUd opens up resources of the participating institutions to all students of the network. Thus academic and pedagogical expertise of one institution is made available to students of other institutions and thereby enhances the quality of education. Concrete network activities include common courses, student mobility, teacher mobility, conferences etc. Granted funds Mobility Partners LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO 29 ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET, DK STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO 09 Law Network 30524 Law network Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Stella Vestmann Network description Mobility with quality assurance - student and teacher mobility. One of the main purpose of the network is to be comprehensive in law for an effective utilization of education and research. Student mobility is already widespread, and at 2011 year annual meeting the network structured and shared best practices in order to further increase teacher mobility within the network. The network comprises a total of 20 Law Faculties with in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Student mobility is extensive within the network but during last year the network has taken measures to increace teacher mobility. Due to limited finance of the network and increased number of applications for student mobility, the number of grants for teacher mobility have been limited to two grants. We hope to increase the number of grants for teacher mobilty for next year. The mobility, pedagogical issues, course development, matter of evaluation and administrative work will continue to be the main focus for the network. Furthermore the network has started to prepare and develop ways of facilitating the faculties to share information on scientific materials and publications through the network. The annual network meeting gives rise to new opportunities for cooperation in areas not yet affected by the Nordplus work. In previous years the network has worked to share information on their respective websites, information about the work of the Bologna process and the current and the upcoming masters programs. Through our network meetings we have personal knowledge of where and to who to turn regarding different matters and it has most surtenly been vital in creating and maintaining an effective network like the law network. Granted funds Mobility Partners HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE Juridiska koledža JK, LV MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE 30 LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE 10 Math and Informatics Network 29521 Nordic Five Tech (N5T) Master's Programme in Applied and Engineering Mathematics Coordinator AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI Timo Eirola Network description The purpose of the project is to develop and run a successful joint study programme in the field of applied mathematics. N5TeAM - Master’s Programme in Applied and Engineering Mathematics is a two-year Master of Science degree programme (120 ECTS credits). Students study at two of the five Nordic partner universities in this Nordic Five Tech (N5T) programme: Aalto University School of Science in Finland, Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). After completing the two-year programme successful students are awarded two officially recognized M.Sc. degrees: one from each university where they studied at (double degree). The programme takes advantage of the strengths and research specialization of each member university and it covers most aspects of mathematics relevant for applied sciences and engineering. Students learn to turn the engineering and applied science problems into mathematical questions, and gain an understanding for solution methods. The first intake of students will be in autumn 2012. The language of instruction in the international Master’s programme is English. Granted funds Joint study programmes Partners DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN, SE CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 30371 Advantages of Free Software for Statistics Education Coordinator LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV Liga Paura Network description The purpose of the project is to develop the Statistical study course curricula by using free software R for BSc and MSc students at the Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA), as well to improve the teaching quality by means of exchanging teachers’ experience and developing innovative and practice-oriented methods. Teaching statistics leads to the problem of choosing a tool for teaching statistics and subsequent activities that require statistical content. Despite the fact that Excel is a much-used tool for using in statistical analysis however, Excel is not in its essence a statistical tool. Of course, there are the professional commercial statistics packages like SPSS and SAS however, those are often expensive and in many cases beyond the means of the bachelor lever students or individual users. As alternative way for data analysis is to use freeware or online software. One of the popular and most frequently used in scientist work is dynamic open source programme and environment R ( However, this language 31 requires extensive learning and training for teachers and students with programming skills. From this point of view it is necessary to develop such curricula by using free software R in teaching statistics that students can concentrate on the learning statistical principles and analysis, not spending a lot of time and effort in learning the software. The project includes mobility activity Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) teachers to University of Copenhagen and University of Copenhagen teachers to LUA in 2012/2013. This allows teachers from LUA to improve skills and competence of using free software in Statistics courses and at the same time this will enable teachers from University of Copenhagen to gain experience in this subject. As a result Statistics course curricula (in Latvian) by using free software R for BSc and MSc students at LUA will be developed and prepared. Granted funds Mobility Partners KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK Network 30839 Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian Network on Survey Statistics Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Risto Lehtonen Network description The Baltic-Nordic Network on Education in Survey Statistics is the education-focused Baltic-Nordic branch of the more extensive Baltic-Nordic-Ukrainian-Belarusian Network on Education and Research in Survey Statistics. The main purpose of the Baltic-Nordic Network on Education in Survey Statistics is to strengthen co-operation between universities, government agencies and statistical associations in the Baltic and Nordic countries in education on survey statistics and related statistical applications. For this purpose, the Network organizes each year in one of the participating countries a conference, workshop or a summer school on survey statistics. This far, we have organized 14 such events in one of the Baltic or Nordic countries, with participation of over 500 students, teachers and practicing statisticians. This year Workshop will be organized in Latvia in August 2012 (University of Applied Sciences - Vidzemes Augstskola). In 2013 we plan to organize a Summer School in Belarussia (with other funding) and in 2014, we plan to organize a Workshop in one of the Baltic countries. In addition to the estasblished series of annual events, the Network promotes student and teacher mobility between universities and other educational institutions of the participating countries. More than 100 month-long exchange visits have been made by university teachers, research students and government statisticians in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania to partner universities in Sweden and Finland. The previous activities of the Network are summarized in the Network website at Granted funds Mobility Partners UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT 32 11 Medicine Network 28393 Trollnet Coordinator MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Minna Kortelainen Network description Trollnet was established in 2009, created through the merger of two different networks; BAHVAM (started on 1995) and Nordnursing VEL (started on 1998). These networks have been active in both mobility and versatile intensive courses. Partners in Trollnet are all featuring in nurse education. The network will continue to be mono-disciplinary. It aims to increase opportunities to incorporate core competencies from the different institutions in a joint Nordic work on the development of nursing education. Trollnet works with student and teacher mobility, and involve clinical teachers and supervisors in collaboration on training of students. This is a field where the participating partners will benefit greatly from the cooperation. Trollnet also offers different kind of intensive courses for students and teachers, to maximize versatile learning opportunities within the network partners. Results, feedback etc. of the mobility and intensive courses are shared among the network, and students and staff of the partners. During the academic year 2012 – 2013 Trollnet will continue to actualize mobility of students, teachers and staff members, and also some academic staff between the partners in the network. Also Trollnet has planned to arrange two intensive courses, Creative Methods in Communication, and Health Promotion for the Elderly. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK HØGSKOLEN I HARSTAD, NO HARALDSPLASS DIAKONALE HØYSKOLE, NO HÖGSKOLAN VÄST, SE LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI HØGSKOLEN I VESTFOLD, NO Network 28430 Nordsam The health promoting motivational dialogue with young adults in an intercultural perspective Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK Helene Taylor Kelly Network description In 2012 Nordsam will be expanding its membership and will be including The University of Klaipeda in Lithuania. The project is therefore seen as instrumental in the development of a close co-operation between the member institutions and can be seen as a means for intergrating the new network member. During the project we will collaborate in the development and evaluation of new pedagogical teaching methods hereunder the use of video in teaching and the use of simulated health promotion sessions. Furthermore, we wish to give our students the opportunity to experience how international cooperation can contribute to the development of professional knowledge and competencies. The main focus of this project is to develop the participating Nordic and Baltic institutions' cooperation, curriculum and pedagogical approaches, via an intensive course for students where health promotion for young people is in focus. The students will develop their knowledge and ability to motivate young people in health promotion activities. Health promotion and the motivation of young people will be studied from several perspectives. Cultural influences upon health behavior will be in focus; hereunder the impact of youth culture, social, ethnic, religious and gender influences upon health behavior, as well as Nordic and Baltic cultural and pedagogical differences with respect to health promotion traditions and 33 methods. The course consists of 1 week student preparation (1,5 ECTS) and 1 week of exchange (1,5 ECTS) All students will receive credit for their particiaption in the intensive program. Granted funds Mobility Partners MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE HØGSKOLEN I NORD-TRØNDELAG, NO HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Network 28494 NORLYS Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Suzanne Bancel Network description The main objective of the network is to develop Nordic and Baltic cooperation in education through the systematic exchanges of good practice through providing opportunities for bachelor and post bachelor nursing students and faculty to do their clinical studies at partner institutions, take intensive courses and engage in curriculum development. During the coming year we will focus on clinical study placement exchanges and intensive courses. Because of the increased mobility among health personnel in the Nordic/Baltic region, clinical study placements provide essential learning opportunities for Nordic and Baltic students who may find work within the Nordic/Baltic region, but not necessarily their home country. The application form asks us to choose between bachelor and master level, but our network is for levels up to and including master. We plan to continue integrating successful intensive course material into each institutions' regular curriculum, for example, material developed for the Nursing diagnostics course which we updated and ran again in 2012. We have also used 20112012 to plan a new course: Complementary care in nursing practice, which we hope to run as a Nordplus intensive course in 2012 - 2013. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATES RIGAS MEDICINAS KOLEDŽA LU RMK, LV TALLINNA TERVISHOIU KÕRGKOOL, EE PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS 34 Network 28570 Nord7-eren Udvikling og implementering af det netbaserede kursus med titlen ”Evidensbaserad omvårdnad i ett patientperspektiv ur ett nordiskt perspektiv” i netværks-institutionernes curriculum Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Nabil Karas Network description Netværket har i de seneste år samarbejdet om et pilotprojekt med det formål at udbyde et netbaseret kursus indenfor emnet ”implementering av forskningsbaserad kunskap innom vårdforskning i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning” på udvalgte institutioner i netværket. Baggrunden for pilotprojektet er, at mere af den plejeforskning, der er udført på området, skal implementeres i den kliniske praksis, hvor sygeplejestuderende får den kliniske del af deres uddannelse. Under pilotprojektet er der udviklet en kursusplan med tilhørende materialer og netbaserede forelæsninger. Kurset har i foråret 2011 været udbudt og gennemført på to af netværksinstitutionerne (University College Capitol i Danmark og Arcada i Finland) med et positivt udbytte, og hvor alle deltagende studerende har bestået kurset (gennemførsel og evaluering fra kurset er beskrevet i netværkets rapportering fra 2011 –se bilag). For at kurset skal kunne udbydes og gennemføres på alle netværkets institutioner, skal kursusindhold tilpasses resultaterne og evalueringerne fra pilotprojektet, og det skal tilpasses de nationale bekendtgørelser og studieordninger, som gælder på netværksinstitutionerne. Desuden skal studerende, undervisere, og kliniske vejledere fra netværkets samarbejdspartnere engageres i at videreudvikle kurset og indbydes til at deltage i kurset som kursister eller undervisere/vejledere. Efter gennemførsel og evaluering af projektet, så skal resultater fra projektet udbredes via en en kundskabsbank eller en idebank, som et redskab til pædagogisk og vidensmæssig udvikling for relevante fagpersoner og organisationer udenfor netværket, og resultaterne skal spredes via udarbejdelse af artikler til relevante tidsskrifter og via netværksdeltagernes konferencedeltagelse. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE HÖGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 28675 NorNePtE Development of joint bachelor theses projects in the Nordic and Baltic physiotherapy programmes Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Ingrid Narum Network description This year’s project is the continuation of the project: Development of joint bachelor theses projects in the Nordic and Baltic physiotherapy programmes that started in the autumn 2011. The purpose is to develop the possibilities for students, teachers and work life partners to work together related to bachelor theses projects to share knowledge and experiences related to “Knowledge based” clinical practice in physical therapy, understood as the integration of evidence based, experience based and user based knowledge. During this project period we will aim at improving the bachelor theses process. We will implement the new guidelines for the students and work life partners. The work life partners will contribute in the discussions related to the clinical relevance of the findings from the bachelor projects and to the implementation of knowledge based clinical practice in the health care in general and physiotherapy in particular. The feed-back loop from the learning outcomes of this project back to own institution (educational institution and work place) will be emphasized. 35 Granted funds Mobility Partners LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, LT HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE SEINÄJOEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Network 28709 Nordlink Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK Jette Tegner Network description The main purposes of the network are: 1: Exchange of students and teachers, the main purpose of this activity is to promote the Nordic languages and culture understanding and to contribute with possibilities for life-long learning for students and teachers. 2: Network and Project activities: A: A network meeting is essential for making relevant plans for the future in the network. B: The network has decided to focus on welfare technology in nursing. This will be done by teachers from the participating schools. The purpose for working with welfare technology is to provide possibilities for innovation and systematic exchange of good practice within this specific area for first teacher, then students and finally better care for the patients. Granted funds Mobility Partners VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI KESKI-POHJANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - MELLERSTA ÖSTERBOTTENS YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HØGSKOLEN I GJØVIK, NO LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HØGSKOLE, NO HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK HÖGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD, SE Network 28850 Nordkvist Netværket er et netværk for fremtidens sygeplejersker i Nordeuropa Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Mette Bro Jansen 36 Network description Netværket blev etableret i 1994 og består af 15 sygeplejerskeuddannelser i Norge, Finland, Sverige, Danmark, Island, og de selvstyrende områder Grønland og Færøerne (Finland er ny partner fra 2011). Netværket blev i 2007, af det internationale programkontor i Sverige, fremhævet som et godt eksempel på samarbejde i Norden inden for Nordplus Høyere Utdanning. Alle parter i netværket deltager aktivt i Bolognaprocessen. Alle institutioner har været involveret i fusioner og har opnået Universitets - eller University College status. Årligt formidler netværket 30 - 40 lærer - og studenterudvekslinger og gennem årene er stipendiebevillingen blevet brugt. Netværket arbejder for, at der hvert andet år udbydes et intensivt kursus. I årene 2008 og 2009 har der været afviklet intensive kurser i Norge, Agder og i Sverige, Luleå. I efteråret 2012 afholdes et IP på Færøerne. Intensiv kurserne har haft en deltagelse af 30 - 40 studerende og lærere, og disse aktiviteter har haft stor faglig betydning for såvel deltagere som institutioner. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE University College Lillebælt, DK Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO UNIVERSITETET I NORDLAND, NO Peqqissaanermik Ilinniarfik, GL BORNHOLMS SUNDHEDS- OG SYGEPLEJESKOLE, DK University College Lillebælt, DK UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO SOPHIAHEMMET HÖGSKOLA, SE ERSTA SKÖNDAL HÖGSKOLA, SE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Network 28923 North Baltic 5 Public Health Care Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Bigitte Pontoppidan Network description The main objective of the network is to develop Nordic and Baltic cooperation in education through the systematic exchanges of good practice through providing opportunities for bachelor students and faculty to do their clinical studies at partner institutions, take intensive courses and engage in curriculum development.To increase the implementation of knowledge based on research in the clinical activities in the countries involved. To sustain and develop the network between Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Latvia. To strengthen the teachers’ and students’ knowledge of the culture of other Nordic countries. To increase teacher exchange and student mobility among the members of the network. During the coming year we will focus on clinical study placement exchanges and intensive course.Clinical placements are important learning arena for all levels of nursing students because of the increased mobility among health personnel in the Nordic/Baltic region. We also plan to integrate intensive course, where the subject is Prevention in Public Health, counting 3 ECTS-points. Granted funds Mobility 37 Partners HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV POHJOIS-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 28953 Medico-network (Nordic collaboration network for nursing medication educators) Developing nursing education on patient and medication safety Coordinator TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Taina Nordgren Network description The main purpose of the Medico network collaboration and development project is to develop medication education in undergraduate nursing programmes (bachelor-level), increase the quality of medication education and ensure nursing students' medication competence in the Nordic and Baltic countries and also increase patient safety. Patient safety is one of the principle areas and key building blocks of a nurse’s professional competence. The aim for the Nordic and Baltic Medico network collaboration and development project is to promote and ensure the development of the required medication and patient safety competence of graduating nursing students. The challenges related to patient and medication safety are recognized globally and are mutual to a many European countries in higher educational institutes involved in nursing education. Through the collaboration, the Medico network is answering global challenges related to patient and medication safety. The Medico network was established in spring 2011. The cooperation has been very efficient and all the network partners are motivated and enthusiastic about the new collaboration and view the chosen topic of patient and medication safety to be both worthwhile and crucial for nursing education in the participating countries. Granted funds Mobility Partners ROVANIEMEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI SAIMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HÖGSKOLAN I GÄVLE, SE UNIVERSITETET I NORDLAND, NO PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE HØGSKOLEN I ÅLESUND, NO Network 29005 Nordannet Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Suzanne Bancel Network description Nordannet was founded in 1998. It originally had four partners from 3 Nordic countries. 12 years later the network has expanded to include 8 programs from 5 Nordic countries. There is a high level of mobility among teachers and students in 38 the network, and 5 intensive courses have been run. Each year the network meets to exchange professional information, discuss educational issues and questions in the field and to plan new activities. The level of education is in flux at the moment, several partners are in the process of converting to Master degrees. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 29068 Nordman network Nordic-Baltic network for cooperation in nursing education - application for student and teacher mobility Coordinator JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Marjo Hannele Palovaara Network description The aim of Nordman network is to exchange knowledge and know-how between partners to promote the theoretical and clinical nursing education and disseminate expertise of various specific areas of nursing education such as e-learning, joint courses in each partner´s special areas etc. This network provides a joint forum for partners to benchmark and compare contents of education and pedagogical methods in nursing. Teachers and students gain personal experiences to promote professional growth and further stimulate development of nursing education in partner organizations. Nordman network was established in 1995 as a Nordplus Higher Education network and consists today of totally 5 Nordic and Baltic partners active in the field of health and nursing education. Tartu Health Care College in Estonia entered the network in late 2007. The network provides an on-going forum for interactive communication between partners and by systematic development work it helps the dissemination of good practices in the field. Through the network teachers and students gain opportunities for professional growth and are able to widen their perspectives of the field. The network provides activities such as student mobility and teacher mobility as well as joint intensive one week courses and teacher seminars of one week each. Seven course weeks have been carried out so far and a new intensive course is implemented in May 2012. Granted funds Mobility Partners MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, AX TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Network 29109 Norvind Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO Gry Handberg 39 Network description Nordvind er et nettverk mellom sykepleieutdanninger som har eksistert siden 1996. Partnere er Yrkeshögskolan Novia, Åbo, Finland, UCSyddanmark, Sønderborg, Danmark og Høgskolen i Hedmark, Elverum, Norge. Nettverkets hovedaktiviteter og formål har siden starten bestått i student- og lærermobilitet, intensivkurs og nettverksaktiviteter. - Fortsatt kunnskaps- og erfaringsutveksling gjennom student- og lærermobilitet - Fremme kunnskap om hverandres skoler og studietilbud gjennom student- og lærermobilitet - Kunnskaps- og erfaringsutveksling gjennom intensivkurset "Sårbarhet kontra smitteforebygging - en etisk utfordring i psykiatrien." - Samarbeid med arbeidsmarkedet gjennom å invitere en eller flere sykepleiere fra en aktuell praksisavdeling på et sykehus i vertslandet med på intensivkurset. Dette vil gi kunnskaps- og erfaringsoverføring både overfor studenter, lærere og praksisavdelinger, om god utøvelse av sykepleie ved et viktig etisk dilemma. - "Internationalization at home" - ved at lærere og studenter ved den institusjonen hvor intensivkurset finner sted får ta del i det internasjonale samarbeidet - Involvere ledernivået i nettverksmøtet for å forankre samarbeidet innen nettverket helt til topps i egne institutter/avdelinger. - Involvere en ny nordisk partner. - To av samarbeidsskolene har Master-utdanning i psykisk helsearbeid. Man ønsker å legge til rette for lærerutveksling, slik at man kan bli kjent med hverandres utdanninger og mulighet for studentmobilitet og forskningssamarbeid Granted funds Mobility Partners YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK Network 29285 Tværfaglig studentermobilitet mellem sundhedsuddannelserne UC Syddanmark og Nuuk kommune, Sygehusene i Nuuk og Thorshavn Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK Anette Maagaard Network description 1: At styrke den professionelle kompetence hos de sundhedsprofessionelle i Grønland og Færørene, gennem studentermobilitet, hvor danske studerende får mulighed for at afvikle en klinisk uddannelsesperiode i Grønland eller Færørerne. 2: At styrke rekrutteringen af sundhedsprofessionelle til Grønland og Færørene. Vi forventer, at studenterudveksling vil motivere til at søge fast ansættelse i disse to lande. 3: At styrke mobiliteten af sundhedsprofessionelle i en globaliseret verden. 4: At studerende fra tre forskellige sundhedsfaglige uddannelser deltager i klinisk uddannelse i samme område. 5: At de studerende ved at deltage i udvekslingsaktiviteter med andre faggrupper kan skabe en synergi til gavn for deres forståelse af egen profession og placering i sundhedsvæsnet. Regeringens erklærede mål er at så mange studerende som muligt, skal gennemføre dele af deres uddannelse i udlandet. Derfor søges om midler til, at de sundhedsprofessionelle studerende fra UC Syddanmark får mulighed for at gennemføre dele af uddannelsen i Grønland og på Færørerne. Der findes ingen fysioterapeutuddannelse, ergoterapeutuddannelse og bioanalytikeruddannelse i disse to lande. Derfor kan et ophold fra vores studerende være med til at sikre dem kvalificeret arbejdskraft. Derudover kan en sådan mobilitet bidrag til, at de modtagne institutioner får del i den nye viden, de studerende har med sig. De studerende får til gengæld mulighed for at udøve deres profession i en for dem ukendt og kulturel forskellig kontekst. Den tværfaglige forståelse forventes øget gennem dette projekt, ligeledes den enkelte studerendes forståelse for egen professions placering i sundhedsvæsenet i såvel det land de kommer til som i Danmark. Granted funds Mobility 40 Partners Dronning Ingrids hospital Nuuk, GL Landssygehuset Thorshavn, FO Nuuk kommune, GL Landssygehuset Thorshavn, FO Dronning Ingrids Hospital, GL Landssygehuset Thorshavn, FO Landssygehuset Thorshavn, FO Network 29337 Pharmacy Education Network Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Virve Kahri Network description The main purpose of the network is to enhance the student and teacher mobility and to increase the understanding of pharmacy education systems within the participating countries. The understanding of pharmacy programmes and contents in other countries is very important for each graduating student as well as members of teaching staff. The cooperation among Nordic and Baltic partner universities is essential for the further development of pharmacy education and research in the area. The exchange periods will also increase the field specific language abilities of students (English and Nordic languages). Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV Network 29340 VAUM + Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, AX Lena Nyman-Wiklund Network description Syftet med nätverket VAUM+ är att möjliggöra lärarmobilitet och studerandemobilitet främst i samband med verksamhetsförlagd verksamhet/praktik. Nätverket strävar också till att utveckla vårdarbetet och vårdvetenskapens kunskapsbas för att utveckla sjukskötarprogrammen vid respektive partnerskola. Högskolorna inom nätverket arbetar aktivt med att effektivera kontakterna med varandra. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÖGSKOLAN I GÄVLE, SE 41 UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Network 29356 Medicin i Norden Coordinator TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI Kaija Kangasjärvi Network description Det huvudsakliga syftet med nätverket är att ge studenterna tillgång till nya influenser och internationell erfarenhet från ett annat nordiskt land. Den geografiska och historiska närheten gör det enkelt att samarbeta om att utbyta studenter. Trots denna gemenskap skiljer det något mellan olika utbildnings- och sjukvårdssytem. Detta är en viktig erfarenhet för studenter, lärare och koordinatorer. En internationell erfarenhet under utbildningen ger fler dimensioner till det kommande arbetet som läkare, vilket höjer kompetensen hos dessa studenter. Nätverket vill främja och utveckla detta genom att koordinera studentutbyten, både på befintliga programkurser, prekliniskt och kliniskt, liksom genomförande av kliniska placeringar på sjukhus. Det nordiska samarbetet syftar till att stärka Norden och Östersjöregionen som enhet i den alltmer ökande globaliseringen av utbildning och forskning, vilket även detta nätverk ställer sig bakom. Att bygga nätverk inom Norden är mycket viktigt för kommande yrkesaktiva läkare då de sannolikt kommer att forska/arbeta i en nordisk kontext. Granted funds Mobility Partners KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29499 Frejanätverket Coordinator UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE Chatrin Persson 42 Network description Målsättningen med nätverket är att studenter och lärare vid barnmorskeprogrammen i de fyra deltagarländerna ska knyta kontakter, utbyta erfarenheter och utveckla kunskapsnivån när det gäller barnmorskans profession. Utbildningen i länderna har gemensamma huvudämnen, målsättning och grundsyn men de är ändå olika exempelvis vad gäller organisatoriskt upplägg i programmen. Sedan nätverket startade har ett nära samarbete utvecklats mellan de fyra utbildningsorterna. Detta avspeglas i pågående student och lärarutbyten. Nätverket har också sedan 2007 genomfört två intensivkurser på temat "Förebyggande av perinealskador vid förlossning i Norden". Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO Network 29507 DANOSFI. Refleksjon som redskap for læring ved sykepleiepraksis i et annet nordisk land. Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO gry Handberg Network description DANOSFI-nettverket har gjennom 20 år prioritert student- og lærerutveksling. For sykepleier-studentene dreier det seg i hovedsak om praksisopphold ved en helseinstitusjon i praksisfeltet til en av samarbeidsskolene. Totalt har et stort antall sykepleiestudenter avlagt sine praksisperioder ved en av samarbeidsskolene og hatt stort faglig utbytte av dette for videre sykepleiepraksis. Samarbeidsskolene har delt ressurser ved at vitenskapelig tilsatte har undervist hos samarbeidspartnerne om temaer innen egen spesialkompetanse. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÖGSKOLAN I HALMSTAD, SE HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, AX UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND, NO VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Network 29605 Nordhelse Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN I GÄVLE, SE Eva Westergren Network description Nordhelse är ett nätverk inom hälsovårdutbildning på bachelornivå, där partnerhögskolorna har samarbete för att möjliggöra lärar- och studentmobilitet. Ytterligare syfte är att kvalitetssäkra och utveckla vårdvetenskapens kunskapsbas inom sjukskötarprogrammet vid partnerhögskolorna genom erfarenhetsutbyte och utveckla gemensamma riktlinjer inom handledning och utvärdering av studenternas verksamhetsförlagda utbildning (praktisk utbildning) samt även teoretiska studier. Partnerhögskolorna arbetar aktivt med att effektivera kontakterna med varandra för att gagna vårdlärarna, 43 vårdpersonalen, studeranden samt forskning och utveckling inom området. Projektet har även som syfte att utveckla ett kulturellt, språkligt och pedagogiskt samarbete. Granted funds Mobility Partners VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK HØGSKOLEN I ÅLESUND, NO HØGSKOLEN I NORD-TRØNDELAG, NO BLEKINGE TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE VAASAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - VASA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Network 29640 SGUme Coordinator TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Kristiina Laajala Network description The purpose of the network is to promote, and provide a forum for, collaboration in the education in physiotherapy in the Nordic and Baltic Countries and international activities of students and teachers. Thus network is a useful tool in the quality management of the physiotherapy education in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. • Based on the SWOT analysis of the network teacher mobility within network will share experience and knowledge in pedagogic aspects as well as in the relevant discipline of physiotherapy. This is done by tutoring and collaboration in the development of teaching material and examination methods. The SWOT in annex. • The SWOT analysis brought up that lack of common webpage is a weakness. Development of webpage for information flow, communication, documentation and dissemination of the results is of high importance regarding quality development of the network activities. Thus, we are able to develop transparency between the physiotherapy educations in partner universities. • Student mobility is intended to bring international dimension to their education and increase the students’ qualifications for the international employment marked. It leads to wider experience and knowledge of diverse solutions in the work within the physiotherapy. • Intensive courses have contributed and inspired and will contribute and inspire the students, teachers and the development of physiotherapy curricula and education. • The Network activity is developed through emails, skype meetings and network meetings. For the development of the network we have shared the responsibilities between the contact persons in each partner universities. Actively working international network will improve creativity and innovation in the partner universities. It does reinforce educational possibilities and increases international awareness between students and teachers. Through network activities we learn to speak common language what comes to qualifications on the European level (EQF) and transparency of educations. Granted funds Mobility Partners SATAKUNNAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, LT 44 Network 29669 Nordman network Application for workshop between Nordic-Baltic network and working life in the field of nursing education Coordinator JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Marjo Hannele Palovaara Network description The Nordman network was established in 1995 as a Nordplus Higher Education network. It consists of five Nordic and Baltic partners. Tartu Health Care College from Estonia entered the network year 2007. Today Tartu partners are active and fully integrated to the network. Granted funds Network activities Partners MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, AX TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Network 29678 Nordplus LEKA Nätverk Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING, SE Britt-Marie Gustafsson Network description Samarbete mellan sjuksköterskeutbildningar inom de nordiska länderna. Nätverket består av tre högskolor i Sverige, Danmark och Norge. Under flera år har nätverket samarbetat under temat "Lärande och Examination". De nordiska sjuksköterskeutbildningarna samarbetar genom att samordna och vidareutveckla student- och lärarutbyte. Nätverket Lärande och examination (Leka) består av tre lärosäten nämligen Hälsohögskolan Jönköping i Sverige, Professionshöjskolen Metropol Köpenhamn i Danmark och Högskolen Akershus Oslo i Norge. Nätverket har fokus på lärande och examination. Syftet med nätverket är att utbyta och sprida erfarenheter inom den grundläggande sjuksköterskeutbildningen vid de tre skolorna. Målet med nätverket är att vidareutveckla samarbetet inom sjuksköterskeutbildningen. Målet är att de nordiska sjuksköterskeutbildningarna etablerar ett gott samarbete för utbyte av teori och praktik för att därmed stärka de nordiska lärande- och forskningsmiljöerna i den internationella konkurrensen. Basen i nätverkets samarbete är utbyte av sjuksköterskestudenter på grundläggande nivå (kandidatnivå), så att de lär sig om skillnader och likheter mellan de nordiska partnerhögskolorna och därmed utvecklar den akademiska och yrkesmässiga kompetensen och kan utöva sjuksköterskeyrket i de nordiska länderna. Samtidigt ges lärare möjlighet att etablera akademiska och personliga kontakter med våra nordiska partners för erfarenhetsutbyte och gemensam utveckling av lärande- och examinationsformer. Granted funds Mobility Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO 45 Network 29696 Umeånätverket Coordinator UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE Chatrin Persson Network description Målsättningen med nätverket är att studenter och lärare vid sjuksköterskeprogrammen i de fem deltagande länderna som ingår ska knyta kontakter, utbyta erfarenheter och utveckla kunskapsnivån när det gäller sjuksköterskans profession i Norden. Sjuksköterskeprogrammen ser olika ut i de nordiska länderna vad gäller längd på utbildningen och organisation av programmen. Det finns också likheter samma grundsyn och gemensamma huvudämnen oavsett i vilket land studenten och läraren befinner sig i. Sedan nätverket startade har ett nära samarbete mellan länderna utvecklats speciellt när det gäller mobilitet. Under nätverksmöten och lärarutbyten har deltagarna i nätverket kunna dra upp riktlinjer för samarbete och utveckling av nätverket. Intensivkurser som nätverket genomfört är ett exempel på samarbete som stärkt nätverket. Intensivkurserna har behandlat ämnen som tystnadsplikten i de nordiska länderna, dokumentation av omvårdnad, kulturella aspekter på omvårdnad, sår och sårbehandling och den senaste som genomfördes våren 2011 handlade om smitta och smittskydd i Norden. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK HØGSKOLEN I BUSKERUD, NO YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS Network 29844 BIOnord Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Martha Ásdís Hjálmarsdóttir Network description The purpose of the network BIOnord is to provide a forum for and promote collaboration, competence and quality in the education in biomedical science in the Nordic and Baltic Countries as well as international activities of students and teachers. BIOnord was established in 1993 and included, educational programmes in biomedical science in Reykjavik, Trondheim, Tromsø, Jönköping, Malmö, Lund, Copenhagen, Helsinki and Joensu. BIO-NORD was established 2005 and included the prgrammes in Fredrikstad, Helsinki, Næstved, Karlstad, Oslo and Tartu. The networks merged in 2010 as the network BIOnord, and new partner is Aarhus. The programmes in Lund and Joensu have left as the education there has been discontinued. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE 46 HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 29885 NBNN (Nordic-Baltic Nursing Network) Nordic-Baltic Nursing Network application 2012 Coordinator MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE Bosse Ek Network description The goal for this 2012 project is, firstly, to keep up a good mobility for students and teachers in the Nordic-Baltic network, comprising departments from 9 higher education institutions in The Faroe Islands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Latvia. Secondly, we want to arrange an intensive course in the topic Patient safety with the focus on use of human patient simulator (HPS) as a teaching method. 1. To continue the cooperation between the participating institutions by an increased mobility for both teachers and students. The desired number is 15 student and 6 teacher exchanges. 2. To give an intensive course, Patient safety 3 credits, with the aim to develop the use of human patient simulators as a teaching method. Granted funds Mobility Partners Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO KYMENLAAKSON AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI KAJAANIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATES SARKANA KRUSTA MEDICINAS KOLEDŽA RSU SKMK, LV University College Lillebælt, DK Network 29979 Nordejordemodern - Midwife of the North Miracle of birth Coordinator KAUNO KOLEGIJA, LT Povilas Beseckas Network description The project is created to support midwifery as independent profession and science. Main aim is to share examples of best practices, resent researches and ideas for development of midwifery. As well project will encourage students, teachers and field experts mobility, development of study programmes and cooperation between higher education institutions and labour market. There are mobility, intensive programme, development project and network activities foreseen. Project contributes to development of links between HEI in Scandinavia and Baltics as well as cooperation with labour market hospitals from autonomous islands. Intensive programme and network activities involves professional bodies of midwifery 47 in different countries and by this allows to disseminate results of the project as well to keep up with most important issues of education of midwifes and world of work. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s), development projects Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS RIGAS 1. MEDICINAS KOLEDŽA R1MK, LV HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE KAUNO KOLEGIJA, FO KAUNO KOLEGIJA, GL KAUNO KOLEGIJA, AX Network 29981 Nordic-Baltic Dental Hygiene - Oral Health Coordinator TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Taina Nordgren Network description The main purpose of the Nordic-Baltic Dental Hygiene-Oral Health project is to promote collaboration within the Dental Hygiene Programs between the partner institutions within the subject of Oral Health Science which is the main subject of the Dental Hygiene Program. Collaboration with other universities is an essential part in increasing the academic level of the programs. The aim of the network for this new Nordplus program period is to strengthen, deepen and to enlarge the Nordic – Baltic co-operation even further to increase and guarantee the quality of education. The network continues to compare and develop the curriculum of the educational programs to strengthen the academic level. The network also aims to deepen the knowledge of the different cultures in the Nordic – Baltic countries. The network aims to increase and ensure the quality of education, curricula and examinations by joining forces and utilizing the different areas of expertise possessed in the different partner institutions. Through the Nordplus mobility and other network activities the students and teachers involved will develop their language skills, communication skills, understanding of different cultures, ability to work with people from different backgrounds, flexibility, negotiation skills and ability to make compromises. On this program period the network aims to include dental organizations, public sector and enterprises in the network cooperation. These cooperation partners will not have financial responsibility over the project or the network activities, but they will be involved in the project activities in other ways, contribute to the project activities and have a supportive role in the network cooperation. These associated partners will be: • Latvian Dental association • Latvian Dental Hygienist association • Latvian oral health foundation • Turku social and health care department/Oral health department • Finnish Oral Health Association, STAL • Finnish dental hygiene association / Suomen Suuhygienistiliitto SSHL ry • LEAF • Johnson & Johnson • Norwegian DH Assosiacion / Norsk Tannpleierforening There has been a Nordplus Network “Oral Health” since 1993. On this new Nordplus program period networking is going to 48 include curricula development through comparing curriculas of different institutions, exchange of knowledge and experience. The network will also create a new on line distance course based on a topic: ‘Current Best Practices in Oral Health (4 ECTS)’. Once the plans for this new course are finalized the network will continue job sharing in this new distance course by using the special competence of each of the partner institutions and also implement teacher mobility and student express mobility. The result of the different activities will be disseminated at national and international conferences, field related publications and also on the internet. On this next program period the network also aims to include dental organizations, public sector and enterprises in the network cooperation. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS, LT Network 30142 Nordinnett - et nordisk nettverk for noen intensivsykepleierutdanninger Coordinator LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE Otto Margon Aareskjokld Network description Nordinnett er et Nordplusnettverk som består av 9 universitet/høgskoler i fem nordiske og et baltisk land, som tilbyr spesialutdanning i intensivsykepleie. Målet med nettverket er å fremme og kvalitetssikre utdanning av intensivsykepleiere, stimulere til forskning innenfor fagområdet samt å bidra til yrkesmessig og kulturell utvikling for intensivsykepleiere i Norden og Baltikum. Nordinnett vil oppnå dette gjennom: student- og lærerutveksling, samarbeid om læreplan- og metodeutvikling, kunnskaps- og metodeutveksling, etablering av felles undervisning og fordypningskurser. Nordinnett ble etablert i 2002, og består nå av utdanningssteder i Danmark, Finland, Norge, Island, Litauen og Sverige. De viktigste aktivitetene har vært student- og lærerutveksling, nettverksbygging og intensivkurs. Nettverket opplever at det er viktig med jevnlig personlig kontakt, og har har forsøkt å gjennomføre årlige nettverksmøter. Disse har vært lagt til de respektive utdanningsstedene. Det har siden 2009 kun vært anledning til et kort møte i forbindelse med intensivkurset i Stavanger i 2010. Det er en utfordring å få arbeidsplassene til å påta seg hele utgiftene ved en slik aktivitet. Det har i tillegg vært utskifting av kontaktpersoner over tid, slik at det er etr savn og ikke få gjennomført nettverksmøter med visse mellomrom. Det er derfor et høyt ønske å få rom for dette i 2012. Dette er ytterligere aktualisert siden flere av stedene arbeider med å gi dette tilbudet på MA - nivå. Nordinnett gjennomførte i 2010 et intensivkurs knyttet til temaet "Pasientsikkerhet og anvendelse av simulering for å fremme pasientsikkerhet". Evalueringene av intensivkurset ga uttrykk for at dette var et vellykket arrangement, og Nordinnett kunne tenke å utforme en oppfølgingskurs. Granted funds Mobility Partners KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS, LT UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO 49 Network 30153 Rosa-Linea Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK Nina Bengtsen Network description The network consists of partners at medium-cycle length/bachelor education programmes within the health professional area in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland and Lithuania. The professional areas are nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, radiography and midwifery. The Nordic network collaborates concerning development of a cross-disciplinary approach to health professional learning and professional development. Moreover, focus is on research, theory of science, methodology and evidence-based practice, complementary therapy, public health as well as ethics, and creativity and innovation in connection with health. The network has positive experiences with conducting intensive courses and with exchange of students and lecturers. The institutions all benefits from this network within curriculum development and quality assurance. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners LIETUVOS SVEIKATOS MOKSLU UNIVERSITETAS, LT ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE HÖGSKOLAN I SKÖVDE, SE UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO Network 30225 Nursing in Norway and Nursing in Estonia - different and yet the same. Coordinator HØYSKOLEN DIAKONOVA, NO Ann-Christine Fritzsønn Network description To further enhance the cooperation between Narvahaigla/Narva Social Service and Diakonova University College. To assist Narvahaigla/Narva Social Service in the further development of Mental health Nursing and Home care Nursing, and to give further support the Quality of Nursing in Narva - by teaching and supervision of the Estonian nurses. To give more Norwegian Nursing Students an increased understanding of transcultural nursing, in theory and practice and to give them the opportunity to learn and to teach both Mental Health Nursing and Home Care Nursing in an Estonian Context. Granted funds Mobility Partners Narvahaigla and Social Service, EE Network 30241 NOBA-HEALTHPRO Coordinator ŠIAULIU VALSTYBINE KOLEGIJA, LT Nedas Jurgaitis 50 Network description The purpose of the project is to promote regional cooperation between institutions in Nordic and Baltic countries through mobility activities in the field of health care. The project will promote regional collaboration and develop student and teacher exchange between six partner institutions in the field of health care education. The specific focus will be on leadership skills in community nursing. On purpose to improve the training of nurses in six higher schools of NOBA-HEALTHPRO network, these skills will be trained during students’ mobility when doing clinical practice, actively including social partners of higher schools in healthcare field as well as teachers’ visits in six countries. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATES RIGAS MEDICINAS KOLEDŽA LU RMK, LV HØGSKOLEN I ØSTFOLD, NO HÖGSKOLAN VÄST, SE SAIMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Network 30269 Nordsne Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Suzanne Bancel Network description NORDSNE started in 2008 on the initiative of Oslo University College, Faculty of Nursing. Advanced specialist nursing programs include all programs over the bachelor level of nursing education. Diabetic, cancer, and intensive care nursing are only a few of the possible areas. There is a need for these areas to be highly specialized, and at the same time be able to collaborate with other advanced specialist nurses and allied health professions. NORDSNE aims to be a network where this collaboration and synergy can occur. This application includes a new partner, Karlstad University in Sweden. Granted funds Mobility Partners KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30439 Nordplus Gerontology Coordinator JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI Tiina-Mari Lyyra Network description The purpose of the project is to further stimulate higher education in gerontology in the Nordic and Baltic region by 51 maintaining and increasing collaboration between the institutions within the network. The purpose of the project is to stimulate higher education (HE) in gerontology in the Nordic and Baltic region by increasing collaboration between the partner institutions. This development is enhanced by promoting student and teacher mobility, especiallly by organising advanced intensive courses in gerontology and enhancing their accessibility (language of courses being English, combining a short mobility period with studies in the Internet), but also by promoting longer student exchanges. Student and teacher mobility will take place within a) universities national gerontology programmes and b) Nordic Master's Degree Programme in Gerontology (NordMaG), run jointly by three of the network universities (Lund, Iceland and Jyväskylä), which has a curriculum based student mobility. Granted funds Mobility Partners DIAKONHJEMMET HØGSKOLE, NO LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HØGSKOLE, NO UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO HØGSKOLEN I GJØVIK, NO LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE HÖGSKOLAN I JÖNKÖPING, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE Network 30536 Ernisussiortoq - Jordemoder Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK Anne-Lisbeth Nyvang Network description Formål Formålet med partnerskabet består overordnet af to dele: 1. At styrke den professionelle kompetence hos fremtidens jordemødre i de nordiske lande. Dels gennem studentermobilitet, hvor danske studerende får mulighed for at afvikle en klinisk uddannelsesperiode eller et studieophold i Grønland, dels gennem mobilitet for ansatte i Grønland og Danmark med henblik på at understøtte den faglige udvikling. 2. At styrke rekrutteringen af jordemødre til Grønland. Vi forventer, at studenterudveksling vil motivere til at søge fast ansættelse i Grønland. Målsætningen er: At gøre partnerskabet kendt blandt jordemoderstuderende, ansatte og undervisere på University College Syddanmark samt ansatte i offentligt regi i Grønland At partnerskabet skal have en høj mobilitetsrate blandt jordemoderstuderende og ansatte At partnerskabet generelt skal medvirke til at styrke den internationale virksomhed de deltagende institutioner imellem og mere specifikt styrke den faglige udvikling inden for vort nordiske samarbejde At studentermobilitet i fremtiden kan medvirke til rekruttering af uddannet arbejdskraft til Grønland At partnerskabet skal udvikle sig til et større nordisk netværk for jordemoderprofessionen Granted funds Mobility Partners Dronning Ingrids hospital, GL 52 Network 30611 Nordkalottnettverket Intensive course: Transcultural Health Care in The North Coordinator ROVANIEMEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Taina Maria Liu Network description Nordplus Nordkalottnettverket wishes to promote among students and teachers of health care profession, nurses and other health care professionals experiences and thoughts concerning the complexities involved in caring for people and working with colleagues from diverse cultural backgrounds in the North . The purpose of the Intensive course is to share information and practical experiences on cultural behaviors and the need to understand people's cultural perspectives in health and illness and health care work. Granted funds Mobility Partners SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI KEMI-TORNION AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITETET I NORDLAND, NO UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO HØGSKOLEN I HARSTAD, NO Peqqissaanermik Ilinniarfik, GL LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE HØGSKOLEN I NARVIK, NO OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Network 30698 Occupational Therapy in Nordic and Baltic countries (former Arbetsterapi i Norden) Coordinator ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Annikki Arola Network description To develop Occupational Therapy in Nordic and Baltic countries it’s important to cooperate with institutions with similar orientation in exchange and curriculum development. The purpose of this project is to enhance the collaboration between the higher institutions in the participation countries according Occupational Therapy. Cooperation through students and teachers exchange have an important role in developing occupational therapy in a way which takes in consideration cultural similarities and differences in different countries. The project will support a development of a functioning platform where exchange of knowledge and experience will be possible as a way to create a mutual perspective in important and central areas of occupational therapy. The results of the cooperation can later on be used to development curriculum, which enables a flexible way for students exchange and the accreditation of courses during exchange. The goal for the project is to increase knowledge about human occupation and its relationship to health, human development, and participation in everyday life by embracing the diversity of populations, cultures, languages, religions and ages in our Nordic and Baltic countries. Granted funds Mobility Partners KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO 53 METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV Network 30737 FRIGG Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK Helle Tvorup Andersen Network description Formålet med videreførelse af denne meget velfungerende partnerskabsaftale er fortsat at styrke den professionelle kompetence hos såvel nuværende som fremtidens jordemødre i de nordiske lande – for nuværende specifikt Færøerne og Danmark og på længere sigt inddragende Grønland. Dette søges opnået gennem fortsat samarbejde omkring udveksling mellem partnerinstitutionerne – for jordemoderstuderende og uddannede jordemødre indenfor såvel det teoretiske som det kliniske område. Partnerne I FRIGG netværket er alle aktive indenfor det jordemoderfaglige felt. Partnerskabet vil således være monofagligt. Partnerskabet vil samarbejde omkring jordemoderstuderendes mulighed for kortere klinisk studieophold på Færøerne. Dernæst vil samarbejdet dreje sig om muligheden for mobilitet for ansatte. Her tænkes både på kompetenceudvikling for undervisende jordemødre fra Danmark samt ditto kompetenceudvikling for ansatte på Færøerne, der vil kunne få glæde af et teoretisk eller klinisk udvekslingsophold i Danmark. Eller den situation, at en af de danske undervisere anvender en lærermobilitet til at rejse til Færøerne og undervise i emner, der måtte være relevante for de færøske jordemødre. Dette har således allerede fundet sted i indeværende år, hvor to undervisere fra Esbjerg har været på lærerudveksling til Torshavn, hvor de har undervist de færøske jordemødre i emner, der var ønsket fra Færøsk side. Således er der netop aftalt, at en dansk underviser i uge 12 rejser til Færøerne for at undervise de færøske jordemødre i obstetrisk akupunktur. I indeværende ansøgningsår har der ligeledes været to lærerudvekslinger/studiebesøg af to ledende jordemødre fra Færøerne, som på en uge i Danmark deltog i et landsdækkende lærerforsamlingsmøde for alle tre danske jordemoderuddannelser, ligesom de fik besøgt jordemoderuddannelserne i både Esbjerg og Aalborg. Dette til stor fælles udbytte for alle tre partnerinstitutioner i FRIGG partnerskabet. Et af hovedformålene med studiebesøget var blandt andet, at der fra færøsk side er meget stor interesse for at etablere et egentlig samarbejde omkring kompetenceudvikling og efteruddannelse af de færøske jordemødre. Derfor blev der for eksempel afholdt møde i eftervidereuddannelsesafdelingen på UCSyd, hvor jordemoderuddannelsen i Esbjerg hører hjemme. Partnerskabet vil desuden fortsat arbejde på, at Færøerne på længere sigt får mulighed for at opkvalificere og deltids ansætte en klinisk instruktionsjordemoder. Velvidende, at det ikke er muligt at anvende NORDPLUS midler til dette formål, så håber vi dog på, at en færøsk klinisk instruktionsjordemoder kan blive en sidegevinst til arbejdet i dette partnerskab. Endelig har partnerskabet en faglig interesse i at medvirke til at styrke motivationen for at jordemoderstuderende i fremtiden søger ansættelse på Færøerne. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK Landssygehuset Torshavn, FO 54 Network 30762 NORD-CARE Coordinator TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Gitte Taulo Network description The idea of the project is to develop Nordic-Baltic cooperation in health care education. The project aims are to achieve its main goal via student and teacher mobility, intensive course and net work cooperation. Mobility activities will enhance the opportunity to share knowledge and skills between partners. Intensive course “Promoting health and preventing health problems in families” will be carried out as an annual course, which will be part of degree programmes in nursing in the participating institutions. The network cooperation will produce solid base to other activities. Network meetings will be organized by using videoconferences as well as annually face-to-face meeting. Granted funds Mobility Partners UTENOS KOLEGIJA, LT HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE TARTU TERVISHOIU KORGKOOL, EE Network 30781 Tandplejeruddannelserne i København, Stockholm og Oslo Coordinator KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK Sten Wienberg Nørmark Network description Tandplejeruddannelserne ved Københavns Universitet, Karolinska Institutet i Stockholm og Universitetet i Oslo har ensartede formål og et fælles overordnet mål om at øge uddannelsernes internationale dimension. Netværket mellem uddannelserne i København og Stockholm har vist sig frugtbart og aktivt gennem ca. 25 år, og der har udviklet sig tætte professionelle bånd mellem lærerkorpsene på de to uddannelser samt uddannelsen i Oslo, der har indgået i samarbejdet de seneste syv år. Netværket fokuserer på gensidig studenterudveksling i moduler af 1 måneds varighed (6½ ECTS) hvert år, gensidig lærerudveksling af 1 uges varighed hvert år samt fælles overvejelser om curriculumtilpasninger i de modulopbyggede (professions)bacheloruddannelser, der er under nyudvikling i alle tre lande. Granted funds Mobility Partners KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SE UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO 55 12 Natural Science Network 29099 Education for Sustainable Agriculture in the Baltic Education for Sustainable Development of Water Bodies and Coasts in the Nordic and Baltic Countries - SuWaCo Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Anna Granberg Network description What brings the partners in Education for Sustainable Development of Water Bodies and Coasts together, is the concern for the Coast and Water Bodies in the Nordic/Baltic countries. We strongly believe that a good understanding of the state of the Coasts and Inland Water Bodies and the impact that activities on land has on the sea is the foundation for a longterm sustainable development of the Water bodies and Coasts. The project is implemented in the context of the Water Framework Directive by EU that calls for management of water in the whole of catchment area and not just at a country level, since it recognizes that the total run-off from land has an impact on the water quality and the coastal environment. We live in the dream that one day we may swim in our waters year around, eat fishes without fearing that they will be extinct, and eat agriculture produce and enjoy products from our forests with a clear conscience. As a small step towards raising the awareness and knowledge about the Baltic Sea the SuWaCo Network intends to offer intensive courses at Bachelors and Masters level, that would be jointly implemented by all the partners, contributing within their own area of expertise and by spreading this scientific knowledge in an accessible way via social media such as wikis and blogs. SuWaCo aims to address the challenges faced by Coasts and Water bodies in the Nordic/Baltic Countries. Through organizing two intensive courses related to the topic, spreading scientific knowledge in an easy accessible way, accomplishing a joint study visit and coordinating intensive exchanges between partners, this network proposes to raise public awareness and knowledge amongst participants and the public. One of the main focus of this network is to highlight local-regional cases and collaborations that showcase specific actions to protect coastal and inland water bodies from landbased activities. Granted funds Mobility Partners ALEKSANDRO STULGINSKIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV HÁSKÓLASETUR VESTRJARÐA, IS EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL, EE Network 29127 Bioteknologinätverket Biokemi och biomedicin Coordinator TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI Kaija Kangasjärvi Network description Nätverket syftar till att befrämja skolnings- och forskningsutbyte under den senare delen av grundutbildningen inom molekylbiologi, bioteknisk diagnostik, klinisk kemi och molekulär medicin mellan Åbo Universitet (Turun yliopisto), Lunds Universitet och därtill knutna Malmö Allmänna Sjukhus samt Rudbeck Laboratoriet vid Uppsala Universitet Granted funds Mobility 56 Partners UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29816 Biologi Coordinator ÅBO AKADEMI, FI Katri Aarnio Network description Nätverket erbjuder möjligheter för studenter att vid ett annat Nordiskt universitet studera biologi, främst med tonvikt på miljö- och marinbiologi samt cellbiologi. Vid de deltagande universiteten undervisas och forskas i dessa områden som idag, inom de flesta biologiska problemställningar, är intimt sammankopplade. Eftersom en väsentlig del av biologin undervisas i fält och laboratorium, är nätverkets målsättning att skapa möjlighet till utbildning där kunskapen samt den biologiska miljön finns. Granted funds Mobility Partners GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO Network 29854 Nordic Network for Geobiology Coordinator SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK Kirsten Silvia Habicht Network description The Nordic Geobiology Initiative is a collaboration between universities and research institutions in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Denmark all working with the emerging field of geobiology. Geobiology is an interdisciplinary field between chemistry, microbiology and geology and there is an increasing need to educate students to receive knowledge and skills that combine these different disciplines. The aim of the network is to run an intensive master level course in geobiology. The initiative brings together internationally recognized experts in different aspects of geobiology and thus ensures full, high-level coverage of the subject. The course will attract a larger number of students, well beyond the critical mass, which may be hard to assemble at the individual institutions. The intensive course within Geobiology combines lectures, fieldwork and laboratory experiments and will take place on Iceland. The focus will be on the geobiology of hydrothermal vent environments, because here the intimate linkage between the different fields is most explicit. Express mobility grants will be used to enable students and teachers to work together during the course and the mobility student grants will give the students the possibility to continuo the work at one of the partner institutions High quality of education is the goal, and quality is assured by commitment of all partner institutions during the development of the course material and teaching methods. Project activities include network meetings, course planning, development of course material and website and communication in order to develop and maintain long-term cooperation. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s) 57 Partners UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30498 ABS - Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Antti Lauri Network description ABS (Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies) is a Nordic Master's Degree Programme in Atmospheric Sciences and Biogeochemical cycles. The aim of the programme is to educate environmental specialists, who are capable for independent and innovative work in the current and future challenges related to global climate change and environmental pollution. The programme is very multidisciplinary, involving a versatile education on atmospheric sciences covering physical phenomena, atmospheric chemistry, meteorology, and ecosystem studies. Part of the content of the programme is related to the interactions between the ecosystems and the atmosphere. All the education of the programme is given in English. The approximate study period is two years and includes 120 ECTS of studies. The ABS network consists of ten universities in four Nordic and Baltic countries, which are among the top-rated research units in the world. The programme has many effects in the society, including the deepening of the Nordic-Baltic cooperation in environmental education, the idea of lifelong learning, enhancing student and teacher mobility, and adaptation to the requirements of the Bologna process. The ABS programme is directly linked to two Nordic Centres of Excellence, which started in late 2010: Impacts of a changing cryosphere - depicting ecosystem-climate feedbacks as affected by changes in permafrost, snow and ice distribution (DEFROST) coordinated by Lund University, and Cryosphere-atmosphere interactions in a changing arctic climate (CRAICC), coordinated by the University of Helsinki. As agreed with NordForsk, new study modules are being introduced in the ABS programme to cover studies related to the Arctic environment. ABS (Atmosphere-Biosphere Studies) is a Nordic-Baltic Master's Degree Programme in Atmospheric Sciences and Biogeochemical cycles. Currently the ABS network consists of 23 departments and institutes at ten universities in four Nordic and Baltic countries. The foundation of ABS lies strongly on top research. Currently the programme is directly linked to two Nordic Centres of Excellence, started in 2010: Impacts of a changing cryosphere - depicting ecosystem-climate feedbacks as affected by changes in permafrost, snow and ice distribution (DEFROST) and Cryosphere-atmosphere interactions in a changing arctic climate (CRAICC). The programme also collaborates with a third Nordic Centre of Excellence, Stability and variations of Arctic land ice (SVALI). The ABS programme is a pioneering project considering multidisciplinary environmental education covering the aspects of physics, chemistry, meteorology, biology and geosciences. The ABS Programme also serves as a forum for exchanging experiences and best practises concerning education development. The first students were admitted to the ABS programme in 2006. The Masters of Science graduated from the programme are competent on different fields of the society and have a strong base working with environmental issues. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s), joint study programmes Partners ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE 58 KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE EESTI MAAÜLIKOOL, EE Network 30613 Nord+Fysik Nord+fysik (Theoretical physics) Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Jouni Asko Niskanen Network description Our goal is “bread and butter” grassroot student and teacher mobility in physics between a mid-sized coalition of universities from all Nordic countries and one in Lithuania (University of Vilnius, Vilniaus Universitetas so far in the latter). This is a renewal of an existing Nordic network. After the experience of the first extension to Baltia, in the future our aim would be to extend to Estonia and Latvia, but this would need some network support to facilitate a contact visit. We plan to arrange mostly stays of student mobility (up to an academic year) but also shorter visits (express mobility) to facilitate students’ participation to short intensive courses arranged in participant institutes. The level of students is optimally at Master level to facilitate special course selection and dissemination, but also Bachelor level is allowed. Teacher exchange is based on short visits for special topics. Granted funds Mobility Partners UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Network NaturalScience 30798 BIO-Biology Network for student and staff exchange Coordinator OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI Annamari Markkola Network description Aims of the network are to enable student and staff mobility between Nordic biology departments in the field of biological sciences. Project includes several student visits in between Nordic biology (and related) degree programmes . Teaching visits including some curriculum development will also take place. Granted funds Mobility Partners HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI 59 HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, SE Network 31048 Joint Nordic Master in Marine Ecosystem and Climate - MARECLIM Coordinator UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO Gunhild Brubakken Network description Studentutveksling for obligatoriske kurs i Joint Nordic Master in Marine Ecosystem and Climate - MARECLIM. Det er også noe lærerutveksling. Formålet med det felles masterprogrammet er å utdanne masterkandidater innen feltet biologisk oseanografi og klima. Kunnskap om de biologiske og fysiske forhold i de nordiske hav er viktig for å fåøkt kunnskap om hvordan fiskeriressurser påvirkes av klimaendringer. Studentutveksling mellom UiB og partnerne Århus Universitet, Frodskaparsetur Føroya og Høgskoli Islands. Joint Nordic Master in Marine Ecosystem and Climate - MARECLIM er et fellesprogram hvor studenter MÅ ta emner ved alle institusjoner, og på den måten utnytte kapasitet og kompetanse i konsortiet. Sommeren 2007 nådde Universitetet i Bergen, Universitetet på Island, Universitetet på Færøyene og Universitetet i Århus opp i konkurransen om å få tildelt midler til å utvikle et felles nordisk masterprogram. Bakgrunnen for samarbeidet var å ivareta et godt fagmiljø i Norden innen oseanografi og klima. Høsten 2009 startet vi opp med vårt første kull, og disse skal avlegge eksamen nå til sommeren. Høsten 2010 startet kull nr. 2. For å kunne rekruttere gode kandidater er det viktig for oss å kunne støtte opp om studentenes reiseaktivitet og sende noen av våre forelesere til de andre partnerinstitusjonene. De fire partnerne har sin styrke på ulike felt, som gjør det svært viktig for studentene å kunne oppholde seg ved alle institusjonene. Opplegget med de fire obligatoriske kursene får vi svært god tilbakemelding på. Vi har også en mentorordning som bidrar til å styrke det institusjonelle samarbeidet. Granted funds Mobility Partners AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO 13 Social Science Network 28756 VALA Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Sif Einarsdóttir Network description The main purpose of this Nordplus application is to establish a network of Career counseling and guidance programs at higher education institution in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The overall aim of the network is to develop the curriculum and education of students preparing to become career counselor that work in diverse settings and with clients of all ages. The long term aim is to increase professionalization and strengthen ties and co-operation between higher education 60 institutions and the labor market and between research, practice and policy. A main focus will be on the education of those that work with adults. Additionally, the intention is to works towards a more unified profession that can deliver coherent quality services in life-long guidance. Career counseling and guidance practices have a long history in most of the Nordic countries and the education of career counselors have developed in very diverse ways within the Nordic communities. especially in schools with children and youth. Most of the programs are historically firmly founded in the career counseling end education of children and youth. With increased emphasis on life-long learning and labor interventions implemented due to the current economic crisis the need for adult guidance has increased tremendously. The higher education programs that educate career counselors want to join hands and establish a network to be able to better prepare career counselors and guidance workers for the diverse clients they need to work with. The network will work on two developmental projects and create two intensive courses for students. Development project 1 focuses on curricular development and exchange of practices focusing on adult guidance and may result in a blueprint for a joint study program. Development project 2 is intended to improve practical training, relations with the labor market and creation of learning communities. Two intensive courses, one focusing on social justice issues and the other on ICT competences will be offered in order to strengthen the counselors in meeting the needs of those that have difficulty in accessing guidance and are most vulnerable in the labor market. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK LATVIJAS LAUKSAIMNIECIBAS UNIVERSITATE LLU, LV HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, FO Niuernermik Ilinniarfik, GL Network 28855 Nordplus-nätverk for socialpsykologi Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Karmela Liebkind Network description Nätverkets målsättning är att utvidga undervisningen av socialpsykologi i hela Norden och göra den mera mångsidig. Förutom student- och lärarutbytet byter universiteten också studiehandböcker och annat material som kan berika undervisningen i nätverkets olika universitet. Granted funds Mobility Partners ROSKILDE UNIVERSITET, DK HÁSKÓLINN Í REYKJAVIK, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE 61 STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29236 Socialt arbete och migration Coordinator LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE Norma Montesino Network description Att öka kunskaper om migration inom socionomutbildningen genom kursutveckling på grund- och avancerad nivå. På grundnivån handlar det om att införa nya moment i redan befintliga program. På avancerad nivå avser vi utveckla kurser där de nordiska erfarenheterna och kunskaperna kommer till godo. Nätverket Migration i Socialt Arbete ska skapa ett utbyte mellan olika Socialhögskolor i Norden (Högskolan i Oslo, Aalborg universitet i Danmark och Malmöhögskolan, Linköping universitet och Lunds universitet i Sverige). Syftet är att etablera ett kontinuerligt utbyte mellan de olika lärosäten för att utveckla kurser på grund- och avancerad nivå som behandlar socialt arbete utifrån ett migrationsperspektiv. På grundnivån handlar det om att införa nya moment i de redan befintliga program, på avancerad nivå syftar vi till att utveckla kurser där de nordiska erfarenheterna och kunskaper kommer till godo Granted funds Network activities Partners AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Network 29789 Kunskapsproduktion i socialt arbete Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Ilse Julkunen Network description Nätverkets målsättning är att stödja utbildningen för innovativ och kollektiv kunskapsproduktion försocialarbetare. För att uppnå detta mål utvecklar nätverket nya former av intensifierat samarbete och lärar- och studentutbyte. För det trettonde nätverksåret (2012-2013) gäller vår ansökan medel för att vidareutveckla nätverksverksamheten och lärarutbytet samt att intensifiera studentutbytet. Särskilt vill vi satsa på att utveckla goda metodiska grepp för kunskapsutveckling i praxisfältet i socialt arbete/välfärdstjänster och utveckla gemensamt undervisningsmaterial samt sprida nordiskt undervisningsmaterial genom nordiska seminarieserier och genom utvecklingen av en öppen webbplattform. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK 62 VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 29845 Nordplusnetværk i Statskundskab Coordinator AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK Birgit Kanstrup Network description Formålet med Nordplus-netværket i statskundskab er at skabe en ramme for udveksling af studerende mellem 20 politologiske universitetsinstitutter i Norden. Politologi forstås i bred forstand, dvs. komparativ politik, international politik og organisation, offentlig forvaltning, offentlig politik, policystudier, sociologi og metode samt politisk teori. Netværket er organiseret med én koordinator (fra Aarhus Universitet) og en kontaktperson på hvert af de deltagende institutter. Netværket giver også mulighed for lærermobilitet mellem de deltagende institutter. Nordplus-netværket i statskundskab har eksisteret siden 1990 og har i den forløbne periode fungeret fortræffeligt med et meget stort antal udvekslinger af studerende mellem alle de deltagende universitetsinstitutter samt det seneste akademiske år også lærerudveksling. Granted funds Mobility Partners KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI VAASAN YLIOPISTO - VASA UNIVERSITET, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE 63 Network 29941 Nordresurs Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI gunilla hedvig björklund Network description I denna ansökan fokuserar vi primärt på följande punkter: En ömsesidig studentmobilitet och marknadsföringen av Nordresurs för våra studerande inom nätverket. Lärarmobilitet utgående från frågorna: vilka är de olika högskolornas styrkor och specialkunskaper och hur vi inom nätverket kan tillvara ta dem för spridning. Nätverket omfattas av följande högskolor Yrkeshögskolan Novia (Finland),Göteborgs Universitet (Sverige), UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND(Danmark) och Högskolan i Akershus.(Norge)Studentmobilitet för minst 3 månader och lärarmobilitet. Vi har fått många förfrågningar om studentmobilitet mellan våra Nordiska länder och i denna ansökan vill vi ta fasta på detta. Lärarmobiliteten tar fasta på frågan hur kan vi utöka kunskapen mellan våra respektiva länder och stöda studeranden under mobiliteten. Inom nätverket vill vi även utveckla och planera en intensivkurs för följande ansökan (2013-2014) med temat "exposure". Nätverket har fungerat sedan 1996 och inom nätverket har både student-och lärarmobiliteten upplevts som positivt. Studentmobiliteten ser vi inom nätverket som värdefull och därför vill vi utveckla den att involvera alla länder inom nätverket. Lärarmobiliteten har gett ny kunskap och även varit av informativ karaktär. Att ta tillvara andra högskolors satsningsområden via lärarmobilitet har tillfört värdefull kunskap som har kunnat användas i läroplansarbete. Den komparativa kunskapen har fungerat som kvalitetssäkrande genom att vi inom nätverket har kunnat sprida det aktuella som berör det socialpedagogiska arbetet bland barn, unga och familj. Vi har upplevt nätverket positivt och vi är motiverade för samarbete och ser värdet av mobilitet och utvecklandet av en internationalisering viktig. Nätverket Nordresurs vill yfta fram läroplansarbetet. Det Nordiska nätverket har alltid haft barn, unga och familj i fokus och det vill vi fortsätta med. Inom nätverket har vi tagit del av varandras läroplaner och kartlagt vilka arbetsmetoder vi kunde utveckla och använda oss av (2010-2011)gemensamt inom nätverket. Vi har nu detta år (2012) fastnat för metoden Exposure som en pedagogisk metod för att utveckla interkulturell kompetens, medborgarskap, samfundstillhörighet och metoden som ett arbetssätt mellan inklusion och exklusion. I framtiden vill vi även ordna intensivkurser inom området. Det Nordiska samarbetet ger oss möjligheter att sprida och tillvara kunskapen på en bred bas. Nätverket har erfarenheter av uppbyggande och genomförande av intensivkurser och på sikt vill nätverket betona denna form av verksamhet. Nätverket har som mål att överleva och utvecklas att omfatta även Island. Därför håller vi på inom nätverket att kartlägga möjliga högskolor som erbjuder studier inom det sociala området. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK Network 30221 Nordpaed Diversity in Nordic welfare states Coordinator YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Susanne Jungerstam Network description The purpose of the project is to enhance and to exchange knowledge between partner instituitions in respect of mutual fields of interest, focussing on different aspects of diversity in present-day Nordic societies. Troughout ten years, the Nordpead network has organised two successful intensive courses, in addition to realizing student mobility as well as teacher mobility, resulting in a close cooperation between partner institutions. The aim in 2012-2013 is to meet on a 64 regular basis, both physically and virtually, for detailed planning for our next intensive course to be held in 2013-2014. Nordpead is a network engaging higher education institutions in the field of social work and social pedagogy. Mobility is an important element of the network, enhancing the diffusion of ideas, knowledge, understanding and methods of work. In the 2012-2013 period we aim to develop both our common and specialized competencies into a realizeable plan for an intensive course to be held in 2013-2014, involving both students and staff from all partner institutions. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I HARSTAD, NO PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE Network 30280 Transition Studies Network Understanding Societal Change: Developing the Regional Consortium for Advancement of Transition Studies Coordinator TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE Kerly Espenberg Network description The Consortium deals with Transition Studies, understood as the study of fundamental economic, political, and social changes. In a regionally specific aspect, the study of transition deals also with the European Union development cooperation, as one of the significant influences of transition among the post-Communist countries of Eastern Europe. Transition is not a sui generis problem related exclusively to post-Communist countries. Rather, the lessons learned from the post-Communist experiences might be extended to non-Communist countries having experienced fundamental institutional breakdowns. The study of transition related topics has thus both scholarly interest and political relevance. The purpose of the Consortium is to provide and ensure a standing forum for the improvement of teaching and learning within the interdisciplinary field of Transition Studies. The activities of the Consortium include (1) development of common curricula and teaching methodologies, (2) teacher and student express mobility visits facilitating the establishment of enduring cross-cutting contacts among the participating institutions, their faculty, and students, and (3) dissemination of the result both among partners and to a broader audience, including political decision makers. Granted funds Mobility, network activities Partners KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30291 Nordisk pædagogik uddannelsessamarbejde Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Sara Crone 65 Network description Formålet med netværket er at samarbejde om udveksling af studenter og lærere indenfor netværket med henblik på at fremme forståelse og deltage aktivt i at udvikle nordisk pædagogik og uddanelsespædagogik. Det er formålet gennem udveksling at fremme forståelse for forskelle og samarbejdsmuligheder inden for nordisk socialt arbejde særlig indenfor pædagogiske og social pædagogiske uddannelser. På studenterplan er formålet at fremme mobilitet indenfor nætværkets institutioner herunder primært udveksling af af praktikuddannelsessteder. Denne mobilitet giver megen inspiration og gensidig forståelse for såvel den enkelte student som for de deltagende praksisuddannelsessteder. Det er i dette år lykkes at indgå en partnerskabsaftale mellem UCC, Høgskolen i Lillehammer og 2 institutioner om mere kontinuerligt at modtage studenter. Disse partnerskabsaftaler åbner mulighed for mere kontinuerlig udveksling. En model som skal afprøves og evalueres. På lærerplan er fokus på faglig udveksling og videndeling indenfor de pædagogiske uddannelser hvor gæstelærere kan bringe ny perspektiver og nordisk forståelse ind i uddannelserne. Den på UCC afholdte Networks workshop " Nordisk pædagogik workshop" med deltagere fra netværkets uddannelsesinstitutioners lærere gav stor inspiration til såvel deltagende studernter som lærere og medførte for UCC efterfølgende udvikling af konkrete undervisningsforløb. At udvikle muligheder der er tiltrækkende således at der skabes interesse for at deltage og bidrage til at udvikle det nordiske uddannelsessamarbejde indenfor de pædagogiske og sociale uddannelser. Gennem kontinuerligt samarbejde både indenfor netværket men også med eventuelle praktikinstitutioner at fremme kvaliteten af mobiliteten bl.a. ved indgåelse af partnerskabsaftaler der muliggør mere kontinuerlig udveksling og samarbejde. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE HØGSKOLEN I LILLEHAMMER, NO Network 30454 Nordplus Network in Psychology Nordplus Network in Psychology Coordinator JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI Raimo Lappalainen Network description The overall purpose of the activities in this Nordplus network is to enhance the cooperation between Nordic universities in the area of Psychology and especially the professional education in the area. The Nordplus Network in Psychology aims at collaboration of Psychology Departments in 17 Nordic Universities. The main purpose of the activities in the network is to provide psychology students the opportunity to study in another Nordic country, to provide Psychology teachers and researchers opportunities for visits at Nordic Universities and for discussions on the common topics of education, supervision and research, and to develop and strengthen collaboration in professional Psychology education in the Nordic countries. Granted funds Mobility Partners AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI 66 ÅBO AKADEMI, FI ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE Network 30554 Nordisk kulturnetværk Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO Ellinor Young Network description Prosjektet skal ha som mål å fokusere profesjonsutdanningene samarbeid med arbeidslivet. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Perorsaanermik Ilinniarfik Ilulissat, GL MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS 14 Teaching and Teacher Training Network 28541 Nordplus Network for Teacher Education Education for all in new settings Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Yulia Tinyakova Network description The purpose of the network is to strengthen the quality of teacher education in the Baltic-Nordic region through continuous exchange of knowledge. This can be achieved through teacher and student exchange within established educational programmes, which offer opportunities of professional and intercultural meetings in relation to educational themes; as well as by collaboration within newly developed intensive course with a focus on inclusive education. Some of the focus areas of the network are intercultural competences, cultural and linguistic meetings, educational systems and self-reflection of and within the region. In addition to student and teacher mobility, the network also cooperates via network meetings and short visits of the administrative staff, as well as development meetings. This gives an opportunity for enhancing intercultural and language skills of the personnel of the institutions involved in the network as well as bring intercultural awareness within institutions. Such meetings form the platform for reaching a mutual understanding of ideas and concepts, help exchanging ideas for continued development of courses and programmes for the benefit of the network purpose. The network is working with intensive programmes as they offer the opportunity of in-depth knowledge and the 67 cooperation between a large group of partners in one project, which in turn facilitates that knowledge is communicated to a large group of participants. The network recognizes that teachers and educators have a central role in communicating knowledge and spreading the ideas of equality, democracy and understanding within a single society and between cultures. The Network’s aim is to develop well-functioning cooperation between teacher educational institutions in a Baltic-Nordic region with a focus on developing mutual understanding between cultures and sharing knowledge within the area of teacher education. The network promotes student and teacher mobility as key activities by which the students and teachers get an opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the member institutions and the Nordic and Baltic societies in general, extend their multicultural and multilingualon orientation, as well as develop their professional competences as (future) teachers. The project year 2012-13 continues focusing on the overall topic 'education for all' as it is recognised as a key topic in teacher education by all partner institutions, and needs further discussion and cooperation. The intensive course which is planned to be carried out for the third time in autumn 2012 is focused on inclusion, a relevant area of cooperation within the network, and seen as an important part of network cooperation, exchange of multicultural knowledge and effective tool of bring awareness to the topic of inclusion within education and society. The project applies for mobility grants for the exchange of teacher and students (including express mobility grants), grants for the projected intensive course and grants for network activities and project development. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s), development projects Partners VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, LT KLAIPEDOS VALSTYBINE KOLEGIJA, LT HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 28633 TEN - Teacher Education Network TEN PROJECT 2011-2013 : MYTHOLOGY, CULTURE AND IDENTITY IN THE BALTICNORDIC COUNTRIES Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO Torunn Bakken Hauge Network description The Teacher Education Network TEN is applying for funding from the Nordplus program in order to continue the three year expanded project with three different intensive courses - all of them with the same heading: Mythology, culture and identity in the Baltic -Nordic countries - each year with a different host with a different focus and heading. This year we want to focus upon Norse mythology through drama and the arts . Through the different activities we want to strengthen the Baltic – Nordic dimension in cultural identity through esthetic subjects and contribute to qualitative development by 68 using different specialities all the institutions in the network can offer. The target group of students - bachelor students within teacher education – will benefit for a program with a broader perspective and a wider understanding than each institution on their own can provide. TEN is with this proposal applying for a second intensive course in the 3 year project Mythology, culture and identity in the Baltic - Nordic countries, planned for 2011 – 2013. The title of the intensive course 2012 is: Norse mythology through drama and arts, and will take place in Slagelse in Denmark at University College Zealand week 43, 2012. Part three will take place at Siauliai University in September 2013 and have the title Cultural identity through Baltic myth, folklore and arts. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK ÅBO AKADEMI, FI ITÄ-SUOMEN YLIOPISTO - ÖSTRA FINLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK DAUGAVPILS UNIVERSITATE DU, LV ŠIAULIU UNIVERSITETAS, LT GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE Network 28635 NNME - Nordic Network for Music Education NNME PROJECT 2011- 13: Sustainable Development in Music Education Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO Torunn Bakken Hauge Network description The purpose of the three year project is to explore the big topic: Susainable Development in Music Education from a Baltic - Nordic perspective from different angles. The three year project consist of three intensive courses - one course with a different host, focus and subtitle for each year. The first course with the title Challenges and possibilities of plurality and change in music education was held at the Universitry of Ørebro in week 45 in 2011 and was very successful ( se report on homepage ) . The second course with the title : From reproduction of tradition to production of new culture, is to be held in Riga in week 45 2012. Through the different activities we want to strengthen the Baltic -Nordic dimention in music education and contribute to qualitative development by using the different specialities all the institution in the network can offer. The target group of students - master students in music education will benefit from a program with a broader perspective and a wider understanding than each institution on their own can provide. A new three year project with the title Sustainable development in music education form a Baltic Nordic perspective started in 2011 with an intensive course at Ørebro University. The subtitle was Challenges and possibilities for plurality and change in music education . The subtitle of part 2 in our three year project is : From reproduction of tradition to production of new culture - life long learning in music . The seminar will be organized by Riga Teacher Training and Educational Managemnet Academy together in cooperation with the NNME coordinator . The third intensive seminar will be held at Estonian Academy for Music and Theatre in week 45 in 2013. Granted funds Mobility Partners NORGES MUSIKKHØGSKOLE, NO 69 UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO KUNGLIGA MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK RYTMISK MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA - SIBELIUS-AKADEMIN, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE RIGAS PEDAGOGIJAS UN IZGLITIBAS VADIBAS AKADEMIJA RPIVA, LV VILNIAUS PEDAGOGINIS UNIVERSITETAS, LT KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT ŠIAULIU UNIVERSITETAS, LT Network 28727 EDDA - Norden Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Karsten Arvedsen Network description The second phase of a joint master in Art Education is sugested in this application. The project is planned for a period of two years and the second year is now to be entered. Purpose, aims, activities etc. is thoroughly described in the relevant boxes in the application belove as point 3. A new activity is sugested: Digital media in art education Here follows the general purpose for EDDA Norden. 1. To establish and develop a network for debate and for the exchange of knowledge that reflects visual culture´s importance within Nordic culture in school, education and society. 2. To develop a long-term commitment to cooperation between the Nordic universities and university colleges that will offer students art education through the creation of Nordic network. 3. To further develop a joint Nordic platform for art education. 4. To promote tutor and student exchange in the Nordic countries. 5. To exchange information about the member countries´goals and the various Nordic education curricula. 6. To exchange knowledge of the Nordic image world on both primary and secondary level and to work towards an understanding of the Nordic countries as a rich and diverse society. 7. To encourage joint Nordic projects and research work within art education areas as well as informing target groups. 8. The network shall continually remain in contact with and update its information with leading international art education environments within and outside of Nordic countries. 1. Student- and teachermobility is still a central part of the networks activities 2. Two new institutions are applying for membership: 'see co-applicants'. Kaunas University has not returned the LOI here on the application deadline, but I am unable to remove them from the co-applicants 3. NEW PROJECT: Digital media in art education. Digital media play an increasing role in the educational system. The current experiences from digital art projects in Scandinavian teacher education need to be investigated in order to initiate a developing process with digital media in art teacher education. 70 We hereby apply for funding of a symposium (autumn 2012), where invited members of EDDA meet to present ICT-based art projects from a didactical perspective on teacher professionalization. This symposium should contribute to a premapping of current experiences in the field. Furthermore, the output of the symposium should result in a strategy for future collaboration between the participants in order to integrate digital media in art teacher education. 4. The continuation of the joint master program in art education is the main activity for the next year. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK KONSTFACK, SE LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO ÅBO AKADEMI, FI EESTI KUNSTIAKADEEMIA, EE AALTO- YLIOPISTO/UNIVERSITETET, FI HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK KAUNO KOLEGIJA, LT Network 28987 Völvu-net Praksis-Nord Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Bjørn Laigaard BL@VIAUC.DK Network description Formål Det nordiske netværk ”Praksis-Praksis” (nordiske og baltiske institutioner) har som formål at fremme og kvalificere undervisningen og praktikken i læreruddannelserne. Formålet med samarbejdet er at fremme den fælles nordiske kultur, den nordiske uddannelsestænkning, den nordiske forskningstradition og den fælles nordisk dannelsestradition. Målet er at: • øge lærer- og studentermobilitet. • fremme og kvalificere studenter- og lærermobilitet med henblik på at udvikle almene lærerfaglige kompetencer i et fælles nordisk perspektiv. • etablere partnerskaber på langs og på tværs i uddannelsessystemerne. • udvikle fælles nordiske aktiviteter for at kvalificere de studerendes praktik forløb. • etablere et fælles nordisk praktikskolenetværk i tilknytning til Nord-Praksis netværket for at kvalitetssikre de studerendes praktikforløb. • fremme og etablere udviklings- og forskningsprojekter, der er rettet mod læreruddannelserne. Det nuværende nordiske Völvü netværk skifter navn til det Praksis-Nord. Og vil med dette markere et skifte til en ny organisation og revideret målsætning. Det er også en markering af at der nu inviteres nye medlemmer med i netværket både fra de nordiske lande men også fra de baltiske lande. Fokus i det nye netværk vil fortsat være mobilitet. Men udvikling af et nordisk praktikskole netværk og hermed en kvalitetssikrin g af praktikophold vil i den kommende periode være et hovedfokus. Se i øvrigt vedhæftede reviderede Grundlagspapir med reviderede målsætninger, organisation samt fokusområder Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKULEN I SOGN OG FJORDANE, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK 71 LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS University College Lillebælt, DK HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO ÅBO AKADEMI, FI UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO UNIVERSITETET I STAVANGER, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 29232 NordFo. Nordic Forum for research and Development in Craft and Design Making, Materiality and Knowledge, MAcourse, september 2012 Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO Jostein Sandven Network description The purpose of this project is to give a Nordic MA-course to students within teacher education in the Making Professions. The students will meet the most up-to-date international research and researchers in the field and will have the opportunity to discuss this research with other MA-students from other Nordic institutions. Within the Making professions – the fields of art, design and architecture (ADA), the person makes something in something, using and producing knowledge as s/he works. Teacher education on MA level within these fields is aiming to train students to be the initiator, leader and supervisor of such making processes in primary, lower- and upper secondary schools, high schools and university colleges. This is a challenging task, and it is crucial that the MA-studies in this fields are based on research. Lately there has been a massive movement towards more field specific and inter- and transdisciplinary research or knowledge production within this area. To find ways to communicate the most updated knowledge to MA students and engage them in this research, is a task teacher education institutions throughout the Nordic countries are set out to solve. Notodden, Norway is the venue of the conference, “Making, an International Conference on Materiality and Knowlewedge, September 2012. This conference aims to provide an arena for discussions of research within Making Disciplines/Making Professions/Making Education. The conference is organized by the Nordic research network, NordFo. The conference takes an educational perspective on these key concepts. Questions asked, are: How can education in the Making Professions prepare the future citizens to identify and solve possible future challenges? What are the possible meanings, functions and consequences of materiality and material-related knowledge in such a context? The MA-course will attend all the key-note speeches, and both the large panel discussions. As the conference participants split into parallel sessions to follow paper presentations, the MA-students will meet their own instructor discussing and relating the lectures and discussions to their different MA-studies. Granted funds Mobility Partners GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI 72 PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE TALLINNA PEDAGOOGILINE SEMINAR, EE TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29324 Valid-Pippi: The innovative pedagogies of values Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK Jørgen Boelskov Network description Valid-Pippi is a network with partners from Denmark, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. An important goal for 2012-2016 will be the recruiting of partners from Estonia and The Faroe Islands. The main objective is to take on the challenging goals of innovation of the teaching of values and the curriculum of citizenship. The Valid-Pippi network has the objective to strengthen the double task of the educational system on all levels: To yield both professional knowledge and democratic training based on common values (hereunder climate issues and sustainable development). A secondary end is the development of cross national/professional e-learning methods. This aim will be equally emphasized in 2012-2016 and we aim at publishing on this subject as well as on the education of values and democratic citizenship. The activities are network building meetings, meetings for planning a combined course with two intensive courses (one in Vasa and the other in Oslo) and a 5 week period of e-learning in between, The carrying out of the course and the evaluation of the results with the aim to implement these into our local curricula of teacher training and the training of social educators. The network co-ordination institution (UC-Syddanmark, Kolding) has the responsibility of administration, network building, elearning system, students’ exchange, publication. Each of the institutions hosting a part of the combined course (Vasa and Oslo) are responsible for these courses and all teachers play a part as responsible for their own cross national e-leaning group’s progress Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE HÖGSKOLAN I SKÖVDE, SE ÅBO AKADEMI, FI MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV Network 29364 "Barnekultur og Barnekulturelle udtryk" "Barnets stemme i norden" Sproglige udtryk som mulighed for deltagelse og medindflydelse i en demokratisering. Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Kirsten Andreassen Network description Netværket består fortsat af Høgskolen i Vestfold, Norge, UCC Frøbel, Danmark, Åbo Akademi, Finland og Luleå Tekniske Universitet i Sverige. De fire uddannelses institutioner har samarbejdet i netværket i flere år, og har med kun en enkelt 73 partner udskiftning de sidste 6 år gennemført et fælles nordisk studieprogram på 30 ECTS. Tilbagemeldingerne på dette program har vært meget positive både fra CIMO, SIU og fra Nordisk Ministerråd, og studiet blev kåret til "Best Practice" i 2007. Fagpersoner i netværket har udgivet en bog med udgangspunkt i netværks samarbejdet. Den er udgivet på forlaget Novus, Oslo, 2009 Igen lægger vi op til et studie, som går over et semester og består af 30 ECTS, og som skal være med til at styrke det nordiske samarbejde indenfor pædagogisk arbejde med børn i førskole alderen. På baggrund af de ekstra midler til udvikling, som netværket modtog fra Nordplus forrige år, har en arbejdsgruppe under netværket arbejdet intenst på at videreudvikle netværket med fokus på både fornyelse og kvalitetssikring. Denne gruppes arbejde har – i vores nuværende projekt – allerede båret frugt, og fremover håber vi på en større kontinuitet, sammenhæng og progression i det, der foregår i - og blandt de deltagende lande. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I VESTFOLD, NO ÅBO AKADEMI, FI LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29505 Holbæk, Kalmar,Oslo, Volda, Vasa Coordinator UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SJÆLLAND, DK Sven Gerken Network description Netværkets hovedformål er at øge kendskab og forståelse for forskelle og ligheder i de nordiske læreruddannelser og skolevæsen, samt samarbejde om og skabe synergieffekt udfra fire aspekter: Studenterudveksling Lærerudveksling Netværksmøde Projekter (når sådanne kan etableres) Netværket har eksisteret siden begyndelsen af 1990erne med omfattende studenter-og lærermobilitet. Derudover har netværket gennemført et flerårigt korprojekt i forbindelse med musikfaget, et etårigt idrætsprojekt og et lærerprojekt med temaet "Visuel kultur i nordisk perspektiv". Herudover har studerende fra de deltagende institutioner deltaget i skoleovertagelse i Volda. Netværkets ambition er at videreudvikle mobilitit for såvel lærere som studerende og drage nytte heraf i bl.a. forbindelse med videreudvikling af lærerudannelserne. Netværket er veletableret og har knyttet forbindelse til såvel Grønland som Færøerne. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO HØGSKULEN I VOLDA, NO ÅBO AKADEMI, FI LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE 74 Network 29547 Álka - naturfagene i læreruddannelsen Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Birgitte Stougaard Network description Det overordnede mål for Álka er at styrke naturfagene i en læreruddannelse, der traditionelt er humanistisk orienteret, og hvor de naturfaglige miljøer er små. Det sker via udvikling af undervisning og af læreplaner, der tilgodeser en autentisk naturfagsundervisning med vægt på natur- og kulturarv, naturens kredsløb og de menneskeskabte ændringer, bæredygtighed og naturforvaltning og med fokus på livskvalitet og handlekompetence. I Álka sker dette udviklingsarbejde i et tæt netværkssamarbejde mellem naturfagsundervisere fra alle de nordiske lande, og hvor netværkets partnere repræsenterer forskellige naturfaglige og fagdidaktiske kompetencer. Disse forskellige kompetencer kommer hele netværket til gode via oplæg på de intensive kurser og i kraft af oplæg på partnerinstitutioner i forbindelse med mobilitet og det fælles udviklingsarbejde. Netop samarbejdet i nordisk regi byder på helt særlige muligheder, bl.a. omkring et fælles syn på demokrati og velfærd, regionens fælles miljøproblemer og løsningsmodeller samt en bevidst sprogpolitik (de nordiske sprog i forhold til engelsk). Men også forskellene i Norden gør det muligt både at nuancere og samtidig at tydeliggøre problemstillinger fx. i form af konsekvenser af klimaændringer, syn på miljøspørgsmål og menneskets forvaltning af naturgrundlaget. Nordplus netværket Álka giver dermed naturfagsundervisere og studerende i de nordiske lande mulighed for at udvikle undervisning i centrale klima- og miljøproblemer set ud fra et både lokalt, regionalt og globalt perspektiv. Sigtet er at styrke Nordiske skoleelevers livsduelighed nu og i fremtiden. Samlet set betyder Álka en enestående mulighed for at styrke en naturfagsdidaktik med stærke nordiske rødder - og udsyn! Netværket Álka er et eksempel på et konkret samarbejde mellem naturfagsundervisere fra alle lande i Norden. Álka lægger vægt på udvikling af naturfagsdidaktik, undervisning og læreplaner, og det sker bl.a. via udvikling af intensive kurser for studerende og lærere. Netværkets partnere repræsenterer forskellige naturfaglige og fagdidaktiske kompetencer, og denne diversitet kommer hele netværket til gode i det fælles udviklingsarbejde, ved oplæg på de intensive kurser og på partnerinstitutionerne. Alle lande/regioner er særdeles aktive på de intensive kurser (fastsat til 2 ECTS). Kurserne er det værdifulde omdrejningspunkt for netværket. Álka har en stærk repræsentation af Vest-Norden og for at tilgodese dette, holdes kurserne hvert andet år i Vest-Norden. Álka’s ansøgning for 2012-13 omhandler et intensivt kursus i Grønland og et udviklingsarbejde vedr. styrkelse af naturfagslæreres kompetencer i at planlægge undervisning om klimaændringer og naturens resurser, der tager udgangspunkt i børns forhåndsviden og kulturelle baggrund. Kursusindholdet for de intensive kurser varierer fra år til år, men ”klimaændringer” har været omdrejningspunkt for kurserne de sidste 6 år, mens "menneskets samspil med naturen" har været det helt gennemgående tema for alle kurser. Det intensive kursus i 2013 i Qaqortoq har titlen: “Havets Moder – myter, metaforer og modeller om menneskets samspil med naturen”. Netværksmøderne er vigtige i forhold til aftaler landene imellem omkring økonomi, arbejdsdeling og det fortsatte udviklingsarbejde. Mobilitet spiller en vigtig rolle, idet det styrker mulighederne for samarbejde på tværs af lande og regioner i Norden. For underviserne i Álka betyder det et større fagligt miljø på tværs af landene og for de studerende en introduktion til nordisk samarbejde. Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s) Partners Ilinniarfissuaq, GL HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI 75 Network 29923 ICE-Internordic Cooperation within Education Coordinator MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Mats Johnsson Network description The core purpose of the network is the regular exchange of students and teachers, and continous development in the field of teacher education. T support these activities, the network oranises an annual evaluation and planning meeting and creates possibilities for new development initiatives and new thematic groups. Through ongoing cooperation, the partners of th ICE network further their understanding of educational policies and educational prctices in the Nordic countries. They also take new initiatives and engage in developmental activities in the field of education and teacher training. The core of network cooperation is the exchange of students and staff. Since there is only funding for mobility the network did not have any meetings within the membergroup the last years. Granted funds Mobility Partners LAPIN YLIOPISTO - LAPPLANDS UNIVERSITET, FI OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Ilinniarfissuaq, GL HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO Network 29934 Promoting client-centred competence building [PROcompetence] Coordinator METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI Kaija Matinheikki Network description The EQF provides the framework for the quality of the HE in terms of the academic contents and curriculum model. The customer-centred approach is stressed in all Nordic countries, and strict professional boundaries will disappear. This project focuses on enhancing professional client-centered competence in diverse client communities within social and educational sectors. These sectors are suffering from shortage of professional staff and new bridging competencies need to be formulated. This challenges to rethink the design of education and educational processes, and to enhance teachers' and students' competences towards service-design approach in collaboration with working life. The pedagogical approach, methods and activities leading to client centered competence building need to invented, which will be the main objective of this project. The aim of the project is to promote customer-centred competence building in higher education. Teachers of participating HEIs together with working life partners reflect students’ work placement teaching methods and required competences in terms of clients’ needs. Collaboration will increase common understanding and approach to professional development. Granted funds Development projects Partners HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND, NO TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE MÄLARDALENS HÖGSKOLA, SE 76 Network 30040 Higher education Access to Geodetic Education for Society (AGES) Coordinator RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE RTU, LV Janis Kaminskis Network description The main aim is to strengthen professional network between teachers of geodesy within Baltic and Nordic countries, to exchange experience and disseminate knowledge as well to show for society importance of geosciences. All common project activities will also involve students from partner universities besides teachers. In our project, we will work together with regional partners. We have already had some seldom contacts and irregular email exchanges. Thus, AGES will allow us to establish core of geodesy with common and easy accessible web page for educators and students. In addition, we will form a common policy in our specialty following the needs of society in accordance with EU directives, for example INSPIRE. Furthermore, we will focus on geodesy topics, quality of education and capacity as well as reliability of produced geospatial data for society needs. For this purpose, we will exchange best practices between partner universities in three Baltic countries, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. As our educational and research directions are rather specific, we will have close contacts and be able to carry out common activities with high level benefits for our universities. Invited lecturers from all involved partners will give lectures at the partner universities. Finally, the study programs of all AGES partners will become more beneficial for students and more structured. Granted funds Mobility Partners VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS (VGTU), LT TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE RIGAS TEHNISKA UNIVERSITATE RTU, FI KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN, SE UNIVERSITETET FOR MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAP, NO DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK Network 30075 TURID Green Care Tourism in the Nordic- Baltic Region Coordinator ROVANIEMEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Teija Tekoniemi-Selkälä Network description The primary purpose of this 3 – year- project is to develop students’ knowledge and awareness in sustainable, innovative and health promotional - related tourism and in customers´ emotional and transformational experiences within the Green Care –concept in the Nordic – Baltic –cultural context. There is no one definition for Green Care – concept as it can be applied in various branches of business including interbranch applications. According to the Association of Green Care in Finland ( Green Care can be commonly perceived as "sustainable and target-oriented activities in nature and in rural environments which contribute to the wellbeing and quality of life of a human being." In this project the focus is to create understanding about the versatile Green Care –concept and how it is and/or can be applied in practice in the context of sustainable, innovative and health promotional - related tourism business and culture in different parts of the Nordic – Baltic Region. Students, educators and the local stakeholders will share knowledge and expertise which enables them to gain emotional and transformational experiences and to contribute to their professional development. The project will lead to an accumulated knowledge base of the Green Care –concept which is transferred, interpreted, developed and disseminated during the co-creation process in each intensive course. After the 3-year-period there will be a 77 holistic evaluation of the results based on the yearly evaluations and monitoring of each intensive course. This application is for the first intensive course within the frame for the main objective set above. The focus of the TURID project of 2013 will be: exploring and mapping of the possibilities, applications and best practices of Green Care –concept. Both theoretical and practical approaches are employed during the intensive course - 1st-year-project activities. The coordinator of the project is Rovaniemi University of Applied Sciences (RUAS), Finland and the project network “TURID” involves 7 partners in 5 Nordic and Baltic countries with 20 students and 8 - 10 teachers, as well as 3 teachers conducting video lectures. The preparatory stage of the project starts in June 2012 with a network meeting of the partners in Finland, Rovaniemi, and continues from September 2012 to January 2013 with video conferences, lectures and student assignments. The preparatory work is realized via web-based learning environments. The first intensive course (in the academic year 2012-13) will take place in Finnish and Swedish Lapland by the Bay of Bothnia during Jan. – Feb. 2013. During the 6-day-course students will visit local companies and organizations, analyze and discuss Green Care related issues with local stakeholders. Students, educators and the local stakeholders will share knowledge and expertise which enables them to gain emotional and transformational experiences and to contribute to their professional development. The two other similar intensive courses to come (academic years 2013-14 and 2014 – 15) will be organized in other destinations within Nordic-Baltic Region within the overall frame for the 3-year project set above. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOL, EE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI ARCADA - NYLANDS SVENSKA YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI Biznesa augstskola "Turiba" BAT, LV HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO Network 30121 Læring og praktik Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Lars Lund Network description Formålet er en udveksling vedr uddannelsespraktik mellem studerende på pædagoguddannelserne i Norden, samt at have mulighed for at følge et semester i et andet nordisk land. Herudover etablerer korte studieforløb knyttet til evt feltarbejde, der indgår i den studerndes uddannelse. Endelig at etablerer lærerudveksling i forbindelse med mobilitet inden for pædagogik, specialisering, og de mere skabende og naturorienternede fagområder. Mobilitetsansøgning med lærerudveksling, studenterudveksling, ndervisningsophold, studier og forskning. Der er tale om mobilitetsansøgning samt om ekspresmobilitet og der er derfor ikke tale om en projektansøgning. Granted funds Mobility Partners Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO 78 Network 30150 Together Qualified teachers for children under three in day care. A joint Nordic and Baltic project for improving teacher education. Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Jan-Erik Johansson Network description The main goal of the project is to strengthen the focus on well-being and quality of life for children under the age of three in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in teacher education. The project also aims to as improve teaching pedagogics for children under the age of three in the participating network institutions. Sharing knowledge between Nordic and Baltic settings concerning the youngest children through teacher exchange is seen as an important tool for developing the competence of educators in teacher education. The network will continue to develop knowledge concerning pedagogical work with children under three in various groups in Nordic/Baltic settings. The comparative perspectives can contribute to knowledge and increased understanding between the countries. A core element will be sharing knowledge concerning theoretical issues and cultural practices in the participating countries and through a comparative lens contribute to further development of educating students for working with under threes. Through a strengthened focus on the very young in teacher education, our intention is to contribute to increase the quality for the youngest in ECEC. Granted funds Mobility Partners JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK Network 30215 NATGREP Utvikling av felles nordisk studiemodul for førskolelærerutdanningen: læring av naturfagbegreper hos barnehagebarn Coordinator HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND, NO Merete Økland Sortland Network description Prosjektet har sitt utgangspunkt i et Nordisk nettverk etablert i 2011 i regi av Nordplus. Hovedmålet med nettverksarbeidet er å ferdigstille en felles nordisk studiemodul for førskolelærerutdanningen som har fokus på innlæring av naturfaglige begreper i barnehagen utført av førskolelærerstudenter og ansatte. Denne studiemodulen er påbegynt slik som planlagt i prosjekt HE-2011_1a-26327. Barna skal erfare og få den første kjennskap av begrepene når de er yngre enn de er i dag. Dette ønsker vi skal bli den første starten for barnas livslang læring i naturvitenskapene. Dette vil gi oss en bred bakgrunn for utvikle og spre innovative læringsprosesser gjennom systematisk utveksling av erfaringer og god praksis. Arbeidet har to delmål. Det første har sitt utgangspunkt i bærekraftig utvikling: barna skal bli aktive samfunnsborgere som helt fra tidlig alder forstår verdien for å ta vare på jorden vår. Ved at barna får grunnleggende kunnskaper i naturfag/naturvitenskap i barnehagen lærer de å bli glade i jorda vår med alt sitt mangfold. Det blir da lettere for barna å forstå når de vokser til at vi må sikre livsgrunnlaget vårt, og at vi må gjøre noe med det at vi mennesker er i ferd med å skade det permanent ved å påvirke klimaet for mye. Det andre delmålet å bli mer kjente med hverandres språk og kultur, slik at vi kan bidra til å skape et felles nordisk-baltisk utdanningsområde. Granted funds Network activities 79 Partners HÖGSKOLAN KRISTIANSTAD, SE AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO NLA HØGSKOLEN, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 30226 Praktiksamarbejde i Norden Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Lars Lund Network description Når vi i denne ansøgning også koncentrere os om mobilitet, er det fordi der blandt de studerende er en stærk stigende interesse for både studieophold og praktikophold i nordisk perspektiv. Hidtil har de studerende søgt mod fjernere himmelstrøg, men flere har fået øje på det nordiske kulturfælleskab mangfoldighed og muligheder for en højere grad af videndeling, i en nordisk kultur, herunder også enkulturforståelse, og måske enddog større fagligt udbytte, end man kan få uden for Norden. Samarbejdet vil kunne styrke undervisnings-og læringsmetoder, sætte perspektiver på viden, og inden for nogle af samarbejdsfællesskaberne især have betydning for de mange muligheder, der er i den nordiske natur i forbindelse med outdoor-pædagogik, i andre områder inden for pyskiatri og det socialpædagogsike arbejdet der er forbundet her. Andre er optaget af amarbejdet med mennekser med nedsat funktionsevne og andre er igen optaget af det helt almindelige pædagogiske og sociale arbejde med børn og unge. Ekspres-mobilitet, feltarbejde i forbindelse med undervisningsforløb, dataindsamling mv. Mobilitet i forbindelse med praktikophold for lærerstud, soc.rådgiverstud. og pæd.stud. Undervisermobilitet i forbindelse med forskning og udviklingsarbejde samt professionsrelateret netværkssamarbejde. Styrkelse af det tværprofessionelle samarbejde. Granted funds Mobility Partners Perorsaanermik Ilinniarfik Ilulissat, GL Ilisimatusarfik, GL HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK 80 Network 30463 Nordic Master in Educational Leadership (NMEL) Coordinator KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE Anders Arnqvist Network description Developing a joint Nordic Master in Educational Leadership (NMEL). The five institutions developing this joint Nordic Master in Educational Leadership have experience providing school leadership programs at different levels. These programs consist of traditional academic and tailored made courses. Examples of the latter are national head-teacher training programs commissioned by state authorities. All partners have broad experience of international collaboration. It has become clear to the partners that the Nordic perspective on educational policy, school development, learning and leadership need to be highlighted as one alternative, complementary to the Anglo-Saxon perspective, which tend to dominate such questions. Therefore we have agreed creating a new master program in educational leadership (as opposed to Educational Management often used internationally). Designing the program is going to be based on the expressed needs/regulations as they are perceived by the participating institutions. By establishing this new network we also see that the project can contribute to student and staff mobility, particularly those involved in educational leadership training programs, but also teacher training programs. In addition we envisage broader exchange between the educational systems, including leaders in schools and kinder-gardens, school owners, teachers and students. Granted funds Development projects Partners HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV HØGSKOLEN I HEDMARK, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 30478 Nettverket Barn, natur og kultur i Norden Kulturarvspedagogikk i barnehøyde - Urbefolkning Coordinator DRONNING MAUDS MINNE, NO Marit Hallset Svare Network description Vi ønsker å fortsette det gode samarbeidet i nettverket ved å avslutte kursrekken om kulturarvspedagogikk i et lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt perspektiv for 5-6-åringene, med å fokusere på urbefolkning generelt og sørsamer spesielt. Målet er å dyktiggjøre studentene gjennom teoretisk kunnskap om utfordringer urbefolkninger møter i dag, og ved et mer praktisk innblikk i én gruppes kultur spesielt. Målet med dette kurset er derfor dels å ta opp på prinsipielt plan spørsmål som berører alle urbefolkninger: hvordan man skal kunne ivareta og styrke barn fra disse gruppene i barnehagen, gi de andre barna et godt og adekvat inntrykk av hva gruppen representerer, og spesielle utfordringer som disse gruppene står overfor i møte med en verden i endring og utvikling. Dels søker vi å øke kunnskapen om den nordiske urbefolkningen, deres verdigrunnlag, levesett og kulturelle uttrykksformer. Ønsket er å ha én uke hvor studentene kan få være i et samisk miljø og lære ved den tilnærmingen vi ønsker for barnehagen, nemlig oppleve gjennom alle sansene. Vi håper at det dermed vil være lettere for studentene å ta med seg disse erfaringene hjem og ut til barna de møter. Sluttproduktet denne gangen er utvikling av materiale som alle studentene kan ta med seg hjem, spre på sitt studiested, og prøve ut sammen med barna i sine respektive hjemland. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÖGSKOLAN I BORÅS, SE 81 UNIVERSITY COLLEGE NORDJYLLAND, DK ÅBO AKADEMI, FI University College Lillebælt, DK HØGSKOLEN I NESNA, NO MITTUNIVERSITETET, SE Network 30575 SPICA - Nordiske nuancer i mødet med globale udfordringer Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Birgitte Stougaard Network description Netværket SPICA er en konkret udmøntning af Bologna-erklæringens vision i en nordisk ramme. Overordnet og samfundsmæssigt drejer det sig om at udvikle forståelsen af velfærdsstat og velfærdssamfund, der hviler på et fælles værdigrundlag, som bl.a. indbefatter tolerance, demokratisk holdning, solidaritet, social bevidsthed, medansvar for andre og opmærksomhed omkring bæredygtig udvikling. Målet for SPICA netværket er at udvikle fælles moduler/kurser samt deltagernes didaktiske og faglige undervisningskompetencer inden for tre hovedområder, der står stærkt i de nordiske landes læseplaner for læreruddannelser: • Bæredygtighed (Education for Sustainability) • Medborgerskab (Citizenship Education) • Interkulturalitet (Intercultural Education) Medlemmerne af netværket har alle en særlig ekspertise inden for hovedområderne og mange års erfaring fra forskning og undervisning på læreruddannelsesinstitutioner i Norden. Alle nordiske lande er repræsenteret i netværket fra Grønland i vest til Finland i øst. Granted funds Mobility, intensive course(s) Partners Ilinniarfissuaq, GL HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI HÖGSKOLAN I SKÖVDE, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE Network 30682 Vestnordisk Netværk Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Lars Lund Network description Det Vestnordiske Netværk har til formål at udveksle, fastholde og udvikle nordiske socialpædagogiske traditioner og praksiser gennem en udbygget og styrket kontakt mellem pædagogiske uddannelser i det vestnordiske område. Aktiviteterne, som omfatter mobilitet, netværksstøtte og intensivkursus, skal gerne medvirke til skærpet indsigt i, inspiration og innovation i forhold til både den enkelte partners og fælles uddannelsesaktiviteter og herigennem til 82 socialpædagogisk praksis. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO Perorsaanermik Ilinniarfik Ilulissat, GL VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO Network 30854 NIL - Nabosprog i Læreruddannelsen Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Lis Madsen Network description Formålet med projektet er at videreudvikle og vedligeholde det etablerede netværk bestående af nordiske læreruddannere med henblik på at fremme og styrke forståelsen af sprog, kultur og didaktik i Norden i almindelighed og nabosprogsdidaktik i læreruddannnelsen i særdeleshed. Et nyt mål for netværket i de kommende 2 år vil være at afprøve og udvikle nyt undervisningsmateriale til nabosprogsundervisning i læreruddannelserne. I projektets første femten måneder er det lykkedes at etablere et netværk mellem 12 nordiske læreruddannere fra 6 forskellige læreruddannelsesinstitutioner i Norden, med repræsentation fra Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland. Der er interesse for netværket i andre læreruddannelsesinstitutioner og vi vil bruge den kommende periode til at etablere nye kontakter mhp. en senere udvidelse af vores netævkr. Netværket har haft to typer aktivitet, nemlig møder i de respektive lande for hele netværksgruppen samt en udvekslingsordning, hvor læreruddannerne gæsteunderviser i nabolandenes læreruddannelser. De lærerstuderende møder hermed gæsteunderviserens sprog, og gennem undervisningen skabes et privilegeret indblik i gæsteunderviserens litteratur, sprog og kultur. Undervisning i nabosprog i grundskolen er et fælles tredje, som det er muligt at drøfte med de lærerstuderende, der skal rustes til at give deres elever adgang til det nordiske sprog- og kulturfællesskab. Der planlægges som udgangspunkt 2 besøg af ca. 1 uges varighed til hver læreruddannelsesinstitution, i alt ca. 24 besøg i perioden. Netværket ønsker i den kommende periode at udvide aktiviteten med udvikling af dels nabosprogsdidaktiske artikler, og dels undervisningsmateriale til nabosprogsundervisning. Der er i indeværende periode produceret en film til de lærerstuderende, og der skrives i marts 2012 en fælles didaktisk artikel om lytteforståelse. Et af netværkets fortrin er det personlige møde mellem gæsteunderviser og lærerstuderende og mellem de nordiske læreruddannere. Det giver anledning til udveksling af såvel modersmåls- som nabosprogsdidaktik og desuden til sammenligning af uddannelser og grundskoler i de nordiske lande. Granted funds Network activities Partners HØGSKOLEN I SØR-TRØNDELAG, NO HÖGSKOLAN KRISTIANSTAD, SE HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO ÅBO AKADEMI, FI PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK 83 Network 30855 NordETEN - social education and teacher training mobility Coordinator PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK Helle Schousboe Network description NordETEN, Nordic European Teacher Education Network, aims to develop the Nordic cooperation in an international context of the education of teachers and professional bachelor of social educators (early childhood and children and youth), here referring to "Nordic" as a joint description of Nordic and Baltic countries. NordETEN is a network consisting of the Nordic institutions with ETEN - European Teacher Education Network. The countries represented are Lithuania, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway. The network focuses on the Nordic contribution to teacher, early childhood and social pedagogy education in the European context, through academic cooperation of joint study programmes and through student and teacher exchange for study and practice programmes. The aim is to give the students insight in the Nordic way of living, society, welfare state, education and culture and professional practice, and that students from Nordic and Baltic countries have the opportunity to experience each other's educational systems and cultural traits. The network aims to have a joint Nordic voice within the European network ETEN as well as to join in discussions and work with partners of other countries. The target educational sector of this project is teacher education, stretching from Early childhood Education, over child protection and social educational practice to Pre-School Teachers to Lower Secondary School Teachers. Within the network the partner institutions have developed several programmes of a 3 month length, taught in English. In these programmes the Nordic dimension is central and the Nordic culture, society and especially the Nordic practice related to welfare is taught and transmitted as a basis for more comparative studies in international classes and practice placements. Examples of such courses are Myths, Fairytales and legends, Fjords and Glaciers, Danecult etc. A large part of the mobility grants are intended to be used for participation in such programmes, as it is essential in these programmes that also Nordic students participate and ensures interesting comparative discussions between the Nordic students and other international students.These kinds of discussions give to the Nordic dimension a perspective and strengthen the goal learning from each other. The above mentioned programmes have existed for many years, but since Lithuania joined the network, it will be important also the have Lithuanian participants. The teacher mobility grants are to be used for teachers as guest lecturers in connection with these programmes, as well as with other kinds of academic cooperation or arrangements such as International weeks. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN UCC, DK ŠIAULIU UNIVERSITETAS, LT OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE HØGSKOLEN STORD/HAUGESUND, NO VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE SYDDANMARK, DK 84 Network 30886 Nordlær Coordinator DEN FRIE LÆRERSKOLE, DK Stig Rune Holm Network description Netværket tager sigte på at udveksle studerende, lærere og administrativt personale mhp. at supplere de deltagende institutioners uddannelser, give muligheder for praktik, udvikle fag/curricula. pædagogik og didaktik, udvikle ledelsesformer og evalueringsformer samt styrke nordisk samhørighed gennem kendskab til hinandens uddannelsessystemer, historie og kultur Netværkets mål i det kommende år er at fokusere på udvikling af fag i læreruddannelsen, hvor der kan læres meget gennem udveksling, feks. håndværksfag, musik, drama mv. Fagenes didaktiske dimension vil være af særlig interesse, derfor vægtes udeskoledidaktik og historiedidaktik. Herudover vil bæredygtighed og alternative evalueringsformer være af interesse. Granted funds Mobility Partners HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE Network 31043 Nordhimmel Udvikling af den faglige kompetence inden for undervisning og praksis med behandlingskrævende børn og unge på et behandlingshjem Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Lars Lund Network description Der er tale om mobilitet med formålet at sætte fokus på I hvor høj grad er den teori der anvendes på uddannelsesinstitutionerne brugbare i forhold til praksis og hvilke muligheder er der for at udvikle nye teorier i arbejdet med særlig udsatte børn. Fagligt kompetente personer fra behandlingshjemmet Himmelbjergården I Danmark, Behandlingshjemmet Sariliak, Illlissat og fra Pædagoguddannelsen Jydsk samt Socialpædagogisk Seminarium i Grønland skal sammen og i et fælles samarbejde udvikle undervisningsmetode og praksis inden for arbejdet med behandlingskrævende eller udsatte børn og unge. Der er tale om ekspresmobilitet med undervisningsforløb for kommende socialpædagoger, mobilitet for undervisere og behandlngshjem med henblik på at få større fagligt indblik i de arbjedsmetoder der anvendes på behandlingstederne med henblik på at kvalificerer udervisningen, det vil sige, at praksispædagogerne også indrages i undevisningsforløbene og endelig, er der tale om studentermobilitet med praktik på de to behandlingshjem. Granted funds Mobility Partners Bønehjemmet Sarliaq, GL Perorsaanermik Ilinniarfik Ilulissat, GL VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK 85 Network 31063 Idræt og sundhed Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Lars Lund Network description Formålet er, at gennemføre sende studerende fra idrætsholdene i praktik i forskellige institutioner og for underviserne at formidle undervisning for kommende pædagoger med fokus på emnerne: Hvilke faktorer, har betydning for fysisk aktivitet og kost og hvilken indflydelse disse faktorer på biologiske, sociale og psykologiske forhold. Hvordan har børnehavers pædagogiske grundlag og aktiviteter i hverdagen indflydelse på børnenes sociale og kognitive udviklingsmuligheder?. Børnehaverne og de ansatte har en så væsentlig og grundlæggende betydning for børns tidlige udvikling og bevægelsesvaner i samspil med andre, og dermed også for deres sundhed og trivsel, at der aktuelt og på længere sigt er et påtrængende behov for at få undersøgt og beskrevet, hvad det er for rammer børn tilbydes, og hvad der foregår indenfor disse rammer. Ligeledes er det afgørende at den undervisning der foregår på uddannelsesstederne inddrager betydningen af sundhed og trivsel. Undervisere fra Island og undervisere fra Danmark skal gennem dialog og overværelse af hinanden undervisning, samt egen undervisning på sigt arbejde hen imod at udvikle nyt undervisningsmateriale der kan anvendes både i Island og Danmark. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS 15 The Humanities Network 28943 NordFem+ Coordinator HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Nina Järviö Network description Ett kvinno-/genusforskningnätverk mellan fem nordiska huvudstadsuniversitet med möjligheten till samarbete med baltiska kvinnoforskare och studenter. Nätverkets mål är att fortsätta och utveckla det långsiktiga och livliga samarbetet i form av student- och lärarmobilitet. Nätverkets mål är att fortsätta det långa och livliga samarbete mellan universiteten och kvinnoforskningsinstitutionerna i de nordiska huvudstäderna. Dessutom strävar nätverket till att utbreda sig till Baltien och andra nordiska sträder i framtiden. Kvinno- och genusforskningsstuderanden har visat allt större intresse för utbyte. Nätverket har nått balanserad mobilitet mellan partnerna och strävar till att hålla denna goda balans. Granted funds Mobility Partners STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK 86 HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 28947 The Sibelius network Coordinator NORGES MUSIKKHØGSKOLE, NO Knut Myhre Network description The Sibelius network was established in 1988 and as of 2008 comprises a total of 31 higher music education institutions in the Nordic and the Baltic countries. The network is the largest within the field of music. Its main objective is to promote cooperation between the music education institutions in the North which operate at the highest level within the areas of music performance, music education and music theory. Activities include student and teacher mobility, intensive projects, network activities and other relevant activities. The network includes all the higher music education institutions in Scandinavia and the main music academies in the three Baltic countries. The network covers all areas within the framework of the Nordplus program. A joint working group for the music networks with representatives from the Nordic and Baltic countries has been established to make cooperation more effective. The activity within student and teacher mobility is great. Annual intensive courses are carried out and joint curriculum development work is going on. The music networks have established a new joint website: Granted funds Mobility, network activities, intensive course(s) Partners DET KONGELIGE DANSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK SYDDANSK MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM OG SKUESPILLERSKOLE, DK DET JYSKE MUSIKKONSERVATORIUM, DK EESTI MUUSIKA- JA TEATRIAKADEEMIA, EE SIBELIUS-AKATEMIA - SIBELIUS-AKADEMIN, FI METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI SAVONIA AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI POHJOIS-KARJALAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI KESKI-POHJANMAAN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - MELLERSTA ÖSTERBOTTENS YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI TURUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU - ÅBO YRKESHÖGSKOLA, FI OULUN SEUDUN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI TAMPEREEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LISTAHÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE KARLSTADS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE KUNGLIGA MUSIKHÖGSKOLAN I STOCKHOLM, SE ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE 87 TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE J.Vitola Latvijas Muzikas akademija LMuA, LV LIETUVOS MUZIKOS IR TEATRO AKADEMIJA, LT NORGES MUSIKKHØGSKOLE, NO Network 29886 Nordplus Nordic and Baltic Network and Mobility Scheme in Archaeology Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN PÅ GOTLAND, SE Suk-hi Cho Network description The purpose of the project is as previously, the reinforcement, through staff and student mobilities, of the nordic and baltic archaeology/osteology subject at undergraduate and graduate levels. As earlier all universities with these subjects as well as interested parties outside the academia are invited to be part of the mobility scheme. The link to outside the academia and continued creation of joint courses wherein teacher and students exchange for shorter or longer periods remains the focus of the project. Gotland University will for this application round continue to coordinate the network but the idea is that another higher education instution with archaeology/osteology will continue for next application round, i.e 20132014. This project is focused on student/teacher/staff mobility and curriculum development within the Nordic and Baltic archaeological/osteological communities on different educational levels, i.e undergraduate as well as graduate levels. Further development wish to enable also other stake holders outside the academia, i.e Museums, NGO, private enterprises, to participate. This will be beneficial for the revigoriation of the subjects of archaeology/osteology in a wider sense. To make this network productive a focus on certain common questions of interest need to be developed. For instance one problem area useful to all network participants include questions on prehistoric interactions/contacts especially in the Baltic sea, but also beyond, and how such activities have influenced local communities in the Nordic/Baltic area. A long time perspective including the participating institutions is also a strong fundament of discussions on environmental questions and how resources have been used, in prehistory and historical times, in the area. If such knowledge can be taught from a common general perspective, and not from narrow nationalistic perspectives, it will contribute to the understanding of the needs for a sustainable development of the Baltic Sea area in the future. As for student mobility students wishing to follow the joint developed course and other courses of one month at any of the participating institutions amounting to 7, 5 ECTS would be eligible for a Nordplus Express mobility scheme. Meanwhile students will be able to continue go for also longer mobility periods such as upto one academic year. Granted funds Mobility Partners LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE OULUN YLIOPISTO - ULEÅBORGS UNIVERSITET, FI UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE KLAIPEDOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA, SE Ilisimatusarfik, GL NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO 88 UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 29925 Friluftsliv og udendørsaktiviter og socialpædagogisk arbejde med udsatte børn og unge mobilitets samarbejde som en del af et projekt om Friluftsliv og socialpædagogisk arbejde med udsatte børn og unge Coordinator VIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, DK Karen Domino Network description Formålet er: Gennem mobilitet at understøtte et udviklingsarbejder under Nordplus Horisontal, hvor fokus er på socialpædagogik og friluftsliv i forhold til unge i udsatte positioner. Mobiliteten gælder både lærerudveksling, studentermobilitet i teorisemestre og praktikperioder og ekspresmobilitet. Gennem mobiliteten ønsker vi, at styrke og udvikle det nordiske samarbejde med fokus på kulturforståelse og udveksling af fagplaner og sammenligning af uddannelsesforhold og tilrettelæggelse af uddannelserne i de respektive lande, samtidig med at vi arbejder med inddragelse af praksisfeltet af såvel borgere i udsatte positioner som den pædagogiske profession Den ønskede mobilitet er knyttet til et projekt under Nordplus Horisontalt. Dette projekts formål er at undersøge, hvilken betydning læringsrum hvor fokus er på friluftsaktiviteter har for det enkelte individ og for dannelse af fællesskaber. Den profesionelle relation er betydningsfuld i disse læringsrum. Dermed aktualiseres spørgsmål som har med magtaspektet at gøre. I arbejde med unge i udsatte positioner er der muligheder for krænkelse af den unges behov for anerkedelse. Fokus i samarbejdet er at udvikle nye kundskaber og nye metoder for, hvordan natur og friluftsliv kan være konstruktive medspillere eller værktøj i socialpædagogisk arbejde. Derfor må et kritisk blik og kritisk refleksion over professionelles forholdemåder i forhold til håndtering af magtaspektet og den tilhørende etisk refleksion stadig være nærværende, da ikke alle unge vil finde en motivation i friluftsaktivteter, hvorfor begge dele såvel socialpædagogik som friluftsliv skal nytænkes med mulighed for innovative processer og dermed nedbrydelse af eller udvidelse af ny forforståelser. Ud fra relations fokuseret arbejde og arbejde med hverdagslivet som læringsarena og læringsrum og ændring af dette, er det vigtigt at erkende og blive bevidst om sin egen forforståelse og de gældende kundskaber og den gældende diskurs omkring om disse unge, som er blevet defineret og katagoriseret som en udsat gruppe. Selv om arbejdet i projektet udgår fra erfaringer og forskning, som viser at natur og udeliv kan være virksomme og have positive effekter i arbejdet med udsatte grupper, må magtaspektet til stadig være i fokus og være genstand for kritisk refleksion, så friluftsaktiviteter og natur ikke bliver en universiel løsning for alle og i alle situationer. Granted funds Mobility Partners LAUREA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI HÖGSKOLAN VÄST, SE HØGSKOLEN I FINNMARK, NO HØGSKOLEN I HARSTAD, NO Network 30001 Nordplusnätverket - pedagogik för hållbar utveckling Nordplusnetværket - pædagogik for bæredygtig udvikling Coordinator University College Lillebælt, DK Mette Richter 89 Network description Projektets formål er gennem bæredygtig pædagogik, realiseret i forskellige former for udendørspædagogik, at skabe et 3 ECTS intensiv program med nordisk sprog og kulturarv som omdrejningspunkt, for således at bevidstgøre om den fælles nordiske kulturarv og initiere såvel studerende som undervisere til at tage på et længervarende udvekslingsophold hos de implicerede uddannelsessteder. Samtidig er det et mål at styrke samarbejdet mellem uddannelse, institution og virksomhed. Vi ønsker gennem et intensiv program at skabe et ugekursus, at initiere studerende og undervisere til at gennemføre udvekslingsophold af længere varighed hos de involverede uddannelsessteder, samt opnå en bevidsthed om forskelle og ligheder i den nordiske kulturarv. Derfor er målet at udvikle eksemplariske ugekurser baseret på bæredygtig pædagogik med fokus på kulturarv, dens indflydelse på vors samtid og muligheder for at inddrage den i pædagogisk arbejde mhp. at skabe større mellemmenneskelig forståelse med vores nordiske identiteters forskelligheder og ligheder. Vidensdeling vil både før ugekurset, under og efter være en central del. Et delmål i denne ansøgning er at skærpe samarbejdet med eksterne institutioner og firmaer, for på den måde at udvide de studerendes indsigt i hvordan de kan bidrage med bæredygtig pædagogik i praksis og lade sig inspirere af professionen og virksomheders kundskab og forventninger til uddannede inden for professionen. Granted funds Mobility Partners University College Lillebælt, DK YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI HUMANISTINEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI LULEA TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET, SE HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 30080 NORDPLUS Network in Philosophy Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Mikael M. Karlsson Network description This is a network principally devoted to student and staff mobility in the field of philosophy. Priority is given to longer-term exchanges: semester-length study abroad for students and teaching exchanges of two to four weeks. Such exchanges help to make effective use of academic resources, to provide students and staff with a broadened perspective and valuable life experience, and conduce to Nordic (and Nordic-Baltic) cooperation and integration. In addition to its current Nordic and partners (which number twenty-five), the network now aims to add Rigas Stradina Universitate (LV RIGA 03), Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas (LT VILNIUS 04), and Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, all of which have expressed interest in joining the network. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÁSKÓLINN Á AKUREYRI, IS HÁSKÓLINN Á BIFRÖST, IS AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK ÅBO AKADEMI, FI HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI TAMPEREEN YLIOPISTO - TAMMERFORS UNIVERSITET, FI TURUN YLIOPISTO - ÅBO UNIVERSITET, FI 90 UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO UNIVERSITETET I TROMSØ, NO GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE STOCKHOLMS UNIVERSITET, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA, SE TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE TALLINNA ÜLIKOOL, EE LATVIJAS UNIVERSITATE, LV RIGAS STRADINA UNIVERSITATE RSU, LV VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS, LT VYTAUTO DIDŽIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, LT MYKOLO ROMERIO UNIVERSITETAS, LT LIETUVOS EDUKOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS, LT Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO Network 30108 NORDIAKONI; mobilitet, felleskurs og intensivkurs Coordinator LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HØGSKOLE, NO Reidun Larsen Network description Nettverket har som overordnet mål å bidra til utvikling og styrking av medlemmenes egenart og faglige refleksjon over den diakonale identitet innenfor helse- og sosialfagene i egne institusjoner, samt i profesjonenes samfunnstjeneste. Det er videre et mål å videreutvikle de gode pedagogiske og metodiske grep som bidrar til å formidle dette til lærestedenes studenter på en relevant og praksisnær måte, og å bringe nettverkets erfaringer og kunnskap ut til et bredere spekter av samfunnsaktører innenfor helse- sosial, og diakonalt arbeid. 1. Nettverket vil fortsette å tilrettelegge for den vellykkede student- og lærermobilitet mellom medlemsinstitusjonene, både i teoristudier og praksisopphold, for å styrke den felles diakonale grunnstammen i de respektive studieprogram. 2. I tillegg til student- og lærermobilitet møtes nettverkets formål ved å tilby et kurs basert på den felles fagplanen for "Diaconal and Spiritual awareness in social work and health care" i regi av Diakonissestiftelsens sykepleierhøyskole, København i september 2012. Deltakelse av studenter fra nettverkets partnere planlegges som ekspressmobilitet. 3. Nettverket søker også om å arrangere et intensivkurs i Finland 2013. Temaet vil være: "Hvilke utfordringer møter studenter og ansatte ved de diakonale profesjonsutdanningene i møte med individ og samfunn". Dette vil være en videreutvikling ut fra vår felles lærerplan og vil kunne gi utfordringer til alle utdanninene i nettverket. Dette vil også danne grunnlaget for en fagartikkel som nettverkets medlemmer vil utforme. Granted funds Mobility Partners HARALDSPLASS DIAKONALE HØYSKOLE, NO LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HØGSKOLE, NO LOVISENBERG DIAKONALE HØGSKOLE, NO ERSTA SKÖNDAL HÖGSKOLA, SE DIAKONIA-AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI 91 PROFESSIONSHØJSKOLEN METROPOL, DK DIAKONHJEMMET HØGSKOLE, NO Network 30158 Viking and Medieval Norse Studies Coordinator HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Haraldur Bernharðsson Network description This consortium—four Nordic universities and an affiliated research institute—were in December 2010 awarded a Nordic Master Project grant (NMP-2010/10008) to establish the Viking and Medieval Norse Studies Programme, a two-year Nordic Master’s Programme specifically intended for international students. The overall objective is to offer a larger, more diverse, stronger and scientifically more ambitious programme in Viking and Medieval Norse Studies than previously possible to a large number of international students, as well as fostering collaboration between students from the Nordic countries. To that end, this project coordinates the work of four important institutions already offering Master’s and Doctoral studies in the field, along with key research institutions. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Network 30234 Det teologiske Nordplus- nettverket Coordinator DET TEOLOGISKE MENIGHETSFAKULTET, NO Bjorn Lyngroth Network description Det teologiske NORDPLUS- nettverket har som hovedmål å tilrettelegge for student- og lærerutveksling mellom de teologiske fakulteter i Norden. Studieåret 2012-13 vil fokus for nettverket primært være student- og lærerutveksling. Granted funds Mobility Partners MISJONSHØGSKOLEN I STAVANGER, NO HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI ÅBO AKADEMI, FI HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS JOHANNELUNDS TEOLOGISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE UPPSALA UNIVERSITET, SE KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO TEOLOGISKA HÖGSKOLAN, STOCKHOLM, SE 92 Network 30469 Joint Nordic M.A.-program in Feminist and Diversity Philosophy Coordinator UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO Vigdis Songe-Möller Network description To have three meetings in 2013 and 2014 with participants from five universities to prepare the establishment of a joint Nordic M.A.-Program to be launched in the fall of 2014. (We will apply later for the third meeting that will be held after the present grant period.) This M.A. program will offer studies and training in feminist and diversity philosophy. The Nordic countries have a long tradition of women´s rights and emphasize gender equality as a core element of their tradition, social and international politics. Philosophy has been instrumental in the generation of ideas and theories about gender equality and minority rights. Although feminist philosophy has been a relative newcomer to the Nordic countries, in recent years Nordic feminist philosophers have become internationally well-known and highly respected. Within Nordic philosophy departments feminist and diversity philosophy however needs to be strengthened and consolidated. This joint Nordic M.A.-program will bring together leading scholars in feminist philosophy in order to establish feminist philosophy as part of the graduate philosophy curriculum in the Nordic academic area. Granted funds Joint study programmes Partners HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI Network 30499 ECTA Climate Symbols in Arts and Theology Coordinator LATVIJAS KRISTIGA AKADEMIJA LKA, LV Beata - Soloveja Network description The overall purpose is to develop Nordic/Baltic cooperation on higher education promoting innovative processes in ecological, theological and arts through interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge, experiences and good practises by network activities and mobility. Our purpose is to deepen understanding of ecological problems from humanitarian perspective where special attention is driven to Climate issues symbolic expressions in Arts and value orientated understanding in Theology. This application is related to previous Nordplus ECTA network activities. By previous partnership cooperation we have come to conclusion that the Climate change topic can serve as a background for analysis of social relationships, moral and ethical attitudes. The innovative approach is that project actions are based on a clear set of ecotheological objectives and symbolic artistic visions of environment. The main challenge however is to move beyond the level of analysis and substantiate how to encourage young people to implement practical actions on personal and social levels. This year and further network partners would like to turn to Climate problem by actualization of variable climate change topics more precisely and concrete. This year we plan to address the topic of climate change impact on marine cultural landscapes (MCL) in the region - like large forest massives, vetlands, unique fjords and river valleys, seashore villages and farmsteads. MCL testify to creativity, social development, imaginative and spiritual vitality of people as a part of European collective identity. Unique places of MCL in participating countries will be chosen for creative inspiration of the project activities aesthetically, theologically and practically. The project aims to drive attention to problem of safeguarding unique seashore villages and farmsteads in Nordic/Baltic countries. We will address semantic, aesthetic and ecological synergies for advocating ecoculture. Granted funds Network activities 93 Partners LAHDEN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU, FI TARTU ÜLIKOOL, EE VILNIAUS DAILES AKADEMIJA, LT VILNIAUS PEDAGOGINIS UNIVERSITETAS, LT ANSGAR TEOLOGISKE HØGSKOLE, NO TEOLOGISKA HÖGSKOLAN, STOCKHOLM, SE Network 30851 Nettverk for studier i katolsk teologi Coordinator DET TEOLOGISKE MENIGHETSFAKULTET, NO Bjorn Lyngroth Network description Nettverk for studier i katolsk teologi har som intensjon å samordne små miljøer i Norden som der formålet er å utvide interessefeltet og stofftilfanget til å omfatte studier og undervisningstilbud i fagområder som normalt er for små til å bli prioritert ved de fleste teologiske utdanningsinstitusjoner i Norden. Nettverket vil søke å samordne studietilbud innenfor katolsk teologi, og gi felles kurs for studenter fra flere av de nordiske land. I Norden drives de fleste teologiske studier innenfor en luthersk tradisjon. Det betyr ikke nødvendigvis at studiene er konfesjonstilknyttet, men stofftilfang og interessefelt styres av den konteksten kirkene i de nordiske land står i – hvilket er lutherske kirker. I verdenssammenheng er studier innenfor katolsk teologi det mest vanlige ved universiteter. Imidlertid er det en rekke eksempler på samarbeid over konfesjonsgrenser. Deltagerne i dette nettverket ønsker å bidra til at et slikt samarbeid kan få større rom i Norden, og for å få det til er det nødvendig at denne grenen av akademisk teologi får bedrede rammevilkår. Det skjer fremfor alt gjennom samarbeid over landegrensene. Nettverket skal drive felles fagutvikling (både ved enkeltkurs og ved programutvikling), forestå studentutveksling og lærerutveksling, samt gjennomføre felles kurs. Nettverket har også etablert kontakt med læresteder for katolsk teologi andre steder i Europa. Nettverket ønsker nå å utforske mulighetene for å utvide samarbeidet til også å inkludere Baltiske partnere. Det er etablert kontakt med den Litauiske ambassaden i OSlo med tanke på å fasilitere dette. Granted funds Mobility Partners NEWMANINSTITUTET, SE Academicum Catholicum Denmark, DK Network 30970 Religious Roots of Europe Compact seminars; Religious Roots of Europe Coordinator AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK Jakob Engberg Network description The purpose of the project is to educate masters in a common Nordic master’s programme with the title 'The Religious Roots of Europe'. Six Nordic universities in cooperation offer the programme. The Nordic Council of Ministers has financed the development of this programme. The first batch of 24 students was matriculated in September 2009 and 18 of these have graduated (some are delayed and two have left the programme). The next batch of students was matriculated in September 2010 and a third batch in September 2011 (more than 20 students in both years). An estimated 25-35 further students will be matriculated as the fourth batch in September 2012. This application should make it possible for these students to travel between the six Nordic universities for compact seminars in their first year of studies and for the third 94 batch of students to travel for compact seminars in their second year (an essential part of the teaching in this programme). The programme is based on a high degree of student and teachers’ mobility. With this mobility the programme further cooperation between institutions of higher education and research in the Nordic countries and it brings students from these countries together. We have already experienced this during the development phase and during the education of the first, second and third batches of students. Nordplus has allready (see below) supportet student-mobility for our prvious batches of students. An indirect result of the programme has been the creation of a research network (suuported by Nordforsk) offering PhD courses with the same title and theme as the MA programme. This network includes the six partners in the MA-programme and University of Iceland and Tallin. Granted funds Mobility Partners UNIVERSITETET I BERGEN, NO UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET - HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO, FI LUNDS UNIVERSITET, SE Network 31194 Nordisk litteratur og språk Coordinator HØGSKOLEN I OSLO OG AKERSHUS, NO Anne-Kari Skardhamar Network description Nettverket Nordisk litteratur og språk er et samarbeid mellom morsmålsfagene i lærerutdannelsene ved Fakultet for lærerutdanning Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Kennaradeild Haskoli Islands og Læraraskulin Frodskaparsetur Føroya. Mål: 1)Styrke lærerstudenters språkforståelse og bevissthet om nordisk språk- og kulturfellesskap i det vestnordiske området. 2) Styrke lærerstudenters kjennskap til nabolandslitteratur og stimulere til vestnordisk kollegasamarbeid om nabospråksdidaktikk og formidling av nabolandslitteratur i lærerutdannelsen. 3) Arbeide for at nabospråksdidaktikk får større vekt i fagplaner for morsmålsfagene i lærerutdanningen. Prosjektet vil styrke nordisk språkforståelse og bevissthet om vestnordisk kulturfellesskap, styrke samarbeid om undervisning i nabospråk og litteratur. Nettverket har bestått siden 1990 og ble utvidet i 1995. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, FO 16 Other Areas of Study Network 28481 NORDIC MASTER PROGRAMME Aquatic Food Production Mobility. Coordinator DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET, DK Caroline P. Baron Network description The master programme "Aquatic Food Production-Safety and Quality" (AQFood) is offering a unique master education 95 delivered by five Nordic higher education institutions: Technical University of Denmark, Swedish University of Agriculture, Norwegian University of Life Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, University of Iceland. It combines technological and aquacultural expertise and excellences from each Nordic partners in a unique constellation. For this initiative to be a success, mobility allowance between universities for both students and teachers are necessary. The programme strengthens and develops Nordic educational cooperation and contributes to the establishment and consolidation of a Nordic education in aquatic foods. In addition, it aims at enhancing the exchange of teaching practices and contributes to disseminate best practice in the Nordic regions. Moreover, it promotes and focusses on delivering high quality aquatic foods, which are anchored in the Nordic countries' cultures. Granted funds Mobility Partners HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS SVERIGES LANTBRUKSUNIVERSITET, SE NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO UNIVERSITETET FOR MILJØ- OG BIOVITENSKAP, NO Network 29359 SJÖN Coordinator HÖGSKOLAN PÅ ÅLAND, AX Lena Nyman-Wiklund Network description Nätverkets syfte är att möjliggöra studerande och lärarmobilitet mellan partnerskolorna. Nätverket ska också avsluta master programmet NOMAR Nordic Master in Maritime Management som slutar våren 2012 desista kurserna hålls hösten 2012 i Vestfold. Granted funds Mobility Partners CHALMERS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA, SE HØGSKOLEN I VESTFOLD, NO YRKESHÖGSKOLAN NOVIA, FI Network 29599 Nordplus-Idrott (NIN) Nordplus-Idrott Network (NIN) Coordinator SYDDANSK UNIVERSITET, DK Karsten Froberg Network description The overall purpose of the network is to promote innovation, cooperation and solid partnership building between higher education institutions and other relevant organizations in order to strengthen exchange of students, staff and scientific knowledge within the broad area of sports science and physical education. To this is added the ambition to develop joint study programs, intensive programs and the dissemination of network results to relevant stakeholders. The Nordplus-Idrott-Network (NIN) is open for all institutions in the Nordic and Baltic States that have exchange programs in sports science and physical education. Special attention is also given to the interdisciplinary area of health enhancing physical activity. At present the network consists of 19 active institutions. The main network outputs are 96 • Exchange programs for students and staff • Intensive and joint study programs • Networking with relevant NGO´s • Promoting the network and its possibilities in order to recruit further institutional members. Granted funds Mobility, development projects Partners GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE ÖREBRO UNIVERSITET, SE GYMNASTIK- OCH IDROTTSHÖGSKOLAN, SE UMEÅ UNIVERSITET, SE LINNÉUNIVERSITETET, SE MALMÖ HÖGSKOLA, SE JYVÄSKYLÄN YLIOPISTO - JYVÄSKYLÄ UNIVERSITET, FI NTNU NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET, NO HØGSKOLEN I BERGEN, NO HØGSKULEN I SOGN OG FJORDANE, NO HØGSKOLEN I TELEMARK, NO NORGES IDRETTSHØGSKOLE, NO HÁSKÓLI ÍSLANDS, IS LIETUVOS KUNO KULTUROS AKADEMIJA, LT KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET, DK AALBORG UNIVERSITET, DK AARHUS UNIVERSITET, DK UNIVERSITETET I AGDER, NO Network 31177 Nordplus Conservation Network Coordinator GÖTEBORGS UNIVERSITET, SE Charlotta Hanner Nordstrand Network description The aim of Nordplus Conservation Network is to support the field of Conservation in the Nordic countries and their relation to the international environment. Conservation of Built Environment, of cultural objects and of Landscape and work for a Sustainable development in the field is the concern. The method is to support the educational programs in the Nordic countries, their students and teachers. Conservation of our Built Environment, Cultural Objects and Landscape is of high importance in the modern society giving increased value to the social and cultural life of people living in the Northern countries. The last c 35 years development has run so fast and changes in our urban milieu and in landscape makes the cultural values very important to people. Nordplus Conservation Network has since its start ca 1989 aimed at promoting the question of Conservation of Built Environment, Conservation of Cultural Objects and as an added part the last five years also the Conservation of Landscape. The concern about climate issues and sustainable development is always a topic in conservation. As an example the climate in medieval churches gets more and more humid affecting both the buildings and the interior decorations in the buildings. The increasing humidity in our Northern part of the world is a big challenge in the care and conservation of our built environment and our common space. To increase knowledge in this field is one the most important parts of the project as well as developing methods for facing this challenges in practical conservation issues. Conservation of Built Environment, of cultural objects and of Landscape and work for a Sustainable development is of high importance in the modern society giving increased value to the social and cultural life of people living in the Northern countries. It involves as examples city planning, conservation of medieval wooden sculpture and care and conservation of landscape. The last c 35 years industrial and social development has implicated big changes in our urban milieu indoors and 97 outdoors and in landscape making the cultural values very important to people. The higher education in conservation (kulturvård) in Denmark, Finland and Sweden all has started in the last 35 years. The vulnerability of the subject field, because of its specialization, makes it very important to cooperate within the Nordic countries and in our international setting. The Nordic educational conservation programs cooperate internationally within EnCore. Students take part in the conservation field in other countries when doing their internships. Granted funds Mobility Partners DET KGL. DANSKE KUNSTAKADEMIS SKOLER FOR ARKITEKTUR, DESIGN OG KONSERVERING, DK METROPOLIA - AMMATTKORKEAKOULU, FI UNIVERSITETET I OSLO, NO LINKÖPINGS UNIVERSITET, SE The Nordlys network The Nordlys network seeks to increase Nordic student and teacher mobility as well as to improve communication between the Nordic universities. Nordplus Nordlys is an open network between 35 Nordic universities. Nordlys is the largest network within Nordplus and provides grants for students who do not have an academically specific network, or to students who want to study subjects not available at their home institution. As such Nordlys supports study areas which are traditionally less international. In addition, the network works to increase exchanges between partners that only exchange on a limited basis. Main coordinator: • Linnéuniversitetet, Camilla Lundqvist, Participating universities: • Aalborg universitet, Gitte Nørgaard Jensen, • Aarhus universitet, Anne Mette Wohl, • Göteborgs universitet, Kjell Malmgren, • Háskóli Íslands, Runa Vigdis Gudmarsdóttir, • Háskólinn á Akureyri, Rúnar Gunnarsson, • Háskólinn i Reykjavík, Gudlaug Matthildur Jakobsdottir, • Helsingin yliopisto – Helsingfors universitet, Heidi Ilomäki, • Itä-Suomen yliopisto – Östra Finlands universitet, Merja Kuokkanen, • Jyväskylän yliopisto, Solja Ryhänen, • Karlstads universitet, Carina Eriksson, • Københavns Universitet, Line Hammerum Gregersen, • Lapin yliopisto – Lapplands universitet, Jaana Severidt, • Linköpings universitet, Natalia Roma Masdeu, • Linnéuniversitetet, Camilla Lundqvist, • Luleå tekniska universitet, AnnaCarin Larsson, • Lunds universitet, Kieve Saling, • NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Nina Moxnes, • Roskilde universitet, Maria Hylstofte, • Stockholms universitet, Helena Björck, • Svenska social- och kommunalhögskolan, AnneSophie Hokkanen, • Syddansk universitet, Stefan Knudsen, 98 • • • • • • • • • • • • Tampereen yliopisto – Tammerfors universitet, Sari Hyttinen, Turun yliopisto – Åbo universitet, Heli Lahti, Umeå universitet, Helena Gradin, Universitetet i Agder, Tonje Nielsen Rørly, Universitetet i Bergen, Helge Bjørlo, Universitetet i Oslo, Trine Merete Kvernmo, Universitetet i Stavanger, Celine Nygaard, Universitetet I Tromsø, Reidun Sundstrøm, Uppsala universitet, Gabriella Widerberg, Vaasan yliopisto – Vasa universitet, Juhani Moisio, Åbo Akademi, Harriet Klåvus, Örebro universitet, Hanna Forsgärde, 99
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