Our Lady of Hope Catholic Elementary School 80 Red Cardinal Trail Richmond Hill, Ontario L4E 4B8 Phone: 905-773-1383 Fax: 905-773-4799 A Catholic Community of Faith October 2014 School Trustees: Anne Stong Dominic Mazzotta Principal: Katherine Pellegrini Vice Principal: Fabio Nardo Superintendent: Mary Battista Safe Arrival Student Absence Reporting 1-855-856-7862 Our Lady of Hope School Website olh.ycdsb.ca Parish Information Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish 905-773-5223 Pastor: Father Peter Lackmanec Character Virtue COMPASSION I will seek to understand others by listening. I will be willing to forgive others. I will give of my resources to help those in need. A Season of Thanksgiving Autumn Prayer God of the seasons, You paint the world in a glorious array During the autumn. We wake up to a world Filled with colour and plenty. The mighty trees show off their splendour. The harvests show us the ripened fruit of our labours. We praise you for this wonderful season. Help us to appreciate all the wonder of our world. We ask this through your son, Jesus Christ. Amen We welcome October and the season of Autumn. We see the beauty of autumn and the many wonders of our world. This month we celebrate Thanksgiving and give thanks for the glory of creation and the love of family and friends. As a Catholic community we work together to help to make the world a better place for others in our community. We are thankful to Luke 4.18 and our families at Our Lady of Hope for reaching out in servant leadership. St. Vincent de Paul Coat Drive This year, the Our Lady of Hope Community has been asked to assist the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in organizing the Winter Coat Drive to assist local families. Our school community will be collecting gently used coats for men, women and children until October 17th. Please ensure that the coats are placed in a bag and brought to school where they will be kept in the front foyer. Your generosity will be assisting those directly in our community! Thanksgiving Food Drive "It is in giving that we receive..." St. Francis of Assisi It has been a tradition at our Lady of Hope to collect non perishable food items during the month of October for the Richmond Hill food bank. During this time of year, when we reflect on our many blessings, our OLH community has always remembered to assist others by generously donating to our Thanksgiving Food Drive. We will be collecting items up until October 17th after which the items will be delivered to the food bank. We thank you for your generosity. Thanksgiving School Mass Please join us at 9:15 AM on Friday, October 17th in the gym as we celebrate our first school Mass with Fr. Peter. SAFE AND CARING SCHOOLS Pizza and Milk We will have 18 pizza lunches in all this year. Please be reminded that with the winter weather encroaching upon us, if buses are cancelled, pizza lunch is also cancelled. Our milk programme will begin in October. Please look forward to that information coming home under separate cover. A special thank you to Mrs. Vian for all of her hard work organizing and overseeing our pizza lunch programme. A big thank you to our parent volunteers who help us out with these two programmes. If you are available to help us one day a week, please inform Mrs. Higgins, our school secretary. SPORTS NEWS Both the intermediate boys’ and girls’ volleyball seasons are well on their way. The teams have been practicing in preparation for their upcoming tournaments in November. The cross country team has been training hard during lunch hours to prepare for the meet at Bruce’s Mill on Wednesday, October 15, 2014. Thank you to all our coaches and parent volunteers. Go Hawks Go!! Healthy Schools We continue to promote Healthy Schools at Our Lady of Hope. Thank you to all the parents who are sending their children to school with nut safe, healthy snacks and lunches. We also request that you do not send in imitation peanut butter products, to avoid confusion. If and when possible, please prepare snacks and lunches together with your children the night before and send them to school in the morning. This not only affords you great quality learning time together at home, but it also allows for your child to enjoy her/his lunch calmly for the entire 20 minutes allotted for lunch in class. To alleviate stress, please be punctual about delivering lunches from home on time. When lunches arrive late, students must either eat their lunch quickly or eat their lunch in the office because their peers are outside, and the in class portion of the lunch period is over. If you are bringing in a lunch, please tell your child you are going to be delivering their lunch, then label the bag and leave it on the lunch table for her/him to pick it up. If you are at home and wish to treat your child with take out food then may we suggest you pick up your child and take her/him out for lunch. As our enrolment continues to grow it is becoming a daily overwhelming feat to call down all the students whose lunch routine changes daily. Also if you are using Lunch Lady, please send in your orders electronically! Your co-operation in keeping our students safe and healthy is so greatly appreciated by all our staff! October is Walk to School Month We were very pleased to see so many families walking to school each day. Our Lady of Hope will be continuing to promote making healthier choices such as: walking to school, riding the bus, riding a bike, or parking and walking a block. School Drop Off and Parking Please note that the Kindergarten loops are drop off areas only. Please work together to keep everyone safe. When dropping off children, ensure your child(ren) always exit on the sidewalk side. They should not be allowed to walk in the drive through area as this is extremely dangerous. With the continued growth in the school this year, most spots in the parking lot are needed for volunteers and employees. So if you are planning to stay and watch your children play until the bell rings consider parking on the road and walking your child(ren) onto school property. Also please be patient with each other and drive slowly in a school zone. Freedom of Information and Privacy Schools invite spectators – including parents – to certain school events. Once parents are invited, the event becomes a public event, and anyone in attendance may take photographs without first obtaining consent. At the York Catholic District School Board we caution parents and staff that when taking pictures of students in school or on field trips that those pictures are not to be posted on any social networking sites, i.e. Facebook. Parents please note that pictures may be taken at all school events that parents attend: our masses, Halloween Dance, oral communications. Please refer to the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for more information. SAFE AND CARING SCHOOLS Halloween Dance-a-thon Our major school fundraising campaign will be a fun event scheduled for Friday, October 31st. Sponsor sheets will come home with your children before the Thanksgiving Day holiday. We ask that children DO NOT go door-to-door, but rather ask for support from immediate family and close friends. It is our hope that you will support this event to the extent that you are able. Funds raised will be used to supplement a variety of educational experiences and resources throughout the year. The approximate dancing schedule for Friday, October 31st is as follows: 9:15– 9:45 AM 9:45 - 10:25 AM 10:45 - 11:30 AM 1:15 - 2:00 AM 2:00 – 3:00 AM Kindergarten classes Grade 1 & 2 classes Grade 3 & 4 classes (4s from 4/5) Grade 5 & 6 classes (5s from 4/5) Grade 7 & 8 classes Costumes Students are encouraged to wear a costume or orange and black colours for our Spook-A-Thon. Please ensure that costumes do not promote violence; this would include costumes of which weapons, or replicas of weapons, are a part. Also, costumes and masks need to fit the child so that he/she can walk without tripping or falling. Halloween Safety As Halloween is fast approaching, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you of the children at Our Lady of Hope who have LIFE THREATENING allergies to peanuts and nut products. Please do not send any treats or candies to school to share with others. Parents and Visitors We ask all parents and visitors who come to the school to please check in at the office. We want to make sure that all adults in the building are known to us. This will ensure the safety and security for all of our children. We encourage Parent-Teacher Communication. Only by working in a partnership of knowing and supporting each other can the school, parents and parish fulfill their role of educating the whole child. Please make appointments to speak to classroom teachers. This allows them to be prepared for your meeting and prevents disruptions during class time. We invite you to phone the teacher and keep the lines of communication open. Picture Day On Tuesday, October 8th and Wednesday October 9th we will be having our photo days. Please note the following schedule: Tuesday, October 7th – Staff Photo, FDK Minchella, FDK Lanzarotta, Gr. 1, Gr. 3, Gr. 5, Gr. 7. Wednesday, October 8th — FDK Gravett, FDK Lovisa, Gr. 2, Gr. 4, Gr. 4/5 (Senior), Gr. 6, Gr. 8. TERRY FOX RUN Thank you to the Terry Fox Committee and all the staff, students and parents of Our Lady of Hope for helping to make our annual Terry Fox Run such a success. It was amazing to see all the students participate in this outstanding event. The ‘red and white/black’ buzz in the air was most palpable and the donations we’ve collected will go to continuing Terry’s dream. Safe and Caring Schools & Quality Learning for All Catholic School Council EQAO @ a Glance Firstly, many thanks to all members of the 20122013 Council for your hard work and commitment last year! Together with our school community, we purchased many things to enhance student achievement. We are pleased to provide you with the highlights of our school results on the provincial EQAO (Education Quality and Assessment Office) test written last May. Secondly, many, many thanks to all of the wonderful parents who have put their name forward to either be part of our Catholic School Council or to dedicate their time to the many committees our CSC runs for our students’ engagement! During Professional Learning Community opportunities, staff review EQAO results and other school assessment data, in order to build on our strengths and address areas requiring improvement for student success. The students who participated in the assessment have received their individual results. For further information, please visit the ministry website at www.eqao.com. Congratulations to the following parents. They comprise our Council Members for this school year: Co Chairs: Nadia Iacoucci & Cynthia Therrien Vice Chair: Jim Campbell Secretary : Anna Fermo Treasurer: Liz Zelko 2013-14 EQAO Results at Our Lady of Hope CES Students at or Above the Provincial Standard (Levels 3 and 4) Grade 3 Grade 6 Staff Representatives: Cynthia Gomes & Sara Varlese CSC Council Members: Raffaelina Belmonte Laura Breda Jim Campbell Antonella Cassar Antonella Cefaratti Mary Colasante Laurie D'Urzo Anna Fermo Tara Ferrigni Melissa Giannotti Tony Gioia Nadia Iacoucci Kim Iannuzzi Nadia Tersigni Cynthia Therrien Antonietta Vian Rosemary Walker Liz Zelko The next meeting is at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15th in the Library. Please feel free to join us. Safety Awareness Week SEPTEMBER 29TH – OCTOBER 3RD, 2014 We are very happy to announce that Safety Week this year will be taking place from September 29th to October 3rd. As such, Our Lady of Hope will join all of the schools in the Board on this specially designated week to discuss and prepare for emergency situations. The goal is to promote routines and best practices that will continue to make our school a 'Safe Reading/Writing/Mathematics Reading/Writing/Mathematics PERCENTAGE OF ALL STUDENTS AT OR ABOVE THE
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