Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) 2015/16 Background The Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) was first launched in 2004 as a proactive recruitment strategy to attract high calibre undergraduates to join the Police Force as probationary inspectors immediately upon their graduation. Between 2004 and 2014, eleven intakes of 858 undergraduates have joined the programme. The programme has been well received by the mentees, mentors as well as participating universities. The content of PMP 2015/16 includes interaction with Police Mentors, a job attachment in summer 2015, a Summer Day Camp, as well as various group activities organised by the Police Recruitment Division (REC DIV). Potential Students Full time degree course students enrolling in UGC-funded and self-financing programmes in the local UGC-funded universities, who will be graduating in the year of 2016 and have the aspiration to become a Police Inspector after graduation. Criteria Must be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) and have lived in Hong Kong for at least seven years; Of good physique and good eyesight (spectacles are acceptable subject to an eyesight test); Meet the minimum height and weight requirements as follows:Male candidates: 163 cm tall and 50 kg in weight Female candidates: 152 cm tall and 42 kg in weight Applicants are required to pass a selection interview; Good academic result; Applicants are required to pass an initial screening conducted by the Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) and a selection interview conducted by the Police Recruitment Division. Police Briefing/Talk The Police Recruitment Division originally scheduled on 14th October 2014 briefing/talk to introduce the PMP to interested students but was cancelled by the Hong Kong Police Force. Application Starting from 2013, applicants are allowed to apply for both Auxiliary Police (Undergraduate) Scheme (AUS) and Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) by using two different application forms. Application forms can be downloaded from : < http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/caio/forms/PMPform.pdf>; < http://www6.cityu.edu.hk/caio/forms/AUSform.pdf>; Please submit your application to the service counter at the Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) by 5:30 p.m. on 11 November 2014 (Tuesday). University Screening Group interviews will be conducted on 25 November 2014 (Tuesday). in Training Room E, Fan Lee Foon Student Career Centre (4/F., Amenities Building). Students are required to indicate and confirm their respective interview date/time when submitting their application forms to CLC staff at the service counter. Police Selection Group interviews will be conducted in January 2015 (exact date to be confirmed) in Training Room E, CAIO. CLC will inform students of the interview schedules. The Police Recruitment Division will inform candidates of their results. PMP Inauguration Ceremony Tentatively scheduled in on April 2015. Enquiries For more information, please contact the Police Recruitment Division at 2860 6477 or via e-mail at < rec-publicity@police.gov.hk>. Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) City University of Hong Kong 13 Oct 2014 CW/sy 個人資料 - Personal Data 警務處專用 Official Only 申請編號: _______________________ PMP 申請日期: _______________________ 相片 Photo 香港警務處-警隊學長計劃申請表 Hong Kong Police Force – Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) Application Form 申請者個人資料 Applicant’s Particulars 姓名 (英文正楷填寫) Name (English) : 香港永久性居民身份證號碼 HK Permanent ID Card No : 在港居留年份 Year of residence in HK : 通訊地址 Address : Year 姓名 (中文正楷填寫) Name (Chinese) 出生日期及地點 ( ) Date of Birth/Place: 身高 Height : cm 性別:男 女 Sex:M □ F □ 體重 Weight : kg 聯絡電話 Telephone : 大學電郵 University Email : 個人電郵 Personal Email : 大學名稱 University : 所讀學位課程 Curriculum : 學生證號碼 Student No. : 將畢業年份 Expected Graduation Year : 曾/現正參與的義工服務 Previous/Current Voluntary Services : 緊急聯絡人 Emergency contact person: 考獲證書 Qualifications 香港中學文憑 ( 包括所有合格科目 ) HKDSE or equivalent: (Include all Pass subject) 聯絡電話 Telephone: 與申請人關係 Relationship: 合格科目的最高成績及考獲年份 Highest Attained Result & Year for Passing Subjects (例如:中國語文(5)[**]; 歷史(4)[Four]; 數學(3)[Three]) (e.g. : Chin(5)[**];His(4)[Four];Math(3)[Three]) 中國語文 Chinese ( )[ ];英文 English ( )[ ]; 其他 Other : ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]。 如適用: 香港中學會考證書# ( 包括所有合格科目 ) If applicable: HKCEE or equivalent: (Include all Pass subject) 中國語文 Chinese ( 如適用: 香港高級程度會考證書 ( 包括所有合格科目 ) If applicable: HKAL or equivalent: (Include all Pass subject) 中國語文 Chinese ( 其他 Other : 其他 Other : )[ ];英文 English ( ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]。 )[ ];英文 English ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]; ( )[ ]。 # Delete as inappropriate 請將不恰當的刪除 (轉後頁) (Rev. 08/2014) )[ 請回答以下兩條問題 Please answer the following questions: 1. 請舉出一項最難忘的個人經歷 ? (中文回答) 2. Please conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats) analysis on yourself ? (Answer in English) (Rev. 08/2014) 個人資料私隱政策聲明 Personal Data Privacy Policy Statement 1. 香港警務處尊重個人資料私隱權利,並致力遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定。 The Hong Kong Police Force respects personal data privacy and is committed to complying with requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. 2. 申請人提供個人資料屬自願性質。倘若申請人不提供足夠資料,警務處可能無法處理有關申請。 The provision of the personal data requested in this form is voluntary. If an applicant fails to provide all information as requested, the Hong Kong Police Force may not be able to process the application. 3. 申 請 人 在 本 申 請 書 內 所 提 供 的 個 人 資 料 , 將用於有關計劃申請的事宜上。在一般情況下,未獲取 錄申請人的個人資料將於其落選日期後 24 個月全部銷毀。 The personal data provided in this form will be used for purposes relating to the programme application. Personal data on an unsuccessful candidate will normally be destroyed 24 months after rejection of the candidate’s application. 4. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例第 18 和 22 條及附表 1 的第 6 原則,申請人有權查閱及改正所提供的個人資料。 The applicant has a right to request access to and correction of the personal data as provided in Section 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. 5. 有關透過上述表格收集個人資料的事宜,包括申請查閱及改正資料,請致函警察招募組,地址為:香港 灣仔軍器廠街 1 號警察總部警政大樓三十七樓,總督察 (招募)1 收。 For enquiries concerning the personal data collected in this form, including request for accessing to and correction of personal data, please mail to Recruitment Division of Hong Kong Police Force at 37/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong [Attention: Chief Inspector, Recruitment (1)]. 6. 本人所提供其他人士的資料(如適用)已獲得其同意,並已告知其個人資料將用於本人申請事宜上。 For the information on other person(s) which I have provided in this form (if applicable), consent has been obtained from the relevant person(s) and they were notified that such provision was for my application. 7. 茲證明以上資料是依據本人所知及所信,全屬正確無誤。本人明白如蓄意提供虛假資料或漏報任何有關 資料,香港警務處有權取消本人之申請;如本人已在香港特別行政區政府服務者,則有可能遭受紀律處 分,包括撤職。 I certify that the information contained above is correct, and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. In completing this form I understand that if I wilfully give false information or withhold any material information, it may lead to disqualification of my application; or to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal, if already in service of Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 8. 香港警務處會使用你所提供的個人資料,就有關警隊學長計劃 / 香港警務處招募的活動及資訊,向你 發放訊息。如你不希望本處使用你的個人資料作上述用途,你可以書面通知香港警務處招募組 [地址: 香港灣仔軍器廠街 1 號警察總部警政大樓 37 樓 / 傳真號碼:(852) 2200 4337。] The Hong Kong Police Force will use your personal data for disseminating information and activities relating to Police Mentorship Programme / recruitment of Hong Kong Police Force to you. If you do not wish your personal data be used for such purposes, you may notify Recruitment Division of the Hong Kong Police Force in writing [Address: 37/F, Arsenal House, Police Headquarters, No. 1 Arsenal Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong / Fax No.: (852) 2200 4337] 本人明白並同意本聲明內之各項條文。 I understand and agree with all clauses in this statement. 申請人姓名 : Name of Applicant 申請人簽署 : Signature of Applicant 日期 Date (Rev. 08/2014) : Dear students (to be graduated in 2016), On behalf of the Hong Kong Police, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) 2015/16. The PMP is a network, which allows fruitful interaction between selected police officers and elite undergraduate students of local universities. The Programme operates on a one-and-half-year basis. Successful applicants will be assigned with a "Police Mentor", who will serve to: 1. 2. 3. 4. facilitate social and personal development of the Mentees; broaden the perspective of the Mentees on the job of being a police; promote better understanding of the Force; and inspire the Mentees to pursue a career in the Police Force upon graduation. This year, The PMP will provide police mentees with a Summer Day Camp and a Job Attachment (with allowances) either in the Police Force or in any departments in the Civil Service in the summer of 2014. If you inspire to develop your career in the Police Force as a Probationary Inspector upon graduation, please consider applying for this meaningful scheme. Details on the selection guidelines and an Application Form are attached. (This year, you are allowed to apply for both Auxiliary Police (Undergraduate) Scheme (AUS) and Police Mentorship Programme (PMP) by using two different Application Forms.) If you are interested, please submit your application to the service counter at the Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) in person by 5:30p.m. on 11 November 2014 (Tuesday). Listed below is the PMP recruitment/selection schedule: 13 October 2014 : Application opens 11 November 2014 : Application Deadline Before 11 November 2014 : Confirm and sign up for interview time slots at CLC 25 November 2014 : Preliminary interviews (University Screening) 27 November 2014 : Announcement of results 28 November 2014 : Submission of 40 nominations to HK Police December 2014 / Early January 2015 : PMP Final Interview Preparation Workshop January 2015 (exact date to be confirmed) : Final Interview (Conducted by HK Police) April 2015 (To be confirmed) : PMP Inauguration June - August 2015: Job Attachment August 2015: Summer Day Camp at Hong Kong Police College For further information, please contact the CLC at 3442 5591 or the Police Recruitment Division at 2860 6477 or via e-mail at rec-publicity@police.gov.hk. Best Regards, Career and Leadership Centre (CLC) City University of Hong Kong 13 October 2014
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