KURNOOL MUNCIPAL CORPORATION BRIEF NOTES ON SANITATION SANITATION Kurnool Municipality was upgrade and constituted as Municipal Corporation on 19.01.1994. The population of Kurnool is 4.60 lakhs as per 2011 census including Kallur area which was merged into Kurnool Municipal Corporation during the year 2002. The Kurnool City is divided into 12 sanitary divisions for maintenance of sanitation. Each sanitary division headed by one Sanitary Inspector and 2 P.H. Masteries and 470 No’s of Public Health Workers are working in 11 sanitary divisions for maintenance of effective sanitation. The Municipal Health Officer is the head of Public Health branch of Kurnool Municipal Corporation and he will look after the over all supervision of sanitation and Public health. There is also one Sanitary Supervisor who is also supervising and giving assistance to the Municipal Health Officer in maintenance of sanitation in the city. There are 56 Vehicles (33 departmental and 23 private vehicles) in this corporation for lifting and transportation of garbage from various sanitary divisions to compost yard at Gargapuram. All the regular P.H.Workers were issued uniforms and identity cards. There inadequate staff in Public Health section to cover the extension areas for maintenance of sanitation. Hence 23 DWCUA Groups consisting of 527 members have been entrusted with the sanitation work in the extension areas. Previously the area of the Kurnool Municipal Corporation is 15.01 Sq. KM’s now it is increased to 50 Sq. KM’s due to merge of Kallur. Hence necessity arose to increase the sanitation in the extension colonies of Kallur area. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: There is One Compost yard to an extent of 56.00 acres situated at Gargeyapuram and 215 M.T.’s of garbage is being lifted and transported from various sanitary divisions of the city to the compost yard at Gargapuram. Presently, there is a proposal for purchasing / acquiring separate lands at various places nearer to the sanitary divisions of Kurnool and Kallur areas for providing compost yards by shifting the existing compost yard from Gargapuram and also initialization of solid waste management plant for treatment of wastage in scientific method. So that the wastage will be disposed and get some financial benefit to the Corporation. For effective implementation of solid waste management Rules-2000 dumping of waste in dust bins is to be eliminated completely and some segregation of organic and in-organic waste is to be implemented strictly and also to take up the activities of composting the waste. Page 1 Action is being taken by Kurnool Municipal Corporation to improve the sanitation and also proper implementation of Solid Waste Management by Door to Door Collection of garbage source segregation of the organic and in-organic waste by arranging awareness camps. Earlier ring dust bins have been provided in the sanitary divisions to dump the wastage nearly dwellers. Due to dumping of wastage the ring type dust bins which the dumped wastage over flown and spreading around the dust bins causing much inconvenience to vehicular and nearly dwellers and also spreading over of communicable diseases. To prevent Public in- convince and over flowing of garbage much the corporation has placed 200 Nos of dumper bins and purchased 5 Nos of Dumper places for lifting of Dumper Bins. There is also good result found after placing the dumper bins. 2. DATA:1 2 3 4 Longitude Latitude Average Rainfall Temperature : : : : : 5 Wind Direction : : 78°4’ East 15°50’ North 720mm per annum Max.45 ° C Min. 15° C South to North from January to May West to East from June to September. East to West from October to December Lowest – 4.9 Kms per Hours Highest – 21.3 Km/ Hours 50 Wards 3,42,973 6 Wind Velocity : 7 8 Total No. of Wards Population as per 2001 Census : : : a Partly Door to Door collection of mixed Garbage b Lifting of Garbage from dust bins on Roads c Dumping of garbage in the dumping yards d Debris & Silt also being lifted along with Garbage. : a Regular - 398 b Private - 527 : a Owned – 32 Vehicles b Hired – 12 Tractor’s : 200 Present Status of SWM Activities. 9 10 No. of Existing Workers 11 No. of Vehicles available 13 No. of Tricycles Page 2 14 No.of Dust Bins a Ring Dust bins - 118 b Wall Dust bins - 164 C Dumper bins - 200 3. SANITATION PROFILE OF KURNOOL AND EXISTING STATUS OF SANITATION I II III IV. V VI VII VIII IX No.of Sanitary Divisions No.of Sanitary Inspectors No.of Sanitary Supervisors No.of Public Health Workers No.of Divisions Privatised Percentage of Area under Privatization No.of tractors used for removal of Garbage Garbage Produced per day No.of Dumping Yards with name of location : : : : : : : : : 12 9+4 (In-Charge) 0 395 5 50% 24 210 MT-215 MT Gargapuram At present ring dust bins used to be provided in the sanitary divisions to dump the wastage, which caused much in-convince to the pedestrians, vehicular and nearby dwellers and also spreading the communicable diseases. To prevent Public in-convince and over flowing of garbage, steps were taken to construct garbage houses in the city which are having huge quantity capacity doors with lock and key. 4. NEED FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT The existing system of waste management has major deficiencies such as Accumulation of garbage along road side and overflowing dustbins, being large portion of organic waste, posing several health problems. Buring of non-bio degradable waste causing severe air pollution and respiratory diseases. The rag pickers are making their live hood out of most deplorable and hazardous conditions. Introduction of Door to Door collection of the Garbage in the Kurnool city. S. No. 1 Name of the Municipal Corporation Kurnool Municipal Corporation No. of Wards Covered Fully No. of Wards Covered Balance Garbage Lifted M.T. / Day 50 22 28 210-215 The Kurnool Municipal Corporation is implementing the door to door collection Programme in the Kurnool City The Kurnool City was divided in the 50 Nos of the wards. Presently the Programme is being implemented in the 50 wards partially. Page 3 COMMUNITY TOILETS: Most slums in the city do not have proper toilet facilities, as a result of which forced to defecate in the open. Owing to the shortage of toilets, slum dwellers face a lot of problems and they are forced to live in unhygienic environment. This situation not only pollutes the environment of the slums but also poses health hazards. The space around the existing unused and age old toilet blocks often becomes heavily used for open defecation which in turn produces a very large health burden and contributes to high infant and child death rates. Poor People who are not having a place for construction of the individual toilets in slum areas and having no capacity are benefited with hygienic facilities and feels like the individual household toilets In order to solve the problem to a great extent, to improve the sanitation conditions in the Town, the Kurnool Corporation decided to construct 53 Community Toilets from its own funds. The scheme aims to improve the sanitation condition of the slums. An amount of Rs.10.00 Crores has been earmarked for this purpose. The Corporation has taken a decision in the year 2012 for improving the Community Toilets as modernized toilets and giving the facilitations to the public and controlling of the Open Defecations and given to good services to the poor slum peoples. In this connection the Corporation has proposed the 53 Community Toilets for construction of modernization of toilets in poor slum areas. At present the Corporation has completed 33 Modernized Community Public Toilets in Kurnool Municipal Corporation area limits. The Corporation has taken another decision for maintenance of the modernized Community Toilets. The Corporation has giving contract work to the M/s. Sulabh International Organization Society, A.P., Hyderabad towards the maintenance of Modernized Community Toilets and also providing the good sanitary amenities to the poor slum people. 12 Nos of Modernized Community Toilets have been entrusted to the pervious Safai Karmacharies families for the maintenance of toilets and also providing the employment to the previous Safai Karmacharies families. Total No. of Slums Total No. of Community Toilets Proposed Total No. of Community Toilets Constructed Total No. of Community Toilets in Progress Tender stage Estimation Cost : 103 : 53 : 33 (465.70 Lakhs) : 19 :1 : Rs.1034.33 Lakhs Page 4 PAY AND USE SULABH TOILETS IN FLOATING AREAS ON PPP MODE: • In addition to the above, there are Pay and Use Sulabh Toilets recently constructed in the following areas where heavy floating of the public is available: • 1. Kids World Junction • 2. King Market Junction • 3. Near Collectorate BIO-TOILETS: In a conventional Toilet the night soil is disposed off into sewage system where it is available or into a septic tank where there is no sewage system. In a Bio Toilet the Night Soil (Human Waste) is let off into a Tank called Bio Digester. Bio Digester tank contains a combination of anaerobic bacteria. A formation developed by DRDO (Defense Research Development Organization). Night Soil Degradation occurs through microbial reaction which converts it into Bio Gas. The smell of night soil, the disease causing organisms in the night soil and the solid matter are eliminated totally. On dry weight basis 90% of the solid waste is reduced. The anaerobic process in- activates the pathogens responsible for water borne diseases. Bio digester serves as reaction vessel for bio methanation and provides the anaerobic conditions and required temp for the bacteria. The optimum temp is maintained by microbial heat, insulation of the reactor. Disposes human waste in a 100 % ECO friendly manner. Generates color less, odor less inflammable bio gas (can be used for cooking heating) and absolutely clear odor less water. Water is full of nutrients and minerals and is good for irrigation purpose of nearby gardens, lawns etc. does not require any septic Tank, Sewage Tank connectivity. Inoculums (combination of Anaerobic bacteria) charging is only once during the entire life of Bio Toilet. No need of connectivity to the sewage line, septic tank. No disposal of sludge is required. Routine cleaning chemicals like phenyl, soap, Kerosene etc. do not harm Bio Toilet or the inoculums. Page 5 ESTIMATE BREAK UP FOR CONTRUCTION OF BIO-TOILETS Bio-Toilet Tank Capacity (@4200 Lts) Toilet Structure (2 seats) Inoculum @1400 Lts Plumbing, Seat Arrangements, Water Supply, etc., Solar LED Lighting System Total Cost (excluding Vat, Labour Cess & Miscellaneous) - Rs. 32000.00 Rs. 56000.00 Rs. 84000.00 Rs. 15000.00 Rs. 11998.00 Rs. 2.00 Lakhs After examining the performance of the Bio Digester Toilet, another 8 Nos. of Bio Digester Toilets constructed in various important points where heavy public floating is available. The construction of the above toilets is completed and Corporation has entrusted the maintenance to the Registered Societies pertaining to the families of Rehabilitation of Manual Scavengers to provide self employment. The Societies will deploy 8 unemployed youth registered with their societies and they will be permitted to collect the user charges @ Rs. 4/- per user for using the toilet. The Corporation will provide water on free of cost. So that some of the unemployed scavengers will be benefited under the scheme. Brief notes on Compost yard at Gargeyapuram & Nuthanapally Village. The District Collector and Magistrate, Kurnool has allotted the following land at Gargapuram and Nuthanpalli village vide Sy.No. 751 and 180/2 for compost yard and the land details are as follows: The existing compost yard has purchased under the 12th Finance Commission grants Sl. No. Details of the proposed land for alienation For the purpose of Compost yard For the purpose of approach Road Total proposed Extent Required amount for alienation of land through exgratia and Market value. (If the Government accepted). Remarks 1 Assigned land 24.50 5.87 30.37 Rs. 91,11,000/(as exgratia @ Rs. 3,00,000/-) The exgratia amount has been paid to the R.D.O., Kurnool as per instructions of the Collector and District Magistrate, Kurnool. Page 6 2 Other 31.50 than Assigned land Total 56.00 Land Acres - 31.50 5.87 Acres 61.87 Acres orders are awaited from the Government One another proposal has been send to the District Revenue Officer, Kurnool for accord permission for acquisition of land of 42.67 acres vide Sy.No. 748, 749 and 80 at Gargapuram, which will be useful for compost yard due to the Kurnool city is growing rapidly. And the concerned land farmers are also giving their consent letter to this corporation for purchasing of land. Sl. Details of For the For the Total No. the purpose purpose proposed proposed of of Extent land for Compost approach alienation yard Road 1 Assigned land 42.67 - 42.67 Required amount for alienation of land through exgratia and Market value. (If the Government accepted). Rs. 1,28,01,000 /(as Market value @ Rs. 3,00,000/- per acre) Remarks The land proposals are sent to the Collector and District Magistrate, Kurnool orders are awaited ACTON PLAN OF THE URBAN MALARIA SCHEME : The Kurnool Municipal Corporation is also implementing Urban Malaria Scheme since 25 years. Two Malaria Sanitary Inspectors and 22 Nos of Malaria Mazdoors and 25 Nos of DWCUA Group members are working under Malaria Programme in this corporation to prevent Mosquito menace fogging work through on big machine and 3 hand machines is being done every day in the city under anti mosquito measures by the Malaria Staff. Page 7 BRIEF NOTE ON ANTI LARVAL OPERATIONS TAKEN UP BY THE KURNOOL MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, KURNOOL: In the Malaria Wing 20 Nos of Regular Malaria Mazdoors and 25 Nos of DWCUA Contract Workers are working and the Regular Malaria Mazdoors salaries are paid by the Government and Dwcua Contract Workers wages approximately an amount of Rs.23.00 (Lakhs) are paid by the Kurnool Municipal Corporation. The Malaria Sanitary Inspectors, Senior Entomologist and Health Officer is supervising the Anti-larval Operations The Malathion Fogging operations are done for the eradication of the Mosquitoes. In the Fogging Operations utilized the Diesel, Petrol and Malathian chemicals in the proportionate ratio. Fogging is done once in every Fifteen days in entire Kurnool city area. The Fogging Operations started from End of July (or) First week of August and continued upto March (or) April months depending upon the season. The Diesel and Petrol are drawn through indents issued by the Municipal Health Officer. The Municipal Health Officer has issued the indents for procure the diesel and petrol for Fogging Operations and diesel and Petrol incurred expenditure is an amount of Rs. 10.00 Lakhs per year. The Malathian Chemical is procure from the Hindustan Insecticides Limited (Government Undertaking) which incurred expenditure amount is Rs. 2.25 Lakhs per year. The Spraying chemicals of Abate and M.L. Oil has been supplied by the District Malaria Office, Kurnool, the same has spraying in the drains in regularly as part of anti larval operations. In case, if Government has non supplied (or) exhausted the Government supply of M.L. Oil, the corporation has purchased the oil from the local dealers as per Government norms and the incurred expenditure was an amount of Rs.2.00 Lakhs per year. Page 8 Gambusia fishes are supplied by the Government Fisheries Office, Kurnool and the Gambusia Fishes are dropped in the water points, pools, drains and stagnated water points. Sawdust is soaked in oil balls are made and dropped in the stagnated water bodies, pools and stagnated water points. The Kurnool Municipal Corporation has not been incurred the expenditure unnecessarily and it is only incurred, In case, if the chemicals are not supplied by the Government (or) exhaustion of the chemicals in this office supplied by the Government. The Malaria reports has been sent regularly to the District Malaria Officer, Kurnool, the Regional Malaria Office, Kadapa Zone, Deputy Director of Health, Hyderabad and Malaria and Filaria officer, Hyderabad in every month. So far no cases are reported in Kurnool Municipal Corporation limits and Anti-larval operations are running normally The Following Statement showing towards the incurred Expenditure details of Malaria eradication programme DETAILS Procuring of Diesel and Petrol Per Year (Rs. In Lakhs) 10.12 Per three Years (Rs. In Lakhs) 30.37 Contract Workers wages 23.48 70.43 Procuring of Malathion 2.25 6.75 Procuring of M.L. Oil 2.08 6.25 37.93 113.8 TOTAL Amount It may kindly be observed from the above table, that the amount spent towards Malathian and M.L. Oil is only Rs.13.00 Lakhs in last three years Commissioner, Kurnool Municipal Corporation, Kurnool. Page 9
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