HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE) WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (CONSULTANCY) BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (CONSULTANCY) WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (NETWORKS) BSc COMPUTER SCIENCE (NETWORKS) WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY BSC COMPUTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BSC COMPUTING AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY BSc WEB COMPUTING BSc WEB COMPUTING WITH A YEAR IN INDUSTRY DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER SCIENCE FACULTY OF SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 CONTENTS 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 2 2 Preface – What is Computer Science? ........................................................................................................... 3 3 Stages 2 and 3 and the Credit Framework ..................................................................................................... 4 4 Programme Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 5 5 Changing Degree Programme ...................................................................................................................... 22 6 Degrees With a Year in Industry .................................................................................................................. 22 7 Student Support ........................................................................................................................................... 22 8 Staff-Student Liaison .................................................................................................................................... 26 9 Attendance and Coursework ....................................................................................................................... 26 10 Assessment and Examination ...................................................................................................................... 28 11 Academic Integrity and Honesty at University ............................................................................................ 33 12 Student Guide .............................................................................................................................................. 34 13 Computing Academic Staff........................................................................................................................... 35 14 Dates of Terms and Teaching Week Numbers ............................................................................................. 36 15 Details of Teaching Rooms ........................................................................................................................... 37 16 Plan of the School of Computing ................................................................................................................. 41 Term Dates 2014/15 Term Autumn Start 29 September 2014 End 19 December 2014 Weeks 1−12 Spring 19 January 2015 10 April 2015 13−24 Summer 11 May 2015 19 June 2015 25−30 2015/16 Term Autumn Start 28 September 2015 End 18 December 2015 Weeks Spring 18 January 2016 8 April 2016 13−24 Summer 9 May 2016 17 June 2016 25−30 1−12 The information contained in this Handbook was correct at the time of going to print. The University, however, reserves the right to modify or cancel any statement in this Handbook (including the addition, withdrawal or restructuring of modules and programmes of study) at any time without prior notice. 1 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/2015 1 Introduction First of all, a warm welcome to those students entering Stage 2. I hope you will find the year interesting, challenging and enjoyable. To returning Stage 3 students, I hope you enjoyed your Stage 2 and, if you took one, your year away and that you are looking forward to your final year of study. Experience suggests that your best chance of success in a course such as this is to remain fully engaged with all aspects of it. I strongly advise that you continue to attend all lectures and practical classes during the year as the best way of keeping up with the course material. If you do encounter problems, for whatever reasons, do not hesitate to contact your lecturers, your Academic Adviser or me for help and advice. Academic integrity (in particular, the avoidance of plagiarism) is something we take particularly seriously in the School and I would like to draw your attention to the guidance that can be found in Section 12 of this handbook. Terminology: in this handbook the following terms are used to identify a year of study: Stage 2 Stage S Stage 3 − − − Second year of all programmes Placement year Final year of all programmes This handbook is designed to provide you with information about the modules you will be taking in Stages 2 and 3 of your Computing degree and contains details of all modules for these Stages; however, you should note that since the Computing degrees are under continual development and improvement, you should treat details of modules to be taken after 2014-15 as an approximate guide only. A new handbook will be issued in subsequent years, and will contain definitive information about the modules being offered at that time. You will be able to find detailed course information on the University’s World Wide Web pages beneath the following URLs: https://moodle.kent.ac.uk/moodle/ http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk http://www.eda.kent.ac.uk In any regularly changing course such as this, problems will inevitably arise on occasion. If you do encounter problems, please do not hesitate to come and see me about them. Likewise, I would be glad to hear ideas for long term improvements in the course. The contents of this booklet were correct at the time of going to press, but please remember that it may well be considered beneficial to make changes to the course at relatively short notice in order to make the most of any new developments. Staff leave or illness may also necessitate changes. Please keep an eye on your email, text messages, and on the School forums - https://forum.cs.kent.ac.uk/ − for details of these. Students are very welcome to attend Computing Seminars which are held on Tuesday afternoons at 16:00. These usually feature visiting speakers from both academic and industrial institutions. Seminars are arranged throughout the year and details may be found at: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/dept_info/seminars/ Student Charter The Student Charter specifically addresses the needs and expectations of student members of the University and the University’s commitment to high standards. It also considers the obligations of students and staff have to each other and refers both to academic activities and to non-academic matters which may affect students. The full Student Charter can be viewed online at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/regulations/general.html Janet Carter Director of Studies Room: S104 E-mail: J.E.Carter@kent.ac.uk 2 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 2 Preface – What is Computer Science? Computer Science encompasses the study of computer software and hardware, of the applications of computing, and of the algorithmic processes that form the foundations for computing. This includes the development of theories to explain computation, the creation and use of languages and notation for computing, building techniques to measure the efficiency of computation, understanding the process of software design and implementation and how that links with the underlying hardware, analysing how people interact with computing devices in different contexts, and applications that describe, move, present and transform information. The fundamental questions encapsulating computing are: what can be automated and how can it be done One aim of the course is to convey knowledge about computer science, but of equal importance is its aim to give graduates skills which will be of lasting value in a field which is constantly changing. ‘Skills’ in this context mean those abilities, like problem solving, which are generally applicable. For example, we see the aim of teaching programming using Java as being more about the process of analysing a problem and implementing a solution as it is about learning the minutiae of a specific language. Relevant skills developed in the course include: Programming. The ability to use (read, comprehend and write in) programming languages is central to computer science. Experience of using a small number of languages is expected, as well as an understanding of the general principles of programming. Modelling. To understand the relationship between the real world and programmed models of it is fundamental. This includes the use of formal logical or mathematical models, as well as more informal techniques. Abstraction. A perception that systems can be seen from different points of view, each of which is appropriate in achieving a particular aim. Design. The ability to describe and design computations and digital systems at various levels of abstraction. Experimentation. To be able to design experiments which test hypotheses about the behaviour of systems, and analyse the results in a rigorous fashion. Quantitative. To be able to use mathematical ideas in modelling the behaviour of real-world and computer systems. The comparison between this approach and a qualitative one; an understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of mathematical modelling. Personal Development and Communication. The ability to express oneself concisely and with clarity both in writing and orally. To develop the skills that enable you to link your knowledge and understanding with that of others. An understanding of your abilities and limitations and how to develop your skills and knowledge both during and beyond the course. Investigative. Problems in the real world are open-ended and divergent; an appreciation of the differences between such problems and small-scale textbook exercises is important. Practical. Graduates will be acquainted with state-of-the-art hardware and software systems and will be able to make engineering decisions about choice between systems and applicability of particular tools to particular problems. 3 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 3 Stages 2 and 3 and the Credit Framework The University operates a ‘credit framework’ for all its taught programmes of study. Detailed information on this may be found in the Student Handbook at http://www.kent.ac.uk/academic/handbook/ The degree for which you are registered (e.g. BSc (Hons) Computer Science) is called a “Programme of Study”. Each Programme of Study has a number of stages: Three-year programmes: Stage 1 = First Year Stage 2 = Second Year Stage 3 = Final Year Four Year programmes involving a year on industrial placement: Stage 1 = First Year Stage 2 = Second Year Stage S = Year in Industry Stage 3 = Final year You must achieve the requirements of each stage before progressing to the next. These requirements are set out in Section 10. For each stage a programme of study is divided into modules each worth 15 credits or multiples thereof. During each Stage you are required to take a total of 120 credits. Each module has a convener who is responsible for co-ordination of delivery of the module. Several lecturers may teach on one module. Each module is assigned a level as follows: Level C: Level I: Level H: Level M: Certificate Intermediate Honours Masters Credit is awarded by achieving an overall module mark of 40% or above. For three-year programmes Stages 2 and 3 extend over two years (full-time). For four-year programmes with a year in industry Stages 2, S and 3 extend over three years (full-time). You must take 240 credits overall in Stages 2 and 3 (360 if you are following a four-year programme). The following stage weightings apply: Three year programmes: Stage 2 Stage 3 40% 60% Year in Industry programmes: Stage 2 Stage S (Placement Year) Stage 3 35% 10% 55% Each academic year extends over three terms: examinations. two 12-week teaching terms and one six-week term for Each programme of study has an approved Programme Specification which can be found at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/stms/studying/programmes/index.html Code of Practice for Taught Programmes of Study The University Code of Practice for Taught Programmes of Study is designed to ensure that your programme of study will deliver high quality education, meeting the needs of the discipline, the student and relevant review bodies. Further information on this is available in the online Academic Handbook at http://www.kent.ac.uk/academic/handbook/ Professional Accreditation All programmes are accredited by the British Computer Society. Information is available at: http://www.cs.kent/teaching/Accreditation 4 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 4 Programme Requirements The following tables give details of compulsory and optional modules for each programme of study. For the three year programme you must take 240 credits overall in Stages 2 and 3. For the four year programme you must take 360 credits overall in Stages 2, S and 3: a total of 120 credits in each Stage. At least 210 credits must be at level I or above, and at least 90 credits must be at Level H or above. Each of Stages 2 and 3 consist of 120 credits. Further instructions for registration for optional modules are available at: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/cas/InfoStudents In choosing optional modules you should ensure that you have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3). The particular optional modules taught in any one year are subject to registration numbers and staffing constraints. A module may be withdrawn if an insufficient number of students register for it. IT IS ULTIMATELY YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT YOU ARE REGISTERED FOR THE CORRECT MODULES FOR YOUR PROGRAMME. Following the Summer vacation any module changes must be made by Friday 10 October 2014 using a module change form available from the Course Administration Office. However, permission to change modules may be restricted particularly for modules delivered by other schools (eg Business or Philosophy modules) and you should ensure that you give careful consideration to your proposed choices prior to the on-line registration process in the Spring Term. Full module specifications can be found on the following University web pages: http://www.kent.ac.uk/stms/studying/modules/index.html The online module catalogue http://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/modulecatalogue/index.html contains information about all academic modules taught at the University. You can browse collections of modules or can search by module code or module title. 4.1 Stage 2 Computer Science (three and four year programmes) [CS, CS-S] Code Title Required modules: CO510 Software Engineering CO518 Algorithms, Correctness and Efficiency 1 Theory of Computing CO519 CO539 Web Development CO527 Operating Systems and Architecture CO532 Database Systems CO545 Functional and Concurrent Programming Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 Placement Year Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S A A A S S S I I I I I I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 - I 120 1 Stage 2 Direct Entrants to Computer Science should take the normal Stage 2 programme. In exceptional circumstances module CO523 can replace CO519 in which case CO519 must be taken at Stage 3. 5 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (three and four year programmes) [CS(AI), CS(AI)-S] Code Title Required modules: CO510 Software Engineering CO518 Algorithms, Correctness and Efficiency CO519 Theory of Computing CO539 Web Development CO528 Introduction to Intelligent Systems CO532 Database Systems CO545 Functional and Concurrent Programming Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 Placement Year Term Level Credit A&S A A A S S S I I I I I I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 - I 120 I I I I I I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 I 120 I I I I I I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 I 15 Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S A S S S A&S I I I I I H 30 15 15 15 15 30 - I 120 Computer Science (Consultancy) (three and four year programmes) [CS(CON), CS(CON)-S] Required modules: CO510 Software Engineering CO518 Algorithms, Correctness and Efficiency CO519 Theory of Computing CO539 Web Development CO527 Operating Systems and Architecture CO532 Database Systems CB680 Introduction to Marketing A&S A A A S S S Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 Placement Year Computer Science (Networks) (three and four year programmes) [CS(NET), CS(NET)-S] Required modules: CO510 Software Engineering CO518 Algorithms, Correctness and Efficiency CO519 Theory of Computing CO539 Web Development CO527 Operating Systems and Architecture CO532 Database Systems CO545 Functional and Concurrent Programming A&S A A A S S S Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 Placement Year Web Computing (three and four year programmes) [WCo, WCo-S] Code Title Stage 2 Required modules: CO510 Software Engineering CO518 Algorithms, Correctness and Efficiency CO527 Operating Systems and Architecture CO532 Database Systems EL538 Interaction Design EL640 Mobile Application Design Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 6 gggg Placement Year UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computing and Business Administration (three and four year programmes) [CoBA, CoBA-S] Code Title Required modules: CO324 Computer Systems CO510 Software Engineering CO532 Database Systems CB683 Marketing Strategy CB677 Accounting for Management Control and Decision Making CB681 Managing Human Resources in Contemporary Organisations CB676 Strategy Analysis and Tools Term Level Credit A A&S S A A S S C I I H I I I 15 30 15 15 15 15 15 Where CB675 and CB680 have not been taken at Stage 1 the following are taken in place of CB677 and CB683 CB514 Operations Management A H CB682 Managing People A I 15 15 Note: Direct Entrants to Stage 2 should take the normal Stage 2 programme Stage S (Placement Year for four-year programmes only) CO790 Placement Year I 120 7 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 4.2 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Stage 3 Computer Science (three year programme) [CS] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or CO650 IT Consultancy Project* Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 Together with modules totaling 90 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary prerequisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO528 CO633 CO634 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO653 CO831 CO832 CB612 EL561 EL667 PL583 * Introduction to Intelligent Systems Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility * IT Consultancy Practice 2 Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up Image Analysis and Applications Embedded Computer Systems Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 8 gggg S A A A A S S S AorS S A S S A A A&S S I H H H H H H H H H H M M I I H H 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computer Science with a Year in Industry [CS-S] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or CO650 IT Consultancy Project* Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 Together with modules totaling 90 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary prerequisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO519 CO528 CO633 CO634 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO653 CO831 CO832 CB612 EL561 EL667 PL583 * Theory of Computing Introduction to Intelligent Systems Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility * IT Consultancy Practice 2 Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up Image Analysis and Applications Embedded Computer Systems Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence A I 15 S A A A A S S S AorS S A S S A A A&S S I H H H H H H H H H H M M I I H H 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 9 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) (three year programme) [CS(AI)] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or * CO650 IT Consultancy Project CO636 CO637 Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation# Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A A H H 15 15 Together with optional modules totaling 60 credits. You should normally register for modules totaling 30 credits from modules marked with # or ° and undertake a CO600/CO620 project relating to AI. Alternatively, subject to availability and timetabling constraints, CSAI students wishing to undertake a CO600/620/650 project unrelated to AI may do so provided they select modules totaling at least 60 credits from modules marked with # or °. Overall you should register for an even split of modules across each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 CO633 CO634 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO653 CB612 CO831 CO832 EL561 PL520/521 PL573 PL582 * Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2* Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ New Enterprise Start-Up Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery# Image Analysis and Applications# Philosophy Extended Essay° Wittgenstein° Paradoxes° acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 10 gggg A A S S AorS S A A S S A AorS A S H H H H H H H I M M I H H H 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) with a Year in Industry [CS(AI)-S] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or * CO650 IT Consultancy Project CO636 Cognitive Neural Networks Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A H 15 Together with optional modules totaling 75 credits. You should normally select options totaling 30 credits from modules marked with # or ° and undertake a CO600/CO620 project relating to AI. Alternatively, subject to availability and timetabling constraints, CSAI students wishing to undertake a CO600/620/650 project unrelated to AI may do so provided they select options totaling at least 60 credits from modules marked with # or °. Overall you should normally register for an even split of modules across each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO519 CO633 CO634 CO637 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO653 CB612 CO831 CO832 EL561 PL520/521 PL573 PL582 * Theory of Computing Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Natural Computation# Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2* Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ New Enterprise Start-Up Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery# Image Analysis and Applications# Philosophy Extended Essay° Wittgenstein° Paradoxes° A I 15 A A A S S AorS S A A S S A AorS A S H H H H H H H H I M M I H H H 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 30 30 acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 11 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Computer Science (Consultancy) (three year programme) [CS(CON)] Code Title Required modules: 2 CO650 IT Consultancy Project * CO545 Functional Concurrency Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S S H I 30 15 Together with modules totaling 75 credits from the following. Overall, there should normally be an even split of modules across each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 15 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below CO528 CO633 CO634 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO646 CO653 CO831 CO832 CB612 * Introduction to Intelligent Systems Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 12 gggg S A A A A S S S S A S S A I H H H H H H H H H M M I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computer Science (Consultancy) with a Year in Industry [CS(CON)-S] Code Title Required modules: 3 CO650 IT Consultancy Project * Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 Together with modules totaling 90 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary prerequisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO519 CO528 CO633 CO634 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO646 CO653 CO831 CO832 CB612 * Theory of Computing Introduction to Intelligent Systems Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up A I 15 S A A A A S S S S A S S A I H H H H H H H H H M M I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 13 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Computer Science (Networks) (three year programme) [CS(NET)] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or CO650 IT Consultancy Project* CO633 CO634 Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A A H H 15 15 Together with modules totaling 60 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split of modules across each term. In choosing options you should ensure you have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3. CO528 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO653 CO831 CO832 CB612 Introduction to Intelligent Systems Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2* Computing in the Classroom* Graphics Programming with C++ Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up *acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 14 gggg S A A S S S AorS S A S S A I H H H H H H H H M M I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computer Science (Networks) with a Year in Industry [CS(NET)-S] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or CO650 IT Consultancy Project* Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 30 Together with modules totaling 90 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options students should ensure they have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO519 CO528 CO633 CO634 CO636 CO637 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO831 CO832 CB612 Theory of Computing Introduction to Intelligent Systems Computer Networks and Communication Computer Security and Cryptography Cognitive Neural Networks Natural Computation Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2* Computing in the Classroom* Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery New Enterprise Start-Up A I 15 S A A A A S S S AorS S S S A I H H H H H H H H H M M I 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 *acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 15 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Computing and Business Administration (three year programmes) [CoBA] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or * CO650 IT Consultancy Project CB520 Services Management And one of CB684 Strategic Human Resource Management (CB681 pre-requisite) or CB679 Corporate and Business Strategy (CB676 pre-requisite) Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S S H H 30 15 A H 15 A H 15 Together with modules totaling 60 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options students should ensure they have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the lists below. At least 30 credits from: CO528 CO539 CO636 CO639 CO641 CO643 CO645 CO646 CO831 CO832 Introduction to Intelligent Systems Web Development Cognitive Neural Networks Electronic Commerce Computer Graphics and Animation Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2* Computing in the Classroom* Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery S A A S S S AorS S S S The remaining 30 credits may be taken from the computing list above or from the following: PL583 Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence S CB501 International Employment Relations and Human Resource A&S Management CB523 International Business A&S CB544 International Marketing A CB545 Marketing Research S CB546 Marketing Communications S CB587 E-Commerce and Business A CB612 New Enterprise Start-up A EC566 Macroeconomics for Business S I I H H H H H H M M 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 H H 30 30 H H H H H I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Stage 2 Direct Entry students may choose either two modules (30 credits) from the list of computing options or one 15 credit from the list of computing options and one 15 credit from the list of business options. They must also take CB680 Introduction to Marketing and CB683 Marketing Strategy. * acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 16 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Computing and Business Administration with a Year in Industry [CoBA-S] Code Title Required modules: CO600 Group Project or CO620 Research Project or * CO650 IT Consultancy Project CB520 Services Management And one of CB684 Strategic Human Resource Management (CB681 pre-requisite) or CB679 Corporate and Business Strategy (CB676 pre-requisite) Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S S H H 30 15 A H 15 A H 15 Together with modules totaling 60 credits from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options students should ensure they have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. At least 30 credits from: CO528 Introduction to Intelligent Systems S CO539 Web Development A CO636 Cognitive Neural Networks A CO639 Electronic Commerce S CO641 Computer Graphics and Animation S CO643 Computing Law and Professional Responsibility S CO645 IT Consultancy Practice 2* AorS CO646 Computing in the Classroom* S CO831 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing S CO832 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery S The remaining 30 credits may be taken from the computing list above or from the following: PL583 Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence S CB501 International Employment Relations and Human Resource A&S Management CB523 International Business A&S CB544 International Marketing A CB545 Marketing Research S CB546 Marketing Communications S CB587 E-Commerce and Business A CB612 New Enterprise Start-up A EC566 Macroeconomics for Business S I I H H H H H H M M 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 H H 30 30 H H H H H I I 30 15 15 15 15 15 15 Stage 2 Direct Entry students may choose either two modules (30 credits) from the list of computing options or one 15 credit from the list of computing options and one 15 credit from the list of business options. They must also take CB680 Introduction to Marketing and CB683 Marketing Strategy. * acceptance on these modules is subject to interview 17 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Web Computing (three year programmes) [WCo] Code Title Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 45 Required modules: CO600 Computing Project or CO620 Research Project or EL600 Solo Project Together with modules totaling 90 credits (or 75 credits if EL600 is taken) from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options students should ensure they have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO633 Computer Networks and Communication A H 15 CO634 Computer Security and Cryptography A H 15 CO636 Cognitive Neural Networks A H 15 CO637 Natural Computation A H 15 CO639 Electronic Commerce S H 15 CO641 Computer Graphics and Visualisation S H 15 CO643 Computing Law and Professional Responsibility S H 15 CO646 Computing in the Classroom* S H 15 CO653 Graphics Programming with C++ A H 15 CO831 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing S M 15 CO832 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery S M 15 EL561 Image Analysis and Applications A&S I 15 EL639 Videogames Design A H 15 EL667 Embedded Computer Systems A&S H 15 18 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Web Computing with a Year in Industry [WCo-S] Code Title Term Taught Level Credit Value A&S H 30 A&S H 30 A&S H 45 Required modules: CO600 Computing Project or CO620 Research Project or EL600 Solo Project Together with modules totaling 90 credits (or 75 credits if EL600 is taken) from the following. There should normally be an even split (45 credits) in each term. In choosing options students should ensure they have taken or are taking necessary pre-requisite modules (see table in Section 4.3) At least 90 credits at Level H or above must be taken at Stage 3 so no more than 30 credits of Level I modules may be taken from the list below. CO633 Computer Networks and Communication A H 15 CO634 Computer Security and Cryptography A H 15 CO636 Cognitive Neural Networks A H 15 CO637 Natural Computation A H 15 CO639 Electronic Commerce S H 15 CO641 Computer Graphics and Visualisation S H 15 CO643 Computing Law and Professional Responsibility S H 15 CO646 Computing in the Classroom* S H 15 CO653 Graphics Programming with C++ A H CO831 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing S M 15 CO832 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery S M 15 EL561 Image Analysis and Applications A&S I 15 EL639 Videogames Design A H 15 EL667 Embedded Computer Systems A&S H 15 15 Diploma in Computer Science Students registered for the Diploma in Computer Science must take modules totalling 120 credits chosen from the modules in the table on pages 17 and 18. At least 90 credits must be at Level I or above. Diploma students normally undertake a project: CO600 Group Project, or CO620 Research Project. The remaining modules may be chosen subject to pre-requisite knowledge, timetabling and other constraints. Subject to approval from the school concerned students may take modules offered by the School of Engineering and Digital Arts or by the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science. However students must take a minimum of 90 credits of computing modules. Selection of modules is undertaken in discussion with the adviser to short-term student, Dr Julio Hernandez-Castro. *acceptance on this module is subject to interview 19 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 4.3 Computing Modules: levels, credits, terms, weightings and pre-requisites For module descriptions see: http://www.kent.ac.uk/courses/modulecatalogue/index.html The particular optional modules taught in any one year are subject to registration numbers and staffing constraints. A module may be withdrawn if an insufficient number of students register for it. Module Weightings cw proj exam 50 50 Pre-requisites A&S 50 50 CO334, CO520 15 A 30 70 CO325, CO520 I 15 A 50 50 Further Object-Oriented Programming I 15 S 100 CO520, CO325 or (CO523) CO320 I 15 A 100 - CO527 Fundamentals of Programming and Logic Operating Systems and Architecture I 15 S 40 60 CO320, CO324 CO528 Introduction to Intelligent Systems I 15 S 50 50 CO520 or CO523 CO532 Database Systems I 15 S 40 60 CO323, or CO523 CO539 Web Development I 15 A 50 50 CO320, CO323 CO545 Functional and Concurrent Programming I 15 S 50 50 CO320 or CO523 Module Code Title Level Credits CO324 Computer Systems C 15 Term (see Note 1) S CO510 Software Engineering I 30 CO518 Algorithms, Correctness & Efficiency I CO519 Theory of Computing CO520 CO523 Notes See note 9 See note 13 CO600 Group Project H 30 A&S 100 CO510 or CO531 See note 2 & 6 CO620 Research Project H 30 A&S 100 CO510 or CO531 See note 2, 6, & 11 CO633 H 15 A 40 60 CO634 Computer Networks and Communications Computer Security and Cryptography H 15 A 30 CO636 Cognitive Neural Networks H 15 A CO637 Natural Computation H 15 CO639 Electronic Commerce H CO641 Computer Graphics and Animation CO643 CO645 Computing Law and Professional Responsibility IT Consultancy Practice 2 CO646 70 CO322 CO324 CO325 CO520 CO324 (CO526 or CO527) See note 10 20 80 CO322 See note 3 A 40 60 15 S 50 50 H 15 S 50 50 CO322, CO325, CO520 See note 3 or (CO523) CO532, (CO525 or CO539), (CO321 or CO323 or CO523) CO520 or CO523 H 15 S 50 50 See note 5 H 15 A&S Computing in the Classroom H 15 S CO650 IT Consultancy Project H 30 A&S CO653 Graphics Programming with C++ H 15 A 50 50 CO831 Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing M 15 S 50 50 See note 5 CO832 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery M 15 S 20 80 See note 5 20 gggg 100 25 CO534 or CO510 75 See note 6 8 See note 12 100 CO534 or CO510 See note2 6 7 8 UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. “A” indicates that a module is delivered in the Autumn Term and “S” indicates the Spring Term. Credit by compensation or condonement will not be awarded for CO600, CO620, CO650. Modules CO636 CO637, require A-Level Mathematics or equivalent appropriate knowledge (such as CO322/CO325); The pass mark for each module is 40%. CO643 CO831 CO832 have no specified pre-requisites but students should have successfully completed Stage 1 of a relevant programme in order to take CO643, or Stage 2 of a relevant programme in order to take CO831. In the event of failure of any of CO645, CO600, CO620, CO650 no alternative assessment will be available. Credit can only be retrieved by repeating the module. Students who have taken CO535 will not be eligible to take CO650. The maximum number to be admitted to CO645 CO650 will be determined each year by the Kent IT Clinic (KITC) management according to the commercial prospects at the time. Acceptance on these modules is subject to interview. CO523 Fundamentals of Programming and Logic is available to Stage 2 direct entrants only. It is equivalent to material covered in CO320 CO520 CO323 and is taken as a co-requisite to Stage 2 modules. CO634: CO324 is normally pre-requisite but, subject to approval from the module convener it may be possible to take it without. CO620: As a research project, this module is normally aimed at students who are achieving at upper second class level and above (ie an overall average at Stage 2 of at least 60%), and who may be intending to undertake research following graduation. CO646 has no specific pre-requisites but requires a general understanding of computing technology as would be gained by completing Stage 1 of a computing related programme. Acceptance onto the module is by interview and is subject to confirmation of a school placement. Applicants will be asked to submit a brief summary of their reasons for choosing this module. The interview will include a short presentation by the student on some aspect of Computing. Selection will be on the basis of their ability to communicate technical material clearly together with a thoughtful approach to what they expect to gain from and contribute to the module, their ability to act as a role model and to represent the university in an outside organisation. Successful applicants will be subject to CRB checks. In the event of failure no alternative assessment will be available. Credit can only be retrieved by repeating the module. Where this is not appropriate the School reserves the right to require a student to take an alternative module. Students who have taken module CO525 Dynamic Web may not take CO539. . 21 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 5 Changing Degree Programme The Education (Mandatory Awards) Regulations provide that the Student Loans Company/your funding body can refuse to agree to the transfer of a mandatory award (and thus, in effect, to a student changing his/her programme of study) if either (a) its consent to the change has not been given within 12 months of commencement of the award, or (b) the new programme of study is of longer duration than that for which the student originally registered. In the present financial climate greater attention is being paid to those provisions in the Regulations (which can reduce their financial liabilities) and there is increasing evidence that consent to such changes may be refused if either of the above provisions have not been met. You are therefore strongly advised to ensure that any change of degree programme is formally approved by your School, and your funding body informed by you within the 12 month period. It is essential that you contact your funding body and the Student Loans Company to ascertain eligibility for funding before proceeding with any change of degree programme. Programme changes are normally made prior to the on-line-module registration process in March. To change your programme, you must obtain academic permission from the relevant Director of Studies, and submit a completed Change of Degree form to the Course Administration Office. If you wish to transfer to a programme in another School you should consult the relevant School Office in the first instance. All requests to transfer must be made before the end of the Spring term. You are responsible for notifying the Student Loans Company/your funding body. 6 Degrees With a Year in Industry Opportunity exists to undertake a one year placement between Stages 2 and 3. The year has to be registered with the Student Loan Company/your funding body and the University, and students wishing to undertake such a placement must ensure that they are registered for the programme within twelve months of their original registration. For most students this means by the end of Stage 1. For those who have completed a foundation course any transfer must be completed by the end of the Foundation Year. Failure to adhere to these deadlines may result in a funding body terminating any funding. A placement is a formal part of the degree and you will be required to keep a log of your training and work experience during the year. A report must be written at the end of the year which will contribute to the final assessment. The year in industry will contribute 10% to the final degree classification consisting of: a final written report an assessment by the industrial supervisor The Industrial Placement Co-ordinators (email csplacements@kent.ac.uk) will support you in finding a suitable placement but the search effort is primarily down to you. To help with this at the beginning of Stage 2 there will be employer presentations and further specific skills talks following on from the careers project week in Stage 1. Failure to obtain a placement will result in you reverting to a three year programme. The requirements for progression to the placement year (Stage S) are contained in Section 10. Credit by compensation or condonement will not be awarded for the placement year. 7 Student Support 7.1 Academic Support The School of Computing provides a variety of support mechanisms for students on academic programmes. This statement is concerned with academic support mechanisms; pastoral academic support is explained in Section 7.3. 1. Students are encouraged to ask questions by e-mail, and lecturers will in turn reply to these in a reasonable time. Lecturers should make clear to students if they are going to be unable to respond to e-mail because of absence from the university, and should explain how alternative support is to be given. 22 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 2. Questions and answers to e-mail enquiries will, when appropriate, be broadcast to all appropriate students, either via the appropriate newsgroup or via an anonymous question page. 3. Where appropriate, students will be given the facility to ask questions anonymously. Questions and responses will be made available to the whole of the student group via the Moodle Web pages. 4. Staff aim to be available for face-to-face meetings with students seeking academic assistance. In order to make this work most effectively, it is helpful for students to make the first contact via e-mail to ask for a meeting time, thus avoiding a wasted trip to the staff member’s office. Staff should arrange such a meeting with the student, or where appropriate with a group of students seeking similar help, within a reasonable period of time. A meeting with a group will be provided in a timetabled slot for extra provision, thus ensuring that all eligible students can attend the session. 5. Students are also advised that the appropriate newsgroups can be used to give rapid support from peers and other year groups. 6. Students are expected to read e-mail and nominated newsgroups daily, and also regularly to check module Web pages. Students are also expected to read anonymous course question pages for assistance before contacting staff members. 7. The arrangements above apply to term time support. Outside term time, more limited support will be available, but students should be aware that staff may be absent from the university on university business or on leave. 8. The School will try to ensure that its Web pages and newsgroups are available to students trying to access the material from off campus. 9. Student grievances about the implementation of these procedures should be discussed with the student’s academic adviser or the School Senior Tutor. 7.2 Moodle Moodle is Kent’s Virtual Learning Environment. It will give you access to teaching materials and other information associated with the modules for which you are registered. It can be accessed via the student guide or direct at https://moodle.kent.ac.uk/moodle. Further information on how Moodle will be used will be provided by teaching staff at the start of a module. To access Moodle go to http://moodle.kent.ac.uk and log-in using your normal Kent log-in. Online training guides for Moodle and general information regarding e-learing are available from the ‘Student Support’ section of the e-learning website at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/elearning/documentation.html 7.3 Academic Advisers Each student is assigned an Academic Adviser for the full duration of their programme of study. A student can expect the primary emphasis of their Adviser's role to be the provision of personal support - both academic and pastoral. Your Academic Adviser will receive reports on your attendance and progress from class and project supervisors, and individual meetings to review progress and for other supervisory purposes will be held at key stages each year. In all cases a record is kept. Students experiencing problems with their studies are encouraged to meet with their Academic Adviser more frequently. Your Academic Adviser is the person to whom you should go first for help with any problems that you meet. You should feel free to seek his or her advice and help whenever you think you are faced with a problem whether academic or personal that is affecting your life at Kent. In addition the University provides professional support to meet a diversity of needs. See Section 12 23 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 7.4 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Other Academic Help and Guidance Students experiencing problems with their course should consult their Academic Adviser or the Director of Studies. Tuan Yu, T.L.Yu@kent.ac.uk can deal with difficulties for Business Administration. Queries about examinations should be referred to the Examinations Officer, Dr Rogerio de Lemos Questions about particular modules are often best addressed to the lecturer concerned, or to the module convener, at least to start with. The conveners are accessible via the module web pages. Students experiencing problems of a non-academic or more general nature should consult their Academic Adviser. Academic Advisers are allocated at the start of the course. See Section 7.3 above for further information. The Senior Tutor for Computing is Janet Carter (email J.E.Carter@kent.ac.uk), Room S104, Extension 7978. 7.5 Administrative Support 7.5.1 Course Administration Office The Course Administration Office can assist you with matters of an administrative nature relating to your registration. The office is located in S132, School of Computing, Cornwallis South and the office personnel are as follows: Administrator: Sandra Shine Assistants: Lucy Ashbey Sonnary Dearden Rosemary Higham Sam McDonagh Deborah Sillifant Email: computing@kent.ac.uk Opening hours: Monday – Friday 10:00 − 12:30, 14:00 − 16:00 Functions of the office include: • maintaining the computerised Student Data System, • supervising the handing in, distribution and return of coursework as well as processing the associated marks, • co-ordination of the teaching timetable, • processing student transfers of degree programmes and/or modules, registration for examinations, • production of student status letters, • correspondence with sponsors. 7.5.2 Student Data System The University has an on-line Student Data System. The system is accessible by students from the student guide: http://www.kent.ac.uk/student/ It gives you on-line access to the following information: Your lecture and class timetable; Coursework Details: includes assessment deadlines, weightings and other related information; Your marks: you will be able to view your coursework marks as they are entered into the system throughout the year. Examination marks will be available at the end of the academic year once they have been confirmed by Boards of Examiners; The modules for which you are registered; The records of your attendance at compulsory classes; Your end of Stage result. 24 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Subscription to the University SMS text alert service (see below) The system also allows you to view and notify changes to your personal details as held by the University and has a number of facilities to enable you to register on-line: 7.5.3 returning registration at the start of a new academic year; confirmation of examinations and assessment in the Spring Term; Optional modules registration Study skills workshops Congregations Ceremony The Registry There are some matters that are not dealt with in the School and for these students need to visit the relevant Registry department. These include: Name changes (Registry Student Reception) Fee payments and queries (Income Office, Registry) Immigration Office Application for Extension of Stay (Registry Student Reception) US Exchange students need to register their module choices with the International office (International Office, Registry) Some matters are dealt with by Registry departments, but administered online. For example, Council Tax Exemption Certificates. 7.5.4 School and Faculty Officers Title Head of School Name Professor Frank Wang Email F.Z.Wang@kent.ac.uk Senior Tutor Director of Studies Chair, Applied Computing Executive Industrial Placement Co-ordinator Dean of the Faculty Chair Staff-Student Liaison Exams Officer Janet Carter Janet Carter Dr Nick Ryan Sian Robson/Katie Van Sanden Professor Mark Burchell Dr Nick Ryan Dr Rogerio de Lemos J.E.Carter@kent.ac.uk J.E.Carter@kent.ac.uk N.S.Ryan@kent.ac.uk csplacements@kent.ac.uk M.J.Burchell@kent.ac.uk N.S.Ryan@kent.ac.uk R.Delemos@kent.ac.uk 7.6 International Office The International Office acts as a first point of call for international students requiring support or assistance and operates a drop-in and appointment service to all students. See: www.kent.ac.uk/international 7.7 Communication: Mail/E-mail/Web/SMS Text Messaging/Student Guide You are responsible for collecting University communications via your internal mail and e-mail – it is your responsibility to check these sources regularly. Notices, Many modules have dedicated forums on the Moodle web page. The student email service is called Live@Edu and provides up to 10GB of email space, instant messaging and collaboration services with fellow students. Documentation and FAQs are available at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/itservices/email/ An SMS text alert subscription service is available to students via the Student Data System. Students can subscribe, free of charge, via their student data account. The system allows the School to email text alerts (for example change of lecture venues at short notice) to students who have subscribed. Students who do not subscribe will receive an equivalent email message via their Kent account. The Student Guide provides personalised access to student information, services and news from around the University: http://www.kent.ac.uk/student/ 25 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 8 Staff-Student Liaison Providing outstanding student representation is integral to Kent Union’s existence. There is student representation at all levels of University life. Every student will have a course representative who is elected to listen to the views of course mates and discuss them with staff at School consultative meetings. There are elected student representatives who sit on Faculty and University wide committees as well as full time Sabbatical Officers who represent students’ needs on issues such as academic, welfare and social matters at University, local and national level. All representatives are elected in elections which take place either in October or March so YOU can decide who represents your needs! For more information on student representation and how to get involved visit. See http://www.kentunion.co.uk/representation/coursereps/ Your views on your courses are important to us. By working together we help to improve the quality of learning and teaching to the benefit of all, staff and students. If you have any concerns or have suggestions for improvement to offer, don't keep them to yourself, but let us know as soon as possible. Even if you feel that any change will be too late for you to benefit, cohorts in future years will be grateful to you. There are several ways you can give feedback and these are explained at: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/teaching/student/feedback.html Students elect representatives annually to represent the views of the year group on each programme of study. These students sit on the School Staff-Student Liaison and the Learning and Teaching Committees. Representatives are chosen to sit on the Faculty Learning and Teaching Committees and Faculty Board. Matters raised by students are dealt with informally as they arise or they may be raised at the Staff-Student Liaison Committee. The Committee which has responsibility for staff-student liaison over all taught programmes in the School (both undergraduate and postgraduate) provides a constructive interface between the School and students aimed at improving: • the delivery of programmes and courses; • the quality of student feedback; • action times on dealing with problems such as access to facilities, delays in marking, overload problem, etc. 8.1 Student Activities Centre The Activities Centre aims to provide opportunities for students to develop skills outside of their academic programme, and to try new activities. For example, they offer the Kent Student Certificate in Volunteering which is a scheme that recognises the hours you put in as a volunteer for which you receive a certificate that can be added to your CV. There is also the STAND OUT scheme which offers professional training sessions on different skills such as public speaking or event planning. There are over 100 different societies on offer at Kent and over 40 sports teams so you are sure to find something that matches your interest. You can look them up at http://www.kentunion.co.uk/ 9 Attendance and Coursework 9.1 General Students are required to meet certain conditions of attendance at the University. Further information on this may be found under the “Attendance” link in the online Academic Handbook at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/academic/handbook/ 9.2 Timetables and Teaching Hours Lecture and class information is available via the Student Data System. Notices relating to changes to the timetable are communicated to students via email and the Moodle Web page. Lectures and classes are normally timetabled between the hours of 09:00 and 18:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, and between 09:00 and 13:00 on Wednesdays. However, there may be occasions when it will be necessary for teaching to take place on Wednesday afternoons, or from 18:00−19:00 on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays or Fridays. Teaching begins at 5 minutes past the hour and ends at 5 minutes to the hour. No smoking, eating or drinking is allowed in any teaching room. Teaching Timetables for termly delivered programmes will be 26 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 available by the start of the Autumn and Spring terms. Queries on the timetable should, in the first instance, be addressed to the Course Administration Office. 9.3 Good Study habits It is recommended that students follow up every lecture with at least a further hour of study. Large assessments often have a long lead time. When not working on assessments, do background study. Aim to work at least 8 hours per week for each 15 credit module. 9.4 Attendance Monitoring and Submission of Work Attendance at supervisions, project group meetings, seminar, terminal, laboratory and other practical classes is compulsory under the general regulations for students. Attendance at compulsory classes is monitored and recorded on the Student Data System. Students are also required to pursue diligently the programme of study selected from the list of modules as laid down in this handbook. This includes appropriate lecture modules and attendance at lectures may be monitored. In some cases, assessments will be carried out during class time, and the marks obtained here may be used as part of the coursework mark for the relevant module. Students should note that examination questions may relate to material covered in lectures but not necessarily covered in notes handed out or displayed on the Web. Do not assume the existence of a question on a particular topic in an earlier year’s paper means a similar question will or will not appear again this year. Consult the lecturer if in doubt about what is examinable. Attendance at Computing lectures will be monitored in order to enable the School to remind students of the importance of attending lectures in support of their learning. Academic Advisers and directors of study will be informed of absences in order to identify where there may be cause for concern in the case of repeated or prolonged absence, for instance, unreported illness. School followup as a result of repeated absence will primarily be with the intention of promoting and recovering student progress, however, repeated absence may be taken as a possible indicator of lack of appropriate diligence when considering disciplinary processes. All coursework is compulsory and students are required to submit all work set by the deadline prescribed. Module Convenors will determine the deadlines for submission of coursework, extended essays and dissertations, and will inform you of these via the Student Data System. Please note that late submission of coursework which is not subject to any concessionary plea will be awarded a mark of zero. Further details at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework/index.html Annex 9. If you are unable to submit required coursework because of illness or other reasonable cause, you must report the reason without delay to your Academic Adviser and the person who set the assessment. For computing modules it is up to the person who set the assessment, in consultation with your Academic Adviser, to decide whether or not to grant an extension. An extension, once granted, cannot be further extended for the same reason that it was originally granted. Student progress is regularly monitored and failure to fulfil these obligations could, in extreme cases, result in you being required to withdraw from the university (see Paragraph 7.2 of the Regulations for Taught Programmes of Study). A register of attendance is maintained at all seminars and classes, and individual student attendance recorded. The progress of students in the Faculty is formally monitored. Leaders of compulsory classes and module convenors are expected to draw to the attention of the Director of Studies the situation of students who have academic problems. In the first instance a seminar leader/module convenor will inform the Director of Studies when a student is not attending compulsory classes or is performing inadequately, he/she will check if this is the situation on other modules and may subsequently discuss the problem with the student. It will be made clear to students that attendance at compulsory classes is compulsory and that future absences will be reported to the Director of Studies, who may give advice to the student on academic problems and/or may refer the student to the Student Learning Advisory service in the Unit for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching, the English Language Unit or other sources of advice or support on academic matters. If the nonattendance or academic problem persists the student will again be informed. The Director of Studies are authorised to use their discretion as to what action is to be taken concerning a reported student after consultation with the Head of School(s), if appropriate. It may be decided that a student should receive a formal letter of warning indicating the requirements with respect to their pursuit of further study, failure to comply with which may lead to their being required to withdraw from the University. 27 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Full details of the University’s academic discipline procedures are contained in the University’s Regulations, available on the web at http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/regulations/index.html 9.5 Project Weeks For all computing modules, one week of each of the Autumn and Spring Terms will be designated as a Project Week. For Autumn Term modules this will normally be week 6 and for Spring Term modules this will normally be week 21. During a Project Week no scheduled computing teaching activity takes place; there are no coursework deadlines within a Project Week. Instead, activities augmentary to the curriculum are offered. Further information for Project Week will be made available during the year. 9.6 Retention of Coursework Where coursework is returned via the Course Administration Office, you will be notified when your assessment has been marked and your work is available for collection. Work that has been marked often contains valuable feedback that will help you improve your understanding of the concepts that have been assessed by an assignment. It is important therefore, that you collect marked work as soon as it is available. Any coursework that has not been collected by the end of the academic year will be destroyed. Because coursework marks contribute to final module marks you should keep copies of your work. In certain cases external examiners may wish to consult an individual student’s coursework; it is therefore advisable for you to keep a folder for each module containing your assessed work. Examiners may ask to see your coursework at the end of Stage 2 and/or at the end of Stage 3; work should, therefore, be kept until the end of Stage 3. If you are required to submit your folder of work you will be notified by the Chair of the Board of Examiners concerned during the Summer Term. 10 Assessment and Examination 10.1 Credit Framework for Taught Programmes The Credit Framework for Taught Programmes applies to all programmes of study taught at and by the University of Kent and leading to award of the University. It sets out the requirements for all taught programmes of study, in order to ensure that successful students will be eligible for an aware of the University of Kent. Further information on the Credit Framework is available in the online Student Handbook at http://www.kent.ac.uk/academic/handbook A full description of the requirements of the Credit Framework together with Annexes each covering a particular aspect, is available at http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework 10.2 Examination and Assessment Check All students, including those who will not be taking any examination, are required to confirm that they have been correctly registered for modules, examinations and assessments. You will be advised to do this at the start of the Spring term. If you do not check and confirm your registration and assessment details, you are at risk of finding that you are taking two examinations at the same time, or that you are being assessed on the incorrect module. If you have good cause to request special arrangements to be made for your examinations, you must contact the Examinations Office in the Autumn Term. 10.3 Examinations Timetable Examinations take place at the start of the Summer Term. The examinations timetable is published during the Spring Term. A personal examinations timetable is made available via the Student Data System. You may be required to sit examinations on a Saturday. 10.4 Examination Rubrics Rubrics for examination papers are published on the School’s web pages by the end of the Spring Term. See: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/teaching/ Past examination papers are also available at this link. 10.5 The Examinations Room It is important that all students are familiar with the examination instructions for candidates. These are available to view on the Student Records/Examinations Office web page at: 28 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 http://www.kent.ac.uk/student-records/exams/students/index.html You should particularly note that you must take your student ID card with you to all examinations as you will be asked to produce your card to get into the Hall and you will be required to display it on the desk throughout the exam. you may not take bags or unauthorised material into the Hall. you may not take food or drink into the Hall, except for documented medical reasons. Water will be available on request. 10.6 Cheating in the Examinations Regulation 4(ii) of the General Regulations for Students states that ‘Except where allowed by the examination instructions, no candidate may introduce into the examination room any book, manuscript or other object or material relevant to the subject of the examination.’ THE UNIVERSITY REGARDS CHEATING OR ATTEMPTING TO CHEAT AS AN EXTREMELY SERIOUS OFFENCE. STUDENTS WHO ARE FOUND TO HAVE CHEATED MAY FAIL THE EXAMINATION OVERALL. 10.7 Calculators in Examinations Candidates are required to possess a specific calculator of a standard type for use in examinations. This is the model issued to you at the start of your registration. Only the approved model calculator will be permitted in the examination hall. 10.8 Dictionaries in Examinations The use of dictionaries in the examination room is prohibited. However, School’s will ensure that an appropriate member of staff is present for the first fifteen minutes of an examination to answer questions from students. Nonnative speakers of English in particular should read question papers carefully and ask about the meaning of words with which they are not familiar during this time. 10.9 Concessionary Evidence Boards of Examiners are able to consider evidence of illness or other problems when making recommendations for the award of degrees, but only when these are properly documented. This means, for instance, that you should ask for a letter from a medical practitioner to detail any illness. All such evidence is treated as confidential. You are strongly advised to keep your Academic Adviser informed throughout the year of any problems you may be experiencing. Concessions applications relating to failure to (a) submit coursework by the applicable deadline; (b) failure to sit an examination and (c) impaired performance in either coursework or examination will be considered only if submitted: • by means of the Concessions Application Form; • With a clear and concise account of the circumstances and the impact on your studies; • With all necessary documentary evidence; • Within the applicable deadline; You are advised to refer to the full guidance in Annex 9 of the Credit Framework for Taught Programmes which explains the circumstances under which concessionary evidence will be considered and the procedures for submission: http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework/index.html Concessions applications must be submitted normally no later than five days after the examination to which they relate, or normally before, but no later than the deadline date for the coursework assessment to which they relate. The Concessions Application form is available at: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/cas/InfoStudents/ 29 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 10.10 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Timing of Examinations Stage 2 examinations take place in the Summer Term of the second year. You must satisfy the requirements for progression as set out below. Stage 3 (final year) examinations take place in the Summer Term of the final year. The External Examiner may wish to conduct viva-voce examinations of some final year candidates. 10.11 Progression to Next Year Progression to Stage 3 (three and four year programmes): Progression to the next stage of a programme is determined by the Board of Examiners responsible for a programme in accordance with the requirements of the Credit Framework for Taught Programmes of Study. In order to progress to Stage 3 you must be awarded 120 credits in Stage 2 and (where applicable) 120 credit in Stage S. The means by which each module is assessed is indicated in the table in Section 4. The Credit Framework for Taught Programmes of Study http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework/index.html describes the level you must achieve in order to be awarded credit, including arrangements for compensation, condonement, referral, deferral and trailing. Text in italics below indicates the relevant Section of the Credit Framework. To be awarded the number of credits prescribed for a module (i.e. 15 or 30) you must achieve a mark >= the pass mark for that module (see note 1 below). CF Section 6 Pass criteria for entry to Stage S (placement year) 120 credits at Stage 2 Pass criteria for entry to Stage 3 Three year programmes: 120 credits at Stage 2 Four year programmes: 120 credits at Stage S Notes: 1. The pass mark for each module is 40%. 2. Credit by compensation or condonement will not be awarded for the placement year CO790, or the project module CO600/CO620/CO650. CF Section 6.2 CF Section 6.3 Progression to the next Stage of a programme with trailing credit will not be allowed. 3. CF Section 7.5 10.12 Award and Classification of degree To meet the requirements for the award of an honours degree you must achieve the following number of credits. For this purpose the number of credits achieved in Stage 1 is included, however, modules taken in Stage 1 do not count towards the final classification. Three year programme: 360 credits at least 210 of which must be at level I or above, and at least 90 of which must be at level H or above at Stage 3 Four year programme: 480 credits at least 330 of which must be at level I or above, and at least 90 of which must be at level H or above at Stage 3 For students admitted to the University from 2011-2012 onwards, undergraduate degree programmes will be classified by both the ‘average’ and the ‘preponderance’ methods of classification with students to benefit from the better results derived from each method. The final weighted average mark for classification purposes will be determined by the application of weighting to the average marks achieved for each relevant stage of the degree programme. The final weighted average mark will be used for classification under both the average and preponderance methods of classification. The following stage weightings apply: 30 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Three year programmes: Stage 2 Stage 3 40% 60% Year in Industry programmes: Stage 2 Stage S (Placement Year) Stage 3 35% 10% 55% 10.12.1 ‘Average’ Method of Classification A candidate who has met the requirements for the award of an Honours degree will be placed in an Honours class based on the average mark, with modules weighted as agreed by the Faculty Board and calculated to one decimal place, over all modules in stages 2, 3 and, where relevant, S of the programme of study according to the following table: First Class Honours Upper Second Class Honours Lower Second Class Honours Third Class Honours 70 and above 60-69.9 50-59.9 Below 50 10.12.2 ‘Preponderance’ Method of Classification A candidate who has met the requirements for award of an Honours degree will be placed in an Honours class on the attainment of: at least the following number of credits in that class or above AND at least the following weighted average mark over the examination as a whole: For degrees with 240 contributing credits: Class Number of Credits in class or above Average mark over all contributing modules First Class 120 67 Upper Second Class 120 57 Lower Second Class 120 47 Third Class 240* Not Applicable For degrees with 360 contributing credits: Class Number of Credits in class or above Average mark over all contributing modules First Class 180 67 Upper Second Class 180 57 Lower Second Class 180 47 Third Class 360* Not Applicable *where credits have been awarded via compensation for a module mark of less than 40, the credits will be treated in the Third Class category. CF Section 12 10.13 Award of Diploma in Computer Science To meet the requirements for award of the Diploma in Computer Science you must achieve 120 credits at least 90 of which must be at level I or above A candidate who has met the requirements for award of a Diploma will be placed in one of the following categories based on the overall weighted average mark over the eight modules taken: 31 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Distinction Merit Pass 10.14 70 and above 60-69.9 Below 60 Failure If you fail one or more modules the Board of Examiners will consider the following options: Condonement (subject to the pass criteria above) CF Section 6.2 Compensation (subject to the pass criteria above) CF Section 6.3 Referral CF Section 7.4 Trailing and Retrieving Credit CF Section 7.5 Deferral CF Section 7.6 Application of the provisions referred to above CF Section 6.5 Where a student resits a module or modules, the marks obtained will be used as set out in the table below. Assessment on repeating a module or taking an alternative module following initial failure of a module will be treated as a resit unless it has been agreed, in a particular case, that the result of the earlier assessment should be set aside. Initial Result Resit Result Fail Fail Fail Pass Mark to be used for Award of Credit Best Mark Best Mark Mark to be used for Classification/ Transcript Best Mark Minimum Pass Mark Resit Examinations are held in August. Notes: (i) The application of condonement, compensation or trailing provisions is limited to a maximum cumulative total of 25% of the credit for any stage. The provisions for the condonement or compensation of failure or for the trailing and retrieving of credit will be applied only if you have failed modules amounting to 25% or less of the credit for the stage. CF Section 6.5 (ii) The application of the compensation provision is also subject to achieving an average mark for the stage of at least 40% and evidence to show that programme learning outcomes have been achieved. CF Section 6.3 Students successfully completing Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the programme and meeting credit framework requirements who do not successfully complete Stage 3 will be eligible for the award of the Diploma. For an award in two subjects at least 37.5% of the credits should come from for each half of an ‘and’ and at least 65% of the major and at least 25% of the minor for a ‘with’ award. A degree without honours may be awarded where students achieve 300 credits with at least 150 credits at level I or above including at least 60 credits at level H or above at Stage 3. Students may not progress to the non-honours degree programme; a non-honours degree will be awarded as a fallback award only. CF Section 9 10.15 Publication of Results Boards of Examiners will meet in June to consider end of Stage results and, for final year students, award and classification. These results will be made available to students at that time and those required to attend resit examinations will do so in August of the same year Results will be published to individual students on-line via the Student Data System following the Board of Examiners’ meeting. On completion of a degree examination results of successful candidates are normally released to former schools and to the press as part of the University’s Schools Liaison Policy. 32 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT 10.16 HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Prizes The Faculty awards various prizes for exceptional performance during Stages 2 and 3 of the Computing degree programmes such as the Edward A. Lamb, and Rotary prizes. Prizes are also awarded for outstanding performance in final year projects. 10.17 Appeals Procedures Appeals procedures can be found in Annex 9 of the Credit Framework for Taught Programmes at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework/index.html Information regarding the examination appeals procedure is available at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/stms/studying/undergraduate/index.html 11 Academic Integrity and Honesty at University What is academic integrity? While you are at university, you are expected and required to act honestly regarding the work you submit for assessment in your courses. General Regulation V.3: Academic Discipline states that: Students are required to act with honesty and integrity in fulfilling requirements in relation to assessment of their academic progress. General Regulation V.3 specifies that any attempts to: • cheat, • plagiarise, • improperly influence your lecturer’s view of your grades, • copy other assignments (your own or somebody else’s) or • falsify research data will be viewed as a breach of this regulation. The full details of this regulation including disciplinary procedures and penalties are available in Annex 10 of the Credit Framework at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/teaching/qa/credit-framework/index.html Most students do not have any problems understanding the rules and expectations about acting honestly at university, although some are not familiar with academic expectations and plagiarism. What is plagiarism? General Regulation V.3 states that plagiarism includes: reproducing in any work submitted for assessment or review (for example, examination answers, essays, project reports, dissertations or theses) any material derived from work authored by another without clearly acknowledging the source. This means that if you read, study or use any other work in your assignment, you must clearly show who wrote the original work. This is called referencing and correct referencing will help you to avoid accusations of plagiarism. What is referencing? Referencing means acknowledging the original author/source of the material in your text and your reference list. Examples of source material which should be referenced include: • • • • • • • • exact words (written or spoken) summarised or paraphrased text data images (graph, tables, video, multimedia etc) pictures or illustrations ideas or concepts theories opinion or analysis 33 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT • music or other performance media • computer code • designs, drawings or plans. A variety of referencing styles are in use at the University of Kent. Specific style guides can be accessed from your School, library or UELT website. Good referencing and avoiding plagiarism are pre-requisites to good writing. If you are unsure about essay writing in general or want to make sure that you will receive the good marks you deserve, you can visit the Student Learning Advisory Service based in the UELT building. For details see: http://www.kent.ac.uk/learning School Guidance The School has published a Frequently Asked Questions guide on Plagiarism and Collaboration and this is available at http://www.cs.ac.uk/teaching/student/assessment/plagiarism.local 12 University Student Guide 12.1 Student Directory The Student Directory at http://www.kent.ac.uk/student/directory.html provides you with all the essential advice and information you will need whilst studying at Kent. It is very important for you to refer to this throughout your period of study. 12.2 Student Guide The Student Guide at http://www.kent.ac.uk/student/ has links to University services to help you get the most out of your student experience at Kent. 34 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 13 Computing Academic Staff Staff details may also be found at: http://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/people/staff/index.html Academic Adviser Mr David Barnes Dr Fred Barnes Dr Eerke Boiten Dr John Bovey Professor Howard Bowman Ms Janet Carter (Senior Tutor) Professor David Chadwick Dr Olaf Chitil Dr Dominique Chu Dr John Crawford Dr Rogério de Lemos Mr Bob Eager Professor Sally Fincher Professor Alex Freitas Dr Julio Hernandez-Castro Dr Tim Hopkins Dr Colin Johnson Professor Richard Jones Dr Stefan Kahrs Dr Peter Kenny Dr Andy King Professor Michael Kölling Dr Scott Owens Dr Peter Rodgers Dr Andrew Runnalls Dr Nick Ryan Professor Simon Thompson Mr Gerald Tripp Mr Ian Utting Professor Frank Wang Professor Peter Welch Short Form DJB FRMB EAB JDB HHB JEC DWC OC DFC JSC RDL RDE SAF AAF JCH27 TRH CGJ REJ SMK PGK AMK MK SAO PJR ARR NSR ST GEWT IAU FZW PHW Email Address @kent.ac.uk D.J.Barnes F.R.M.Barnes E.A.Boiten J.D.Bovey H.Bowman J.E.Carter D.W.Chadwick O.Chitil D.F.Chu J.S.Crawford R.Delemos R.D.Eager S.A.Fincher A.A.Freitas J.C.Hernandez-Castro T.R.Hopkins C.G.Johnson R.E.Jones S.M.Kahrs P.G.Kenny A.M.King M.Kolling S.A.Owens P.J.Rodgers A.R.Runnalls N.S.Ryan S.J.Thompson G.E.W.Tripp I.A.Utting F.Z.Wang P.H.Welch Telephon e Extn 7696 4278 7615 7688 3815 7978 3221 4320 7690 3784 3628 4143 4061 7220 3793 3629 7562 7943 7146 7236 7911 3821 7571 7913 4814 7699 3820 7566 3811 3017 3629 Room SW110 S113 S112 SW10 SW15 S104 S106 S129 SW04 SW06 S117 S108 S101 S107 S129A S128C S102 SW107 SW105 S128 SW108 S105 SW09 SW106 S128B SW05 SW109 SW07 S103 S115A S128C 35 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 14 Dates of Terms and Teaching Week Numbers Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 AUTUMN 2014 Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday Begins on Monday SPRING 2015 Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 29 September 6 October 13 October 20 October 27 October 3 November 10 November 17 November 24 November 1 December 8 December 15 December 19 January 26 January 2 February 9 February 16 February 23 February 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 March 6 April SUMMER 2015 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Please note: 36 gggg Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Begins on Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday Monday 11 May 18 May 25 May 1 June 8 June 15 June Monday, 25 May (week 27) are a public holiday and the university will be closed on those days. UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 15 Details of Teaching Rooms ROOM ROOM TYPE CORNWALLIS - OCTAGON COLT2(100) Lecture theatre COLT3(68) Lecture theatre CC01(17) Terminal room CC02(32)* Terminal room CC03(21) Terminal room CC04(17) Terminal room * Wheelchair access via lift in Computing Octagon CORNWALLIS - GULBENKIAN WING CINEMA(304) CGU2(24) CGU3(24) CGU4(58) Lecture theatre Classroom Classroom Lecture theatre LOCATION Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor 1st floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor 1st floor 1st floor CORNWALLIS - INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS MathsLT(79) Lecture theatre Ground floor CORNWALLIS - NORTH EAST WING CNE08(50) Ground floor Seminar room CORNWALLIS - NORTH WEST WING CNWsr1(18) Seminar room CNWsr2(24) Seminar room CNWsr3(16) Seminar room CNWsr4(16) Seminar room CNWsr5(30) Seminar room CNWsr6(30) Seminar room CNWsr7(30) Seminar room CNWsr8(30) Seminar room CNWsr9(30) Seminar room CNWsr10(18) Seminar room CNWsr11(16) Seminar room CNWsr12(18)* Classroom MM lab 1 (36) Classroom * Wheelchair access via the lift in Cornwallis George Allen GRIMOND BUILDING GLT1(196) Lecture theatre GLT2(147) Lecture theatre GLT3(107) Film theatre GS1(20) Seminar room (Film Studies only) GS2(23) Seminar room (Film Studies only) GS3(24) Classroom GS4(17) Seminar room (Film Studies only) GS5(20)* Seminar room GS6(22)* Classroom GS7(24)* Classroom GS8(18)* Seminar room * Wheelchair access via lift Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor 2rd floor 2rd floor 2rd floor 2nd Floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor 1st floor 1st floor 1st floor 1st floor 37 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 LABORATORIES Biology BLT1(120)* BLT2(37)* * Wheelchair access via lift INGRAM PSLT(60) I316(17) Jennison JLT1(91) JS1(20) JS2(20)* JS3(30)* JCS1(40) JCS2(40) JCS3(20) * Wheelchair access via lift Marlowe MarLT1(163) MarLT2(52) DARWIN COLLEGE DLT1(100) DLT2(54) DLT3(55)* D.Twr.Rm.(24) DS1(28)* DS2(18) DS7(20) DS8(16) DS9(16) DS10(16) DS11(12)* DS12(12)* DS14(20)* D.Peter Brown Room(50) * Wheelchair access via lift ELIOT COLLEGE Main college ECT1 (60) ELT2(112)* E.Dr.St.(40)* E.Chilver Room(18) E.Barlow Room(18) E.Holland Room(20) E.Kennedy Room(22) E.Lyons Room(30) 38 gggg UNIVERSITY OF KENT Lecture theatre Lecture theatre 1st floor 1st floor Lecture theatre Seminar Room Ground floor 3rd floor Lecture theatre Informal room Seminar room Classroom Computer room Computer room Computer room Ground floor Ground floor 1st floor 1st floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Ground floor Ground floor Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Lecture theatre Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Ground floor, A block Ground floor, A block Second floor, Tower block Third floor, Tower block First floor, A block Forth floor, Tower block Third floor, Tower block Missing Link Missing Link Missing Link First floor, G/H block First floor, O/P block Second floor, Tower block Missing Link Computer room Lecture theatre Drama Studio Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room Informal room Level 4 Floor 3, N block Floor 3, N block Cloisters Cloisters Top floor UNIVERSITY OF KENT E.Bird Room(18) E.Pollard Room(20) E.Taylor Room(18) HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 Seminar room Seminar room Seminar room * Wheelchair access via causeway ES1(20) Seminar room ES2(18) Seminar room ES3(16) Seminar room Extension EX7(20) Seminar room EX8(20) Seminar room EX9(20) Seminar room Becket Court E.BCSem 16(15) Seminar room E.BCSem 17(15) Seminar room KEYNES COLLEGE KLT1(330) Lecture theatre KLT2(60) Lecture theatre KLT3(60) Lecture theatre KLT4(80)* Seminar room KLT5(92) Lecture theatre KLT6(92) Lecture theatre KS4(40) Classroom KS1(24)* Seminar room KS2(17)* Seminar room KS3(14)* Seminar room KS5(16)* Seminar room KS6(24)* Seminar room KS7(24) Seminar room KS9(20)* Seminar room KS10 (15)* Seminar room KS11(32) Classroom KS12(40) Classroom KS13(45) Classroom KS14(45) Classroom KS15(50) Classroom KS16(50) Classroom KS17(50) Classroom KSA1(42) Terminal room KS20(30)** Seminar room KS21(26)** Seminar room KS22(26)** Seminar room KS23(50)** Classroom KS24(50)** Classroom KS25(50) Classroom * Wheelchair access via lift opposite College Reception ** Wheelchair access via lift between C and D block Cloisters Cloisters Floor 4, N block Floor 4, N block Floor 4, N block Upper floor Upper floor Upper floor Ground floor Ground floor Ground floor Lwr grnd floor, N block Lwr grnd floor, N block Psychology Dept 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block Ground floor, N block 1st floor, N block 1st floor, N block 1st floor, N block 1st floor, N block 1st floor, N block Ground floor, M block Psychology Dept Psychology Dept 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor L Block 1st floor, N block 3rd floor, C block 3rd floor, C block 3rd floor, C block 3rd floor, C block 3rd floor, D block 3rd floor, E block 39 gggg HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2&3 2014/15 UNIVERSITY OF KENT RUTHERFORD COLLEGE Main college RLT1(200)* Lecture theatre RLT2(40)* Lecture theatre * Wheelchair access via causeway to main entrance RS4(20) Seminar room RS5(20) Seminar room RS6(16) Seminar room RS7(20) Seminar room R.Cl.15(18)* Seminar room R.Cl.16(18)* Seminar room R.Cl.17(18)* Seminar room R.Cl.19(18)* Seminar room R.Cl.20(18)* Seminar room R.Cl.21(15)* Seminar room * Wheelchair access via west exit or kitchens Extension RX11(19)* Seminar room RX12(22)* Classroom * Wheelchair access via courtyard garden WOOLF COLLEGE W-LT(471) W1-SR1(18)* W1-SR2(18)* W1-SR3(20)* W1-SR4(20)* W1-SR5(40)* W1-SR6(40)* * Wheelchair access via lift 40 gggg Lecture theatre Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Classroom Floor 3, W block Floor 3, W block Floor 4, W block Floor 4, W block Floor 4, W block Floor 4, Cloisters Cloisters Cloisters Cloisters Cloisters Cloisters Lower floor Lower floor Ground Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor UNIVERSITY OF KENT HANDBOOK FOR STAGES 2 & 3 2014/15 16 Plan of the School of Computing CORNWALLIS SOUTH AND SOUTH WEST − GROUND FLOOR SW13 SW SW 14 15 SW 16 CCo4 FIRE EXIT SW17 CCo1 FIRE EXIT FIRE EXIT SW12 S09 S09A SW08 SW01 G19 G05 S22 S21 S20 S19 S18 S07 S10 S17 SW11 SW SW 10 09 G04 SW02 S06 S11 S16 G18 S12 S32 SW07 S23 G17 S34 S35 S15 Cco3 SW05 SW04 G03 SW06 S08 S0 S14A 1A S14 S05 S04 To CCo2 COLT2 S33 S0 S0 1B 1C G16 S24 2 G01 S26 S27 S28 S29 S25 G00 G02 S38 FIRE EXIT S30 S36 S37 S0 S02 S03 1D 3 1 Main entrance to Cornwallis complex and to Course Administration Office 1 Stairs to first floor 2 Kent IT Consultancy 3 Computing Course Administration Office 4 CORNWALLIS SOUTH AND SOUTH WEST − FIRST FLOOR SW 107 SW105 SW 108 SW106 SW 109 FIRE EXIT SW 110 FIRE EXIT SW111 FIRE EXIT S115A S132 S115B S116 S117 S118 S119 S120 4 SW104 SW103 SW102 S127 SW101 S S131 S130 131A S122A S122 S121 S125 S110A S110B S113 S112 S109B S109A S111 FIRE EXIT S128B S129 S129A S101 S102 S103 S104 S105 S106 S128A S128 S128C S107/8 S100 41 gggg
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