From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 1994 84: 2966-2970 Transfer of the tumor necrosis factor alpha gene into hematopoietic progenitor cells as a model for site-specific cytokine delivery after marrow transplantation T Kuhr, GJ Dougherty and HG Klingemann Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. Transfer of the Tumor Necrosis Factor (Y Gene Into Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells as a Model for Site-Specific Cytokine Delivery After Marrow Transplantation By Thomas Kuhr, Graeme J. Dougherty, and Hans-G. Klingemann Relapse of leukemiais the major cause of failure after autologous stem cell transplantation due t o reinfusion of residual clonogenic cells and the absence of an immune-mediated graft-versus-leukemia effect. To provide an antileukemia effect, immune-activating cytokines have been given t o patients after transplantation. Systemicadministration of such cytokines early after transplantation is often accompanied suffiby substantial side effects, and it is unknown whether cient concentrations reach the sites of residual disease in the marrow. As a method of site-directed immunotherapy provided earlyafter stem celltransplantation, we have (1) marrow can be retrovitested in a murine model whether rally transduced with the tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) gene, (2) local production of TNFa by marrow cells after transplantation can be achieved, and (3) adverse effects of TNFa occurred. Balb/c mice were treatedwith 5-fluorouracil and bone marrow (BM) was obtained 4 days later. Whole BM was transduced in the presence of interleukin-3 (IL-31, IL-6, and stem cell factor by coculture with the packaging cell line GP+E-86, producing thecDNA for TNFa. Irradiated (1,300 cGy) syngeneic recipient mice were given I O 6 trans- duced BM cells on day 0. Integration of theTNFa gene into the host genome was documented by Southern blotting in spleen and BMcells on days 7 and 12 and in BM onday 40 after marrow infusion, but was no longer found on day 90. Messenger RNA for TNFa was present on day 12, but could no longer be shown on day 40 or 90. Although no measurable (L929 bioassay) levels of TNFa were found in serum of mice who had received TNFa transduced marrow, the supernatant of 10’ unstimulated BM cells obtained 12 days after marrow infusionwas found t o have 7 pg of TNFa compared with 1.8 p g in nontransduced marrow. Mice that had received TNFa transduced marrow showed no side effects suggestive of systemic TNFa release, and cellularity of the TNFa-transduced marrow was not different from control mice that had received unmanipulated marrow or cells transduced with the neomycin resistance gene only. The studies suggest that gene transfer of immune-activating cytokines into hematopoietic cells could be used as a means t o achieve their temporary local productionearly after transplantation by cells located in the BM. 0 1994 by The American Society of Hematology. P lated to inflammation and immunomodulation.’ In addition, both in vitro and clinical studies have shown that TNFa has antitumor/antileukemic activity and kills target cells both by cytolytic mechanisms and by inducing fragmentation of DNA”O-i2 It further induces various immunologic effector mechanisms that are able to mediate leukemic cell kill.’3,’4 Despite its documented antitumor effects, TNFa has proven to be unsuitable for systemic administration to patients because of the short half-life of the molecule in the circulation (about 20 to 30 minutes after injection) and the severe side effects it produces when given at therapeutic doses.I5 Conversely, TNFa has remarkable antitumor/antileukemic effects even at much lower doses when continuously released. Such effects include the activation of phospholipase A, the intracellular production of hydroxyradicals, or the stimulation of secondary antitumor/antileukemic ~ e l l s . ’ ~ Thus, ~’’ there i s a rationale for the application of low doses of TNFa that, ideally, should be released locally in the marrow where residual leukemia may reside. Furthermore, if immunotherapy is to have any adjunct antileukemia effect after BMT, it has to be administered early, before the malignancy would be likely to recur. In an attempt to deliver TNFa to BM cells without doselimiting toxicityearly after grafting, we have transduced murine hematopoietic progenitor cells with a retroviral vector containing the cDNA for TNFa. When transplanted into irradiated syngeneic recipients, temporary integration and expression of the TNFa gene in repopulating cells could be achieved. Because only local production of TNFa occurred, no systemic side effects were observed in these mice and marrow engraftment in the presence of TNFa production was not delayed. ATIENTS RECEIVING a bone marrow transplant (BMT) from an allogeneic donor for the treatment of acute or chronic leukemia have a significantly lower relapse rate than those receiving an autologous or syngeneic transplant for the same disease.’.’ This finding appears to be caused by (1) the infusion of residual clonogenic cells with the marrow3 and (2) the lack of a graft-versus-leukemia (GVL) effect that can eliminate residual malignant cells remaining in the There is evidence that the alloantigen-driven immune response after allogeneic BMT involves the clonal expansion of T lymphocytes that release, among other cytokines, interleukin-2 (IL-2).’ This cytokine can stimulate the production of tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) by monocytes, T lymphocytes and natural killer cells.” Although TNFa is suspected to be involved in the pathology of the tissue damage seen in graft-versus-host disease, it is also believed to contribute to the GVL effect.’.’ TNFa has a number of noncytotoxic actions that are reFrom the LeukemidBone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia, Terry Fox Laboratory, Divisionof Hematology, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, Canada Submitted May 2, 1994; accepted July 7, 1994. Supported by a grant from the Leukemia Research Fund of Canada (to H.-G.K.)and Grant No. J W 5 - M E D from the Schroedinger Foundation (to T.K.). G.J.D. is a Research Scientist of the National Cancer Institute of Canada. Address reprint requests to Hans-G. Klingemann, MD, The L a k e midBone Marrow Transplant Program of British Columbia, 910 W 10th Ave. Vancouver, BC, .Canada VSZ 4E3. The publication costs of this article weredefrayed in part by page charge payment. Thisarticle must therefore hr hereby murked “advertisement” in accordclnce with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solelyto indicate this fact. 0 1994 by The American Sociery of Hematology. 0006-4971/94/8409-00I9$3.00/0 2966 MATERIALS AND METHODS Vector construction and characterizution. A full-lengthmurine TNFa cDNA flankedby Xba I restriction enzyme sites was generated Blood, Val 84, No 9 (November 1). 1994: pp 2966-2970 From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. TNF GENE TRANSFERFOR MARROW TRANSPLANTATION Fig 1. JmTNFa retroviral vector. (0) indicates long teminal repeat that contains the retrovirus promotor and enhancer. (B)indicate the coding region of the TNFa gene. I.) Indicates the coding region for the TK-neo gene. For details see Materials and Methods. 2967 JZEN .l m D D D D X X by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using RNA isolated from the murine fibrosarcoma Fsa-N (Dougherty ST, et al; manuscript in preparation). To generate the retroviral vector JmTNFa , the cDNA for TNFa was first inserted into the Xhu I site of plasmid pTZI9Rtk-neo.IX A cassette containing both the TNFa gene and the Tk-promoted neomycin resistance gene was then isolatedby Sma IiHindIlldigestionand ligated into H p IfHindIII cut Jzen.1 (Fig l ) . " The plasmid obtained was introduced into the ecotropic packaging line GP+E-86 by calcium-phosphate precipitation and transfected cells selected using the neomycin analog G4 I8 (0.5 mg/mL,activeweight)(GIBCO-BRL,Grand Island, NY).2" Supernatants conditioned by the retroviral packaging line had active X IO5 and 3 X 10" colony-forming viraltitersrangingbetween2 units (CFUs)/mL when assayed for their ability to generate G418resistant NIH3T3 cells. A control virus designated Jzen-neo was also constructed by inserting a 954-bp Mlu IIHincII fragment containing the coding region of the neoK gene from pMCIneo into the H p 1 site of Jzen. l ." Supernatants of this construct had active viral titers of greater than 1 X 10' CFU/mL. Transduction ofmurine BM with the TNFa gene. BM cells were isolated from normal male Balbic mice (8 to I 2 weeks old, Charles River, Montreal, Quebec, Canada) that had received 5-Fluorouracil (150 mg/kg body weight, interperitoneally) (Sigma Chemical CO,St Louis, MO) 4 days previously. Mice were keptin a standard animal facility and fed ad libitum in a nonprotective environment. BM was harvested by flushing the marrow cavities of the femurs and tibiae with a-minimalessentialmedium (aMEM) supplementedwith2 mmol/L glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin and 2% fetal calf serum (FCS; catalog no. SLM-4100; StemCell Technologies Inc, Vancow 4 X IO") withoutfurther ver,BC,Canada).Marrowcells(2to separation were cocultured with the viral producer cell line (GP + E-86 cells) at 70% confluence in 100-mm tissue-culture dishes (catalog no.3025;Falcon,Cockeysville,MD) in Dulbecco'smoditied mediumsupplementedwith 10% newborn calf serum, 2 mmol/L glutamine and penicillin/streptomycin (catalog no. SLM-2000; StemCellTechnologies) and then irradiatedwith 1,500 cGy. To increase transfectionefficiency, recombinant murinesteel factor ( I 00 ng/mL)(provided by DrWidmer[Immunex Corp, Seattle,WA]), L 3 (20 ng/mL), IL-6 (15 ng/mL) (both cytokines provided by the Terry Fox Laboratory, Vancouver, BC), and 8 g/mL of polybrene 36 hours of coculture, nonadherent were added to the cultures. After cellswereremoved, washed twice with phosphate-bufferedsaline (PBS), and resuspended at I d cells 10.5 mL for transplantation into irradiated recipients. Transduction efficiency in the nonadherent cells was determined after plating IO4 Jzen-neo or JmTNFa-infected viable cells in culture dishes(GreinerGmbH,Frickenhausen,Germany)containing Iscove's methylcellulose (catalog no. HCC-4100; StemCell Technol30% FCS, M2-mercaptoethanol and ogies) supplemented with l mmol/L L-glutamine supplemented either with or without G418 (neomycin sulfate) (Geneticin, GIBCO-BRL) at 1.2 mg/mL (active weight). This concentration of G418 completely suppressed growth of nontransfectedhematopoieticcells.Cultureswereincubatedat 37°C in 5% CO, for 12 to 14 days and colonies (>S0 cells) were I l.lkb I 1.2kb l counted under an inverted microscope (Nikon Canada Instrurnenls Inc, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). Transduction efticiencywas calculated according to the formula: % Efficiency - No. of Colonies Growing in the Presence of G418 No. of Colonies Growing in the Absence of G418 Transplantation protocol and docwnentutionof enCqrafiment. Recipient Balb/c mice were irradiated with 1,300 cGyof total body radiation given by a Cesium source overnight ( I .45 cGy/min). This dose of irradiation has proven to be fatal to 100% of mice by day 15 if no marrow support is given. Syngeneic marrow cells(It)'' cells/ mouse) were injected into the tail vein of recipient mice. On days 12 and 40 after transplant, recipient mice were killed by cervical dislocationand BM cellswereharvestedfrom all fourlimbs by flushing with PBS. Spleen cellson day 12 were obtainedby stripping cells free from individual mouse spleens in aMEM supplemented with 10%FCS. Before counting nucleated cells,red blood cells were lysed with 3% acetic acid and remaining cells stained with trypan blue. Southern blot analysis. Genomic DNA was isolated from spleen coloniesondays7and 12 andBMondays 7, 12, 40, and90 after marrow injection by enzymatic digestion followed by phenol/ chloroformextractionandethanol precipitation." Resuspended DNAwasdigestedtocompletion with Xbu 1 to excise the entire 0.75-kb TNFa cDNA. The digested DNA was separated in a 1 % agarose gel, and the fragments were transferred to a nylon membrane andhybridizedtoa "P-labeled TNFacDNAprobe.Filterswere imaged by autoradiogl-aphy at -70°C usingKodak XAR-S film (Eastman-Kodak, Rochester, NY). Norrhern /dol anul.y.sis. For documentationofgeneexpression, total RNA was isolated from spleen and marrow cells using the acid guanidinium-isothiocyanate phenol-chloroformsingle-stepextraction method as describedpreviously." Samples prepared from spleen cells on day I2 and marrow cells on days 12,40, and 90 were probed with the murine TNFa cDNA. A full-length murine &actin cDNA probe was used asacontrol.Probeswereoligolaheledwith [12P] deoxycytidine triphosphate (dCTP), hybridized, and imaged by autoradiography as described above. Determinalion of TNFaactivily by LY2Y assuy. Bioactivityof TNFa in serum and supernatants of cultured marrow cells was dctermined based on the lysis of the transformed mouse fibroblast cell line L929 (American Type Culture Collection, Rockville, MD) as described p r e v i ~ u s l ySerum . ~ ~ ( I mL) from mice that had received Jzen-neo or JmTNFa-transduced marrow was concentrated threefold usingaCentricon I O Microconcentrator(Amicon,Beverly, MA). BM cells (IO") from the same mice were culturedin aMEM medium for 24 hours and the supernatant was also concentrated through a Centricon filter. For the L929 assay, target cells were incubated with the test samples in flat-bottom microtiter wells (Costar, Cambridge, MA). After 18 hours of incubation, L929 cells remaining intact were stained with crystal violet and dye uptake was measured using an ewyme-linked immunosorbent assay microplate reader (Microplate From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. 2968 KUHR,DOUGHERTY, AND KLINGEMANN E1309; BIO-TEKInstruments, Winooski, VT). A dose-response curve using a recombinant murine TNFa standard (Genentech Inc. South San Francisco, CA) was included in each assay. TNFa bioreactivity was inversely related to the amountof staining, which represented viable nonlysed cells. cy c Q) Q, = 5 v) RESULTS Transduction efJiciency of transplanted marrow. Equivalent numbers of nontransfected, Jzen-neo or JmTNFa-infected marrow cells were assayed for hematopoietic progenitor cell content in semisolid media in the presence of G418. Transduction efficiency was 30% for Jzen-neo and 10% for JmTNFa. This difference in transduction efficiency was likely caused by the consistently lower viral titer for the JmTNFa construct. Integration and expression of the transduced TNFa gene in spleen and BM cells. Several groups of recipient mice were injected with BM transduced with either the Jzen-neo or JmTNFa retroviral vectors. On day 7, 12,40, and 90 after transplantation, spleen and/or BM cells were isolated and the DNA analysed by Southern blotting. Both spleen and marrow cells obtained on day 12 after BMT showed the 0.75-kb DNA fragment that hybridized with a TNFa specific DNA probe (Fig 2). Data from day 7 were identical, but are not presented. The gene was also documented in BM cells on day 40 after transplantation, but was not found on day 90 (Fig 2). These findings were correlated with the expression of the TNFa gene as documented by Northern blotting. TNFa mRNAwaspresent in spleen cells onday 7 (result not shown) and day 12 (Fig 3). Despite the presence of the gene on day 40 (documented by Southern blotting), no expression of the gene in spleen or marrow cells could be documented at that timepoint. Bioactivity of TNFa in serum and marrow supernatant. To determine whether the expression of TNFa mRNA on day 12 resulted in production of bioactive TNFa production, 10' marrow cells obtained from the femur and tibia of the mice were cultured for 24 hours in medium and the bioactivity of TNFa in the supernatant measured using the L929 assay. Results were compared with those obtained with marrow cells obtained from mice that had received marrow transduced with the neoRgene (Table l ) . In addition, serum from recipients of transduced (neoKor TNFa) or nontransduced marrow wasconcentrated and TNFa measured. No bioactive TNFa could be detected in the serum of mice thatwere given the TNFa transduced marrow. In contrast, their marrow cells produced an amount of TNFa that was near that measured in the supernatant of the packaging cells and significantly higher thanthat found in control micethathad received Jzen-neo transduced marrow (Table I ) . Engrqjiment of Jzen-neo- and JmTNFa-transduced marrow. Because TNFa is believed to be myelosuppressive, the cellularity of spleen (obtained on day 12 after BMT) and BM (obtained on day 12 and 40 after BMT) was determined by counting the number of nucleated cells from the spleen andor from all four limbs. Results suggest that the number of nucleated cells from the TNFa-transduced BM early after BMT (day 12) was slightly lower than that from D P m E Q E m 6.1 kb 0.75 kb Fig 2. Southern hybridizationof cells from recipients' spleenand/ or BM obtained onday 12, 40, and 90 after transplantation of JmTNFa-transduced BM. Southern hybridizationwas performed using a '*P-labeledTNFa cDNA probe. Beside the endogenous band for TNFo (6.1 kb), the 0.75-kb transducedTNFa is detectable on days 12 and 40 in spleen and marrow cells, respectively. the Jzen-neo-transduced or control mice (Table 2). However, the difference was not statistically significant. By day 40 after BMT, marrow cellularity had increased in all mice compared with day 12, and no differences were found between the different treatment groups. DISCUSSION Immunotherapy is increasingly being considered as a noncross-reactive treatment modality to prevent relapse, especially after autologous marrow transplantation, where no allogeneic GVL effect occurs. Because the function of cytotoxic cells recovers early after BMT, cytokines such as IL-2 and interferon a have been given to marrow recipients From by guest on October 15, 2014. For personal use only. TNFGENETRANSFERFORMARROW TRANSPLANTATION 2969 Table 2. Effect of TNFa Transduction on BM and Spleen Cellularity Post-BMT CI a BM Cellularity l Fig 3. Northern blot analysis of total cellular RNA obtained frommurine spleen cells on day 12 after transplantation of JmTNFa- or Jzen-neo (spleencontroll-infected marrow. RNA was extracted from spleen cells using the acid guanidinium-isothiocyanate phenol-chloroform single-step extraction methodas described in Materials and Methods. Probes were oligolabeled with f3'Pl dCTP, hybridized, and analyzed as described. The3.8kb JmTNFa transcript has the expected position of sizethe relation in t o 18s 28s rRNA. A cross-hybridizing 2.4-kb ribosomal band is seen in both TNFa-transduced and control spleen cells. ( ~ 1 0 %femurshibiasl I 5 P I P 5 I Day 12 Day 40 Day 12 15.5 2 4.3 14.8 2 6 9.2 2 2.4 32 -+ 2.7 31.9 2 2.7 27 2 8.2 14.2 -c 2.4 13.1 2 3.2 21.1 2 5 " % E ? $-. - ~ . . "~ 3.8 kb 2the 4 kb and pactin BM control" BM Jzen-neo transduced BM JmTNFo transduced . l+- in an attempt to stimulate those cells toward antileukemic The rationale for the experiments presented here is based on the observation that the systemic administration of such cytokines can cause a number of side effects; it is also uncertain whether high enough concentrations are obtained locally in the marrow where residual leukemia is located. TNFa has not been givenafter BMT because of its known short half-life and significant toxicities when given systemically.'' On the other hand, even low concentrations of this cytokine have a potent antitumor effect. To overcome the drawbacks of systemic application, we exploited the possibility of using TNFa gene transfer into hematopoietic progenitor cells as a means to deliver this antileukemic cytokine locally to the marrow.'6 Hematopoietic progenitor cells were Table 1. TNFa Bioactivity in Serum and Supernatants of Cedis From the Marrow and the Packaging Line TNFu* GP+E-86 (TNFa transduced) Serum Control (neoRtransduced) TNFa transduced Supernatant-marrow Control (neoRtransduced) TNFa transduced Spleen Cellularity (xlO*/spleen) 8.9 2 1.00 ND ND 1.78 t 1.43 7.08 2 2.18 ( P i.05) Abbreviation: ND, not detectable. *The bioactive concentration of TNFa was measured by L929 assay." The amount ofTNFo (in pg) was determined in thesupernatant of lo6 marrow cells cultured for 24 hours in a 10-cm2flask in 10 mLaMEM medium. The supernatant was then concentrated threefold using a Centricon filter. TNFa was also measured in 1 mL mouse serum or supernatant of the packaging cell line, both of which were also concentrated through a Centricon filter. The mean t SE is presented for results obtained from three different mice. Numbers present the mean 2 SE of nucleated cells obtained from three animals. Balblc recipients were given syngeneic unmanipulated marrow after whole body radiation(1,300 cGy). chosen as target cells as they home to the marrow cavity after myeloablative treatment. The entire marrow harvest was cocultured with the retroviral vector-producing packaging cell line and then injected into irradiated syngeneic recipients. Stable integration and expression of the TNFa gene in BM and spleen cells for at least 2 weeks after marrow infusion was documented. At 6 weeks posttransplant, marrow cells still had the TNFa gene present, but no expression of the gene could be documented by Northern blotting at that time. The gene was below detectable level on day 90 after BMT. Using a bioassay, we could not detect any TNFa in the serum of mice thathad received TNFa-transduced marrow cells. Conversely, significant TNFa activity was found in the supernatant of TNFa-transduced BM cells compared with cells transduced with the neoR gene. Althoughunproven at this point, it is hopedthat these locally produced TNFa concentrations could be sufficient to have an antileukemic effect, either directly or through activation of secondary effector cells. The temporary expression of the TNFa gene confined to the time early after BMT may be desirable for the clinical situation, because immunotherapy should be delivered early after stem cell transplantation when only minimal disease is believed to be present. Hence, no attempt was made to achieve gene expression in early stem cells or devise strategies to maintain its expression. It is conceivable that gene integration and expression occurs only temporarily because of the lack of any selective pressure for maintaining this gene. Before proceeding to any clinical studies, it was important to document in a murine model that marrow recovery after BMT is not delayed, and TNFa ,produced locally, does not induce unwanted effects (such as wasting with weight loss and fever) in recipients." These side effects seem to occur only at higher serum concentrations of TNFa that are not achieved with this approach. A marrow-suppressive effect has been reported in some~x.29 but not all studies." We have previously observed that TNFa has no negative effect on human long-term-culture initiating cells, which represent a cell population at the early stage of hematopoiesis (Gong and Klingemann, unpublished observation, February 1994). Hence, it was not unexpected to see maintained hematopoietic function in murine recipients of TNFa-transduced marrow. 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