Vanderburgh County Staff: Suzanne Draper Executive Director Newsletter: Fall 2014 October, November, December Christine Lutz Program Director Contact Us: Meagan Meadors 728 Court Street Evansville, Indiana 47708 812-424-5825 Fax: 812-424-5895 Office Hours: M – F 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Director of Development Rebecca Brown Office Manager Debby Gamache Case Coordinator Website: 30th Anniversary Highlights Page 5 Sally Carr Volunteer Coordinator Yvonne Mans Volunteer Coordinator Trish Brown Volunteer Coordinator Karen Hysell Volunteer Coordinator SAVE THE DATE! 18th Annual Indiana GAL/CASA State Conference – Saturday, October 11, 2014 Magic Cares 2014 – Sunday December 21st Dana Lewis Volunteer Coordinator Table of Content Board of Directors Holly Edmond President Vanderburgh County CASA In-services ------------------------------------ 3 Allyson Breeden Vice President Continuing Education Opportunities & Events -------------------------- 4 Jennifer Zimmer CASA 30th Anniversary Celebration Photo Highlights ------------------ 5 Secretary Reminders ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Diana Wood Treasurer MEMBERS: Steve Alsop Theresa Baggett Joan Byrne Judy Collins Amy Drake Karen Ellison Andrea Hays Ginger Happe Joanna Richardville Cheryl Rietman Andy Spurling LIFETIME MEMBERS: Sheila Corcoran Sherie Hambidge Jan Meeks Gerald Summers MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Vanderburgh County CASA is to be a voice in court to ensure a safe home for abused and neglected children. OFFICE CLOSED November 4th - General Election Day November 27th - Thanksgiving Day November 28th – Friday after Thanksgiving December 24th – Christmas Eve December 25th – Christmas Day December 31st – New Year’s Eve 2014 Board Meeting Schedule All board meetings are scheduled for the fourth Thursday of the month, from 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. when lunch is provided) – State CASA – National CASA – National CASA - National CASA Publication October – 23rd (11:30 – 1:00 - Lunch provided) November – 20th (week early due to Thanksgiving) December – No meeting Indiana Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-800-5556 If you have a suggestion regarding an agency or a topic that you are interested in learning more about, please contact… Suzanne Draper @ or Christine Lutz @ IN-SERVICES OCTOBER: DATE: Monday, October 20th PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE THIRD MONDAY NOT THE FIRST TIME: 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Speaker: with Patty Roedel, DCS supervisor TOPIC: DCS Life of the Case RSVP BY: Friday, October 17th at NOVEMBER DATE: Tuesday, November 18th TIME: 6 - 7:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A TUESDAY IN SERVICE AND A HALF HOUR LATER START TIME THAN USUAL SPEAKER: Terry Moore, LCAC Director of the AMENDS Program which is a service of Abuse Counseling & Education, Inc. a non-profit agency as a leading expert on domestic abuse, Terry Moore has been interviewed on national TV and many times by local newspapers, radio stations, and television stations. In 2003 he was featured in the nationally award winning documentary Journeys of Survival; Indianapolis Responds to Domestic Abuse. It has been aired by television stations nationwide and locally by WTHR. Local airing of this documentary resulted in the creation of WTHR's Shattering the Silence on Domestic Violence project which continues today. As one of the original members of the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) Batterer Intervention Program Standards Committee, Terry co-authored the ICADV Standards for Batterers Intervention Programs. Serving two terms as Chair of the committee, he has been instrumental in designing the policies and protocols for implementation of the Standards and the certification processes. The AMENDS program is a certified batterer’s intervention program (BIP) Many of our parents are ordered to attend these classes which are evidence based classes to help break the patterns and habits of abusive relationships. There is a men’s and women’s class. SEPTEMBER In-service: RSVP BY: Friday, November 14th at Please Remember: 1. RSVP for any event you plan to attend. When you send in your RSVP regarding an in-service, please include the date and location of the event you plan to attend. 2. Volunteers are responsible for making all arrangements and any cost involved with attending any Continuing Educational Opportunity. 3. Let your Coordinator know after you have attended a Continuing Educational Opportunity, so you can be given credit for your time. 4. If you receive a certificate for attending an event, please be sure the CASA office receives a copy for your file. CONTINUING EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES & EVENTS Deaconess cross Pointe ASIST Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training A 2-Day Training in Suicide Prevention and Intervention DATE: Thursday & Friday- October 16th & 17th TIME: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. LOCATION: Johnson Hall Health Science Building Deaconess Hospital Main Campus TRAINERS: Janie Chappell & Kent Leslie - Certified ASIST trainers COST: FREE - the cost of materials is covered by the community benefit efforts of Deaconess Cross Pointe and deaconess Hospital FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR TO REGISTER: Contact Janie Chappell at 1-800-947-6789 or 812-471-4521 or email Trauma Informed Practice: Using the RICH Approach - Featuring Guest Speaker Tonier Cain DATE: Friday, October 24th TIME: 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. PLACE: Ivy Tech Community College Vectren Auditorium COST: Registration before October 3rd - $75.00, After October 3rd - $95.00 FACES OF CHANGE 2014 EVENTS * “Healing Neen” film screening and discussion with Tonier Cain (learn more at – Thursday, October 23rd 6 – 8 p.m. * Safe Zone Training (CEU’s available) – Friday, October 24th 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Ivy Tech Community College, Vectren Auditorium For more information and to register, visit Mental Health America’s Annual Symposium Cracked, Not Broken: The Kevin Hines Story SAVE THE DATE: November 13th, 2014 7 p.m. The author of “Cracked, Not Broken”, Kevin Hines, has inspired many with his captivating story of his resiliency in the face of his mental illness after attempting suicide by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge at age 19. The fall would break his body, but not his spirit. Fourteen years later, Kevin Hines raises awareness on how to love life and live it to the fullest. Hines is living proof that the strength of the human spirit can overpower any obstacle. Pricing and venue – TBA For more information contact Mental Health America at (812) 426-2640 Go to to get a glimpse of Kevin’s inspiring story 30th Anniversary Celebration Highlights A very special “thank you” to the CASA 30th Anniversary Committee, Amber Ungethiem (Catering/Hornet’s Nest), Judge Brett Niemeier, Former Chief Justice Randall Shepard, Leslie Dunn (State CASA), Mike Carr (photos), all of our guests, supporters, staff, board members and most importantly …our volunteers, for making this event such an evening to remember. Holly Edmond, CASA Board President addresses the guests. Judge Niemeier, Former Chief Justice Shepard & Mayor Lloyd Winnecke CASA Day Proclamation! State GAL CASA Director Leslie Dunn Beautiful spread provided by Amber Ungethiem & the Hornet’s Nest staff. Celebrating 20 Years w/ CASA Suzanne & Volunteers …Donna Morrow, Kathy Tuley, Jeanette Plane and staff …Sally Carr Sherie Hambidge Letter Campaign Thank You Cards REMINDERS Monthly Contact Logs Contact logs are due into the CASA office at the end of every month. It is critical to our funding that these hours be recorded monthly so they can be submitted to State CASA. Please be sure that you are current. We want to be sure you and the agency get credit for your time investment. If you have questions, contact your Coordinator. All CASA staff and volunteers are required to give their CASA ID badge number when requesting information, in connection with their case, from Hi-Tech or Ireland Home Based Services. The number is located on the back of your ID in the upper right hand corner. Hi-Tech & Ireland ID Policy REMEMBER! What are “OUT OF COURT” contacts? CASA VOLUNTEERS SHOULD NOT BE HAVING EX PARTE COMMUNICATION WITH THE JUDGES OR MAGISTRATES ABOUT SPECIFIC CASES OR INSTANCES. In the upper left corner of your volunteer contact log, right under the volunteer name space, there is a space to record your “OUT OF COURT “ contacts with your child. “Out of court” means any contact you may have outside of the courtroom. This is most typically a visit or a phone call, if your child is old enough to talk on the phone, but could be a card or email if your child is age appropriate. This is not referring to the amount of time spent in completing a visit …only the actual NUMBER of contacts made outside the courtroom for a given month for EACH child. An Office Emergency Contact Plan is EMERGENCY CONTACT PROCEDURE in place. Please keep the CASA office informed if your emergency contact information should change or need to change. This is the procedure we will use in case of an event of a cancellation or an emergency where we need to contact you immediately.
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