The Faith Flyer

The Faith Flyer
Monthly Newsletter for Faith United Methodist Church
Becom ing Disciples to Make Jesus Ch r ist Known in th e Wor ld
O cto be r 20 1 4
Sunday, October 12, 2014 in Wesley Hall
UMW Crock Pot Luncheon Fundraiser for Missions
following morning service
Crock Pot and Dessert for $8.00
Please contact Nancy Hague for more information
Miércoles (Wednesday):
Compartir (Gathering): 6:00 - 6:30 PM (Wesley Hall)
Estudio Bíblico (Bible Study): 6:30 - 7:30 PM (Asbury Hall)
Domingo (Sunday):
Culto de Adoración en el santuario: 12:30 PM (Worship Service in the sanctuary)
Domingo 26 de octubre - 10:30 AM: Culto Unido de Adoración - Inglés/Español
(Joint worship service English/Spanish on Sunday, October 26, at 10:30 AM in the
Faith United Methodist Church offers FREE English Classes
ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
(Ofrecemos clases de inglés GRATIS)
Wednesdays / Miércoles: 7:00-8:00 PM
Information: (904) 737-3555 Church Office
Para mas informaciones llame a la oficina de la iglesia: (904) 737-3555
(Hablamos Ingles, Español y Portugues)
Page 2
October 2014
Merry Christmas!
It is time to start thinking about Operation Christmas Child.
This year we are throwing a twist on things. We are inviting the church to an
afternoon of Fun, Fellowship, Food and Mission! Or as I like to call it, a
Shoebox Packing Party! Mark your calendars: Saturday, November 1, 2014,
from 2:00 - 4:00PM at Faith UMC in Wesley Hall. Snacks will be provided.
We are encouraging everyone to shop now, and bring it with you and we will
lay everything out and pack the shoeboxes as a group. Please come decked out
in your Christmas wear. The best Christmas Sweater will receive Peterbrooke
Chocolate Covered Popcorn. Hope to see you there! The youth have a fun and
exciting month ahead of us. Please pray for the growth of our youth ministry
here at Faith.
In His Love,
Thomas M. Garrett
Fall Youth Retreat - “Falling in love with God”
Friday, October 24 - 6:00PM
Saturday, October 25 - 12:00PM
Faith United Methodist Church
Middle - High School Students Welcome!
Forms will be handed out in Youth worship
Faith UMC Youth October Calendar:
Wednesday, October 1 – Youth Worship 6:30-8:00PM (Peeler Memorial Building)
Wednesday, October 8 – Youth Worship 6:30-8:00PM (Peeler Memorial Building)
* Charge Conference - 6:30PM in Wesley Hall
Wednesday, October 15 – Youth Worship 6:30-8:00PM (Peeler Memorial Building)
Wednesday, October 22 – Youth Worship 6:30-8:00PM (Peeler Memorial Building)
Friday & Saturday, October 24-25 Fall Retreat
Friday, October 31 – Fall Festival—Trunk or Treat
Saturday, November 1 - Shoebox Packing Party from 2:00-4:00PM
“The LORD your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will
no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
-Zephaniah 3:17
October 2014
Page 3
One of the opportunities we have in this digital age is to be connected with current
religious thought through internet blogs, facebook, web sites, etc. One of the sites I enjoy
is . It’s a pretty good mix of current Methodist thought and
happenings, although I’d say it’s a bit left of center, overall.
One of the areas where the American Church is changing, and struggling, is the
neighborhood and small-town parish. The steepest decline in church numbers is in these
less than 150 in attendance on a Sunday churches, and many, many have been closed in
the last 40 years, with many more in very poor, and often desperate, health. The United
Methodist Church has been known as a large denomination made up of small churches, but, too often, it seems that many
would prefer to be a small denomination made up of large churches. We read in August a pretty good rationale for the
continued existence and need of churches like ours in the economy of churches; this month I ran across another likeminded article. The author is the Rev. Christy Thomas, a retired United Methodist minister in Texas. She visits
churches, and writes of her experiences her blog, . Recently, she had worshipped at a local
mega-church, and then at a joint service of local Presbyterians (U.S.A.) and AME.
This is her summary:
For some time now, I’ve been wondering if there are not strong parallels between the factory farm/megachurch
and the organic garden/small, local non-glamorous, church. Both factory farms AND the organic gardens are
necessary. One provides massive amounts of food and can feed large number with standardized production
methods and heavy use of chemical fertilizers and weed killers. The other takes better care of the environment
and nurtures the ecosystem, but is far more labor intensive for the amount of food produced and tends to be more
local in its approach.
There is no question that the big church can do things the small church can’t. They can provide fabulous
theater-type worship services, tons of activities for kids and youth, and often help fund and staff multiple social
service agencies. But they also foster a consumer mentality for religious experiences. If one mega-church
doesn’t please, why not head to another? We do the same with our groceries, after all.
I think the consumer church is slowly strangling anything approaching true Christianity. How can we speak of
going the way of the cross when our religion teaches us the way of all pleasure and pleasing ourselves?
But . . . very few will now attend a place like St. James AME with its tiny building and barely existent Sunday
school and no video projection in worship and an expectation that everyone present contribute to what happens
in the worship experience as active participants, not passive consumers.
It is just not popular. It can’t compete. It insists that we work with people we know too well, and who may
irritate the life out of us. We can’t pick and choose among small groups where we seek commonality and
like-mindedness. The entire church is a small group–and they all know each other too well to like each other
all that much, and certainly not all the time.
Non-consumer based Christianity that teaches the way of the cross will not disappear–but it may end up going
back underground again, a tiny sect of the underprivileged and poor. Maybe it is time.
Do you see our story in her description? It is good for us to know who we are; I hope we’re very unwilling to let the
neighborhood church go underground, and commit ourselves to work in the Lord’s vineyard to see that the church we’ve
been blessed with will be a blessing for others. Attend, invite, work, give, pray. God will bless the efforts of servants.
See you in church Sunday!
Rev. Barry Andrews
Page 4
October 2014
Prayers + Presence + Gifts + Service + Witness
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
My Mom always said, “If you don't work, you don't eat.” I thought she just wanted help in the kitchen. I never
realized it was Biblical (2 Thessalonians 3:10) until I was researching for this article on Service. Rick Warren wrote in
The Purpose Driven Life, “God designed you to make a difference with your life.” A Danish Proverb says, “What you
are is God’s gift to you; what you do with yourself is your gift to God.” Paul Speratus said, “Faith alone can justify;
works serve our neighbor and supply the proof that faith is living.”
John Wesley said, “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you
can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” Mother Theresa said, “Whatever you
do, even if you help somebody cross the road, … even giving somebody a glass of water, you do it to Jesus … make it
Christ’s love in action.” (Read Matthew 25:31-40.)
James 2:14-17 says: “14 What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can
faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Depart in
peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?
17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”
All of these people can’t be wrong. Service is the fourth promise we made when we joined the church. It is vital to
accomplishing the things that God wants us to do. It is vital to serving each other and God’s children. It is said that
10% of church members do 90% of the work. If you don’t have a job in the church, if you feel God is calling you to do
something, or if you feel you can take on something additional, please let me know, or talk with Rev. Barry or any of
the officers of the church. There are many things that are needed.
We are called to serve in the church. This can be anything from being a greeter, singing in the choir, saying a prayer,
cleaning the church between services, running the slide show, cooking, washing dishes, or weeding. It can be working
with finance, trustees, the staff, youth, children, or writing an article like this one. And there are many more things. If
everyone takes a part, we can get things done quickly and easily.
We are called to serve each other. You can visit people in the hospital or nursing home, send someone a card, make
phone calls, take food to those who are sick, go shopping when others can’t, drive people to church or doctors, cut a
lawn, or fix something for someone. We should take care of our church family.
We are called to serve God’s other children. Locally, UCOM and other organizations help those who are hungry, and
there are prison ministries, homeless shelters, and housing builders. You can also find ways to volunteer individually
or in teams through the Methodist church in mission projects and emergency response work around the world at See Individual, Global Justice, and Health Care Volunteers,
Primetimers, NOMADS, and US Disaster Response Teams (UMCOR).
As long as an act is done “in Jesus’ name”—that is, it is motivated by the love of Jesus—it is Christian service.
Serving others should become our aim in everything we do, every day of our lives. Jesus said the greatest
commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all
your strength.” in Mark 12:30. Action is needed. How will you be of service in Jesus’ name?
God Bless!
Linda Pickett
October 2014
Page 5
Pray For our Church Family
Martin Pérez Methodist Church, Havana, Cuba
FUMC Hispanic Ministry
Bernelle Merriam
Jim & DeDe Long
Bernice Dunn
Jimmie & Jewell Wells
Dawn Lackey
Barbara Dicks
Giselle Izquierdo
Rehab/Long Term Care
Marie Baugher
Genoviva Bautista
Anna Clark
Mary Coby
Joe Collins
Marge Collins
Marilyn DiViesti
Alice Fletcher
Bob Hilgenberg
Polly Kilday
Evelyn Miller
Rae Sisco
Mount Carmel Gardens
Park Ridge
Emeritus at Southpoint
Taylor Care Center
Taylor Manor
Emeritus at OP
Taylor Care Center
Life Care Center (OP)
Pray For our Church Friends
Randy Cordova (Belva Carley’s brother)
Shawn Fitzgerald (Fitzgerald & Peavy)
Barry Greenwalt (Joan Greenwalt)
Michael Holman (Sarah Fitzgerald's nephew)
Edward Lackey (Dawn & Albert's son)
Patty Rambo & family (Julie Sechrist)
Carol Sapp (Evalyn Campbell's sister-in-law)
Martin Sauls (Algerene St. John's son)
Zulma Soto's mother
Jose Arguelles (Thomas Garrett's uncle)
Robert Dorsey's friend
Stan & Ellen Miller
Sandra & Charles Hicks (Mildred Daniel)
Etta Beville (Mike Beville's stepmother)
Roy & Gerrie (Frank & Susan Davis’ friends)
Taylor Manor
If you have a prayer concern, please call the Church
office at 904-737-3555 Monday-Friday or e-mail On the weekend, please
leave a voice message or e-mail.
Thoughts of deep and sincere sympathy are with the
family of Steven Rambo, who passed away on
Wednesday, October 1, 2014.
Welcome to the Faith UMC family!
We are truly excited that you have made the commitment to follow Jesus
Christ with us as we walk the faith journey together. Congratulations to the
newest members at Faith: Jesus Cobas, Nancy Bravo, Elena Cobas, Maria
Melendez, Maria Dolores, Olivia Rodriguez, Omar Sotolongo, and Rafaela
Page 6
October 2014
October Events Calendar
6:00PM Supper (WH)
6:30PM EN Bible Study
SP Bible Study (AH)
6:30-8:00PM UMYF
7:00-8:00PM ESOL
Class (B=AH/I=WH)
7:15PM Choir Practice
6:00PM Supper (WH)
6:30PM 2014 Charge
Conference (WH)
7:00-8:00PM ESOL
Class (B=AH/I=WH)
7:15PM Choir Practice
11:00AM Bridge
Bunch (AH)
9/9:15AM Sun School
10:00AM Café (WH)
10:30AM EN Worship
Service (S)
UMW Crock Pot
Luncheon Mission Fundraiser following service
12:30PM SP Worship
Service (S)
7:00-11PM FL Kachin
Baptist Church (WH)
Office closed
Holy Communion
11:00AM Bridge
Bunch (AH)
6:30PM UMW
Unit meeting (AH)
2:30PM Holy
Communion (TH)
9/9:15AM Sun School
5:00PM Mary
5:30PM Evangelism/
10:00AM Café (WH)
Martha Circle10:30AM EN Worship
SS meeting (WH)
Ditty Bags (AH)
Service (S)
Hispanic Heritage Month 6:30PM Men of Faith 6:30PM Illuminate
College & YA
at Bono’s BBQ Luncheon following
service (WH)
4907 Beach Blvd
Ministries (P5)
SP Worship Service
following luncheon (S)
7:00-11PM FL Kachin
Baptist Church (WH)
World Communion
6:30PM Heart-toHeart Circle at
Cafeteria -3216
University Blvd
11:00AM Bridge
Bunch (AH)
10:00AM Susanna
Circle (AH)
6:30PM Illuminate
College & YA
Ministries (P5)
6:30PM Emmaus
board meeting (P7)
6:00PM Supper (WH)
6:30PM Holy
Communion (WH)
6:30-8:00PM UMYF
7:00-8:00PM ESOL
Class (B=AH/I=WH)
7:15PM Choir Practice
6:00PM Joint
Planning Committee
7:00PM Council/
6:30PM Illuminate
College & YA
Ministries (P5)
6:00PM Supper (WH)
6:30PM EN Bible Study
(WH)/SP Bible Study
6:30-8:00PM UMYF
7:00-8:00PM ESOL
Class (B=AH/I=WH)
7:15PM Choir Practice
11:00AM Bridge
Bunch (AH)
6:00PM Fall
Youth Retreat
9/9:15AM Sun School
10:00AM Café (WH)
10:30AM Joint Worship
Service-EN/SP (S)
7:00-11PM FL Kachin
Baptist Church (WH)
Training - (WH)
6:00PM Finance
Committee (WH)
6:00PM Joint
Planning Committee
7:00PM Council/
Holy Communion
9/9:15AM Sun School
10:00AM Café (WH)
10:30AM EN Worship
Service (S)
12:30PM SP Worship
Service (S)
7:00-11PM FL Kachin
Baptist Church (WH)
6:30PM Illuminate
College & YA
Ministries (P5)
Chrysalis meeting
Chrysalis team
8AM-12PM Church
Work Day
12 PM Fall Youth
Deadline for
Newsletter Article
Reformation Day
6-8PM Trunk or
Key: (S) Sanctuary, (WH) Wesley Hall, (AH) Asbury Hall, (G) Gym, (P) P-Wing, (C) Campus, (En) English, (Sp) Spanish, ESOL Class
(English for Speakers of Other Languages– B= Beginners, I= Intermediate), (YA) Young Adults, Café (Fellowship Coffee), Sunday School
(SS), Taylor Home (TH), (PMB) Peeler Memorial Building
October 2014
Page 7
Meetings and Ga therings!
Men of Faith - 6:30 PM
Monday, October 6, 2014 at Bono’s BBQ 4907 Beach Blvd - 32207
Mary Martha Circle - Ditty Bags 5:00 AM
Monday, October 6, 2014 in Asbury Hall
Susanna Circle - 10:00 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 in Asbury Hall
Evangelism & Sunday School Meeting - 5:30 PM
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 in Wesley Hall
Heart-to-Heart Circle - 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2014 at Piccadilly Cafeteria
3216 University Blvd S - 32216
Emmaus Board Meeting - 6:30 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2014 in Room P7
Joint Planning Committee Meeting - 6:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014 in Asbury Hall
The Church Office will be closed
on Monday, October 13, 2014 in
observance of Columbus Day.
Church Council/Trustees Meeting - 7:00 PM
Monday, October 27, 2014 in Wesley Hall
Finance Committee Meeting
Monday, October 27, 2014 in Wesley Hall
Faith UMC Charge Conference
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
6:30 PM in Wesley Hall
Presiding Elder: Rev. Frank Seghers
Church Work Day
Trunk or Treat
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Shoebox Packing Party!
Mark your calendars:
Saturday, November 1, 2014
2:00 - 4:00PM in Wesley Hall
Snacks will be provided
Page 8
October 2014
Clayton Long
Joan Sabol
Perke Robinson Jr.
Glenn Speicher
Vincent DiViesti
Marjorie Collins
Killian Cole
Fermin Rivas
Kyle Jones
Barbara Taylor
Joseph Collins
Hoke St. John
Daryl Clampitt
Winifred Ryan
Margaret Vann
Rachel Loveland
Melissa Daniel
Gerry Hollingsworth
Merari Soto
Samantha Drady
Bud & Donna Glasner
David & Kitty Israel
Rev. Eddie & Marcia Soto
October 2014
Page 9
We are selling UCOM T-shirts! The shirts are white scoop neck t-shirts with the
UCOM logo on the front and an inspirational quote on the back. Each shirt is $12
up to size 2XL and $15 for 3XL. Orders and payments are due at the UCOM
office by Wednesday October 22 and shirts will be available for pick up in midNovember, just in time for this year's CROP Walk. Anyone interested in purchasing a shirt should contact the UCOM
The food pantry has several urgent needs this week, including canned meat, tuna, soup, pasta & sauce,
oatmeal, and dry beans.
Meals on Wheels is in need of substitute drivers. If you have an extra hour or so and would like to make
a significant difference in the life of homebound Seniors, please contact the UCOM office.
The CNA Scholarship Program is accepting applications. If you or someone you know would like
information on starting an exciting healthcare career, contact the office for an application.
Financial donations are also needed to cover the expenses associated with running our organization,
including utilities, payroll, phone, insurance, and internet. If you're able to make a donation, please
consider doing so. All donations are tax deductible and no amount is too small.
UCOM Thanksgiving Bags
In addition to our regular food bags, we put together special bags with traditional Thanksgiving items. Below are the
items we include in these bags. All items for Thanksgiving need to be at the pantry by Thursday, November 13. After
hours drop off and pick up can be arranged; call 904-396-2401 for information or questions
Canned yams
Canned pumpkin
Green Beans
French fried onions
Cream of mushroom soup
Stuffing mix
Corn bread mix
Boxed pie crust mix
Canned pie filling
Canned cranberry sauce
$15 grocery store gift cards
$25 grocery store gift cards
Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon
Faith UMC Hispanic Ministry is sponsoring a luncheon following worship service. The congregation is invited
to join us in Wesley Hall.
Almuerzo para Celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana
El Ministerio Hispano de la Iglesia Metodista Unida Fe está patrocinando un almuerzo después del culto de
adoración. Les invitamos a unirse a nosotros en Wesley Hall.
About National Hispanic Heritage Month
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating
the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the
Caribbean and Central and South America.
The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by
President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It
was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402.
The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their
independence days on September 16 and September18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which
is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.
November Newsletter Deadline:
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Early submissions are appreciated!!