Lektion 13 Portfolio Management Programledelse part II 1. maj 2012 Klaus Nielsen e-mail:speciale@tanke.dk www.itu.dk 1 Agenda I. Program Management II. Strategic Program Management III.Decision Management IV. Program Governance V. Stakeholders Management VI. Benefits Management VII.Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 2 Portfolio Management - What’s the problem? Low perceived value Low correlation between spending and business strategy Not enough bang for the buck Too many potential projects chasing too few resources Some projects are better than others ie. Return on investment, Risk , Efficiency & Fit with strategy www.itu.dk 3 Nature of Portfolios Group of projects or programs Coordinated to implement business strategy Can include related and unrelated projects and programs www.itu.dk 4 Overview www.itu.dk 5 Definitions of Portfolios A collection of projects or programs and other work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of that work to meet strategic business objectives. (PMI, PMBOK©) www.itu.dk 6 Definitions of Portfolios A Portfolio is the totality of an organizations’ investment (or segment thereof) in the changes required to achieve its strategic objectives. Portfolio Management is a coordinated collection of strategic processes and decisions that together enable the most effective balance of organizational change and ‘business as usual’. (OGC, Prince2) www.itu.dk 7 Overview www.itu.dk 8 Overview (PMI, PMBOK©) www.itu.dk 9 How Program Management differs from Project Management www.itu.dk 10 Portfolio Management IT Portfolio Management Step-by-Step: Unlocking the Business Value of Technology, by Bryan Maizlish and Robert Handler (2007) Developing an IT portfolio management game plan Planning the IT portfolio Creating the IT portfolio Assessing the IT portfolio Balancing the IT portfolio Communicating the IT portfolio Developing and evolving IT portfolio governance and organization Assessing IT portfolio management process execution www.itu.dk 11 Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 12 Exercise Case: Københavns Kommune Sortere disse 10 projekter i projekter, programmer og porteføljer 1. Bedre skiltning 2. Kostberegningssystem 3. Nyt køkken på plejehjemmet Sølund 4. Borgerportal 5. Betalingsring 6. Flere parkeringspladser til elbiler i Sjællandsgade 7. Renovering af Husum skole 8. Nye mobiltelefoner til hjemmeplejen 9. E-læring på mobile telefoner 10.Nye cykelstier på Chr. Havn www.itu.dk Management of Portfolios (MoP) Portfolio management addresses the fundamental questions: •Are we doing the right things? •Are we doing these things right? •Most significantly, are we realizing all the benefits in terms of more effective services and efficiency savings from the changes we are implementing? www.itu.dk 14 Management of Portfolios (MoP) www.itu.dk 15 Five Portfolio Management Principles (MoP) 1. Senior Management Commitment Senior Management must publicly champion and positively communicate the value of portfolio management whilst participating actively in the processes. 2. Governance Alignment A clearly defined escalation and decision making structure must exist that integrates with the existing corporate decision making processes. 3. Strategy Alignment The portfolio must contain investments that contribute towards the achievement of the organizations strategic objectives. 4. Portfolio Office Reporting to Board Level, a Portfolio Office function must exist containing PPM professionals that provide standards, analysis and enhanced collaborative working across departments such as finance and operations. 5. Energized Change Culture The organization has created a culture where people are motivated and striving to do things better, they believe in the organization’s goals and feel part of one team. www.itu.dk 16 Management of Portfolios (MoP) www.itu.dk 17 Portfolio Definition Cycle(MoP) 1.Understand An initial understanding off the portfolio scope including the change initiatives exists or needs to exist. 2. Categorize Organize change initiatives into groups, segments or sub-portfolios based on the strategic objectives or other groupings as required. 3. Prioritize Rank the change initiatives within the portfolio (or portfolio segment) based on one or more agreed measures. 4. Balance Ensure that the portfolio is balanced in terms of timing; contribution to strategic objectives; business impact, risk and resource. 5. Plan Collate information from the portfolio definition cycle and create a portfolio strategy and delivery plan that can be agreed and published widely. www.itu.dk 18 Portfolio Delivery Cycle (MoP) 1. Management Control Both individual and portfolio level decisions are made regarding progress against the portfolio delivery strategy and plan. 2. Benefits Management Clearly identify and manage the benefits being realized from the portfolio, the contribution to operational performance and strategic objectives. 3. Financial Management Ensure that the portfolio management processes and decisions are aligned to the financial management cycle and that financial considerations form a key element in all decisions. 4. Risk Management Ensure consistent and effective management of the portfolio’s exposure to risk at both individual and collective level. 5. Stakeholder Engagement Ensure the needs of the portfolio’s customers (both internal and external stakeholders) are identified and managed appropriately. 6. Organizational Governance Ensure portfolio management governance is aligned with the wider organizational governance structure enabling clear understanding of all decisions. 7. Resource Management Put in place mechanisms to understand and manage the amount of resources required to deliver the changes. www.itu.dk 19 PMI Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 20 Portfolio Management BCG matrix – How to priorites the projects www.itu.dk 21 Portfolio Management Appels Ipad VHS video Boing 737 Ecco sko Hvor vil I placere dem i Bostonmatricen www.itu.dk 22 Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 23 Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 24 Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 25 Portfolio Management • Visualisering af prioriteringskriterier www.itu.dk 26 Portfolio Management • Projekt prioritering www.itu.dk 27 Portfolio Management www.itu.dk 28 Portfolio Management – VAL IT www.itu.dk 29 Portfolio Management – Cisco Case www.itu.dk 30 Portfolio Management – Cisco Case www.itu.dk 31 Portfolio Management • Projektweb – eks. Focal Point www.itu.dk Portfolio Management Programledelse/porteføljeledelse overvågning af delprojekter – fokus afhænger af hvilken fase projektet befinder sig i Program 1/ Program 2/ Delprojekt 1 Delprojekt 2 Aktiviteter/tid Organisation /bemanding Økonomi /budget Risiko Kommunikation/ interessenter Leverandører www.itu.dk 33 Organizational Project Management Maturity Model or OPM3 is a globally recognized best-practice standard for assessing and developing capabilities in Portfolio Management, Program Management, and Project Management “Projects help organizations deliver desired strategic changes in a changing world” OPM stands for Organizational Project Management, is the basis of OPM3. OPM is the application of knowledge, tools, and techniques to – portfolio management, program management, and project management activities in order to – choose the projects that will advance your organization’s strategic intent – and to deliver those projects successfully, consistently, and predictably. www.itu.dk 34 OPM3 www.itu.dk 35 Case – Københavns Kommune ”Vi havde ikke tidligere nogen fælles projektkultur, hver afdeling havde deres egen projektmodel og måde at styre deres projekter på. Vi erfarerede at nogle projekter kunne foregå i det stille og sjældent blive revurderet i forhold til strategiske indsatsområder” fortæller Kasper Schmidt, Kontorchef i Økonomiforvaltningen i Københavns Kommune. ”Vi har i dag en langt højere kvalitet i vores projekter og har store forventninger om at blive endnu bedre i fremtiden” ”Der er simpelthen blevet kortere mellem direktionen og vores medarbejdere” ”Der er ingen tvivl om at der er kommet mere styr på projekterne - det har sparet os tid og en masse ressourcer at implementere et system” www.itu.dk 36 Final Considerations.. Why Does Portfolio Management Work? Individual project business cases can be compelling, but we need to look at the entire portfolio pipeline to determine the best course of action for the company. Even ‘‘mandatory’’ projects have options. www.itu.dk Final questions? www.itu.dk
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