MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE Roseau County October 2014 Mark Your Calendars…. November Leader’s Council Sunday, November 30 @ 5:00 p.m. at the Roseau County Courthouse Meeting room CONTACT US Roseau County Extension 606 5th Ave SW – Room 130 Roseau MN 56751 1-800-450-1052 or 218-463-1052 Sandi Weiland 4H Program Coordinator Email: weila006@umn.edu OCTOBER 3-4 SS&W Leader Certification, Palisades, MN 5 Fall Leader Training- Wannaska Riverside Lutheran Church at 3:30 p.m. (page 2) 5 Award Banquet- Wannaska Riverside Lutheran Church at 6:00 p.m. (page 2) 5-11 National 4-H Week: #iam4-H (page 3) 8 National Youth Science Day 18-19 Northern Leadership Retreat (page 3) 25 Halloween Dance (page 2) NOVEMBER 2 Club Checkbook Audit - REQUIRED (page 2) 2 County and Club Officer Training (page 2) 15 National 4-H Conference application materials due 30 Leader's Council Stephanie Walsh-Olafson Support Specialist Email: wals0210@umn.edu Website: http://www3.extension.umn.edu/ county/roseau National 4-H Week- October 5-11 During 4-H Week, post a picture of yourself with an #iam4H sign on the Minnesota 4-H Facebook page, your county 4-H Facebook pages, or via twitter using @MN4H. © 2011, Regents of the University of Minnesota. University of Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, this publication/material is available in alternative formats upon request. Direct requests to 612-624-2116. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE Roseau County |October 2014 Phone: 218-463-1052 http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/roseau Halloween Dance- A Gouling Night of Fun! Saturday, October 25 at the 4-H Building at the Roseau County Fair Grounds- $10.00 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. 4-6th grade Dance to Dynasty DJ, supper, games, & prizes- Wear your costumes! 8:00 p.m.-11 p.m. 7 -12 grade Dance to Dynasty DJ, treats, & prizes- Wear your costumes! th th 11:30 p.m.-1:00 a.m. Movie provided by Roso Theater: Vampire Academy, PG 13 Costume contest will include: *Scariest *Funniest *Best Duo *Most Original *Best Overall Fall Awards Banquet Sunday, October 5 at Riverside Lutheran Church, Wannaska @ 6:00 p.m. following Leader Training. Supper provided, please bring salad or dessert to share. County and Club Officer Training Sunday, November 2 from 3:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. will be a County and Club officer training held at the County Courthouse. Please pre-register with the University of MN extension, Roseau County Office at 463-1052 or email at weila006@umn.edu or wals0210@umn.edu by October 27. Attending this training will give you the support and training you need to be an exceptional officer for your club! Hope to see you there. Club Checkbook AuditREQUIRED! Sunday, November 2nd at 4:00 p.m. at Courthouse - Each club should send a youth and adult (preferably the treasurers) with their club checkbook, receipts, and monthly bank statements from October 2013-September 2014 PAGE 2 to exchange and be audited. Auditing your club check book is a MN 4-H Policy and Requirement for your charter. November Leader Council Sunday, November 30 @ 5:00 p.m. at the Roseau County Courthouse Meeting room. SUPPORT ROSEAU COUNTY 4-H ENDOWMENT-GIFTS OF GRAIN PROGRAM Gifts of commodities is an easy way to give to the Roseau County 4-H Endowment. Donating wheat, soybeans, corn, rye is an easy way to ensure the 4-H program to remain strong and vital. Roseau County 4-H works with the Minnesota 4-H Foundation. The Foundation is willing to accept gifts of commodities any time of the year. The process is easy to make sure this type of gift goes smoothly. The steps for this includes: 1. Deliver the commodity to the grain elevator of their choice. Fill out a donation form. The local elevators have the forms or you may request a form from the extension office. The donation is given to the Minnesota 4-H Foundation. The transfer needs to be reflected on the elevator receipt. 2. The elevator will contact the Minnesota 4-H Foundation and the Foundation will direct the sale of the commodity. 3. The elevator sends the Minnesota 4-H Foundation the proceeds along with a letter stating the original owner, description of the commodity, date of the transfer, date of sale and price on that date, name and addresses of the elevator, any fees charged by the elevator, a copy of receipt showing the Minnesota 4-H Foundation as the owner as well as the seller. 4. The Minnesota 4-H Foundation provides the donor with a receipt for tax purposes. For more information about Giving Grain contact the Roseau County extension office, the Minnesota 4-H Foundation office at 612-624-7667 or on the county website: http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/roseau/4h/article/support-roseau-county-4-h-endowmentgifts-grain-program. MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE Roseau County |October 2014 Phone: 218-463-1052 http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/roseau "Pillows for a Purpose" Pillows for a Purpose is a 4-H project day sponsored by MN 4-H Foundation, Roseau County 4-H Leader Council and North Star 4-H Club. To be held on October 25th at the Warroad Community Center from 9am to 3pm, can come and go as needed. The goal is to make 50 pillows to be donated locally to people in need. Equipment and materials will be supplied. If you have a sowing machine, you are encouraged to bring it, but it is not necessary. Invite youth who are not in 4-H, who are in 4-H, who have sewn and who have never sewn. **Volunteers are needed including youth leader volunteers.** There will be lunch for those who volunteer their time. National 4-H Week: #iam4H PAGE 3 upcoming event , and would like to help promote the Invitational. This email is just to get the date out to everyone, registration forms and question forms will be sent out in November. Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/northernmn4hproject bowlinvitational I have emailed the coaches who's teams attended last year a couple of weeks ago. If you could forward the information to anyone else that would be interested that would be great. Any questions you can contact me at 218-964- 5689 or ctorstveit@gvtel.com.Chad Torstveit NORTHERN LEADERSHIP RETREAT: So new – it’s yet to be named!! October 18-19, 2014, Sand Hill Lake Bible Camp (Near Fosston) Northern Leadership Retreat is an opportunity for youth grades 7+ to learn leadership skills, learn and practice service, plus gather and have fun with people from nearby counties. If your county requires ambassador training, this would fulfill that requirement. National 4-H Week Oct. 5-11 provides a great opportunity to put 4-H in the spotlight! 4-H families and volunteers will participate in events across the state to celebrate and recognize all of the ways youth are learning and leading in 4-H. This year, national 4-H has created the #iam4H social media campaign to help spread the word. During 4-H Week, post a picture of yourself with an #iam4H sign on the Minnesota 4-H Facebook page, your county 4-H Facebook pages, or via twitter using @MN4H. Northern MN 4-H Project Bowl Invitational The 4th annual Northern MN 4-H Project Bowl Invitational will take place Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the UMC campus in Crookston MN again. Attached is a flyer if anyone has an Cost is $65 and includes meals, lodging, and program fees. Check with your local county office for Scholarship information (if available). Please make checks payable to U of M (payment is non-refundable). To register, please contact your local county office. Deadline for registration and payment is Friday, October 10th Start time is 1PM on Saturday October 18 and departure time is 2PM on Sunday October 19. A follow-up communication will come out before to give a packing list, schedule, and any lastminute information. Making 4-H MORE Fun! Annual Fall Volunteer Training Young people stay in 4-H because it’s fun! Find out how to create vibrant 4-H experiences that will make members want to keep coming back. The statewide fall volunteer training is for all 4-H MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE Roseau County |October 2014 Phone: 218-463-1052 http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/roseau youth & adult volunteers in clubs and countywide groups and programs, including PDC’s, Federations, Leader’s Council and others. At least one volunteer from each club needs to plan on attending, but you are encouraged to come as a team of youth and adults. Participants will dig into ideas and activities to get 4-H’ers engaged and excited. Discover “grab and go” resources that are available in your county and region to add fun to your 4-H club, project, afterschool or group gatherings. Resources will include 4-H club ideas, healthy living, animal science, science, and more. You will leave this training with: ● A toolkit of ready-to-use ideas to get kids involved in fun! ● Ideas from other volunteers on what works for them. ● A plan to increase the fun in your 4-H group. Area trainings are planned for: October 5, 3:30-5:30 pm, Riverside Lutheran Church, 17989 State Hwy 89, Wannaska October 6, 6-8 pm (light meal at 6 pm), 101 North Main Ave, Thief River Falls October 23, 6:30-8 pm (light meal at 6 pm), Family Service Center, 715 11th St. N., Moorhead November 6, 6:30-8 pm (light meal at 6 pm), Courthouse, 124 Langevin Ave, Red Lake Falls November 24, 6:30-8 pm (light meal at 6 pm), Courthouse, 208 E Colvin Avenue, Warren Additional locations are also being scheduled. These times and dates don’t work for you? Volunteers are welcomed at any location. Visit the website to find other trainings near you www.4-H.umn.edu/volunteer/training-2014. There is no cost, but registration is requested by contacting the County Extension Office three days prior to the training. 4-H Volunteer Corner Trained Volunteers – “The Competitive Edge in Youth Recruitment and Retention “ Fall marks the start of the new school year. Along with it comes the opportunity to enroll in out-ofschool organizations and program opportunities. PAGE 4 Times have drastically changed in the “world” of out-of-school youth programs. A few decades ago in many communities, out-of- school opportunities were limited to school sports, as well as faith-based youth groups and organizations such as 4-H and Scouts. Today, out-of-school programs have become a highly competitive market with youth and parents having to carefully pick and choose from a seemingly unlimited list of programs and organizations. As parents and youth “shop” for a youth program, they assess the quality of the program based on the following questions: Is it fun? Is the learning environment safe? Are caring adults leading the program? Are there educational opportunities that appeal to the child’s interest? Finally, will the child experience a sense of belonging? Youth organizations that are highly proficient at insuring a quality learning environment have a competitive edge not only in recruiting new members but also in retaining current members. Trained volunteers who apply what they have learned make all the difference. In the Minnesota 4H Program, training comes in a variety of topics and formats. Interactive 30-minute online training modules will help volunteers build their leadership skills and knowledge from home. Explore the variety of training topics. www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4H/volunteer/online-training/ The 2014 Volunteer Training Topic: “Making 4-H More Fun!” is offered as a face-to-face training for each county. An article with more information can be found elsewhere in this newsletter. As we begin the new 4-H year, remember: Positive youth development begins with trained volunteers. Patrick Jirik is an Extension Educator working with Volunteer Systems based out of the Rochester Regional Extension Office. Message from Dorothy Dear 4-H families and volunteers, It's hard to believe that fall is here! We've had another wonderful and successful summer of county and state MINNESOTA 4-H CLOVER UPDATE Roseau County |October 2014 Phone: 218-463-1052 http://www3.extension.umn.edu/county/roseau fairs where we saw the learning and accomplishments of thousands of 4-H'ers from across the state. This month, we will celebrate National 4-H Week Oct. 5-11. 4-H families and volunteers will participate in events in your counties to recognize all of the ways youth are learning and leading in 4-H. Minnesota 4-H'ers will also join millions of young people to become scientists for the day on 4-H National Youth Science Day (NYSD) on Oct. 8, 2014. The goal of the event is to spark an interest in science, technology, engineering and math, and get youth excited about science, which can lead to future college degrees and careers in science. This year's 4-H NYSD experiment is Rocket to the Rescue! In light of the recent natural disasters such as Typhoon Haiyan, this year youth participating in 4-H NYSD will design and build an aerodynamic food transportation device that can deliver a payload of nutritious food to disaster victims! The experiment will help youth learn engineering concepts, develop math skills, learn about nutrition and help solve a relevant, global issue. The 4-H NYSD is an important part of Minnesota 4-H's priority to spark an interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), and provides a great opportunity to engage new audiences of youth in our 4-H STEM programs. It's also time for 4-H youth to choose what they want to explore and learn about in 4-H for the next year. Discovering what sparks their interest is an essential element in building a passion for life-long learning. I hope you take advantage of these opportunities to recognize the 4-H'ers in your county and their accomplishments from the past year, and encourage and support them as they set their goals for the coming year. Sincerely, Dorothy M. Freeman Associate Dean and State 4-H Director PAGE 5 National 4-H Conference The 4-H events website contains new and updated information regarding the 2015 National 4-H Conference. An informational brochure, application materials, recommendation forms, and insight into the fall 2014 selection process can be found at this site. Application deadline includes a Nov. 18, 2014, postmark date. See URL at www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-h/events. If you are 4-H member that meets age requirements and have portrayed leadership qualities at the county, regional and/or state level, please consider talking with your program coordinator and apply for this national leadership opportunity. Other qualifications are listed on the website. If you need further information, please contact Judith A. Conway at conw0076@umn.edu. Citizenship Washington Focus Can you see yourself in Washington, D.C. next summer? Do you want to expand your knowledge on citizenship and have an opportunity to practice citizenship back home? Be sure to check out the 4H events website on Oct. 22 and see if Citizenship Washington Focus is for you. Website URL found at www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-h/events/. Online enrollment for 4-H families Enrollment for the new 4-H year is now open and Minnesota 4-H families are reminded and encouraged to go to 4HOnline to enroll/re-enroll both youth members and adult volunteers. The process is quick and easy; even families with multiple youth should be done in ten minutes or less. Re-enrolling ensures that critical communications will be received, especially as it relates to deadlines and project specific information. Detailed information about online enrollment and reenrollment is available at: www.extension.umn.edu/youth/mn4-H/4honline/. Youth, their parents and adult volunteers, as part of enrolling or re-enrolling, will all be agreeing to the Minnesota 4-H Code of Conduct, which is available for review in its entirety, along with other policy and authorization statements at www.4H.umn.edu/policy or by contacting your local Extension office: www.4-H.umn.edu/county.
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