Eksempel på garantibrev Saudi Arabien

 Nordisk spejderkonference Nordic Scout Conference Rev. 4 Hvor / Where: Reykjavík, Island Hvornår / When: 14. -­‐ 17. maj 2015 Sted / Venue: Harpa Conference Hall, Reykjavik Center Tema / Theme: Nordisk speiding hvordan kan vi være relevante for Nordisk ungdom i fremtiden? Nordic Scouting How can we be more relevant for Nordic Youth in the future? Deltagelse / For who: •
Styremedlemmer / Members of national board Those who can make decisions and committements on behalf of their NSO/MO such as Vision, samarbejdsgrundlag and NSK events. Træning område / Training Those who work with training on strategic level. Those who can make decisions on which direction NOPOLK should focus. Those who have participated in NOPOLK and persons who will be leading the next NOPOLK. International relations Those who work with international relations. Example of workshops are WOSM and WAGGGS world/Euopre triannual plan topics. Program område / Program Those who work with pogram on strategic level. Event personer / Event managers Those who are responsible for running different events such as scout camps, international camps. Unge deltagere / Youth delegates The Nordic Scout Conference emphasis on youth atttendance and their input. BÍS has applied for a special Erasmus+ grant for them. Secretary Generals Dem som arbejder inden de fagområde / Those work work within these areas o Diversity and Gender o Youth empowerment o Free being me Samlet forventer vi 25 fra hvert land. Total we expect around 25 from each country.