CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS 12.52 SP1

CA SiteMinder®
Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
12.52 SP1
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CA Technologies Product References
This document references the following CA Technologies products:
CA SiteMinder®
CA IdentityMinder™ (formerly CA Identity Manager)
CA SiteMinder® Web Services Security (formerly CA SOA Security Manager)
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Documentation Changes
No updates have been made to the 12.52 SP1 documentation, as a result of issues found
in previous releases.
The following updates have been made to the 12.52 documentation, as a result of issues
found in previous releases:
Uninstall a Web Agent (see page 61)—Removed obsolete material related to
installing a supported JRE and including it in the system path. A JRE is now included
with the software (CQ 178969).
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower (see
page 48)—Revised upgrade procedures for upgrading from versions 12.0.2 or older
to 12.52 and later. Resolves CQ 170479 and STAR Issue 21402742:01.
Verify that the ISAPI Filter is First in the List When Using Classic Pipeline Mode (see
page 29)—Added new instructions for verifying the ISAPI filter placement. Resolves
CQ 170577 and STAR Issue 21403389:01
Chapter 1: Preparation
Only IIS Web Server Procedures in this Guide ............................................................................................................. 7
Hardware Requirements for CA SiteMinder® Agents .................................................................................................. 7
Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Servers ............................................ 8
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures .................................................................................................................. 9
CA SiteMinder® Agent Preparation Roadmap............................................................................................................ 11
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation ........................................................................................................ 12
Verify that you have an Account with Administrative Privileges ........................................................................ 12
Verify that the IIS Role and Role Services are Installed....................................................................................... 13
Locate the Platform Support Matrix ................................................................................................................... 13
Verify that the Windows IIS Web Server has the Latest Service Packs and Updates.......................................... 14
Review the Policy Server Prerequisites for Agent for IIS Installations ................................................................ 14
Review the Web Agent Release Notes for Known Issues.................................................................................... 15
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments
Agent Installation Compared to Agent Configuration ................................................................................................ 17
Agent for IIS Installation and Configuration Roadmap............................................................................................... 18
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS ............................................................................................................ 19
IIS 7.x Web Server Shared Configuration and the Agent for IIS .......................................................................... 19
Gather Information for the Agent Installation Program ..................................................................................... 23
Run the Installation Program on Windows ......................................................................................................... 23
Gather Information for the Agent Configuration Program for IIS Web Servers.................................................. 25
Run the Web Agent Configuration Wizard .......................................................................................................... 28
Verify that the ISAPI Filter is First in the List When Using Classic Pipeline Mode ............................................... 29
Run a Silent Installation and Configuration on an IIS Agent ............................................................................... 30
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS Manually ............................................................................ 39
Set Permissions Manually for Non-Default Log Locations .................................................................................. 39
Change IIS Settings Manually for CA SiteMinder® Authentication Schemes Requiring Certificates ................... 40
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1
Agent for IIS Upgrade Roadmap................................................................................................................................. 44
How to Prepare for a CA SiteMinder® Agent Upgrade............................................................................................... 45
Source the Environment Script on UNIX and Linux Operating Environments............................................................ 46
Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent for IIS........................................................................................ 46
Add the logging parameter values to your agent configuration object ..................................................................... 47
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower ............................................................................... 48
Contents 5
Remove the configuration of your existing agent from your web server ........................................................... 49
Remove the existing agent software from your web server............................................................................... 50
Install the new version of the agent on your web server ................................................................................... 52
Configure the new version of the agent on your web server ............................................................................. 53
(Optional) Review the directory structure of the new agent.............................................................................. 54
Chapter 4: Dynamic Policy Server Clusters
Connect a Web Agent to a Dynamic Policy Server Cluster ......................................................................................... 58
Chapter 5: Starting and Stopping Web Agents
Enable a Web Agent ................................................................................................................................................... 59
Disable a Web Agent .................................................................................................................................................. 60
Chapter 6: Uninstall a Web Agent
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents ....................................................................................................................... 61
Uninstall an IIS Agent ................................................................................................................................................. 62
Silently Remove an IIS Agent ...................................................................................................................................... 63
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
I need to execute another IIS 7.x Module Before the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS ......................................... 66
Changing Document Root Folder after Agent Configuration Leaves Resources Unprotected................................... 67
Diagnose Agent Start-Up/Shutdown Issues (Framework Agents Only) ..................................................................... 67
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions on Host Configuration File .................................................... 68
Appendix A: Worksheets
Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating Environment .................................................................. 71
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for IIS Web Servers ....................................................................... 71
6 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Chapter 1: Preparation
This section contains the following topics:
Only IIS Web Server Procedures in this Guide (see page 7)
Hardware Requirements for CA SiteMinder® Agents (see page 7)
Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Servers
(see page 8)
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures (see page 9)
CA SiteMinder® Agent Preparation Roadmap (see page 11)
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation (see page 12)
Only IIS Web Server Procedures in this Guide
This guide only contains procedures for installing or configuring the CA SiteMinder®
Agent for IIS on the Windows operating environment.
To install or configure a CA SiteMinder® agent on any other type of web server or
operating environment, see one of the following guides:
Web Agent Installation Guide for Apache-based servers.
Web Agent Installation Guide for Domino.
Web Agent Installation Guide for Oracle iPlanet.
Hardware Requirements for CA SiteMinder® Agents
agents operating on Windows require the following hardware:
CPU: x86 or x64
Memory: 2-GB system RAM.
Available disk space:
2-GB free disk space in the installation location.
.5-GB free disk space in the temporary location.
Chapter 1: Preparation 7
Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet Information Services (IIS) Web Servers
Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet Information
Services (IIS) Web Servers
This product combines all functions for Internet Information Services (IIS) into one
A Web Agent for IIS implemented as an ISAPI plug-in and a native HTTP module that
supports the following functions:
Application pools using Integrated or Classic pipeline mode.
Application pools that are configured with the Enable 32-bit applications option.
The optional IIS Application Request Routing (ARR) feature.
Supported with IIS 7.0 and 7.5, including IIS clusters and shared configuration
8 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures
The directory structure added to your IIS web server for your Agent files varies
according to the operating environment of your IIS web server. The following directory
structures exist:
CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS use the directory structure shown in the following
Chapter 1: Preparation 9
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures
CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS installed on 64-bit operating environments use the
directory structure shown in the following illustration:
More information:
Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent for IIS (see page 46)
10 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
CA SiteMinder® Agent Preparation Roadmap
CA SiteMinder® Agent Preparation Roadmap
The following illustration describes how to prepare your Windows operating
environment for the CA SiteMinder® agent for IIS:
Chapter 1: Preparation 11
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation
To prepare for an Agent for IIS installation on a Windows operating environment, use
the following process:
Verify that you have an account with Administrative privileges for the computer on
which you want to install the agent (see page 12).
Verify that the IIS role, the related role services and features are installed on your
Windows operating environment (see page 13).
Locate the CA SiteMinder® Platform Support Matrix (see page 13). Confirm that
your IIS web server meets the requirements for the agent version you want to
Verify that the Windows operating environment for your IIS web server has the
proper service packs and updates installed (see page 14).
Confirm that your Policy Server has the prerequisites for an agent Installation (see
page 14).
Review the Web Agent Release Notes for known issues (see page 15).
Verify that you have an Account with Administrative Privileges
To install or configure a CA SiteMinder® Web Agent or CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS on
an IIS web server, you need an account with Administrator privileges.
For Windows 2008 systems, do one of the following actions to install or configure a CA
SiteMinder® Web Agent or CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS:
If you are using Windows Explorer, right-click the .exe file. Then select Run as
If you are using a command line, open a new console window with administrative
privileges. Then run the command that you want.
Note: For more information about installing or configuring CA SiteMinder® Web Agents
or CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS on Windows 2008 systems, see the Web Agent Release
12 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation
Verify that the IIS Role and Role Services are Installed
The IIS (web server) role is not enabled by default. Verify that the IIS role is installed and
enabled on each Windows system, before installing the Agent for IIS.
Follow these steps:
Click Start, All Programs, Administrative Tools, Server Manager.
Verify that IIS appears in the Roles list.
If the Web Server (IIS) role is not shown, add it using the Add Roles wizard. If you
decide to use the ISAPI-filter functions of the Agent for IIS, add the following role
services too:
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters
IIS Management Console
Windows Authentication (for the CA SiteMinder® Windows Authentication
Locate the Platform Support Matrix
Use the Platform Support Matrix to verify that the operating environment and other
required third-party components are supported.
Follow these steps:
Go to the CA Support site.
Click Product Pages.
Enter the product name and click Enter.
Open popular links and click Informational Documentation Index.
Click Platform Support Matrices.
Note: You can download the latest JDK and JRE versions at the Oracle Developer
Technology Partners and CA Validated Products
The latest list of partners and their validated products.
Chapter 1: Preparation 13
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation
Verify that the Windows IIS Web Server has the Latest Service Packs and Updates
We recommend using Windows Update to verify that your Windows operating
environment contains the latest Service Packs and updates, before installing a CA
SiteMinder® Agent for IIS.
Review the Policy Server Prerequisites for Agent for IIS Installations
Your Agent for IIS needs the following information about the Policy Servers to which it
The IP addresses of the Policy Servers
Certain CA SiteMinder® object names in the Policy Server
The Administrative UI creates these objects in the Policy Server. We recommend
creating them before installing your agent to avoid going between your web server and
the Administrative UI interfaces later.
Agents for IIS require the names of the following CA SiteMinder® objects stored the
Policy Server:
Host Configuration Object
Contains the settings that the agent uses for subsequent connections to a Policy
Server following the initial connection that the agent made.
Admin User Name
Identifies the name of a CA SiteMinder® user with the following privileges:
Administrative privileges
Trusted host registration privileges
Admin Password
Identifies a password that is associated with the Admin User Name in the CA
SiteMinder® Policy Server.
Defines the identity of the Web Agent. This identity establishes a mapping between
the name and the IP address of each web server instance hosting an Agent.
When no matching value exists, the agent uses the value of from the
DefaultAgentName parameter instead.
Note: This parameter can have more than one value. Use the multivalue option
when setting this parameter in an Agent Configuration Object. For local
configuration files, add the parameter name and a value to separate lines in the file.
14 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation
Default: No default
Limit: Multiple values are allowed, but each AgentName parameter has a 4,000
character limit. Create additional AgentName parameters as needed by adding a
character to the parameter name. For example, AgentName, AgentName1,
Limits: Must contain 7-bit ASCII characters in the range of 32-127, and include one
or more printable characters. Cannot contain the ampersand (&) and asterisk (*)
characters. Not case-sensitive. For example, the names MyAgent and myagent are
treated the same.
Example: myagent1, (IPV4)
Example: myagent2, 2001:DB8::/32 (IPV6)
Example: myagent,
Review the Web Agent Release Notes for Known Issues
The most-recent versions of the Web Agent Release notes are available from the CA
Support website. We recommend reviewing them before installing or configuring a CA
SiteMinder® agent.
Follow these steps:
Open a web browser and navigate to the Technical Support website.
Click Enterprise/Small and Medium Business.
Under the Get Support tab, click Product Documentation.
Click the field under Select a Bookshelf.
Type siteminder.
Click the bookshelf that you want from the list, and then click Go.
Click Release Notes.
Chapter 1: Preparation 15
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on
Windows Operating Environments
This section contains the following topics:
Agent Installation Compared to Agent Configuration (see page 17)
Agent for IIS Installation and Configuration Roadmap (see page 18)
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS (see page 19)
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS Manually (see page 39)
Agent Installation Compared to Agent Configuration
The concepts of installation and configuration have specific meanings when used to
describe CA SiteMinder® agents.
Installation means installing the CA SiteMinder® agent software on a computer system.
For example, installing an agent creates directories and copies the CA SiteMinder® agent
software and other settings to the computer.
Configuration occurs after installation and means the act of preparing the CA
SiteMinder® agent software for a specific web server on a computer. This preparation
includes registering the agent with CA SiteMinder® Policy Servers, and creating a
runtime server instance for the web server that is installed on the computer.
Use the wizard-based installation and configuration programs to install and configure
your agent on your first web server. The wizard-based programs create a .properties
Use the .properties file and the respective executable file to install or configure the
agent silently on additional web servers.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 17
Agent for IIS Installation and Configuration Roadmap
Agent for IIS Installation and Configuration Roadmap
The following illustration describes the process installing and configuring a CA
SiteMinder® Agent for IIS:
18 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Installing and configuring the agent for IIS involves several separate procedures. To
install and configure the Agent for IIS, use the following process:
If you are deploying the Agent for IIS to an IIS server farm, review the following
IIS 7.x web server shared configuration (see page 19).
How web agent logs and trace logs work with shared configuration (see
page 21).
Gather the information for the installation program (see page 23).
Run the wizard based installation program (see page 23).
Gather the information for the configuration program (see page 25).
Run the wizard based configuration program (see page 28).
Verify that the ISAPI Filter is First in the List When Using Classic Pipeline Mode (see
page 29)
(Optional) Install and configure additional Agents for IIS silently (see page 30).
(Optional) Add (see page 31) or remove (see page 34) CA SiteMinder® protection
from virtual sites on IIS web servers silently.
Determine if your Agent for IIS requires any manual configuration steps (see
page 39).
IIS 7.x Web Server Shared Configuration and the Agent for IIS
IIS 7.x web servers support shared configurations that streamline the configuration
process for an IIS a server farm.
The Agent for IIS can protect resources on IIS server farms that use the shared
configuration feature of IIS 7.x.
Note: This feature works only with the CA SiteMinder® 12.52 SP1 Agent for IIS 7. Older
versions of the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent do not support this feature.
IIS 7.x uses network shares to propagate the configuration information across the server
farm. The CA SiteMinder® 12.52 SP1 Agent for IIS, however, cannot operate on network
shares. Using a CA SiteMinder® 12.52 SP1 Agent for IIS on an IIS server farm involves
several separate procedures.
For example, suppose you have three IIS 7.x web servers, with all of them using a shared
configuration. Web server number one is your primary web server, which contains the
configuration information for the farm. Web servers 2 and 3 are nodes that connect to
the network share on web server one to read the configuration information.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 19
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
The entire installation and configuration process for using the CA SiteMinder® Agent for
IIS on all three IIS 7.x web servers is described in the following illustration:
20 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
How Web Agent Logs and Trace Logs Work with IIS 7.x Web Server Shared Configuration
For CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS running on an IIS server farm, create duplicate log and
trace file directories on each node if all the following conditions are true:
Your Agent for IIS log and trace log directories are specified in an Agent
Configuration Object on the Policy Server (not in a local configuration file).
Any of the CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS in your IIS 7.x web servers in the server
farm share the same Agent Configuration object
Your Agent for IIS log file and trace log directories specified in the shared Agent
Configuration Object are different than the following default settings:
web_agent_home\win32\log (for Windows IIS 7.x 32-bit)
web_agent_home\win64\log (Windows IIS 7.x 64-bit)
If all of the previous conditions exist in your server farm, use the following process to
enable your Web Agent logs and trace logs:
Create a custom log directory on the IIS 7.x web server that contains the shared
configuration for the farm.
Grant the application pool identities associated with your protected resources the
following permissions to the custom directory on the previous IIS 7.x web server.
Create the same custom log directory on a IIS 7.x web server node in the farm.
Grant the application pool identities associated with your protected resources the
following permissions to the custom directory on the a IIS 7.x web server node in
the farm.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 on all other nodes in your server farm.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 21
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
For example, suppose you have three IIS 7.x web servers, with all of them using a shared
configuration. Web server number one is your primary web server, which contains the
configuration information for the farm. Web servers 2 and 3 are nodes that connect to
the network share on web server one to read the configuration information.
The entire process for configuring these logs is described in the following illustration:
22 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Gather Information for the Agent Installation Program
Before running the installation program for the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS on the
Windows operating environment, gather the following information about your web
Installation Directory
Specifies the location of the CA SiteMinder® agent binary files on your web server.
The web_agent_home variable is set to this location.
Limit: CA SiteMinder® requires the name "webagent" for the bottom directory in
the path.
Shortcut Location
Specifies the location in your Start menu for the shortcut for the Web Agent
Configuration wizard.
Run the Installation Program on Windows
The installation program for the agent installs the agent on one computer at a time
using the Windows operating environment. This installation program can be run in
wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation programs also
create a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the
unattended or silent method with the same settings.
For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version,
installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation
wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you
could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the
wizard or console-based installation program created.
Follow these steps:
Copy the Web Agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your
web server.
Do one of the following steps:
For wizard-based installations, right-click the installation executable file, and
then select Run as Administrator.
For console-based installations, open a command line window and run the
executable as shown in the following example:
executable_file_name.exe -i console
Use the information that you gathered previously to complete the installation.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 23
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
More information:
Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating Environment (see page 71)
24 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Gather Information for the Agent Configuration Program for IIS Web Servers
Before configuring a CA SiteMinder® Agent on an IIS web server, gather the following
information about your environment.
Host Registration
Indicates whether you want to register this agent as a trusted host with a Policy
Server. Only one registration per agent is necessary. If you are installing the CA
SiteMinder® Agent for IIS 7.x on an IIS server farm, register all IIS agents in the farm
as trusted hosts.
Limits: Yes, No
Admin User Name
Specifies the name of a CA SiteMinder® user account that has sufficient privileges to
create and register trusted host objects on the Policy Server.
Admin Password
Specifies the password that is associated with the CA SiteMinder® user account that
has sufficient privileges to create and register trusted host objects on the Policy
Confirm Admin Password
Confirms the password that is associated with the CA SiteMinder® user account that
has sufficient privileges to create and register trusted host objects on the Policy
Enable Shared Secret Rollover
Indicates whether the Policy Server generates a new shared secret when the agent
is registered as a trusted host.
Trusted Host Name
Specifies a unique name for the host you are registering. After registration, this
name appears in the list of Trusted Hosts in the Administrative UI. When
configuring a CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS on an IIS web server farm, specify a
unique name for each IIS server node on the farm. For example, if your farm uses six
servers, specify six unique names.
Host Configuration Object
Indicates the name of the Host Configuration Object that exists on the Policy Server.
IP Address
Specifies the IP addresses of any Policy Servers to which the agent connects. Add a
port number if you are not using the default port for the authentication server.
Non-default ports are used for all three Policy Server connections (authentication,
authorization, accounting).
Default: (authentication port) 44442
Example: (IPv4),55555
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 25
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Example: (IPv6) [2001:DB8::/32][:55555]
Note: If a hardware load balancer is configured to expose Policy Servers in your
environment through a single Virtual IP Address (VIP), enter the VIP.
FIPS Mode Setting
Specifies one of the following algorithms:
FIPS Compatibility/AES Compatibility
Uses algorithms existing in previous versions of CA SiteMinder® to encrypt
sensitive data and is compatible with previous versions of CA SiteMinder®. If
your organization does not require the use of FIPS-compliant algorithms, use
this option.
FIPS Migration/AES Migration
Allows a transition from FIPS-compatibility mode to FIPS-only mode. In
FIPS-migration mode, CA SiteMinder® environment continues to use existing
CA SiteMinder® encryption algorithms as you reencrypt existing sensitive data
using FIPS-compliant algorithms.
FIPS Only/AES Only
Uses only FIPS-compliant algorithms to encrypt sensitive data in the CA
SiteMinder® environment. This setting does not interoperate with, nor is
backwards-compatible with, previous versions of CA SiteMinder®.
Default: FIPS Compatibility/AES Compatibility
Note: FIPS is a US government computer security standard that accredits
cryptographic modules which meet the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
Important! Use a compatible FIPS/AES mode (or a combination of compatible
modes) for both the CA SiteMinder® agent and the CA SiteMinder® Policy Server.
26 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Specifies the name of the SmHost.conf file which contains the settings the Web
Agent uses to make initial connections to a CA SiteMinder® Policy Server.
Default: SmHost.conf
Specifies the directory where the SmHost.conf file is stored. On Windows 64-bit
operating environments, the configuration program creates two separate files. One
file supports 64-bit applications, and the other file supports 32-bit applications
running on the same web server.
Default: (Windows IIS 7.x 32-bit) web_agent_home\win32\bin\IIS
Default: (Windows IIS 7.x 64-bit) web_agent_home\win64\bin\IIS
Virtual Sites
Lists the web sites on the IIS 7.x web server that you can protect with CA
Important! Do not configure and unconfigure virtual sites at the same time. Run the
wizard once to configure the sites you want, and then run the wizard again to
unconfigure the sites you want.
Overwrite, Preserve, Unconfigure
Appears when the CA SiteMinder® Agent configuration wizard detects one of the
following situations:
IIS 7.x websites that CA SiteMinder® 12.52 SP1 already protects on a
stand-alone IIS web server.
IIS 7.x websites that CA SiteMinder® protects on an IIS server farm using shared
Select one of the following options:
Replaces the previous configuration of the CA SiteMinder® Agent with the
current configuration.
Keeps the existing configuration of your CA SiteMinder® Agent. No changes are
made to this web server instance. Select this setting for each web server node
if you are configuring the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS 7.x on an IIS server farm.
Removes the existing configuration of a CA SiteMinder® Agent from the web
server. Any resources are left unprotected by CA SiteMinder®.
Default: Preserve
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 27
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Agent Configuration Object Name
Specifies the name of an Agent Configuration Object (ACO) already defined on the
Policy Server. IIS web servers in a server farm using shared configuration support
sharing a single ACO name with all IIS servers in the farm.
Default: AgentObj
More information:
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for IIS Web Servers (see page 71)
Run the Web Agent Configuration Wizard
After gathering the information for your Agent Configuration worksheet, run the Agent
Configuration wizard. The configuration wizard creates a runtime instance of the Agent
for IIS on your IIS web server.
Running the configuration wizard once creates a properties file. Use the properties file
to run unattended configurations on other computers with same operating environment
and settings.
Note: The configuration wizard for this version of the Agent for IIS does not support
console mode.
Follow these steps:
Click Start, All Programs, CA, CA SiteMinder®.
A shortcut to the Web Agent Configuration wizard appears.
Right-click the shortcut, and then select Run as administrator.
Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the
executable file with administrator permissions. Use these permissions even if you
are logged in to the system as an administrator. For more information, see the
release notes for your CA SiteMinder® component.
The Web Agent Configuration wizard starts.
Complete the wizard.
28 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Verify that the ISAPI Filter is First in the List When Using Classic Pipeline Mode
Applications running in classic pipeline mode require that the ISAPI filter appears first in
the list of ISAPI filters. Verify the position of the ISAPI filter in the list of ISAPI filters on
your IIS web server before continuing.
Follow these steps:
Open IIS Manager using the following steps:
Click Start, Control Panel.
The control panel opens.
b. Click Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
IIS Manager opens.
Verify the ISAPI filter is first in the list using the following steps:
From IIS Manager, expand the following items:
Your web server
Default Web Site
b. Double-click the Handler Mappings icon.
Click view ordered list.
d. Verify that the following ISAPI filter appears in the top of the list:
If the ISAPI filter from Step 2d does not appear first in the list, do the following
Click the handler-wa ISAPI filter.
b. Click the Move up arrow until the ISAPI filter appears first in the list.
The ISAPI filter appears first in the list.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 29
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Run a Silent Installation and Configuration on an IIS Agent
The unattended or silent installation option can help you automate the installation and
configuration process. This method saves time if you have a large CA SiteMinder®
environment that uses many agents with identical settings.
For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version,
installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation
wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you
could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the
wizard or console-based installation program created.
Follow these steps:
Run the following wizards on your first IIS web server (in the order shown):
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Installation wizard.
b. The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Configuration wizard.
Locate the following file on your first IIS web server:
Note: If the path contains spaces, surround it with quotes.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
Perform each of the following steps on the other IIS web server nodes in your
Note: To automate this process, create your own customized script to execute
these files on your systems. Use any scripting language that you want.
Create a temporary directory on an IIS web server node.
b. Copy the following files from your first IIS web server (from Steps 1 and 2) to
the temporary directory on your other IIS web server:
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Installation executable file.
The CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file.
Open a Command Prompt window with Administrative privileges in the
temporary directory.
30 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
d. Run the following command:
agent_executable -f properties_file -i silent
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS is installed and configured on the node
(Optional) Delete the temporary directory from your web server node.
Repeat Step 3 for each additional web server in your CA SiteMinder® environment
that uses the configuration that the settings in your file
Add CA SiteMinder® Protection to Additional Virtual Sites on IIS Web Servers Silently
If your IIS web server already has a Web Agent for IIS installed, you can protect any
additional virtual websites on the web server. For example, if you add two new virtual
sites named Example2 and Example3 to your IIS server, you can protect them with CA
If you do not want to run configuration wizard, or if you have many IIS web servers in a
server farm, use the silent mode.
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Configuration program supports a silent or unattended
mode that requires no interaction from the end user.
Follow these steps:
Locate the following file on your first IIS web server.
Note: In this context, the first server refers to the IIS web server in a farm where
the shared configuration information is stored. A node refers to any other IIS web
servers in the farm which read the shared configuration from the first server.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 31
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Perform each of the following steps on the IIS web servers to which you want to
protect the additional virtual sites:
Note: To automate this process, create your own customized script to execute
these files on your systems. Use any scripting language that you want.
Create a temporary directory on an IIS web server node.
b. Copy the following files from your first IIS web server (from Steps 1 and 2) to
the temporary directory on your IIS web server node:
CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Configuration executable file
CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file.
Open the CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file with a text editor.
d. Locate the following parameter:
Specifies the names of IIS 7.x web sites to protect on an IIS 7.x web server.
Verify that these names match those names shown in under the Sites
folder in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager of your web
server. Separate multiple website names with commas.
For more information, see the comments in the
Example: Default Web Site,Example1,Example2
Add the names of the web sites you want to configure to the previous
parameter. Remove the names of any other sites on the web server that you
want to leave unchanged.
Locate the following parameter:
Specifies if the agent configuration program registers the agent with a
Policy Server. Each web server requires only one trusted host registration
is required. Set the value of this parameter to 0 if you have previously
registered a web server with the Policy Server as a trusted host.
Default: 1 (yes)
Limits: 0 (no registration), 1 (registration)
32 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
If the IIS web server is already registered as a trusted host with the CA
SiteMinder® Policy Server, change the value of the previous parameter to 0.
Otherwise, the configuration program registers the web server as a trusted
h. Open a Command Prompt window with Administrative privileges in the
temporary directory.
Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows
Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions.
Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has
administrator privileges.
Run the following command:
agent_configuration_executable -f properties_file -i silent
Example: ca-wa-config.exe -f -i silent
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS is installed and configured on the node
(Optional) Delete the temporary directory from your web server node.
Repeat Step 2 for each additional IIS web server node in your environment that
uses the configuration specified by the settings in your
<flilename> file.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 33
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Remove a Web Agent Configuration from an IIS Web Server Silently
To remove the CA SiteMinder® protection from all the websites on an IIS web server
without the Web Agent Configuration wizard, use silent or unattended mode. This mode
requires no interaction from the end user.
Follow these steps:
Locate the following file on your first IIS web server.
Note: In this context, the first server refers to the IIS web server in a farm where
the shared configuration information is stored. A node refers to any other IIS web
servers in the farm which read the shared configuration from the first server.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
Perform each of the following steps on the IIS web servers to which you want to
remove protection from virtual sites:
Note: To automate this process, create your own customized script to execute
these files on your systems. Use any scripting language that you want.
Open the following directory on an IIS web server node.
b. Copy the CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file from your first IIS web
server (from Step 1) to the install_config_info directory on your IIS web server
Open the CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file with a text editor.
d. Locate the following parameter:
Specifies the names of IIS 7.x web sites from which to remove CA
SiteMinder® protection on an IIS 7.x web server. Verify that these names
match those names shown in under the Sites folder in the Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager of your web server. Separate multiple
website names with commas.
34 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
Removing the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent configuration from a website
leaves its resources unprotected.
For more information, see the comments in the
Example: Default Web Site,Example4,Example5
Enter the names of the websites you want to unconfigure in the previous
Locate the following parameter:
Specifies the names of IIS 7.x web sites to protect on an IIS 7.x web server.
Verify that these names match those names shown in under the Sites
folder in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager of your web
server. Separate multiple website names with commas.
For more information, see the comments in the
Example: Default Web Site,Example1,Example2
Verify that the previous parameter contains no website names.
h. Open a command prompt window with Administrative privileges.
Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows
Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions.
Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has
administrator privileges.
Run the following command:
agent_configuration_executable -f properties_file -i silent
Example: ca-wa-config.exe -f -i silent
The websites are unconfigured on the node automatically.
Repeat Step 2 for each additional IIS web server node in your environment that
uses the configuration specified by the settings in your
<flilename> file.
Remove CA SiteMinder® Protection From Some Virtual Sites on IIS Web Servers Silently
If your IIS web server already has a Web Agent for IIS installed, you can remove
protection from some virtual websites on the web server. For example, suppose you
want to remove protection from only two of the virtual sites named Example4 and
Example5 from to your IIS server. Modify the file to remove
the configuration from those two virtual websites while leaving the protection for the
other websites unchanged.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 35
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
If you do not want to run the configuration wizard, or if you have many IIS web servers
in a server farm, use the silent mode.
36 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
The CA SiteMinder® Web Agent Configuration program supports a silent or unattended
mode that requires no interaction from the end user.
Follow these steps:
Locate the following file on your first IIS web server.
Note: In this context, the first server refers to the IIS web server in a farm where
the shared configuration information is stored. A node refers to any other IIS web
servers in the farm which read the shared configuration from the first server.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
Perform each of the following steps on the IIS web servers from which you want to
remove the protection of the additional virtual sites:
Note: To automate this process, create your own customized script to execute
these files on your systems. Use any scripting language that you want
Copy the CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file from your first IIS web
server (from Step 1) to the install_config_info directory on your IIS web server
b. Open the CA SiteMinder® ca-wa-installer properties file with a text editor.
Locate the following parameter:
Specifies the names of IIS 7.x web sites from which to remove CA
SiteMinder® protection on an IIS 7.x web server. Verify that these names
match those names shown in under the Sites folder in the Internet
Information Services (IIS) Manager of your web server. Separate multiple
website names with commas.
Removing the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent configuration from a website
leaves its resources unprotected.
For more information, see the comments in the
Example: Default Web Site,Example4,Example5
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 37
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS
d. Add the names of the web sites from which you want to remove the
configuration to the previous parameter. Remove the names of any other sites
on the web server that you want to leave unchanged.
Locate the following parameter:
Specifies if the agent configuration program registers the agent with a
Policy Server. Each web server requires only one trusted host registration
is required. Set the value of this parameter to 0 if you have previously
registered a web server with the Policy Server as a trusted host.
Default: 1 (yes)
Limits: 0 (no registration), 1 (registration)
If the IIS web server is already registered as a trusted host with the CA
SiteMinder® Policy Server, set the previous parameter to 0. Otherwise, the
configuration program registers the web server as a trusted host.
Open a Command Prompt window with Administrative privileges in the
temporary directory.
Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows
Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions.
Open the command-line window this way, even if your account has
administrator privileges.
h. Run the following command:
agent_configuration_executable -f properties_file -i silent
Example: ca-wa-config.exe -f -i silent
The CA SiteMinder® configuration is removed from the selected virtual sites on
the node automatically.
Repeat Step 2 for each additional IIS web server node in your environment that
uses the configuration specified by the settings in your
<flilename> file.
38 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS Manually
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS
In some situations, the CA SiteMinder® Agent configuration programs cannot add the
proper settings to all the IIS web server directories which need them.
Configure the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS settings manually in any of the following
Your CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS log files are not stored in the following default
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
For example, suppose that you store your log files in the C:\My Logs\SiteMinder
directory. Grant this directory permissions.
You use an authentication scheme which requests or requires client certificates.
Set Permissions Manually for Non-Default Log Locations
If you decide to store your agent log files in a non default directory, grant your
application pools permissions to the directory. For example, if you want to store your
log files in a directory named C:\MyLogFiles, grant permissions for all your application
pool identities to C:\MyLogFiles.
Microsoft provides a command line utility, icacls.exe you can use to set the appropriate
permissions. This procedure provides one possible example of a way to set permissions
using tools or utilities provided by third-party vendors.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 39
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS Manually
Important! CA provides this information only as an example of one possible method of
configuring CA SiteMinder® without using the programs and utilities tested and
approved by CA. Microsoft provides the icacls.exe command as part of the Windows
operating environment. You may choose to use the following examples as a guide to
grant file permissions for the agent for IIS. This command and the syntax shown are
subject to change by Microsoft at any time and without notice. For more information,
go to the Microsoft Support website, and search for "icacls"
Follow these steps:
Open a Command Prompt Window on your IIS web server.
Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows
Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions. Open
the command-line window this way, even if your account has administrator
Run the icacls command. Use the following example as a guide:
icacls log_directory /grant IIS AppPool\application_pool_identity
Specifies the non default log directory to which you must grant permissions.
Specifies the identity of the application pool associated with the application
protected by CA SiteMinder® on your IIS web server.
Repeat Step 2 for each application pool identity on your IIS web server. For
example, if you have two application pools, grant permissions to both.
If you have an IIS server farm using Shared Configuration, repeat Steps 1 through 3
for each IIS web server in the farm.
The permissions are set.
Change IIS Settings Manually for CA SiteMinder® Authentication Schemes
Requiring Certificates
If you use CA SiteMinder® authentication schemes that request or require certificates,
change the settings manually on your IIS web server for the following virtual directories:
Follow these steps:
Open IIS manager.
Expand your web server.
40 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for IIS Manually
The Application pools icon and Sites folder appear.
Expand Sites.
Expand the website associated with your authentication scheme that requires
The siteminderagent virtual folder appears.
Expand the siteminderagent virtual folder.
Click the cert folder.
Double-click SSL Settings.
Select the Require SSL check box, and then click the Require option button.
Under Actions, click Apply
10. Click the certoptional folder.
11. Double-click SSL Settings.
12. Click the Accept option button.
13. Under Actions, click Apply.
14. Repeat Steps 3 through 14 for other websites on your IIS web server that require
15. For IIS server farms using Shared Configuration, repeat Steps 1 through 15 on each
IIS web server in your farm.
The settings are changed.
Chapter 2: Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating Environments 41
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52
This section contains the following topics:
Agent for IIS Upgrade Roadmap (see page 44)
How to Prepare for a CA SiteMinder® Agent Upgrade (see page 45)
Source the Environment Script on UNIX and Linux Operating Environments (see page 46)
Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent for IIS (see page 46)
Add the logging parameter values to your agent configuration object (see page 47)
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower (see page 48)
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 43
Agent for IIS Upgrade Roadmap
Agent for IIS Upgrade Roadmap
The following illustration describes the process of upgrading an Agent for IIS to r12.5:
44 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Prepare for a CA SiteMinder® Agent Upgrade
How to Prepare for a CA SiteMinder® Agent Upgrade
Upgrading a CA SiteMinder® agent involves several separate procedures. To prepare for
an upgrade of your agent, follow these steps:
Create backup copies of any customized CA SiteMinder® files on your web server.
Examples of files you could have customized after installing or configuring your
agent include the following files:
Record the values of the following logging parameters in the agent configuration
object of the agent that you want to upgrade:
Gather information for the following CA SiteMinder® programs.
The Agent installation wizard (see page 23).
(only If upgrading from version 12.0.2 or older) The Agent configuration wizard
(see page 25).
Do one of the following tasks:
If you are upgrading from version 12.0.3 or higher to 12.52 SP1, go to Step 5.
If you are upgrading from version 12.0.2 or older, continue with this procedure
instead (see page 48).
Run the installation wizard to upgrade your Agent for IIS (see page 46).
Add the logging parameter values (from Step 2) to your agent configuration object
(see page 47).
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 45
Source the Environment Script on UNIX and Linux Operating Environments
Source the Environment Script on UNIX and Linux Operating
If you are upgrading a Web Agent on a UNIX or Linux system, source the environment
script that is available in the following directory:
CA SiteMinder® 6.0
CA SiteMinder® 12.0 and later
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed.
Default: /opt/ca/webagent
Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent for IIS
The installation program for the agent installs the agent on one computer at a time
using the Windows operating environment. This installation program can be run in
wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation programs also
create a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the
unattended or silent method with the same settings.
For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version,
installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation
wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you
could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the
wizard or console-based installation program created.
Follow these steps:
Copy the Web Agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your
web server.
Do one of the following steps:
For wizard-based installations, right-click the installation executable file, and
then select Run as Administrator.
For console-based installations, open a command line window and run the
executable as shown in the following example:
executable_file_name.exe -i console
Use the information that you gathered previously to complete the installation.
46 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Add the logging parameter values to your agent configuration object
More information:
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures (see page 9)
Add the logging parameter values to your agent configuration
Occasionally, certain logging parameters are not copied correctly to the new version
during an Agent for IIS upgrade. Complete the upgrade by adding the values of the
logging parameters from the old version to the agent configuration object.
Update the values of the following parameters:
Specifies the full path (including the file name) of the log file.
Default: No
Example: (Windows) web_agent_home\log\WebAgent.log
Example: (UNIX/LInux)
Specifies the full path to the trace log file.
Default: No default
Limits: Specify the file name in this parameter.
Example: web_agent_home\log\trace.log
Specifies the location of the WebAgentTrace.conf configuration file that
determines which components and events to monitor.
Default: No default
Example: web_agent_home\config\WebAgentTrace.conf
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 47
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
Upgrading an agent for IIS to version 12.0.3 or higher requires removing the older
version of the agent before installing the newer version. Some directory changes were
introduced in 12.0.3 which also apply to the subsequent versions of the product.
Running the new installation program without removing the previous version
sometimes causes problems.
Follow these steps:
Remove the configuration of your existing agent from your web server (see
page 49).
Remove the existing agent software from your web server (see page 50).
Install the new version of the agent on your web server (see page 52).
Configure the new version of the agent on your web server (see page 53).
(Optional) Review the directory structure of the new agent (see page 54).
48 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
Remove the configuration of your existing agent from your web server
Before upgrading your agent to 12.0.3 or higher, remove the server configuration from
the previous version of your agent using the configuration wizard. For example, if you
are upgrading from 6.x to 12.52 SP1, remove the server configuration for the 6.x version
of your agent using the configuration wizard.
Follow these steps:
Start the Web Agent Configuration Wizard.
The default method is to select Start, Programs, CA SiteMinder®, Web Agent
Configuration Wizard. If you have placed the Wizard shortcut in a non-default
location, the procedure differs slightly.
Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the
executable file with administrator permissions. Use these permissions even if you
are logged in to the system as an administrator. For more information, see the
release notes for your CA SiteMinder® component.
Skip to the next step. You do not need to register a trusted host.
Clear the check boxes of the web server instances from which you want to remove
the configuration.
In the Agent Configuration Object field, enter the name of the Agent Configuration
Object for this web server instance, then click Next.
This name must match an Agent Configuration Object that already defined at the
Policy Server.
In the Web Server Configuration Summary dialog, confirm that the configuration
settings are correct, then click Install.
The Web Agent files are installed.
Click Done when the installation is complete.
Reboot the computer.
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 49
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
Remove the existing agent software from your web server
Before you un–install the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent from a Windows operating
environment, consider making backup copies of your registry settings and Web Agent
configuration settings.
Be aware of the following:
All Web Agents for all installed web servers will be uninstalled.
The Password Services and Forms directories, (pw_default, jpw_default,
samples_default) will be removed. However, the non-default copies of these
directories (pw, jpw, samples) are not removed because these directories may
contain customized files.
Follow these steps:
Stop the web server.
Remove the configuration settings for the agents on your server with one of the
following procedures:
To un-configure the agent with the wizard, go to Step 3.
To un-configure the agent with the console-based program, go to Step 6.
Click Start, All Programs, CA, CA SiteMinder®.
A shortcut to the Web Agent Configuration wizard appears.
Right-click the shortcut, and then select Run as administrator.
Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the
executable file with administrator permissions. Use these permissions even if you
are logged in to the system as an administrator. For more information, see the
release notes for your CA SiteMinder® component.
The Web Agent Configuration wizard starts.
Clear the check boxes from the agent instances configured on your web server, and
complete the wizard.
Open a Command Prompt window with root privileges.
Navigate to the ca-wa-config.exe file, and then run it with the following switch:
-i console
Un-configure the agent instances configured on your web server. Wait for the
configuration program to finish, then go to Step 9.
Choose one of the following procedures:
To remove the Web Agent using the wizard, go to Step 10.
To remove the Web Agent using the console-based program, go to Step 15.
10. Click Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features.
50 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
A list of installed programs appears.
11. Click CA CA SiteMinder® Web Agent version_number.
12. Click Uninstall/Change.
The uninstallation wizard appears.
13. Review the information in the Uninstall CA SiteMinder® Web Agent dialog, then
click Uninstall.
The wizard removes the web agent.
14. Wait for the wizard to finish, then go to Step 17.
15. Open a command-line window.
16. Navigate to the following directory.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on
your web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents
only): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
17. Run the following command:
ca-wa-uninstall.cmd -i console
18. Wait for the un–installation program to finish, then go to Step 19.
19. Start the web server.
Important! Delete the ZeroG registry file from the following location after uninstalling
the Web Agent: C:\Program Files\ZeroG Registry\com.zerog.registry.xml
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 51
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
Install the new version of the agent on your web server
After unconfiguring and removing the older version of your agent, install version 12.52
SP1 on your web server.
The installation program for the agent installs the agent on one computer at a time
using the Windows operating environment. This installation program can be run in
wizard or console modes. The wizard and console-based installation programs also
create a .properties file for subsequent installations and configurations using the
unattended or silent method with the same settings.
For example, suppose the Agents in your environment use the same web server version,
installation directory, Agent Configuration Object and Policy Servers. Use the installation
wizard or console-based installation program for your first installation. Afterwards, you
could create your own script to run the installation program with the .properties file the
wizard or console-based installation program created.
Follow these steps:
Copy the Web Agent installation executable file to a temporary directory on your
web server.
Do one of the following steps:
For wizard-based installations, right-click the installation executable file, and
then select Run as Administrator.
For console-based installations, open a command line window and run the
executable as shown in the following example:
executable_file_name.exe -i console
Use the information that you gathered previously to complete the installation.
52 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
Configure the new version of the agent on your web server
After gathering the information for your Agent Configuration worksheet, run the Agent
Configuration wizard. The configuration wizard creates a runtime instance of the Agent
for IIS on your IIS web server.
Running the configuration wizard once creates a properties file. Use the properties file
to run unattended configurations on other computers with same operating environment
and settings.
Note: The configuration wizard for this version of the Agent for IIS does not support
console mode.
Follow these steps:
Click Start, All Programs, CA, CA SiteMinder®.
A shortcut to the Web Agent Configuration wizard appears.
Right-click the shortcut, and then select Run as administrator.
Important! If you are running this wizard on Windows Server 2008, run the
executable file with administrator permissions. Use these permissions even if you
are logged in to the system as an administrator. For more information, see the
release notes for your CA SiteMinder® component.
The Web Agent Configuration wizard starts.
Complete the wizard.
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 53
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
(Optional) Review the directory structure of the new agent
The directory structure added to your IIS web server for your Agent files varies
according to the operating environment of your IIS web server. The following directory
structures exist:
CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS use the directory structure shown in the following
54 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2 or Lower
CA SiteMinder® Agents for IIS installed on 64-bit operating environments use the
directory structure shown in the following illustration:
Chapter 3: Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 55
Chapter 4: Dynamic Policy Server Clusters
Earlier versions of CA SiteMinder® agents did not automatically discover when Policy
Servers were added or removed from a cluster. The agents recognized the changes only
after their respective web servers were restarted.
CA SiteMinder® 12.52 SP1 supports dynamic Policy Server clusters. Agents automatically
discover Policy Servers that are added or removed from an existing cluster when
dynamic Policy Server Clusters are enabled.
For example, suppose that your agent connects to a cluster of the following Policy
Suppose that you later decide to remove the server to upgrade its
operating system. In this situation, enabling dynamic Policy Server clusters lets your
agents recognize the change in the membership of the cluster without restarting.
Restart your web server if you do any of the following tasks:
Change the configuration of an existing Policy Server (using the configuration
Create a Policy Server cluster.
Delete a Policy Server cluster.
Change the values for any of the following Policy Server settings:
Chapter 4: Dynamic Policy Server Clusters 57
Connect a Web Agent to a Dynamic Policy Server Cluster
Connect a Web Agent to a Dynamic Policy Server Cluster
You can connect a Web Agent to one or more dynamic Policy Server clusters by
modifying the SmHost.conf file on your web server.
Follow these steps:
Open the following file with a text editor:
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
Default (UNIX/Linux installations): /opt/ca/webagent
Do one of the following tasks:
If this Web Agent has never been connected to dynamic cluster of Policy
Servers before, create a line (anywhere in the file) with the following text:
If this Web Agent has previously been connected to a dynamic cluster of Policy
Servers, change the value of the existing enableDynamicHCO parameter from
"NO" to "YES".
Save the SmHost.conf file, and then close the text editor.
Restart your web server.
The Web Agent is connected to dynamic Policy Server clusters.
58 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Chapter 5: Starting and Stopping Web
Enable a Web Agent
Configure your agent parameters and then enable the agent to protect the resources on
the web server.
Note: No resources are protected until you also define policies in the CA SiteMinder®
Policy Server.
Follow these steps:
Open the WebAgent.conf file with a text editor.
Note: Agents for IIS installed on 64-bit operating environments have two
WebAgent.conf files. One file for 32-bit Windows applications. The other file is for
64-bit Windows applications. Modify both WebAgent.conf files when starting or
stopping the Agent for IIS.
Change the value of the EnableWebAgent parameter to yes.
Save and close the WebAgent.conf file.
Restart the web server (the web server itself, not the computer on which it runs).
The Web Agent is enabled.
Chapter 5: Starting and Stopping Web Agents 59
Disable a Web Agent
Disable a Web Agent
To stop the Web Agent from protecting the resources on your web server and stop
communicating with the Policy Server, disable the Web Agent.
Follow these steps:
Open the WebAgent.conf file with a text editor.
Note: Agents for IIS installed on 64-bit operating environments have two
WebAgent.conf files. One file for 32-bit Windows applications. The other file is for
64-bit Windows applications. Modify both WebAgent.conf files when starting or
stopping the Agent for IIS.
Change the value of the EnableWebAgent parameter to no.
Save and close the WebAgent.conf file.
Restart the web server (the web server itself, not the computer on which it runs).
The Web Agent is disabled.
60 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Chapter 6: Uninstall a Web Agent
This section contains the following topics:
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents (see page 61)
Uninstall an IIS Agent (see page 62)
Silently Remove an IIS Agent (see page 63)
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents
Be aware of the following:
All Web Agents for all installed web servers will be uninstalled.
The Password Services and Forms directories, (pw_default, jpw_default,
samples_default) will be removed. However, the non-default copies of these
directories (pw, jpw, samples) are not removed because these directories may
contain customized files.
Chapter 6: Uninstall a Web Agent 61
Uninstall an IIS Agent
Uninstall an IIS Agent
Before you remove the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent from a Windows operating
environment, consider making backup copies of your registry settings and Web Agent
configuration settings.
Be aware of the following:
All Web Agents for all installed web servers will be uninstalled.
The Password Services and Forms directories, (pw_default, jpw_default,
samples_default) will be removed. However, the non-default copies of these
directories (pw, jpw, samples) are not removed because these directories may
contain customized files.
Note: To remove the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS from a server farm, run the
uninstall program on each node in the farm. Start by removing the Web Agent from the
first web server in the farm, and then remove the Web Agent from all other nodes. The
first server refers to the IIS web server where the shared configuration information is
stored. A node refers to any IIS web servers which read the shared configuration from
the first server.
Follow these steps:
Stop the web server.
Run the configuration wizard to remove the configuration settings of the agents
that you want to remove.
Choose one of the following procedures:
To remove the Web Agent using the wizard, go to Step 3.
To remove the Web Agent using the console-based program, go to Step 8.
Click Start, Control Panel, Programs and Features.
Click CA CA SiteMinder® Web Agent version.
Click Uninstall/Change.
Review the information in the Uninstall CA SiteMinder® Web Agent dialog, then
click Uninstall.
Wait for the wizard to finish, then go to Step 12.
Open a command-line window.
62 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Silently Remove an IIS Agent
10. Navigate to the following directory.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
11. Run the following command:
ca-wa-uninstall.cmd -i console
12. Wait for the un–installation program to finish, then go to Step 12.
13. Start the web server.
Important! Delete the ZeroG registry file from the following location after uninstalling
the Web Agent: C:\Program Files\ZeroG Registry\com.zerog.registry.xml
Silently Remove an IIS Agent
The CA SiteMinder® Agent supports an unattended mode that uninstalls the agent. This
option does not require any interaction from the end user.
Log in to your web server.
Open a Command Prompt window with Administrative privileges.
Important! Before running a CA SiteMinder® utility or executable on Windows
Server 2008, open the command-line window with administrator permissions. Open
the command-line window this way, even if your account has administrator
Chapter 6: Uninstall a Web Agent 63
Silently Remove an IIS Agent
Run the configuration wizard to remove the configuration settings of the agents
that you want to remove.
Run the following command:
web_agent_home\install_config_info\ca-wa-uninstall\uninstall.exe -f -i silent
Note: If the path contains spaces, surround it with quotes.
Indicates the directory where the CA SiteMinder® Agent is installed on your
web server.
Default (Windows 32-bit installations of CA SiteMinder® IIS Web Agents only):
C:\Program Files\CA\webagent
Default (Windows 64-bit installations [CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS
only]): C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\win64
Default (Windows 32-bit applications operating on 64-bit systems [Wow64
with CA SiteMinder® Web Agents for IIS only]): C:\Program Files
The agent is removed from the web server.
For IIS server farms, repeat Steps 1 though 3 for each web server in your farm.
64 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
This section contains the following topics:
I need to execute another IIS 7.x Module Before the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS
(see page 66)
Changing Document Root Folder after Agent Configuration Leaves Resources
Unprotected (see page 67)
Diagnose Agent Start-Up/Shutdown Issues (Framework Agents Only) (see page 67)
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions on Host Configuration File (see
page 68)
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 65
I need to execute another IIS 7.x Module Before the CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS
I need to execute another IIS 7.x Module Before the CA
SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS
When you install and configure the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS on an IIS web server,
the Agent for IIS executes before any other modules. If your IIS environment requires
another module to execute first, you can change the number set the following location
in the Windows Registry:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Netegrity\SiteMinder Web Agent\Microsoft
For example, suppose another module in your IIS 7.x web server (like UrlScan) is
assigned the same execution priority as the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS. Use this
setting to control when the CA SiteMinder® module executes.
Follow these steps:
Open the Windows Registry Editor on your IIS web server.
Expand the following keys:
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Netegrity\SiteMinder Web Agent\Microsoft IIS
Locate the following value:
Change the value of RequestPriority to the number which corresponds to the
following value you want:
Executes the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS before any other modules on your IIS
web server. This setting is the default.
Example: 0 (First)
Default: 0
Executes the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS module after any modules set to
execute first, but before any modules set to execute with medium, low or last
Example: 1 (High)
Executes the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS module after modules set to execute
first and high, but before modules set to execute with low or last priority.
Example: 2 (Medium)
66 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Changing Document Root Folder after Agent Configuration Leaves Resources Unprotected
Executes the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS module after modules set to execute
first, high, and medium, but before modules set to execute with last priority.
Example: 3 (Low)
Executes the module for the CA SiteMinder® Agent for IIS after all other
Example: 4 (Last)
Save your changes and close the registry editor.
Test your settings and verify that the module you want executes before the Agent
for IIS module executes.
Changing Document Root Folder after Agent Configuration
Leaves Resources Unprotected
I changed the location of the document root folder on my web server after I configured
my CA SiteMinder® agent. Now the resources in the new document root folder are
If you change the location of the document root folder on your web server, run the
agent configuration program again.
Diagnose Agent Start-Up/Shutdown Issues (Framework Agents
The CA SiteMinder® Agent does not start or shut down.
Do the following tasks:
Run the Low Level Agent Worker Process (LLAWP) separately to isolate the
For the Windows operating environment Windows, see the Application Log in the
Event Viewer.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 67
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions on Host Configuration File
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions on Host
Configuration File
Valid on IIS
I see the following messages in my event viewer:
Siteminder Web Agent not having read permissions on host configuration file.
Permission denied. Please assign read privileges to the user DefaultAppPool for the
file C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\config\SmHost.conf.
Siteminder Web Agent not having read permissions on host configuration file.
Permission denied. Please assign read privileges to the user DefaultAppPool for the
file C:\Program Files\CA\webagent\config\SmHost.conf.
All the application pool identities on IIS web servers need permissions for the following
CA SiteMinder® items on the computer hosting the IIS web server:
The SmHost.conf file
Follow these steps:
Navigate to (but do not open) the following file:
Right-click the previous file, and then select Properties.
The SmHost.conf Properties dialog appears.
Click the Security tab.
In the Group or User Names pane, verify that SYSTEM is selected, and then click
Note: If the User Account Control dialog appears, click Continue.
The Permissions for SmHost.conf dialog appears.
Click Add.
The Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog appears.
Do the following steps:
Click Locations.
The Locations dialog appears.
b. Click the name of your computer (in the top of the list), and then click OK.
The Locations dialog closes and the name of your computer appears in the
From this location: field.
68 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions on Host Configuration File
In the Enter the Object names to select field, enter the name of your
application pool using the following format:
IIS AppPool\Application_Pool_Name
For example, to add the default application pool, enter the following text:
IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool
d. Click Check Names, and then click OK.
The Select Users, Computers, or Groups dialog closes. The Permissions for
SmHost.conf appears with the Application Pool selected.
Under the Allow list, select the following check boxes:
Read and Execute
Click OK.
The Permissions for SmHost.conf dialog closes.
Click OK.
The SmHost.conf Properties dialog closes. The application pool identities are
granted permission for the CA SiteMinder® SmHost.conf file.
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 69
Appendix A: Worksheets
This section contains the following topics:
Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating Environment (see page 71)
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for IIS Web Servers (see page 71)
Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows Operating
Use the following table to record the information that the Agent for IIS Installation
program requires for the Windows operating environment:
Information Needed
Your Value
Installation Directory
Shortcut Location
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for IIS Web
Use the following table to record the information that the CA SiteMinder® Agent
Configuration program requires for IIS web servers:
Information Needed
Your Value
Host Registration (Yes/No)
Admin User Name
Admin Password
Enable Shared Secret Rollover
Trusted Host Name (unique for each server)
Host Configuration Object
IP Address
FIPS Mode Setting
SmHost.conf file Name
Appendix A: Worksheets 71
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for IIS Web Servers
Information Needed
Your Value
SmHost.conf file Locations
Select Servers
Overwrite, Preserve, Unconfigure
Agent Configuration Object Name
Webagent Enable Option
More information:
Gather Information for the Agent Installation Program (see page 23)
72 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS
(Optional) Review the directory structure of the new
agent • 54
Add CA SiteMinder® Protection to Additional Virtual
Sites on IIS Web Servers Silently • 31
Add the logging parameter values to your agent
configuration object • 47
Agent for IIS Installation and Configuration Roadmap
• 18
Agent for IIS Upgrade Roadmap • 44
Agent Installation Compared to Agent Configuration
• 17
CA SiteMinder® Agent Configuration Worksheet for
IIS Web Servers • 71
CA SiteMinder® Agent Preparation Roadmap • 11
CA Technologies Product References • 3
Change IIS Settings Manually for CA SiteMinder®
Authentication Schemes Requiring Certificates •
Changing Document Root Folder after Agent
Configuration Leaves Resources Unprotected • 67
Combined Functions in New Agent for Internet
Information Services (IIS) Web Servers • 8
Configure the new version of the agent on your web
server • 53
Connect a Web Agent to a Dynamic Policy Server
Cluster • 58
Contact CA Technologies • 3
Diagnose Agent Start-Up/Shutdown Issues
(Framework Agents Only) • 67
Disable a Web Agent • 60
Documentation Changes • 4
Dynamic Policy Server Clusters • 57
Event Viewer Message Describes lack of Permissions
on Host Configuration File • 68
Gather Information for the Agent Configuration
Program for IIS Web Servers • 25
Gather Information for the Agent Installation
Program • 23
Hardware Requirements for CA SiteMinder® Agents
How to Configure Certain Settings for the Agent for
IIS Manually • 39
How to Install and Configure an Agent for IIS • 19
How to Prepare for a CA SiteMinder® Agent Upgrade
• 45
How to Prepare for an Agent for IIS Installation • 12
How to Upgrade an Agent for IIS from Version 12.0.2
or Lower • 48
How Web Agent Logs and Trace Logs Work with IIS
7.x Web Server Shared Configuration • 21
I need to execute another IIS 7.x Module Before the
CA SiteMinder® Web Agent for IIS • 66
IIS 7.x Web Server Shared Configuration and the
Agent for IIS • 19
Install an Agent for IIS on Windows Operating
Environments • 17
Install the new version of the agent on your web
server • 52
Locate the Platform Support Matrix • 13
Multiple Agent for IIS Directory Structures • 9
Notes About Uninstalling Web Agents • 61
Enable a Web Agent • 59
Index 73
Preparation • 7
Verify that the ISAPI Filter is First in the List When
Using Classic Pipeline Mode • 29
Verify that the Windows IIS Web Server has the
Latest Service Packs and Updates • 14
Verify that you have an Account with Administrative
Privileges • 12
Remove a Web Agent Configuration from an IIS Web
Server Silently • 34
Remove CA SiteMinder® Protection From Some
Virtual Sites on IIS Web Servers Silently • 35
Remove the configuration of your existing agent
from your web server • 49
Remove the existing agent software from your web
server • 50
Review the Policy Server Prerequisites for Agent for
IIS Installations • 14
Review the Web Agent Release Notes for Known
Issues • 15
Run a Silent Installation and Configuration on an IIS
Agent • 30
Run the Installation Program on Windows • 23
Run the Installation Wizard to Upgrade your Agent
for IIS • 46
Run the Web Agent Configuration Wizard • 28
Web Agent Install Worksheet for the Windows
Operating Environment • 71
Worksheets • 71
Only IIS Web Server Procedures in this Guide • 7
Set Permissions Manually for Non-Default Log
Locations • 39
Silently Remove an IIS Agent • 63
Source the Environment Script on UNIX and Linux
Operating Environments • 46
Starting and Stopping Web Agents • 59
Troubleshooting • 65
Uninstall a Web Agent • 61
Uninstall an IIS Agent • 62
Upgrade a Web Agent to 12.52 SP1 • 43
Verify that the IIS Role and Role Services are
Installed • 13
74 Web Agent Installation Guide for IIS