Agri/Business B6 HASTINGS TRIBUNE Monday, Oct. 20, 2014 Governor defends tobacco marketers N.C. GOVERNOR TAKES ON IRISH, FRENCH OFFICIALS OVER PACKAGING PROPOSAL JONATHAN DREW The Associated Press RALEIGH, N.C. — In a trans-Atlantic debate over cigarette packaging, North Carolina’s governor poses a rhetorical question to the Irish and French governments: Would Guinness be recognizable labeled simply as “beer?” Or would champagne sell as well in a bottle lacking its distinctive curves? Gov. Pat McCrory has written letters to French and Irish officials decrying proposals in those countries to force manufacturers to package their cigarettes in plain containers. McCrory argues farmers and manufacturers in the top U.S. tobacco-producing state would be hurt by the proposals to remove brand logos and colors from cigarette boxes. “Plain packaging laws are a direct assault on intellectual property and trademarks,” he says in the Oct. 6 letter to Gerard Araud, France’s ambassador to the U.S. He wrote a similar letter to Irish officials. In both letters, he compares North Carolina’s tobacco industry to Ireland and France’s famed vineyards, breweries and distilleries. GERRY BROOME/AP North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory speaks to members of the media in Raleigh, N.C. “Imagine if the United States required Guinness to be stripped of its universally recognized brand and be marketed solely as ‘beer’ or Jameson to be labeled simply as ‘whiskey’ and Baileys as ‘liqueur,”’ he wrote in the Sept. 10 letter to Ireland’s ambassador to the U.S., Anne Anderson. He asks the French ambassador to contemplate seeing his country’s famous wines packaged in “the same standard container regardless of the type of alcohol.” “In France, containers play an important role, as varietals have different bottle shapes,” he said. The French bill requiring neutral cigarette packs by 2016 is slated for debate in French Parliament next year. The government’s plan includes a measure that would force tobacco companies to sell packs of cigarettes with the same shape, size, color and typeset. The brand will still be mentioned but on a small place on the packaging. “There is no future for tobacco in France,” French Health minister Marisol Touraine said in an interview published Wednesday in the daily newspaper Le Parisien. Touraine argued that making the packaging less attractive would help discourage young people from starting to smoke. Around 30 percent of French people are smokers, and the habit causes 73,000 deaths a year in France, according to government statistics. Ireland is considering a similar proposal to remove brand logos and colors from cigarette packaging. Australia became the first country in the world to mandate plain cigarette packs without brand logos or colors in a law that went into effect in 2012. Instead, the packs are solid brown and covered in large graphic warnings. Ralph Victory, a spokesman for the Irish Embassy in Washington, confirmed that McCrory’s letter was received and sent to officials in Dublin. A spokesman for the French Embassy in Washington said he could not comment on the letter. Tobacco is big business in North Carolina, where farmers grew more than 380 million pounds of tobacco in 2012 to give the state top ranking, according to statistics for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. “Given agriculture’s importance to North Carolina, we felt that it was necessary to research the issue and reach out to officials in France and Ireland,” McCrory spokesman Ryan Tronovitch said in an email. *** AP Writer Sylvie Corbet in Paris contributed to this report. Obama announces plan to tighten card security MARCY GORDON AND JOSH LEDERMAN The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Saying more must be done to stop data breaches affecting consumers, President Barack Obama announced on Friday a government plan to tighten security for the debit cards that transmit federal benefits like Social Security to millions of Americans. Cards issued by the federal government will now have an internal chip replacing magnetic strips to reduce the potential for fraud. Concern is growing over the security of Americans’ financial data, with an estimated 100 million people having been affected by breaches in the past year, including at big retailers like Target and Home Depot. In addition, the government will apply the security chips and personal identification numbers, called PINS, that replace signatures to all existing and newly issued government credit cards, Obama said. Payment terminals at federal government facilities will be equipped to handle cards with the new technology. In remarks at the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Obama said that for victims of fraud and identity crimes, the experience is infuriating and heartbreaking. He said the problem requires a hands-on approach across the government. It’s imperative to ensure “that the American people have the basic safeguards that they can count on,” Obama said. The White House says the idea of the government program is to lead by example, to nudge the broader financial industry and retailers toward more secure standards. Obama noted that Home Depot Inc., Target Corp., Walgreen Co. and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plan to install payment terminals in their stores equipped to handle cards with digital security chips and personal identification numbers, called PINS, which replace signatures. Obama also cited a plan by American Express Co. to support small businesses that upgrade their payment terminals with more secure standards, and a program by payments processor Visa Inc. to inform consumers and merchants about the new technologies. “There is a need to act and to move our economy toward stronger, more secure technologies that better secure transactions and safeguard sensitive data,” the White House said in a statement. Obama’s executive order also calls for the government to take new measures to help victims of identity theft. The Federal Trade Commission will develop a new website for consumers to report identity theft and remedy errors with credit reporting. And Obama called on Congress to enact a single national standard for retailers to notify consumers of data breaches, to replace a patchwork of state laws. Proposals have languished in Congress. In the wake of the massive data breaches, banks and retailers have sped the adop- tion of digital chips for credit and debit cards. They’ve set a deadline of October 2015 for wide use of chips in cards and payment terminals. The financial and retail industries have been at odds over solutions and adopting new security technology. The retailers have insisted that banks must upgrade the technology for the credit and debit cards they issue. Banks have countered that retailers must tighten their own security systems for processing card payments. They say it isn’t clear whether the digital chips would have prevented many of the retail breaches. Retailers want the chips, but they also want each debit or credit card transaction to require a PIN. Experts say it’s harder for criminals to steal PINS than to forge signatures. Similarly, digital chips are considered more secure than magnetic strips. The chips typically make data theft harder and are common in other countries. The magnetic strips use the same technology as cassette tapes to store account information and are easy to copy. By contrast, a digital chip generates a unique code each time it’s used. Criminals can steal and sell data from cards with chips, but they can’t create fraudulent cards. “Protecting consumer data is a shared responsibility, and merchants must have the same tough data-security standards as financial institutions,” Richard Hunt, president of the Consumer Bankers Association, said in a statement Friday. He said many banks “are accelerating the transition to chip technology, which can only be effective if merchants have the technology to accept the cards at the point of sale.” The National Retail Federation’s president, Matthew Shay, said the group “continues to work with our members and other stakeholders on practical and comprehensive solutions that are less about process and more about progress toward how we collaboratively prevent and combat this criminal activity.” Classified Ads 402-462-2131 2000 BUICK Century: 170,000 miles, new transmission and windshield, very nice clean car inside and out. First $2,750 take. 402-756-7194 2002 FORD F250 Crew cab, diesel, 4x4, $12,000 2004 HONDA Accord EX, V6, 4 door, leather, $7,950 Deveny Motors 1013 S. Burlington 402-462-2719 PREPAY YOUR ad to save. See our inventory at Hajny's AUTO SALES '11 Chevy Impala, 4 door, V6 full power, 46,000 miles, $8,950 '87 Chevy Corvette, automatic full power, removable top, 115,000 miles, $5,850 402-463-2636 See our selection of FUEL ECONOMY cars at '11 Nissan Rogue SL: Blue, FWD, 28,xxx miles. $20,550 Cash.....$18,550 220 West South Street 402-461-3161 The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen sounded an alarm Friday about widening economic inequality in the United States, suggesting that America’s longstanding identity as a land of opportunity was at stake. The growing gap between the rich and everyone else narrowed slightly during the Great Recession but has since accelerated, Yellen said in a speech at a conference in Boston on economic opportunity. And robust stock market returns during the recovery helped the wealthy outpace middle-class America in wages, employment and home prices. “The extent and continuing increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns me,” Yellen said. “By some estimates, income and wealth inequality are near their highest levels in the past hundred years.” Yellen’s extensive comments on economic inequality marked an unusual public departure for a Fed chair. Her predecessors as head of the U.S. central bank tended to focus exclusively on the core Fed issues of interest rates, inflation and unemployment. Indeed, the Fed’s mandate doesn’t explicitly include issues like income or wealth disparities. But since taking over from Ben Bernanke in February, Yellen has made clear she is deeply concerned about the financial challenges that ordinary workers and families face. Throughout this year, she has stressed the need for the Fed to keep rates low to boost economic expansion and hiring. She has said that the unemployment rate, now at 5.9 percent, doesn’t fully reflect the health of the job market: Yellen has expressed concern, for example, about stagnant incomes, the number of parttime workers who want fulltime jobs and the many people who have given up their job searches and are no longer counted as unemployed. Markets Monday’s 11 a.m. local markets Corn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.02 Soybeans . . . . . . . . . . .8.63 Milo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3.09 Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . . .5.55 Stocks of local interest The following stocks of local interest were traded today: Last Chg. Berkshire Hathaway A 205,201 -303.55 Berkshire Hathaway B 136.87 -.22 ConAgra 34.17 +.52 Eaton Corp. 60.74 -.70 Ingersoll Rand 56.51 +.03 Level 3 40.84 -.39 McDonald’s 91.16 +.12 PepsiCo 93.44 +1.93 Tricon Global Restaurants 68.98 +.61 Union Pacific 105.84 -.56 Wells Fargo 48.99 +.30 Williams Cos. 52.54 +.44 75.01 +.91 Wal-Mart We reserve the right to reject, edit or reclassify any advertisement accepted by us for publication. We accept cash, check or money order VISA, MASTERCARD, DISCOVER or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Fax: 402-462-2156 PAUL SPADY MOTORS Hi-Line Motors, Kenesaw 402-752-3498 MARTIN CRUTSINGER Open 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Bramble's Auto Sales Check our new website Yellen sounds alarm on income inequality issue 2-WHEEL DRIVE PICKUPS Com pute r Re pa ir YELLOW PAGES DE A E L E CTRO N ICS House Calls/Free pickup and delivery 9 a.m .-9 p.m .daily 402-984-8001 or tollfree 1-800-383-8141 Visa & M astercard accepted. Con tra c tors A BC S E A M L E S S S IDIN G , W IN DO W S & G U TTE RS Hastings,w w w .abcseam ...402-463-7580 Coun s e lors -H um a n Re la tion s Great Plains Chrysler Dodge 402-463-3104 • N. Hwy 281 G E N E RA L CO U N S E L IN G L L C See our truck selection at Cyndee Fintel,M S,LIM HP,Jessica Hunt,M S,LM HP, JessiChrisp,M A ,PLM HP w w w ...........402-463-6811 H om e A pplia n c e s & E le c tron ic s RO G E R’S IN C. 1035 S.Burlington Hastings............402-463-1345 N e w s pa pe rs The ONLY Daily Newspaper that Reports Primarily the News of YOUR Area. 908 West 2nd Street, Hastings, NE • 402-462-2131 H A S TIN G S TRIBU N E w w w 908 W .2nd S t.Hastings..................402-462-2131 Phone (308)381-8220 • w w w.them P iz z a L ITTL E CA E S A R’S Carry O utand D elivery 314 N.Burlington Ave.Hastings......402-462-5220 U phols te ry TH E CO V E R U P U P H O L S TE RY 204 N.Clay,Box 387,Harvard.........402-772-4031 w w w P e ts & A n im a l Con trol H E A RTL A N D P E T CO N N E CTIO N 1807 W .J Hastings w w w ............402-462-P E TS (7387) To Pu rc ha s e Ad vertis ing O n This Pa ge C o nta c t 4 6 2 -2 13 1 HASTINGS TRIBUNE Monday, Oct. 20, 2014 B7 SPORT ADMINISTRATIVE & UTILITY GOLF CARTS FORD 2003: XLT Expedition. Excellent condition, 1 owner, 75,000 miles $8,500. 402-469-7903 2005/2006:4-Club car, gas Precedent models. 4 electric club cars, 36V and 38V; 1 easy go 36V, new batteries, lights, windshield, back seat. 402767-0063 PEOPLE MAKIN' fun of your spare tire? We have several used wheels in stock. McMurray Motors. 402-462-6879 VANS WANTED HAND operated handicapped van. For sale '84 and '92 Chevy Silverado, both good bodies. 402-756-5860, Holstein. 2005 Town & Country: Stow-N-Go, white/gray interior. Salesman car, 170,000 miles. Mostly highway miles, good condition $4000. 402-4694741 Looking For A “New” Place To Live? There are some prime rental possibilities in our rental classifications 100113. Want to place your rental ad there? Call our Classified Department at 402-462-2131. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES TRAVEL TRAILERS & MOTOR HOMES '96 Kountry Comfort Call for price Just in time for deer season WOULD YOU like to deliver newspapers as an independent contractor under an agreement with the Hastings Tribune? Great chance to operate your own business. Motor routes available immediately. Carrier routes open in Hastings, Sutton, and Minden 2011 Keystone Springdale $19,000 30 ft., half-ton towable, extremely clean 26' JAYCO Eagle 5th wheel. Very clean, always shedded. Includes hitch, rail, Awning. $9,500 402257-2575 Call 402-462-2131 today to make an appointment, then see how much you can profit. CUSTOMER SERVICE is number one at the Hastings Tribune and we have part-time openings in our Circulation Department for the right people. We're hunting for candidates who do what it takes to make our readers happy. Must have valid drivers license and willing to work Saturday mornings. Apply in person at our customer service center, on the corner of 2nd and Burlington, or mail resume to Jim Headley Director of Customer Relations, P.O. Box 788 Hastings, NE 68902 Sudoku HEALTH TECHNICAL & PROFESSIONAL CARE Telecommunications Account Executive Hastings area technology company seeking a high energy, aggressive sales professional to sell a full-line of telecommunication products and services throughout central Nebraska. This is a direct business sales position in a fast-paced environment, responsible for account growth and lead generation through daily prospecting and community involvement. Strong presentation, verbal, written and listening communication skills are a must. Associates degree in business and/or marketing, plus proven sales experience required. Complete job description available at Competitive base salary combined w/commission and an outstanding benefit package provided. Send resume and cover letter to: Human Resources PO Box 97 Blue Hill, NE 68930 or email humanresources@ We’re committed to keeping you informed of developments that affect you at work and at home. From business and economic news to social and political changes, the newspaper keeps you on top of what’s happening in your community and around the world. It’s an essential component of our free, democratic society, delivering balanced information that lets you develop informed opinions and decisions. If you’re not reading the newspaper, you’re missing out on a lot. Make a commitment to be informed. Call 402-4622131 to subscribe today! HEALTH CARE BLUE HILL 5 STAR QUALITY CARE CNA’S Are valued and needed! Days -Evenings, Full time-Part time and PRN Differential on evening and Week End BLUE HILL CARE CENTER 414 N. Wilson 402-756-2080 Contact Arati or Sherrill HEALTHCARE WORKER full time and part time every other weekend, 11-7 shift. Champion Homes 402-463-6021 OFFICE / CLERICAL ESTABLISHED LAW firm seeks Legal Assistant/Paralegal for successful regional office. Legal experience preferred; salary is negotiable; paid vacation and holidays, paid time off for sick leave; 401(k) plan with employer contribution; office hours are 8:00 a.m to 5:30 p.m. Please send resume and cover letter via email or mail to: Douglas Pauley P. O. Box 315 Hastings, NE 68901 United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Secretary ($31,628 - $45,828) The US Meat Animal Research Center located in Clay Center, NE is seeking a permanent, fulltime, Secretary. The incumbent supports on-going agricultural based research by providing administrative assistance to the administrators, scientists, and technicians at the US Meat Animal Research Center. Responsibilities include: assisting in the management of a comprehensive grant program, assisting administrators in the management of the personnel function, using office automation software and equipment to prepare a variety of written work products which includes formatting, editing, and preparing final copies for distribution, establishing and maintaining office files and records, handling incoming calls, visitors, postal mail, and faxes, arranging airline, hotel, and rental car reservations and preparing required travel documents. To apply, print a copy of the vacancy announcement located at (search: DEU-141216578-TW), and follow the application directions. To have a printed copy mailed or to discuss the job further, call 402-7624141. USDA/ARS is an equal opportunity employer and provider. RESTAURANT BARREL BAR has opening for part time evening and day bartender. Best time to apply is 4:30 p.m. 1200 E. South St. 402-463-9158 TRADE GENERAL WELDER/FABRICATOR: Must know Mig Tig and stick welding and have experience fabricating. Must have valid driver's license, speak English, and able to read a tape measure. Must have positive attitude and be reliable. Salary DOE. Apply in person at 4940 E. J Street Hastings HASTINGS POST OFFICE accepting applications for PSE Custodian. Hourly rate is $11.76/hour Closing: October 22. Apply employment HASTINGS UTILITIES Whelan Energy Center Plant Electrician’s Assistant Performs maintenance repairing, maintaining and installing electrical equipment required to operate a steam generating power plant and ensures proper operation of power plant operating systems and equipment. Requires valid driver’s license and HS diploma or equivalent plus two years experience supporting maintenance operations on industrial electrical equipment or in a steam generation facility. Post highschool course-work in an electrical related field is preferred but not required. Residency within 6 miles of city limits within 6 months of employment required. 40 hours/week, 8-4:30; $22.02/hour minimum. Application testing Oct. 20 thru 24 in City of Hastings Human Resources 220 N Hastings Hastings, NE Test may be started any time between 8 and 10:30 a.m. or 1 and 3:30 p.m. Application available in person or online at Contact Kim Still at 402-461-2313 or with questions. EOE TOOL AND DIE company expanding operations. Immediate openings available. Must be able to modify molds, build a variety of new plastic injection molds, set up and operate CNC equipment and other related mold shop tooling tasks. The positions offer benefits and 401K. Send a resume to: FuTek Tooling Attn Jeff Damratowski; P.O. Box 188 Alda NE 68810 or email it to AGRICULTURE HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR and MAINTENANCE person needed for feedlot/farm. Experience necessary. 401K and Group Health. R Lazy K, Glenvil, NE. Call 402-771-2394, 7 a.m.-5 p.m. TRUCKING GOTTSCH TRANSPORT is currently looking for motivated, dependable and disciplined full-time night drivers. Local hauls Benefits. If interested contact Orville at: 402-469-4150 Co ntra c tu a l D entis t/Lic ens ed Youth Rehabilitation & Treatm entCenterin Geneva is seeking a D entist to provide services to Nebraska youth in helping them live better lives.This contractw ould be for tw o days a m onth at Y RTC-G. Round trip m ileage w ill be reim bursed. Interested candidates please contact S andi at 402-759-3164 ext. 234 or sandi.renken@ At Your Service Up to 16 Words for 1 month ONLY Redecorate on a shoestring. Our Classifieds, coupons and special offers are waiting for you. GENERAL SECURITY OFFICER needed in the Hastings, Ne area. Part-time and Full-time positions available. Background checks and drug screens required. Must be at least 18 years of age. Training provided on site. Please call 402-362-1111 for application. includes online 402-462-2131 for details HAY / SEEDS AUTO GLASS EXPERTS. 25 years combined experience in glass replcement. Jeff Fitzke, Brent Vorderstrasse. 405 West J Street. 402-463-0025 Samy De Leon Roofing & Construction. Roofing, siding, painting, flooring, dry wall remodeling, concrete. Insured. 402-705-9406 JUNK HUNK. Junk removal service. Clean out garage, basement, attic, yard. Free estimates; courteous service. Call Scott at 402705-6263 DEEP CLEANING and junk haul away. Houses, barns, storage units etc. Free estimates 402-9029392. Call after 1:00p.m. or leave message. We buy: Scrap junk vehicles. Pickup and haul away. 402-462-9802 BILL MORGAN PAINTING 28 years experience, neat clean work, interior/exterior Local references, free estimates. 402-469-2977 HONEY DO'S PAINTING. Interior, exterior. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Reasonable rates. Tim Yurk, 402-705-0601. WE BUY damaged grain. Grain vacuum. available. 316-640-3203 FANCY GREEN: 4, small sq., wire tied, $6-$7, north of Hastings. 402-984-5690 CONSTRUCTION HANDYMAN LOPEZ FAMILY Construction, siding, windows, doors, roofing, trim trees. 10 years experience. Low prices. 402-705-4320, 402-902-9255 HANDYMAN: Roofing, concrete, painting, home repairs, snow removal. Fully insured. 15 years experience. Reasonable. 462-2660, 460-6756 LAWN / GARDEN CARE 14 YEARS Experience NeeMow Lawn Care. Fall cleanup. Commercial, residential, insured. Ken Neemeyer. 402-463-5720 TREE SERVICE TRL TREE SERVICE Trimming, removal, wood chips. Local. Ted/Lana Smith. Insured. Free estimates. 402-469-8427 PLACE YOUR Classified ad today. Call 402-462-2131, Tribune for fast results. REGGIES IN Roseland is taking application for bartender/cook. Apply by contacting Reggie at 308-8302726 HASTINGS CAREGIVERS needed. Assist seniors with housekeeping and errands. Days, evenings or weekends, you choose schedule. $8.50 plus bonus. Shift differential available Caretech 800-991-7006 CLEANING: Residential/ Commercial cleaner. Background checks. Call Sandra 402-519-6279 PEPSI-COLA of Hastings has an opening in our warehouse! Begin your Career in the fun, fast-paced beverage industry! Duties include picking, assembling and preparing orders for delivery to customers. For more information and to apply, please visit our w e b s i t e a t e e r s . ( E E O employer/Post-Offer Drug Screen) EILEEN'S COOKIES has a full time decorating position available. Applicant must be artistically inclined. Apply in person at 730 W. 2nd, Hastings. PART-TIME Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Guns Gun show October 25 and 26 Fonner Park Concourse Grand Island, NE FOR SALE TOOLMAKER/MACHINIST presicion tools for sale at a reasonable price. Mics., indicators, mag. base, 90 degree drill, plus many more items. 402216-1961 leave message. Save up to 30%! BY PREPAYING YOUR CLASSIFIED ADS. 402-462-2131 FOR SALE MISC. HAND CRAFTED wishing wells, 4 ft tall. Choice of shingles. $195, 402-7444321, Hansen. Great gift! 2 BLACK dryer chairs with dryers. Like new. $275 each 402-469-9101 FOR RENT APARTMENTS EFFICIENCY AND 1 bedroom upstairs: no pets/ smoking. 402-469-7046 COME IN AND APPLY TODAY Begin Fall in your new apartment. 2 and 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, w a s h e r / d r y e r hookups/basements for storage, large eat in kitchen/appliances furnished, central air and heat/off street parking/lawn care provided, onsite management/maintenance. See us for application at 945 W. H St Hastings Ne. Or call us at 402-463-5953. Affordable housing/utilities. Sorry no pets. VERY NICE 1 bedroom. No smoking/pets. Must have references. Call 970590-1611 EMBASSY SQUARE is 100 percent occupied. 402-462-4032 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS! 2 and 3 bedroom unfurnished apartments. If you are 18 years or older you may qualify for rent and utility assistance. Sorry no pets. Call 402-463-5953 for more details. 3-BEDROOM, 2-bath, most utilities paid. $550 402-460-9626 2-BEDROOM: Washer/ dryer, appliances. $420/month + deposit, $100 deposit for utilities, 60% utilities, no smoking/ pets Call 402-463-9479 CHILD CARE EXPERIENCED CHILD ca r e p r o vi d e r sta r ti n g home day care in Kenesaw. Infant to school age. Call 402-752-3736 IN HOME licensed daycare has opening for 12 months and up. 785-8190760 Your WHIRLPOOL and TOSHIBA Dealer ROGER'S INC. 1035 S. Burlington 402-463-1345 SERVICES Pasture Tree Cutters: Cutting of Cedar trees and trees of all kinds out of pastures, fence lines, shelter belts, river banks. Call for information 402-4606076 BACKHOE, TRENCHING, waterlines, electric lines, irrigation. 402-817-4279. To place your want ad for the Farmer's Corner call 402-462-2131 Go Car Shopping in the Classifieds! Check us out for all your car buying needs today. Call 402-462-2131 to subscribe! 2 AND 3 BEDROOM TOWN HOUSES Apply now and start fall off in a new home. We offer onsite management/maintenance, rental/utility assistance, appliances furnished, washer/dryer hookups. Off street parking/basements, Pick up your application at 945 W. H Hastings NE. Or call us at 402-463-5953 Sorry no pets. FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN 4 bedroom: 2 bath, appliances. 1120 W. 6th. References. Call agent 402-461-8848 3-BEDROOM: $1,500/ month. Agent/owner. 402461-1785. 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-BEDROOM: Rent to own. Air, garage. $400-$850. 402-469-6635. 2 - B E D R O O M : $485/months + deposit. References 402-461-0892, 402-461-9048 REMODELED 2-bedroom: 522 E. 5th. No s m o k i n g / p e t s . $750/month. 402-2534951, 402-763-7956 FOR RENT MOBILE HOMES KINGSWOOD PLAZA 1-bedroom, 1-person 402-463-1958 FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE APPROXIMATELY 1,650 sq ft of retail space, 718 East side Blvd, $795/month, licensee owned, 402-984-2198 OFFICES FOR rent: Various sizes, first month free with 1 year lease. 422 N. Hastings Ave. 402-4624215 or 402-461-1770 OFFICE SPACE Single office, double office, up to 4 office suites available. Very nice. Conference and meeting room available. 402-461-4100 LANDMARK CENTER INDIVIDUAL OFFICE spaces; common reception area. $225-$350. Join our new Hastings Small Business Community. Burlington Village. 208 S. Burlington 402-462-4032 FOR RENT LOT KINGSWOOD PLAZA RV lots available. Call 402-463-1958 FOR SALE HOUSES Melissa Story Town & Country Realty of Hastings, Inc. 402-469-5244 Good Samaritan Society – Hastings Village Senior Living at its finest! 402-463-3181 The Hastings Family YMCA has part time openings for night janitors. Shifts begin weekdays at 10 p.m., weekend shifts at 8 p.m. Please contact Laura Ahlman 402-4633139 or apply at either YMCA location. APPLIANCES PAINTING HAVE LIVESTOCK, farm equipment, or farm land for sale? Call 402-462-2131 to advertise your specialty. Harvard House Assisted Living Full-time housekeeper for 17-unit assisted living. Some meal service and occasional activity helper included in duties. Contact Ruth at 402-772-7591. FOR SALE JUNK REMOVAL CLOCK REPAIR DRIVERS NEEDED: Must be 25 or older. All shifts. 308-390-6474. Action Cab 78" COUCH: Dark Sage. Good condition. $150. Hastings. 918-906-7017 Call CONSTRUCTION VILLAGE TIME. Clocks and watches cleaned, repaired. Authorized service center. Will pick up and deliver. 308-832-0671 Immediate opening for a full time Program Director. This person is responsible for meeting with homeless individuals and families providing Christ-centered counsel, Case Management, ensuring program requirements are being met and Referring to area agencies and organizations. Case Management Experience a plus. To apply download an employment application at, complete application and then email completed application to This position is open until filled. FURNISHINGS AUTO GLASS HYLDEN CONSTRUCTION. Gutters, siding, trim, windows, doors. Call Steve at 402-462-5439. PROGRAM DIRECTOR FOR RENT SPORTS ITEMS TOWNHOUSES TOOLS / SHOP FOR SALE 49.00 $ FOR SALE EQUAL HOUSING Opportunity All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD tollfree at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. CHATEAU IMPERIAL Townhomes/Apartments Call 402-463-4111 FOR RENT BY OWNER: 1215 W. 4th. 2-bedroom, 1 bath, bonus room, underground sprinklers. 402-460-0461 BY OWNER: 2204 Indian Acres Dr. 4-bedrooms, 3bath, 1 bed and bath non conforming, in-ground pool, corner lot. Call 402463-0880 TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED The place to look for help wanted ads. Open 8:00 to 7:00 Mon.-Fri. and 8:00 to 12:00 Sat. Call and place your ad, 402-462-2131. FOR SALE FACTORY BUILT KINGSWOOD PLAZA New homes. Financing available 402-463-1958 FOR SALE INVESTMENT TOWNHOUSE: For sale; 2-3 bedroom, 2 car garage. Lochland $199,900$239,900 Agent owned. 402-461-1785 SALES AUCTION RANDY RUHTER, Auctioneer and Broker, 2837 W. Hwy. 6, Hastings, NE, 402-463-8565. DUPLEXES 3 BR garden level. $625. Deposit, good credit, off street parking, coin washer/dryer, paid water, yard and snow. 402-902-9694 Korky Lightner Auction Every Thursday Night 5:30 p.m. 219 S. Woodland Ave. 402-469-0703
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