r\,rctoDel l, zv l+ DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. L5-5 s. 2014 zAM GOMMUNICATION ARTS FESTIVAL TO: 1. All Public Schools District Supervisors School Heads of Public Elementary Schools All Concerned ln line with the celebration of National Reading Month , the Division of Camarines Sur in coordination with the Division Elementary English Coordinators Association lncorporated (DEECAI) and Samahan ng mga Guro sa Filipino in Camarines Sur, shall conduct the 2014 Communication Arts Festival with the theme: "Bicolano: Mapagpadangat Dangan Mapanunlog." Following are the scheduled dates and venues for the Congressional and Division level Competition: DISTRICT 1": 2no 3'' 4* 5'n Division Communication Arts Festival VENUE/SCHOOL DATE Luoi Central Luoi Cam. Sur October 23.2014 Libmanan North E/S, Libmanan, October 23,2014 Camarines Sur San Jose North, San Jose, Pili, October 24,2014 Camarines Sur Sagfiay Central School, Sagfray, October 24,2014 Camarines Sur Balatan Central School, Balatan, October 24,2014 Camarines Sur Union Elementary School, November 13,2014 Calabanga, Camarines Sur 2. This activity would serve as an opportunity to show talents, skills and knowledge on the use of the Mother tongue And English as spoken languages. It aims to a.) improve the pupils'academic performance through speaking encounters and b.) enhance pupils' level of confidence and competence through friendly competition. 3. The events in this year's festival are: English Gategory Events lstoryanq Suanoy Story Retellinq No. of Participants 1 1 Grade Level Grade l/ll/lll Grade lVru /l No. of Coaches 1 1 Filipino tnihandano Talum 4. Only the first place winners in each event will represent their respective Congressional Sistrict. 5. The Guidelines and the Mechanics of each event are found in Enclesure No- 1 . 6. A registration fee of one hundred pesos{P100.00} and a membership fee of twenty peso$ {P20.00} shall be charged each participant to defray contest materials and other operational expenses relative to the activtty. v. Travel and other refated' expen$e$ relative to the conduct of this activity shall be chargeable against school MOOBlocalfund, subiec.t to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations' 8. lmmediate dissemination of this memorandum and moperation is earnestly solicited. Concunent Schocls Division $uperintendent Enclosure No.1 :2014 Communication Arts Festival MECHANICS OF THE CONTESTS Elementary Level (English Category) Events A. lstoryang Suanoy (Story telling in Mother Tongue) must be in original composition of the pupil/coach. 1. Each Congressional District shall send one contestant (1"t place winner) who must be a Grade I or ll or lll pupil. 2. Each contestant will tell a story of any genre (myth, legend, folktales, etc.) which depicts Bicol culture. The story shall be delivered using the Mother Tongue of the pupil- contestant. 3. Delivery shall not exceed 5 minutes including the entrance and exit. 4. Appropriate costume and props can be used by the contestant. 5. Judging of the contest will focus mainly on the manner of delivery and fluency of the contestant. 6. Decision of the board of judges is final. The CRITERIA for judging are the following: Speaking Skills (Voice. Pron unciationl Enunciation) Fluency/ Accuracy of Delivery (Loqical Flow) Stage Presence ( Gestures, Personality and Confidence) Costume and Props TOTAL 30 o/o 35 o/o 25 o/o 1A% r00% B. Story Retelling 1. 2. 3. 4. The contestant from each Congressional District must be a Grade lV or V or Vl pupil. The first place winner only. The contestants will be judged according to their ability to recall and analyze a story and retell it in their own words with proper expression and interpretation. Each contestant shall retell the same story which will be provided by the management .Each contestant shall be given 30 minutes to read the story and five (5) minutes to retell it. Contestants will be assembled in a room separate from the room in which they will retellthe story. The contestants will be judged according to the following CRITERIA: Mastery lnterpretation Mechanics Staqe Presence TOTAL 5. Decision of the board of judges is final. 30% 3A o/o 2A o/a 2A a/o 100% M [I{.{H-' I. lnihandang'falumpati (tsaitang t I Kf, 1\i {; f}ALIGSA H AIt 1'-I) Aug Paksa ng Talrrmpati ay "Birolsns: rnapagp*rlangat dangan m*panunlogtr Ang kasuotan ng kalalrok ay unipomre laulimg Ang Pamanrfil'an ay: ,, I, fi.ATAPATAN 3$% r5% iyesa ( Pagkabuoigrar n rlr;i r') Fagbihi gnv-diin, dmnclarxirt P 159i; iI. itlh-{\ rl'I' 2S% Hikayat ilradle 5$n Kakayu harrg llariarr g.h rrl rrr 59,i I 1\lt Kilos- galaw. kumpas t" HLsgrrerya* ng rnukba {} 5ri, i[I" TII'IIG l- 1q$! 5** i*.as l'erirting 5% Xslarrgfiupnn ng dirva at tlarrrr-luiiri* l5if i: fi,'" sIsHA$ 2fiY" t r1i! \4rtatag at mnliw'anag lvrst*ng l]rin pagbuo-uh.1*d ug Lll i! salirr 5q.?, 5a/t iri,t$}t.lt:-,tH il. IG0o/" BAI,AGTAIiAF{ {SAIT,{NG 1r} Ang Balagta$an a! ltattgfi rtilili lar]{'.i.lll ll ll I rr:1lr sui rr usunr:i l l. Paksang Fagtatal*na*. ?. Ilalawaxg pmig liaxg-*y*n st pi-$onr-,!;'o1r 3. Lakandi wa na si.yarig Tagapagpaki lnla at' f aliapauragut an. 4. Ang bawat kalahok ny t lirlgy"n rrg 5-7 rninrito'para rnagpriravag 5. Magbitrigay ng kopya ng piyesa sa ilrg(l iruriiclo. 6 ng, kanilang balagtasan. Ang palisang pag:tatalunan ay "Bicolan{}; ntfll}agpadnngat c!angan mapnnunlog" a Kr P*mxn Maavo* at c. Nagbihigay Katwiran ng ibe'f-ibailS uri ng mga palirviu:ng r-> k*riir*1,an q. f. -::]4ffseiefffildeg"].iaisas*garua/,Naisamkatupar*n itrr& balagtasa* .ry**rr s* Idahuua* IIr. Mnsi*ing n* F*gb*sa {Baifarg > III} Sukas att* paligsaha$ s* rnga mag-*aral sa ikatlong baitang. R*rry*t purrk ay rnagpapadala np isang kalahok. Isang bnbasahin lamang arrtrl gagnmitin sa paligsnhil,I nir nragmumula sa Pangkalahatang Tagaparrpprl$ ayon se napsgkasundua*. Ito ay ntav pre-reading tra 5 tninufo, Hindi pinapirj agan ang pasgalnit rrg prop"s. musika/sourrd cf{'ecrs at *spes}'al na kasuotan.Ans kasuotan ng kalahok av rtttipontre latrtang. r&pi 'P Hitdi pinap*!.'s€isn kalahok. Ang pr:gh*bs*& I, e.y ang pagka.kanlsrl rlg kasartu,'kswal;si h*bnrrg nagkukuwento flflg hirrli hihigit Krilr4erl,a sn paglruspalpiiglr sa aroI rrfti*ng (8) r::i:rui*. : IY. Maeini*g *n P*gkukuwe*ta (Saitang IY) 'r Bukasangpalig.sahansi,ltltgitlititrt-it;rr,l! "..1 li;ir0i:,,rit1:i rrr,ii;rtrr l-,:rrr,iri rirl'r-r}i 41, rnagpnpndala ng i*ang kalah*,lr" , 'P Aug i;rsu*t*n ng kal*h*k E, unip*nl' lx;;:rll*1i. }{irieti pinapii}ilg*tr urg p*gkak;u'ii()il lig li.l:;arrriE,klrr irksi i,. ibmru. rr;rr.kukurvffiltfl itBS katahok ', ,fr[**tirlng 'r na Pagku,klr14'en!o av hi;itii liihi6ii s.r Irir'[r i;urra;i:r na efiS p6ppa$ok at paglabas ng fanghalmr. Krayterya sa paghusga/paghatol: Parasn *g flngkukwento. int*r*hti ban g pagkuk uwen 4f i.i,, t* (casual, relaxed- convfl'satlonal Nilalarnmr Y. nii J-5 n:inutokasabav ) 1{Jo.* Datiug sil tngapskinig :51{r Tinig at liilos fi,TBUTIAN 1{fl, rtl *-' l !{}% l*Ialikhaing Pagsul*t {Baitang Y[] 'ii Aag baw;rt kalahck ey rnagd*dala ng isa o d.alawa*gq panul;rt at Tablet Faper'. Ang tatalakaytn sa pagsulat ay ipaaalam ng Panghaiahatang Tagapanguio ru o.* o[ Paligsahan. Bibigyan ar:g kalnhok ng. I oras. Hindi pr.*:g*ng*lilan :rg kalahoi* a*g karyang papel, sa lraiip. hilang ang ilalagay dito at tangrng "facilitator larnang ang nakaka*iirm ng paghatiakil**lan :ig hawat kontestanr. lbabatalt sa rubrics ang pagfruhusgff o pa$r*rmm-iia ng xrg*o rr*enainlo sa paligsahang itc. Krayterya sa Pagsulat it*ng } ')' r" Nilalarxau * Kalsahan Iil * Talasalitaan IV * Garxrit ng Wika * Mekaniks I 30,,,6 1l 25-s.i) KABIJUAT'i 15% l5?; 15n/* 100,X,
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