July 31st Sponsor Board Minutes & Actions Burfoot Court Room, Counting House, Guys Hospital, London Attendees Name Role Organisation Nicola Kingston (NK) interim dep. For Will Nicholson Citizens Representative Citizens’ Board Peter Hewitt (PH) Chief Executive GST Charity Ron Kerr (RK) (Chair) Chief Executive GSTT John Moxham (JM) Director of Clinical Strategy KHP Andrew Eyres (AE) Chief Officer Lambeth CCG Adrian McLachlan (AML) (co-Chair) General Practice Lead Lambeth CCG Jenny Law (JL) LMC Chair Lambeth LMC Ruth Wallis (RW) Director of Public Health LB Southwark Mark Kewley (MK) Director or Strategy & Design SLIC Liz McAndrew (LM) Programme Director SLIC Christian Fenn (CF) Project Manager SLIC Andrew Bland (AB) Chief Officer Southwark CCG Tamsin Hooton (TH) Director, Service Redesign Southwark CCG Jonty Heaversedge (JH) Clinical Lead for Integration Southwark CCG Jim Crook (JC) Interim Strategic Director Children & Adult Services LB Southwark Alvin Kinch (AK) Citizens Representative Citizens’ Board Vanda Clarke (VC) Interim Programme Director SLIC Dr Tyrrell Evans (TE) Co-Chair, Provider Model Group Lambeth & Southwark Emerging Leaders Programme Chief Executive KCH Tim Smart (TS) Dr Ingrid Wolfe (IW) Miranda Jenkins (MJ) Matthew Doyle (MDy) (agenda item 5) Director, Evelina London Child Health Programme Head of Strategic Development, Evelina London Child Health Programme GSTT GSTT Interim Communications Lead SLIC Name Role Organisation Robert Lechler (RL) Executive Director KHP Kathy McAdam-Freud (KMF) LMC Co-Chair Southwark LMC Elizabeth Rylance-Watson (ERW) Citizen Representative Citizens’ Board Helen Charlesworth-May (HCM) Director of Integrated Commissioning LB Lambeth Apologies 1 Matthew Patrick (MP) Chief Executive SLaM Merav Dover (MD) Chief Officer SLIC Olufemi Osonuga (OO) General Practice Lead Southwark CCG Claire Lloyd (CL) LMC Co-Chair Southwark LMC Actions No. 1 2 Title Citizen’s Engagement IT 3 Communications Description Create a standing agenda item in every Sponsor Board where we cover citizen’s engagement Invite Scott Sommerville and Cormac Breen to present at the next Sponsor Board the latest developments in respect to taking forward the system enabler work on IT Key messages and Q&A to be finalised and issued to the Sponsor Board Owner SLIC Team Completion th Sept 25 Sponsor Board SLIC Team Sept 25 Sponsor Board SLIC Team Sept 25 Sponsor Board th th Minutes 1. Introduction 1.1. The Chair welcomed Board members and gave apologies. 1.2. The Board reviewed the June Sponsor Board minutes, agreeing they were an accurate reflection of the meeting, and noted the June Sponsor Board action updates. 2. Matters Arising 2.1. The Board welcomed Dr Tyrrell Evans (co-chair of the Provider Model Group), Jim Crooks (Interim Strategic Director of Children's and Adults Services) and Jonty Heaversedge (Chair of NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group) as new members of the Sponsor Board. 2.2. Feedback from the Lambeth Health & Wellbeing Board on 9 July was provided in respect to the issues around engagement with the Citizen’s Board and the language used by SLIC. The Board acknowledged the omission of engagement on the July agenda due to Board members being on leave, however it was agreed that this should be a regular agenda item and we would come back to this in September. 2 2.3. The Board discussed SLIC governance and accountability, and it was acknowledged that SLIC had evolved from its original role and purpose. The Board was asked to note the reference in the Chief Officers report, welcoming the consideration that was being given to governance and accountability, and that as a core team, SLIC were ready and willing to support the SLIC partnership as directed by the Sponsor Board. 2.4. The Board acknowledged that, despite the significant complexity in bringing together the partner organisations, the ambitious collective vision presents a unique opportunity for long-lasting and system-wide change. 3. Evelina London Child Health Programme 3.1. Dr Ingrid Wolfe presented on the Evelina London Child Health Programme to the Sponsor Board and a number of discussion points arose. 3.2. The Board noted that, while the Evelina work is currently focussed on primary care and acute settings, these are considered as starting points to tackle issues across a much broader scope. 3.3. The need for an overarching child health strategy was also discussed and in addition it was agreed that the Evelina London Child Health Programme team would come back to a future Sponsor Board to present again. 4. System Enablers 4.1. The Board received an update from Adrian McLachlan on the work within the Integrated Commissioning Group, noting the current work to deliver a new outcomes-based commissioning framework by April 2015. A draft of the commissioning intentions is expected by September 2014. 4.2. The Board noted key activities including the development of a fully-resourced commissioning work plan to clarify detail around accountability and capacity within partner organisations, and a ‘commissioning for outcomes’ masterclass, (in conjunction with the Finance and Payment Group). The purpose of the masterclass is to increase understanding of contracting methods that might be used to incentivise integrated care and improved outcomes, and with a broad focus around alliance/federated contracting forms. 4.3. The Board highlighted the need for a second masterclass for Citizens Board members and lay people, and it was confirmed that plans are in place to deliver a parallel session. 3 4.4. The Board received an update from Tamsin Hooton on the work within the Finance and Payment Group (FPG) to develop outcomes-based contracting from April 2015. The Board noted that a mapping exercise is underway to support an outcomes-based contracting approach, which following a steer from the ICG, will focus on the LTC and >75 population group. The exercise is expected to be completed by mid-September. 4.5. Confirmation was sought on the progress around the integration of IT systems, specifically towards a potential shared/single patient record. This was acknowledged as a crucial element to an integrated care system, and it was agreed that Scott Somerville and Cormac Breen should be invited to the next Sponsor Board to provide an opportunity to discuss this in greater detail. 4.6. It was suggested that current technologies and media should be better utilised to encourage and raise awareness around wellbeing among citizens and patients. 4.7. The Board were reminded of the submission that went into the GST Charity in May that outlined the intention to co-produce an integrated information strategy in order to enable the real-time sharing of information between all parties, and supporting shared records that citizens and their carers can use to manage their health and care needs. 4.8. The Board received an update on the work within the Provider Model Group, reflecting that, a number of lessons will be taken from the first workshop and incorporated into the planning for the remaining three workshops. 4.9. The next meeting of the Provider Model Group will take place on 13th August, during which key delivery objectives and approach for the remaining workshops will be discussed. Follow up communication from the first workshop will not be issued until after the 13th August meeting as agreed with the Provider Model Group chairs. 4.10. The Board members were asked to feed back on the draft ‘System Enablers Principles Sponsor Board update’ template, designed to track progress against the principles agreed at the May Sponsor Board. The Board was also asked to consider, and promote where possible, the increased interaction and engagement among the FPG membership, which contains both commissioners and providers and offers a unique opportunity to align all three workstreams. 4.11. The Board acknowledged Tamsin Hooton’s last Sponsor Board, and noted the need to discuss chairship options for the FPG. 5. Communications Update 4 5.1. The Board received an update from Andrew Eyres and noted a number of key points, including the need to strengthen our engagement with patients, the absence of any mechanism to capture feedback and intelligence, and the need to ensure there is communications capacity within the SLIC core team. 5.2. It was acknowledged that a number of detailed comments have been received in relation to the key messages and Q&A and these will be addressed and responded to as part of the iteration process. It was also noted that the key messages and Q&A will not be published as a single document, but will be issued as a ‘pick and mix’ resource for all to use, acknowledging that each organisation will want to tailor content to their audience/requirement. 5.3. The Board noted the next steps to refine the core brief, and finalise the key messages and Q&A, pending review of previously received feedback, and to seek sign off at the Communications Group. It was also noted that a citizen representative should be confirmed for the Communications Group. 6. Code of Practice 6.1. Vanda Clarke set the context that the Sponsor Board need to agree an approach in respect to sharing the papers we produce for the monthly Sponsor Board meetings. As yet we do not have an approach to determine which papers can be shared and the purpose of this agenda item was to set out a proposed code of practice. 6.2. The overarching aim of this proposed code of practice is to ensure we give clear guidance to Sponsor Board members and we take a consistent and open approach to sharing the papers from the Sponsor Board. 6.3. The Board agreed with the scope and approach of the code of practice and were also content with the roles and responsibilities and the six-month review period. 6.4. The Board noted that if any paper is not assigned to ‘Category 1’ for distribution, the reasoning should be explicitly referenced within the document, itself. The Board also acknowledged potential issues with restricted distribution prior to Board meetings, citing the potential need to share material with delegates, or discuss material content with other stakeholders. 7. Sponsor Board Awayday 5 7.1. The Board noted that there have been difficulties in securing a date for both September and October and that we are now looking for a date in November. The Chair noted that until we have agreed a date for the awayday, it would be difficult to determine the exact content for the agenda. 8. AOB: 8.1. No items were raised. 6
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