ASEM10 Milan, 16-17 October 2014 Media Handbook 1. Introduction Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, Dear ASEM Friends, I am happy to welcome you to Italy and to the 10th AsiaEurope Meeting (ASEM) Summit in my capacity of President of the Council of the European Union. Together with the President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, we have chosen to host the Summit in Milan. In the next few months, Milan will host both ASEM10 and EXPO Milan 2015. Two major events that will address fundamental issues for our Countries, such as sustainable growth, food security, innovative technologies, water management, climate change and energy. I look forward to fruitful and result oriented dialogue among the ASEM Leaders. We are glad to be joined for the first time by Croatia and Kazakhstan on the occasion of this Summit, thus bringing their number to an impressive total of 53 ASEM partners. This ASEM10 Media Handbook has been tailored to guide the delegations attending the event, providing all practical details in order to allow you to have a very smooth and positive experience during the Summit. I also hope you will be able to spare some time to take a stroll to the extraordinarily beautiful historical centre of Milan, and, why not, visit some of the other splendid towns in our Country. Have a most pleasant stay in Italy. Matteo Renzi President of the Council of Ministers of Italy 3 2. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Table of Contents 5 3. ASEM10 Summit Programme 6 4. Media Guide 8 4.1 Accreditation 8 4.2 Media Centre 9 4.3 Working Spaces 9 4.4 Contact Persons 10 4.5 ASEM Coordinators’ Press Conference 11 4.6 Media Programme & Groups 12 4.7 Press Conference Rooms 14 4.8 Host Broadcaster’s Desk 14 4.9 Satellite Truck Spaces 14 4.10 Host Photographer 15 4.11 Website 15 4.12 Catering Area 15 4.13 Medical Service 15 5. ASEM10 Summit Venues 16 5.1 Bird’s View of ASEM10 Venues 16 5.2 Milan’s Attractions 19 6. Contact Lists 22 6.1 Liaison Officers 22 6.2 ASEM Embassies and Consulates 23 Annex 1: Summit Venue Diagrams 34 5 3. ASEM10 Summit Programme 20:00-22:00 Gala Dinner offered by the President of the Italian Republic Wednesday, 15 October 2014 Arrival at Mi.Co. Milano Congressi of ASEM Friday, 17 October 2014 Heads of State/Government/Institutions not in protocol order Opportunity for Bilateral Meetings 09:30-12:30 Retreat Session on Enhancing Dialogue Opportunity for Bilateral Meetings and Cooperation between Europe and Asia and Future Direction of ASEM Thursday, 16 October 2014 09:00-12:30 Arrival at Mi.Co. Milano Congressi of ASEM Heads of State/Government/Institutions 12:30-12:45 Closing Ceremony 13:00 Press Conference 13:30 Informal Buffet Lunch not in protocol order Opportunity for Bilateral Meetings End of ASEM10 Summit 12:45-13:30 Welcome Reception Informal Buffet Lunch 13:30-13:50 Official Handshake 14:00-14:45 Opening Ceremony 14:45-15:00 Session with representatives of the AsiaEurope Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP), Asia-Europe People's Forum (AEPF) and Asia-Europe Business Forum (AEBF) 15:00-15:15 Family Photo 15:15-17:15 First Plenary Session on Promoting Financial and Economic Cooperation through Enhanced Europe-Asia Connectivity 17:15-19:15 Second Plenary Session on Europe-Asia Partnership in Addressing Global Matters in an Inter-Connected World 19:30-19:45 Transfer of Heads of State/Government/ Institutions accompanied by one high-level member of each delegation to Palazzo Reale for Gala Dinner 6 7 4 Media Guide 15/16 October: from 7:00 to 19:00 17 October: from 7:00 to 13:00 4.1 Accreditation Please be warned that last minute accreditation en- Only duly accredited members of the press have the tails lengthy and time consuming procedures and we permission to access the Media Centre through a yel- strongly advise against it. low nominative non-transferable badge. For more information about the accreditation, please The online accreditation system will be open from 8 contact: September to 12 October at 13:00 (GMT+2). Registration Assistance: Accreditation is obtained via online accreditation system at the following link: ASEM10 Summit media badges for accredited journalists can be collected at the Mi.Co. Media Accreditation Desk (located on Level 0, Gate 16, Via Gattamelata) during opening time: Press Accreditation Office: Tel. +39 06 36913432 - 06 36913070 - 06 36918573 4.2 Media Centre 13/14 October: from 9:00 to 19:00 The Media Centre of the ASEM10 Summit is located in 15/16 October: from 7:00 to 22:00 Mi.Co., open from 7:00 to 22:00 on 15/10 and 16/10 17 October: from 7:00 to 13:00 and from 7:00 to 18:00 to 17/10. Badges must be carried visibly: members of the press The dedicated entrance of the Media Centre is lo- may be requested to produce a proof of identity (na- cated in Via Gattamelata Gate 16 and is the only en- tional passport or ID card) at any time. trance available for the press (Gate 17 for Press/ On the accreditation page you will be requested to TV/Photographers’ vehicles). More information can fill in the form with the required information, then be found on the website: upload a photo (Jpeg format) and a scanned copy of For any queries or additional information, there will each of the following documents (Jpeg or Pdf for- be Media Information Desks located on both Level 0 mats): and Level -1. For additional information please con- • passport or ID card; tact: • a letter of company letterhead confirming the assignment; • press card (if the letter of the company is not available/mandatory only for freelances). 4.3 Working Spaces Working Spaces for the press are located on Level -1. The Media Centre offers all facilities required for Last-minute accreditation procedure is open during media coverage of the ASEM10 Summit. Media repre- the Summit at the Accreditation Lounge of Mi.Co. lo- sentatives are provided with a working area as well cated on Level 0 within few meters from Gate 14 of as separate booths for radio and TV. the Security Area during the following opening time: 13/14 October: from 9:00 to 19:00 8 9 The media working area is covered by a Wi-Fi zone Mr. Costantino D’Avanzo and comprises a limited number of computers, tele- Press Service for the Italian Presidency of the Council phones and printers/photocopier machines and other of the EU facilities. Tel: +39 06 6779 6456 Footage by the host broadcaster and practical infor- E-mail: mation about the programme of the Media Centre will be disseminated on the screens in the Media Centre. The audiovisual workplaces can be reserved on a 4.5 ASEM Coordinators’ Press Conference “first come, first served” basis via the host broad- The Coordinators’ Press Conference of the ASEM10 caster, please see this link for further information: Summit takes place on 17 October at Level 0, room 16. ASEM10 Host President Matteo Renzi introduces Media Information Desks will be located on Level 0 and Level -1. the Coordinators’ Press Conference, followed by statements by: - President of the European Council Herman Van 4.4 Contact Persons Mr. Preben Aamann Spokesman for President of the European Council H. Van Rompuy Tel: +32 2 281 51 50 - +32 2 281 51 51 Mobile: +32 476 850 543 E-mail: preben.aamann@european– Mrs. Leonor Ribeiro da Silva Spokesman for President of the European Commission J.M. Barroso Tel: +32 2 229 88155 Mobile: +32 498 98 16 69 E-mail: Mr. Federico Garimberti Spokesperson of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU Rompuy - NESA Coordinator, President of Mongolia Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj - President of the European Commission José Manuel Barroso - ASEAN Coordinator, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Mohammad Najib Tun Abdul Razak Opportunity for Questions & Answers. The host broadcaster will cover the press conference. Further information on the host broadcaster services on The press conference is also broadcasted to the Media Centre and will be live streamed on: Tel: +39 06 6779 6456 E-mail: 10 11 4.6 Media Programme & Groups During the Summit’s proceedings, access for media THURSDAY 16 OCTOBER 12:45-13:30 Arrival of the Heads of State and Govern- representatives is possible only via audiovisual pools ment/ Heads of Delegation (Gate 12) for specific events of the programme and under su- Doorstep open to the press pervision of the Summit Host Press Service. Group 13:30-13:55 Welcome and Handshake cards are issued for each event and distributed via (Anti-chamber – Level +2) national delegations. As the number of places is lim- Only host broadcaster and host photogra- ited, these might be allocated on a “first come, first pher served” basis. Media representatives shall meet 30 minutes before each event at the Media Information 14:00-14:45 Opening Ceremony (Main Conference HallLevel +2) Desk at Level 0. Due to time restriction for each event, we kindly ask for media collaboration. No photographer/cameraman is allowed to join groups without the relevant group card and unaccompanied by Summit Host personnel. Official photogra- Pooled visual media coverage (GROUP A) 15:00-15:15 Family Photo (Mi.Co. - Level +2) Pooled visual media coverage (GROUP B) 20:00-22:00 Dinner at “Palazzo Reale” hosted by the President of the Italian Republic phers/cameraman accompanying delegations and Only host broadcaster and host photogra- holding a group card should join relevant group at the pher. indicated time at the meeting point. Please note that cameras’ microphones should be set to record only background sounds (and not conversations). In case conversations are captured, these cannot be used for any purpose. FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER 12:30-12:45 Closing Ceremony (Main Conference Hall – Level +2) The presence of media covering the bilateral meetings, announced under the precise arrangements established with the ASEM10 Summit Host, is allowed upon request of delegations hosting the meeting and handled by the Summit Host Press Service. In order to access the blue or red zones where the bilateral Pooled visual media coverage (GROUP C) 13:00 Press Conference (Media Centre - Level 0) Unrestricted coverage Indicated times are subject to last minute changes. meetings are held, media representatives must be accompanied by Summit Host personnel while displaying the yellow nominative ASEM10 media badge in combination with the orange floater badge specifically issued for each bilateral meeting. Audiovisual group are identified per event as listed: 12 13 4.7 Press Conference Rooms 4.10 Host Photographer Press Conference Rooms with different capacities are A selection of photographs in high quality taken by available on delegations’ request on Level 0 of the the host photographer is published and available free Media Centre. Request by delegations should be sent of charge on the website of the Italian Presidency of to the Council of the European Union: Information on national briefings will be displayed. 4.8 Host Broadcaster’s Desk 4.11 Website RAI will act as host broadcaster and provides techni- Complete information and updates can be found on cal support for radio and television networks on re- the website of the Italian Presidency of the Council quest. All host broadcaster footage (arrivals, doorsteps, of the European Union ( or on the family photo) can be downloaded in broadcast quality ASEM10 page on the European Council website The Coordinators’ Press Confer- ( ence is transmitted live on and is also available in broadcast quality after the event. 4.12 Catering Area The Host Broadcaster’s Desk is located in the Media The Media Centre serves a light buffet and beverages Centre at Level 0. For more information concerning on the 16 and 17 October for members of the press the range of services provided by the host broad- with yellow badge. caster, please contact: Site: 4.13 Medical Service Tel.: +39 06 331 70052 A medical service is located at the press vehicle park- E-mail: ing zone from 7:00 to 19:00 4.9 Satellite Truck Spaces Limited number of parking places for Satellite Trucks Emergencies Mi.Co.: +39 02 434 27210 General emergency number: 118 will be available next to the Media Centre. These will be allocated on a “first booked, first served” basis. If interested, please send your request before 12 October at 13:00 (GMT+2) by email to specifying vehicle model, number plate and driver’s mobile phone. Few days before the meetings you will receive a numerated pass for the vehicle. Access to the venue will be possible only for vehicles with proper pass. All vehicles have to be security checked before entering the venues of the meetings. 14 15 5 ASEM10 Summit Venues Palazzo Marino: SOM Dinner, 13 October Piazza della Scala, 2 5.1 Bird’s View of ASEM10 Venues (See Annex 1 for more detailed maps) Mi.Co.: Summit Main Venue, 13 - 17 October Via Gattamelata, 5 Now facing the Teatro alla Scala, but originally overlooking piazza San Fedele, Palazzo Marino was built between 1557 and 1563 by the architect Galeazzo Alessi for Tommaso Marino, a banker, in an overdecorated style quite different from most palazzi in Milan, and strongly criticized by his contemporaries. The courtyard was decorated by sculptures of Hercules’ Labours and Ovidio’s Metamorphosis, while the main hall, now called Sala dell’Alessi after the architect, was embellished by frescoes depicting the marriage of Amore and Psyche, the Four Seasons, several mythological deities and the Stories of Perseus. After the death of Tommaso Marino his family sold the palazzo, which subsequently hosted Imperial financial offices during the Austrian domination and the Ministry of Finance during Napoleon’s Kingdom of Italy. Located in downtown Milan, with a parking lot for more After the reunification of Italy Palazzo Marino became than 1.100 cars, a heliport and direct access to Milan’s the Town Hall of Milan. A square was opened between future subway line 5, Milano Congressi (Mi.Co.) was designed in 2002 and doubled in size in 2005: the current extension places among the largest conference facilities in Europe and worldwide, catering for up to 18.000 people in just about 70 fully appointed conference rooms with permanent control booth. Featuring two plenary rooms - one with seating for 4.000 and the other for the palazzo and the Teatro alla Scala, with a new façade incorporating the main entrance, designed by the architect Luca Beltrami in 1892. Seriously damaged by Allied bombing during the Second World War, Palazzo Marino was restored in 1954 to its present aspect. 2.000 - an Auditorium that seats 1.500 and exhibition halls that offer 54.000 sq.m of exhibition space which can also be set up as extra plenary room accommodating Palazzo Reale: ASEM10 Gala Dinner, 16 October more than 5.000 people. The conference rooms feature Piazza del Duomo, 12 the full range of technologies: video projector, sound sys- The “Palazzo Reale” in Milan, now a museum, has tem, translator booths, fixed video cameras, closed cir- been the traditional centre of political power in the cuit TV, Wi-Fi internet access and optical fiber cables. 16 city since Medieval times. It has undergone several 17 renovations along the centuries, made by demolishing 5.2 Milan’s Attractions nearby houses and annexing spaces and land. The A highlight of the most outstanding features and mon- most important was performed at the end of the XVI uments of Milan must of course begin with its world- century, under Spanish rule, by the famous architect wide-famous cathedral, il Duomo. Built in the gothic Pellegrino Tibaldi, and later in the XVIII century under style from 1386 by command of Gian Galeazzo Vis- the Austrians by Giuseppe Piermarini and Leopold Pol- conti, First Duke of Milan, it has become the symbol lack, giving the Royal Palace its present neoclassical of the city. structure. Nearby, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, a four- When Milan became the capital of the Kingdom of storey arcade renamed the “living-room of Milan”, Italy under Napoleon in 1805 the palace reached the connects piazza del Duomo with piazza della Scala. peak of its splendour and became the favourite resi- The Teatro alla Scala is considered one of the most dence of the viceroy Eugène de Beauharnais, outstanding Opera Houses in the world. Designed by Napoleon’s adopted son. Further enlargements of the the famous architect Giuseppe Piermarini and opened palace were performed at that time by architect Luigi in 1778, seriously damaged during the Second World Canonica while Andrea Appiani painted the frescoed War, was reconstructed and reopened in 1946 with a ceilings. concert directed by Arturo Toscanini. During the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia under Austrian rule (1815-1859) the palace kept its role as residence of the Austrian viceroys, but when Milan lost its position as capital with the progressive unification of the country towards the Kingdom of Italy (1861) the palace was turned into a temporary residence of the Kings of the House of Savoy, although King Humbert I when visiting Milan preferred by far the Villa Reale of Monza, where he was eventually killed by an anarchist on 29 July 1900. Next comes the “Ultima Cena” by Leonardo da Vinci, the fresco painting in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie representing the Last Supper of Christ, which survived an air bombing during World War Two. The Castello Sforzesco, built by Francesco Sforza, first Duke of Milan of the Sforza dynasty, enlarging a previous fortress of the Visconti, has been for centuries the symbol of military power. Its museum hosts, among several masterpieces, the world-famous “Pietà” by Michelangelo Buonarroti. Napoleon as King of Italy surrounded the castle on the The building suffered severe damages during the Sec- one side with the impressive frame of the Foro Buon- ond World War, when the whole city was bombed by aparte and placed the Arena and the Arch of Peace the Allied Forces on August 1943, on the eve of the on the opposite side. armistice. The Hall of Caryatids was partially de- The Pinacoteca di Brera, museum displaying an out- stroyed, and in its post-war reconstruction it was de- standing collection of paintings, such as Raphael’s cided to leave the earlier neoclassical decorations “Marriage of the Virgin”, Mantegna’s “Death of incomplete, as a testimony of the horrors suffered by Christ”, Caravaggio’s “Supper at Emmaus”, and Piero the city during the conflict. della Francesca’s “Montefeltro Altarpiece” is well worth a visit. 18 19 Other remarkable museums are the recently opened Town Hall, Palazzo Litta, Palazzo Borromeo, Palazzo Gallerie d’Italia in piazza della Scala, hosting master- Belgiojoso, the House of the Atellani, Palazzo Serbel- pieces of the XIX century Italian art, the Museo della loni, Palazzo Archinto, Palazzo Sormani, Palazzo Cas- Scienza e della Tecnologia with its unique collection tiglioni, Palazzo Silvestri, Palazzo Bagatti Valsecchi, of machines after Leonardo da Vinci, the Museo del the House of Alessandro Manzoni. The northern part Novecento, next to the Duomo, displaying Italian and of the city has recently acquired a number of impres- international XX century works of art; the Pinacoteca sive modern skyscrapers including palazzo Lombardia Ambrosiana, which can boast the Atlantic Codex by and Grattacielo Pirelli. Leonardo da Vinci, the Museo del Duomo, housing ob- The Meazza Stadium, with 80.000 seats, is the home jects and documents pertaining to the construction of two of the most successful Italian football clubs, of the cathedral, the Poldi Pezzoli private collection, A.C. Milan and F.C. Internazionale. It includes a mu- whith its marvelous “Dama” by Domenico Pollaiolo, seum with the memorabilia of the two legendary the Museo della Scala, dedicated to the history of the teams. Milan Opera House, the Triennale Design Museum, Milan will host next year EXPO 2015, the universal ex- featuring annual changing exhibitions and the former position that from May 1st to the 31st of October will industrial plant Hangar Bicocca, a space dedicated to be dedicated to the subject of nutrition. “Feeding the the promotion of contemporary art and modern in- planet. Energy for life” is in fact the theme chosen stallations. for the event. Milan is also one of the world capitals of fashion, offering an unimaginable range of luxury boutiques and design stores in the so-called “Quadrilatero della Moda”, formed by via Spiga, Corso Venezia, via Monte Napoleone and via Manzoni. The Navigli is a network of canals built during the Renaissance by Leonardo da Vinci, and connecting the city to the main rivers of Lombardy, to allow an easy transportation of building materials for palaces and churches. The area is now home to hundreds of trendy venues with small bars and restaurants especially loved by young people. The Brera district and corso Como are also known for its bohemian atmosphere and trendy nightlife. Milan famous churches include Sant’Ambrogio, San Gottardo, Sant’Eustorgio, San Lorenzo, Santa Maria delle Grazie, while important family mansions include Villa Belgiojoso, Palazzo Marino, now hosting the 20 21 6.Contact Lists 6.2 ASEM Embassies and Consulates 6.1 Liaison Officers ASEAN Secretariat 70A Jl. Sisingamangaraja - Jakarta 12110 - Indonesia Tel.: (6221) 7262991/7243372 Fax: (6221) 7398234/7243504 E-mail: Head of L.O. Unit: Gian Paolo Arpesella E-mail: EU L.O. Coordinators: Alexia Maria Di Fabio: mobile +39 338 6845478 E-mail: Eleonora Malerba: mobile +39 338 6596006 E-mail: ASEM L.O. Coordinators: Elisabetta Farroni: mobile +39 337 1115660 E-mail: Ekaterina Anisimova: mobile +39 335 1416599 E-mail: Press L.O.: Alessandra Marino: mobile +39 335 1714963 E-mail: AUSTRALIA Embassy Via A. Bosio, 5 - 00161 Roma Tel.: 06852721 - Fax: 0685272300 E-mail: Consulate General Via Borgogna, 2 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 02777041 - Fax: 0277729444 AUSTRIA Embassy Via G. Pergolesi, 3 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068440141 - Fax: 068543286 E-mail: Consulate General Piazza del Liberty, 8/4 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 02783743/02783545 - Fax: 02783625 E-mail: BANGLADESH Embassy Via Antonio Bertoloni, 14 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 068083595/068078541 - Fax: 068084853 E-mail: Consulate General Via Giambellino, 7 - 20146 Milano Tel.: 0287068580 - Fax: 0248950035 BELGIUM Embassy Via dei Monti Parioli, 49 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 063609511 - Fax: 063226935 E-mail: 22 23 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM Embassy 7, Rue de Presbo - 75016 Parigi Tel.: +33153646760/+33153646761 Fax: +33153646783 E-mail: BULGARIA Embassy Via P.P. Rubens, 21 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 063224643 - Fax: 063226122 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Corso Giacomo Matteotti, 3 - 23900 Lecco E-mail: CZECH REPUBLIC Embassy Via dei Gracchi, 322 - 00192 Roma Tel.: 063609571 - Fax: 063244466 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 20 -20129 Milano Tel.: 0287158281/73 - Fax: 02700559618 E-mail: DENMARK Embassy Via dei Monti Parioli, 50 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 069774831 - Fax: 0697748399 E-mail: CAMBODIA Embassy Rue Adolphe Yvon, 4 - 75116 Parigi Tel.: +33145034720 - Fax: +33145034740 E-mail: EUROPEAN UNION European External Action Service 1046 Brussels, Belgio Tel.: +32025841111 E-mail: CHINA Embassy Via Bruxelles, 56 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 0696524200 - Fax: 0685352891 E-mail: Consulate General Via Benaco, 4 - 20139 Milano Tel.: 025693869 - Fax: 025694131 ESTONIA Embassy Viale Liegi, 28 int. 5 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 0684407510 - Fax: 06844075119 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Cosimo del Fante 16 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 0258325411 - Fax: 0258435105 CROATIA Embassy Via L. Bodio, 74/76 - 00191 Roma Tel.: 0636307650/0636307300 - Fax: 0636303405 E-mail: Consulate General Piazzale Luigi Cadorna, 15 - 20123 Milano Tel.: 028051772 - Fax: 028051541 FINLAND Embassy Via Lisbona, 3 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 06852231 - Fax: 068540362 E-mail: CYPRUS Embassy Via Ludovisi, 35 sc.A int.10 - 00187 Roma Tel.: 068088365-7-9/068081063 - Fax: 068088338 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Teodosio, 44 - 20131 Milano Tel.: 022667544 E-mail: 24 FRANCE Embassy Piazza Farnese, 67 - 00186 Roma Tel.: 06686011 - Fax: 0668601360 Consulate General Via della Moscova, 12 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 026559141 - Fax: 0265591344 E-mail: 25 GERMANY Embassy Via San Martino della Battaglia, 4 - 00185 Roma Tel.: 06492131 - Fax: 064452672 E-mail: Consulate General Via Solferino, 40 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 026231101 - Fax: 026554213 E-mail: GREECE Embassy Viale G. Rossini, 4 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068537551/0685375500 - Fax: 068415927 E-mail: Consulate General Viale Beatrice d’Este, 1 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 02653775/026598624 - Fax: 0229000833 E-mail: HUNGARY Embassy Via dei Villini, 12/16 - 00161 Roma Tel.: 064402032/0644230598 - Fax: 064403270 E-mail: Consulate General Via Fieno, 3 IV piano - 20123 Milano Tel.: 02726009 - Fax: 0272095705 E-mail: INDIA Embassy Via XX Settembre, 5 - 00187 Roma Tel.: 064884642/3/4/5 - Fax: 064819539 E-mail: Consulate General Via Larga, 16 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 028057691 - Fax: 0272002226 INDONESIA Embassy Via Campania, 55 - 00187 Roma Tel.: 064200911 - Fax: 064880280 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Corso di Porta Romana, 108 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 0258431994 - Fax: 0258438455 E-mail: 26 IRELAND Embassy (Villa Spada) Via Giacomo Medici, 1 - 00153 Roma Tel.: 065852381 - Fax: 065813336 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Piazza San Pietro in Gessate, 2 20122 Milano Tel.: 0255187569/0255187641 - Fax: 0255187570 ITALY Ministry of Foreign Affairs P.le della Farnesina, 1 - 00135 Roma Tel.: 0636914183 - Fax: 0636915881 E-mail: JAPAN Embassy Via Quintino Sella, 60 - 00187 Roma Tel.: 06487991 - Fax: 064873316 E-mail: Consulate General Via Privata Cesare Mangili, 2/A - 20121 Milano Tel.: 026241141 - Fax: 026597201 E-mail: KAZAKHSTAN Embassy Via Cassia 471, 00198 Roma Tel.: 0636301130 - Fax: 0636292675 Email: Honorary Consulate Corso Venezia 5 - 20121 Milano Tel: 0251628244 - Fax: 0251621693 E-mail: KOREA Embassy Via B. Oriani, 30 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 06802461 - Fax: 0680246259 Consulate General Piazza della Repubblica, 11/A 20124 Milano Tel.: 0229062641 - Fax: 0262911704 27 LAO PDR Embassy Route de Colovrex, 14 bis - 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex Ginevra Tel.: +41227982441/+41227982442 Fax: +41227982440 E-mail: LATVIA Embassy Via Giovanni Battista Martini, 13 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068841227-9 - Fax: 068841239 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Piazza Bertarelli, 1 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 0248100085 - Fax: 0248026805 LITHUANIA Embassy Viale di Villa Grazioli, 9 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068559052/068540482 - Fax: 068559053 E-mail: LUXEMBOURG Embassy Via S. Croce in Gerusalemme, 90 - 00185 Roma Tel.: 0677201177 - Fax: 0677201055 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Corso Europa, 2 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 027636931 - Fax: 0276369345 MALAYSIA Embassy Via Nomentana, 297 - 00162 Roma Tel.: 068417026/068415764/068411339 Fax: 068555040 E-mail: Consulate Piazza Missori, 3 - IV e V piano - 20123 Milano Tel.: 0266981839/023046521 - Fax: 026702872 E-mail: - 28 MALTA Embassy Lungotevere Marzio, 12 - 00186 Roma Tel.: 066879990/066879947/066877629 Fax: 066892687 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Cesare Battisti, 15 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 0255016526 - Fax: 0294943635 E-mail: MONGOLIA Embassy Via Vincenzo Bellini, 4 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068540536 - Fax: 068540536 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Boccaccio, 9 - 20123 Milano Tel.: 0248012556 - Fax: 024982395 MYANMAR Embassy Viale di Villa Grazioli, 29 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 0636303753/0636304056 - Fax: 0636298566 E-mail: THE NETHERLANDS Embassy Via Michele Mercati, 8 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 0632286001 - Fax: 0632286256 E-mail: Consulate General Via Gaetano Donizetti, 20 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 024855841/0248558421/0248558426 Fax: 0248558452-3 E-mail: NEW ZEALAND Embassy Via Clitunno, 44 - 00198 Roma Tel.: 068537501 - Fax: 064402984 E-mail: Consulate General Via Terraggio, 17 - 20123 Milano Tel.: 0272170001 - Fax: 0248012577 E-mail: 29 NORWAY Embassy Via delle Terme Deciane, 7 - 00153 Roma Tel.: 0645238100 - Fax: 0645238199 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Piazza Castello, 20 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 02801137 - Fax: 02862874 PAKISTAN Embassy Via della Camilluccia, 682 - 00135 Roma Tel.: 0636301775/063294836 - Fax: 0636301936 E-mail: Consulate General Via Rosa Massara De Capitani, 11 20158 Milano Tel.: 0266703271/0266715841 - Fax: 0267479076 THE PHILIPPINES Embassy Via delle Medaglie d’Oro, 114 - 00136 Roma Tel.: 0639746621/0639746622 - Fax: 0639740872 E-mail: Consulate General Via Stromboli, 1 - 20144 Milano Tel.: 0243980383 - Fax: 0243911229 E-mail: POLAND Embassy Via P. Paolo Rubens, 20 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 0636204200 - Fax: 063217895 E-mail: Consulate General Corso Vercelli, 56 - 20145 Milano Tel.: 0248018978/0248019084 - Fax: 0248020345 PORTUGAL Embassy Via della Camilluccia, 701 - 00135 Roma Tel.: 06844801 - Fax: 0636309827 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Colonnetta, 5 - 20122 Milano Tel.: 025455553/0259901992 - Fax: 0255180986 30 ROMANIA Embassy Via Nicolò Tartaglia, 36 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 068084529 / 068083537 - Fax: 068084995 E-mail: Consulate General Via Gignese, 2 - 20148 Milano Tel.: 0240098088/0240074018/3661081444 Fax: 024007402 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Embassy Via Gaeta, 5 - 00185 Roma Tel.: 064941680/064941681/064941683 Fax: 06491031 E-mail: Consulate General Via Sant’Aquilino, 3 - 20148 Milano Tel.: 0248706041/0248705912/0240092113 Fax: 0240090741 E-mail: SINGAPORE Embassy c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs Tanglin Singapore 248163 Tel.: 006563798000 - Fax: 006564747885 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Via Frattina, 89 - 00187 Roma Tel.: 0669940398/0669783010 - Fax: 066780586 E-mail: SLOVAKIA Embassy Via dei Colli della Farnesina, 144 - 00135 Roma Tel.: 0636715200 - Fax: 0636715265 E-mail: Honorary Consulate Piazzale Lugano, 9 - 20158 Milano Tel.: 0239325866 - Fax: 0239325867 31 SLOVENIA Embassy Via Leonardo Pisano, 10 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 0680914310 - Fax: 068081471 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Via San Senatore, 5 - 20122 Milano Tel./Fax: 024817646 SPAIN Embassy Palazzo Borghese Largo Fontanella Borghese, 19 00186 Roma Tel.: 066840401 - Fax: 066872256 E-mail: Consulate General Via Fatebenefratelli, 26 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 026328831/02781400 - Fax: 026571049 E-mail: UNITED KINGDOM Embassy Via XX Settembre, 80/a - 00187 Roma Tel.: 0642200001 - Fax: 0642202333 E-mail: Consulate General Via San Paolo, 7 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 02723001 - Fax: 0286465081 E-mail: VIETNAM Embassy Via di Bravetta, 156-158 - 00164 Roma Tel.: 0666160726/0666166157 - Fax: 0666157520 E-mail: SWEDEN Embassy Piazza Rio de Janeiro, 3 - 00161 Roma Tel.: 06441941 - Fax: 0644194760-1-2 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Via Agnello, 8 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 0286915266 - Fax: 0285910211 SWITZERLAND Embassy Via Barnaba Oriani, 61 - 00197 Roma Tel.: 06809571 - Fax: 068088510 E-mail: Consulate General Via Palestro, 2 - 20121 Milano Tel.: 027779161 - Fax: 0276014296 E-mail: THAILAND Embassy Via Nomentana, 132 - 00162 Roma Tel.: 068622051 - Fax: 0686220555 E-mail: Honorary Consulate General Viale Berengario, 15 - 20149 Milano Tel.: 024988439 - Fax: 02460299 32 33 Annex 1: Summit Venue Diagrams Conference Room Level +2 34 35 Delegations Level +1 36 37 Press/Delegations Level 0 38 39 Press Area/Services Area Level -1 40 41 Press External Area 42 43
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