Engelsk købsaftale – til udfyldelse (findes på de efterfølgende sider) Denne købsaftale gælder fra den Maj 1 2013 Indhold: Introduktion og information ang. prisfastsættelse på hvalpe ........ Side 1 DKK Købsaftale skema med engelsk oversættelse af DKK’s aftale Side 2 Vejledning til DKK’s købsaftale .................................................... Side 3-4 Broholmerselskabets tillæg til købsaftale, .................................... Side 5 - 7 Skema .......................................................................................... Side 8 Introduktion Salg af hunde, vil altid være en sag imellem sælger/opdrætter og køber. Vedr. sælgerens/opdrætterens reklamationsforpligtelser gør det nødvendigt for opdrætteren at udarbejde klare og entydige aftaler med sine købere. Anbefaling vedr. brug af købsaftaler Broholmerselskabet anbefaler at broholmerhvalpe sælges på DKK’s købsaftale, suppleret af Broholmerselskabets tillæg til DKK’s købsaftale, idet DKK’s aftale dækker en række juridiske forhold, og vort tillæg dækker de forhold, der har særlig betydning for Broholmerselskabets arbejde med rekonstruktion af racen. Vedr. evt. prisafslag og evt. tilbagekøb Selskabet anbefaler ligeledes, at der aftales hvad en evt. prisnedsættelse i givet fald skal være, hvis der inden 2 års dagen for overtagelsen (ifølge købelovens bestemmelser) konstateres at hunden har arvelige sygdomme, som invaliderer hunden. Endelig kan der også aftales et prisleje eller blot pris, hvis hunden under givne forudsætninger skal tilbagekøbes af opdrætter. Praktisk information ang. udfyldelse af de efterfølgende sider DKK’s købsaftale er lagt ind som en grafikfil, der ligger bag ved skrivefeltet. Det betyder at det er muligt at skrive oven på købsaftalen, så det kommer til at se ud som om købsaftalen er udfyld med skrivemaskine. Brug tabulatorer og mellemrumstasten for at få data placeret i de rette felter. Information om prisfastsættelse på hvalpe Uddrag fra referat af bestyrelsesmødet den 15/8-2009, citat: ”Ifølge konkurrenceloven og ifølge henvendelse til Konkurrencestyrelsen som opfølgning på DKK's mundtlige pålæg på mødet med dets forretningsudvalg den 25. maj 2009 om ikke at anvende faste priser på vore hunde, har GS den 13/8-2009 kontaktet Konkurrencestyrelsens hotline, hvor han talte med en medarbejder. Medarbejderen oplyste følgende: At en forening som vor ikke må fastsætte priser for medlemmernes / opdrætteres hundehvalpe. Ej heller må Broholmerselskabet anvende vejledende maksimalpriser. Selv om Broholmerselskabets idé er at holde priserne på et fornuftigt, lavt niveau, må foreningen ikke udsende hverken faste priser eller vejledende maksimalpriser. Konkurrencelovgivningen rummer ikke nogen mulighed for hverken undtagelser eller dispensation. 1|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 2|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PURCHASE COMMITMENT Generally, breeding of dogs is considered a commercial activity according to the Danish Sale of Goods Act. This means that the overleaf agreement falls under the Danish Sale of Goods Act’s special regulations regarding consumer purchases. The Danish Sale of Goods Act for consumer purchases cannot be deviated to the detriment of the purchaser. According to the Danish Sale of Goods Act there is a defect if the dog does not correspond to the designation under which it has been sold, or if the seller has given incorrect or misleading information, unless this information cannot be regarded to have had influence on the purchaser’s assessment of the dog, if the seller has given incorrect or misleading information in advertisements or in other pieces of information intended to reach the knowledge of the public or the purchaser, if the seller has neglected to give the purchaser information which has been significant for the purchaser’s assessment of the dog and which was known or should be known to the seller, if the dog is moreover of another or of a poorer condition or usability than it should be according to the agreement and the existing circumstances. Conditions laid down in the agreement stating that the purchaser cannot invoke defects in the dog and other ordinary reservations such as that the dog has been sold as it is and is found, cannot be maintained towards the purchaser. The decision whether the dog is defective is made on the basis of its condition at the time of the transfer of risk. If the dog was defective at that time, the seller is responsible, even if the defect does not show until later. Defects that show before 6 months after the delivery are presumed present at the time of the transfer of risk, unless this presumption is incompatible with the nature of the sales object or the defect, or if the defect is due to the fact that the purchaser did not fulfil his/her obligations according to the purchase commitment. The purchaser cannot invoke a defect, which was known or should be known to the purchaser at the time when the agreement was entered, unless there are grounds for it in the agreement or the seller has acted in defiance of general honesty. If the purchaser wishes to invoke a defect, the purchaser must inform the seller within reasonable time after the discovery of the defect. Otherwise the purchaser forfeits his/her right to invoke the defect. Information given before 2 months after the purchaser discovered the defect is always in due time. The absolute claims deadline, i.e. the deadline for complaints about defects about the dog, is 2 years. About notification of defects The purchaser’s notification of defects should state the nature of the defect and whether proportional reduction in the purchase price, relief of the defect or cancellation of the purchase is demanded. 3|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 The notification of defects should be made in writing and preferably by registered letter. The claims deadline must be observed. About the agreement A verbal agreement is as just as binding as a written agreement, but out of consideration for the question of evidence it is recommended that all agreements be entered in writing. About the right to annul the contract General right to annul the contract does not exist in Denmark. Therefore, it must appear from the contact, if an agreement about right to annul the contract has been made. Other information about defects The breeder is liable for defects of hereditary nature, congenital or conditioned by circumstances at the breeder’s. The seller cannot be held responsible for defects caused by the purchaser’s own conditions, including neglect, insufficient or wrong care, cf. also a potential user instruction delivered by the seller. Source http://www.dkk.dk/files/pdf/Koebsaftale_paa_engelsk.pdf - May 2013 4|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 Supplementary buying commitment of May 1st 2013 Approved by the board of the Broholmer Society May 1st 2013. Valid from this date. 1. It is preferred that the buyer is a member of the Broholmer Society and agrees to participate in the breeding program by keeping the laws of Broholmerselskabet and by following the regulations for breeding the Broholmer breed. 2. When buying a Broholmer puppy, a fee of Dkr. 2.500,- kr. is paid to Broholmerselskabet. The amount covers: Prepaid mental description (takes place in Denmark) Dkr. 350 Exterior evaluation, prepaid (takes place in Denmark) Dkr. 350 HD/AD – deposit for results of X-rays. Dkr. 1.800 Total, Dkr. 2.500 Besides the above-mentioned amount, the buyer must pay for the puppy. Prices of puppies will typically be about Dkr. 10.000, and 50% of that amount for a puppy of non-correct colour. In case of inheritable diseases, regulations from Dansk Kennel Klub shall be used. 2a. When selling puppies to abroad, the buyer must be a member of Broholmer Deutschland e.V. (or an associated club) It’s the breeder’s responsibility to verify if the buyer is a member of Broholmer Deutschland e.V. Broholmerselskabet will be able to assist with this information. Prepaid mental description (takes place in Germany or Denmark) Exterior evaluation, prepaid (takes place in Germany or Denmark) HD/AD – deposit for results of X-rays. Total, € € € € 50 50 250 350 3. Broholmerselskabet’s Mental Committee for mental description will call the dog, when the dog has passed the age of 10 month. This description must be carried through before the dog eventually is approved for breeding. 3a. If the dog is sold to a member of the Broholmer Deutschland, Broholmer Deutschland’s Mental Committee for mental description will call the dog. When the dog has passed the age of 12 month. This description must be carried through before the dog eventually is approved for breeding. 4. The dog will be called by Broholmerselskabet’s Health & Breeding Committee for exterior evaluation, in order to evaluate the dog’s exterior by a judge, pointed out by Dansk Kennel Klub. The judge will evaluate the dog according to the standard for Broholmers, and issue an evaluation to be used in the breeding work. 5|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 4a. If the dog is sold to a member of Broholmer Deutschland , the dog will be called by Broholmer Deutschland’s Health & Breeding Committee for exterior evaluation. In order to evaluate the dog’s exterior by a judge, pointed out by DKK. The judge will evaluate the dog according to the standard for Broholmers, and issue an evaluation to be used in the breeding work. 5. The buyer must have the dog x-rayed in hips for hip dysplasia (HD) and elbows for elbow dysplasia (ED). This must be done at the earliest age of dog of 18 month. Please note that the deposit of 1.800 Dkr or € 250 (members of Broholmer Deutschland) only can be paid back to the owner of the dog, when the results of all 3 mandatory evaluations (exterior-, mental-, and the x-rays) for the dog are received at Broholmerselskabet’s treasurer in Denmark or/and the Treasurer for Germany. 6. In the case where the dog dies before the mental evaluation or/and the exterior evaluation, the fee of Dkr. 350 each evaluation, will be refunded as soon as the treasurer of Broholmerselskabet is notified. In the case where the dog dies before the dog is X-rayed, deposit of Dkk. 1.800 will be refunded as soon as the treasurer of Broholmerselskabet is notified. 6b. If the dog is sold to a member of Broholmer Deutschland, and in the case where the dog dies before the mental evaluation or/and the exterior evaluation, the fee of € 50 for each evaluation, will be refunded as soon as the treasurer of Broholmer Deutschland e.V. is notified. In the case where the dog dies before the dog is X-rayed, deposit of € 250 will be refunded as soon as the treasurer of Broholmer Deutschland e.V. is notified. 7. If the dog has not fulfilled the above-mentioned conditions, the deposit will be assigned to Broholmerselskabet. If the owner no longer is member of Broholmerselskabet (or an associated club in Finland or Sweden), the deposit will not be refunded. 7b. If the dog is sold to a member of Broholmer Deutschland, and if the dog has not fulfilled the above-mentioned conditions, the deposit will be assigned to Broholmer Deutschland e.V. If the owner no longer is member of Broholmer Deutschland (or an associated club), the deposit will not be refunded. 8. A Broholmer can participate in the breeding, if the dog full fills Dansk Kennel Klub’s breeding rules for the race. Broholmerselskabet (The Broholmer Society) is the upper instance in questions concerning Broholmers and their breeding. 6|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 9. Dogs with colour not approved according to the standard, cannot be approved for breeding. The colour variant “black & tan” can only be approved for breeding if the dog can be used in the reconstruction of the black colour variant – and then only for this purpose. 10. If the dog changes owner, the new owner must be informed about and agree upon these special commitments about owning a Broholmer. The new owner must have a copy of this buying contract. When the dog dies, please inform Broholmerselskabet about the death of the dog. 7|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3 Undersigned hereby agree to have knowledge about the above stated 10 points, and hereby buy this dog: Dog - name: Born: Sex: Colour: FCI pedigree no.: Y-register no.: Chip no.: (put label here) Sire – name: FCI pedigree no.: x- / y-register no.: Mother – name: FCI pedigree no.: x- / y-register no.: The agreed price includes: The breeder pays the fee of 2 x 350 Dkr x number of puppies, + the deposit of 1.800 Dkr. x number of puppies to the treasurer of Broholmerselskabet (the Broholmer Society) at latest 14 days after the puppies are delivered from the breeder to their owners. If the puppies are sold to a member of Broholmer Deutschland, the breeder pays the fee of 2 x € 50 x number of puppies, + the deposit of € 250 x number of puppies to the treasurer of Broholmer Deutschland e.V. (the Broholmer Society of Germany) at latest 14 days after the puppies are delivered from the breeder to their owners. Please note that it is only the deposit itself of Dkr 1.800 / €250 - which will be refunded. The puppy is sold as: (make X): Family dog___, ____ Breeding dog ___, Show dog Undersigned is a member of the Broholmerselskabet or (the Broholmer Society) with the membership number:_________________ or Broholmer Deutschland e.V. membership number:________________ Date: Buyer: (Signature) Membership no.: Buyers name: (printed letters) Address: (printed letters) Date: Breeder / owner: Phone number: E-mail address: Postal no., city and country: (printed letters) Breeder membership no.: This page must be copied by the breeder and send to: Treasurer for Denmark, Lone Larsen Treasurer for Germany, Renate Hehl Frihedsvej 13 4700 Næstved, Denmark Am Gieren 16, D-56424 Staudt, Deutschland (bogholderen@broholmeren.dk) 8|P age Engelsk købsaftale, Broholmerselskabet version 2.3
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