ffieu tdss )HE-a,-arr-nb ry U,tfc r.nefueo, --'- ridrs rre'# (dh;* ffik-@,a* -# s "rr, ** fru r=au fifnn{' ri-d-r .*.red', "#)#;:j** ECt ELro fde_ ftrnnt, hf.drd rurd fur fffta?J, ,rery ft.t.l, ftla *us orfi), i* aj, itra s* ;#i ryr ry6 UUT f*_F.,Etc u_oti. fma r lQ,i, flr* f+rr:- mn+lDrffitzot+t&orVqi3 : l6_to_&olra r-*u 0 rsfu,'F-dfur us water conservation d-d-€'_S€ Hrfrqt 1.0 2.0 Sri{s ffi fu Fli fqrz-'6 }€ et t.so *S m€ 2014 rlrgdr trdrssr r ai3 rn ui Fd+ru, fufs31 fug fu f,*s o1-s ilfu.1-s fd, s-'83 fee u--o-s F-e urri ffi rn-e1 et ura et Hlifu,?Jr h,ri rn-e1 m qF+.r ffi fs6 ur-df m ufr tr fflH ffi nr3 un Fdild fu ry'-gE EE Hl-i 'rsa ff,Frg.ild r crisis ftE Fdrfr fef,ery,-oet,,r U ffs. uiz dd u'a? A r;Td ,?ri fuH dY6 n,. ufi rytfi fsrg.,d, fgr et FifurHE uet ma _raa ffiF d )i-6ffi ii{fui}J' urFs Afg,?{' vE-J }Kfdrd Ed yfr 39' t n.,rE am, ffi fss Fvfi t t r water resource froE *& central Ground water Board, North western Region, Bhujal Bhawan, sector 27A, Chandigarh ti-ffutr a-ac"bq' t) z) r' a ildT ffi, Fi# feu t 38, ,t?i+ t ftfurrreehfl, u-s, tffir rfu u-dq& miq1 uefu bJ Lrqrye r=ds-ubd g E a, uq Fb ,?f3 t rriro x,r3 fen r{d-d 16:_ fifi riqd Jril i..tsrr H, Fi€ r?,ri rfl-dfi ilFrEr f€s,rne Ft fulsrrym fd* ffirs.r td ile oaa.Hsrrym 6, wr &e s reglaia € fsJ Lrdqs r-*s- fqd J fu=3-'tqtrrl 3) ffir dqs s tf€tr U-dqgr fnsd sS ffiryroftrr O t6 ffi u-_csry fy6rr Eaur: ufos'H€rrd qars qas e.& U g. 10,000/- FdrE glrfl FErr6 \nj=r ars 6 !r. sooo/_ FdrE Srrd'Fqr6 \ru=r eer e'& 6 g. sooo/* ?Frs 3 fu6-s u'a riqs J rooo ilJg g& eE consoration ft,rr+ et fw 4) ry6'u'qd.i tfedrl@-: uifar'ES, first os.t s) e*Ttr 1 .zoL4 O *ee F=dr6- Litft, fui rqfrr fw tfedr uartrrg,, "r'u-E fqd J e _ffir fufezrI.o* riFedr, ut-? ufz A3tA4 size i (o,wfu, ftrF E1 Fr-p-f, e &rd f rhd fr dS Hd-fr mfr), tz, tdr, crayons, water colours gog ra€ ust u_J 6) r={6 UiTd 3 ildgB tE su€- yFJE ffie6 H1€;" €r& udrye er frH ,. Save water _ Live Better, urs 7) h 6fi HLril Fss urfr, fu rifur udqsr rilEr+d dr6 fu, 9u rcru,ro*n rqd ed','rg eB a,,,q),,ra* 6:*ar rdqe f+ trF. #e- s ufu fwdr db fi yfr il€s drd v fr b rd'ss drff, ssds w, ure? eE furea'am* u fuu ile,-rvJ * dM fq fu rhrozyrya J fefs.ranur g rryr_req dra. €r )is€ gil il F&r s) fu fu ffedr aaa S tFaar sd-d A TT€ e ren+a_o v'a hE ilqfl"{+ d ffiffl,l, Fr+ r,.r3 rirrozo'aa S gE 6 d ilsii. r€l e) utd tiEdr e f,rs n.s tgrlp,1.r u'.B b rsi c-drre ry-drry drrrr ryftprrye ffi€1 F"-6r = wsauega: Ngqre of the Student Standard School Name & Address ro) rr ) tz) Father's/Motfrert Na nre School Located in Urban/Rural Signature of the Schoot princi F=ftt tftfr e ulrarHd serd, Fts.xr.ild ud EEf6 trrfr dS d tifar U-r+ g il€rfug Tel/Mobi le lrtoJFpa rents E-mail lD ofstudent (if a School Tel No/tt/ob. ru TrHEr ffr. fjla. €islr rifrEr ga A, Hgqs Srs *so g zy affi DfBHir 6 ffil ilel t€dr tr{qt dd+_gd d xlnrfr flrs os F€s6, zor+ tr rE) ilr rerg H- trffi r.r-6Fnr g fuE Lrdqe fub sry &e- ?a pfu4r6ftrr d fsre d *anr M) fw tiqd 3 sryr &e- ilS mt Henrryft+. g Regional Director, CGWB xr=ds-uiffi ry3 Member Secretary, CGWB E5 Hsrryq}{'O redf*iz ffi fts irfedr U-{'st fee sor &6: €"e r,,uair ue urre g rif;ar Ud'vlr', z6.Lr.zo:4 6 aear-'fFH 6s, F=d-s'€" a?frl{r so frx rip-d* p1=,muftr, g e", Ee- 6s =-t g€e id 3 gs'b,{' il+drr ftx uqa 3 v-sr #d €'S Er} fefEpa.rilT},{i g Regional 15) Hiejier tfrdr iirfr*ra :- Director, CGWB ry3 Member Secretary, CGWB dB. &e ilt Hpzruqtarr g reaferiz f€ r:) efrrr Hb &€6 ffar dLfr*rffi s g-{s tf€Er U_drye fd= sqr s.eeir Ll-d'se gr51 qi A fr eTE?,{r a€qpr 14) fEH difi-dEa l fErEmoqhr.r 6--6 t u ffi* fftr il-+dr rfen * fuure so incidental charge eT 15) retflfi'-dd)ri' awfery Regional eefus f#r. il+dr f wzft€ 3 ry.,se_me feferr-oe1,a. fus us fEd o 1000/_ Hnlgur.6ians t g rd.br fi*srrf- )?{3 FiiB FH-r6 CGWB +B' trrr.{, ry}:gommx 5r0 mm Efrf, (uargdT r5,,x 2g,,.r61,at€al Hta offices +d' f&1 il-ffi r riFar dT-6 ffi q-34r3+ F€dTr il patchwork tr 16) 98 d€ so fefe''qel h{rrxel 2 aee_ffir 17) me fefea-'w1 DfF.rdr btestrn'-I-d-c F.'*f, uf,dilE .ivs iT' )"rrft ufJilE Ftiq1 rird fotrfl a fai'_ffi ne8fc*a fd3 ilEa) I ro.-m riqo 3 €1 aur dirtrs.eere ntr ry6 n{ffirJ- + haqEl wr fu ilB nA fuFe}?,eqhr.r ?i = 18) f,]Rt Fr6 (2oro,zoLL,2otz +tJ 2oL3) ffi g aa rlrra g fu. ftfsr--n (consolation prize winner g ffi *l fu f=i. sryr Ffr E rq€r F- urrc g consolationPize isnT (zoLo,zorr,2otz rt+ u f, 2oL3) considered 6fr.g, Fedr. ft rffo6', Erfl il 3trd'b6D{ firsji ilrr L* etr tFdr Horu-drr :+{d fuo u*T s' FrdE-fr zors $ 6ET ffi H awferrr' frredTr )?i3 Htfud 3 Lrm, gHe br3 3hre Frcil-s 3 ry€ fefurl.r'-dfu d 6-S.ffi dE fEH.-{*.e 681 E6'fEr?i' Frtdlr r fug u-dEe u Tentative venue ICAR, pusA New Delhi i *-'_ a, r1cxc, u 1e) I e-tr ffidl dLfrfr-6 fr uftre Hqr6 rlrrs ild-d ilE O 1,00,000/- g,{9, 4 grg HEI'6 ilFl$ dE6 €rfuifi' 4; so,ooo /_ yrt g 31Fd, ,-EI-6 tflrr {il6 ef6ll{i f Zs,ooo/- Er} fel ilE& h€. fEF + frErfl ,.,u.t ,-i ya fu 3E66 20) €re fsrflir€Et)?{r d :oool- gu} azrE fe-6,r{ ffi ma& r ftE d1frfr6 3 ftfery-oeh"r. ?r-dr i mlguar6i.r, d :inlts,i 3 ryte-nt s ffienn fdT Fr+d'' rfex i fE-o'il 56 16ftraa-6qltri fCe. ue- frb d 21) 1000/- incidental charge €1 ffsi- mtar--r fut eE-66 &€6 tFtdr t-d'sB fus sET rfoE nri ti.'e-rfi'e tfilsr uE orils' u+F wt fEf,ery-t-ee1 22) u 23) rr-.iEr" dFilE, tf,E, transport Er urrg.r md feFezr'-o* u-auor ry Fatol EE *eE $ fu ss fgierrwld,. o a-* reut d go-ot g fiq'-n-*,- 3000/- guB fu mto'r te i ffi uia ufo6' u-dEB eE fr TFfrF€86 ry-fu s. du Efi{6 afrv- r, r& r H-d.r 3 24) fefery-dft.r' d rs'tr-dr rr*d'r{6 b€ Hfqs F}J-,-6 cGwB ee _riugn ' *0-ofE,'fl Fr*Trtnri :gOmmx 510 mm F-Etfr (6drgdT 15,,x 26,,; et rgrtraT F1z €t Regional offices f&' f*1 ilaafr r rifur du-.d d-FH eafrrs ,-c -fu m patchwork ir 2s) ory nri Eufdd ? tn-5' U-dEB e'p5t q, 3 ut UdEbi. ao*'b,n i.io, 26) fEE u-{EB fus vrr fu il& nt fefea'efi ryaftr ?,|uilE f,ffiul5 + oErtfd 6fu' r ri_ro m. rr_ag ifp?' rird hf} ff6 rjrF-riild FrEtfr ezq-d 12p-r{B a-,.s ,i'_eEt 27) fu b-{EB ntt 10:30 Efr Eg i+dT'}?€ fEE il aEfd'a:00 si uifus dt3r il+Trrnt nw. 1r*u-& Etfr e'3 tdrilH trsH +e sur *e F}e t fu FE ftfe}}|,-sqt hraG x,D7gu..6ian t sffir r'tue-de#*i';*-n' lfigrg'n.. = dre 6: axrynhtfrtz0r4t&ol\t4t6Ll fir$: l(_l o_Aolq $a-s e' qJE t6 fulur?l' d d-dr d'-deEt ftfu aff,)?j, ne, t l. tru fre' HrbH Eu+€.S-ds, riru 1i5 r | at.Dx.t,tr+.n1e1.nls. I && uie qedrrL,-*,r& e, -',c;\6- 2. *rr I e,l2a*a de*q-- ffi#'; rfif,rg- ffito)?1. Ministry of warer Resources, r efin^^ ," ." ^ - of India A i,:"T; DeveloPrnent central Ground centrar & Ganga Rejuvenat orou, *"", t"-# +L JJ; Til";In "1,*u.ur urou rces, *,u". n..,^ ^ T "Txi,",'ff*n#ffi :'i#*?idlF::T"?:.1:T,Rejuvena, L. rhe pa painting n, n, Pdrents in this precious ;l:j:,jil"T,ir#*:,"",.*##:fr$:1trff:I,:# this noble.r;;:"'trg ,"rorr. cornnor;*,^. *1.- ,"r", n wil ,three t.n:"; ;;r;"'"tt herd arnons the ., rever winners "r"ilt*o"r,rto rv,tion,i'rlif wi, il'll ;:,::IJ::J' -' ili18,h standarrr in " "*,,0"0.".,;.;;::. "vrttn€rs and National schoor rever .", npetition 1. I The school jnitiated ji:l'":t'etition ro '" , ::,:r:,^ :::"",,,,..,;::::"..:'j_',:_',':,'::J,:ffr theirschools. - ' -vue5r€d to organize painting -""'("rE 7'h, and8'|h s,andards has been s competition of < tr()urs hou duration "' 2 Drawing fildterialc at fnfor rr the school lever no cost ,n 'evel would be providel , . ,n,l'o *orro j.*rro 'rrr*,i,.r^, ov-tr," schoors/ students i Developmena bY the Mini *tI Ganga and Rs56gt'ces, /cent^io'"""0 River ^"tr*"rn""o,ojnu paintings 3. 4. tvp e/s iz'e ,n., *"j":" ;;;:;illT "j::"lation X::HTI ^ 5. The theme for the painting 6. A1 paintings musr r::'J,.;:#ter "J,l-ff ::; ::: "' th o ugh the re is n o restri ctio n o n competition is ,. : ,.'SAVE - LtvE BETTER, ^:,: :_ wArER, """,";^:::':':,*t't'on !' JLrruLrr, e q'raovvrrrB :1.#i ?fi wi g sneet rull":# e, _ school :: address, *Hfl iifli,:.1,'"";: f,1TT,,:father,, - Name me :l :_t, and parents, number il of school h sisnature orol".iori" ;rfi;_r=.,Father'siMothJlG;; Name of the Student SchoolwameE SchoolLocateJil Urban/Rural ru yur d n she ;: ;jil;ljrTtrf Na terephone oit" rl o.iiFar-ilts r-mait ro of sGntliirn-y) o School r el No /tUoA. No./Email Signature of the Schoot principal Page 1 of4 7. Paintings not signed by the school principal ur sent di directly by student/parent ' "'rLrPdr or Nodal officer will not to the be accepted. 8. The Regional Director/ Head of Office/Officer_ in_charge/ of the Regional Offices/Sate Nodal orricers ror the painting competition ror the state/u's il::Jffin:Iffre 9' Three (3) best paintings are to be selected from each schoor and the same are forwarded to the concerned to be Nodal officer of GGWB. The selection of the three best paintings from each school is to be done by the respective schoof authorities. L0' The school Level Painting competition is to be concf uded by sth Novernb er, zo!4. 1i.' All participants of school level competition will be given a participation certificate signed by Regional Director, CGW8 arrd principal of respective school. schoorwit submit rist of participants to the concerned state Nodar officer. 13 ' Use of cotage/patchwork wit not be permitted 12 ' Each in the paintings. State Level Painting competition 1. The state Level Painting competition is proposed 20L4. to be conducted on 26s November, 2. The best 50 paintings will be sefected by a Board of Jury comprising five members including Nodal officer from amongst the entries received from the schoors- 3. The state level competition will be conducted with 50 students whose paintings are selected as best 50 paintings from amongst the entries of the school level painting competition. 4. Theme for the state Level painting Ccmpetition will be di-scrosed at the venue. 5. Participants, along with two parents/guardians for the state level competition would be paid to and fro fare by ordinary bus/sleeper class rail faref fromthe place gf residence to the place of Competition. 6. An incidental charge of Rs. looo/- would be paid to each of the 50 par{icipants for attending the State level competition. i 7. All drawing materials and associated requirements would be provided by cGWB. ltems may include a kit containing paints, rurer, brushes, pencirs, erasers, etc. Page 2 of 4 8. Drawing sheets for the painting will be provided by the Regional Offices. The sheets would be of 380 mm x 510 mm size {approx.15" x 20"\. g. Students are allowed to use their own painting materials collage/patchwork will not be permitted in the paintings. if preferred. Use of 10- All 5o students must submit three latest passport size coloured photographs, preferably along with soft copy. 1L' All students should bring identity proof or letter from respective school principal. 12'The cash prize award is Rs. 10,000/-for First Prize, Rs..8000/- for second prize and 5000/- forThird Prize, Ten consolation Prizes (@ ns. no}/-)would also be awarded. Rs. 1.3. Winners will also be awarded certificate of merit. 14' All state level participants wiil be given participation certificate for the state level cornpetition. l'5' students who have won ttt, z"o & 3'd prizes at state/ur revel competition last years (i.e. 2o1o' 2011', 2at2 & 2013) are not eligible for participation. The consolation prize winners of state level Painting competition (2010, 2011-, 2ot2 & 2013) may participate this year, but they would be considered for prizes only if they win L", zno or 34prize at the State level. ' National Level painting Competition: 1' The National Level competition is likely to be conducted in January 2015 at New Delhi. will be confirmed at a fater date 2' The winners of first, second and third prizes from each of the states/Urs (i.e. three from each state/UT) wourd be cailed to New Derhi for the competition. _1. lt Tentative venue of rhe competition lvourd be ai rcAR, pusA, New Derhi. The National competition would have one (1) first prize (Rs. r.,00,000), four (4) second prizes (@ ns. 50,000), eight (B) third prizes (@ ns 25,000). Ail other participants would be given consolation prizes,(@ Rs. 5,000). 5' All students would be paid to and fro rail fare by AC ill rier/Bus, along with two accompanying parents/guardians on production of probf of journey undertaken in the entitled class' Participants from A&N lslands and Lakshadweep would be reimbursed economy class air fare from Port Blair/Agati to Delhi and oack on production of proof of journey undertaken by them and as per actuals. The reimbursernent would be made for Page 3 of 4 participant and accompanying two parents/ guardians on production of proof of journey undertaken by the entitled class. 6. Arrangements for stay (food and lodging) at Delhi will be made by the participants themselves. A lump sum amount of Rs. 3000/- would be paid to each participant of the National competition for food, lodging, transport and incidental charges. 7. The participants would provide a photocopy of passbook having details of their bank account along with one cancelled cheque for e-transfer of prize money and other incidentals as applicable. 8. Students with their parents/ guardians would report at the competition venue on the date on theirown. Transportfrom station/ airport/ bus-stand would not be provided by the organizers. 9. All participants are to report at the competition venue at least one hour before the start of competition for completing the registration formalities. 10' All drawing materials and associated requirements would be provided by CGWB. ltems may include a kit containing paints, rLrler, brushes, pencils, erasers, etc. 11. Students are allowed to use their own painting materials collage/patchwork will not be permitted in the paintings. L2- Drawing sheets for if preferred. Use of the painting will be provided by the organizers. The drawing sheets would be of 380 mm x 5L0 mm size (approx. !5" x20,,). 13. All students are required to bring identity proof or letter from respective school principal along with three recent passport size photographs. 14. Selection of the prize winners and consolation prize winners will be completed on the same day by juries and winners awarded. 15. Winners will also be awardeci certificate of merit. 15. Arrangements for lunch, tea etc., would be made for the day of the competition by the organizers. 17. The painting competition would cornmence at 10.30 hours and would be for two hours duration. The competition would end at 12.30 hours. Results of the competition would be declared at 1600 hours. All participating students and their accompanying parents/guardians shall remain at the venue till the entire event is over. ****** Page 4 of 4
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