2014·2015 All State Band Information Requirements Students must attend an independent (private), parochial, or public school in Maryland and meet the class membership and grade designations to be eligible to participate in the All State auditions. Each director is responsible for seeing that each student has prepared the audition music and scales as described and at the tempi given. Scales: • Each student will be asked to perform the chromatic scale, beginning on a note of the student's choosing, and one major scale for their instrument, selected from the following keys: . C, F, G, D, A, E, B-Flat, E-Flat, A-Flat. • The scales must be performed from memory. • Scales will be selected by the adjudicator according to the level of the selection being performed. • The scales are to be played evenly and smoothly in a 16th note pattern at a metronome speed of quarter = 72. • All scales are to be played ascending and descending a minimum of one octave, except Flute and Soprano Clarinet, who shall perform the scales a minimum of two octaves. Required Music: • Required music: See required music list. Only an excerpt will be performed. The entire piece will not be required. • The excerpts of the required pieces will be posted in the warmup room and at the entrance to each audition room. • No student may audition on more than one instrument (except for flute/piccolo, oboelEnglish hom and Eb ClarinetlBb Clarinet). Flute players wishing to be considered for piccolo parts, oboe players wishing to be considered for English horn parts and clarinetists wishing to be considered for Eb Clarinet parts should bring those instruments with them to the audition and will be asked to demonstrate their proficiency on those instruments: • In the event that a student arrives at the audition with the incorrect audition music .prepared, the student will be given the correct music and up to an hour to prepare the correct music before the audition. 2014·2015 Junior Band To participate in the Maryland All State Junior Band, a student must attend an: independent (private), parochial, or public school in Maryland, must be in grades 7,8, or 9, and must be in a band class. 2014·2015 Senior Band, Orchestra Winds & Percussion To participate in the Maryland All State Senior Band or the Wind or Percussion sections of the Maryland All State Senior Orchestra, a student must attend an independent (private), parochial, or public school in Maryland, must be in grades 10, 11, or 12, and must be in a band class. In senior high schools in which an alternative scheduling program is operating, the student may participate in the year in which he or she earns a full credit. Any questions should be directed to the Executive Director by the teacher at the numbers provided in the front of this publication. Students and parents are not to call. All State Junior and Senior Band Auditions ~ WINDS: There will be two judges in each room. Scores of the two judges in each room will be averaged. Clarinets, flutes, trumpets, and saxophones may be sent to a finals room after the first audition. If a student is to go to the finals room, the preliminary room judges will issue the student a "Finals Room Pass" Those students will then go the registration desk to sign-up for the finals room. Sight Reading: • Sight reading will be required. Plan Now to Attend MMEA Fallin-Service Conference October 17, 2014 Long Reach High School (Howard County) 6101 Old Dobbin Lane, Columbia, MD 21045 MMEA Annual In-Service Conference February 20 - 22, 2015 Baltimore Convention Center Details in the Maryland Music Educator and at www.mmea-maryland.org 4 2014 -15 All State Junior Band (Grades 7-9) Music Instrum~nt Book Flute (Piccolo) Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1, HL 04470390 Page - Selection..,.. Tempo Page - Selection - Tempo 69 - #3 - quarter note = 60 51 - #14 - dotted quarter note = 60 52 - #25 - quarter note = 82-88 Oboe Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1, HL 04470410 37-3~ Clarinet Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1, HL 04470320 24 - #6 (top) - dotted quarter note = 54 54 - #17 - quarter note = 112 Low Clarinet* Rubank Advanced, Vol.1 69 - #2 - quarter note = 116 57 - #27 - quarter note = 68 (Clarinet), HL 04470310 Bassoon* Practical Method, All Saxes Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1, Trumpet Second Book of Practical Studies Weissenborn (Fischer), CF 02150 HL 04470370 - #21 (top) - eighth note =152 47 - Marcia (only) - quarter note = 116-132 40 - Poco Allegro (only) - quarter note = 92-100 30 - #12 - quarter note = 72 42-43 -#25 (no repeats) quarter note;:: 132 58 - Bravura - eighth note = 140 Grave - eighth note = 68 Presto - dotted quarter = 112 Getchell-Alf EL00305 Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1, t-lL 04470440 Trombone Rubank Advanced, Vql. 1, HL 04470350 Baritone (BC) Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1 French Horn 45 - #31 - quarter note ~ 49 - #8 - dotted quarter note = 84-92 66-72 34 - #18 (top) - dotted quarter note = 72-76 51 - #8 - quarter note = 116 45-46 - #25 (top) - dotted quarter note = 66 40-41 - #22 (top) - quarter note = 120-126 43 - #25 (top) - dotted quarter note = 66 38-39 - #22 (top) - quarter note = 120-126 46 - #1 - dotted quarter note = 88-96 41 - #4 - quarter note = 72 Trombone), HL 04470350 Baritone (TC) Rubank Advanced, Vol. 1 (Trumpet), HL 04470330 Tuba Snare Drum Rubank Intermediate, HL 04470250 Intermediate Snare Drum Studies, Peters 25 - #13 - dotted quarter note = 72-76 Mitchell Peters 6786405 Timpani Modern Method for Timpani, Goodman 51 - #38 - dotted quarter note = 60-66 Goodman, Alf 11424A Mallets Percussion Keyboard Technique, McMillan 38 - Allegretto by Ludwig van Beethoven, quarter note = 96-108 McMillan, Alf PROBK00678 2014 - 15 All State Senior Band (Grades 10-12) Music Page - Selection - Tempo Page - Selection - Tempo HL 04470700 12 - quarter note = 54 64 - quarter note = 92 - 100 Rubank Selected Studies, HL 04470710 12 - eighth note ~ t4-92 38 - dotted quarter note = 66-72 Clarinet Rubank Selected Studies, HL 04470670 8 - half note = 60 25 - quarter note = 104-112 Low Clarinet* Rubank Selected Studies 18 - quarter note = 84 10 - half note = 92 87 - #13 - quarter note = 84 97 - #24 - quarter note = 144-160 Instrument Book Flute Rubank Selected Studies, Oboe Bassoon* (Clarinet), HL 04470670 Practical Method, Weissenborn (Fischer) CF02150 All Saxes Rubank Selected Studies, HL 04470690 41 - eighth note = 88 13 - quarter note = 104 Trumpet Rubank Selected Studies, HL 04470680 20 - dotted quarter note = 54 21 - dotted quarter note = 48 12 - #45 - half note;:: 76-88 12-13 - #46 - eighth note = 60-68 4 - quarter note =66 11 - quarter note = 92 4-5 - #2 - quarter note = 72 13 - #8 - quarter note = 88 Horn 60 Selected Studies, Book II Kopprasch (Fischer), CF 02791 Trombone Rubank Selected Studies, HL 04470720 Bass Trombone 20 Etudes for Bass Trombone Lou Gillis (Southern Music Co.) Southern B214 Baritone (BC) fr*=~~ ~~ (Trombone) HL 04470720 Baritone (TC) (Trumpet) HL 04470680 Tuba ~"-AI~..e.flo ,1:'0' &~{!!<m~Q~"~U 882 988iatiOli II -r~~ Second Bk. of Practical Studies 22 ~ Bravura - dotted quarter = 68 qUdI Lei liote. 84~§2 Grave - eighth note = 68 Allegro - dotted quarter = 120 Getchell, Alf EL00775 String Bass (Chosen through Senior Orchestra Audition) Snare Drum Advanced Etl,ldes for Snare Drum, Aleo 25-26 - #13 quarter note = 112 ISBN: 0-96434060-2-7 Timpani Modern Method for Timpani, Goodman 105 - Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4 - Last 5 lines, 3 mm before T to end, dotted quarter = 88-96 ISBN 10: 0757991009 Mallets Modern School for Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone, Goldman 73 - XV - quarter note = 88 ISBN: 0-7579-890-X 5 2014·2015 All State Band Auditions: Percussion Requirements • The percussionists will be required to perform on snare drum, keyboard percussion, timpani, bass drum, crash cymbals, and tambourine. • Prepared pieces .on snare drum, keyboard percussion, and timpani are required. Please refer to the MMEA Handbook for these selections. • Sight reading on .snare drum, keyboard percussion, and timpani will be required. • Students are to follow the provided audition requirements and play the musical examples exactly as printed on the page~ Any deviation from the printed music will result in lower scores. • The audition committee will ask smdents to perform selections from the list of roll exercises, rudiments, major scales, and arpeggios. The student should be prepared to play everything on the list. • Percussion instruments provided at the audition are a (minimum) four-octave marimba, xylophone, four timpani, snare. drum, tambourine, crash cymbals, and a concert bass drum. A bass drum mallet (or mallets) will be provided. • Students may elect to bring their own snare drum, tambourine, crash cymbals, andlor . bass drum mallets. ~ • All percussionists are expected to provide their oWn snare drum sticks;'·keyboard n1allets, timpani mallets, and a pitch source (tuning fork, pitch pipe) for tuning thetimpani. • Although there is more than one acceptable technique that can be used for their performance, students sometimes use improper techniques, which result in a less than optimal musical effect. The adjudicators have the right to lower scores for the use of improper techniques. Scores of all the instruments will be averaged together. ,-.~c:::: PUbli~:':DomainA~difi'on seleCt'ions""'if : ... ~'~ ' .~ -:J ., ~~. Of. ( .... -: ~ ~. •• - • • •" _ " - . "!. ", ; ~ ,, ~. '~I ~ _ . 7 ", _ .' ", .. .. ~ . .. ... . ~ ~~ • • . . '- Some audition selections for -AU -State...groli·p:~ 'a:te·ln' the public domain (copyright free). These pub~ic domain pieces are posted on the MMEA website at vvwvv.mmea-maryland.org. Stu,d ents should print and use the excerpts as posted on the website. See each All State group's instructions in this handbook for further information. 6 2014·2015 All State Band Auditions: Percussion Requirements, cont. 1. Concert Roll (closed/buzz). Play the following example. 8-10 seconds 2 seconds 8-10 seconds {.\ ::: :5 . -- II 10 o ~'--- ppp ::: ::: :5 .L9,--__ .Iff j ~ I ;; I .:-'~ 10 , ~'- II ppp 2. Perform the following closed/buzz rolls. Five Stroke Rolls AND Seven Stroke Rolls. This exercise should be prepared using both five and seven stroke rolls . .I = 96-120 II Nine Stroke Rolls .I = 96-120 II iU Seventeen Stroke Rolls ----- 11 j ----- 11 j 11 -b --J It ~ j II +.! .I = 96-120 II it: '- j IL:J I~ j ------ 3. Perform the following rudiments OPEN--CLOSED--OPEN (SLOW--FAST--SLOW). Please see the PAS International Snare Drum Rudiments for rhythm and sticking. Single Stroke Roll, Double Stroke Open Roll, Single Paradiddle, Double Paradiddle, Triple Paradiddle, Single Paradiddle-diddle, Flam Accent, Flam Tap, Flaniacue, Single Drag Tap, Single Ratamacue, Four Stroke Ruffs. National Association for Music 'Education 7 II 2014·2015 All State Band Auditions: Percussion Requirements, cont. 1. ,Perfornl the following two-octave scale and arpeggio exercise in Major keys up to four sharps and four flats (C, F, G, D, A, E, B-flat, E-flat, A-flat). Junior All State J = 80 Senior All State J= 96 61 j J J J j J 9) 3 &1] J j r r j r rtf t II Ere EEr u ~ ~ J ~ II .. E r :J• J r c: 3 J? 3 3 J J IJ * II 2. Perform the following two-octave chromatic scale exercise. The scale must begin and end on middle C. Junior All State J= 96 Senior All State J= 120 II 3. All State Senior Auditions ONLY. Perform the following four-mallet excerpt. Sarabande from Partita in D minor (mm. 1-8, no repeat) from Sonatas and Partitas for Violin by 1.S. Bach. Sa.,rabandeJt J = 46-60 8 2014·2015 AllState Band Auditions: Percussion Requirements, cont. 1. Be able to tune one pitch of the prepared piece from a pitch source (tuning fork or pitch pipe) and be able to tune the remaining pitches from ~ that pitch. 2. Demonstrate the following rolls on ·any drum chosen by the audition committee: Crescendo-Decrescendo and Forte-Piano. 2: ~ -r f ppp 9: ~ ~ -j ~ j fff ~ j ; Ifff fp If II l ppp II J 3. For the sight reading, tune one pitch of your choosing from a pitch source and be able to tune the remaining pitches from only that pitch. 2014-2015 ALL STATE JUNIOR ACCESSORY EXERCISES Bass Drum and Crash Cymbals .J = 120 II aj >- j j f j It j t j Ij j f p '7 ) j Ij I J j t II : Tambourine shake roll lIaL . IJ romJ In,DJJJJ1JJJJJ ~ ~ p ---=f --====== f p 9 II 2014·2015 All ·State Band Auditions: Percussion Requirements, cont. 2014-2015·ALL STATE SENIOR ACCESSORY EXERCISES Bass Drum J=76 >- >- II i J J -I J >- >- J J ,J ,J ~ ~ 11ff II .0 J .0 .0 J ,J IJ J J Jo I II f mp Cymbals J= 88 :;; J IJ J J 10 f J ,J J J Jn J >- molto raIl. _ >- >- - - - - I~ II f Tambourine ~ =92 shake roll . IItU thumb roll ~ IrnrnJ ~ IU ff t 1m rnJ S I pp thumb roll shake roll II J J J J Ij j J J n J Irnn m n IJ----------) '--" '--" "'-"" "'-"" mf====~~~===---- ---=====~~===¢ 10 ~ I
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