From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1996 87: 1520-1531 AM580, a stable benzoic derivative of retinoic acid, has powerful and selective cyto-differentiating effects on acute promyelocytic leukemia cells M Gianni, M Li Calzi, M Terao, G Guiso, S Caccia, T Barbui, A Rambaldi and E Garattini Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. AM580, a Stable Benzoic Derivative of Retinoic Acid, Has Powerful and Selective Cyto-Differentiating Effects on Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Cells By Maurizio Gianni, Marco Li Calzi, Mineko Terao, Giovanna Guiso, Silvio Caccia, Tiziano Barbui, Alessandro Rambaldi. and Enrico Garattini All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is successfully used in the cytodifferentiating treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Paradoxically, APL cells express PML-RAR, an aberrant formof the retinoicacid receptortype a (RARa) derived from theleukemia-specific t(15;17) chromosomal translocation. We show here that AM580, a stable retinobenzoic derivative originally synthesizedas a RARa agonist, is a powerful inducer of granulocytic maturation in NB4, an APL-derived cell line, and in freshly isolated APL blasts. After treatment of APL cells with AM580 either alone or in combination with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), thecompound induces granulocytic maturation, as assessed by determination of the levels of leukocyte alkaline phosphatase, CD11b. CD33, and G-CSF receptor mRNA, at concentrations that are 10- t o 100-fold lower than thoseof ATRA necessary t o produce similareffects. By contrast, AM580 is notso effective as ATRA in modulating theexpression of these differentiation markers in the HL-60 cell line and in freshly isolated granulocytes obtained from theperipheral blood of chronic myelogenous leukemia patients during thestable phase of the disease. In NB4 cells, t w o other synthetic nonselective RAR ligands are capable of inducingLAP asmuch as AM580, whereas RARP- or RARy-specific ligands are totally ineffective. These results show thatAM580 is more powerful than ATRA in modulating the expression of differentiation antigens only in cells in which PML-RAR is present. Binding experiments, using COS-7 cells transiently transfected with PML-RAR and the normal RARa, show that AM580 has a lower affinity than ATRA for bothreceptors. However, in the presence of PML-RAR, the synthetic retinoid isa much better transactivator of retinoic acid-responsive element-containing promoters than the natural retinoid, whereas, in the presence of RARa, AM580 and ATRA have similar activity. This may explain the strong cyto-differentiating potential of AM580 in PML-RAR-containing leukemic cells. 0 1996 b y The American Society of Hematology. T HECYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGagentall-rmns retifreshlyisolated APL blastsas well as on cultures of the noic acid (ATRA)’ is successfully used in the treatment APL-derived NB4” and HL-60” cell lines. In basal conditions, APL cells express PML-RAR, RARa, of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL; M3 in the Frenchandthe retinoic acid related receptors known asRXRs,’? American-British [FAB] classification).’.’ In this type of diswhereas expression of RARP and RARy is not o b ~ e r v e d . ’ ~ ease, ATRAcircumventsthe differentiation block of the leukemic blasts, causing them to mature from the promyelo- ATRA-induced granulocytic differentiation leads to the appearance of RARP mRNAs.14 Because ATRA doesnot show cyte stage along the granulocytic pathway! The exquisite any selectivity for the RAR subtypes””’ and it can interact sensitivity of APL blasts to the cyto-differentiating action with RXRs viaisomerization to 9-cis retinoic acid ( 9 4 s of ATRA is paradoxical. In fact, as a consequence of the RA), it is entirely possible thatactivation of any oneof these typical t( 15;17) chromosomal translocation, APL cells exreceptors may underlie the differentiation process. ATRApress PML-RAR, a functionally altered form of the nuclear retinoic acid receptor known as RARcY.~”” ATRA-dependent dependent maturation of APL cells is incomplete and can beenhanced by the addition of other cyto-differentiating granulocyticdifferentiationisreproducible on cultures of agents, suchas granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF)14 and cell-permeable CAMP analogs.18-2’ With respect From the Molecular Biology Unit, Centro Catullo e Danielu Borto this, we recently showed that leukocyte alkaline phosphagomainerio and the Laboratory of Drug Metabolism, Istituto di Ritase (LAP), a specific and restrictive marker for the postmicerche Farmacologiche “MarioNegri”, Milano; the Division of totic is not expressed at significant levels Hematology, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, Largo Barozzi, Bergamo; in APL blasts on treatmentwith ATRAalone.However, andthe Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri” sede incubation of the leukemic cells with combinations between di Bergamo, Bergamo, Italy. the retinoid andthetwoother cyto-differentiating agents Submitted June 14, 1995; accepted September 21, 1995. leads to a dramatic induction of the enzyme.l4.’’ Supported in part by Grants from the Consiglio Nazionale delle In an attemptto definewhetherstimulation of specific Ricerche (CNR), Progetto Finalizzato ‘Ingegneria Genetica”, P m RAR isoformsresultsingranulocyticmaturation of APL getto Finalizzato “Biotecnologie e Biostrumentazione’ ’ and from the cells, we evaluated the effectsof a series of compounds with Associazione per la Ricerca contro il Cuncro (AIRC). The precious different specificities for RARs on the expression of LAP financial contribution ofthe Associazione Paolo Belli, Lotta allu Leucemia to A.R. is also acknowledged. M.L.C. is a recipient of a andother myeloidmaturationmarkers, in the absence or fellowship from “La via di Nutale”. presence of G-CSF. In this report, we show that AM580, a Address reprint requests to Enrico Garattini, MD, Molecular Biolretinobenzoicderivativeoriginally developed as a RARaogy Unit, Centro Catullo e Daniela Borgomainerio, Istituto di Ricerspecific agonist, has a selective cyto-differentiating activity che Farmacologiche “Mario Negri”, via Eritrea, 62. 20157 Milano, on PML-RAR-containing APL blasts. In this leukemic cell Italy. type, thecompoundis much more potentthan ATRA in The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page inducing granulocyticdifferentiation. This selectiveaction charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked is correlated with the ability of AM580 to transactivate reti“advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 solely to noic-acid-responsive-element (RARE)-containing genes in indicate this fact. the presence of PML-RAR much better than in the presence 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. of RARa. 0006-4971/96/8704-0028$3.00/0 1520 Blood, Vol 87, No 4 (February 15). 1996: pp 1520-1531 From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. CYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGEFFECTSOF 1521 AM580 ON APL Northern blotanalysis. Total RNA was prepared from NB4, HL-60, and freshly isolated APL cells according to a modification Cell culture conditions and reagents. The NB4 APL cell line’ of the guanidium isothiocyanate/CsCl method and used for Northern was a kind gift of Dr Michel Lanotte (Unit6 INSERM 301, “Geblot analysis.” The probes used for Northern blot analysis were a netique cellulaire et moleculaire des leucemies”). HL-60 leukemic full-length human liverhonekidney-type (LIBIK-type) alkaline cells were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection phosphatase cDNA (ATCC),’& the cDNA coding for the G-CSF (ATCC; Rockville, MD). Cells were routinely seeded at 4 X lo5/ receptor,” and the cDNA coding for the human glucose-6-phosphate mL in RPMI 1640 containing 10% fetal calf serum (FCS; GIBCOdehydrogenase (G6PDH):’ The various probes were labeled to a BRL, Gaithersburg, MD). Cultures were free from mycoplasma as specific radioactivity of 1 to 2 X 10’ cpndpg by using hexanucleotide assessed using the Hoechst 33258 fluorescent dye system (Farbwerke primers and [3zP]dCTP.3’ Hoechst AG, Frankfurt, Germany). ATRA and 8-bromo-CAMP(8Transacrivarion experiments. Simian COS-7 fibroblasts were Br-CAMP) were purchased from Sigma (St Louis, MO). The obtained from ATCC and routinely passaged in Dulbecco’s modified compounds 4-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphtamido) Eagle’s medium (DMEM) containing 10% FCS. Transient transfecbenzoic acid (AM580) and 4-(5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5,5,8,8-tetra- tion experiments were performed according to a standard calciummethyl-2-anthraceny1)benzoic acid (CD367) were obtained from phosphate coprecipitation procedure3’ using the following plasmids: CIRD-Galderma (Valbonne, France). Ethyl p-[(E)-2-(5,6,7,8-tetpSG5-RARa9 (from Dr P.G. Pelicci, Perugia, Italy) and pSG5-PMU rahydro-5,5,8,8-tetramethyl-2-naphtyl)-l-propenyll-benzoic acid RARa9 containing the human RARa and PML-RAR cDNAs, respec(TTNPB) and 9 4 s RA) were obtained from Hoffmann-LaRoche tively, under the control of the SV-40 early T-antigen promoter (Nutley, NJ). Stock solutions of the various retinoids (lo-’ mom) enhancer; TRE-TK-CAT, containing the chloramphenicol acetyl were prepared in dimethylsulfoxide under dimmed light and stored transferase gene under the control of a palindromic synthetic RARE at -80°C and protected from light until use. Recombinant human placed in front of the viral thymidine kinase gene’; pSVALBK (deG-CSF (specific activity, 10’ Ulmg protein) was from Amgen Inc nominated LAP CAT in this report), containing approximately 4.5 (Thousand Oaks, CA). kb of the 5‘ flanking region of the upstream exon of the LIBK-type Preparation of freshly isolated APL and chronic myelogenous alkaline phosphatase gene placed in front of the CAT reporterT3 leukemia (CML)cells. Peripheral blood leukocytes from 5 CML (from Dr T. Kadesch, Philadelphia, PA); and pnlsLACZ containing patients during the stable phase of the disease were purified to 90% the bacterial @-galactosidasegene under the control of the early Thomogeneity from buffy coats by Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifuantigen of the SV40 enhan~er-promoter~~ (from Dr A. Weisz, Napoli, gation and sedimentation on dextran, as described e 1 s e ~ h e r e . l ~ ~Italy). ~ ~ Briefly, 50 ng each of RARa or PML-RAR and RXRa were Almost pure preparations of APL cells were obtained by dextran cotransfected with 1 pg of the reporter gene (TRE-TK CAT or LAP sedimentation of bone marrow aspirates from 4 patients with a classiCAT), 0.5 pg of pnlsLACZ, and pBluscript to I O pg. After leaving cal form of APL (M3 according to the FAB classification) presenting the DNA coprecipitate in contact with cells for 16 hours, fresh the typical t( 15- 17) chromosomal translocation. These cell preparamedium (10% charcoal stripped fetal calf serum to eliminate endogetions consisted of more than 90% APL blasts as assessed by morpholnous retinoids) alone or fresh medium containing ATRA or AM580 ogy. Leukemic cells were resuspended in RPMI 1640 containing was added and cells were further incubated for 36 hours. At the end 10% FCS and cultured in this medium in the various experimental of the treatment, cells were harvested and processed for determinaconditions described in the report. tion of CAT and P-galactosidase activity. CAT and P-galactosidase Analysis of cell surface markers. NB4, HL-60, or APL cells activities were measured on cell extracts according to standard procewere seeded at a concentration of 4 X ldlmL in RPMI 1640 condures” and as described,3brespectively. The results are expressed taining 10%FCS and incubated for 4 days in the presence of medium as relative CAT activity, which is the ratio of CAT activity produced alone or medium containing retinoids and/or G-CSF. The number by the reporter in cpm of acetylated chloramphenicol divided by of CDllb+ and CD33+ cells and the mean associated fluorescence the P-galactosidase activity produced by pnlsLACZ expressed in were quantitated using a FACScan analyzer (Becton Dickinson, absorbance units at 420 nm. Mountain View, CA). Determination of surface markers was perPreparation of nuclear extracts and binding experiments. Nuformed by a direct immunofluorescence assay using the following clear extracts from RARa, PML-RAR, and mock transfected COSfluorescence conjugated monoclonal antibodies purchased from Bec7 cells were prepared as described by Nervi et Briefly,the cell ton Dickinson: phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated Leu15 (IgG2a; antipellet was resuspended in 5 mL PTG (5 mmol/L sodium phosphate, CD1 Ib) and Leu M9 (IgG1; anti-CD33). Simultest Control (PE conpH 7.4, 10 mmol/L thioglycerol, 10%glycerol, aprotinin [0.15pmoU jugates IgGl and IgG2a; Becton Dickinson) was used as a negative L], leupeptin [2 mmol/L], and phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride [O. 1 control.14 mmol/L]; Boheringer) and homogenized with a Dounce homogeMeasurement of LAP activity. Approximately 1 X lo6NB4, HLnizer. The pellet, containing the cell nuclei, was washed twice with 60, and APL fresh leukemic cells or CML neutrophils were har2 mL of PTG buffer. The nuclear pellet was extracted in 10 mL vested, pelletted by centrifugation at 400g for 10 minutes, washed of a buffer containing 10 mmoUL Tris-HC1,pH 8.5, 2 mmol/L once with 0.9% NaCl, and centrifuged again. The washed cell pellet dithiothreitol, 10% glycerol, 0.8 m o m KCl, and the same protease was resuspended in homogenization buffer (1 m m o E MgC12, 1 inhibitors as above; incubated for 1 hour in ice; and then centrifuged mmol/L CaCI’, 20 mmol/L ZnCl,, 0.1 m o m NaCl, 0.1% [voUvol] at 130,OOOg for 30 minutes. The resulting supernatant is referred to Triton X-100, 50 mmol/L Tris/HCl, pH 7.4) and disrupted by vigoras the nuclear extract. Nuclear extracts were used either immediately ous pipetting. The homogenate was used for the LAP assay, which or after storage at -80°C. was performed with p-nitrophenol phosphate (Sigma) as substrate In routine binding assays, nuclear extracts (200 to 400 pL) were according to the instructions of the manufacturer. LAP activity was incubated with 1 nmol/L [3H]CD367(CIRD-Galderma; specific acnormalized for the content of protein in the sample. Proteins were tivity, 52.8 Cilmmol) in the presence or absence of varying concenmeasured according to the Bradford methodz6 using BSA fraction trations of CD367, AM580, or ATRA as cold competitors. The V (Sigma) as a standard. One unit of LAP activity is defined as the preparations were incubated for 18 hours at 4°C and directly loaded amount of enzyme capable of transforming I nmol of substrate in on a Superose 6HR 10/30 (Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). Chroma1 minute at 25°C. Enzyme assays were performed in conditions of tography was performed in isocratic conditions using PTG buffer linearity relative to the substrate and tothe concentration of proteins. containing 0.4 mol/L KC1 at room temperature at a flow rate of 0.4 MATERIALS AND METHODS ’ From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1522 9-CISRA GlANNl ET AL TTNPB ATRA CD367 c0437 / H 9 on mL/min. Fractions (0.4 mL each) were collected and the radioactivity in each fraction was determined by liquid scintillation counting after the addition of 5 mL Filtercount (Packard, Meriden, CT). Although most of the saturation or competition binding assays were performed with this methodology, we also performed experiments with a faster technique that gives similar results and allows the simultaneous handling of a large number of sample^.^' Briefly, nuclear extracts were loaded over PDlO desalting columns (Pharmacia) previously washed consecutively with 15 mL phosphate-buffered saline and 10 mL PTG buffer containing 0.4 m o m KC1 and eluted with the same buffer atroom temperature. The first 2 mLof the eluted buffer were discarded, and the following 2.5 mLwas collected andthe radioactivity measured by liquid scintillation counting as above. Linear least square analysis of the scatchard plot was performed with the aid of the computer program BDATA-EMF (Vanderbilt Medical Center, Nashville, The retinoid concentrations that inhibit 50% of the total specific CD367 binding were calculated using the nonlinear least squares regression analysis program ALLFIT (Vanderbilt Medical Center).” Determination of intracellular levelsof AM580 and ATRA in NB4 and HL-60 cells. ATRA and AM580 were extracted from NB4 and HL-60 cells with acetonitrile, after adding the internal standard and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection as d e s ~ r i b e d . ~ Drug-free .~’ cells and cells containing known amounts of ATRA or AM580 were analyzed concurrently with each set of samples. Standard calibration curves were constructed by linear least squares regression analysis of the plot of the peak-height ratios between the compounds and the internal standard versus their concentrations in biologic samples. The limit of detection, precision, and reproducibility were as previously described for plasma analysis?’ Area under the curve (AUC) values were calculated by computer-assisted integration of the intracellular levels of AM580 or ATRA measured at various time after the addition of the two compounds to the culture medium. RESULTS Cyto-differentiating effects of AM580, ATRA, and other retinoids in NB4 and HL-60 cells. We determined the effects of AM580, CD2019, and CD437, three specific ligands for RARa, RARP, and RARy,” respectively, on the granulocytic maturation of NB4 cells. In addition, wetested CD367” and TTNPB;’ two RAR-specific ligands with no selectivity for the various isoforms of this type of receptor, and 9-cis RA, an isomer of ATRA that interacts with both RAR and RXR i s o f o r m ~ .The ~ ~ chemical structure of the various retinoids is shown in Fig 1 . Granulocytic maturation of NB4 and HL-60 cells was initially studied by determining the levels of LAP enzymatic activity after treatment with the various retinoids in the presence of optimal concentrations Fig 1. Chemical structure of ATRA and the other retinoids used in this study. The chemical structure of ATRA, 9-cis RA, AM580, lTNPB, CD367, CD2019, and CD437 is indicated. of G-CSF.I4 In our experimental conditions, when cells are treated with retinoids alone (at any given concentration) or G-CSF alone (10 ng/mL), no increase in LAP expression is observed. As shown in Fig 2A, in the presence of G-CSF, treatment of NB4 cells with ATRA, at concentrations between and mom, leads to a dose-dependent and robust increase in LAP enzymatic activity. Maximal induction of the enzyme is observed after incubation with 10” m o m ATRA. A similar dose-response curve is evident when ATRA is substituted by 9 4 s RA. Interestingly, TTNPB, CD367, and AM580 have very similar dose-response curves and cause maximal induction of LAP at concentrations that are two logarithms lower than those of ATRA and 9-cis RA necessary to produce the same effect. Furthermore, the maximal level of induction is approximately threefold higher after exposure to the three synthetic retinoids than after exposure to ATRA or 9-cis RA.At mol& ATRAandall the other synthetic retinoids increase LAP enzymatic activity submaximally, which is the consequence of a mild cytotoxic effect. The compound CD2019 induces significant LAP enzymatic activity only at the highest doses testedand lo-’ mom), and the level of induction is several fold lower than that caused by ATRA or 9 4 s RA. CD437 is totally inactive in this assay (data not shown). As shown in Fig 2B, in the presence of G-CSF (10 ng/mL), treatment of HL-60 cells with ATRA at concentrations between 10“” and 1 0 h~ mom causes an almost linear and dose-dependent increase in the levels of LAP activity. However, at optimal concentrations of ATRA, the absolute amounts of LAP induced in HL-60 are threefold lower than those observed in NB4 cells. Up to mom, a similar LAP induction profileis observed when HL-60 cells are grown in the presence of GCSF and 9 4 7 RA, TTNPB, or AM.580. CD367 is slightly more effective than ATRA or the other three retinoids at 10”’ and lo-’ m o m , although this effect is lost at higher concentrations. At m o m , ATRA is more active than all the other retinoids and this higher potency is maintained at lo-’ mol&, although, at this concentration, a submaximal increase in LAP is observed. Up to lo-’ mom, CD2019 and CD437 (data not shown) are totally inactive in modulating the levels of LAP enzymatic activity. Taken together, the data indicate that ATRA, in combination with G-CSF, is the most effective retinoid in inducing LAP in HL-60. In further experiments, we focused our attention on AM580 and we characterized the activity of this retinoid relative to that of ATRA. This choice was suggested by the From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. CYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGEFFECTS OF AM580 ON APL 1523 Fig 2. Induction of NB4 and HL-60 LAP enzymatic activity by various retinoids in combination with G-CSF. NB4 (A) or HL-60 (B) were seeded at 4 x lo6 cells/mL and treated with G-CSF (10 ng/mL) or with G-CSF and the indicated concentrations of ATRA (A),9 4 s RA (W), CD2019 (A), lTNPB (U), CD367 (0) CD2019 . ( 01,or AM580 (0)for 4 days. Cells were collected and processed for the determination of LAP enzymatic activity. Treatment of NB4 or HL-60 cells for 4 days with thevarious retinoids at theindicated concentrations inthe absence of G-CSF did not result in theexpression ofdetectable levels ofLAP activity (c10 mU/mg protein). Each experimental value is the mean 2 SD of three separate cultures. fact that CD367 and TTNPB are very strong and toxic retinoids in vivo,' whereas AM580 has a better toxicologic profile (unpublished results). In APL cells, we showed that LAP is induced not only by the combination of ATRA and G-CSF but also by the combination between the retinoid and CAMP analogs?' Thus, expression of LAP was studied in NB4 and HL-60 cells, in the presence of various concentrations of AM580 or ATRA and an optimal concentration of 8Br-CAMP (1 mmoVL). Inthese experimental conditions, treatment of NB4 cells with AM580 results in the induction of LAP at concentrations 100-fold lower than those necessary to obtain the same effect with ATRA. In HL-60 cells the same combinations are ineffective2' (data not reported). This shows that induction of LAP enzymatic activity by AM580 is independent of the second cyto-differentiating stimulus used in combination with the retinoid. Figure 3A shows that, in the presence of G-CSF (10 ng/ mL), induction of LAP enzymatic activity in NB4 cells by AM580 and ATRA is the result of an increase in the steadystate levels of the corresponding transcript. Consistent with the results obtained by measurement of LAP activity, AM580 is substantially more active than ATRA in causing accumulation of the corresponding mRNA. In the presence of G-CSF, AM580 (at m o m ) produces a remarkable induction in LAP mRNA, whereas, in the same experimental conditions and at the same concentration, ATRA is totally ineffective. At a concentration of10"' m o m , AM580 and ATRA, in combination with G-CSF, induce almost the same level of LAP transcript. The Northern blot does not show LAP mRNA upregulation on treatment of cells with lo-' m o m CD2019. As shown by Fig 3B, in HL-60 cells, LAP mRNA accumulation is more dramatic in the presence of ATRA + G-CSF than in the presence of AM580 + G-CSF. In fact, at m o m and lo-' m o m , ATRA causes a 10fold and threefold higher upregulation of LAP transcript than AM580. This finding is again in line with what observed at the level of LAP enzymatic activity. To evaluate the effects of AM580 and ATRA on other granulocytic maturation-associated markers, we determined the level of expression of CD1 lb, CD33, and G-CSF receptor mRNA in NB4 and HL-60 cells. As shown in Fig 4 (left panels), CD1 l b is not expressed in NB4 in basal conditions, whereas CD33 is present on the majority of blasts. After treatment with ATRA for 4 days, the number of NB4 cells expressing C D l l b increases, starting from m o m , and is maximal at m o l L Relative to what is observed with ATRA, the dose-response curve of AM580 for the surface expression of CD1 l b is shifted towards the left by more than 2 logs. In fact, the number of CD1 lb+ cells is already high at mol/L and is maximal at mol/L. In the presence of ATRA and AM580, G-CSF enhances the surface expression of CD1 l b relative to what is observed with the retinoids alone. In the case of AM580, this effect is evident only at 10"' mol/L, whereas, in the case of ATRA, enhancement is observed at levels greater than lo-' m o m . Notice that, even in the presence of G-CSF, maximal upregulation of CD 11b by ATRA is lower than that observed in the presence of A M 5 8 0 alone. After 4 days in the presence of G-CSF, AM580 is more potent than ATRA in decreasing the amounts of CD33 present on the surface of NB4 cells, although the difference between the effects caused by the two retinoids is less remarkable than that observed on CD1 l b expression. Data on CD33 levels after treatment of NB4 with G-CSF (10 ng/mL), ATRA (10"' to mom), or AM580 (10"' tomol/L) alone are not documented, because they are not significantly different from what is observed in control conditions. As shown in the right panels of Fig 4, in basal conditions, HL-60 cells are CDllb- and CD33+. ATRA causes maximal induction of CD1 1b at m o m , whereas AM580 effectively upregulates the surface marker only at m o m . However, even at this concentration, the number From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. GlANNl ET AL 1524 . LAP . E a ~ . LAP Fig 3. Effects of ATRA and other retinoids in combination with G-CSF on the levels of LAP mRNA in NB4 and HL-60 cells. NB4 (A) or HL60 (B) cells (4 x 105/mL) were treated for4 days with medium alone (medium), medium containing 10 nglmL G-CSF, and medium containing the indicatedconcentrations of ATRA, CD2019, or AM580, each alone or in combination with G-CSF. Total RNA was extracted andloaded (10 p g for each lane) on a 1% formaldehydelagarose gel. RNA was transferred by capillarity onto a nylon membrane that was subsequently processed for Northern blot analysis. The same membrane was sequentially hybridized with LAP and GGPDH cDNAs. The molecular weight of LAP mRNA is approximately2.5 kb and that ofG6PDH is approximately2.6 kb. Autoradiograms were quantitated by densitometry and the intensity of each LAP mRNA signal was normalized for the intensity of the relative G6PDH mRNA signal. Results are indicated above each autoradiogram and are expressed as the percentage of the highest value (AM580 10.' mol/L + G-CSF in the case of NB4 and ATRA moll L + G-CSF in thecase of HL-60 cells) taken as 100. of CD1 Ib' cells is significantly lower than that observed in the presence of ATRA. In this cell line. surface expression of CD33 is left unaltered after challenge with the combinations of G-CSF andATRA or AM580. In bothNB4and HL-60 cells, the mean associated fluorescence of CD1 Ib' and CD33 cells is very similar in all the experimental conditions tested (data not shown). In NB4 cells, maximal expression of G-CSF receptor mRNA is observed on treatment with ATRA a t high concentrations." The addition of G-CSF to the medium containing ATRA does not further enhance the accumulation of the transcript." Figure SA shows that 4 days of treatment of NB4 cells with AM580 (at IO-' mol/L) leads to an approximately sixfold increase in the steady-state levels of the transcript coding for the G-CSF receptor. whereas. at the same concentration, ATRA does not significantly upregulate thebasal level of expression of this mRNA. At mol/L, ATRA and AM580 are both effective in upregulating the expression of the G-CSF receptor transcript, whereas G-CSF (at 10 ng/ mL) and CD2019 (at and 10" mol/L), which are used as negative controls. are totally inactive in this respect. In HL-60 cells (Fig SB), only ATRA at 1 0-5mol/L iscapable of significantly augmenting (approximately S-fold) the relative amounts of the cytokine receptor mRNA. G-CSF (at 10 ng/ mL) and AM580 (at IO-' and mol/L) do not change the basal level of expression of the mRNA. Taken together, the data so far presentedshowthat L AM580 is a more powerful cyto-differentiating agent than ATRA in NB4. whereas it islesspotentthanthenatural retinoid in HL-60 cells. The selective cyto-differentiating action of AM580 on NB4 is not accompanied by a similar selectivity on cell growth. In fact. at the concentrations tested (IO-' mol/L for NB4and 10"' moVL for HL-60), AM580 and ATRA show equivalent levels of growth inhibition in bothcell lines. In addition. pharmacodynamic effects do not explain the phenomenon. because the peak intracellular levels, as well as the rate of accumulation and disappearance of the two compounds, are similar in both cell lines (data not shown). Indeed. over a 4-day period. the calculated AUCs of AM580 and ATRA are 13.4and 10.5 ng/105 cells per day for NB4 and 12.4 and 6.1 @IO5 cells per day for HL-60, which does not correlate with the relative biologic activity of AM580 and ATRA in the two cell types. C?.to-differentintinR~ efects ofAM580 and ATRA in,freshly isolated A P L andCML cells. AsNB4 expresses PMLRAR. whereas HL-60 does not express it. the data obtained in the two APL experimental models suggest thatAM580 cyto-differentiating activity may be higher in cells containing the aberrant retinoic acid receptor. To support this hypothesis. we studied LAP enzymatic activity in freshly isolated APL cells and CML granulocytes challenged in vitro with AM580andATRA alone or in combination with G-CSF. CML granulocytes represent a useful source of myeloid cells lackingPML-RAR. because they express R A R a (unpub- From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. CYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGEFFECTSOF - 1525 AM580 ONAPL NB4 l00 HL60 100 l v) Q 50 - n 0 8 a 00 -10 -8 -6 -4 3 0 -10 -8 -6 -4 100 50 0 Fig 4. Effect of AM580, ATRA, and the combination of the two compounds with G-CSF on the expression of the myeloid surface markers CDllb and CD33. NB4 cells (left panels) and HL60 cells (right panels) were seeded at 4 x lo6 cellslmL and incubated for 4 days in medium containing increasing concentrationsof ATRA (triangles) or AM580 (circles) either in the absence (open symbols) or in the presence of 10 ngl mL G-CSF (solid symbols). The number of cellspositive for the expression of CD1l b (upper panels)and CD33 (lower panels) were quantitated by flow cytometry. For each experimental point, appropriate controls consistingof cells decorated with an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of the same isotype ~. were performed. In these controls, less than 2% of the cells show background fluorescence;thus the results are not presented in the figure. lished results) and respond to the challenge with combinations of ATRA and G-CSF with an induction of LAP.I4 As shown in Fig 6, in the presence of 10 ng/mL G-CSF, AM580 maximally induces LAP enzymatic activity at concentrations that are one logarithm lower than those necessary to obtain the same effect with ATRA. However, individual variability in the shape of the dose-response curve and in the concentration of the two retinoids causing maximal induction of LAP is evident. Indeed, APL cells from patients no. 2 and 3, respectively, are the most and the least sensitive to the effects of both AM580 and ATRA. After treatment of CML granulocytes for 3 days with 10 ng/mL G-CSF and increasing concentrations of ATRA or AM580, a dosedependent induction of LAP is evident. In all the cases analyzed, ATRA is equally effective (patients no. l and 4) or more potent (patients no. 2, 3, and 5 ) than AM580 in inducing LAP enzymatic activity. In freshly isolated APL cells, induction of LAP by the combination of G-CSF and ATRA or AM580 is the consequence of an increased accumulation of the corresponding transcript, as shown by Northern blot experiments performed on RNA extracted from the blasts of APL patient no. 4 (data not shown). As shown in Fig 7, AM580 is more effective than ATRA in inducing the surface expression of C D l l b in APL cells derived from patient no.1.In fact, AM580 at m o m is sufficient to cause the appearance of CD1 l b on the majority of APL cells and higher concentrations of the retinoid do not give rise to a further recruitment of positive cells or an increase in the mean associated fluorescence. By contrast, for ATRA, a concentration of lo-* m o m is necessary to induce maximal expression of C D l l b on the majority of APL cells. In this particular APL case, CD33 is not modulated by either AM580 or ATRA, and CD1 l b is a more sensitive differentiation marker than LAP. With respect to the last point, C D l l b is upregulated at concentrations of both AM580 and ATRA that are lower than the respective concentrations of the two retinoids necessary to induce LAP in combination with G-CSF (compare Fig 7 with Fig 6). A similar analysis was conducted on a second APL case (patient no. 4), where maximal induction of CD1 l b was observed at m o m , in the presence of AM580, and at m o m in the presence of ATRA (data not shown). Binding of AM580 and ATRA in the presence of RARa and PML-RAR. The selective cyto-differentiating action of AM580 on APL cells may be related to a peculiar capacity of the retinoid to interact with PML-RAR. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the ability of the retinobenzoic compound to displace the binding of CD367 on PML-RAR and RARa, because direct binding experiments are prevented by the lack of availability of radiolabeled AM580. CD367 was selected as the ligand, because it binds to the various forms of RAR with the same affinity as ATRA. In addition, this synthetic compound is more stable and gives lower nonspecific binding than the natural retin~id.'~ Binding experiments were performed on nuclear extracts of COS-7 cells transfected with the cDNA encoding PML-RAR or RARa. The free form of radiolabeled CD367 was separated from that boundto PML-RAR or RARa on size exclusion chroma- From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. GlANNl ET AL 1526 50L 0 G-CSF-R GGPDH (JI)o.()o@a GGPDH 5 cp 0 7- Q U Fig 5. Effects of AM580, ATRA. CD2019, and G-CSF on the levels of G-CSF receptor mRNA in NB4 and HL-60 cells. NB4 (left panel) or HL60 (right panel) cells (4 x 105/mLI were treated for 4 days with medium alone (medium), medium containing 10 nglmL G-CSF, and medium containing the indicated concentrations of AM580, ATRA, or CD2019. Total RNA was extracted and loaded ( l 0 p gfor each lane) on a 196 formaldehydelagarose gel. RNA was transferred by capillarity onto a nylon membrane that was subsequently processed for Northern blot analysis. The same membrane was sequentially hybridized with the G-CSF receptor (G-CSF-R) and G6PDH cDNAs. The molecular weight of the G-CSF receptor mRNA is approximately3.0 kb and that of GGPDH is approximately2.6 kb. Autoradiograms were quantitated by densitometry and the intensity of each G-CSF receptor mRNA signal was normalized for the intensityof the relative G6PDH mRNA signal. Results are indicated above each autoradiogram and are expressed as the percentage of the highest value (AM580 10 mol/L in the case of NB4 and ATRA mollL in the case of HL-60 cells) taken as100. tography. Typicalchromatogramsareshown in Fig 8A. RARa-bound CD367 elutes in a discrete peak at an apparcnt molecular mass of around 50 to 60 kD (fractions No. 3136). as assessed by calibrationof the column with appropriate proteins of known molecular weight (data not shown). This is the expectedmolecular weightof RARa.37..1.1Thc elution profile of PML-RAR-bound CD367 is more complex and consists of two peaks. A major peak. representing approximately 80% of the bound radiactivity. which elutes with the void volume of the column (fractionsno. 2 I through 27), and a minor one that elutes at a molecular mass of approximately 100 kD (fractions no. 30 through 34). Thc first PML-RAR peak represents aggregates of thercceptor,37.4-1.45 and the second one is probably the monomeric form of the p~otein.'~..'.'We observed that the proportion of the two PML-RAR species is always the samc. as determined in a large series of independent experiments. In addition. the saturation curve of radiolabeled CD367 is the same for the two peaks (see below). Finally. CD367-associated radioactwopeaks ofprotein by cold tivity is displacedfromthe CD367, ATRA. and AM580 with :I similar Ki. Thus. determination of PML-RAR binding constants of the vnrious rctinoids is thesame, regardlessof the factthat analysis is conducted on peak 1. peak 11, or the combinations of the two peaks. The nuclear extract obtained from untransfected COS7 cells bind less than I % of the CD367 bound to that derived from cells trnnsfected with PML-RAR or RARa. Radiolabeled CD367 is completely displacedfrom both retinoid receptors by a 200-fold excess of the cold ligand. With the use of thisbindingassay. we generatedsaturation curves that showed that the Kd for the binding of tritiated CD367 to both PML-RAR and RARcu is the same and is approxiof radiolabeled mately I nmol/L.Usingthisconcentration CD367. the binding of this retinoid to PML-RAR and RARa was displaced by increasing concentrations of ATRA or AMS80. TypicalHill's plots forATRAandAM580 are shown i n Fig 8R. The Ki (mean 2 SD of 3independent experiments) of AM580 and ATRAfor the inhibition of CD367 binding to PML-RAR and RARa. respectively. are shown in Table 1 . ATRA has an affinity for PML-RAR that isalmostfourfold lowcr than that for RARcu. whereas no statisticallysignificant difference between thebindingof AM580 to the two receptors is observed. In both the cases of PML-RAR and RARcu. the Ki of AM580 is higher than that of ATRA. These data strongly suggest that ATRA is a slightlybetter ligand to both PML-RARand RARa than AM580 and that both compounds bind better to the aberrant than the wild-type receptor. From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. 1527 CYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGEFFECTSOFAM580ONAPL Transactivation potentialof AM580 and ATRA in thepresence of RARa and PML-RAR. The transactivation potential of AM580 and ATRA in the presence of both PML-RARand RARa was tested on 3 different RARE-containing promoters placed in front of the bacterial CAT gene used as a reporter. The three promoters contain different types of RARE: 2 copies of a palyndromic artificial RARE in the case of TRETK CAT: an ill-defined but functional RARE in the case of LAP CAT:' and 2 copies of the RARP2 RARE in the case of &RARE CAT.47Notice that the LAP promoter is directly upregulated by ATRA, even though the LAP enzyme and the respective transcript do not accumulate in NB4 cells 400] PT1 400 l 300 - 300 200. 200 -8 -6 PT2 PT 1 0 0 4 0 -10 -8 -6 600. 400. 200-10 -8 120] P T 3 -6 0- 0 -10 -8 -6 0 -10 -8 -6 I 80. 40, 0- el 0 50 100 h loo: 0 0 -10 0 75 25 CML APL 100 -10 -8 -6 lWMl 7500 t; PT 5 Fig 6. Effects of AM580 and ATRA alone or in combination with G-CSF on LAP enzymatic activity in APL blasts andCML granulocytes. APL blasts (left panels) from 4 patients or CML granulocytes (right panels,)from 5 patients were seeded at 4 x lo5cells/mL and treated concenfor 4 days with medium, G-CSF ( l 0 ng/mL), and the indicated trations of AM580 (circles) or ATRA (triangles) either in the absence (open symbols) or in the presence (solid symbols) of 10 ng/mL GCSF. Cells were collected and processed for the determination LAP of enzymatic activity. Each experimental value is the mean 2 SD of three separate cultures. Fig 7. Effect of ATRA and AM580 on theexpression of the myeloid surface markers C D l l b and CD33 in freshly isolated APL cells.Leukemic cells (4 x 106/mL) isolated from1 APL patient (patient no. 1 in Fig 6 ) were incubated for 4 days in medium alone (upper panel) or in medium containing the indicatedconcentrations of ATRA (triangles) or AM580 (circles). The number of cells positive for theexpression ofC D l l b (solid symbols) and CD33 (open symbols) were quantitated by flow cytometry. For each experimental point, appropriate controls consisting ofcells decorated with an irrelevant monoclonal antibody of the same isotype wereperformed. In these controls, less than 2% of the cells show background fluor-nce; thus the results are not presented in the figure. unless optimal concentrations of G-CSF or CAMP analogs are simultaneously present in the growth medium (Fig 2 and Sat0 et aIz4). To perform these experiments, COS-7 cells were transiently transfected with PML-RAR or RARa in the presence of the appropriate reporter and subsequently treated with increasing concentrations of AM580 or ATRA. Typical results of these experiments are shown in Fig 9. In the presence of PML-RAR (left panels), AM580 has a better transactivating potential than ATRA on the three reporter genes, whereas the two retinoids have similar activity in the presence of RARa (right panels). A summary of the results obtained in several experiments are shown in Table 1. If results are expressed as EC5,,, ie, the concentration of the retinoid giving half of the maximal induction of each promoter, it is evident that ATRA transactivates each promoter in a similar fashion either in the presence of PML-RAR or in the presence of RARcu. By contrast, PML-RAR mediates the activity of AM580 better than RARa, regardless of the promoter taken into consideration. For LAP CAT, TRE-TK CAT and &RARE CAT, the transactivation potential of AM580 is approximately 8-, 20-, and 3-fold higher, respectively, in the presence of PML-RAR than in the presence of RARa. AM580 selectivity for the transactivation of PML-RAR From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. GlANNl ET AL 1528 8ooo ] RARa 6000 - 4000 h 2 ii 2000- v U c 3 0 0- a 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 (D m c3 0 -10 -9 -8 -7 log[ATRA] (M) -6 -5 0 -10 -9 -8 -7 log[AM580] (M) -6 -5 0 0 0 1 m - 2000 - 1000 - 0 l 0 10 20 30 40 Fraction No. 50 60 Fig 8. Effects of AM580 and ATRA o n t h e b i n d i nof g radiolabeled CD367 t o PML-RAR and RARa. (A) Size exclusionHPLC analysis of nuclear extracts prepared from COS-7 cells transiently transfected with RARa or PMLRAR expression vectors. Transient transfection of COS-7 cells with either n o DNA (A),pSG5/RARa ( W , or PSGS/PML-RAR ( W ) was performed with the calcium phosphate coprecipitation method. Nuclear extracts (200 pL in t h e case of RARa and400 pL in t h e case of PML-RAR) were incubatedwith 1 nmolfL t3H1CD367 in the absence (W and 0) or in the presence (A)of a 200-fold excess of unlabeled CD367 for 18 hours at 4°C. The samples were then fractionated over a superose 6HR 10/30 size exclusion column (Pharmacia) using PTG buffer containing 0.4 moVL KC1 as eluent at a flow rate of0.4 mL/min. RARa-boundCD367 is collectedin fractions 31 through36, and PML-RAR-boundCD367 is collectedin t w o distinct peaks at fractions 21 through 27 and 30 through 34. Free CD367 is recoveredin fractions 43 through 47. (B) Competition binding curves of 13H1CD367 with ATRA and AM580. Nuclear extracts of COS-7 cells transfected with PML-RAR (A)or RARa (0) were incubated with 1 nmol/L radiolabeled CD367 in the presence of the indicated concentrations of cold ATRA (upper panel) or AM580 (lower panel). relative to RARa seems to be an intrinsic characteristic of this compound, although a low EC,,, for the transactivation of RARE-containing genes in the presence of the aberrant retinoic acid receptor is shared by TTNPB and CD367. In fact,inthepresence of PML-RAR,TTNPBandCD367 transactivate TRE-TK CAT, withECSosof 0.4 and 0.5 X lo-' mol/L, respectively, whereas, in the presenceof RARa, the twocompoundstransactivatethesame reporter gene, withEC5(]s of 0.03and 0.3 X mol/L, respectively(resultsarethe mean of twoexperiments, withECSovalues varying less than 20% between each other). Thus, TTNPB shows inverseselectivity relative to AM580, whereas CD367 is a nonselective transactivator of PML-RAR and RARa. DISCUSSION In this report, we show that AM.580, a synthetic benzoic derivative of ATRA, originally developed as a RARa-speC;fic agonist,'5.1h.4X 1s considerably more active than the natu' ral retinoid in causing granulocyticmaturation of APL cells. This is observed on a series of differentiation markers that can be modulated by retinoids alone or by the combination of these compounds and other differentiating agents. Cytodifferentiation is observed at concentrations of AM580 that are atleast onelogarithmlower than those necessary to obtain similar results with ATRA. In addition, the level of induction of a series of markers attained at low concentrations of the retinobenzoic derivative cannot beobtained even with high concentrations of ATRA. AM580 shows cosiderable cell specificity, because it is more active than ATRA in NB4 and freshly isolated APL promyelocytes and muchless active than the naturalretinoid in HL-60cellsandCML granulocytes. Notably, ATRA is more powerful than AM580 in two other nonhematopoietic cell lines. In F9 teratocarcinoma cells, ATRA is more effectivethan AM580 in inducing tissue plasminogen activator and L/B/K-type alkaline phosphatase.'"'' Furthermore, in L929 fibroblasts, when associated to CAMP analogs, thenatural retinoid is more powerful than the synthetic compound in inducing L/B/K-type alkaline From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. CYTO-DIFFERENTIATINGEFFECTSOF 1529 AM580 ON APL phosphatase activity (unpublished results). Whereas freshly isolated APL promyelocytes and NB4 cells express PMLRAR besides the normal RARa protein, CML granulocytes, HL-60, F9, and L929 cells do not synthesize PML-RAR. Taken together, all these results show that, whereas AM580 is an active retinoid in cells containing the normal RARa, the potential of this compound is remarkably enhanced in PML-RAR-expressing cells. PML-RAR is believed to have an important role in causing the granulocytic maturation of APL cells observed in the presence of ATRA." Thus, it is conceivable that the aberrant retinoic acid receptor may represent the primary target for the activity of AM580 in APL cells. Our data show that both ATRA and AM580 have better binding affinities for PMLRAR than for RARa. However, these differences in affinity are small. In addition, the Ki of ATRA for CD367 binding to PML-RAR is lower than that of AM580. This suggests that differences inPML-RARaffinity do not explain the different ability of the two retinoids to induce granulocytic maturation in APL cells. We observe a strong correlation between the transactivation of PML-RAR by AM580 and the cyto-differentiating effect of the retinoid on APL cells. In fact, whereas three different reporter genes are similarly activated by ATRA both in the presence of RARa and PML-RAR, AM580 activates the same reporters much better in the presence of the aberrant receptor. Furthermore, AM580 transactivates PMLRAR more potently and at significantly lower concentrations than ATRA, although the strength of the effect depends on the reporter taken into consideration. The specific interaction between AM580 and PML-RAR may, at least partially, explain why this compound is such an active cyto-differentiating agent in APL cells and why its activity is superior to Table 1. Binding Constant and Transactivation Potential of ATRA and AM580 (ECw) Affinity (Ki) ATRA PML-RAR 3.4 RARa 12.6 AM580 PML-RAR 15.0 RARa 32.5 2 1.4 2 3.1* Lap CAT 1.30 2 0.60 3.80 ? 1.00 2 5.2 0.16 2 0.05 0.4 2 10.8 1.30 2 0.49t TRE-TK CAT (ECd pI-RARE CAT IECd 4.3 ? 1.3 5.5 2 1.4 7.0 2 3.5 9.3 2 0.9 2 0.1 2.8 7.8 2 3 . l t 2 1.9 9.0 2 1.0t The affinity (Ki) of ATRA and AM580 for PML-RAR and RARa is defined as the concentration (in nanomoles) of each compound producing 50% displacement in the [3H]CD367 binding to each retinoic acid receptor, determined as detailed in the Materials and Methods from curves similar tothose shown in Fig 8. The transactivation poten,, ie, the concentration (in tial of AM580 and ATRA is given in EC nanomoles) of each compound necessary to produce 50% of themaximal activation of each CAT construct, determined from plots similar to those shown inFig 9. Eachvalue is the mean 2 SD of three independent experiments. * Significantly higher ( P< .05) relative to the respective ECsovalue observed in the presence of PML-RAR, as assessed by the Tukey's test after one-way analysis of variance. t Significantly higher ( P< ,011 relative to the respective ECsovalue observed in the presence of PML-RAR,asassessed by the Tukey's test after one-way analysis of variance. RARa PML-RAR 50 40 LAP LAP 40 30 30 20 10 0 h c .- g 0 m 100 20 r 0 -11 TRE-TK -9 -7 10 150 80 60 100 > .-c m - 40 50 2 0 2 0 Q) 20 -11 9 800 600 600 400 400 200 200 -9 -7 -5 TRE-TK 0 0 c& -10 800 0 0 -8 -6 82 RARE 0 0 ;;L;.^ -10 -8 -6 Fig 9. Effects of AM580 and ATRA on the activity ofRARE-containing promoters in the presenceofPML-RAR and RARa. COS-7 cells were transiently cotransfected with LAP CAT (containing the alkaline phosphatase gene upstream promoter), TRE-TKCAT(containing an artificial inverted repeat RARE placed in front of the viral thymidine kinase promoter), &RARECAT (containing a natural direct repeat RARE placed in front of the viral thymidine kinase promoter), pnlsLACZ (containing the bacterial pgalactosidase gene under the control of a constitutive promoter), and the indicated form of RAR. Sixteen hours after transfection, medium waschanged and the incubation continued for a further 36 hours with theindicated concentrations of AM580 (0)or ATRA 10).At the end of each treatment, cells were harvested and processed for the measurement of CAT and pgalactosidase activity. The results are the mean 2 SD of three replicate dishes and are expressed as relative CAT activity, which is the ratio of CAT activity produced by the reporter in cpm of acetylated chloramphenicol divided by the p-galactosidase activity expressed in absorbance units at 420 nm. that of ATRAin this particular leukemic cell type. Like AM580, CD367 and TTNPB are much more powerful than ATRA in inducing granulocytic maturation of NB4 cells. Interestingly, in the presence of PML-RAR, CD367 and TTNPB transactivate TRE-TK CAT at concentrations that are almost identical to those necessary to obtain the same effects withAM580. Thus, strong interaction with PMLRAR at low concentrations and potent cyto-differentiating activity inNB4 cells are features common to AM580, TTNPB, and CD367. Although interaction with PML-RAR may be the basis for the pharmacologic activity of the three retinobenzoic agents in APL cells, this does not rule out the possibility that other molecular mechanisms have a role. With respect to this, the three compounds are RAR-selective ligands, unlike ATRA and 9-cis RA, which activate both RARs and RXRs (the effect of ATRA onRXRs is the consequence of spontaneous or enzymatic isomerization to the 9- From by guest on October 21, 2014. For personal use only. GlANNl ET AL 1530 cis isomer). The lack of interaction with RXRs may be of significance for the superiority of retinobenzoic derivatives on ATRA and9-cis RA in APL cells, especially in consideration of the fact that RXR activation does not seem to be required forthegranulocytic differentiation of myeloid cells.’” In APL cells, three major breakpoint clusters on chromosome 15 (bcr-type I, 11, and 111), which results in the expression of three distinct types of PML-RAR fusion proteins, have been recognized.” Although the number of cases analyzed is small, the selectiveaction of AM580 on PML-RAR containing APL blast seems to be independent of the type of aberrant retinoic acid receptor expressed. In fact, the series of APL cases analyzed includes four bcr-type I (NB4 cells, patients no. 2, 3, and 4) and one bcr-type 111 (patient no. 1) t( 15; 17) chromosomal rearrangements. It would be important toestablishwhether the threetypes of PML-RARsare equally effective in transactivating RARE-containing genes in the presence of AM580. Similarly, studies arerequired to investigate whether the retinobenzoic analog is activein APL relapse cases showing biologicresistance to ATRA. With respect to this last point, it is worthwhile mentioning that the compound is totally ineffective in inducing granulocytic differentiation (unpublished observations) of arecently in vitro developed ATRA-resistantNB4 clone.” However, this is probably expected, as this cell line does not express the PML-RAR fusion protein,” which seems to be thetarget for the activity of AM580. Regardless of the mechanism of action, AM580 is much more interesting than CD367 and TTNPB from a perspective therapeuticalpoint of view. In vivo, the retinoicacid-mimetic activity of the two latter compounds is very strong; however, bothCD367 and TTNPB show significant systemic (unpublished observations), probably as a consequence of their promiscous ability to interact with RARa, p, and y . The toxicologic profile of AM580 in animals and humans is not yet completely known, although it looks favorable. This probably reflects the ability of the compound to significantlyinteract only with RARa innormalanimals. The results obtained with AM580 show that it is possible to develop retinoic acid derivatives that preferentially interact with PML-RAR and are more effective than ATRA in causinggranulocyticdifferentiation of APL cells. Suchcompounds may show lower toxicity and a higher therapeutic index than ATRA in the treatment of this type of leukemia. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Dr M. Lanotte (Unit6 INSERM 301, “Genetique cellulaire et moleculaire des leucemies”, Centre G. Hayem, Hopital St Louis, Paris, France) for supplying us with the NB4 acute promyelocytic cell line. We are grateful to Dr P.C. Pelicci (Policlinico Monteluce, Universith di Perugia, Perugia, Italy) for the kind gift of the plasmids pSG5-RARa and pSG5-PML-RAR and the reporter construct TRE-TK-CAT. We thank Dr C. Carlberg (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland) and Dr A. Weisz (University of Naples, Naples, Italy) for providing us with the reporter construct DRS[wt]CAT and pnlsLACZ, respectively. Finally, we are also grateful to Prof S. Garattini, Dr M. D’Incalci, DrA. Mantovani, and Dr M. Salmona for the critical reading of the manuscript. This workis dedicated to thememory of Prof Alfred0 Leonardi, the late Secretary General of the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri”. REFERENCES 1. 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