Pathogen Protection in Highly Infectious Environments Triple Gloving with Self-Decontaminating BIOTECT™ Gloves 1 DC1121-081-003 OBJECTIVE: A Safer Glove System for Highly Infectious Environments Reduce threat of exposure to pathogens in highly infectious environments by Triple Gloving with self-decontaminating BIOTECT gloves Triple Glove: Nitrile/BIOTECT/Nitrile Highly Infectious Environment 2 Triple-Gloving with Anti-microbial BIOTECT Gloves Step 1: Inner barrier Nitrile glove over sleeve (per CDC protocol) 3 Step 2: Put on BIOTECT glove which has high speed anti-microbial performance - chlorine Step 3: Add Outer barrier Nitrile over the 2 gloves BIOTECT Kills Pathogens in 60-90 Seconds 4 Pathogen Protection by Triple-Gloving with BIOTECT ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection by ○ Neutralizing pathogens that violate outer glove with chlorine-charged inner glove 5 Chlorine inactivates pathogens • BioTecT uses a patent pending attach process to bind chlorine to the surface of the textile • Gloves carry 3500 ppm of chlorine • By comparison typical chlorine decon solutions contain 200-5000 ppm • Chlorine charge lasts 24 hours BIOTECT Glove Performance ● Contact with challenge plate and 90 second decon time ● Contact to transfer plate and incubation for 24 h at 37 °C ● Glove inactivates pathogens for 24 hours Challenge CFU/cm2 log reduction in 90 sec S. aureus 2x105 4 E. coli 4x105 5 S. enterica 6x104 4 K. pneumoniae 3x105 5 Organism 6 BIOTECT Prevents Inner Glove Failure 7 Triple Protection by TripleGloving with BIOTECT ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection by ○ covering inner barrier with strong fibers Triple glove with BIOTECT 8 Cut/Puncture Protection Nitrile alone Test Single glove: Nitrile EN388 Puncture 2 lb force 10 lb force ASTM D2261 0.2 lb force 9.5 lb force Tongue Tear Triple glove with BIOTECT 9 Triple Glove: ● 5 Times the Puncture ● 47 Times the Tear Nitrile BioTecT Nitrile BIOTECT Prevents Errors Removing and Putting on Gloves 10 CDC Glove Removal Instructions: First glove ➢ De-gloving with nitriles can lead to contact with pathogens when removing contaminated outer gloves 11 Active Decontamination Protection with BIOTECT Removing Left Outer Glove ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection when removing contaminated outer gloves by ○ Preventing contact with pathogens on left hand ○ Preventing contact with pathogens with removing hand 12 CDC Glove Removal Instructions: Second glove ➢ De-gloving with nitriles can lead to contact with pathogens when removing contaminated outer gloves 13 Active Decontamination Protection with BIOTECT Removing Right Outer Glove ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection when removing contaminated outer gloves by ○ Preventing contact with pathogens by right hand ○ Preventing contact with pathogens with removing hand 14 BIOTECT Allows for Frequent Outer Glove Changes 15 Active Decontamination Protection with BIOTECT when re-gloving ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection when re-gloving in a highly infectious environment ○ Wait 90 seconds before regloving to decontaminate BIOTECT ○ BIOTECT prevents contact transfer to new gloves 16 Ease of Use with BIOTECT ➢ BIOTECT slides easily over the first nitrile gloves ○ Nitrile glove slides over BIOTECT smoother than skin ○ Flexible and Thin and Tough ○ Won’t interfere with dexterity 17 Triple Protection Advantage by Triple-Gloving with BIOTECT ➢ BIOTECT enhances strength of inner and outer layers against cuts and puncture ➢ BIOTECT enhances protection by neutralizing pathogens that violate outer glove ➢ BIOTECT provides decontamination protection when removing and putting on gloves in a highly infectious environment 18 Triple glove with BIOTECT Find Out More about BIOTECT Sales: Clark Miller Samples: Chanelle Alix Microbiology Data: Lyndon Marble Call: +1(603) 291-1000 Warwick Mills, Inc. 301 Turnpike Road, PO Box 409, New Ipswich, NH 03071, USA History of Rapid Decontaminating Textiles • RDECOM Natick Soldier Center sponsor • Anti-microbial basic chemistry developed at Auburn and Cornell Universities under DTRA support • Textile decon applications started at Warwick under RDECOM Natick Soldier Center and DTRA support for Army field hospital applications • BioTecT gloves were developed at Warwick under an SBIR Phase I and II grant from NSF DC1121-081-003 BioTecT High Risk Applications 19
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