Week of October 20-25, 2014 In this Issue: * Character Education at SC * Heritage Circle Breakfast * Cookie Dough Orders * Drama Auditions * SC Yard Signs * College Information Sessions * Activity/Athletic Calendar Calendar: Oct 24 Heritage Circle Breakfast Nov 3 Nov 7 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 17 Nov 24-25 Nov 26-28 Nat. Honor Society Induction End of Quarter Teacher Inservice (no school) Veterans Day (no school) College Financial Aid Night Parent/Teacher Conferences (Pre/K-8th gr. only - no school) Thanksgiving Holiday (no school) Dec 6 HS Christmas Banquet Dec 10-13 Beauty and the Beast Jr. Play Dec 20-Jan 4 Christmas Vacation Jan 19 Jan 22 Jan 23 Jan 29-31 MLK Jr. Day (no school) End of 1st Semester Teacher Inservice (no school) Prime Time Crime Performance February 16 Presidents Day (no school) February 27 Junior Achievement Day (Elem) March 5-7 March 11 March 12 HS Drama Performance Red Cross Blood Drive Elem. Spring Pictures PLEASE JOIN US. Heritage Circle Breakfast Parking Notice On Friday, October 24 at 8:30 a.m. Santiam Christian School will be hosting the Heritage Circle SANTIAM CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS Breakfast. This is a major fundraiser DONOR APPRECIATION & VISION BREAKFAST so we would like to leave parking Friday, October 24, 2014 for our honored guests. Please refrain from parking at the south end of the Main (HS) parking lot Santiam ChriStian SChoolS and the first 2 rows closest to the Gym in the back parking lot. We will have students in the parking lots to help direct traffic, so please cooperate with them. SC Band Students Selected for Honor Bands Oren Hills and James Johnson have auditioned for and been selected to perform in honor bands at the annual convention of the Western International Band Clinic (WIBC). The 36th Annual Convention will be held in Seattle November 21-24, 2014. WIBC is a convention for directors and students and is held in Seattle, Washington each November. Founded in 1979, WIBC features four 165-member high school honor bands under 6 world-renowned guest conductors and a soloist. Oren Hills James Johnson Character Education Topic: Forgiveness For the month of October, we will be emphasizing the character trait of Forgiveness: Clearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudge. Forgiveness involves restoring relationships by relinquishing our right to revenge. Our weekly verse is Matthew 6:12 “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” Please be looking for ways to emphasize this in your discussions and interactions at home. Cookie Dough Orders - Pick Up on Thursday Mark your calendars! All cookie dough orders will be ready for pick up between 2:30-4 p.m. on Thursday, October 23 in the High School cafeteria. Don't forget to bring your cooler! If you have any questions, please contact the Elementary office 541-745-5655 or JH/HS office 541-745-5524. Volleyball Champs Congratulations to SC’s 7th/8th grade select volleyball team for winning the Willamette Valley Volleyball Classic Tournament on Saturday. The team consists of Aspen Schudel, Aliyah Atkins, Megan Schaefer, Amanda Preston, Lauryn Penner, Shea Carley, Savannah Perry, and Josie Risinger, and is coached by Kelli Fitzpatrick. High School Drama Auditions Brush up your Shakespeare and get ready to storm the stage! Auditions for this year's after school play: The Tempest will be October 20-22 from 3:30-5:00pm. Audition applications and materials are available in Ms. Herbert's classroom (HS 112). Grades 9-12 are eligible to apply; no previous experience necessary. Hydrangea Blooms Wanted We are looking for 40 hydrangea blooms in fall colors. (Burgundy, white, white with green) If your hydrangeas have started to change color and you would be willing to share please contact Jennifer Preston in the Development Department 541-745-5524 ext. 244 or development@santiam.org. We need the blooms delivered to the school Wednesday, October 22. SC Yard Signs SC families are our best advertisement for the school and we appreciate those of you who have proudly displayed our yard signs in front of your home. At this point in the year when political signs abound, we ask that you take down your SC yard sign and store it in a clean, dry place for the winter. We'll give you a reminder in the spring when it’s time to take it out, dust it off, and display it prior to our Open House event. What’s for Lunch? You can view our weekly/monthly lunch menus by clicking on the following link SC Lunch Menus. SC Sports & Activity Calendar Check out our School Calendar on the SC website for the times, dates, and locations of where you can see our athletes and activity groups in action. 10/20 10/20 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/21 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/23 10/23 10/23 10/24 10/25 Weekly Sports Schedule 5:30pm 6:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 7:45pm 2:00pm 4:30pm 4:30pm 7:00pm FB VB FB GS VB BS VB CC VB VB CC GS BS FB 12 & 2 pmVB JV JH JH V JV/V V JH JH JH JH V V V V V Sheridan Select Team Newport Jefferson Willamina East Linn Christian Comp Team Philomath MS Select Team Comp Team Home Home Away Home Home Home Home Away Home Home District Championship Away LaPine Away Central Linn Away Sheridan Away WV League Playoffs Home College Information Sessions SC’s College and Career Center has scheduled representatives from the following colleges to be on campus to meet with interested SC students. (Unless otherwise noted, sessions are held at Prince of Peace during 8th period.) For more information contact Mrs. Schaffner. 10/21 - Univ. of Puget Sound (Lunch, Mrs. Peterson’s room) 10/24 - Oregon State University 10/27 - Corban University 10/30 - Northwest Christian 10/31 - Seattle Pacific University 11/04 - Trinity Western University 11/06 - Miami University (Ohio) 11/07 - Oregon Tech (OIT) 11/13 - University of Portland 11/14 - INTO OSU (for International Students) Lunch, M-3 Ways You Can Support SC Scrip = Tuition Scrip orders are due on MONDAY. Orders placed by 8:30 a.m. on the order day will be filled and returned to you that week by Thursday. Orders placed after 8:30 a.m. may be delayed until the next order date. For a copy of the Scrip order form, please click on this Scrip link. Order forms with payment should be turned in to the school office. Online ordering can be done by clicking on the link provided above. Robotics Coach Needed The high school robotics team is looking for a new head coach. Both Mr. & Mrs. Headrick, Mr. Eric Peterson, and several others who have served as mentors over the years are more than willing to continue with the program and help mentor and train the new coach. The head coach does not necessarily need to have engineering or robotic experience. They just need to be the contact person and be able to organize things. If you have any interest or questions, please contact Jennifer Headrick at headrickj@santiam.org. Community Notices Community Volunteer Opportunities High School Essay Intensive Eastside Christian Church 1910 Grand Prairie Rd. SE, Albany, OR 97322 October 25, 2014 Saturday, October 25, 2014 8:30AM–3:30PM High School Essay Intensive: SAT Essay and College Application Essays Get prepared for taking the SAT or ACT, write a college entrance essay, and learn general test taking strategies. The high School eSSay inTenSive class is an excellent way to get immediate experience and inside tips on how to do your best on the timed, 25-minute response to a prompt required on the SAT or ACT tests. Participants will actually write two full essays, carefully study, and then apply the College Board evaluation criteria to sample essays while receiving a detailed booklet of resources and lesson plans for continued practice. Additionally, students will learn special structure and style tools for use in composing the college application “personal essay”—an entirely different type of writing task. The complete process will be presented: choosing the question, creating the outline, and polishing a final version. Participants will leave with a clear concept of the task, their own outline for an actual personal essay, and several new tricks and techniques to add to their repertoire. Although this seminar is specifically designed for those who will be taking the SAT/ACT or submitting college applications within the next 1–2 years (and especially those teaching such students), it is also useful for general writing practice, tools, and tips. It is open to all students, regardless of their experience with IEW® courses or materials. A lot of actual writing is done during this six-hour class. Cost: $50.00/participant (accompanying adult, $25.00) † Contains religious references Register here: IEW.com/OR2014 IEW.com Office 800.856.5815 Andrew Pudewa is the director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing and a homeschooling father of seven. Presenting throughout North America, he addresses issues relating to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity and insight, practical experience and humor. His seminars for parents, students, and teachers have helped transform many a reluctant writer and have equipped educators with powerful tools to dramatically improve communication skills. IEW is a registered trademark of the Institute for Excellence in Writing, L.L.C. Media-Smart Youth Teen Leaders Program The National Institutes of Health is now accepting applications from young adults ages 15 to 20 for its Media-Smart Youth (MSY) Teen Leaders Program. MSY is a 10-lesson curriculum for youth ages 11 to 13 that explores media, nutrition, and physical activity. Throughout the program, youth analyze advertisements and make media messages of their own, try healthy snack recipes, and discover fun ways to be physically active. MSY teen leaders commit to carrying out the program from start to finish. In return, they receive leadership experience, community service hours, and recognition from the NIH, plus training and $1,000 for program expenses. Applications are due October 24, 2014. For more details and to apply, visit http://go.usa.gov/ pCwY. Eagle Happenings Newsletter This all-school newsletter will be published each Monday afternoon. If you have something to submit to the newsletter, please e-mail your copy-ready announcement to beams@santiam.org by 9am on Monday morning. We reserve the right to edit for grammar, content, length, etc. Corvallis Parks and Recreation’s Youth Volunteer Corps is looking for volunteers for our annual Children’s Costume Party on Friday, October 31 at the Corvallis-Benton County Public Library! This is a great opportunity for students to get volunteer hours, or for any students looking to have fun and give back to the community! Volunteers are needed from 1:30-3:00 pm and from 3:00-6:00 pm. Volunteers are also needed to help make healthy snacks for our annual All-City Children’s Halloween Party! Volunteers are needed from 4-6 pm on Wednesday, October 29 at the Corvallis Parks and Recreation office located at 1310 SW Avery Park Drive. Volunteers are needed to help at our leaf rake on Tuesday, November 11 from 9am-3pm. Join us as we rake leaves in the yards of senior citizens and persons with disabilities. This is another great opportunity for students to get volunteer hours and give back to the community! If you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities or have any questions, please email Keeley Naughton at keeley.naughton@ corvallisoregon.gov. American Youth Leadership Program The American Youth Leadership Program with Ghana is designed to advance mutual understanding between the people of the U.S. and Ghana, prepare youth leaders to become responsible citizens, spark an interest in learning about foreign cultures, and develop a cadre of Americans with cultural understanding who are able to advance international dialogue and compete effectively in the global economy. This program is open to students ages 15-17 and funded by the US Department of State. There is minimal out of pocket cost to participants. See http://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/international/ghana/ eligibility.html for more details. SC teacher Mrs. Eberle attended one of these AYLP programs to Mongolia and would be happy to share about her experience if you want to know more about the program. Furniture Share - Helping Families in Need Furniture Share is looking for Businesses/churches/ offices/schools/groups that will display a Christmas tree during the Holidays that will allow us to bring tags to put on the trees for our BEDS FOR KIDS and toy program. If you can help, please call 541-7549511 or email me at bfs1@peak.org. Did you know every donation of $40 will help us provide a bed to a child in need? Can you help? Please pass this along to others so we can help provide 500 beds to kids by Christmas…YES 500 BEDS. To donate online go to www.furnitureshare.org, over the phone 541754-9511 or by mail at Furniture Share, PO Box 2224, Corvallis, Oregon 97339. Additional needs are: 13 sets of Washer & Dryers, 7 Refrigerators, 4 Cribs, 16 toddler beds, 27 dressers, 34 dinner tables and dinner chairs.
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