KENT NARROWS SAIL & POWER SQUADRON A SQUADRON OF DISTRICT 5 TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 A squadron of DISTRICT 5 Chartered in 1993 USPS® COMMANDER Cdr Howard Bernstein, AP EXECUTIVE OFFICER Vacant EDUCATIONAL OFFICER Lt/C John Locke, AP ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER Lt/C Kathy Burke, P SECRETARY Lt/C Judy Young, AP TREASURER TIDELINES is the official publiLt/C Barbara Locke, S cation of Kent Narrows Sail & Power Squadron, a unit of the United States Power Squadrons. It is published six times a year with the January/February issue being the first issue of the year. The closing date for submissions for the Nov/Dec 2014 issue is 22 Oct 2014. All material, comments and questions should be addressed to our Publications Editor, Lt Edie Chapman, P, at 443-362-2951, or email to 2 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 COMMANDER’S CORNER ...Cdr Howard Bernstein, AP I hope our Members and Squadron Families had a safe and memorable summer and, as am I, arelooking forward to an exciting, fun filled and educational Fall season of boating and camaraderie. SEO John Locke with wife and KNSPS Treasurer Barbara, and P/C Dick Radlinski with wife Phyllis have been cruising all summer and we can expect to hear wonderful stories of their adventures. I hope to see each of you at the monthly Membership Meetings, starting 17 Sep at KIYC and then the third Wednesday of each following month where we can hear from John and Dick as well as others who will share their exciting summer adventures, and where we can enjoy together the KIYC food and drink. It is not too early to think about your 2015 Bridge Officers and elected Committee Members. In addition to your Bridge offices we will be electing an At Large Member to the Executive Committee and a member of each of the Auditing, Nominating, and Rules Committees. Please send your recommendations for elected positions to our Nominating Committee. 3 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Administrative Department ...Lt/C Kathy Burke, P Summer is about over and I hope everyone had a great one! Saturday, 12 July was our Culinary Rendezvous. We were originally to have met at the Miles River Yacht Club in St Michaels, however, if you can believe it, we had too many people so it was changed to St. Michaels Steak & Crab House. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the delicious food! Our Membership meetings start back up this month. They are scheduled for the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Kent Island Yacht Club (KIYC), Social Hour is 1800 – 1900, a short business meeting 1900– 1915, a Buffet dinner and then a guest speaker. Cost is $15.95 per person. This month our guest speakers are Helen Wood and Dan Wroe. They are Flight Instructors at Chesapeake Sport Pilots, LLC and will be speaking on Seaplanes. It should be a very interesting presentation. Please contact me, Kathy Burke at or 410-279-0818 by Sunday 14 September so you can be added to the count for meals. On 15 October, our speaker will be Sandi Wiscott, Director of Operations, Queen Anne’s County Emergency Food Pantry. She will discuss how our donations that we make in November and March of each year help the County. 4 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Administrative Department (cont.) The Annual Pig Roast is scheduled for Sunday, 14 September 1600 – 1900. It is being hosted again this year by P/C Mark and Vali Galasso at their wonderful home on Greenwood Creek. Call me if you are coming, and then Mark or Vali will get back in touch with you for your assignment of an appetizer, side-dish, or dessert. KNSPS provides entrée and beverages. $10 per person. Come by boat or by car and bring family, friends and prospective members. Please contact me, Kathy Burke at or 410-279-0818 by Tuesday, 9 September, if you are coming. Mark needs to know how big a pig to order. Don’t forget the Ladies Lunch Bunch meetings on the second Wednesday of each month (no meeting, just lunch). We try different restaurants each month. If you are interested in attending these great lunches, please Contact Pat Worns at for more information or to be added to her email list. The Annual Octoberfest is scheduled for Sunday 19 October 1600 – 1900. It will be hosted again by Sari and Marty Lafferty at their beautiful home. Please contact me if you have any questions about any of our events. See you soon 5 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Educational Department ...Lt/C John Locke, AP Congratulations to 1st/Lt Joe Burke, JN, and Lt/C Kathy Burke, P, for completion of the very demanding Junior Navigation class. Also congratulations to Brad Cole, AP, for completing Seamanship. Two seminars will be offered in Sept and Oct. Both Seminars will be held at the KIYC at 1900. On 9 Sep, P/Lt/C Fred Hughes, JN, will conduct a seminar on the Rules of the Road. Fred is a Coast Guard licensed Captain and has until recently been teaching a Coast Guard License course. On 7 Oct, P/C Dick Radlinski, AP, will conduct a Winterization seminar. An Advanced Piloting class will start on 15 Sep at the KIVFD. Please contact Joe Burke or myself to register. Other planned courses include: Marine Electrical (10 Nov), and Seamanship (Jan 2015). Additionally, USPS is now offering an Electronic Navigation class. If you are interested in taking it, let me know. Seminars planned or proposed include: Practical On-TheWater Boat Handling (Oct), On-The-Water Navigation, Sail Trim, How to Use a Chart, Beginning Navigation, and Using GPS. Let me know if you are interested in taking or helping teach any of the above or any other USPS course or seminar. 6 KNSPS TIDELINES 7 Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 From the Desk of the Membership Chair ...Lt Marie Murphy, S The cycle of life was never more evident than in our Squadron in July and August. On 2 Aug P/C Carl Larsen and his wife Tulinda had the renaming ceremony for their boat which now is named ‘Skylark’. They then beautifully assisted their daughter Jenny into the next phase of her life when she married on Saturday, 9 Aug at the Cambridge Marriott. Carl and Tulinda departed from KIYC on their newly christened boat loaded with wedding provisions. And not only do the Larsens have a new son-in-law, they have their first grandchild, a new granddaughter named Naomi Larsen born to their son and daughter-in-law in July. Congratulations on all fronts. P/D/C Marty and P/C Sari Lafferty are thrilled at the arrival of their new granddaughter, Ada Carina Lafferty, born to their son David and daughter-in-law Emily. Congratulations to the new Grandparents! Sadly, we said Good Bye to Lt/C Vincent Butler, S on 28 July 2014. Vince served as the 2014 Executive Officer until his health prevented him from continuing his duties. Vince was a graduate of Georgetown Preparatory School in Rockville, MD; attended college at the US Naval Academy in Annapolis and Loyola College in Baltimore. He went on to obtain his law degree at University of Baltimore Law School. Vince and his wife Andrea have been active participants in our Squadron. Vince is survived by his wife, Andrea, sons Patrick, James and John, daughter Erin Marie, three step children, two step grandchildren , three brothers and seven sisters. Vince was a true gentleman. We will all miss him. His family has asked that if you would like to remember Vince, please make donations to The American Cancer Society. . 8 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Our Squadron was well represented at the D5 Summer Conference – P/D/C Marty and P/C Sari Lafferty, A/O Kathy Burke and Asst. SEO Joe Burke, as well as associate members Lee and Stu Myers, Carol Tulip, Mike and Nikki Lebeduik, Ginny and Chris Brown, Kay and Al Simpkins and Joe and Rosa Gibson attended this year’s event in Crisfield, MD. Congratulations to A/O Kathy Burke and ASEO Joe Burke for completing the USPS Junior Navigator (JN) course and passing the exam with flying colors. KNSPS again supported the Outrigger Canoe Club’s race at KIYC on 2 Aug. Lt/C Judy Young, Lt. Ralph Young and Lt Edie Chapman provided escort boats for the event. KNSPS is delighted to introduce our newest members to the squadron, Dennis and Karen Riordan. They reside on their 48’ power boat named ‘Therapy’ at Lippincott Marina. Dennis is in Real Estate Investment and Karen is in IT Systems. They are the parents of 4 sons and 7 grandchildren. They are looking forward to taking classes and having fun with our group. Please take a few minutes to introduce yourselves at the first opportunity. Mark Your Calendars - P/C Mark and Vali Galasso will once again host our Annual Pig Roast on Sunday, 14 Sep at 1600. Please contact A/O Kathy Burke if you plan on attending. We are looking forward to the return of P/C Dick and Phyllis Radlinski and SEO John Locke and Treasurer Barbara Locke from their summer boating cruises. Thanks to their postings on Facebook, we’ve been able to see all of the wonderful places they have visited. I’m sure we are all excited to hear about their adventures. 9 These merchants have made generous contributions to aid KNSPS in fulfilling its mission to the community to educate boaters and make the Chesapeake Bay a safer place for all. Annie’s Paramount Steak House 500 Kent Narrows Way North Grasonville, MD 21638 (410) 827-7103 ARV Enterprises, Inc. Annapolis RV Center 117 Rental Lane Grasonville, MD 21638 Capriotti’’s Sandwich Shop 500 Abruzzi Ave., Suite A Chester, MD 21619 410-643-9993 Chesapeake Whalertowne 108 Hess Frontage Road Grasonville, MD 21638 Fisherman’s Inn & Crabdeck 3116 Main Street Grasonville, MD 21638 (410) 8211-12807 Island Eye Care Dr. Tim Barr, Optometrist 374 Thompson Creek Mall Stevensville, MD 21666 (410) 604-0100 Billings & Murphy, D.D.S. 22 Kent Towne Market Chester, ND 21619 Island Self Storage 2205 Main Street Chester, MD 21619 (410) 643-8720 Jeff’s Bodyshop 2325 Main Street Chester, MD 21619 Kent Island True Value Hardware #26 Kent Towne Market Chester, MD 21619 (410) 643-3500 Hurricane Awning & Canvas 500 Piney Narrows Rd Chester, MD 21619 (410) 643-7840 Kentmorr Restaurant & Crab House 910 Kentmorr Road Stevensville, MD 21666 (410) 643-2263 Island Athletic Club 430 Kent Narrows Way North Grasonville, MD 21638 (410) 827-5527 L & B Marine Supply 124 Kent Landing Stevensville, MD 21666 (410) 643-3600 10 These merchants have made generous contributions to aid KNSPS in fulfilling its mission to the community to educate boaters and make the Chesapeake Bay a safer place for all. Parks Tire & Auto Service 3630 Main Street Grasonville, MD 21638 (410) 827-7766 Paula’s Fine Jewelry 1607 Postal Road Chester, MD 21619 410-643-8040 TNT Jewelers LLC. 500 Abruzzi Drive, Suite C Chester, MD 21619 (410) 643-7655 Western Auto 1406 Main Street Stevensville, MD 21666 (410) 643-5572 Ledo Pizza & Pasta 110 Kent Landing Stevensville, MD 21666 Roster changes & additions Riordan, Dennis M. & Karen A. 626C Admiral Dr. #243 Annapolis, MD 21401 443-254-5827 Associate Members: Joe & Rosa Gibson PO Box 2587 Gaithersburg, MD 20885-3587 11 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 KNSPS Culinary Cruise 12 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 KNSPS Culinary Cruise 13 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 D5 Summer Cruise—Day 1 14 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 D5 Summer Cruise—Day 2 15 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 D5 Homeward Bound 16 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 D5 Summer Council 17 KNSPS TIDELINES 18 Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 KNSPS TIDELINES 19 Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Ladies Lunch Bunch The Lunch Bunch met at Kentmorr Restaurant in August and had another wonderful meal. Selections ranged from Blue Burgers to crab cakes to salads – all delicious. And although the food was good, the company was even better! Our Farewell-to-Summer Lunch will begin at noon on 10 Sep at Town Dock Restaurant in St. Michael’s (125 Mulberry St). Post-lunch shopping is optional, but highly recommended. All USPS ladies are welcome to join us and bring along a friend or two. Contact Pat Worns at or 410-827-9841. We hope to see you there! 20 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 Advanced Piloting Class 21 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 District 5 and National Calendar of Events 07-14 Sep USPS National Governing Board Hyatt Regency Crystal City 23-27 Sep Baltimore Trawler Fest 9-13 Oct US Sailboat Show, Annapolis 11-13 Oct D5 Sail Regatta, Fishing Tournament Baltimore Yacht Club 16-19 Oct US Powerboat Show, Annapolis 24-26 Oct D5 Fall Education Conference 19-25 Jan USPS Annual Meeting Hyatt Regency, Jacksonville, FL More information and registration for all District 5 events are available on the District 5 website at 22 KNSPS TIDELINES Sep/Oct 2014 Volume 22, No. 9-10 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SEP WED 03 Exec Comm Meeting—KIYC @ 1900 TUE 09 Seminar—Rules of the Road (see pg. 6&7) KIYC—1900 WED 10 Ladies Lunch Bunch—see page 18 Farewell to Summer in St. Michaels SUN 14 Annual Pig Roast—RSVP by 9 Sep Mark & Vali Galasso’s—see page 5 & 9 MON 15 Advanced Piloting Class Begins—KIVFD (see pg. 6 and flyer on pg 21) WED 17 Meeting– KIYC; Social Hour 1800-1900 Meeting/dinner 1900 (see pg 4) OCT WED 01 Exec Comm Meeting—KIYC @ 1900 TUE 07 Seminar—Winterization; KIYC 1900 (pg 6) WED 15 Meeting—KIYC; Social Hour 1800-1900 Meeting/dinner 1900 (see pg 4) SUN 19 Annual Oktoberfest at Laffertys — 1600 (pg 5; Flyer on Pg 19) Other important dates: 10 NOV Class-Marine Electrical (see pg 6) KIYC @ 1900 JAN 2015 Class—Seamanship (more info to follow) 23 24 FIRST CLASS MAIL Volume 22, No. 9-10 Sep/Oct 2014 TIDELINES KENT NARROWS SAIL & POWER SQUADRON 806 Harmony Way Centreville, MD 21617
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