HEADQUARTERS CIVIL AIR PATROL, TEXAS WING UNITED STATES AIR FORCE AUXILIARY 553 Terry Crawford Dr. Nacogdoches, Texas 75964-2468 General Operations Plan Standard General Operating Procedures For Group II Airman Leadership School 21-23 November 2014 Texas Wing Headquarters Nacogdoches, Texas Project Officer : Jeff Harrell, Lt. Col.., CAP Pre-event phone: Cell 903-815-4409 Email: jeffharrell7@aol.com 1 Table of Contents Page Number 1. General ................................................................................... 3 2. Notification and Application ................................................ 4 3. Exercise Description.............................................................. 5 4. Training Objectives ............................................................... 6 5. Training Syllabus .................................................................. 6 6. Flight Operations .................................................................. 6 7. Communications .................................................................... 6 8. Cadet Participation ............................................................... 6 9. Safety ...................................................................................... 7 10. Staff Requirements.............................................................. 8 11. Uniform Requirements ....................................................... 9 12. Administration................................................................... 10 13. Facilities .............................................................................. 11 14. Logistics .............................................................................. 11 15. Contingencies ..................................................................... 12 Attachments: Packing List 2 1. General A. Type of Exercise Airman Leadership School. This course will teach Civil Air Patrol history, regulations, organization, uniform wear, drill , leadership, military customs and courtesies. B. Location Texas Wing Headquarters. 553 Terry Crawford Dr. Nacogdoches, Texas 75964 C. Primary Dates and Times Airman Leadership School: 21 November 2014 – 23 November 2014 Course begins at 1900 hrs. on 21 November and ends at 1200 hrs. on 23 November D. Alternate Dates None Scheduled. E. USAF Funding Not funded F. Mission Symbol Not applicable G. Texas Wing Mission Number Not applicable H. OES Training Number Not applicable I. Project Officer Jeff Harrell, Lt. Col. CAP Mobile Phone: 903-815-4409 P.O. Box 1282, Denison, TX 75021 Email: jeffharrell7@aol.com 3 Deputy Project Officer/ Senior Mentor Fletcher Sharp, Maj. CAP Mobile Phone: 214-766-1212 1716 Geneva Lane, Plano,TX 75075 E-mail: fletchersharp@verizon.net J. Initial Reporting Times Cadet/Senior Staff – Sign in begins 21 November at 1700 hrs. Cadet Students – Sign in begins 21 November at 1800 hrs. Courses will begin at 1900 hrs. on 21 November Cadets will report in BDU’s. A baggage check will be conducted during sign in registration. Refer to the Cadet Behavior Contract for a list of prohibited items. Note to Cadets : Cell phones are prohibited at this activity. 2. Notification and Application A. Notification of Exercise a. Group II Cadet Advisory Council using e-mail/social media b. E-mail to Group II Squadron Commanders c. Posting of activity on Texas Wing Calendar B. Application Deadlines: 15 November 2014 Cadets: The following forms/submittals are required for application : - CAPF 31 - CAPF 160 - CAPF 161 - CAPF163 -Texas Wing Behavior Contract -Activity fee pre-payment by Money Order or Cashiers Check only Senior Members : Submit ( scan and e-mail) a CAPF17 to the ALS Commander. Mail Activity Fee to ALS Commander’s mailing address. All forms/contract shall be scanned and sent to the ALS Commander’s email address at jeffharrell7@aol.com no later than 15 November. Attendees will bring the original forms with them to the on site registration. Applicants will be notified by e-mail of their application status prior to the start of the course. Activity Fee: A money order or cashiers check for $40.00 payable to “CAP TXWG Group II Cadet Programs” must be received no later than 18 November. Mail payment to: Jeff Harrell, P.O Box 1282, Denison, Texas 75021-1282 4 C. Minimum Requirements – Cadet Students - Must have achieved their Curry Award and hold grade of C/Amn by the start date of the course. - Be a current CAP member - Be current on safety education per E-services - Possess a CAP membership card - Completed Basic ORM D. Minimum Requirements – Cadet Staff - Must be a current CAP member - Be current on safety education per E-services. - Possess a CAP membership card - Completed Basic and Intermediate ORM - Cadets 18 yrs. and older must have completed CPPT E. Standards of Conduct All Cadets will adhere to the CAP core values during this activity. Any cadet behavior which violates the CAP core values and policies contained in the Behavior Contract will be addressed immediately. Cadets are subject to being dismissed from the activity for failure to comply with these standards. 3. Exercise Description The school will commence on 21 November 2014 at 1900 hrs. In processing of students will begin at 1800 hrs. An inspection for contraband will be conducted during sign in. Staff will conduct orientation briefings and time will be provided for storage of personal gear. The school will conduct instruction according to the approved curriculum and schedule developed by the Cadet Staff and approved by the ALS Commander. Training is intended to prepare Cadets to attend a Basic Encampment and advance in the CAP Cadet Program. Out-processing will begin at 1130 hrs. on 23 November with the activity concluding at 1200 hrs.. Staff will ensure that all property is returned in same or better condition. 4. Training Objectives The Airman Leadership School is the first school in the Texas Wing Cadet Training and Education Program. The course will provide training on basic knowledge important for cadets entering CAP. Training will cover CAP history, military customs and courtesies, basic drill movements, proper uniform wear and care, principles of leadership and followership, Warrior Spirit and the CAP core values. The course will also prepare cadets to attend their first encampment by instilling confidence in their preparation. A training syllabus/schedule will be developed by the Cadet Staff, with input from Senior Staff, to ensure that all training is relevant to the course objectives and CAP regulations. 5 5. Training Syllabus Cadet Staff will develop a training syllabus to accomplish the training objectives. Senior Staff will review the syllabus for approval prior to the commencement of training. While no formal course syllabus exist for a ALS the training will encompass those areas of knowledge critical for a cadet to advance in the CAP Cadet Program. 6. Flight Operations No flight operations are planned for this activity. 7. Communications Cell phones will be used by Senior Staff for outside contact and for emergency situations. ISR radios will be available if a need is determined for their use by Senior and Cadet Staff during the school. 8. Cadet Participation A. Cadet Utilization Basic cadets will be enrolled in the ALS program for the duration of the activity. Enrollment will be limited to 40 Basic cadets on a first come, first served basis. B. Cadet Supervision There will be enough Senior members, both male and female, to provide adequate cadet supervision for the duration of this activity. Senior members will serve as cadet mentors and provide logistical support and safety oversight. C. Cadet Support This activity will have adequate cadet support in the area of command and instruction staff. Most all of the Cadet Staff will have previous experience in staffing similar activities and bring leadership experience from their positions held within their home squadrons. 6 9. Safety A. Safety Briefings Safety briefings will be conducted at the beginning of the activity after cadet in processing, each morning after breakfast before training commences and whenever conditions warrant . Briefings will cover ORM, emergency plans, exits, potential hazards, medical facility locations, hazards, personal care and weather forecasts/ current conditions. B. Hazards All attendees will be briefed by Cadet and Senior Staff about any potential safety hazards. Activities will be monitored at all times to ensure the safety of all participants. Safety will be the top priority of all Staff in conducting this activity. C. Safety Measures Each Staff member will enforce preventative safety upon every participant .The ALS Commander delegates the authority to make immediate corrections of any safety violation to all Staff members. Staff will monitor all attendees for personal well being including proper hydration and prescription medication use. Breaks will be scheduled throughout the activity and the ‘buddy system” used for individual unscheduled restroom breaks. D. Adverse Weather Classroom training has been planned for indoors to avoid potential hazardous weather. Weather conditions and forecasts will be monitored throughout the activity by the Senior Staff. In the event severe weather makes travel to the activity too unsafe the ALS Commander will notify each participant should it become necessary to cancel the activity. E. Mishap In the event of a reportable mishap the ALS Commander will ensure all required reporting actions are taken. The ALS Commander shall be immediately notified by Staff members of any mishap or incident. F. Operations Risk Management ORM will be conducted by both Senior and Cadet Staff before cadet in processing to assess hazards and risks at the training facility. ORM will be conducted for each training activity location such as PT, classroom, drill area, food service and sleeping quarters. 7 10. Staffing Requirements A. Cadet and Senior Staffing Positions Cadets wishing to serve in a Staff position should contact the Cadet Commander , C/Lt. Hudson Jaynes at hudocap@yahoo.com. Senior Members interested in staffing this activity should contact the ALS Commander, Lt. Col. Jeff Harrell at jeffharrell7@aol.com or 903-815-4409. There is a need for two each male and female Senior members who can stay overnight at the facility. Staff Positions desired for this activity include : Cadet Staff ALS Cadet Commander (filled) ALS Cadet Deputy Commander (filled) ALS Cadet Director of Training ALS Cadet Public Affairs Officer ALS Cadet Safety Officer ALS Cadet Instructor(s) ALS First Sergeant ALS Flight Commander(s) ALS Flight Sergeant(s) Senior Staff ALS Commander (filled) ALS Deputy Commander (filled) Male and Female Cadet Mentors Food Prep /Supply Officer(s) Safety Officer B. Requirements for Cadet and Senior Staff Applicants applying for Cadet Staff positions must meet the following requirements: a. Submit a CAPF31,CAPF160, CAPF161, CAPF163 and a TXWG Behavior Contract b. Be a current CAP member c. Possess a CAP membership card d. Must have completed Basic and Intermediate ORM e. Must be current on safety education f. Cadets 18 yrs. of age and older must have completed CPPT Senior members applying for Staff positions must meet the following requirements: a. Submit a CAPF17 b. Be a current CAP member c. Possess a CAP membership card d. Completed Introduction to Safety and be current on safety education e. Completed Level 1 and CPPT f. Completed Basic and Intermediate ORM 8 11. Uniform Requirements Cadets will check in wearing BDU’s. Senior members may wear BDU’s or any of the approved corporate uniforms. Cadets are required to be in a standard PT uniform for daily PT and also for sleeping. Uniforms shall be complete, per CAPR39-1, including all required patches, name tapes and insignia. Refer to the equipment and uniform packing list attachment to this Operations Plan for a full list of what to bring to the ALS. 12. Administration A. Sign In Location and Procedures Sign in for this activity willl be at the Texas Wing Headquarters, 553 Terry Crawford Dr., Nacogdoches, Texas. Staff and Basics shall present a CAP membership ID card at sign in. Original forms shall be turned in. Cadets shall bring all gear/baggage to the sign in desk for inspection. A bag check will be conducted for any contraband. Any contraband found shall be confiscated. Refer to the Behavior Contract for a complete list of prohibited items. Cadets driving their own personal vehicle to the activity shall turn in their vehicle keys at the time of registration. Note: Cadets are not permitted to bring cell phones to this activity. B. Military Support Authorization Not Authorized C. Additional Fees No additional fees are required to the pre-paid registration fee of $40.00 D. Emergency Notification Emergency notification will be made through the Project Officer in accordance with CAPR35-2: Lt. Col. Jeff Harrell cell phone: 903-815-4409. The back up emergency contact will be: Maj. Fletcher Sharp cell phone: 214-766-1212 9 Cadets will not have telephone access during this activity. Only telephone calls of an emergency nature will be permitted to or from cadets to parents/family members. Lt. Col. Harrell and Maj. Sharp shall be the point of initial contact for any emergency situation. E. Forms/Publications All forms and necessary publications will be available on site. 13. Facilities Alll activities will take place at the CAP Texas Wing Headquarters facility. This facility provides sufficient space for classrooms, sleeping quarters, drill and PT areas. Restroom and shower facilities are also available. 14. Logistics A. Billeting Cadets will billet inside the Texas Wing Headquarters facility. Separate barracks will be designated for males and females. A sufficient number of Senior members, two male and two female, will billet within the Wing Headquarters facility overnight to provide supervision. B. Messing All Basic Cadets should have their evening meal prior to arrival/sign in on Friday, 21 November. Light snacks only will be available Friday after sign in. Arrangements will be made for a quick evening meal to be provided to early arrival Cadet and Senior Staff members.. Three meals will be provided to all attendees on Saturday, 22 November. On, Sunday, 23 November, breakfast only will be provided. No lunch will be provided on Sunday. C. Medical Facilities In case of an emergency, 911 will be notified. The nearest hospital is located at: Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital 1204 Mound Street Nacogdoches, Texas 10 D. Transportation Transportation to and from this activity is the responsibility of each individual participant. Any Cadet driving themselves to the activity will surrender their vehicle keys at the time of sign in. Keys will be returned at the conclusion of the activity. There will be at least one CAP van available during the activity for local travel/logistical support as may be needed by Senior Staff. 15. Contingencies A. Disaster or REDCAP The activity may be suspended or terminated, and CAP resources reassigned, only at the direction of TXWG DOS,WG/CC or IC. B. Adverse Weather In the event of adverse weather, time permitting, the activity will be cancelled with 24 hr. notice made by e-mail and/or telephone contact. During the activity all ALS participants will shelter inside the Wing Headquarters building in the event of severe weather. C. Mishap In the event of a reportable mishap the ALS Commander will ensure all reporting and response actions are taken in accordance with CAP regulations. 11 Headquarters Texas Wing, Civil Air Patrol United States Air Force Auxiliary 553 Terry Crawford Drive Nacogdoches, Texas 75964-2468 Blues Uniform 1 - Short Sleeve AF Style Blues Shirt 1 - AF Style Blues Pants 2 - White V-neck T-shirt 2 - Black Dress Socks, No Pattern, Pair 1 - AF Style Flight Cap (with device) 1 - Blues Shoes, Pair 1 - AF Style Blue Belt w/Chrome Tip and Buckle 1 - Cadet Name Plate 1 - Set of Earned Ribbons w/Holder 1 - Set of Current Grade Insignia Toiletries: 1 - White Towel 1 - White Washcloth 1 - Laundry Bag 1 - Shower Shoes (Flip-Flops) 1 - Soap / Body Wash 1 - Shampoo / Conditioner 1 - Females only: hair pins, hair spray, etc. Paperwork, etc: 1 - CAP ID card 1 - F31, F160, F161, F163, Behavior Contract 1 - Spiral notebook 2- pens/pencils Battle Dress Uniform 1 - BDU Blouse 1 - BDU Pants 1 - Combat Boots, Pair 2 - Boot Socks, Pair 2 - Brown Crew-neck T-shirt 1 - BDU Cap Physical Training Uniform: 1 - Black/Dark Blue Shorts or Sweat Pants 2 - Athletic Socks, Pair 1 - Athletic Shoes, Pair Personal: 3 - Undergarments 1 - Personal Medications 1 - Females only: feminine items Bedding: 1 - Sleeping Bag OR double bed sheet 1 - Dark blanket for a single bed 1 - Pillow with white pillow case Miscellaneous: 1 - Bug spray (with deet) 1 - Flashlight with spare batteries 1 - Canteen & pistol belt or CamelBac® Student Contraband Items: - Any electronic devices (music, cell phones, watches, alarms, laptops, iPads, cameras = no) - Any food items - Non CAP books - Playing cards, and other forms of entertainment - Illegal drugs; alcohol of any kind - Weapons of any kind (including pocket knives) Any contraband items found after check-in will be confiscated and subject to non-return to the individual. The cadet will be subject to disciplinary action.
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