Cook-Witter, Inc. - General Election Guide November 4, 2014 114th U.S. Congress (To be sworn in at Noon on Saturday, January 3, 2015) -United States Senator (For a term of six years) Richard Durbin (D) vs. Jim Oberweis (R) vs. Sharon Hansen (L) -United States Representatives (The present allignment is 12 Democrats and 6 Republicans. The election is for a term of two years) 1 – Bobby Rush (D) vs. Jimmy Lee Tillman (R) 2 – Robin Kelly (D) vs. Eric Wallace (R) (Kelly won on 4/9/13 in a special election to replace Jackson.) 3 – Daniel Lipinski (D) vs. Sharon Brannigan (R) 4 – Luis Gutierrez (D) vs. Hector Concepcion (R) 5 – Mike Quigley (D) vs. Vince Kolber (R) vs. Nancy Wade (G) 6 – Michael Mason (D) vs. Peter Roskam (R) 7 – Danny K. Davis (D) vs. Robert L. Bumpers (R) 8 – Tammy Duckworth (D) vs. Larry Kaifesh (R) 9 – Janice Schakowsky (D) vs. Susanne Atanus (R) 10 – Brad Schneider (D) vs. Robert Dold (R) 11 – Bill Foster (D) vs. Darlene Senger (R) 12 – Bill Enyart (D) vs. Mike Bost (R) vs. Paula Bradshaw (G) 13 – Ann Callis (D) vs. Rodney Davis (R) 14 – Dennis Anderson (D) vs. Randy Hultgren (R) 15 – Eric Thorsland (D) vs. John Shimkus (R) 16 – Randall Wayne Olsen (D) vs. Adam Kinzinger (R) 17 – Cheri Bustos (D) vs. Bobby Schilling (R) 18 – Darrel Miller (D) vs. Aaron Schock (R) State of Illinois Constitutional Officers (To be sworn in on Monday, January 12, 2015 for a term of four years) -Governor & Lt. Governor: Pat Quinn & Paul Vallas (D) vs. Bruce Rauner & Evelyn Sanguinetti (R) vs. Chad Grimm & Alexander Cummings (L) -Attorney General: Lisa Madigan (D) vs. Paul Schimpf (R) vs. Ben Koyl (L) -Secretary of State: Jesse White (D) vs. Michael Webster (R) vs. Christopher Michel (L) -Comptroller: Sheila Simon present Lt. Governor (D) vs. Judy Baar Topinka (R) vs. Julie Fox (L) -Treasurer Dan Rutherford present Treasurer lost in Gubernatorial Primary (R) NEW – Sen. Michael Frerichs (D) vs. Rep. Tom Cross (R) vs. Matthew Skopek (L) Underlined names are current seat holders; * after an italcized name denotes appointment to seat; (parentheses denote who held the seat.) Information from St. Bd. Of Elections 9/24/14 Page 1 99th General Assembly of Illinois (To be sworn in at Noon on Wednesday, January 14, 2014) -Illinois Senate (for a term of four years (Group 3) with 19 of 59 seats are up for election. The current partisan make-up of the Illinois Senate is 40 Democrats and 19 Republicans. Twelve of the 19 have no opposition in the General Election. There are 7 races – they are: Senate 6: John Cullerton (D) vs. Stefanie Linares (R) Senate 18: Bill Cunningham (D) vs. Shaun Colin Murphy (R) NEW Senate 24: Suzanne Glowiak (D) vs. Chris Nybo *apptd to Kirk Dillard seat - R Senate 30: Terry Link (D) vs. Don Wilson (R) Senate 36: Mike Jacobs (D) vs. Neil Anderson (R) Senate 48: Andy Manar (D) vs. Linda Little (R) Senate 57: James Clayborne, Jr. (D) vs. Katherine Ruocco (R) There will definitely be one new face in the Senate from district # 24: Suzanne Glowiak (D) or Chris Nybo (R). -Illinois House of Representatives (for a term of two years. All 118 House seats are up for election. Currently, the partisan make-up of the Illinois House is 71 Democrats and 47 Republicans. There are 70 candidates with no opposition (42 Democratic and 28 Republican,) leaving 48 candidates with opposition in the General Election. They are: NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House House 5: Ken Dunkin (D) vs. Collin Johnson (R) 10: Pamela Reaves-Harris (D) vs. Mark Calonder (R) (Derrick Smith – D) 14: Kelly Cassidy (D) vs. Denis Detzel (R) 15: John D’Amico (D) vs. Gregory Bedell (R) 17: Laura Fine (D) vs. Kathleen Myalls (R) 20: Mo Khan (D) vs. Michael McAuliffe (R) 26: Christian Mitchell (D) vs. Jacob Hakalir (R) 34: Elgie Sims, Jr. (D) vs. Mark Ekhoff (R) 35: Frances Ann Hurley (D) vs. Victor Horne (R) 37: Nichole Serbin vs. Margo McDermed (R) (Renee Kosel – R) 38: Al Riley (D) vs. Anthony Granata (R) 41: Ed Agustin (D) vs. Grant Wehrli (R) (Darlene Senger – R) 43: Anna Moeller *apptd to Keith Fanham seat - D vs. Jeffrey Meyer (R) 44: Fred Crespo (D) vs. Ramiro Juarez (R) 45: Jenny Burke (D) vs. Christine Jennifer Winger (R) (Dennis Reboletti – R) 46: Deb Conroy (D) vs. Heidi Holan (R) 50: Valerie Burd (D) vs. Keith Wheeler (R) (Kay Hatcher – R) 52: Bill Downs (D) vs. David McSweeney (R) 54: Laddi Singh (D) vs. Tom Morrison (R) 55: Martin Moylan (D) vs. Mel Thillens (R) 56: Michelle Mussman (D) vs. Jim Moynihan (R) 57: Elaine Nekritz (D) vs. Bill Grossi (R) 58: Scott Drury (D) vs. Mark Neerhof (R) 59: Carol Sente (D) vs. Leslie Munger (R) Underlined names are current seat holders; * after an italcized name denotes appointment to seat; (parentheses denote who held the seat.) Information from St. Bd. Of Elections 9/24/14 Page 2 -Illinois House of Representatives cont… House 60: Rita Mayfield (D) vs. Keith Turner (I) NEW House 61: Loren Karner (D) vs. Sheri Jesiel *apptd to Jo Ann Osmond seat - R House 62: Sam Yingling (D) vs. Rod Drobinski (R) House 63: Jack Franks (D) vs. Steven Reick (R) House 64: Joel Mains (D) vs. Barbara Wheeler (R) House 71: Mike Smiddy (D) vs. Jim Wozniak (R) NEW House 75: Martha Shugart (D) vs. John Anthony *apptd to Pam Roth seat - R House 76: Frank Mautino (D) vs. Jerry Lee Long (R) House 79: Kate Cloonen (D) vs. Glenn Nixon (R) House 81: Elizabeth “Liz” Chaplin (D) vs. Ron Sandack (R) House 84: Stephanie Kifowit (D) vs. Krishna Bansal (R) House 86: Lawrence “Larry” Walsh, Jr. (D) vs. Diane Harris (R) House 91: Chad Schmidgall (D) vs. Michael Unes (R) House 96: Sue Scherer (D) vs. Michael Bell (R) NEW House 97: Moira Dunn (D) vs. Mark Batinick (R) (Tom Cross - R) House 98: Natalie Manley (D) vs. Yvonne Bolton (R) House 100: Josh Evans (D) vs. “C.D.” Davidsmeyer (R) House 102: Matt Forcum (D) vs. Adam Brown (R) NEW House 103 Carol Ammons (D) vs. Kristin Williamson (R) (Naomi Jakobsson –D) NEW House 106: William Nutter (D) vs. Thomas Bennett (R) (Josh Harms – R) House 107: Josh Berger (D) vs. John Caveletto (R) House 112: Cullen Cullen (D) vs. Dwight Kay (R) House 113: Jay Hoffman (D) vs. Melinda Hult (R) NEW House 115: “Bill” Kilquist (D) vs. Terri Bryant (R) (Mike Bost – R) Since the 2012 election, there have been 6 representatives who left office before their term was completed and replacements were appointed. Eleven current representatives have announced that they will not be seeking re-election in 2014. Of the 20 districts with NEW faces in the Illinois House, 12 districts are contested (see NEW above); 8 districts have no opposition. They are: NEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEWNEW- House 39: Will Guzzardi (D) (Maria Berrios seat-D) House 40: Rep. Jaime Andrade *apptd to Deborah Mell seat-D House 48: Peter Breen (R) (Sandra Pihos seat-R) House 65: Steven Anderson (R) (Timothy Schmitz seat– R) House 67: Rep. Litesa Wallace *apptd to Chuck Jefferson seat-D House 89: Rep. Brian Stewart *apptd to Jim Sacia seat- R House 94: Randy E. Frese (R) (Jil Tracy-R) House 110: Reginald Phillips (R) (Brad Halbrook – R) Underlined names are current seat holders; * after an italcized name denotes appointment to seat; (parentheses denote who held the seat.) Information from St. Bd. Of Elections 9/24/14 Page 3 Two Constitutional Amendments are on the Ballot Previously summarized in the Cook-Witter Report, Vol. 29, Num. 3 - Should the Constitution be amended to expand Crime Victims’ Rights so victims can be: “free from harassment, intimidation, and abuse throughout the criminal justice process” through a variety of measures aimed at keeping them safe, maintaining their privacy, and keeping them aware of their perpetrator‘s court cases. (Result of HJRCA 1) -Should the Constitution be amended to prevent possible voting rights abuses by adding: “No person shall be denied the right to register to vote or to cast a ballot in an election based on race, color, ethnicity, status as a member of a language minority, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or income.” (Result of HJRCA 52) Three Advisory Questions are on the Ballot (these are non-binding) -“Shall the minimum wage in Illinois for adults over the age of 18 be raised to $10 per hour by January 1, 2015?” (Result of HB 105) -“Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to require that each school district receive additional revenue, based on their number of students, from an additional 3% tax on income greater than one million dollars?” (Result of HB 3816) -“Shall any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides prescription drug coverage be required to include prescription birth control as part of that coverage?” (Result of HB 5755) Underlined names are current seat holders; * after an italcized name denotes appointment to seat; (parentheses denote who held the seat.) Information from St. Bd. Of Elections 9/24/14 Page 4
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