FMFC FLYER The Fort Myers Flying Club NEWSLETTER October 2014 President’s Message Inside this issue: President’s Message ....... 1 Survey ............................ 1 AOPA President ............. 2 Aviation Day ................... 3 N9490X Paid in Full ......... 4 Board Meeting Notes ...... 5 Aviation Study Group ...... 5 Aviation Calendar ........... 6 Glad You Asked............... 6 Ground School ................ 6 Maintenance report ........ 6 Contact US ...................... 7 LAST MONTH Aircraft hours: 3521Q 944CC 9490X TOTAL 35.6 18.6 10.4 64.6 Top Flyers: Hello again FMFC’ers; When the Club elected to purchase a C182 (N9490X) some seven years ago, funding was a major issue. If memory serves, loan rates were in the 12% range with a personal guarantor required. As you might imagine, no one stepped forward to take on that obligation. Enter Bob Adamski. Bob, our long term Legal officer, suggested a Trust with shares held by Club members. With an assist from others like Eric Graham, the Trust was born. Within days, twelve Club members came forward and the Trust was funded. And the Club had it’s C182. It’s a great story, one that I have shared many times with other clubs who are considering their funding options. Thank you, Bob. The FORT MYERS FLYING CLUB by Terry Voorhees WWII poster with Uncle Sam pointing a finger and saying “I Need You”, we too, need you. The board and officers manage our Club which is as much a business as it is a club. As such we need good people who can contribute to the ongoing success of our Club. Interested? Talk with any director or me. OK, the WX is cooperating very nicely and the aircraft are awaiting your call. Time to go flying. Terry Speaking of directors and officers, we’re fast approaching our annual election. Scheduled for our December General member meeting, four director positions will be filled via ballot that evening. As depicted on that old Joelle Peterson7.9 Alex Petrikas 6.4 Len DeNardo 4.4 General Meeting 10/14 KRSW BASE OPS 7PM Tailgate starts 6pm Mark Baker AOPA President Raffle Kick-Off We want your opinion! The Fort Myers Flying Club is seeking your opinion about activities. How can we serve your needs as a club member? Please take just a few minutes to fill out this short survey. Don’t be shy about comments. Page 2 FMFC FLYER Fort Myers Flying Club Hosts AOPA President Mark Baker WE are really excited to have Mark Baker, President of AOPA, joining us at our next meeting. Here is an opportunity to learn about the current issues affecting General Aviation and the steps that AOPA are taking to support our flying. As you are aware there has been a lot of talk about medicals, fuel, pay for service and landing fees. This is our chance for a one-on-one conversation with Mark to ask about these questions and other points of interest that affect our sport. Mark Baker has over 7,500 hours and has been flying for more than 35 years in all types of aircraft including rotorcraft, seaplanes, and commercial ratings. If you have any questions you would like to have addressed please send them to and we will compile a list. We are having a tailgate party before the meeting with food and drink starting at 6:00 PM so you are going to want to arrive early. Thank you, David Burns, VP Fort Myers Flying Club. Directions to the RSW Training Center From I-75: Take exit 131 and head east on Daniels Parkway. After Passing Treeline Pkwy and at the next light turn right onto Chamberlin Pkwy, take the first right and follow making a right at the fence and follow the sign indicating “Airport Training & Conference Center” on the right. Page 3 FMFC FLYER Page Field Aviation Day 2014 - November 8 Calling All Volunteers We are looking for the following AM Plane Movers AM Shift Crew PM Shift Crew All Day Shift Crew Raffle Sellers PM Plane Movers Smiling Faces! Contact Marc Scott: Aviation Day 2014 will be held on Saturday, Nov. 8, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with free admission and parking. Aviation Day is an annual community event hosted by the Lee County Port Authority with the purpose of increasing awareness of our airports – Southwest Florida International Airport (RSW) and Page Field (FMY). Page 4 FMFC FLYER N9490X is Ours! On August 31 of this year, the Club, with it’s final payment to the Aircraft Acquisition Trust share owners, paid off the mortgage on the Queen of our fleet. The Aircraft Acquisition Trust, established some seven years ago, was in reality a group of member-investors who came forth in support of the Club in the purchase of 90X. Thanks to our then financial planners, a plan was developed that provided for the repayment of the loan over ten years. That plan proved to be very solid as the Club never missed a payment to the Trust. Recently, our planners devised and the Board approved, a revised plan that would allow the Club to pay off the mortgage in it’s entirety. With that 90X became lien-free and the Club has avoided thousands of dollars in interest payments. Thanks to all who helped make this happen! Page 5 FMFC FLYER Aviation Study Group - November 15, 9am The Aviation Study Group will meet on Saturday November 15 in the seminar room (upstairs) at Base Ops FBO at 9 AM. This group brainstorms and discusses techniques for IFR (and VFR) flying challenges in a scenario-based format. This is not an IFR ground school, but is an opportunity to discuss topics of interest in real life operations. The group chooses topics for discussion from the IFR Mastery Series as a starting point but then expands the discussion from there. Please advise me if there is a particular subject (approaches, navigation, etc.) you would like to discuss and we will find a video that emphasizes this area, if possible. This month we will discuss IFR approaches, with emphasis on the missed approach segment. CFII Nancy Moore moderates the discussions. Please bring an IPad or laptop if you use either of these for reference or flight planning. All pilots are welcome. Coffee and donuts will be available. If have any questions, please contact Ellen Herr at 239 560 8526 or Board Meeting Synopsis On September 17, 2014, the board met at Base Ops FBO at Page Field. The club’s finances continue to be solid with paint and interior reserves being rebuilt and adequate funds being set aside to purchase a replacement aircraft when needed. The club has 151 members flying 103 hours this month. Maintenance issues this month included a dead battery in 21Q after the master switch was left on. Wiring the beacon switch to stay on when the master is on was suggested. Damage to the nose wheel faring was also discussed. The board decided to make cleaning the leading edges mandatory after each flight. 26 members and their families participated in the Miracles baseball outing on August 28. The iPad seminar will be held on September 20. AOPA president Mark Baker will speak in October, other flying groups from FMY also invited. Amy Laboda will make a WINGS program presentation in November. The board continues to work to secure a remote for the projector. Page Field Aviation Day will be held November 8, with discounted club memberships available. A raffle will be organized by Dean Martin, with prizes being an IPad Mini and a Nook Reader. Del Rosario sent 165 emails with the newsletter this month with 57% of the members opening the email. Mail Chimp made the newsletter look good on IPad screens. Distribution will continue to be improved. An AOPA webinar about LSA use in the club environment will be presented September 24. The Aircraft Trust, Committee has completed the process of paying off the loan for 90X. The next board meeting will be held at October 15 at 6:30 PM. Members are encouraged to contact any board member with questions or concerns about club operations. Page 6 FMFC FLYER “Glad You Asked!” Members Forum MEMBER QUESTION: I was told that Club pilots are required to clean their aircraft following flight. Is that true? ANSWER: Maintenance by Charlie Carroll 3521Q: 944CC: Auto Pilot Taxi Light 50 Hour Right main tire Left main tire Auto pilot nav switch Windshield sealed Intake gaskets leaking Plane wash & wax 9490X: Well, that’s almost accurate. Up until now, Club policies directed pilots to appropriately secure the aircraft and remove their trash following flight. Optionally, pilots were asked to clean the aircraft’s leading edges (wings, elevators, cowling) as well. That program has been very successful and it made sense to adopt it as policy. With that, the "optional" clause has been removed and pilots are now expected to clean their aircraft's leading edges. It's fast, easy and is a great help in keeping your planes looking great. *** Thanks, and We’re Glad You Asked!”*** 100 Hour Plane wash & wax Thanks for all the calls! This keeps the planes in excellent shape. Remember if you see the littlest thing that looks different, CALL ME—239-281-3710 and we'll look at it. Safe Flying---Charlie Aviation Calendar FMFC General Meeting Tuesday, OCT 14 Send your questions to FLIGHT INSTRUCTION RSW Training Center, 7:00 PM FMFC Board Meeting Wednesday OCT 15 FMY BASE OPS, 6:30 PM Page Field Aviation Day INSTRUMENT GROUND SCHOOL Base Ops Page Field Mondays, Sep 8 thru Dec 8, 2014 6:30-9PM (35 Hours) $125.00 Saturday, NOV 8 Looking for Volunteers: PRIVATE PILOT GROUND SCHOOL Cape Coral High School Tuesdays, Aug 26 thru Dec 9, 2014 6-9PM (45 Hours) $135.00 Cypress Lake High School Thursdays, Aug 28 thru Dec 11, 2014 6-9PM (45 Hours) $135.00 ED FINK MASTER CERTIFIED FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR CALL 239-489-0443 Lee County Adult/Community Education CONNECT WITH YOUR FELLOW MEMBERS JOIN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: POST ON THE NEWSLETTER COMMUNITY BOARD: OPEN FORUM AT OUR GENERAL MEETINGS: 2nd Tuesday of Every Month CONNECT WITH US ON TWITTER: (@fmflyingclub) Page 7 MEETINGS Mailing Address: 605 Danley Drive, # 10 Ft. Myers, FL 33907 General Meetings: 2nd Tuesday, 7:00PM @ RSW Training Center Board Meetings: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30PM @ Page Field Base Ops Conference Room FMFC Website: Authorized Club CFIs Frank Cerny 239-565-9763 Ed Hemsath 239-949-6330 Rhonda Culmer 239-292-9602 John Petrikas 239-565-8440 www. Fort Myers’ Oldest Flying Club Dave Bliek 239-431-0628 H Ron Black 586-703-7751 Skip Bentley 239-691-6698 Ed Fink 239-489-0443 Like us on Facebook! Al Ledet 239-272-1289 Follow us on Twitter! Len DeNardo 239-849-7984 Tyler Baston 239-910-6654 Board of Directors Name Position Terry Voorhees President David Burns Vice President Ellen Herr Secretary Larry Denmark Treasurer Johnny Dorning Membership Chair Charlie Carroll Aircraft Officer Waner Del Rosario Communications Stephen Petrikas Disciplinary Officer Marc Scott Activities Director Steve Hall Larry Kirchner Other Positions Bob Adamski Legal Officer Phone (239) 495-5441 (239) 738-0075 (239) 560-8526 (239) 229-8759 (239) 634-3422 (239) 281-3710 (239) 677-4903 (239) 851-2307 (239) 357-6720 (239) 455-2881 (239) 560-0500 (239) 482-8206 Email *** OUR AIRCRAFT *** Cessna Skyhawk 172 N3521Q Piper Archer 181 N944CC Cessna Skylane 182 N9490X $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $ 65 per hour + 10 gal fuel per hour $75 per hour + 13 gal fuel per hour
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